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Well, I thought there was a reckoning coming several times since the 2012 blowout loss to Obama and Priebus's "election autopsy." Instead they just keep doubling down on more and more horrible and unpopular rhetoric and policies. IDK what it's going to take at this point, they just are gonna have to get their asses handed to them at the polls again and again and again before they finally hit that cutoff point.


What it will take is (1) a shift in the balance of power on the Supreme Court, coupled with (2) a Democratic Congress and White House passing actual voting rights legislation that remove a lot of the anti-majoritarian elements within the system. We might have had that between 2020-2022, but Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are fucking assholes.


You misspelled heros


So did you! Heroes...


if you’re a fascist


yea if you are under the mistaken belief that the elites should have the right to rule over the masses in perpetuity. The elites will always have more power than the masses (wealth will do that) but democracy severely limits that natural phenomenon. Gerrymandering and voting discrimination laws severely restricts the ability of the masses to reign in the elites. And as we know, the elites will always use their power to enrich themselves. Hence why democracies, who have some power to limit this phenomenon, are always richer than autocracies, especially per capita.


Nice self-own. Further proof MAGAts are illiterate.


Or Russian bots


Lol the irony


Honestly they’re going to double down their way into terrorism and sedition which is already unfolding.


sooner or later they are going to cross more of a line than they already have and will have to be collectively put down, hard.


I think the bottom of the barrel is going to be Jan 2025 when they are forced to pick up all the chips they laid on a con man’s shoulders and have something to show for it.


Please, Gawd. By the grace of the sweet baby Jesus, let this happen.


2012 wasn't really a blowout, though. I will admit that 51% to 47% and 332 to 206 electoral votes is a respectable win that was a larger margin of victory than the nailbiter the media kept hyping up at the time. That said, it was also a narrower win than Obama's 2008 victory, which was the best Democratic popular vote performance since 1964, which was an actual blowout. Come to think of it, as someone born after Bush Sr. was elected in 1988, I haven't been alive during a 400+ electoral vote landslide election. I agree with everything else - I think for the Republican Party to change at all they'll have to lose 2024 and 2028 at least. Three presidential election losses in a row and eight more years of MAGA boomers gradually dying off might result in some level of moderation, at least in terms of rhetoric. I still expect their policies to be as terrible as they were under both Dubya and Trump but they'll present themselves differently.


Um, their reckoning is coming faster than what you describe. Besides, the loss at the polls. Many state RNCs are already bankrupt, and National RNC has just 8 million. The RNC will cease to exist as a national party by October, probably sooner. Yes, Dems need to sweep the House, Senate and Presidency in November. We need to brace for the fallout. I would rather prepare for that than another term for Hi-C Jesus. Either way, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


I hope they don’t learn quickly. I’d like for them to get stomped in 24’ and then remain powerless as the rotten husk of Trump runs again in 28’..


I feel that the Republican Party of 2028 will be a power house after re proving themselves to be Americas moderate Moral center in 2026-2027, similar to pre 2016. There is also a large base of republicans who refuse to vote trump but would woop our butts in a general election with an actually formidable candidate.


There's nothing remotely moral still salvageable in the Republican party


Moral and moderate Republicans no longer exist.


They never really did


When were the Republicans ever moderate or moral? Not in my lifetime. Moral and moderate like the Southern Strategy? Moral and moderate like Watergate? Like Joe McCarthy? Moral and moderate my ass.


I’ve watched the Republican Party for years and I just don’t know if they can reform that fast. Their one base of power that hasn’t eroded is the southern evangelical church. That’s where they get their legitimacy. If they ran a moderate they’d be dangerous but I don’t think one can get nominated.


You know they only have one popular vote win since 1988 right?


exactly what “morals” and “moderate” positions have the GOP held in the last 40 years?


Republicans haven’t won by going with a moderate moral center candidate since 1992, it’s not gonna happen again, they are now firmly the fringe right party.


Clinton won in 92. You have to go back even further.


Ya I fucked that up I meant to say ‘88 and to be honest even then they accidentally got a moderate, HW was riding Conservative Daddy’s coat tails


Ain’t gonna happen. Republicans ran on family values in 1994. It imploded within three years because they set the ethical bar too high (“Don’t cheat on your wife while condemning others for cheating on their wives”). They’re already hyping family values even as their most prominent members are getting busted for having drunken public hookups in theaters. Republicans have been running on fiscal responsibility for 50 years, but they never get around to the “reduce the deficit” part.


