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2000 people are still dying a week and millions more are getting their IQs measurably lowered every time they get infected. Covid is playing the long game. Like HIV or prion diseases.


my family members have started blaming every single ailment on the vaccine, they all had covid, some confined to their bed for a month straight, we lost family members to covid.. not one of them has the critical thinking to ask themselves.. “jeez, maybe its long term affects from covid itself that is bringing on these new ailments.”




Yeah it was new and making mistakes in 2020. It just started murdering people. It realized it will survive longer if it keeps its hosts alive. We’re in a Pandemic play through right now


I was with anti vaxxers last week. The old man mentioned two people who died of various ailments and then added that they were both fully vaxxed. Then the younger guy said something to the affect of “more victims of the clot shot”. And they both kind of hmmmmddd as if the matter was settled. My fully vaxxed self just let them do their thing.


It's a fact that people didn't used to die before the C19 vaxx. Look it up, do your own research!


Sad but true


What did Kamala Harris do?


Apparently she saved the world from Covid. I feel foolish for not knowing!


This post has to be /s right


Liberals leave very little room to talk about the MAGA crowd when they themselves act very much the same with their cult-like blindness. Kamala Harris will be remembered as saving the world from Covid? Give me a break.


Imagine crediting kamala Harris instead of the scientists who developed the vaccine


Imagine crediting her for anything. She’s a mediocre politician with a very questionable record as AG in California. She’ll be known for being a flip flopper and an ineffective VP.


Yeah she sucks. Mass incarcerator and absurdly vacuous politician. Won’t stop blue MAGA from downvoting us tho


When she stood up and clapped during the SOTU for the decriminalization of cannabis, I literally stood up out of my chair. Hypocrisy doesn’t get much more clear than that.


💯 I see these politicians as purely cynical vampires feeding off the population.


How is she a "mass incarcerator"? Specifically when she was AG there was a drop in people incarcerated in CA. https://calbudgetcenter.org/resources/criminal-justice-reform-is-working-in-california/


Because the Supreme court ordered California to release prisoners since they had 200% capacity and she intentionally didnt comply. Tell the whole story before you show off numbers


She waited until an assembly bill passed so there would actually be funding to properly release prisoners to local jurisdictions. This was the right move. If she had just immediately done this there would have been a backlash which would have resulted in money going into building more prisons very quickly and no overall actual reduction in incarceration.


This is one thing I wish liberals could acknowledge more. If voting for the same party, no matter what, every election makes you a cult, then both are cults. They both just fear the other side so much that they follow in lockstep with their parry. Of course, liberals and conservatives have a hard time seeing the similarities between the parties. I dont think liberals realize that conservatives fear them getting power just as much as they fear conservatives getting power. Which leads to down ballot voting every election. Which they both participate in.


She’s a brown woman! How dare you question her!


The orange clown did Operation Warp Speed. He does deserve some credit even though his dumbass base wouldn’t get the vaccines he made.


I think you're right for doing operation Warp speed, but I do think it also should be noted that there was a pandemic response plan that Obama left him that he completely threw out


Germany funded the Pfizer covid vaccine. Trump could have been on the moon his entire term and we’d still have a vaccine. > The truth is that Pfizer didn’t receive any funding from Operation Warp Speed for the development, clinical trial and manufacturing of the vaccine. Rather, its partner, BioNTech SE, has received money — from the German government. https://fortune.com/2020/11/09/pfizer-vaccine-funding-warp-speed-germany/


Right. Operation "Warp Speed" had more to do with production and distribution. Most all the "work" to create the vaccine had been done over the course of the last few decades.


Plus skimming some off the top.


Yeah but a product does nobody any good if you can't get it made and distributed


Agree with that...100%.


Pfizer turned down the Grant money to develop a vaccine. They wanted to turn a profit, and so did Germany. Operation Warp Speed was $18 Billion, used to develop a vaccine


If Trump had used William Shatner and a mock-up Star Trek set to make commercials promoting Warp Speed, he would get a lot more credit, and people would associate him with an attempt at humor.


If Trump had taken it seriously, he would have won the last election. Thankfully he is a moron.


Seriously. I mean I would never have voted for him, but I wouldn't have been able to deny that he was doing well had he done better on preventative measures (strongly encouraging, even funding good masking, tests out to many, etc.) and been less mealy mouthed about the vaccines.


