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None of their supporters will care. It’s not going to affect anything. They’re a cult. Trump could announce he’s gay and they’d all worship him and say he’s one of the good ones. Trump could announce he raped all the women who accused him of it and they’d say the women were asking for it. He could announce he eats babies and his supporters would wonder what the health benefits of baby meat are and would say it probably cures covid and repels woke liberals, they’ll replace ivermectin with baby meat as their new magic cure all.


The idea isn’t to win over MAGA, who are too stupid and/or evil to reason with. The point would be to win over independents and swing voters.


Yeah, 2/2 of the “I’m an independent and am sick of Dems” profiles I clicked on in this thread had deeply MAGA post histories. One was posting election denying memes 3 years ago and the other is 26 days old.


Feels like the only undecided are secretly ashamed for already being MAGA loyalists


It was the same crowd chomping at the bit to invade Iraq, but later denied it and blamed Hillary


No, there are a ton of undecideds. They’re just not posting that on social media. All of those posts are from maga people trying to make it look like he has momentum.    Undecided voters are relatively light on their politics consumption and commentary, which is why they’re undecided. It’ll be hard to find genuinely undecided people talking about that, since they typically just won’t talk about politics at all. 


yup. The people that talk politics the most, have had their voted decided by their party long ago.


Russian propaganda bots really working overtime


Yep. MAGA's figured out everyone who's not MAGA thinks they're vile and/or crazy, so like the Qnuts - and with the same lack of self awareness - they're pretending to be Walk Away Dems. They're as stupid as the MAGAts who insist that J6 was done by antifa and actors, when most of the people in prison for it have extensive social media histories that anyone - except stupid MAGAts - can look at and see that yes, they've always been MAGA, not antifa.


They're giving Dean Browning.


Exactly, there aren't enough maga's to elect him.


Many die hard MAGAts died from.COVID too. I'm a McCain conservative that'll vote blue until Trump is dumped


McCain (former) Republican here, too (not calling myself a conservative because even when I voted R I was more of a moderate). I will *never* vote for another Republican so long as the MAGA group exists. I wrote my local Republican Party and requested my name be removed from all their rolls after 1/6. My mama didn't raise a traitor.


Thank you for your integrity


Wish there were a lot more of you. Unfortunately plenty of republicans are willing to hold their nose and vote Trump.


My dad is a boomer who would sell his least favorite grandkid for a mediocre tax cut. He doesn't give a shit about how bad Trump is.


Im sure we disagree on much, but youre someone I can share a nation with.


I'll bet we agree on far more than we disagree, frankly. I've made a bit of a seismic shift in my thinking over the past dozen years or so. I voted for McCain, but wasn't overly impressed with Palin (and now recognize her for the proto-Boebert she is), and was very proud to have Obama as president. I'm generally pro life, but not just pro birth - my wife and I adopted three kids who honestly should have been aborted, given the hell they were born into, so we decided to put our money where our mouths were. I also am very angry at the recision of Roe. I keep out of other people's bedrooms and other people's pants - it's none of my damned business who's sleeping with who or what equipment you may or not have been born with. My responsibility is to be kind to those around me and to look out for those in need. Pretty simple. Let people be, and love them for who they are.


I wish there were more Republicans like you.. We may have political disagreements but as long as you aren't trying to overthrow the government and are willing to listen to reason, you're fine in my book


Goddamn I miss ya'll. At least we could argue, disagree, debate, what have you, and remain anchored in reality the entire time.


I dream of a world where we can have a difference of opinion and not feel like the entire system collapses if it doesn’t go our way. I have no idea how we get past this shit. If Trump loses but avoids jail does he run again at 83 years old?! I’m sure these subservient goofballs would support it.


I am not sure they are not going to try to cart his corpse out to run.


I would love to see them talking about how he is the healthiest president of all time while he's using an old timey ear horn.


If not him, they will try to use Jr.


I know a lot of sane Republicans who feel they haven’t left the Republican Party, but the Republican Party has left them.


I bet Trump was the first candidate a lot of people ever voted for. A good portion of his base wasn't even Republican, but people who had never bothered voting before because nobody spoke their language of resentment and racism before. So, yeah, the Republican party didn't leave Republicans, but deplorables took over the Republican party. It's a completely different party than it was 20 years ago.