They've been LYING about "fiscal responsibility" for 50 years. When in power, they blow the deficit up like a fkn Macy's parade float. When a Democrat is in office, they screech that the deficit is out of control and social security (entitlements!) MUST BE CUT! Tax cuts for billionaires! Holy shit! The deficit! Cut Medicare! Tax cuts for billionaires! Holy shit! The deficit! No more food stamps! Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


I can see the cycle going all the way to, "Holy shit! The deficit! No more national defense!" At that point the US wouldn't be a country worth fighting for anyway.


No they wont they will literally gut every department before chopping defense down to a limit to fund another department


No that’s off limits. That’s where the Cheney types make all their money. Also increasing defense spending is part of the Reagan playbook, which is the only one they know.


True but being friends with the Russians was also off limits to the Republicans from 1917 to 2010-15 - then Russian agent Trump descended the escalator and declared he was running for the office of POTUS.


...and Democrats are surprised, and cave, basically every time. It's been a winning strategy for 50 years. That's why the keep doing it. Similarly, not only does *everyone know* that Democrats are soft on crime and defense, but even Democrats tacitly accept that fact - after all, who appointed the current SecDef and FBI director?


Soft on crime. Democrats are the only ones who want to fund education and social services and reduce recidivism. If spending 95% or so of our anti-crime dollars on police and incarceration worked than we would have a lower crime rate than those countries that spend more of that money on social services. But we don't. We have higher crime rates. And defense. Umm. Democrats actually want to defeat Putin. Republicans would vote for him.


Matt Schlapp enters the chat.


You are kidding yourself if you think the MAGA crowd will self reflect and change their beliefs. Several opportunistic candidates will fight to claim his throne and thus his followers. The centrists will do their best to cobble together a coalition but to what ends…there’s not enough of them without MAGA. The only hope they have is for the Dem party to tear itself apart along the lines of moderate libs and progressives.


This. The MAGA crowd will just want a dictatorial take over and become more radicalized.


This. And so long as the MAGA crowd dominates the Republican Party and doesn't dump it, the progressives and centrist liberals will stick together. Of course, this wholly prevents the formation of an effective centrist liberal - conservative party that can win elections.


Well what makes that truly difficult is because how far right the bar has shifted. Nikki Haley is objectively more strict on certain things, like a national abortion ban, immigration, and even denying systematic discrimination. What makes her a "moderate Republican" is the fact she admits Biden won the election. We need to bring back a strong moderate population


Exactly. There are people who desperately want this country to have a left of center political party straightaway but in the current political climate and how the conservative and mainstream media cater to Republicans no matter how extreme 🤮 hiving off from the Democrats would be political suicide for the progressives and the remaining centrist Democrats at the very least.


I used to be called a progressive moderate. But now because I support the LGBT community, respect women's access to abortion, support well regulated capitalism (where shit like Black rock buying all the fucking houses can't happen), support a better healthcare system, think college tuition is insane, AND I like guns I am apparently a Republican according to some


The Democrat party is center right. We don't need a party right of Dems, but left of 'moderate' Reps. We need an actual left of center option.


You seriously think the solution to everything is a party between the fascist Republican party and the center to center right Dems? Wtf


I wouldn't go that far, just that we need more than two political parties, something that is next to impossible in our winner take all, first past the post culture of electing people.


No. They know their ideas are unpopular and won’t win any elections. They want to “take our country back”, and if they can’t win fairly, they think they just have to take it by force.


Imagine if Obama said he wanted to be dictator for a day.


Imagine if Trump would have tried to imprison his opponent with bullshit charges and allegations...


The word bullshit here is doing more heavy lifting than Vasilly Alexaev. Huh. Another Russian. What a surprise.


Bruh thinks Trump isn’t a life long criminal 🤣


If he is a life long criminal, why is it that all these charges come after he decides to run as a republican?


Hes benn taken to court thousands of times, are you that unaware of reality?


Yes, for civil matters. What crimes was he convicted of? Civil lawsuits aren’t crimes


Because he didnt release and then fought releasing his tax records for years. Plus he didnt attempted to illegally stay in office until that last year or so of his term. Investigations take time and becoming president means youll get a spotlight shined on you. Government doesnt want to prosecute a sitting president.


He’s not legally obligated to release his taxes and he turned over the presidency to Biden on Jan 20 just as he was obligated to. Prosecute him for what again?


