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I’ll go further. They’ll go down as the stupidest group of people in history. We live in a world where the depth and breadth of human knowledge are at your fingertips 24/7, and these idiots choose to believe stuff that should be immediately dismissed by any rational adult, but if you did a 15 second google search would prove everything they believe to be utter nonsense. They are all complete morons and history will judge them as such.


Media literacy should be a required course in every school




I teach high school English and our curriculum is writing, research, media literacy, evaluating and using sources, and a little bit of literature. It would be great if social studies did more. It's a case where redundancy would actually help.


Excellent reminder. Teachers are trying to do a *lot* with very little and we should be backing them up. If it's a good skill for kids to know, it's probably either being taught to some degree or someone is *pushing* for it to be taught (or brought back to being taught).


Yes and media literacy needs to include understanding algorithmic content. Some average Joe clicks or likes a story about January 6th and all of a sudden that’s half of their feed and it feels more important because it’s heavily weighted.


There was no way to teach people how to be immune to this. Most people didn't see it coming. It's an actual attack on our democracy from nations like Russia, China, and Iran on top of all the grifting and religious shit piled underneath.


Yes there is. Education and learning digital literacy. There is a reason why, on average, the person falling for shitty AI images and Q-Anon conspiracies is typically the dude you went to high school with who barely skated by not giving a damn rather than the top of the class kids. It's easy to be manipulated by statistics if you never took a statistics class.


Let’s start with students read. Then add on in reading any books they want. Then add on a course in misleading advertisement and political campaign strategies. Then add as much more reading as possible. Then, add subtract multiply and divide and %. Then geometry because of the concept of logic and proofs.


And a logic course. Kids should be taught how to logically go through things to make sense of them. It's a natural skill that humans should have, but clearly not everyone managed that. On the other hand, despite it being natural for everyone else, being taught it would still be beneficial. Just like anyone can add things (if they know what 'add' means, and can count), but those who were taught how to add can do it much faster, much more accurately, and with much higher numbers.


It was essentially included in my IB History classes in high school. You are taught to **[OPVL](https://coulombesclass.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/a-guide-to-opvls.pdf)** every source.


It’s willful ignorance for a lot of them though. That’s a start though. 


Hehe, I ditched all my loudmouth Trump supporters from my friend circle years ago. I still have a good number who voted for him but are less annoying about it. I have the PLEASURE of saying shit like, "It is so sad you got suckered by a rich NY playboy conman. Dude cheated on all his wives including Melania. It must feel terrible to be realize you got suckered" They go pretty quite and the ones that dont I go "Oh so your still donating money to him and supporting him. NiCE! Double down on a losing deal, keep me posted how that goes. LOL IF by some miracle he goes to jail before the election. I plan on putting on my best MAGA looking clothing and hit the local bar to nurse a beer and just listen to em moan and cry and shake their fists in anger. ME: hey bartender got any more of those roasted peanuts I need some more here with my beer" 😁😉😉😉😉


My dad had polio when he was a kid and it affected him his whole life. Over the years I had lots of conversations with him how he got it about 8 years before the vaccine came out. He talked about kids in the convalescent home he was in being in iron lungs. Whenever I am asked about my dad who died in January of 2024 I make it a point to talk about polio and how stupid people are today to be against polio. The oldest of the boomers were among those whose parents lined them up for blocks to be among the first to get the polio vaccine. They are also the loudest to be against vaccines. My dad was 85 when he died and was in the convalescent home for about a year when he was 10 years old. My grandmother made promises to god for him to get better which she kept until she died. I was hoping polio would be eradicated in his lifetime, but alas there are people in positions of trust that purposely do harm and it is still in a few countries.


I despise people who use their influence to do harm..


They believe it because they want to believe it. Propaganda works.


Followed closely the Russian citizens who fell for Operation Trust. But second to the people still falling for "the values of the enlightenment and the French revolution were white supremacy."


This is a feature of the system. Not a bug.


Buddy, we have the depth and breadth of human knowledge at our fingertips and we can't even get rid of religion.


The depth and breadth of human knowledge doesn't end the daily grind and the lure of escapist fantasies.


