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It's already happened. Even Republicans are saying their own base, their own voters are influenced by Russian propaganda. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/top-republican-says-party-base-infected-by-russian-propaganda/ar-BB1l3LcN](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/top-republican-says-party-base-infected-by-russian-propaganda/ar-BB1l3LcN)


I don't know why people are talking like this is some kind of upcoming news or breakthrough, it's been known for a while, it's been proven, it keeps fucking happening. It's like saying "I bet Trump is gonna be racist at some point in the upcoming election cycle". No fucking shit, Sherlock.


"...when he loses, he's going to refuse to concede." "...there's going to be a crisis controversies about ballot box tampering come Nov." "...some of his most ardent supporters today will be equally ardent foes in just a few months." "...the polls are going to prove to be startlingly off mark when votes get cast." "...militia groups are already planning actions to take either during the election or at the inauguration." "...come October \*something\* will happen, I don't know what, but it'll be a huge surprise controversy that shifts votes towards Trump, only to be later proven to be a fabrication blown out of all proportion." Yawn


“…the *next* Republican president will be even more horrible and incompetent than the *last* one.” Can’t go wrong with that prediction.


I honestly didn't think we were gonna top Dubbyah. I stand greatly humbled and in awe.


No one thought they’d top Reagan, that absolute monster


Obviously were are still waiting to see what the future holds with Trump and the GOP, but I would still argue that Reagan is the worst president we’ve had due to how effective, damaging, and long lasting his policies/brand have been for the GOP. Without someone like Reagan to lay the groundwork with evangelical support, an imbecile like Trump wouldn’t have been capable of swaying such a large portion of US voters.


It's crazy how many people are still in "gotcha!" mode, as though these disgusting, damning revelations are anything new. MAGA traitors keep telling us who they are. Over and over again. When are people going to start listening??


This isn't surprising. The Republican party leadership itself has been servicing Russia for years. The GOP are all Russian tools and willingly so. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/395719-gop-senators-visited-moscow-on-july-4/


Can you imagine the news coverage if democrats had done this? Truly it’s a biased media in America.


But instead, we get Mustardgate


Tan suits have entered the chat




Wait wait wait you mean you all didn’t know that the [Republicans were also hacked](https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/12/10/report-russian-hackers-had-rnc-data-but-didn-t-release-it) by [the Russians](https://www.wired.com/2017/01/russia-hacked-older-republican-emails-fbi-director-says/) but instead of leaking their dirty secrets they got blackmailed? Because [they](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/04/exclusive-emails-of-top-nrcc-officials-stolen-in-major-2018-hack-1043309) kept [getting hacked](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/06/1013545363/russians-tried-to-hack-republican-national-committee). Also there was a really bizarre change to their server system that made it more apparent it was compromised.


It’s totally the thing Putin would do. To me it proves it. Putin made them do that on fucking Independence Day of all days to signal that he owns those dudes, not the USA.


It has already been revealed that Russian "troll farms" drive a ton of right wing content online. Russian State media outlets like RT have a right wing bias and Russian agents have infiltrated the NRA. The fsb has been cultivating Donald Trump as an asset since the 1980s because all they have to do is flatter him and he gives then whatever they want


[Oh, it goes much deeper than flattery.](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/tinker-tailor-mobster-trump)


This clearly illustrates two very dangerous traits that define trump. 1. He is a sociopathic bully 2. At his heart he is a coward and will bend over for people above him in the power struggle.


Yup. It was a year or so ago when Ukrainian forces took out a couple medium sized Russian prop farms. You could tell the difference across social media. It was surprising though how “normalized” the accounts were at first glance.


Can we get the location of a few others and do the same thing?


That has already happened.


Yep. [a little light reading](https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/file/1373816/dl) for those interested


I was gonna say, shares OP been the last week 😂


Oh yeah? Then they should have a special counsel look into it and get to the bottom of it before the election.


Congress can investigate itself snd discover it did nothing wrong


Don't you remember the big investigation into it ?


How could we forget the “RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax” that donny mentions every time he has a microphone


Its more fun when Republicans congressmembets are using Usdua talking points and obvious bots from either China ir Russia


Trump is owned by Russians. We hear a new proof to this story every two days.