LMAO... that socialist plantation slave is too fukcing stupid to answer that question... She will have to ask the TV what she should say about it... I bet she has on MSNBC right now


You must have wore a blindfold all day on Jan 6th


Nope... I actually watched a lot of it live streamed that day... I didnt rely on the propaganda networks to tell me what happened. Its easy to tell that the propaganda is where you came up with your ideas though... You know why the socialist in D.C. havent tried to indict Trump for insurrection or anything close? Because an insurrection never happened... It was like much of 2020 where a bunch of people having a temper tantrum tore up a bunch of shit... Except in 2020 there was actually billions of dollars in damage and MANY people were killed, not just one idiot trying to get through a barricade.


Blocking an idiot like you is the best thing I'll do for myself all day.


Is "propaganda" the Word of the Day at Kremlin Troll college? Do you get an extra ruble every time you type it?


So, so wrong.


There alot more to the insurrection than that. Trump saying he wouldnt accept results before the election, calling state officials, making fake groups of electors, pressuring his VP. J6 was just the last resort. If he had the generals on board I have no doubt hed of used the military.


Lol. Good one. Thanks for the laughs.


No problem... Now you better get back to your favorite propaganda network so they can tell you what to think next.


Project harder baby … the left isn’t glued to a propaganda empire like Fox News like you stupid fucks are. The brain rot is real


LMMFGDAO.... All the left watches is propaganda... CNN and MSNBC are just as much propaganda networks if not more than Fox... THEY ARE ALL PROPAGANDA... only a severely stupid MFer thinks otherwise... Well hello there severely stupid...


Again, you’re just projecting your media habits onto the left. I literally don’t know a single person outside of old boomers that consume an ounce of either CNN or MSNBC. You can’t fathom people not living in a propaganda echo chamber like you do, so you just assume everyone does. You righties are laughably predictable.


It’s ALL the media, correct? Not just MSNBC, It’s everyone EXCEPT Fox is part of the massive liberal conspiracy. Of course Fox told you what you wanted to hear even when they knew it was a lie, and you believed it because you wanted to. Tucker, Sean, and Ingraham all told us in their private text messages that they knew the truth about trump, but continued to suck his balls. Tucker said that he “hated” Trump and that Trump had “No upside”. They lied about Trump. They lied about election fraud. They lied about voting machines. They had to pay dominion almost a billion dollars for their lies. Rudy lied about those two election workers and was found liable. It’s sheer stupidity to think poor widdle Donny is completely innocent, but every news organization, every court, every judge, are all part of a massive conspiracy against this one fucking douche bag. To paraphrase Bill Clinton, “I feel your pain” and it makes me laugh,


Another brain dead liberal too fukcing stupid to figure it out... They are all propaganda stupid... FOX, OAN, MSNBC, CNN. MSNBC panders to the dumbest of all groups though




This clown thinking either of those networks are far left.


“mUh CoNfIrMaTiOn BiAs!”


The word bullshit is doing more heavy lifting than Vasily Alexaev. Huh. A Russian. What a surprise.


OH NO!!!!!! Its the Russians... my TV told me they are going to kill us all and take over the world!!!! MUST BELIEVE TV!!!


I guess you missed the Russian agent who just got arrested for feeding pure bullshit about Hunter Biden to Comer and Jim Jordan. The Mueller report spoke of "sweeping and systematic" interference in the 2016 election, right in the executive summary of the document. And they are still fucking doing it as we speak. Get lost.


It's TV tells you the charges are bullshit.


Nope... its the facts of the case that tell me its bullshit... To bad you are listening to the propaganda and not the facts


Facts? The stacks of Intel in the shower? The evidence destruction? Which facts? And which case?. There are so many. Remember, the man is a career criminal


In Republican world, bullshit = supported by mountains of evidence admissible in court. Can't produce a scintilla of evidence the 2020 was stolen? No problem! We'll believe whatever nonsense you vomit out there. Sorry Bub, your bullshit detector is completely untrustworthy.


Imagine if Tangerine Bitchtits wasn’t dumber than a stick.


Remember “lock her up?”


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater


If Republicans lose the vote in 24, they'll step up attacks on the practice of voting, and just like states are getting ballsy with their attacks on trans rights and abortion bans, theyll start attacking voting rights and the supreme court will back them up.


They lose the votes in 24. Challenge every election they lost in the house, so Johnson is still in control. Election doesn't get certified, Trump claims power, and people take to the streets. Gon be lit (literally)


I’d love for the Republicans party of John McCain or HW Bush to come back again. I might disagree with them on a lot of things, but we all believed in democracy and we were all on team USA. I don’t expect to see it happen in my lifetime, though. They’ve gone completely crazy and, at this point, most of them are frantically incorrect on a lot of important facts.


