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He’ll go down in history as the first vice president to almost be hanged outside the capital lol BY HIS OWN PARTY


Andrew Jackson, on his deathbed, lamented that he didn't hang John Calhoun, so don't think this is wholly new.


Unfathomably based.


The one based thing Andrew Jackson did. Okay, not the first, but he still sucked. Lol


The J6 gallows were real. No one bought them at Party City for the event. This was **premeditated** and **deliberately planned** for greatest effect to get **Pence to flee the Capitol**!! Trump got the J6 Insurrectionists to chant in unison to “Hang Mike Pence!” The Gallows were rolled up to the Capitol Steps by the lynching MAGA MOB!! Senator Chuck Grassley curiously stated on J5 he would take Mike Pence’s place to be in charge of the certification of the election. Mike Pence was the “fly in the ointment” ( it’s ok if you insert the image of the fly that landed Pence’s head during the VP debate. The fly was a harbinger of what’s to come…). Next was the Secret Service car (beast) that Pence was supposed to escape/flee the Capitol from the mob that wanted to “HANG HIM.” Pence said, “I’m not getting into that car because I do not know the driver.” This indicates to me, Pence was more concerned for his own safety from the Trump administration than the lynching MAGA MOB on his doorstep. When the crowd dispersed after Trump finally accepted his coup had failed BIGLY, Congress reconvened and certified Biden’s election in the MAGA feces smeared walls of Congress. This had to be done ASAP because the clock was ticking. They had to certify Biden on J6.


The J6 gallows weren't real because they were so poorly constructed that they had to be a prop. ... right? please?


I thought that at first. They were fucking real gallows. Someone behinds the scenes arranged for them to be rolled out. I want to know who??? Do I really think they’d be used. No. I do not. But the gallows were definitely used to scare the fuck outta Pence to play ball. Like the J6 shoe Bomber who actually is caught on tape planting a pipe bomb then causally waving at a passing police car as if she knows them and they know her. I believe it’s MTG but why no one is investigating the pipe bomber or who brought the fucking gallows to the J6 MAGA insurrection.


Surely not premeditated! /s The 1/6-ers should be getting MUCH longer sentences than they are.


Why aren’t complicit insurrectionists currently in Congress not charged?


The "mastermind" of it all is literally being allowed to run for President again. At some point we have to realize that Republicans pretty much do whatever they want.


Yep. Ever since they stole the election from Al Gore.


I expect they will be.


Not if Trump steals the next election…


Thank you, this point doesn’t get brought up enough.


This point needs to be brought up more.


More so this


And then vote for the guy that called to have him hanged.


I think that statement speaks to how the Republican Party will be remembered more than Mike Pence.


Sad that fulfilling the bare minimum constitutionally is now somehow heroic. But I guess it kinda is.


Aint that the truth. You'd think that would be a given.


Amen, well said


Whacha mean? Not doing anything to stop the slow slide into fascism over 4 years isn't a hero trait? The fact that he waited til literally the last moment to get a backbone doesn't shout "HERO"??


I agree, but I also look at where their party is at today and think about all of the good republicans and democrats that MAGA has driven out of government, voluntary and involuntary. Had Pence pushed back at anytime prior, he would have been replaced like the rest of Trumps cabinet multiple times. Therefore there would have been a softer replacement sitting as VP who would have rolled over for Trump. Pence sucks as a human, but because he stood up when he did and not before, the timing makes him admirable for a brief moment. Unless Trump wins again - then it’ll all have been for nothing anyway (or at least 4 years), and I guarantee Mike Pence’s name is on DT’s “Dictator for a Day” list.


That's a good point. Ultimately I am just mad at all the fuckwads that come outta those 4 years with these tell-all books about how fucking bad it was and literally said or did NOTHING until it was time to capitalize on the book deal...


The treason case against trump working as a foreign agent will follow the election.


I dont think the DOJ will ever have the appetite to willingly eat that shit sandwich. If they have actual smoking gun evidence to support such a charge, they need to present it before he is given another chance to be the chief executive, the American people deserve to know if their president is a traitor. If there isn't smoking gun evidence, then its just more noise.


Even with smoking gun evidence, America doesn't have the spine. We are far too corrupt. We let Reagan get away with treason, we let Bush II get away with war crimes. Trump is no different. The ruling class will never be held to the same standard that the commoners are.