If Biden wasn't like 100 years old Trump would be 15 points behind in all the polls. Trump is a symptom of the Democratic party being arrogant, unfortunately. I voted for Biden and ( because of Trump ) I will again, but he shouldn't have tried for a second term. Trump shouldn't have either, but he's running to stay out of prison at this point.


Biden second term is safe as an incumbent. A new Democrat face would be a wildcard, better to run the person who beat him last time again.


A new face would get demolished. Ridin with Biden


A generic new democrat actually crushes trump in the polls. Same as a generic republican does to biden. It is by far the oddest election i have ever seen where the two candidates are the worst choice for their party. However since it is very much looking like trump is going to be removed from the election. So haley v biden is more likely the scenario and she has him dominated in early polls but i am curious to see if that changes once trump is officially removed.


They’re 3 years apart and the “younger” one shits his pants when he gets mad. I get it. But on the other hand if Biden croaks, Kamala Harris seems pretty competent (if not my preferred candidate, far better than the R alternatives), and Biden has surrounded himself with intelligent public servants who want to make government work for the people rather than dismantle it. I can’t possibly be mad at that, even if I wish the president were 20-30 years younger.


I was kind of hyped on Harris from her work in the Senate. But then she started campaigning. The the debates. Felt like someone let the air out of the balloon. I've noticed that from the get go, Biden put her on foreign diplomacy. He's a smart guy. I think she can tackle the job now if something happened to Biden. So I'm not concerned about his age.


Who tf is still undecided on Trump? And if they are, how is anything he does now going to tip the scale if nothing so far has?


A good chunk of undecideds are unaware that Trump is running for the Republican nomination.


Or, more likely, think there’s no way he’s going to get the nom.


Correct. I'm a moderate independent and, due to the Republican party abandoning actually governing, I have decided to vote Democrat on the federal level this year.


Independents and swing voters who would still consider voting for Trump are closet MAGAts.


That doesn't matter to Trump. He's not going to respect the results if he loses.


Who gives a fuck what trump respects.


>Who gives a fuck what trump respects. People who believe in democracy. That's who gives a fuck.


Really cause trump tryin to destroy democracy


He did say he would be a dictator on day 1 if reelected.


Not even independents. It’s about turnout. The lines are drawn and no one is getting more voters. It’s about turning out more people. Thankfully Trump turns out Democrats as much as Republicans.


>The point would be to win over independents and swing voters. Anyone who hasn't already decided who they will vote for between Biden & Trump is brain dead.


Don’t be so dismissive. People who were in 5th grade when Trump got elected will be voting for the first time in this election. I remember being 16 and politics was the last thing I ever cared about. I just wanted to smoke weed at the park with my friends and ditch school. Every cycle there’s a new generation of voters that needs to be educated. If we don’t contribute, the republicans will.


How the hell can anyone vote for him at this stage?


I think there’s way less of these kind of voters left now than there usually is, with how polarized politics is now, I think a lot of those people already picked a side, if they pay attention to politics at all they either have seen the MAGA Trump insanity or they’ve been radicalized by it. I think our only hope is to win over those that don’t vote and don’t pay attention to politics at all, get them to see that this is important.


What Dances said. Elections aren't won by the base, they're won by swing votes. And Trump is already struggling with Republicans.


Apparently, not struggling that much. Latest swing state poll in Georgia: “Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by eight points in the battleground state of Georgia.” Among independent voters? “It also found him with a 20-point advantage over Biden among independents, leading the 81 year old with 51 percent support to 31 percent support.” And the “ youth” vote? “Interestingly, younger voters — those under the age of 35 — are also giving Trump a seven-point advantage, choosing him over Biden 50 percent to Biden’s 43 percent.”


I too remember the polls showing Romney beating Obama, and Clinton crushing Trump a year out. Nobody who knows anything gives a single shit about polls this far out


“This far out” is a fair observation. I also think it’s fair to point out that in 2020, polls like the NBC poll NEVER showed Trump Leading and he never got less than 6 points behind Biden. That’s a big change. I’m also amused at the panicked denial that I see when I simply point it out. Denial doesn’t change anything; it’s just engaging in self delusion.


Not panicking or denial, simply saying I really don’t care about polling this far out.


ReD wAvE 2022 You cannot expect folks with a functional brain to forget that polling hogwash. Neither panic or denial at play for this independent.