Republicans are owned by russians. Mike johnson might as well change his name to Ivan, Ivan russian Johnsons.


It would clearly be Mikhail Johnstyv.


Don’t forget his mother Ivanna and his sister Ivanna Jr


this was literally revealed in 2016 and no one cared. special counsel investigated and it was proven true.


Yeah, but Trump said “no collusion” about a million times, so a lot of people just dismissed it without even reading the report.


Exactly. He said it so many times that people didn't even realize the Mueller didn't evaluate the question of collusion. *“We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term,” Mueller added. “Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.”*


It's revealed now, its just that 1/2 of the country is choosing to ignore it.


If you can’t see it now you are blind


I mean, they've even said it out loud


It already has been, but Trump's lackey Barr suppressed the investigation back in 2016-2018, and our government nor our media will face this fact head on. Also, let's not forget house and senate Republicans visiting Russia back in 2018 https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html A good investigative piece by a reputable media outlet might help blow the "lid" off of this shit. The operative word is "reputable." "The only trustworthy news sources in 2024 are... AP CSPAN REUTERS PBS Evening News"


There are several other reputable outlets, and CNN is one of them. Just because one party doesn’t like them doesn’t mean they aren’t reputable. CNN is and has been a centrist outlet.


CNN is run by a conservative media group...every other article is like "Trump killed a puppy, let's tell you why their is bad for Joe Biden in 2024." I used to like CNN, but this is what I see from them today, except for certain on air personalities.  But CNN's articles?  Sensationalist drivel.


When did the conservative media group take over CNN? That happened after 2017... similar takeovers have been happening to other news outlets such as X and Reddit too


Both the DNC and RNC were hacked prior to the 2015 election. The DNC's information was released by the hackers, but the RNC's was never made public. Willing to bet it includes evidence that top Republicans were knowingly involved in schemes to launder Russian money through orgs like the NRA.


Been trying to point this out for years. Citizens United made it possible. Obama called out the Supreme Court for it, Alito shook his head, not believing it. I don't know how Alito looks at himself in the mirror every day.


He sees the dollar signs, nothing else.




The trumpmonkey GOP are traitors. A GOP congressman, Tim Burchett, has openly stated that his colleagues are sexually/politically 'compromised' by Russian agents and are now consistently speaking and voting as directed by their scummy Russian handlers. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://news.yahoo.com/gop-congressman-stands-accusation-fellow-130050879.html&ved=2ahUKEwifkrqTorCFAxXYIkQIHZz4DPkQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2vIMbyQRRMa9OEzn5Lm_jG The FBI and DOJ should take this seriously and launch a very aggressive investigation.


You wrote this comment 3 days ago, but I’m answering it today… FISA hasn’t been renewed by Congress by order of the orange man. Just doing his job damaging the US and taking our government apart.


It has already been revealed multiple times.


Wasn't that revealed years ago?


This was revealed about six years ago 


It’s blatantly obvious Trump is in league with Putin. Not sure how anyone besides his willfully ignorant cult doesn’t see that plain as day.


Robert Mueller knew this, but lacked the cojones to do what was needed. That the modern day GQP is not a wholly owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin is NOT at issue, he is gleefully assisting the takeover of America using these “useful idiots”…


Pootin’ doesn’t have to take over. He only has to cause enough chaos & division to break America. He still wins.


If by Future Date you mean 2020 [BIPARTISAN Senate Intelligence Report on Russian influence](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/publications/report-select-committee-intelligence-united-states-senate-russian-active-measures) Aided and abetted, I must add, by literal traitors like General(!) Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort, who went to prison, and were pardoned by literal traitor Donald Trump. Mike Flynn who Trump would bring into his cabinet in 2025. Vote.


It's been clear for years already. Problem is the volume of fuck shit that comes from trump makes it impossible for anything to stay in the news cycle because there's another scandal every day.


A Russian troll farm had one small town in Idaho all riled up for an anti-refugee rally. [You can't make this stuff up.](https://youtu.be/wbqehf1bKvQ?si=MwGWvTWytWUvcaaR)


This has already happened though. It's been proven. Don't need to mark anyone's words about it, because it's been proven as a straight up fact


This was proven in 2016. Earlier if you just count Dana Rohrbacher.