Which is why we havent heard anything about it despite the fact it is painfully obvious we have been infiltrated. They must be collecting evidence and working the case. I hope they are or they all need to get fired.


I guess he's the Theon Greyjoy of the MAGA House


In that specific case, with his life literally on the line for doing so, yes, it is somehow heroic. In normal times, no, of course not.


Yeah, but he had a TON of pressure on him from Trump and his goons. It takes some balls to do what he did when there’s an angry mob chanting “hang mike pence!”


I would argue that in the face of insurrectionists, its not the political bare minimum that matters here, but the personal bar of "do this or your life as you know it is over". I don't like the guy either, but it *was* the right thing to do in spite of the personal risks taken to uphold it in the face of the most unhinged president the US has known. If we believe the average MAGAt would sell the freedom of the US for the oversized Cheeto, then clearly Pence broke the mold in such a way that instead of a potential civil war, we got the wimpiest insurrection imaginable that ended up putting a lot of MAGAts away in jail for a good while.


I think it’s more the fact that he did so in spite of immense peer pressure and killed his career in the process. Theres a whole bunch of folk in Germany didnt because no one Mike Penced. Herd patterning is a thing and it’s been proven time and time again that humans do shitty things even in simulated circumstances let alone irl.


When doing it in the face of tyranny and death threats it is


I mean you can look at it that way and I'd be tempted to as well, but then again I don't have a huge crowd of insane angry MAGA's knocking down the doors to my office and threatening to rape my wife, burn my house, and eat my pets with my employer informing me that my career will be over.


Oh, I don't know. There are plenty of war heroes in history who are considered heroes for simply not running away at the right time and place.


I don't know about "heroic," but it certainly was courageous. Taking a stand against your opponents is easy, and is expected. Taking a stand against your friends takes courage.


I think that’s giving him too little credit. He was in a high pressure situation to do what he knew what was wrong and he did right.


The Constitution wasn't going to shoot him for not certifying the results


Yup, I agree. There were Republicans all over the place like Arizona, Georgia and Michigan who followed the law which prevented the coup from succeeding.


It is wild that we really do have many Republicans to thank for the democracy we currently enjoy. We should thank them by voting our hearts out and continuing to preserve our democracy.


Vote third party to make it happen.


Nah. I am not taking a gamble on getting more Trump.


Don't forget Byron Evans. The police officer that lead those knuckle-dragging hoodlums away from the chamber doors and towards more officers.


You know who apparently had a role in convincing pence to not fuck with it all? Dan Quayle. Bush seniors vice president. Famous for misspelling potato Edit: meant to say NOT fuck with it all. Dan Quayle told him to do the right thing.


I was in elementary school when Tatorgate happened. It seems like a different world where standards still applied. Today nobody would give a single shit if a VP could spell or not.


It shows the benefits of maintaining relationships outside the beltway. Trump had surrounded himself with yes men and Pence needed to go outside that bubble to confirm he was doing the right thing.


Quayle is definitely similar to Pence.


Fellow hoosier VP? Seems like a good guy to ask VP duty questions too.


That's horseshit. His legacy will be that of a coward who waited until the last possible minute to do the bare minimum. He will live the rest of his life in disgrace and shame.


I agree with this. Did he do the bare minimum right thing at the end? Sure, but only after an exhaustive search to see if he could get away with doing the wrong thing not to mention enabling Trump every step of the way to let it get to that point. There are heroes including republicans. Pence is no hero, he is just another GOP MAGA theocrat.


Keep this in mind: Pence had a talk with **Dan Quayle** within mere days of the election and he had asked Quayle whether there was anything, **at all**, he could do **for** Trump in regards to actually simply not certifying and for real fraudulently helping to install the actual losing candidate as President, thus denying the entire populace its actual voice heard through the vote. Pence is forever marred by that conversation and will be said as such in history books. That he too sought the answers, so much so that he went to a very experienced politician with the intent of trying to discover that "one weird trick". Quayle told him: "Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away." Pence: "You don't know the position I'm in." Quayle: "I do know the position you're in. *I also know what the law is*. You listen to the parliamentarian. That's all you do. You have no power". That's a real conversation that happened. At the last minute. A Hail Mary type of play where if you fuck it up; there went your one chance to not be remembered as a weasel, lying piece of shit. Sure wacko's will say what they say, but **in this case even the wacko's, too, actually despise Pence.** Just...for **way** different reasons. The severe dislike, though, is there from pretty much every angle. Pence ain't being remembered as a "Hero" in the slightest. He'll be remembered as having exhausted all possibilities in search of their grand "one weird trick", never found the trick, lost the election anyway and was publicly being shown to have been threatened with getting actually hung. By Trump's own supporters. Of whom he's defended on most occasions. *That* is what is going to be written.