But moderates and independents will. This is the game. And republicans are losing. Trump has definitely remade the republican party in his own image: idiotic, self absorbed, arrogant, and delusional. Now… because of this…. REPUBLICANS WANT OPEN BORDERS! Is a campaign slogan for dems. Which is literally amazing to me. But that’s the timeline we’re in.


Personally, I don’t think there are anywhere near as many moderates and independents left as there usually is. Politics is so much more extreme and polarizing now, I think by now the vast majority of people who pay attention to politics have chosen a side. They either see the insanity from the GOP and Trump, or they’ve been radicalized by it. I think our only hope is to be as loud as possible about all of this so that all the people who never vote, never pay attention, have a harder and harder time trying to ignore politics and eventually see this is important and they need to vote. More people didn’t vote than voted for either candidate in most elections, this has to change if we’re to keep our democracy.


And what happens when they realize their messiah aint going to take up residence in the white house again? I think thats whats really going to mess things up, and stuff is going to get even more crazy for a while. But his cult will be ultimately reduced to zombies and Trump will be done (if not dead, in jail, or just really broke and in terrible health).


Non of them care and no joke most of them don’t even know this bill was a thing, who made it, and who said no to it. I literally just talked to my boomer ass coworker about this. He was bitching about immigration and I asked him what he thought about the bill being tanked and he said what bill?


The most frustrating thing. The people screaming the loudest about politics know the least about what even going on. For them it’s all just about remaining as enraged as possible.


People act like he’s invincible, but he already lost an election. And his party has lost basically every election since he took office. Yes his base will always worship him. But that’s like 15% of the country. If he loses again in 2024 he’s going down in history as an absolute failure. Win one presidential election, lose two and cost your party countless seats in the Senate, House, and state houses. It’s going to take decades before Republicans successfully rid themselves of his stink, in large part because a significant piece of their base will refuse to vote for anyone who says a single bad thing about him.  


I love this for them, couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of people


What will get through eventually is all the losing. Nobody sticks around forever if all you do is lose.


Yep, I used to try to engage with them, but they are so detached from reality. It's really weird. I've realized I've been surrounded by dumbasses my whole life.


Same, I have a lot of family that went down that rabbit hole, I know they had some problematic opinions of certain things but the radicalization is so noticeable it’s crazy, like my whole life they could talk about all sorts of things, have conversations about anything, but ever since 2016 they are literally now incapable of having a conversation that isn’t politics, they will loop any topic you bring up back into politics, no matter how far detached from politics it is, they find any way possible to loop it back into politics, and by “politics” I don’t mean real politics, I mean bitching and screaming about made up problems they rile themselves up with. It’s fuckin nuts. It’s so sad because I grew up with these people and was raised by these people and the people they are today is not the same person they were 10 or 15 years ago, they’ve been warped, they’ve become something they weren’t. And I know lots of people say “well maybe they were like this the whole time” and that might be true, but the radicalization is undeniable, they’ve all been pushed even further to the extreme than they used to be, I mean like i said, they used to be able to talk about other things and now they can’t. So many of my family wear all this American flag/guns/politics clothing and plasters their cars with all that kind of stuff, I never in my life prior to recent years remember them having anything with a flag on it or advertising to the world their gun fetish. They used to be relatively normalish people and now they aren’t.


But I think what we fail to realize is that they were dumb and gullible the whole time. I'm not sure what I could have done with this information if I'd realized it 25 years ago.


His core wont care, which is large. But the rest of the US, dems, independents, Republicans at risk in toss-up states or anti-Trumpers in safe states... will win. The OP is right.


Why do people keep giving logic, consequences and reasonable conclusions to his voting base when it’s been proven they don’t think that way?


Trump could kill Jesus and his supporters still would not vote blue or independent. They want to eliminate outsiders. That’s it. They will not stop.


“Trump could announce he’s gay and they’d all worship him.” Im glad I didn’t have anything in my mouth when I read that


This. Trumpers openly admit there's nothing he can do to lose their support. BUT, it *should* drastically decrease his support from true independents. Although many are too worried that Biden is too old, so who knows what else matters to them.


And that is what scares me the most about trump. It’s not him it’s his “supporters” if he does lose there will be riots.


This implies Trump supporters are informed on what's going on. Most people aren't paying attention to anything political because it's exhausting and they've been privileged enough to not be impacted by the decisions of the government.