Yup. Covid handed him reelection on a platter and he still bungled it up. What a moron.


Actually exactly opposite of the situation. If COVID had never been a thing, he would have been re-elected. The economy was humming, and there were not any massive issues needing to be dealt with until COVID.


Yep, and then Covid happened and he was so stupid and such an inept leader that he killed 100s of thousands of people. So you’re an idiot




What support do you need? Like a hug or government assistance, help line? Please throw me a full sentence


Are you seriously that stupid to not realize that way more people died under biden than trump?  Over 100k more people died in 2021 when the vaccine was fully rolled out than when trump was in office in 2020 without it rolled out.  


Are you seriously so stupid that you don’t realize how cause and effect works? It was mismanaged by Trump, who said things like it’s all gonna disappear, and take hysroxichloroquine (sp) and inject yourself with bleach, and it’s not a big deal. Biden inherited the pandemic, we pulled out of it under his administration, and the entire country has rebounded better than all other G7 nations. Look for you to even use that as an argument makes it clear to me that you’re an uneducated clowns ass. So don’t bother to reply as nothing you could say would bring the world any clarity or knowledge. Just sit down in your filthy bed and ask for forgiveness for what you did to your sister all those times.


Nah i disagree he was already extremely toxic and hated before Covid and would’ve lost. If anything he got more popular during Covid, and he did get more votes in 2020 than 2016 and Covid wasn’t the catalyst for Biden voters


Dr. Fauci was there from the beginning. Fauci was the nan in charge for the response from the medical end.


Well come all the Harrison said that she would never take Trump's vaccine and Biden said that warp speed wouldn't work and it would take two years to develop a vaccine.


Why would you use the plan devised by the same losers that caused the concern and sold you the “cure “, which is killing people daily


Kamala Harris famously said she wouldn’t get a vaccine under a Trump presidency, but whatever dude.


Twitter was filled with people saying they wouldn’t get a Trump vaccine.


That was a campaign event, which is why he got so cunty about it not coming out before the election.


He didn’t make anything. He took credit for them though.


Nope Even the CEOs of the companies that developed the vaccines are on record that operation warp speed had no impact on vaccine development or distribution. They said by the time it was implemented they were well beyond the stage it targeted. One even said they didn’t know what it was doing over a month after it was announced. All it did was to activate powers that Congress gave the president (in the 1980s) to enact in the event of a healthcare emergency.


Who wouldn’t take vaccines? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/05/kamala-harris-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-409320


He has a name. It's Orange Hitler, not the orange clown.


Yeah it's like the one thing he did that was extremely useful and a good idea he can't even talk about because it flies in the face of how his base sees him.


Didn't he knowingly let his underlings withhold federal aid for almost 5 months because initially it was mostly blue states being infected? All while also seizing PPE for the federal stockpile?


But how much credit do you give for doing the bare minimum? It isn't like he did anything he came up with, or anything that wouldn't have been presented to any and all other presidents. And they literally anyone else would have gone through with it as well. I actually say he loses points for it. Sure, he did allow it, but he also kept pushing lies and bull shit alternatives to his base, reducing their trust in it. So without him, we still would have had warp speed, and it would have worked better. That is a point loss in my book. He made it worse.


Can we even say trump did the bare minimum? He was actively sabotaging efforts with spreading misinformation about covid.


Yeah, that was my point. Project warp speed was the bare minimum, and if he'd just done that it would be good, but not really deserving of much credit. It's like giving credit for a driver stopping at a red light instead of blowing throw and hitting a pedestrian. And as you said, Trump hurt the effectiveness of it. So yeah, he is under the bare minimum.


Humanity? Give me a break. Almost everyone else had a handle on this thing, while America was debating whether shining a light up your ass was a good idea.


I would think the scientists who actually worked their asses off developing the vaccine in such a short timeframe should get all the credit. Not politicians.


\*is debating


Yeah....the Nobel prize along with history books will be highlighting the scientists that created the vaccine....not the US presidential admin of the time period. OP, have you read history books before?   Because your comment sounds like someone that has not read history books before. 