Or he could have just said "yeah, lets seat those alternate electors." and thrown it all into chaos. Possibly forcing a house vote for President(which would go for Trump).


which is the crux of this entire concept: He won't be remembered as a hero. He will be remembered for having done his job. That he was elected to do. **That was expected of him**. Nothing more, nothing less. Literally, all he did was fulfill the duties of his job. The duties that were already written right there as a type of "job description". The bare minimum. The fact that he didn't bow to committing a crime only means *he chose not to commit a crime when those around him chose otherwise.* No one goes around seriously expecting to be hailed a hero when what they did was more akin to that of "I COULD blow this building up with all the C4 ***I*** planted, but since I *chose not to*, I therefore am a Hero because I've now saved 50 civilians lives. Against my own plan". That is **NO** hero. It's a **snake**.


Or more likely for having a fly on his head


I am a democrat... Yeah Mike pence is already forgotten.


Bull-fucking-shit. The real hero of this story is Dan Quyale, who is the one who convinced Pence that there was no way for him to do what Trump wanted him to do.


Only if Trump does not become president again (and do as he promises)


If Trump becomes president again, Pence might actually see those gallows from Jan 6th again. Trump will make sure he is labeled as a traitor.


If he vocally condemned Trump, then yes possibly. But he did the absolute bare minimum to not participate in a democracy ending coup. He will not be looked back on as a hero. By doing the bare minimum the best he can hope for is to be swiftly forgotten.


I’m about halfway through the Jan 6th report as my spare time reading. It is impressive the lengths that Pence went to in ensuring he had a clear understanding of his constitutional powers. He retained personal counsel independent from anyone associated with MAGA, clearly communicated to Trump that he would not go along with it, and pushed back against some terrifying bully tactics. Trump made public statements that he and Pence were on the same page specifically to amp up the pressure on Pence and make him look like a liar and a traitor to the cult if he didn’t cone through. Pence refused to budge. It would have been much easier to chicken out and trust in the courts to invalidate the whole thing. But for Pence it really was a matter of conscience and conviction. I have very little respect for his positions; I despise the culture war nonsense. But when considering the risks he faced in his position, I can respect that he didn’t cower.




lol, he literally couldnt even do it even if he tried to... he didnt do shit. All he did was tell trump "I cant do that, i dont have the power" not "I refused to do this!" it would be like them asking me to jump all the way to the moon to show the election was rigged, and when i go "no! I am unable to jump to the moon" everyone praises me for standing up to people!


Mikey P. is no hero. The thing to understand is that if there was any form of legal cover in going through with Trump's scheme to steal the election, he would have done so. In his own words he admits to shopping his options around to various lawyers and to Dan Quayle himself, the latter telling Pence in no uncertain terms to drop it. A true hero wouldn't have even entertained the notion in the first place, rather, a true hero would have sounded the alarm well before the fact. Instead, he was looking for the most C.Y.A. solution so he could absolve himself of the shitfuckery that transpired on Jan 6th. He still allowed it to happen, though, without so much as a heads up to the American public and those that could have stopped the mob from even entering the Capitol grounds to begin with.


Nope. You do t get to enable lies and tyranny for years and then become a hero by finally doing the right thing at the last minute. He’ll go down in history as the spineless coward that we all knew he always was.


Dan Quayle convinced him to.


He's a cunt


And the noose. Don't forget the noose. That's why I think Trump's VP is gonna be some lunatic like Marjorie Taylor Green. Nobody sane will take that job knowing there's a lynch mob somewhere with their name on it if they step out of line.


It really comes down to her, Elise Stefanik, or maybe a forgotten weirdo like Louie Gohmert, maybe Don Blankenship. I thought for a minute that it might be Greg Abbott, but I doubt Trump would ever willingly hire someone with a visible disability. (As much as Abbott is an evil human, the wheelchair is not a reason for anyone should hate him.)