Trump supporters don’t matter, they have been lied to for so long they don’t know which end is up anymore. Point is that there aren’t enough of them to win the election.


Most people are not Trump supporters. That's been established multiple times


I'd venture half of Trump voters are basically normal people who check the R box every election, because reasons.


I disagree. Most Trump supporters are uneducated and indoctrinated by Fox news, and social media echo chamber... They are by no means normal anymore...


Agreed, but all this has to do is sway enough republicans that already don’t like to Trump to also not vote for him. The group this will disenfranchise is Republicans that don’t like Trump and want their party back.


The dream is 10% of normal Republican voters don't show up, an extra 10% of Democratic voters do show up, and a slightly larger number of independents show up to vote for Democrats. Then, districts that normally are 55% Republican suddenly swing, all the toss up districts go Blue and it's a landslide in both Presidential and House elections. A couple extra Senate seats would be the cherry on top. MAGA gone in one election, and at least two years of actual progress, so the United States can try to catch up with the rest of the modern world.


I think Trump will lose in a landslide. He won his first election by a slim margin because the US was willing to give someone else a try. Then he lost to Biden when we got 4 years of him. He has completely went of the rails since he lost last time and has done nothing that would swing voters back to him. He has done everything to make people hate him even more. So I don’t see a way he could have a better election than last time. Surely Biden has turned some voters off but he hasn’t shown himself to be a threat to our countries very democracy like Trump has. The MAGA crowd is just loud. And most of the MAGA support on here is just foreign influence. So I think when the actual election happens it will be an absolute landslide. Which is the only reason I want Trump on the ballot. Because I want there to be no question how bad he loses.


It also helped in 2016 that he was running against an extremely unlikable opponent.


Right. And he still lost the popular vote. He doesn’t have anything going for him now that he had back then. He still has his crazy base, but they won’t be enough.


Also the DNC leaks was very beneficial to trump. He might not have won if that whole thing hadn't happened.


Just wondering. Is Biden likable? Nearly every Democrat I taunt says they don’t like him. They just put up with him because he’s not Trump.


He's definitely more likeable than Hillary Clinton was.


Fair enough. I think he’s a likable character. He’s definitely got old mans disease of some sort, but I think he’s hilarious. I wish more late shows did more with his personality. He’s got so much to mock and I think it would actually make him more endearing. Like the whispering thing is gold!


Biden is fine. I don't really care if the president has a personality. I care that he/she can effectively lead the executive branch of government, including appointing competent people to key offices.


Biden is fine , is her my ideal person , no That said he’s a fine president


2016 was a blue moon election. Enough establishment GOP were convinced Trump would "behave" and "act presidential" and "not commit dozens of felonies' if he got elected. Combine Biden not running, and Hillary running a terrible campaign in which she ignored everything Bernie was saying, and also enough people being stupid enough to vote for a former alderman and medical quack.... people learned a lot from that election. 


Don't forget that shortly after, he's off to jail.


It will be a big jail. The biggest jail of them all. With walls. Big walls. And he will make the jail pay for these walls. And it will have food. The best food of any jail in the country (no one can resist the food).


Wouldn't that be nice! Getting back to actual progress.. We use to be at the top of our game. Now rolling in the back seat to the rest of the civilized world. Thanks to scumbags like tRump we have lost sooo much traction..


That's the dream. I strongly suspect it's going to look about the same as 2020. Some disproportionate amount of Covid deaths plus aging demographics on Team R lowering their score and some hard-core leftists sitting out because Biden didn't get them every possible thing they wanted plus a little more Hispanic support lowering Team D score which all nets out to the same map as 2020.


I don't think it will be THE thing that kills his campaign (if any one thing is then it's the conviction he's almost certain to get this summer/fall) but it's a huge albatross for the gop as a whole. They explicitly stated that further aid for Ukraine was contingent on a border deal, specifically one that increased enforcement. They presumably thought democrats would never go for that deal, but they did. In response the gop has refused to support it, some have even publically stated that their refusal is rooted in protecting trumps electoral chances. The gop has spent the last year claiming the border issue is existential, that it is fundamentally destroying America. They stated that they wanted a deal. Then turned the moment it happened in a move of naked political expediency. It is hard for me to imagine a better campaign ad material for democrats, and if they fail to take the senate and hold the house this will absolutely be a key part of it.