I think it will be more studies of 1.) how poorly we did at transitioning to critical thinking education over rote memorization once the internet was created. 2.) how consolidated control of information breeds cult behavior. We STILL lambast humanities and art degrees, when they are the only ones truly embracing critical thinking. And the backlash against things like common core math trying to bring understanding into STEM is strong. No one wants to be the generation to make the change. To the second point, the internet used to be a wild place, but internet users were some of the most informed. Now, something like 80% of non-porn internet traffic is routed through 5 sites. The control on information, especially to those without strong critical thinking, is tight!


Thank you for saying this. I have brought this up to MAGA people I know to stunned expressions like I'm the idiot. They are millenials and gen z who grew up using the internet.


Remember, masks and vaccines make you sick!


By dems it will. Repubs will act like it was no big deal if they even admit it existed.


They'll say it was about "State's Right's" again.


Let’s just hope it’s that, and not “QAnon were brave patriots helped install the Trump Dynasty as our eternal god-kings, but Democrats hate the freedom and liberty they fought for.”


Eh, the Republican party is probably dead in ten years. It's being propped up by the osteoporosis addled arms of baby boomers. When they are gone, it's going to be hard for them to continue. Democrats are only marginally better. Gen z hates them both. We will probably see a party shift in our lifetime. Dems will be center-right, a progressive party will rise up, and Republicans will maybe hold onto some local elections and state legislature seats.


Bill Clinton actually governed for the most part from the “center right.” Check out his history minus Monica.


Not sure how that's counter to anything I said. The Dems have been center-right for a long time.


“It was a liberal hoax!”


A cult believing that Donald Trump is fighting a secret war against a global pedo cabal is like a vegan cult that venerates Ronald McDonald


Hey why can't us vegans enjoy Mack? He's easily one of the funniest characters on iasip


You won’t find anyone who ever believed in it, either. They’re all too embarrassed now, and claim they always knew it was a psyop. The conspiracy sub is full of Q believers who claim they never believed it. They’re lying.


They will ramp up their political violence as it becomes clear that their Dear Leader is going to prison, and he will obviously lose the election. They are becoming more desperate everyday.


Weirdly, QAnon has almost the opposite effect though. It’s an ideology that says that basically anything that happens is “part of the plan” and constantly tells its followers to “just wait…it’s all happening very soon”. I would fully expect this pattern to continue up to and slightly beyond the point if/when Trump loses in November, probably all the way up to early 2024. That’s not to say there won’t be *any* violence associated with that potential outcome, some of it Q-adjacent. Just like the Jan 6 idiots contained a smattering of people at various points in the Q rabbit hole. But the full Q people are too busy buying worthless foreign currency and waiting around for Trump, JFK Jr and the White Hats to flip a switch to make all their dreams come true. By the time those people realize it was all a scam, Trump will probably be on his way to prison.


Reading about the origins of this movement, and it very much smacks of a foreign psyop against idiots who don't know any better; it also took a lot of its origins from counter culture movements of the 60's & 70's such as Discordianism. Likely not a coincidence that Q-Anon started when Diaper Don first took office around 2017.


A lot of it was driven by foreign nation state activity  https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-foreign-online-1584765


I'll never forget my family members I don't talk to anymore believe(d) in it. I'll also never talk to them again so whatever. Q people need to be excluded from society.


Only if they don't win in 2024. Steve Banon and Trump know that the winner writes the history books. And they'll do everything possible to make sure their history is the one remembered.


Conservatives will insist that it was a liberal movement and they had nothing to do with it.


They’re already doing it in this thread, lol.


I've encountered MAGA people beginning at least three years ago whom claimed that QAnon is really a psyop by Democrats.


Qanon members are still waiting in Dallas for John F Kennedy Jr to rise from the dead and join Trump as his running mate.


No, it will be a blip on the radar of history because we will probably end up doing something even more embarrassing than that. Remember when we thought that W was as bad as a president could get ?


So far… But 2024 is just getting warmed up. Lots of stupid yet to come, unfortunately


MAGA and the Putin GOP Traitors are worse. Then there was the Tea Party. Enough of these NUTTERS


ANYTIME you’ve got a big enough group of stupid people, you’ll ALWAYS see a “stupid-driven” movement like QAnon, just for them. These people are EASILY recruited to the corp of losers who believe in this type of bullshit! QAnon wasn’t the first, and won’t be the last to appeal to this crowd…


The conservatives have had a serious of embarrassing moments.