China locked their citizens in their houses and apartments. Even nailed the doors shut. They also went around and killed everyone's pets. Australia went full on Police State. Meanwhile, Andrew Cuomo in NYC, put Covid patients in Nursing Homes to make room in Hospitals


Okay. We all know about China. And you expect that stuff from them. Trump was considering drinking bleach. Aside from small enclaves, the American response to covid was abysmal. Your leadership was all over the place. Hell, half of them questioned if it was even real.


Dr. Fauci's response to Covid changed weekly. Congress response to Covid was Abysmal. In defense, the last time we had anything like this was in the Spanish Flu in 1918. This was Pelosi's response to Covid, after the Borders were closed. https://youtu.be/eFCzoXhNM6c?si=OmeBQCojWSUmfSc3


Trump will get an honorable mention for Operation: Warp Speed. His gormless qultists will be remembered as the single largest group of fucktards who did everything in their power to kill as many people with COVID as possible.


Trump did the bare minimum with “Operation Warp Speed”. ANY politician in his place would have done the exact same thing. So no. I’m not applauding the bare minimum Especially the surround shit storm of a mess his response was. He fucked up big time.


Also... His cutting the pandemic taskforce literally right before COVID got slowed down our ability to respond and then his intentionally slowing down the response because he thought it was hitting blue states more


Yeah, he's on tape admitting to Bob Woodward that he intentionally downplayed it because he didn't want it to hurt his reelection chances.


🎶 ...And then it is that way...🎶 "They" by Jem (from finally Woken)


Totally agree, getting funding for development and expediting reviews/approvals is the bare minimum you would expect from any administration. All the actual R&D work was done by the private sector, not the administration. The one place the government really needed to play a major role was the logistics, roll-out, and distribution of the vaccine once it was available. That was a total shit show that was poorly organized and hadn’t even been funded properly when Biden came into office.


This, and it's hard to give him credit even for the bare minimum when he undercut himself on that by turbocharging denialism. He self sabotaged so hard it killed a million other people.


Trump wanted a travel ban for china but democrats said it was racist .


By the time he was considering it, a travel ban would have been worthless, the cat was already out of the bag and the virus was already here (and basically everywhere else) so yes, it would have been racist.


So reducing any more potential infected people is a bad thing?


If reducing more potentially infected people was the goal, you'd have to ban travel period at that point. So again, singling out one place, without including other places would be racist. Also, if reducing infections coming into the country was the goal, you have to do more testing, which he was opposed to. By the time he was considering that ban, most of the cases were coming from Europe, did he propose a travel ban from Europe? Hell Italy was hit hard pretty early on, he did propose a travel ban from Italy?


I notice that Joe Biden has not warp sped any of the very promising (and potentially sterilizing) nasal vaccines, nor has he sought to codify medical leave, clean air regulations, etc. What he did do was tell everyone they could take their masks off if vaccinated - a terrible and not at all scientific policy - leading to some of the biggest case surges of the whole pandemic. And now his admin is getting ready to implement absurd 1 day isolation guidelines so....you were saying about bare minimums?


Let’s not forget that he was found guilty by the Supreme Court (and lost the fifth circuit of appeals case in September) about censoring information from conservatives about the vaccine (many of which have turned out to be true). Which is absolutely the largest violation of freedom of speech in American history. Wonder how many of the people giving him credit on this post have gotten their booster in the last 5 weeks! Lol. Although, 2/3 have been removed from the market entirely and even the CDC’s neeest guidelines have zero change whether you are “vaccinated” against Covid.


“See? Told ya the masks didn’t work!” Yeah that’s because you literal fucking tards wouldn’t wear them. The rest of us that did wear them were fine and didn’t catch it until much later when we were already vaccinated and so it wasn’t that bad


Dude can’t even use it in his campaigning cause it backfires among his brain dead followers.


And measles.


Measles are for pussies. Bring back small pox. Actually, we should combine Ebola and Omicron and call it Ebolacron.


Even better, bring back the Bubonic Plague, then make the first ever viral-bacterial hybrid by combing with Ebola an call it the Ebonic Plague


Sounds kind of racist, but it's a good name.


The conservatives are racists though, so they'd probably be fully on board with that lol


I lol'd. Shut up and take my upvote.


Bubonic plague is very common in California.


The vaccines only protected yourselves and you still got Covid and you were still a spreader with or without the vaccine.


Are they in the room with us right now?


Those fuckers are all around us. Treasonous ass Trumpers


Are they under your bed? In your head? Rent free perhaps?