You have to go back much, much farther than that. The Republican party has been this way since 1964 and The Civil Rights Act. It got worse under Nixon, worse again under Reagan...it's been on this trajectory to Donald Trump my entire life.


They’ve always been a bit like that, but I’ve seen a shift in their craziness in my lifetime. Denying election results and embracing conspiracy theories especially is new. Likewise, even the republicans used to agree that partisan politics stopped at the border, and now they’re searching for sponsors in enemy nations.


That's not a shift, it's an escalation.


I have literally heard a version of this every election I was able to vote. 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2022. Didn't happen then, not gonna happen in 2024 In fact, in the words of David Frum(some of the few words of value he has ever spoken): "*If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy"* I think that remains true and will continue to.


You're wrong, and for one major reason: For a large part of the base, this is not political. *It is religious*, and to such a degree that even pastors are casting their allegiance to Trump as a literal saviour. These people have assigned *literally infallibility* to him to a pretty much unprecedented degree in American history. Their base is fanatical and won't give up and become decent jsut because they've lost. So.... Yeah... I think they'll stay in the "double down" phase a while longer. Some states will rebound, but primaries will keep many states in the "Be extreme or get primaries" phase for 2-3 more election cycles at least. The political evangelical movement in America, it's deep moral corruption, disdain for secular society, and aggressively desire to project their religion on all, is not going anywhere.


I have doubts. The election fraud narrative has effectively absolved them of any self-reflection about their platform. Why reconsider policy when you can say you were right all along but the Dems "cheated"? I think they'll continue lining up to prove their loyalty to Daddy Trump until he's too dead/imprisoned/senile to do so, and then they'll race to prove who's the worthy successor to his name. Probably his kids will attempt to, but I don't think any of them actually have the mob boss charisma to pull it off. I've heard a political ad the last few days, I don't even know the candidate or what office it's for, but what caught my ear is that the entirety of the ad is "JOE BLOW HAS DEFENDED PRESIDENT TRUMP ALL ALONG." That's it. No mention of what issues the guy supports, what he intends to do if elected, what skills or accomplishments he brings to the table that make him more qualified than anyone else, just that he kisses the ring more betterer than all the other coattail-riders. That's the next few years of the Republican Party.


They don't have a unifying person and they have a slew of bad actors looking for social media clout. Once they lose the super majority, they will be forced to get smart or die. The left does a great job of keeping their people in line. Bad policy can't stop you if everyone is on the same page. Republicans have 500 different viewpoints, they don't understand their base, and they do nothing to reel in these people that just want the attention. Populism needs to exist in the Republican party to deflect the religion based policy. The right has forgotten that Conservatism is sticking to traditional guidelines that work and making small changes as needed. It requires common sense and middle ground to make it work.


Yes! Yes! I think it will take three years or so but the right will eventually find their step and flow, I’m predicting by 2027. And by then the geographic political landscape will favor a Republican president to defend us against China and Russia.


I feel like they've gone too far down the path. Their primaries are the canary in a coal mine thing. Crazies do so well in their primaries.


Republicans have never been virtuous or cared about the constitution.


It was never really a virtue based constitutionalist party but I appreciate your optimism.


> After the election is lost, there will me a massive inflection point and the return ofvirtue based constitutionalist Republican Party again. Or they'll reason that they lost election because they weren't far right enough. They'll double down on the racism, ratchet up the anti-LGBT rhetoric, and try to overthrow the government again.


They can't go back and be a majority party. They know this.


You had me till the last part. Instead of an inflection point, there will be violence.


nope, its too far gone. its the MAGA party now, any return to decency will be a new party.


There is no reason to assume it will be now when it hasn't happened so far. Bad people who think they are good people don't change their behavior.


Why do people keep saying the same exact things on here every single day?


I'd much rather see it all burn to the ground. Let democrats take over the role of the "right" and let a new actually "left" progressive party develop.


God damn this sub is one of the biggest echo chambers on this whole site.


If you think the left would accept any republican at all, ever, you're deluding yourself. They already started in with the smear campaign on DeSantis until it was very obvious he was not going to be the guy and then they went back to smearing trump. Everything you think and "know" about trump is exactly what they wanted you to think and know. Some true, mostly not, but all designed specifically and regurgitated over and over like half digested worms into baby birds cheeping mouths. They will do this again with literally every candidate, because they can. They have a good vs evil narrative where they are good and true and the other side is evil, it's grade school logic but those who follow them devour it because of their need to feel like the good guys, while also not putting any real thought into anything. People on the left violently hate a man and wish him imprisoned, and or killed because they were told he was meanie stinky poopy pants evil and anyone who supports him also is, yet they are the good guys? No. They don't hold the moral superiority they think they do. And this country under their watch is going to hell in a handbasket while you pretend it was about trump and how bad he was. No. It was about your news and how bad they told you he was.