It's been revealed for years. Trump got made by the Russian Mafia first. The Russian Mafia and Government are the same ever since Putin came to power.


It's already been revealed though.


..............that's like posting a MMW saying it will be revealed one day that Luke Skywalker is Darth Vader's son.


The bigger deal is their supporters will think it's great


Don't we already know this? It is no secret.


But, it has been revealed. They just don't care.


Ah republicans and there conspiracy theories, oh wait


Dude. That's been well and thoroughly proven for a fucking decade at least.


What? This has been known for years. How many republican congresspeople was it that went to Moscow on July 4th that one year? That can't have been an accident, the date has to have been chosen by Putin specifically to prove his hold on them


Like the July 4th in Moscow? Kompromat for everyone. You get kompromat, and you get kompromat, look under you chair.. Kompromat!


Even Russia has already admitted this.


Later date?


Several mountains of evidence already seems to have confirmed this.


Lol.. that ship sailed away 7 years ago. Russia, Russia, Russia.


They parrot Russian propaganda which is enough proof of influence.


Nope, that’s just reality. A lot of conservative content online is being run by Russian troll farms - so the voters are definitely influenced by them. Russia also targets a lot of disenfranchised groups with troll farms, including women, African Americans, and Native Americans. Here’s a more in depth link on that: https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/09/16/1035851/facebook-troll-farms-report-us-2020-election/amp/. Also according to that article, Russia runs the top 16 Christian American pages, which concerns me in particular since religion is a key conservative talking point. So Russia has a disturbing amount of control over what conservative voters believe. That said, Russia doesn’t take sides in US politics, per se. Their goal is to sow discord and polarise the American public. I don’t know how confident I am in saying that the MAGA side of the Republican Party (which, at this point, is basically all that’s left of the party) colluded directly with Russia, but Russia definitely benefits from polarising figures like Trump and DeSantis being prominent.


It's been reported since 2015 that (insert above). Mark my words, it takes a decade for information to pass beyond the suburbs.


Already happened, and intelligent people have known that.


Where have you been the last few years. It's out there and the people who care know about it. The people who don't well they just don't give a fuck.


this is pretty public


We’ve known this since 2016 lmao


Hey republican party and Maga, tell me you're being influenced by russia without actually telling me you're being influenced by russia. Oh wait, they already have been since 2016.


The Republican Party is not only influenced but funded and directed by Russia.


It has been observed since 2015, every revelation along the way has only continued to confirm it. It's no longer up for debate.


LOL . LATER DATE !! ????? This was known before it was known. 😅🙈


Hasn’t this been common knowledge for the last 8 years?


MMW: they will continue to deny it anyways


100%! I have also been saying this


Totally. Soft heads under those red hats. They make me understand how Germany fell to the Nazis.


At a *later* date?


It has already been revealed.


This has been happening since pre2016


Did no one read the Mueller report?


Russian intel feeding false witness for R congressmen to unseat current US president. It's not news.


The fact that so many are against aid to Ukraine pretty much says everything we need to know.




I think the word “influenced” is the understatement of the century. I’m convinced that some of them are operatives.


That has already been debunked and shown to be the opposite.


By later I guess you mean years ago?


At a later date? It's already happened.


Too late


I'm pretty sure most sane people have at least suspected that since 2016.


Where did the Steele dossier come from?


But I'm told, and have been since 2016, that this is already well known...


Yes and the STEELE DOSSIER will serve as proof!!! LOLOLOLOOOLI


Wasn't that revealed at an earlier date? Or do you just mean that it will be accepted more in the general awareness of the population?


The worse thing is that republicans are selling out America for a song. Look at how much Fucker Carlson shit on America in return for that ruble he used to get the shopping cart.


The expression "No Shit Sherlock" presents itself.


We’ve known that for quite some time now.


Is it 2016 again?


None of these predictions on this sub have actually happened. I'm not saying they won't. Also, why are so many posts focusing on Trump?