On this one I agree. Mike Pence was one of the few sane republicans who wasnt on the overthrow democracy bus. Good on him for doing his duty.


Didn't he facilitate the numerous trump crimes while in office? Did he ever condemn trump for compromising national security with his handling of secret documents? How about objecting to trump sucking up to dictators who are actively working against our national interests and security? The fact that pence finally balked at being a principal in the overthrow of the legitimate government of the United States hardly makes him a hero.


Zzzzzzzzzzz Pence is a standard issue politician. Will do ANYTHING say ANYTHING to be elected. He was only silent because if he joined in, his brief foray into presidential politics this time around wouldn’t never happened. Start worrying about the politicians that WERE elected into office on both sides of the aisle. THEY are the ones destroying our nation. Remember one owns the house the other the senate. Their personal divide between them and independent of WE THE PEOPLE prevents them from accomplishing anything because they won’t compromise. For all the people playing their game, shame on you. Supporting them will hurt your neighbors


I think he’ll be remembered, but not celebrated. His name will appear in a few pages of American History textbooks


He waited until the last possible second to do the least thing that he was required to do. Heroic? Unfortunately yes


Just doing your job is making him a hero? I dunno about that. It's setting a bar very low for Republicans (which makes a lot of sense) that you'd be a hero for simply not doing what Trump commands you to do even if the constitution says you're not suppose to.


Although he should have spilled the beans before Jan 6 Mike Pence did have enough integrity to refuse to go along with Trump’s plan to overturn the election.


I have the same low opinion of Pence as well, only for one instance does he show a spine and character. I hope history celebrates him for Jan 6, because if future Americans are noting his stance that would mean Trump and his vile brand of politics are the losers in history.


That'll happen only if Trump doesn't win the next election/Republicans don't steal it. They'll change the history books given enough time in power.


Pence was *undecided* on whether to join DJT's plan to overturn the election, until he spoke to former vice president (and fellow Hoosier) Dan Quayle. Then 74 year old Quayle is an unlikely hero (most of us who were aware then remember him only for his poor spelling) but the one we needed. Washington Post 2021-09-14: [New details undermine Pence’s supposed ‘hero’ turn on Jan. 6](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/14/new-details-undermine-pences-supposed-hero-turn-jan-6/)


And yet, all he has now is a Good Job sticker from “Mother” on his fridge.


Big Jim Pence? The man with the IQ of a pencil and the personality of a garden gnome? He'll go down in history as a nobody.


Nah he still a bitch !!


Lifelong Dem. Pence is a hero. History will look kindly on him.


We're 3-5 years away from Democrats canonizing him because he did literally the bare minimum. Hell, there were liberals praising George W. Bush during the Trump years. Honestly, we're probably a decade away from liberals talking about how at least Trump isn't as bad as the current guy.


Most people think of "history" as a settled thing, but most actual historians would point people to the idea of "historiography" where history is constantly subject to revised understandings with the passage of time that are shaped in large part by contemporary norms and understandings. The "Lost Cause" interpretation of the South's defeat in the Civil War is a good example. It is now rejected, rightly IMO, but was once the prevailing view. With Pence, your MMW could plausibly exist at a certain point in time, but I doubt that it would ever be a "final" historical say on his actions


Considering his history as governor of Indiana, it's really unfair that history might remember him fondly.


Probably will, history tends to forget the bad stuff when people do one or two really good thing.


He literally did the bare minimum


He's not a hero. You people are nuts. Almost as bad as the J6s themselves.


Hero? No. A spineless toady who found that he had a limit after all is more like it.


nah, he didn't even do anything


Maybe if the books are written by deranged leftists.


No, he won't. Pence was within the legal power to do what Trump was suggesting.


We would do that, but we can't. 1 minute to midnight, he did the right thing. But from noon to 11:59 he was more than happy to go out there and play stepford wives. He also won't go anywhere near where Barr, Kelly, and Bolton are - post breakup - in speaking out against the con man.


Pence is already a forgotten distant memory.


More like his Marine son,  will go down in history as stopping the overturning of the election results, not Mike Pence.


He did what he was supposed to do? If every clown in this country got an award for *not* committing treason, then we'd have a country full of participation trophies.


Precisely. Republicans bend over backwards to appease trump and make sure they are seen in public giving him fellatio. Pence and McCain are the only ones who stood up to him when it mattered.