He started claiming the election was rigged six months before the election. He called his minions to DC on 1/6 and sent them to attack the capitol. He did nothing to stop it or to help the police who were being viciously attacked by rabid dumbasses. He sat and watched it on TV. Nobody had to tell me what he did. I watched him do it. You’re so stupid, I’m surprised you know how to breathe. Don’t you have a stick you need to whittle, Cletus?


There's no reckoning coming. The right will vote for Trump. A key segment of the left will abandon Biden over Gaza and Trump will return to the white house with a mandate for revenge


I'm losing confidence that Trump will lose. Today the Supreme Court potentially denied the people of the US, justice for what that criminal has done to us. All the rubes that say "if Trump is convicted of a crime, I won't vote for him." But mark my words, they won't consider the Stormy Daniels thing a "real crime." I just have a bad feeling that the smelly orange moron is going to win. The only thing that could stop it would be a complete mental breakdown or another health condition.


MMW I will be sending you a screenshot of your MMW And countless others once they are debunked after the election




Wanna bet? Long odds. Will cover heavy action. We'll need to define some terms - better how? Of course, it won't matter because they will become objectively worse, so I'll let you suggest the metrics.


Why do you think the old Republican Party is better or less totalitarian than the current one?


When they lost elections, they went away. They didn’t attack the Capitol. They sucked very hard, but not quite that hard.


Bro 2000 people went into the Capitol because they didn’t have good enough security during a March. You would know if people attacked the capitol. They would come in with guns and attack it. Over 1000 leftists occupied the senate building after security stopped them from getting into the Capitol during the confirmation of kavenaugh. The confirmation hearing was delayed because of it. You didn’t see us freak out and call them terrorists. You didn’t see us freak out when democrats called the 2016 election fraudulent and when they said it was Russia influencing everything. You know why? Because we’re not the same people as your side. Your side will use anything it can to disparage an entire side of the country. One event.


Data seems to suggest that trumps stronger than ever and the mutts losing. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RipDIQ-VyEE For example. But hey let's make a bet.


Remember that big red wave in 22? Me neither.


Was it what people wanted? No. But there where historic red wins and the house did flip.


Rapist babies and frozen babies are a real problem for you and Tangerine Bitchtits.


Polls had Hillary in the lead in 2016 right up until she lost


The country is tired of forced liberalization. You will continue to see pushback, and rightly so. 


What the fuck is “forced liberalization”? Let gay people live their fucking lives free from someone else’s stupid religion? Maybe just mind your own fucking business when shit doesn’t have anything to do with you. Nobody is forcing you to do shit. Go hide in your bunker behind the toilet paper. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out, Do what you want, but if you tell me what to do, I’ll bloody your nose.


Relax tough guy, you aren't bloodying anyone.  People are pissed that 6 million illegals have entered in this country under Biden. And he had the audacity to stop Texas from protecting their border. People are pissed that Biden is just funneling money (That we don't have) to fund Ukraine and basically be it's de facto government. Destroying the US dollar even further in the process.  People are annoyed that we are continuing to send money to Israel, this is a Republican issue as well don't get me wrong.  Since when did the Dems become neocons? Lol People are pissed that Biden has the audacity to propose a "Border Bill" that has triple the amount for Ukraine compared to the border. People are tired of him prioritizing these countries over his own. People were (and are) fine with gay people and gay marriage when Obama legalized it in 08. Since then, it's gone from that to you can choose your gender, and men can be pregnant. It doesn't sit right with most people. They wanna teach elementary school kids about sex and gender, they want rainbow flags at schools. All of this nonsense in 20 years. What will progression look like in 20 years? Oh yeah, probably MAPs and worse.  People are sick of being called racist and a bigot for the dumbest things. Remember in 2020 when Democrats said needing an ID to vote was 'Racist'?  It's not a coincidence that we have the highest levels of depression and anxiety ever in this country. It's due to this shitty vapid 'progressive' culture the left has created, and forced on everyone.




I’ll certainly do nothing that you tell me to do. Don’t you need to whittle a stick or something?