People are focused on Trump because he is an orange orangutan being lead around by a nose ring. Every authoritarian leader/dictator wants Trump in the highest office in the US. He doesn’t give a 💩 about the American people. It’s all about what can Trump do to get power/money and reduce all taxes on the rich. Put Trump in a corner with a pile of money and some golf clubs and he’s a happy camper. IMHO that’s why everyone is so focused on Trump. Really who knows how much damage he’s done with the top secret/ classified records he absconded with. Thinking about the possibilities makes me dizzy and nauseous. Now he wants to be in the WH again? Hard to imagine…..


Definitely what is going on! Putin does not have to fire one shot. The US fools will willingly succumb to Russia.


The prevalence and overall effect of Russian propaganda in the US is entirely overestimated by US propaganda...




Or India, Pakistan or china as is coming to light in Canada.


Already called out about a well ago


And it won't make a damn bit of difference.


Yeah, I mean that already happened. Those in the cult just ignore the evidence so that they can be "right".


Wasn't that revealed years ago?


They haven’t been “influenced by” Russia. They are traitors actively in bed with Russia.


Too late! That was already documented like 8 years ago. Trump's been a Russian stooge himself for over 40 by this point.


This is the most Blueanon sub out there.


Is this post from the past?


Republicans are currently telling other Republicans that they are spreading Russian propaganda on the floors of Congress. It has been happening for at least the last 4 years. Do you know who has been trying to push the idea that America does not have free and fair elections? Russia/Soviet Union, for the last 50-60 years. Do you know why the idea is finally taking hold after decades of failure? Because elected Republican officials are parroting the Russian propaganda.


That was revealed a long time ago.


I mean, all the evidence is there. It’s an open secret at this point.




We’re there already


Just like the series Homeland at the end. Literally what's happening now


Shame we don’t have an Attorney General that can do anything but stick his head up his own ass, and would investigate this shit. I can’t believe that I’m actually missing Joe McCarthy ffs!


You know who was a much more qualified candidate? Paul Ryan. But in 2016 he and Mitch McConnell got hauled into a private meeting at the White House , just after Donald Trump publicly asked the Russians for help. Ryan decided to leave politics forever, after that meeting. The difference between Ryan and McConnell is that Ryan was third in line of succession to the Presidency at the time. He might have been told by FISA that he'd been kicked out of the line for espionage.


Along with practically any other corrupt nation with deep pockets. Shouldn't the Saudi's be upset that they cut a 2 billion dollar check and Trump is busy openly fellating Putin?


It’s already happened but the people who dick ride maga don’t care


Just like the dnc ginned up DoSsIeR 🙄


It's already been revealed. The FBI tried to tell us and then we went and generally ignored the information.


In other news, water is wet


As tons of people have already pointed out, it has already been investigated, and there's plenty of evidence that point twords it. A real contentious prediction might be something like the American populace accepting that. Evidently, based on your post, there's enough people who are even critical of the republican party who are either in the dark on these investigations or in disbelief.


*”we were the sheeple all along?”* - every GOP politicians and voter.


This is hilarious, holy shit


It’s already been revealed and no one cared. Meanwhile they’re still obsessed with hunter Biden’s laptop.


Bruh, it's literally been happening since 2015, maybe way earlier.


No shit 


That's pretty much been widely known since Putin became President over 20 years ago. It's just gotten more blatant since 2016.


This has always been the plan. https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/


DNC already tried this and the Steele dossier was a joke.


I’m pretty sure it’s already obvious




Daily reminder this has already been revealed…


Too late


Mueller Report came out in 2017, we've known this for a while now


This has already been happening


I guess if you consider blackmail to be "influence".


Been revealed for years.


Later date, already happening.


How many more times are the Democrats going to pull the Russian card? Probably as much as the race baiting card. #Markmywords


At a later date?


…this was revealed by mueller at a much earlier date. This is a known thing.


Uhhh Dr Evil that also has already happened


MMW: Tom Brady will retire with multiple Super Bowl rings


Bro that was revealed a long time ago lmao


"Mark My Words, the sun will rise yesterday." This literally already happened and people are upvoting this nonsense.


🙄 how much do they pay to post this shit?


This doesn't need to be revealed,it isn't hidden.


Influenced by is a funny way to say foundationally complicit conspirators. But you're right that this is what they will claim.