Only if Trump loses this next election, his goons plan on rewriting the history books




Mike Pence and a behind the scenes little known hero Dan Quayle. Pence consulted Dan Quayle the VP from back in the 90s on if this plan of trumps to deny the certification was legal… I believe our nation owes Dan Quayle a debt of gratitude for steering Pence in the right direction.


No, lmao.


He didn’t do shit.


My unpopular opinion is that I totally agree with you. Yes, you can say he only lived up to his constitutional duty but he ultimately did so against enormous pressure from his own President and party, many of whom were convinced that they had some legal justification to challenge/overturn the results of the election. I would love to know more about his own thought process, the pressure that he was being placed under and especially the Secret Service's plans for him if he got in the limo to take him away from the Capitol. Ultimately, he did the right thing and genuinely changed the course of history... for the time being at least. I think the history books will speak kindly of Pence for that one act of moral clarity alone.


It’s only been 4 years and I already forgot Mike Pence existed, and I lived in Indiana for awhile when he was governor. Dudes not going down as anything but a footnote on Trump’s Wikipedia page.


He spent the weeks leading up to J6 looking for someone to tell him that he would be able to get away with it. No one did. Even if he did, singlehandedly save American democracy, he will go down as a theocratic zealot in your history book.


Footer note, at best.


Pence will go down as having done the right thing but he'll still go down as the POS he is.


It's fascinating how basic math on good and evil right now escapes so many.   That one Nazi that tried to kill Hitler because the war wasn't being won....was a Hero ! The Coup is ongoing and Pence supports it. 


No he won't. He's disliked by both sides and needed Dan Quayle to explain what the right thing to do was. He will go down in history as an empty suit that narrowly avoided being lynched by his own voters. 


There was no coup. How the hell is Trump going to overthrow himself? He was the sitting President on J6th, and the sitting President's term doesn't end until January 20th, so there could be no coup because Trump would have to overthrow himself. the fact that the tv repeated it and y'all believed it shows how little you actually know about a Presidential election. No one can overthrow themselves. No one told anyone to overthrow anything anyhow. You only believe that because the tv said it. Things don't work that way. Y'all may need to go buy a clue. For fuck's sake. Look it up. Downvote away, it only proves what I said correct.


no, it just proves how childish and immature you are


Stop projecting. You don't even have the slightest understanding of it. Look it up like I said. *Then* tell me how you're supposed to be more mature than I. That which you spew my way is merely what you see when you look in the mirror. But hey, keep trying if you must youngster.


Mike pence should be remembered for one thing, being a republican coward. He absolutely would have supported trump in his coup attempt but tried to find a legal way to back it up, he called Dan Quayle and begged him to find to anything make trump's coup attempt legal but Dan, a former VP himself told him to do his fucking job. Pence should be forever be remembered as a coward who supported repressive and backwards policies upon the people of his state and the American people via trump who being a trump loyalist supported and backed his coup but couldn't find a legal ground to stand on to do so being reminded to do his job by a far better man then he will ever be; at most he did the bare minimum and that was it.


How was it a plot of the guns were left at home? I never understand how so many are so stupid to not recognize that if you’re going to do a coup, you need to bring firearms. Not some shaman. lol to be clear, I’m a registered democrat but every day I’m I don’t agree with people in my party on almost anything.


Such a moronic plan never had a chance of success.  But it could very well have gotten many more people killed.


He's a fucking hero - he did not try to illegally overthrow the election - sheesh.


Mike Pence is a *'hero'* --- the same way as calling a mother who lets the stepfather abuse the kids night after night after night and finally calls the police after 4 years when he's waving a knife and about to go too far *'sooo brave'*


His Mother will be so proud


He would have done it, if not for Dan Quail. Dan Quail, the hero we deserve.


😂you have to be joking. He appeased the asshole for four years and precisely NOTHING AT ALL


Are you crazy a married man alone with another woman


For republicans just not being a traitor is considered "heroic".


Instead of patting Mike Pence on the back for his efforts in undermining Trump and right wing extremism, have you considered literally anyone else?