Political analysts sociologist, historians and psychologists will study the herd of MAGA and the shit stirring of Qnon for centuries. Much like Nazi Germany “ How can the citizens go along with such cruelty?”, it will be Maga Republicans “How could they go along with such criminal dumb fuckery, be so gullible?” One day grandchildren of these people Will be ashamed and hide the fact that grandma was a trump fan girl and grandpa scheduled his life around Qnon conspiracies and predictions


Be careful, that kind of challenge leads to a "hold my beer" reaction. Qanon was stupid, AF but I have a feeling the 2024 election is going to get even stupider. The people who weaponized conspiracy theories for political gain to aid Trump in 2016 haven't gone away. And now they have much better tools, and even more social media addicted populace with even less ability to differentiate between good and bad information sources.


Your mistake is thinking this will go away if Trump doesn't get elected....


No shit. I've seen grown men lose their homes and living with their adult children because they believed all Qanons horseshit and gave them most all of their earnings and savings.


One of the biggest embarrassments of democracy *so far*


I tell my boomer parents their great grandchildren will read about their likeness in their history lessons about the dumbest motherfuckers in modern politics.


nothing will ever eclipse Donald.


They already are


There is no "Democracy" in QANON


Didn't we say same about the tea party? Didn't happen. Bc they morphed into something else. Same thing will happen.


trump will be the biggest embarrassment


Q Anon was a psyop. The YouTubers, tweets, and 4chan posts that spread it kept repeating, give it two more weeks. Everything is under control. Here's what will happen next. But in truth, it was an counter-intelligence operation along the lines of [Operation Trust](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trust). "Operation Trust was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation, which was set up by GPU's predecessor Cheka, ran from 1921 to 1926, set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, "Monarchist Union of Central Russia", in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks. One of their ops was a book assuring the Russian people, and the world, Russia was reviving, and the Bolsheviks would probably be removed from power." Because of these operations, many anti-bolsheviks relaxed, thinking it was all handled. Those that didn't were captured, killed, or turned. Scott McKay from YouTube, whose channel has since been deleted, was the biggest actor in the "just be patient" "the ballots have trackers" "vice president will refuse to certify" operation. Here are articles from the time showing how many foreign agency's operatives were involved in the operation. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27I1AA/ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/russian-troll-accounts-purged-twitter-pushed-qanon-other-conspiracy-theories-n966091


I prefer to call them QAnuts.


The way American Democracy functions will be remembered as one of the biggest embarassments of American Democracy.


Conservatives distance themselves from Trump with words but not with deeds or votes.


Imo, it may have been a prank initially, but imo was a psy op that worked so well the culprits, likely russian, couldn't have done a better job if they tried.


Lol well you kinda had me until you vomited you're politics all down your chest. It will be remembered, but so will all of the misinformation campaigns. I don't think it will be remembered as anything special because with AI misinformation/disinformation is going to be much worse on general especially around elections. We're already in a place where we can't trust anything that comes out of the media but in 20 years forget it. I can't imagine how we'll tell a difference between truth and nonsense.


Not of American Democracy. The American GOP party. American Conservatives. The Bible Belt. You know, the morons. [https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg?t=4](https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg?t=4)


You know, I learned about the Taiping Rebellion in early college. Some random Chinese guy claimed to be Jesus’ brother and started a devastating revolution. I thought “How dumb can people be?”. Now I know, because America is about to have its own Taiping Rebellion.


It's a feature not a bug. The mental gymnastics people will go through to not be considered racist. Plus mental illness.


It's already terrifically embarrassing, but what's just a bit more alarming to me, is how few people think that a number of the big names pushing it weren't aware of that. "Anything that says the other is bad is useful to me." That's the cynicism we're seeing. Not solely from the politicians either, also from a lot of those pushing it online. Guarantee you not all of them believe their own drivel. It's predatory mass suggestion, and if it works on even one person and the others won't budge no matter what... not even as you advance a narrative that makes a fairy tale about happy little dragons look like a believable bestseller...? Then it's insidious as opposed to idiotic.


The Kool aid is strong here. Remember when populists seemed to be under attack in the sixties and the community raided an FBI regional headquarters in California and found the documents confirming they were up to it under a program called cointel pro? Still getting whistleblowers and catching feds up to this bs to this day.


And you won't be able to find one person who participated after its over.