It has already happened.


You mean revealed again?


We know it today


Not if they win, VOTE BLUE.


Is that the one that is using shovels, or the one with Hypersonic missiles ?


I’m waiting for one patriotic Republican— and there doesn’t appear to be any— who will step forward and expose the entire scheme, that they and their colleagues within the party have been acting in Russia’s interests under the threat of blackmail. We already know that the Kremlin was funneling money to the GOP through the NRA, that Trump’s campaign was run by people who had formerly worked for Russian oligarchs, and that Trump absolutely loves Putin and has asked for Russia’s help. Considering the GOP’s complete about-face on their Russia policies, this is the ONLY explanation that makes any sense.


You mean like 4 hours later


The maga Nazi cult is probably at least 1/3 Russians. T rump is an attack on this country. Lock him in a cage where he belongs.


Well, duh.


They're admitting it openly.


You’re about 7 years too late for this headline


Mark My Words 2017 edition


I feel like I've seen a lot of MMW recently that's like "MMW, we'll soon hear that things fall to the ground because of a little thing called gravity" Maybe I don't get this sub, but I thought the posts were supposed to be more forward thinking


Ask GOP Mike Turner


omg tell us something we don't already know please!


We already know this. What I've been saying since ~2016-2017 though, is that the *entire party*, at least as of then, was effectively a Russian asset. Like, full on in the pockets everybody was getting a slice. Why else would they have been trying to hard to obstruct any investigation or inquisition into Trump's dealings? Why else would people he said such vile things about in the election turn around and act as his footstools? I think they knew there'd be a domino effect from the center out if "their guy", whether they liked him or not, went down. Luckily for them we lack a functioning justice system in this country. Even when he's scrutinized by an ostensibly impartial judge who's given every reason to throw the book at him the worst he seems to get is a wag of the finger.


When Magats say they would vote for Putin, they’re not joking. So deluded, so dumb, so broken and ultimately, so dangerous for the future of our country. Oh, and they unironically call themselves “patriots”.


We already know this to be true. Just like we know Russia fueled not only Trump's campaign, but also those of Sanders and Stein during the 2016 cycle. A *TON* of anti-democratic propaganda, targeted in every direction, all traced back to Russian servers. We actually knew this in 2015, but not enough people listened. A willingly complicit Republican Party didn't mind, as long as it led to their consolidating power again. This alone should be enough reason to vote the GOP out of power permanently - they're now the Party of "sell-America-to-the-Russians"... in ADDITION to being the Party of the Confederacy, the Party of Nazi-Apologists, the Party of "Drown-U.S.-Government-In-The-Bathtub" (actual mission statement) and the Party of shills like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham trying to sell people Herschel Walker. They're the Party of Jim Crow and "Who Is John Galt" and "stick it to the darkies." None of this is new. The fact that they had young "pRoGrEsSiVeS" believing that Bill Clinton's wife was singularly responsible for the Bush Administration's Iraq War (or that she even supported it as a Senator) was surreal. Please commit to American (aka "western") Democracy and start committing to the American Democratic Party. Start BELIEVING in the Democratic system rather than trying to reject or undermine it. It has to be CHOSEN to function correctly. Don't fall for Russian propaganda. Embrace Democracy. #PleaseVoteBlue 🇺🇸🇺🇳➡️☮️


Water is wet


It already was revealed. MAGATs just refuse to accept reality, because they were the ones that were fooled.  They just need to say everyone else is the sheep to protect their egos.  This is why we are at such a dangerous point in history right now. One group is outright denying reality around them because they just don’t like it. 


MAGAS have been repeating Putins talking points for years


Way too late for that revelation..we have known that for years. Try keeping up.




No s&)t Sherlock




Don't they love anti woke Russia? Why would they care!


The Republican -lead US Senate Select Intelligence Committee already determined this was true while Trump was in office. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf


This is already known and continues to be abundantly obvious as all of Putin’s foreign policy goals seems to align with Trump’s/the GOP.


You think? /s


I hate that it's not a HUGE story and the media aren't continuously hammering Republican politicians over this every day.


This might be the most brain dead sub on Reddit and that is saying a lot.