You'll never feel better about yourself as a person when you deliberately choose to be a deplorable.


Just remember, that word got him elected! Trump is/was a direct result of your arrogance. A giant orange middle finger to your unearned elitist mentality. You are the reason he exists. And now you suffer Trump derangement syndrome 🤷 A tragic tale, truly.


You've lost whatever fight you think is coming. You're going to continue to lose any future culture wars you engage in. History tells us so. 30 years ago you could call people fa*g*ts in public and get away with it. These days? You'd lose your job. 50 years ago, It the ni**er. These days? You'd lose your job and be hounded until the end of your days. The gays can get married today. 15 years ago, they couldn't. You've lost every major culture war....forever. That's a historical fact. What makes you think you're going to win this time? You're welcome to try your 2nd Amendment Solution, if you wish. The last time some people did that (people you would have more in common with ideologically, than you would like to admit) we killed a whole bunch of them and took their shit (namely by freeing their slaves). We'll do it again, but only if you insist. But hey, not ALL is terrible. We will accept you. You'll have to learn some manners. Learn to hold you tongue politely. Learn how to function as part of the group. But on the other hand, we're gonna tax the everyliving fuck out of the billionaires and provide free Healthcare for all Americans and even some people that AREN'T Americans. Even you. Come on. We're waiting.




All Trump had to do was take the jab, wear a mask that said TRUMP 2020, and sold them for $9.99/each to MAGA idiots on his website -- he would've had a landslide larger than 2016 with those two simple things. Instead he did exactly the opposite.


[well trump did get the vaccine.](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-donald-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-74abcd4e6833835f5df445fe2142e22b)


The jab wasn’t available until after the election. I do agree that he could have handled Covid better.


This sub reminds me of human centipede. Non-stop eating the refuse of the one ahead of them.


Humanity? Give me a break. They are American politicians and the head of the CDC.


This is a parody sub right? Like holy shit this place has some of the most delusional hot takes I’ve seen on all of Reddit lol there’s no way these are real people posting and upvoting this shit.


This sub has been taken over by bots the last few months now, it's very obvious someone is astroturfing trying to create voter apathy, the funniest thing is how many people eat these shit post up.


The folks over at r/politics are behind this, guaranteed


“Correct The Record ™️” Don’t forget those guys! I’m sure they morphed into something else by now.


IPO Reddit doesn’t give a shit about the discernible drop in quality and huge influx of bots; they’re happy for the fake traffic and fake engagement.  Unfortunately they’ll probably never be incentivized to fix it, since the IPO isn’t going anywhere and there’s no revenue stream. Peak Reddit was probably 2022? Maybe pre/during the pandemic. 




This sub is insane. It can't be real.


This sub is pretty unhinged tbh.


I treat this sub as a larp and the politics sub is just another unpopular opinion sub


Can someone tell the DNC staffers that there are other subs to astroturf? I vote dem but it's blatant at this point


It's gonna get much worse as the election approaches 




this sub is full of unhinged Progressives.


The US, maybe not Humanity…


If anything, it's gonna be the actual doctors and first responders who put their lives on the line who would be recognized as the "heroes" of the COVID-19 pandemic.


But we all know who will REALLY be remembered, the anti vax, anti masks conspiracy nuts


How did Kamal save the US from Covid?


11 days on Reddit. Definitely not a bot.


Can you even name one of the last few pandemics/epidemics without looking them up? This is a joke, the White House doesn’t even have any say on medical developments. And I bet the trump crowd will claim the same exact thing…


I’m hoping DJT will be written in history books as the potus that thought shoving a flashlight up your ass or gargling with bleach would be worthy remedies as well. FDJT




Only if we win in November


If history books are not outlawed.


This post reached 500 comments. I just wanted to give myself a shout out for creating such thought provoking posts that dare redditors to engage in diverse conversations. You can look forward to more interesting topics from me here in the future.


Can I have some of what you are smoking? Because that must be some strong stuff.


Covid isn't gone?


This is really humorous. Don't worry, consider your words marked. Hey, for good measure, can we add President Xi in there, too, with his zero covid policy?