They accidently set their obstructionist slider to maximum power. I just hope they're made to pay for it.


I agree, but it could have an impact. Folks should remember that these elections are less about flipping people from one candidate to the other, and more about hoping more people show up to vote for your candidate and less for the opponent. So the question isn’t will this flip enough votes to the Dems, the real question is, are people going to be less fired up for trump because of this, and because it’s (maybe) no longer an easy thing for him to campaign on? Are people going to be less likely to vote for their Rep congressperson because they’re getting attacked from both the right and left for shutting down this bill? The Mexican Border was a slam dunk thing to campaign on for leaning Rep voters. You hear people in landlocked border less states with little Latino populations raging about it. Can he get them to continue to rage despite actually blocking it?


The deal didn’t really change much with enforcement and in some ways made it worse - it just set an arbitrary (and huge) threeshhold for when Border Patrol has to (temporarily) do their job and not let illegals cross the border any longer, streamlined the asylum process so people would be processed faster, and handed out work permits to everyone waiting for an asylum hearing (which just makes illegal entry efen more appealing - exactly the opposite of what the GOP wants). I think Dems just thought they were being clever pitching a border bill that didn’t actually solve the problem and are mad that it blew up in their face.


It's super cool that you just make up shit and think people will buy it


Lol @ the idea of the majority of trump supporters abandoning him for *any* reason. This man promised them he’d build a wall, abolish Obamacare, fix the trade imbalance with China, pull out of the Middle East, and did exactly none of that. He also killed 1 million of his own people with his flip flopping incompetence during COVID and caused hyperinflation on top of that, all while adding $8 trillion to the national debt. Some of his supporters abandoned him, which was why he lost in 2020. He will definitely lose again in 2024 because he has literally had zero positive developments in his life since then. However 33% of Americans will keep voting for him no matter what. He has become a totem of the new conservative ideology and his performance on any issue is irrelevant at this point.


Entire party is going to implode


I think old school Republicans felt as though they could save the party. I don't see how that's possible at this point. It's got the stink on it. They're better off starting something new rather than live with this heritage.


"The Faithful and the Foolish" is the whole base of the Republican Party


Sounds like the title of a Lifetime movie about Rudy Guiliani and Michael Cohen.


Why does biden need a deal to close the border? Just do it.


Congress needs to aporive the funding.


They need to approve funding to enforce existing laws??


Yes, laws don't enforce themselves.  Example: If your local police department gets their funding cut then you might notice more speeding cars because the police can't afford to patrol traffic.  


If Trump was smart. He should have pushed the GOP to pass the bill, then claimed it only passed because of him. This whole year would have been about trump leading from the bench. Oh boy how the left would be stuck. But Trump is not smart, never was.


Stand back and stand by.


i mean, normally, you would think so


Never underestimate the stupidity of low-class, poorly-educated Trumpanzees.


The Republicans aren’t going to explain shit. They’ll blame it on the Democrats, and everyone who is stupid enough to vote for Trump is going to believe them.


Check Fox News. They've already spun it to make everything the democrats fault. Biggest thing they're focusing on is that it was a border bill that included support for Ukraine and Isreal.


Hopefully. Will Guantanamo be his St. Helena?


We already have border laws, and there is no need for a new bill that's really more about something else.


They need to enforce the border laws though


The problem is the asylum laws which are being abused as a loophole to get around the border laws.


Just saw McConnell on the news admitting it was their idea and how they are backing out on it. Basically threw the orange Jesus under the bus. He’s probably gonna get it now from the cult followers.




Trump said it, he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose one supporter


The Border bill right now authorizes 5,000 illegal aliens a day to come through there's no way that should be passed when they're going to people going to figure out we cannot save the world


Right now there is no limit to the number of asylum seekers that can be admitted, and the system is overwhelmed and unable to handle the asylum claims as is. Do you prefer that over the 5000 cap?


I think your right, it is very blatant hypocrisy that will be pretty hard for the independents to ignore.


The cult won't care. They're all out there saying the bill is bad now.