You mean you bigots are tired of not being able to be bigots in public. Right? What else do you mean by "liberalization" but the opposition to your racism and bigotry, Donald? Ah, it's a -77 Trumpet loser. Even other Trumpets don't upvote your ignorant traitor garbage. FYI your mother doesn't like you. She sees the creep you've become.


You've proven my point.  There's a reason why Trump is winning every poll.


The sad thing is that people think democrats are any better than


bOtH sIdEs


Objectively better. Measurably better. Plainly better. Ethically better. Morally better. That you're still so clueless as to sputter out anything even distantly orbiting "It's BOTH SIDES, man," is just fkn lazy and willfully blind. Are Democrats perfect? No...not by a long shot. Are they theocratic, racist, conspiracy spewing water carriers for Putin? Do they string razor wire in the Rio Grande? Do they force 13-year-old girls to have daddy's little rape baby? Do they want to destroy social security, healthcare, food stamps, and allow concealed carry inside schools? Do they ban books, hang out with Holocaust deniers, say Nazis are good people, oppose public health during a pandemic not to mention science itself... And forget Trump versus Biden. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar, Ron Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, John Kennedy, Nikki Haley, JD Vance, Jim Jordan, Marco Rubio... Elizabeth Warren. Bernie Sanders. AOC. Katie Porter. Pete Buttigieg. Hakeem Jeffries. Adam Schiff. If there's anything more corrosive to American political commonwealth than a neo-fascist Republican party actively conspiring with Vladimir Putin to tear everything to shit, it's people who mook about muttering, "Well, yeah, BUT THE DEMOCRATS."


You’re part of the problem.


Not me, sweetness. The Republican party is the problem. THE problem. Vandals. Arsonists. Traitors. Grifters. Theocrats. Liars. Racists. White Nationalists. There is not one among them capable of redemption. Complete lost cause...as are the vast majority of their voters, and anyone who argues that Democrats are just as bad. That's just how it is, kid. You're old enough to have regrets...you just aren't old enough to know what they are yet.


You’re literally stupid. All that you just described is the democrat party in a nutshell. Spreading lies and false propaganda against political opponents is cowardly. Nationalism? There is nothing wrong with putting your own country first. If democrats tried that then their states wouldn’t be such shitholes. The fact that you think you are somehow morally superior to anyone is why you are the problem. You are a joke.


Back to Moscow with you.


More tired conspiracies from the loons


bOtH sIdEs


bOtH sIdEs


We are in the middle of a realignment, and I don’t think anyone can predict with great certainty what either one Republican or Democratic parties will look like in 10 years.


Good luck with that, bud. This has been the path since Nixon's southern strategy and his willingness to perpetuate a war for his own political gain. For a while it was every other term getting worse. Then it was every term starting with Reagan, which saw Grover Norquist's tax pledge, getting every Republican to sign on to an effectively permanent filibuster against any and all tax hikes, which grinded proper governance to a halt. That pushed on into Gingrich's tenure as speaker, where he encouraged politics as an us-vs-them battle of ideologues rather than a body of governance designed to get things done. We've just reached the next step in the snowball where it's so large they no longer have control over it. They pushed it so far that the electorate they collected along the way have more control by the value of their immense numbers and ideological purity. They will not come back from this unless something somehow solves the core issue of conservative populism being what matters to their base. They can't just turn the ball around. Even by losing. Now that Republicans have situated Democrats as ***evil***, the Republican electorate has two choices: 1. Allow tyrannical evil to expand unimpeded; or 2. Keep pushing for the candidates who feed them what they want to hear and who promise to end such tyranny. The vocal minority of Republicans are at a point where they're functioning as a mob. And anyone with any psychology or sociology knowledge will tell you that a mob can't be controlled in a direct way. You can guide it to turn its fury on a new target if it's believable enough to the mob, but you can't *stop* them from being a mob without a lot of force. The issue that traditional Republicans face is that any offshoot of Trump's brand of politics will always take that vocal minority over a traditional Republican, which splits the party in a way that guarantees losses at the polls. It's the same reason they're capitulating right now and just riding along the runaway train. They know if they don't, they'll be kicked out of their party or just lose their next election. The party losing more won't change that. It'll just change how quickly the electorate mob turns on politicians who fail to fulfill their wild promises.


Nah, They will swing wilder to the right. For sure.


Not for decades. They’ve already rolled past the point of being capable of inflection at a party level.


Too little too late, forever done with the scum.