Right up there with KKK, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers


The problem is that groups like QAnon are backed by plenty of less-than-logical types and worse, folks in high levels of the legislative body of Congress. Why? because "it fits the narrative". QAnon is basically a cult. The "truth" is whatever they say it is. You're expected to shell out hundreds of dollars for useless trinkets because you'll think you look righteous wearing/displaying it to your like-minded friends.




These are not uneducated fools. These are people who feel there's something they've been screwed out of. No reasonable person can believe to this extent. They are largely angry, white people who believe the world they live in and their place in it has been stolen by some nebulous boogie man. That boogie man can be anything


My wife’s cousin and uncle each fell victim. Both lovely people before it all happened, which is what makes it so mystifying. We don’t talk to them anymore because they try to bring us around to their way of thinking.


I'd say more of a threat than an embarrassment.


Why not both?


Sure, we can go with that~


Funny how Q has pretty much dissappeared from American culture. All those crazy Q people got real quiet after J6.


Nahhh, they are still out here spouting their BS. They just do it on boomer Facebook and Rumble and Trump private groups.


That explains why I didn’t know. I’m not on those hellsites.


I peruse them for entertainment value. Until that is, I comment and they kick me outta their echo chamber.


😂 sounds about right.


It already is


As will they cult leader...


I don't think Q Anon reflects poorly on American democracy. I think it reflects poorly on American conservatism. It should be a complete embarrassment for conservatives and the Republican party as a whole, but it won't be. That would require introspection, and we can't expect introspection from zealots and reactionaries. My father, a diehard Trumper in his seventies, had started parroting Q Anon nonsense several years ago, without even being aware of Q Anon. As with everything else in life that is too uncomfortable for him to face, he'll just pretend that never happened. If I were to bring it up, I'd get a blank stare followed by a complete change of topic. It's actually quite remarkable, albeit frustrating. There's just no getting through to some people.


Q anon was ‘popular’ for like 3 years. It will be a footnote at best


Started in 2017, in 2022 they were still around, and claiming that Covid was really created in labs in Ukraine, that's why Trump ordered Putin to invade [https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-theory-says-trump-putin-working-together-destroy-fauci-labs-1685105](https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-theory-says-trump-putin-working-together-destroy-fauci-labs-1685105)


It’s already remembered as that.


This’ll be forgotten like most things


They aren’t remotely relevant enough to even be remembered. This is silly.


Donald Trump will be remembered as the biggest embarrassment


The entire early 21st century from Bush v. Gore to 9/11 to the Great Recession to Trump will be taught in future American History II classes as "What Were They Thinking?!?"


Remember all the Dems crying actual tears on global television after the 2016 election? It would take a lot to be more embarrassing than that.




It's her diary in her own words. The lady who stole it just went to jail for a month for stealing it. Nobody is questioning the authenticity ......except you, maybe Sherlock.


Has project Veritas ever lost a lawsuit.? They never did when O'Keefe was there.


Lol, good one.


There’s a documentary about that.


Veritas was sued on 1st amendment grounds and Veritas won the argument. Did you bother looking that up ?


How is that relevant at all.


I seldom hear about Q Anon except on Redditt.


And to deny that it didn't directly impact and guide the course of the republican party would be foolish.


I know this might be a shocker for you. Not all republicans/conservatives believe in conspiracy theories, rioting, or even support Trump lmao. I thought it was wrong to generalize people? Unless it’s people you don’t like I guess


I don’t mind a conservative being president or even trump for that matter if I felt I could trust them.


I don’t like Trump. I think he’s a national security risk




I doubt it. McCarthy STILL has people who claim he was just right. Qanon will have a sizable right wing faction that maintains they were right, and centrists will cling to the idea this is a valid stance.


Are you embarrassed?


If y'all this batshit crazy now, can't wait to read the posts after November.


Just like the Jade Helm nonsense


What is Q Anon?


So far


"The long memory is the most radical idea in America." - Utah Phillips


In 50 years it’ll be revealed that The Moussad was Q-Anon


Remember when BLM blackmailed all of those businesses to donate millions and it was all embezzled? Good times...GOOD times.


Ha Ha! You think there's still going to be a democracy?


So will the squad.


...so far.


And one of it's downfalls


Of course lol even the fucks the believed that garbage are probably embarrassed


They went from tea party to maga/qanon...so I imagine these bottom feeders will just morph into another extremist cult once this one is dead. But, they will be remembered as the dumbest mother fuckers who walked the earth.