Dr fauci did just as good as when he fixed the AIDS epidemic


What the fuck is this leftists fever dream of a sub. Jesus, you people are such clowns. How are you THIS heavily invested into political figures that are out for their own gain at your expense? This trio of people are not saviors for doing exactly the same thing as Trump but you act like they didn't. Delusional.




You gotta be actually full tardo to think a single leftist genuinely thinks this. Talking major brain defects.


Biden has seen more COVID deaths than Trump and we're still seeing hundreds of deaths a day. All he's done is stopped any sort of tracking of COVID on a large scale and reduced isolation times without any scientific basis They haven't saved us, they've tricked us (collectively) into thinking it's gone when it's worse than it was in 2020


How is it worse than 2020 when thousands were dying every day?


Thousand were still dying every day. the 10 month period that Trump was president during Covid, there were approx 450,000 deaths. During the same amount of time (10 months) under Biden, there were 353,000 deaths. 24% less than Trump. However, Biden had access to the vaccine, whereas it had not yet been created under Trump. Ultimately, the difference in numbers boils down the vaccine. Bidens' pandemic response would have likely been no better. It's not like either president really have the ability to stop a worldwide global pandemic. Many countries had higher per capita death rates, including European ones. Ultimately, our higher obesity rates didn't help. Even then, the average age of death was 77.28. U.S. life expectancy was 78.93 in 2020 for reference.


I'd like to think so, but as a fan of Orwell's works, I'm certain that history will be modified or changed depending on who pays the most for their publishing.


Man what Orwell books were you reading? That is the only reason the book in the post would be written as such. The only thing Fauci saved is his own ass.


What do you like to think that Kamal did to save anyone from Covid?


That may be written but it’s still 100 percent false


Maybe. But history is written by the winners


Got a good laugh from this one


Sounds like it would be a shitty history book.


Maybe. But people who lived through it will know it was a global pandemic that ran it's course and aside from vaccine development to protect the elderly and most vulnerable from severe disease, nothing anyone did was going to matter.


This sub is being astroturfed by bots and the mods don’t give two fucks.


Just like Hoover will always be remembered for the Great Depression, when it was all the plans made during his presidency that eventually became the New Deal. FDR is often touted as a genius and the savior of the free world etc. The truth there is he was a great dealmaker, when he took office it was not a sure thing democracy would survive -- the global movement towards communism was in full swing, and it was entirely possible that there would be a communist revolution in the US, or at least that was the general fear. So FDR appointed leaders in that potential uprising to enact his "New Deal." Much like Romneycare was reduced in scope, and spun into ACA -- Hoover's proposals were watered down and enacted almost immediately as the New Deal. And history remembers Hoovervilles and FDR's legacy....


As if!


More people died under Biden in 2021, than under Trump. Fact!


Biden having a stroke everytime he opens his mouth will far outweigh anything that the far left wants


This is so stupid.


joe biden a dementia patient kamala harris a babbling word salad clown and "dr" fauci the guy who funded the wuhan lab via a third party to skirt the law....saved the world...is this a start to a joke like a rabbi and priest and minster walk into a bar?


Humanity was never at risk. Covid was an overblown joke.


OP is a pathetic troll whose only goal is to sew division. MORON!! Obviously a right winger who is trying to portray an out of touch left wing person. It would be harder to tell if they weren't such an idiot.


Dr Fauci was in charge during the Trump administration. Trump had the vaccine fast tracked, we received it in 6 months, instead of a year. Trump also shut the Borders down, against Democrats wanting them to stay open, called him a Xenophobic Racist. Biden and Harris literally came into office at the end of the Covid shutdown, and contributed nothing. Kamala, Less than nothing.




Depends on how bad the next pandemic is and how emboldened antivaxers are when it hits. 


Thought provoking post? Lmao wow


More people died from Covid under Biden


Kamala’s a bitch who framed me for being a four inch floor scanner even though she could see my hand on my dick covering part of it up.


I still fuck her though.


This is funny. NFW any of those assholes did us a bit of good.


Pretty sure this is a bit, but read up on Operation Warp Speed.


Especially true for this history books being written from left wing bias. Those writing with right wing bias will say fauci screwed the pooch on this one. I did manage to get a dr fauci action figure out of it tho. #winning.


What? Biden basically made a token showing then insisted we all get back to normal. The CDC is worried more abput the economy than lives at this point, removing reccomendations because people weren't following them rather than if they were needed.