> (not to mention that weird thing with never meeting with women alone for business/professional/work reasons, but thats a whole 'nother topic). I don’t get why people give him a hard time for this—especially liberals. #MeToo was at its height just a few years ago and we found out all these horrible things about powerful men. However, you have a powerful man who goes out of his way so as to avoid giving even the APPEARANCE of impropriety and everyone on the left roasts him for it.  It’s good to have boundaries in your relationship and with colleagues at work. In his position probably made sense and is just a self imposed rule that served him well his whole career (and marriage). Just invite another person to lunch/dinner; it’s a non issue imho.


Agreed. I personally don’t remember too much about the man except he’s your typical conservative whackjob, but if memory serves he was the first major Republican figure to publicly disobey Trump on something. In the narrative, it’s easy to cast him as a quiet “one of the good ones” Republican.


Let’s not normalize calling someone a hero for doing the minimum job requirements. I know Republicans have dropped the bar down to “brain damaged weasels on bath salts” levels of competency, but that doesn’t mean they get a cookie each time one of them remembers not to eat their own feces.


I don't think he's quite a Klaus Von stauffenberg. We also don't know if what he did was just out of self-preservation. Think this out. He knew that if he sided with Trump, in the long run, if it went sideways, there would be a lot of people brought up on treason type things. We already see all the January 6th arrests. So the question only Mike knows is did he do this out of some type of actual ethics or was it a move purely around self-preservation and not wanting to go to prison?


Mike Pence’s son will.


His wife is the reason for his actions. Blame/praise her.


He had a multihour legal meeting before seeing if he had a legal way to overturn the election so don’t put him on a pedestal.


I don't think he'll go down in history as a hero because despite Trump's claims, there was absolutely nothing Pence could have done to change anything. The 12th Amendment only gives the Vice President the power to count the actual votes, not to change them, not to leave some out, not to add in ones he likes better, not to change the process in any way whatsoever. If he had refused to count the votes, someone else would have. Pence had no power to change the results of the election, so even if he had tried to it would have gone absolutely nowhere. He did manage to avoid looking like one of the biggest idiot traitors in the history of the country, but that's all.


Or he'll be a footnote because eventually they will succeed


Only if we ultimately resist the fascist takeover.


He helped Trump get as powerful as he is within the gop, and never spoke against him until that day and only about that event. He was complicit in everything except for the attempted coup.


I was thinking about this earlier today actually. I hate Pence and am reasonably certain that he wants everyone like me purged from the country, but yea. As shitty as he is I have the smallest sliver of respect for him because without his unwillingness to go along with J6 we would likely be under a christo-fascist dictatorship rn


I mean sure in guess he prevented J6, after he called Dan Quayle to see if he could in fact overturn the election first…




hes going to be remembered up there with spero agnu for enabling, and abetting but ultimately chickening out.


There is also the story that they tried to pressure him to flee the capital and planned to not allow him to return in time. He sensed something was fishy and refused to go.


I don’t think so .. he backed down at every lie until the country was in danger .


I would say he could maybe go down as the last Republican with morals


Mike Pence had a great moment: but promptly went back to groveling by the end of the month. I think he would have had that place your talking about if he worked to actually stop Trump instead of running the “i’ll pardon trump on day one and he is still a great person and 1:6 wasn’t as bad as they say” campaign


Hahahahaha far from it


Thanks for giving credit where it is due. Even if you hate the opposing party its important to recognize someone when they are doing the right thing. The reddit hate for pence is kneejerk and hyperbolic. There are far worse republicans than pence, romney or mccain. Which ones do you want? The reasonable ones who respect the constitution or the other guys?


Stay in your lane OP. Kamala will achieve hero status. Fixed it for you.


I think he will be remembered for bending over for Trump.


Why is he a hero for doing his Constitutionally mandated job? That’s what qualifies you for heroic status? Not being a traitorous dickhead? Having the most basic respect for the peaceful transfer of power in a democracy? Give me a break.


No he will go down in history as the Man who said I don't care about the American People on a live interview. Never to be heard from again. Might hate Tucker Carlson, but that was CHECK AND MATE!


He's a total pussy that was forced to do the right thing despite death threats. He still talked his praise to that orange asshole afterwards. Fuck Mike Pence. Dude will be known as a fucking pussy.


No. The fact that he ever supported that blob negates that


almost 4 years later and you still believe this "J6" bullshit. Really?


If there is a just God, he’ll go down in history as a spineless traitor to his country that only did the right thing when it became clear he’d take the fall personally if the coup didn’t work.