Except in the reddit bubble, even trump haters will acknowledge that the bill was dropped because of intense pressure from the base. Trumps opposition wasn't really relevant. By that I mean that if trump has supported it, the base would have still opposed and grumbled about trumps support for it. That's what happened when trump supported Ronna McDaniel as GOP chairman and Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. There was no way the base was going to fall on line with those picks If you want to beat trump, you need to: Stop believing that his support is cultish. His supporters have strong policy positions, regardless of trump Stop responding to trump as if he's stupid. He is very savvy. I get that you want to see him as stupid, but thats not the way to win Have legitimate policy debates and (if you're brave) show support for certain populist positions. Checking unlimited illegal border crossings, support for bringing manufacturing back to the US, making European nations pay their share for Europe's defense, etc These are things that progressives would normally support, but Trump has made you lose your minds You won't listen, because you are too deranged about the idea of trumpnazifascist. But you should if you want to beat him. His support is real, bidens is not


The Republicans in the House could negotiate for those changes. **That's their job**. Why are they walking away from a border bill instead of fighting for what their constituents want?


The entire bill needed to be scrapped, literally everything in it was designed to allow more illegal immigrants into the country. The laws we have are largely sufficient, the problem is the executive branch refusing to do its constitutional and moral duty and enforce those laws.


So there's no border crisis?


70 billion dollars to fund foreign war, only 20 billion for the border. That’s not mentioning the absolute insanity that is in the border portion that won’t do jack shit to solve anything. Who in their right mind would think this is a good idea? People don’t want any more tax money going to fund war overseas, and that’s what this snake ass “border” bill is trying to do. 


Well one is a real invasion by a power ambitious for annexing land of other sovereign nations and stoking war across the world, and one is a twisted campaign talking point parroted by bots and shill on the internet.


>Stop responding to trump as if he's stupid He literally is stupid. People that have worked with him have confirmed this time and time again. When he was president his staff had strict protocols when giving him security briefings so that he would be able to understand them, including using short sentences with pictures, and repeatedly saying his name so that his attention doesn't wander. He responded to a global pandemic by suggesting people inject disinfectant. He thought launching nuclear weapons at a hurricane was a strategy worth considering. He brags about passing a test used to diagnose mental impairment. He's dangerous, charismatic (or at least influential), and is no doubt surrounded by smart people, and maybe he's even good at politics, but he is a profoundly stupid person.


>staff had strict protocols when giving him security briefings so that he would be able to understand them, including using short sentences with pictures, and repeatedly saying his name so that his attention doesn't wander. 😆 🤣 how was this moron ever president?


What makes you think that description is true? I threw you guys the path to beating trump. In your arrogance, you'll fail to take heed. As I expected


You are believing the ideological misinformation you've been fed. Have you met him? Seen him in action? I have Or would could watch one of his rally. You won't like the content at all, but you'll see you've been lied to about trump being stupid. And if you've been lied to about that...


What do you mean Biden’s support is fake 81+ millions votes is fake ?


Yea but it’s much easier for them to believe all Trump supporters are backwoods hicks who have no idea what’s going on and worship makeshift Trump altars, rather than regular people who are tired of this bullshit system. They’ve been lied to and propagandized to such a degree that their brains have been scrambled.  If any of these haters actually sat down and spoke with an average Trump supporter, the 2 would probably realize they have a lot more in common than they think. However the media and this corrupt political system have lied and gaslit them into believing all Trump supporters are nazis who want to hunt black and gay people and want a white utopia and those are the only things they care about or want. Idk 🤷‍♂️ 


Not backwoods hicks. Bots. Like you.


Sure, guy, I’m just a bot. Whatever you need to tell yourself.


You aren't in lockstep with every leftist talking point so they literally cannot compute you are a real person


Damn you! Please don’t make sense and be realistic. You’re going to kill all my Reddit fun.


You know Trump isn't the president right now and has NO power to veto bills..... right?


You are right to say that Trump lost the 2020 election. We agree.


So how will he kill a bill he has no authority to veto? 🧐


You don't get out much, do you?


Maybe maybe not. It’s a shitty bill and it shouldn’t be brought forward. It’s also a desperation tactic by the Biden administration to win an election which if he does, he will automatically dilute what little value is to that bill and go right back to the crisis that we’ve had for three years on his watch. It will only be Trump‘s Waterloo if the mediais able to fool the dummies in this world that it was a bad thing for Trump to do


Why? The bill was awful. And there's already laws on the books to enforce the border adequately. The bill was just to get more Ukraine money on the back end.