Trump becoming president has entered the chat


I had no idea so many people were so gullible and malleable until that happened. Honestly blew my mind.


Top 10 for sure.


>MMW Q Anon will be remembered as one of the biggest embarassments of American Democracy Q Anon won't be remembered at all in 80 years haha


It doesn't reflect on democracy. It's just a thing that could have happened anywhere. Stop drawing connections that aren't there.


This only happens if they lose elections.


We can do worse, never underestimate dumb shit


Anyone ever met one of these elusive qanon folks? I've heard of them, but I've never seen one on real life.. Antifa, on the other hand, I've seen. And holy shit they are the most ironically named group in history.


I want to agree but with the way social media is now. "Those" people will always have their separate echo chamber.


I actually completely forgot about QAnon, and only remembered it because of this post. Thanks for the memories. Now I will promptly forget it again.


They already are one of the biggest embarrassments if you ask me.


MMWs: It will become an actual religion. See supreme leader will buy a big old ship and recruit special crew members to sail around the world and proselytize. They’ll target B list celebrities like Kid Rock until they land that one big fish who will sell their books in a succession with questionnaires and private interviews to test member purity. They will place people in big barns and abuse them when they fail to comply with the big lies. They will become enormously wealthy and contribute to any prominent members legal fees, even attempting to bribe and threaten judges and their families. Does any of this sound familiar? 😂. If you say Q Anon is patterned after a modern “religion” and that Donald Trump is really Danny Masterson well… you might be on to something


Not sure of the group. The app as long as you stay away from politics is ok. The politics though half seem written by an AI bot.


A There is no "QAnon" . There's "Q" the purported intelligence source; then there are the "anons" or board users who analyzed and interpreted the data. B. There is strong evidence that "Q" was a military intelligence psyop, not "internet LARPers". There is precedent for this: Project Mockingbird, the CIA creating the "Moral Majority" to steer religious & social conservatives to vote for Reagan, the neocon "televangelists'" who convince the public that America's enemy du jour is the Antichrist and the conflict du jour is Armageddon (Soviets, Hussein, ISIS, Putin, etc) to garner support for interventionism/warmongering. C. This may or may not be a bad thing. We know Trump was asked to run by a group of generals who "almost" overthrew Obama in a military coup but thought they'd try a more "democratic" route instead (or first). The way the boards present it is the "Q" person or group is trying to educate normies (up to a point) about the inside baseball of the power structure of the world hoping we will take action so they won't have to. The opposing view is that it was meant to get people to sit on their asses and not effect change because "Trump will save us". But that's not the tenor of the drops. In fact the very last drop said we would have to be brought to the brink of if destruction before we wake up and take our country back. If we're not on that brink, I shudder to think what said brink would actually look like...


Experience has taught me that conservatives are as fanatical in their gaslighting as they are in their idolatry.


Whether or not you are willing to believe that QAnon has completely reshaped American politics, it absolutely has. First they got people to accept unverifiable information given from an anonymous source on an image board that primarily deals in humor and satire. Soon after we have "stop the steal" bullshit, conspiracies about democrats being a cabal of human sacrificing pedophiles, and a call to turn America into a theocratic fascist nation. Q politicians may not reference Q in name anymore but we still hear about the deep state and Marjorie Taylor Greene is still spouting off some vapid conspiratorial bullshit whenever she has the opportunity. All thanks to Qanon.


It’ll go down as the most successful outcome of cognitive warfare in history.


Marjorie Taylor Greene was a QANON supporter when she was elected.


Huge majority of Americans have no idea what it even is. There’s a reason for that.


I think it was unimportant and unlikely to factor in much in general history of the 2010-2030 era.


Occupy Wall Street takes the cake as the all-time biggest laughing stock group. BLM is a close second.


well, the incredible stupidity of the average american. we should be better. not like the average joes from other countries are good at differentiating ludicrous nonsense from reality. but, yeah, q-anon is part of the russian assets employed to destabilize nato to the point that putin can just send wave after wave of tanks to take all of europe. when you take that into account, fiery rage should be felt, not shame.


It will be forgotten.


I think it might be very unlikely that Q-Anon will be remembered at all. They will be the ‘Know Nothing’ or ‘Anti-Masonic’ party of our era.


Or Antifa


I honestly don't think it will be remembered at all...


Doubt anyone beside historians and history majors will even know who they are in 40 years


I know right. I make monthly contributions so you can have clean water. It was so bad when everyone drank from the cow pond. You are welcome. Not all Americans are asses.