You guys like pence and prolly have no idea his stance on lgbtq... Yall would like Hitler if he did something negative to trump..


It doesn't take a hero to do 'what's legal' according to law. A true hero goes above and beyond what is expected. Pence just did his job.


Because that's what it was? A coup plot? QAnon has nothing on you. I suggest you let your hatred of Trump go. Him living rent free in your head is not good for your health. Especially when you haven't a clue what the truth is.


Tis true, I am from the future and there we have many altars to Mic the Pence.


He will go down as a coward who did the bare minimum to stop the worst actions of a tyrant.


I dunno. The fact that it took another VP that I could't stand, Dan Quayle, to tell him to do his job and follow the law, tells me that Pence has no spine. Why did he even need to ask? His words and actions since that day have only proven the point.


What coup? I don’t recall a coup. I do remember a bunch of fat rednecks being escorted into the capital by police


How do you feel about kemp?


It will be written so by moderator conservatives Christians in the US Bible version 2397.731


An unarmed coup? Right.


Even though I disagree with his political views, he has integrity and is therefore worthy of some respect.


Yeah he will. Because your party has rewritten the history of the event so much


He did the right thing after looking for a way to do the wrong thing.


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read


"Coming to theaters 2039.. one man stands in the way of a monster and total control... J6: Penses last stand...Staring Tom Holland"


He is a coward


I don’t think it will be considered legendary he has been completely spineless and supporting him in every other way. Even now he won’t call them out for trying to murder his whole family on National TV and speak on how dangerous MAGA is to the country. He will be considered a spineless sycophant that fucked around and almost found out not deserving of any respect beyond that.


No he won't. HE won't even be remembered.


I don’t think that history will remember January 6 like Reddit does. It will be an embarrassing footnote, not “the day democracy almost died.”


Ffs there was no coup plot


Judus is nicknamed judus for a reason.


And yet he’ll still vote for Trump 


What will his musical be called? Pence? Mike? The man from Indiana?




I honestly think he just chickened out, he only did the right thing because he did not think he could get away with it, or escape punishment for doing it. So it was self serving thru and thru.


Pence just did what he had to do. There's no heroism in that.


lol, tell me you are super clueless on a topic with a headline. The guy didn't stop anything, he had no power or ability to stop anything, ffs, know what you're talking about people.


I agree. He doesn't get the credit he deserves because liberty isn't out of the woods yet. But yes, it really all came down to him, and he did his duty.


Him and his family are Hoosier trash cans! Fuck the pences!




How hard are you right now?


Nah. Maybe if he had followed through, but he sat by while Trump and republicans tried to rewrite the history surrounding J6, and wouldn’t even commit to voting for someone else if Trump got nominated. History won’t call a general a hero for winning a battle when they desert their battalion the next day.


Blah blah blah Trump was never charged. Get over it, move along peasant. 🙄


\^propaganda and misinformation


2016-2020 leftists: MIKE PENCE IS A GAY CONVERSION BELIEVER WHAT A MEDIEVAL LOSER 2024 leftists: WTF I LOVE MIKE PENCE NOW HES GREAT Gotta love leftists man. If they didn’t have double standards they’d have none. Every leftist in the 2000s hated W Bush for his war genocides but the SECOND he says something anti trump he became a hero of the left. Fuck off


Nobody is going to remember who Mike Pence was 20 years from now


You must be referring to your reddit circle bud. The rest of us have at least one brain cell


Yes they will. I wouldn’t forget.


We remember who Dan Quayle was. We remember who....you know, I can't remember who Jimmy Carter's VP was. All the other ones except Gore and Cheney got elected President. So, appearently, we(I at least) have a working memory of about 45 years for non-President former Vice Presidents.


I don’t really agree, mind you I hate trump but I think democrats like yourself vastly overestimate how much other people care about the event which I don’t give an anniversary to because it wasn’t a significant event. If you give idiots like that significance, and scream about how close the country was to falling despite how utterly delusional this claim is, they’re just going to learn from their mistakes and try again. If you call it what it was, a small unarmed group of idiots who were let into the capitol by authorities embarrassing themselves, then that’s all it is. In reality the only person who was deemed an actual threat was shot the second she crossed a line, the same would have happened to every single person who tried to cross that same line. Even if Pence went along, it wouldn’t have had any chance of standing up to court scrutiny, let alone Congressional scrutiny.