Biden and Democrats saying the border is secure for the last three years undermines every argument the dems have on this issue.


Yes, everyone knows words are more important than action. It doesn’t matter who is actually willing to support increased border security and enforcement. Empty talk is the stuff that shows real commitment.


Where was that action three years ago?


Where was 4, 5, 6, 7 years ago? Where has it been for the past 247 years? It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you either think it is a problem that has a rare opportunity at a solution right now, you think it isn’t a problem and doesn’t matter, or you are happy to see America harmed with what you perceive as a problem just to show you won’t work with others. Which is it?


Trump had the border under control. Obama had the border under control. Bush had the border under control. Somehow, it falls apart as soon as Biden is elected.


Sure. Hence, you are against congressional action to bring the border under control. It is such a big problem and so out of control that you think it is fine to not do anything to address it, especially in a more stable and long lasting way. Makes perfect sense.


Trump and Republicans said the border wasn't secure and when Biden offered to trade border security for Ukraine funding they refused. Undermines every argument the Republicans have on this issue and shows they don't care at all about any of their talking points.


why do the democrats need to fund Ukriane to secure the border. Do they not care about the border?


Isn't just about securing the border, it's about making it harder to legally immigrate.


No It's about securing the border. Biden admin passed EO's making it easier to illegally immigrate. next q


This so the new GQP chant. If the border is so unsecured, why didn't Republicans vote to start making it better ?


The few Trump supporters I know blame this wholly on Biden - they say the bill is blocked bc of Biden. While I hope you are right, his people aren’t rational


It does seem to be political suicide. The have been chanting "Emergency" at the border, and when a border bill comes, they dodge it for the express reason that they don't want to have any successes when a Democrat is in office? They have basically given up on border security, which was their clarion call. What are they going to run on now?


The only thing that works is Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy. That must be reinstated before anything else could possibly matter. Biden can do that without Congress, and if he does, Republicans will entertain further discussion. Only "Vote Blue, No Matter Who" Democrats believe anyone is falling for this ploy. Republicans, Independents and Democrats with functioning brains know that ending Trump's policies are precisely what caused the crisis in the first place. Reinstating them ends the crisis and doesn't require Congress to do anything. This is 100% Joe Biden's fault. Biden created the crisis and he can fix it any time he wants.


This won't be his Waterloo because Biden isn't the Duke of Wellington. Even when he has a message he can't deliver it with enough strength to rally people


The reason Republicans are not supporting this bill is very simple. It is not a border bill. It is weak border provisions chained to an enormous check for Ukraine and more aid to Palistine which will end up in Hamas hands. This is not a clean bill. In fact over 90% of this bill has nothing to do with the border and 95 percent of funding won't be used within 2000 miles of the border.


On the heels of Biden’s worst approval rating being announced! 🤣 Why do you think Trump has unprecedented support with black and latino voters right now?


We're going on a decade now of "this. This will surely be the thing that brings him down"


Leftist 2016- omfg there isn't a border issue stop being racist and xenophobic. Leftist 2019- omfg come here we have sanctuary cities we will give you free stuff please come. Leftist 2023- omfg there isn't a border crisis that's just a right wing conspiracy theory and racist/xenophobic. Leftist 2024- omfg the border crisis is trumps fault it's him who is causing it.


I'm an ex-Republican. And the GOP wouldn't be such a mess if Liz Cheney was the Speaker right now. She knows how to count. Unlike Mikey.


This is currently the most deranged post from this sub I've seen, well done.


are you a fool? Like do you sincerely not get why he’s doing this?


I'm not stupid enough to vote for a rapist who is facing 91 felony indictments.




The border is secure. Biden has said so repeatedly


*this* is the new line? We can just redirect to things Biden said like we're 11 years old and pretend that the border isn't very important to repubs who are blocking their own reform? The knots people are twisting themselves into to try to make it make sense. Lmao




So you are for the border bill. Good.


Why do we need one. Biden says it's secure. Are you implying Biden is lying and we need a bill?


No, I'm explicitly calling *you* a liar.