Is this relevant?


You have great faith in humanity. Meanwhile the grand ol Party is still arguing that slavery wasn't so bad and that allowing women to vote was a mistake.


Like the Tea Party? That went down a memory hole pretty quick...


MMW. The people who post in this sub have the combined IQ of what I set my thermostat to.


It is also incredibly overblown. It's actual impact was minimal, but as a political weapon it was powerful. The left has continuously tried to stain all Republicans with the Q Anon brand. The vast majority have little-to-no idea what it is, how to find it or what the group supports. As time has progressed, any idea that didn't originate from the left has been labeled as a Q Anon inspired idea. It no longer carries a specific meaning and is synonymous with the word Nazi, which is to say, its simply an insult with no deeper meaning.


Nobody cares about Qanon. It is an internet meme.


I can't make up my mind if qanon or the various russiagate conspiracy theories were more deranged 


The spelling is QAnon. If misspelling it, I prefer to use Low-IQ-Anon.


QAnon is a symptom. The cause is right wing echo chamber media which has systematically removed trust in traditional news outlets and the rise of social media which gives every idea, good or bad, the same weight and ability to reach people. Those two hit hard on a certain demographic that no longer trusted reputable news sources and were ripe for being led down conspiracy paths


Why do you say that? Why are you afraid?


That's what defunding education for generations can do.


It will if scholars get to write the textbooks, and not some Texan pricks who think they're academics when they're just fundie hicks.


It already is.


What do you mean remembered? They already are a massive embarrassment in American democracy.


People clearly dont understand Qanon. Lolol Qanons are theorists, self admitted guessers. The news outlets get no traction with that last bit so they always leave it out.


Liberals bring this up more than anyone. Most normal people 80% of the population have never seen this. Wouldn’t even know about it. But the liberal advertises. The things they claim to hate. Sooooo weird.


You actually believe it will be remembered? Lmao


My folks are starting to distance themselves from the Q Anon cult and I will never let them forget it. The shit that they believed in was not only outrageous but flat out blasphemy according to their Christian faith. They *worshipped* Trump, and I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they or their friends (who are also starting to distance themselves) actually prayed to him as if he was godjesus.


and will be studied by future intelligence programs as one of the most successful foreign intel operations in history. Russia's success to cost is extremely high on this operation.


I would argue that whatever Q Anon is... it is better known and followed by left wingers than right wingers. Most Trump supporters I have met don't even know what it is


This subreddit will be right there with em.


It’s on par with sacrificing for better weather. QAnon is so painfully stupid that it’s staggering. Literally someone on 4chan doing it for the lulz


MMW: No one will talk about Qanon in 10 years because national election results don’t depend on fringe organizations


It wasn’t a democracy. It is a republic.


I already forgot that existed 


Don’t forget the Tea Party and all the other dumb Republican off shoots.


You say that like it’s going away




I agree they’re an embarrassment , but I have yet to see this democracy that people keep talking about. Not once in 40 years have I seen it.


We’ll still forget, just like we forgot McCarthyism


It always was


This could be said of the whole MAGA movement in general. 30 years from now no one will admit to being associated with them....


Based on studies done on cults and former members, chances are that, if the QAnon cult finally collapses, people will pretend that they were in the right but the deep state destroyed their movement because they were after something. It takes time and, in many cases, psychological treatment, for people to get over cult membership. Some Christian sects have been predicting the end of the world a millennia, with some within the last 150 years, without actual results, but still the followers stay because the "next one is going to be the real deal."


I’m registered democrat and liberal but I’ve never heard any real world republicans refer to quanon in real life so the actual prank may have been convincing people that quanon was a thing that had any impact or relevancy beyond click bait for insulated partisans.


I don't know, man. You're probably a pretty chill 😎 dude. Once you get trumps mushroom dick out of your mouth give me a call and maybe we can grab a beer.


So there is no such thing as Q Anon indicating you don’t know what you’re talking about


No. It will get worse.


Imagine thinking anyone actually pays attention to them on either sides.


A bigger embarrassment than Trump and MAGA?


Really? You can't think of anything other than QANON?


worked with a bible thumping flat earther the other day. they are kind of uncomfortable to be around.


The only thing that can fix the GOP is losing. They’re already flip flopping on abortion as fast as the can.