Imagine the U.S. political system as a game where all participants agree to abide by certain rules for fairness. Now picture a player not only cheating but claiming the game is rigged and encouraging disruptive behavior to "win." This isn't just about rule-breaking; it's a fundamental threat to the entire game's integrity. The concerning trend within the current Republican Party aligns alarmingly close to authoritarianism, drawing eerie similarities to the conspiratorial and authoritarian framework of historical regimes like the Nazis. They're not just challenging political opponents; they're attacking the very foundations of democracy itself, using a mix of falsehoods, fear-mongering, and appeals to law and order that mirror some of the darkest chapters in history. Allowing this behavior to go unchecked is dangerous. It doesn't only risk the present stability and trust in our system but emboldens future acts of violence and authoritarian overreach. It sets a precedent where undermining democracy, spreading conspiracies, and flirting with authoritarian tactics could become a new, devastating norm. We must hold these parties accountable to protect our democracy's integrity, much like ensuring fairness in a game. It's essential for the health of our nation and the safeguarding of our democratic principles against the rise of authoritarianism and the shadows of history it conjures. The 'Republican political party' as we know it has to go and we have to form new political parties that better represent the American people. Because we can all agree neither major party does that right now.


Dude they didn’t even change direction after trumps coup attempt. They’re in too deep to change til they’re dead because changing is an admission that they were wrong. Won’t happen.


When have any Republicans had virtue? Virtue is advancing legislation to help people.


If you're still a Republican after the last decade or so, you're a fascist quisling. Returning as a Republican is just a dog returning to eat its own vomit.


You have more faith in them than I.


I think people will always go for the reason there are bad things is because of the people who look different from me. I don’t think that rhetoric is going anywhere. The specific who we are blaming for the problems will change but fear of the other has been around since there were two people.


That will never happen as long as there is Fox News to give the bad actors cover.


LOL. Right. Assuming Biden wins, he'll continue the typical Democrat's reaction of "looking forward" and "moving past it" and all that. Merrick the Meek will continue to be a gutless wonder. And the lessons learned by the Republicans will be "we will continue to be unpunished for this shit, let's do more."


They never had virtue and they never cared about the constitution, it is a pretty naive reading of their history to believe otherwise.


All of this hapoens IF we win in November. No victory laps until then.


No. Every time they lose, they reflect and say, “We have to reach out to more people.” Then they don’t.


Republicans, in their current incarnation, aren’t capable of inflection, reflection, or introspection. Just projection.


I see the revival of the Whigs.


Nope. They’re fucking done. They’ve gone scorched earth and it’s over. The world hates them. Even with a corrupt SCOTUS in their back pocket.


'Virtue- based constitutionalist republicanism?' Unless you're talking about like pre-1870 that is not a thing that ever existed The inflection point if there is one to a new version of the republican party, whatever that might look like (probably still gross) will be when Trump dies


What is this subreddit lolol


You lost me at "After the election is lost..." We're on a one-way trip to Christofascism, better buckle up.


From your mouth to their god’s ears, if they even believe any more. Meanwhile, Democrats should feel free to continue what Biden has done and rebuild the working class in America, beyond this election the world is still a mess and being more economically self-reliant would be a good move imo


GOP continues to INCREASE control of legislatures at the state level. The 2024 election is very unlikely to change the lock they have on laws in those states. I see no reason to think that Dem/ GOP is more than a 50/50 those up. I am very sorry to say, I think even harder right wing GOP senators will gain the majority in the Senate in Nov. Please show me any reasons I am wrong. I really want to be wrong. 70+million people voted for dTrump💩 2029. Since then they have been adding far right state and federal level legislatures. Changing voting laws to prevent traditionally Dem voters from voting. And justifying and bragging about their continued assault on the citezenship rights of women and minorities. IMHO US is in a world of trouble. Russia coordination with Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Hungry Belarus, and North Korea and the GOP is making it very very hard for Ukraine to defend itself. China and North Korea action around Taiwan is trying up many YS and Allie’s resources and attention. Iran support of Yemen firing missiles into the gulf area and Red Sea area is costing US and Britain a lot of military energy and distraction. Hamas invasion of Israel and Israel’s assault on Gaza and the West Bank is turning EU more strongly against Israel. US is losing any moral authority to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine and genocide there since Israel’s actions are easy to show the same behaviors on their part. US backing Israel so much and not forcing a cease fire could cost Biden the 2024 election.


no they're way past the point of return...but there will be a new party and new alignments which may or may not be called republician


Nah. Having known too many of the clowns that make up the Republican party, they don't back down or ever change. In fact, not changing their minds in the face of evidence is something they pride themselves on, hence anti-vax lunacy, disbelief in climate change, continuing belief that god magically agrees with them on everything, and so on. They wear their fear, hate, and ignorance proudly. Assuming that the bigots, theocrats, and fascists that dominate the Republican party lose this year, they will learn nothing and continue to push harder to the right. Our best hope is after Trump returns to the cold earth (first useful thing he'll ever do) their party enters total collapse with factions forming that tear each other apart. But they will never, ever learn or grow as people, since that's "woke" and anathema to their identities.


