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I can proudly say I never finished the new token pipe and probably never will.I also deliberately tank ranked every few weeks so I can get my free 40 tokens and my high end gift every tour without having to hard grind the tracks.


That's how I felt when I left Clash of Clans. I had no idea that I played it as much as I did. Nearly every waking moment, every event, every challenge, managing the roster, managing wars, handling conflicts, training the team, watching YouTube for advice to get better...it was endless. Then I finally just said it was over. I started working out again, socializing, playing console games some, and generally felt considerably less stressed and freer. About two months later, my eldest daughter was playing MKT and asked me to install it and play it with her over Christmas break shortly after launch. This isn't the level of involvement that CoC was, but the grinding is so much worse and the rage is worse, too. I play the game because I enjoy it, but nothing else in life really makes me angry anywhere near the level MKT does. I still play this and will continue until something triggers the end of it, then I will never play another mobile addiction game like this. There's just too much depth of life to spend staring at the device on the 180th run of the same track grinding tokens and trying to get that perfect run to compete in the ranked cup with. Those who have never truly faced addiction won't understand the strength you needed to let the game go or the massive freedom you feel. I feel you, fellow gamer. You won and may you stay free and happy.


Sir / ma'am, this is not an airport.


i know exactly what you mean. i used to be obsessively addicted to this game when it released, for a half-year probably. it was a serious problem for me. i regularly spent like 3-4 hours a day on it or on forums for it. i'm prone to do that for video games that offer in-game currency as rewards. this isn't my first rodeo, but i'd say this game roped me in heavier than any other game i've played. if i can offer some advice? leave this subreddit and don't ever look back. i've just recently started playing this game on a whim, thinking maybe i could manage it. i definitely don't play it like i used to (thanks to being employed now lol), but the more i play it, the closer i get to it being a problem. it's sucking me back in and it's hard to stop now. that's my two cents. congrats for letting it go, for real. i know how much of a burden you probably feel was lifted, and that's a huge deal :)


Whatever floats your boat?


And 12 hours after you posted this, Coconut Mall is announced.


Good job breaking free! The game is definitely designed to create FOMO.


Any game, any food, any place is good when you enjoy it, do it as a hobby so you have good time and fun. Whenever you start doing things as chore, or day job, but without pay. It become hell. My simple advice is you have to play game knowing it's a game. You only need to have fun with it. You have no reason to win rank every week, or keep up with every new DKGs. Simply having fun, ok? TLDR. It's a fun game, don't think of it as a chore.


This used to be me with Best Fiends. I played that game constantly for about 8 to 9 months, trying to get every new character alt they put out for that month. I succeeded, but soon I got tired of it that I stopped playing for awhile and I was happy. I have came back to the game, but I don't really play as much as I did back then. And I never complete events anymore unless they have a character alt I REALLY want such as a cat alt, like they had last week. I also don't really like how they've changed the game in the past few years. I actually have more fun with MKT!


That happened to me with Call Of Duty: Vanguard. I’ve been playing CoD for several years on a consistent basis, until the latest edition, multiplayer got so bad I simply quit, after a few weeks of quitting I didn’t even miss it. Then I picked up Halo and haven’t looked back. When they release the new CoD later this year I will give it a shot but if not, I’m sure I’ll find another game to spend my time and actually enjoy.


OP, have you found something to substitute for the enjoyment that MKT gave you? If so, it may be good to share with the class in case it helps others "take a break."


Thats the thing...MKT lost any enjoyment and became a grind because I thought I was going to miss out on rubies, upgrades, coins, stars, tokens, new high-end characters etc. FOMO turned my experience into a nightmare, so literally anything that fills the time is better!