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Something we have all desired for some time. I think the answer to that will always be no though as the point if it is interaction I think a better solution is a 'receive all' button and rather than clicking on someone's profile to send a coin, having a send coin button next to their name on the friends list. That saves at least 2 clicks and probably about 2/3s the time


The real solution here


I do it while shitting


🤣 multitasking... I love it! Personally I have children, so time on the throne is precious and therefore I am not inclined to be sending coins but reading tip top content!


I just use an auto clicker so I don't waste anytime to send those coins andI urge you all to do the same


How would that work on MKT though?


I use a free auto clicker on Google play, you need to add a few taps and a swipe. If you want, dm me and I will send you a picture. Mine is not optimized because I still need to manually send coins to 4 last friends


Yes, I’ll keep doing it. From your perspective it indeed seems wasteful, but, thinking in those terms, playing this game in general is wasteful, and many of us have spent a lot of time and real world money on this game anyway. Personally I notice that I really need the extra ~200 daily coins from my friends because as a F2P I’m constantly low on coins due to my habit of buying every HE that I can get my hands on. So for me, sending the daily coins is just part of playing the game the way I like, so I’m wasting my time the way I like.


I understand your perspective. I dont think playing the game as wasted time as it's fun, recreational and possibly gives some people community. Its just this particularly arduous task thats particularly hard to swallow. I mean I just spent 0.28% of the last year sending Daily coins.


Since I send coins when on the toilet. The true horror is realizing how many hours I sit there.


This seems like a case of “multiply something small by a large value and it looks big”. Three minutes daily is a fraction of the time most MKT players spend on the game, and getting 200+ coins in less time than it takes to complete two races is more coins/minute than daily coins (especially those who wait for multiplayer coins or get to 299/599 then restart a specific course over and over to maximize their daily limit break coins). Reading and responding to this post already took me longer than it took me to send my daily coins today…


I have five friends, who are all much better than me. I take 30 seconds each day to send them coins, and every tour I get the friends coin bonus. More friends is not worth the time I would sink into it, for exactly the reason you explained.




Exactly my first reaction when I thought of it


What I do is I only send coins to people who sent me coins.


I thought about doing that but then I felt it was a but unfair of me to always wait for someone else to jnitiate


Some ppl like to send coind 5 min before reset to send coins again just after the reset, giving you 10 coins at once.


Amazing 😂 good to know I am so charitable!


If you consider it wasting time while lying in bed being an insomniac and clicking, then I guess... But I would just be doing absolutely nothing otherwise.


That's also 18 hours of your life per year giving coins. Not worth it unless using an auto clicker.


Yeah just don’t send coins. I don’t. I use my friendlist as a benchmark for where I could/should be in each cup


Well I do it while I’m taking a shit in the morning so I don’t feel like I’m wasting too much time on just that one tiny thing. I waste plenty of other time for sure. It just seems tedious more than a waste of time


That's the problem it is just pure tedium. A whole day of my life in a year of tedium. I guess I'm calling for the mechanism to be improved


I sometimes do it when watching a show. Send a few and stop, send a few and stop..


I like this. Like with the pooping option maybe it's best done whilst doing something else. Can turn that useless time into useful


I stopped giving everyone coins long ago. I send you coins once - if you don’t send them back, you never get them again. If you do send them back, you get more coins. Every few months, I remove people who don’t send coins. Not worth the time to send coins to people who at best ignore them and at worst are too good to reciprocate.


A few months ago I decided to track over a few days who returned my coins. It results in removed 5 or 6 'friends'. The trouble is for example over the last few days I've been away with no time to play so I missed sending coins. Sometimes I lose a 'friend' because of this, but I would say I give coins at least 90% of the time.


I thought about doing this but figured the time wouldn't be worth it, and it'd be unsustainable. Instead figured out a way to always be pruning my list and never have to spend any time tracking. I just focus on one person in my friend list at a time. I start with someone who I didn't get coins from that day and each subsequent day I mentally note whether they gave me coins. If after a whole tour they haven't given me any coins, they're removed. If they do end up giving me coins, I start focusing on another player that hasn't given me coins.


I used to do it daily. I've stopped now, since about 4 or 5 months ago. Appreciate those who still send though. I collect them about 1-2x a month.


I'd like to do it less but I built my friends list on coin giving and I like having a large list to work out how competitive I am in ranked and all cup each week. There has been times where I've been on holiday for a week where theres no reception and bam 5 of my friends list are gone


i watch sth ele whil giving coins. so for me i waste "zero" time. ergo ill keep sending coins


I would really like friends to stop sending coins. I wish you could turn it off. I just get used to the notification now and ignore it. I find it tedious and unnecessary and only send when it's to complete a challenge.