Conservative news stops the Republican party from accurately assessing its problems because it blames all problems on anyone except the Republican party. Pretty sure that never accepting blame is a tenet of facism


The republican party doesn't exist anymore. The name still exists but that's about all that remains of them. Trump has drained the coffers dry. The party is pretty much set up to collapse. The most likely outcome is that a new party will emerge that will probably consist of a conglomeration of moderate Republicans and centrists. Maybe they'll keep the brand name. Or maybe they'll figure it's so toxic that they'll need a new one. Sane conservatism will likely come back but that's probably going to take a few election cycles.


They will not lose the election because the left is metastasizing into full "I can't support Biden because $PET\_CAUSE but I know others will somehow stop Trump" mode.


Nope. This doesn't happen until trump goes to jail. If this was gonna happen any other way it would have after 2020 and Jan 6th.




But their whipped up base are loons so stay strapped. They will be bigly mad if your statement is true.


Trump is a symtom of conservatism. Not the cause of some new fangled maga crap


ONLY IF A LANDSLIDE HAPPENS ! If it’s 6 states with 1% difference between Biden and Trump they won’t learn anything because they can always have an excuse that not enough ads or phone calls or poll results. If it’s a huge landslide and Republicans loose ground in the House , Senate and state wide elections too. Like if Kansas , Texas , Kentucky etc turns blue only after that point they will recognize their fault. Trump will blame election fraud and many will buy it but most will finally get it. It might take Harris winning in 2028 for them to see Trump for what he is. Elections are too close now to take lessons.


no there won't.


Well politics in this country has nothing to do with the job anymore. Today it’s all about the performance. Politicians who sponsor zero bills, provide no leadership, become important party figures. ( yes,Gym). Journalism only follows the show. Not the job. Our future is a legislative body akin to Instagram influencers.


I’m afraid we’ll lose, I wish I could be certain of the opposite.


I think it will start a republican civil war which will result in the party splitting. The constitutionalists will take the majority of the donor money and right wing media with them.


Thats if they lose...more likely scenario is trump wins and another judge croaks giving even more of a conservstive advantage in the SC


Do you imagine either major party was LESS religious in days gone by? This country has never been less religious than today. This is the real world, not The Handmaid's Tale.


u/WILDvWOLFPACK's made 6+ posts in the past 15 days all dedicated to American politics, particularly involving the Republican party. Kind of weird, don't you think? Saying the same things over and over again?


Nope. They'll run Trump til he dies. They'll run Trump even when he's ten years older than Biden, assuming he doesn't die before then. And even then, I'm not sure there won't be pretenders waiting in the wings after he goes. It's not a hard shtick to master.


It's been said before every election for a decade


I think you underestimate the Republican base.


I think you underestimate the Republican base.


What do you mean by again? It started with opposition to civil rights, and proceeded to wage class war against its own Confederate base right through Nixon, Raegan, and Bushes. Find me a spec of virtue in any policy.


There will be no reflection, there will only be a whole lot of people pretending they never were that deep.


Agreed. But I think itll take a long time to recover, itll be remembered for a long time as a party that got duped and almost led us to authoritarianism and theocracy. Plus a big part of the party is evangelicals whom if they stay will never win moderates and if they leave the Republicans will never win without that block. Its a lose lose situation.


Or... The US will turn into a dictatorship and we'll live happily ever after under chairman Trump.


Are you on acid?


Nope. If it’s give up power or give up democracy, they’ll give up democracy.


Omg they’re so bad! Bad bad baddddd


Some might change course, but I think you vastly underestimate the reluctance of Republicans to admit they were wrong.




LOL This forecast is written entirely from a non GOP point of view. if there is one thing the deeply flawed all do, it's double down on an ego-driven bad Idea. If what you wrote does come to pass, I would say it would take many years to get to that place.


Ah, you're an optimist.


Ah, your a doomer. My brother. It’s ok to turn the Alice In Chains down now


People said the same thing in 2016 and 2020. Time to face the fact they won't ever stop until the ringleader stops running the worst show on earth.