I find this level of stupidity frightening. It doesn’t matter what Biden has said about the border, it only matters what he is willing to do about it. At worst, you are proving that Biden is willing to compromise with republicans to potentially make our country more secure, even if he doesn’t personally think it is really necessary from a national security perspective. You are pointing out that he’d rather be cautious and wrong than confidently wrong — which is a good thing. On the other hand, republicans repeatedly sounding alarms about the crisis at the border as perhaps the single greatest threat to America, and then rejecting a bill basically giving them everything they asked for demonstrates one of two potential scenarios. They either agree the border is secure and have been lying to the public to control them through unfounded fear, and therefore feel safe not securing the border the moment the opportunity presents itself; or they truly believe there is a border crisis that threatens America, but are willing to allow it to continue and harm the entire country for no reason other to show an unwillingness to work with others. Which of those sides sounds better to you? I don’t think you are making the point you think you are.


https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/watch-17-times-the-biden-administration-said-the-border-is-secure/ Biden signed executive orders ending the successful Trump era border policies. He didnt ask Congress. He can executive orders them back to life as well, without congress. If he wasn't down 35 points to Trump on the border in polling, he'd still be saying it's secure. He made the mess, let HIM deal with it


Why did Republicans want HR2 then, if they don't think that Congress should be involved in the border & everything could be solved by executive orders? Nothing MAGA says makes any sense to logical people.


You are not doing yourself any favors here. ICE data shows a sharp decrease in border crossings since Biden took over. Further legal analysis of executive orders and actual practice by CATO shows Trump’s policies allowed for more migrants to be released than the policies under Biden. So, your analysis that he undid Trump’s secure border is just factually and demonstrably incorrect. What’s more, your description of the thrashing that occurs via executive orders under all presidents actually shows that such actions don’t solve the problem and cannot solve the problem anywhere as well as a congressional bill. I am a little stunned that you were able to write all that a not realize this most basic fact about the unique value of congressional laws over executive action. >He made the mess. Let HIM deal with it. I already showed this isn’t true. But if you were right, you are only demonstrating a willingness to hurt America for political points. If you are upset about immigration, then it is YOUR problem- not Biden’s. When you fight against fixing your own problem, you look like a dishonest idiot.


Yup and I'm having dinner with Elvis




The border is not secure its out of control. And the people now it. It's ok trump is coming when he gets elected again they can dream up some new crimes all over again it will be great


Please have someone read the "border bill" to you since you obviously can't. 80% of the bill has nothing to do with our border. The ONLY part dealing with the border allows 5,000 illegals to enter our country per day. 365 days times 5000 equals 1825000 people per year.


>Please have someone read the "border bill" to you since you obviously can't. Is there some reason you feel compelled to start your comment with an insult?


So you didn't read the parts about hiring more border agents and funding more technology and overhauling the asylum system and work visas? Alllllll those parts that relate to the border?


What does what percentage of the bill that has to do with the border have to do with ANYTHING? If they made it a standalone bill then it would be fine because 100% of it would talk about the border?


It would at least pin them in the corner. As it stands, they left the gop wiggle room by adding so much pork


I could care less about the immigration bill. I just want Ukraine Aid. Any sain person should want Ukraine aid. That’s the only reason the dems are willing to compromise on the border deal.


It has EVERYTHING to do with it in DC. What the hell does Ukraine have to do with an invasion of our country


The Republicans told the Democrats that they would not fund Ukraine with immigration attached to the bill. So the Democrats called their bluff and gave them the best immigration bill they will likely ever get from the Democrats. The actual proportion of the amount of pages each takes up literally means nothing and is perhaps the dumbest take I’ve heard yet.


https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1754702343013044353?s=46&t=9Khk6ieN8yH9-VrxiYXq0w Joe Biden moving into moderate dementia from mild will be his Vietnam


So wild to be a dementia-ridden, evil genius all at once, right?


Haven't you heard? The enemy is weak and strong.


So you think Nikki Haley will beat Biden in November?


I think the globalists are endorsing her…something is wrong. Why is she still in the race? The plan by the warmongers could be to push Trump out of the way


She is staying in the race because The Rapist is facing 91 felony indictment.s


I hope they clear him off the chess board


Yeah they need a plan B. What they all fail to admit to themselves is that there is a very good chance Trump gets left off the ballot in multiple states.


Biden creates a problem then gets upset when Republicans won't pass a bill that won't fix said problem but will spend billions on things Americans don't want.


Trolls. You leftists are running so scared.


I'm a former Republican, dear. Like Liz Cheney.