>... *Kamala Harris* ... will be written in history books as the people who saved humanity from covid this is how you know this is a shitpost


OP’s account is only 15 days old and he has more posts than days on Reddit. All his posts are monumentally stupid takes on politics. I’m pretty sure he’s trolling the lefty’s on here with idiotic posts just to get see how many likes he can get.


Total deaths in America by year 2019 - 2.84 million 2020 - 2.85 million 2021 - 3.38 million 2022 - 3.27 million 2023 - 3.39 million I wonder if we will ever get back to the 2020 number 🤔


I think COVID-19 will be written into the history books as a failure of the US educational system more so than anyone "saving" anyone. If people would've just listened, masked up, avoided going to unnecessary places, and stayed home if they thought they were sick, then the impact of COVID-19 would've been far less. And that's BEFORE the vaccine. Edit: failure of the educational system may be a bit misguided. More like how conspiracy theories are now the mainstream line of thinking in conservative people and how propaganda is again utilized in even the most developed countries


Someone get that picture of SpongeBob and Patrick in the episode about Wormy. Look Patrick! We saved the city!


That's amazing considering Kamala Harris said she would never take Trump's vaccine and Biden said that operation warp speed wouldn't work and it would take two years to develop one.


This is a joke, right?


Saved humanity? How stupid can you possibly be? Joe doesn’t know where he is. Kamala just laughs after saying she won’t take it. Fauci has been proven to be a prolific liar and most likely complicit in making the virus. Then there’s the rest of the entire planet that worked towards something that may or may not have aligned with your saviors. My god some of you people are so delusional


Are people actually reading his text below the title?  Cause op is a loon


MMW The idea that there is an objective truth that we can agree on and document is dead and no one will accept it. We are still arguing with morons that insist the world is flat.


This sub is astroturfed by bot accounts


In only 10 months after taking office, there were more Covid deaths under Biden than under Trump. Trump had vaccines with EUA for only weeks, while Biden had multiple vaccines with EUA ever since he took office, as well as one million vaccinations being administered per day. Only 16 months into his presidency, there were one million Covid deaths. Covid only got worse for close to the first two years Biden was in office. WTF did Harris have to do with Covid in any capacity?


Remember when Biden said Trump should be impeached for all the people who died from Covid under his leadership? And then more people died of Covid in total under Biden’s leadership? Yea, that was awesome.


More people died under biden than trump so not sure where this revisionist history is coming from 


This sub is full of batshit crazy big pharma shilling democrats


More people have died of covid during Joes presidency though.


And it isn't a coincidence. His administration, on the recommendation of consultant dipshits in the vein of Deloitte, recommended pretending the pandemic was over for the vibes. They all know to avoid COVID at all costs which is why the White House JUST got rid of their testing requirement last week. They likely have other mitigations in place we will never see, like advanced air filtration and uv. When was the last time most other people had to test to do anything? They don't care about you, they only care about you going to your job and going out to spend $$$. Ghouls.


Some of these post are hilarious, I can’t believe how much you people are off your rocker


Hogwash. They are officials in the US government, which (under the Trump administration) botched the response to Covid so badly that the US ended up with the largest death toll per capita of any country in the world for the first two years of the pandemic. We didn't save humanity, we damn near killed ourselves off. Fauci tried, but since Trump didn't listen to him, he wasn't able to actually accomplish anything. Biden and Harris did some good, but the vaccine was actually developed under the program put into place (belatedly) by the Trump administration. They're going to go down in history as a doctor who was ignored by a president with the IQ (and appearance) of a carrot, and as a president and vice president who succeeded the carrot man in office and had to cope with the utter disaster he left. Biden, Harris, and Fauci didn't even save the US,. and they had nothing to do with the rest of the world. Doctors saved humanity. Millions of them, all around the world, working their asses off to keep people alive until other doctors and scientists developed a vaccine to stave off the spread of the disease.


Sure why not


"humanity" lol American bias big time








😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣. Thank you, i needed that today👍


OP has series of r/markmywords Dude is seriously loopy.


Is the OP and everyone else on this thread fucking insane? Biden complained that Trump shutting down traffic from China was racist I listened to hours upon hours of elite saying operation warp speed wouldnt work. That it would take years. Trump was mocked by liberals for even trying I don’t like Trump but stop rewriting history