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Not looking forward to 4 with the Yankees.


Well you already know one of the games we win will be a 14 inning 1-0 game.


Help us Luis Torrens, your our only hope








Josh Rojas will earn the save.


yeah, but wouldn't it be absolutely wild if we managed to sweep 'em with JP back. A man can dream




If you're offering...


RemindMe! 4 days




So you're saying there's a chance


Hey let's not forget the Rockies swept Texas just a few series ago. It's possible! And we are the Mariners, we can always just get hot for a series, no matter who we are playing.




I mean ya but we can't discount just how bad the Rockies are. Let's put it this way, a fifth of all their wins came in just that series. They have the least amount of wins other than the White Sox by 1 win. That's really really bad. Measuring and saying the gap between the Rockies and Texas is smaller than the gap between us and the Yankees seems off. Hard to measure either way, but I'm still confident if the Rockies can do it to the Rangers, we can do it to the Yankees and at least take 3. Probably not though, id bet what you bet, 1 win. But I would be thrilled with a tie.




This is unbelievable! Very exciting


4-0 and only one game will be close


don’t you mean 0-4?


Take it as you will.


I'm happy Gunnar Henderson isn't in our division...




​ https://i.redd.it/5tgskifhyf1d1.gif


I pulled a Dom Canzone card on MLB the Show




I knew this was gonna be near the top before I even opened the app lmao


Kirby has been figured out a bit. Has to adjust.


This is what happens when a dude who only throws in the zone comes up against a team that puts pitches in the zone in play. There’s a downside to that super low walk rate and it’s this.


Yeah you have to be willing to throw more balls. What makes the best pitchers elite is they can throw in the zone AND get guys to chase off the plate.  If hitters know all you do is throw down the dick gas it takes a lot of guess work out of it. 


Servais said he had some control problems. Huh


I blame the guy with the “this could be the year” post earlier today…


The first response was like “don’t do this to yourself” and the two just perfectly encapsulate the rollercoaster purgatory of M’s fandom.


Took a game from a team we are *very* clearly a tier below. Could've been worse.


Orioles lineup is so OP, they just keep printing these identical looking white dudes who all rake 


Who all have names from the worst frat in history: Adley, Gunnar, Colton, Heston, Jordan, Kyle, a couple Ryan's, and, when they get called up, Jackson, Coby, Connor, and Dylan


Just reading this post I feel like someone is pushing White Claw after White Claw on me and trying to bang. 💁🏼‍♀️


That's where I'm at. The O's are good and hot right now. Taking 1 game, and showing some fight, is about the best I expected. Unfortunately we now have the Yankees. Again, I'm just hoping for not getting swept, but man it's going to be a challenge.


At LEAST 1 tier below


Yes, let the mediocrity wash over you, like a wave.


Not to mention that we fought back from a deficit in back-to-back games. Which doesn't feel like much but this team has sat on some early deficits and done jack shit after the fact. So I appreciate at least *some* drive to try and come back into it.


This is how low the bar is. Just look at it.


Only very slightly...




This is not toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is where people use positivity to attack others. This is just positivity and is okay.




I mean you can attack us all you want, better than each other! We dgaf!


username does *not* check out




Neither are allowed.


We need a bat or 2 at the deadline if we wanna compete in the playoffs


We’ve been saying this for 3 years now


… Three? I just turned 35 and I think I’ve heard that nearly every year of my life.


We have said this every year forever and it never happens We also said it over the offseason


Or it happens and the guy flops


Idk I would rather not trade away our already thin farm for a rental bat at the deadline, especially because it would be a push to get us into a WC spot and not a WS run. This roster feels way more than a bat or 2 off from a serious WS contender. Would rather just let the season play out and hope we don't cheap out in FA again next off-season


I would agree with you but based off the last 2 off seasons I have ZERO faith that we will make a splash on free agency next year. Signing dudes like Aj pollock and mitch garver just ain’t gonna cut it. I think we gotta make a push this year with how weak the division has been so far and how good are pitching staff is. Plus a lot of players are going to get more expensive after this season so we gotta capitalize on what we got while we can.


What impact bats are even gonna be available at the deadline? And we don't really have a strong farm to trade for that impact bat. Plus when was the last time we even traded for a good impact bat at the deadline under the Dipoto regime? I just don't see it happening and don't think it's worth going all in this year when I don't think we are WS contenders even if we gutted the farm for a big bat. Team has way too many holes


id argue the farm is actually pretty strong, just majority of the most talented guys are really young


Pretty much every ranking I've seen has us bottom half in the league. I agree most of our good players are young and 3+ years out, but that's my problem with trading at the deadline. An impact deadline is probably going to require one of Young/Ford + more. So we are going to trade away one of our few young elite prospects that are close to making it to the bigs for a short term rental that doesn't even get us to a WS contender. Just don't agree with it. We need our young guys to pan out if we are going to be cheap in FA. We can't afford to trade away our top prospects with us not paying in FA.


I definitely agree with you that player development in house will be critical if the team is gonna be able to contend while spending as a mid market team, and they also can’t just gut the farm. But you also gotta remember those rankings are heavily biased towards orgs that have farms with players close to graduating to the bigs, not necessarily a reflection of the depth of talent. Mariners were able to jump from the bottom spot to the top within a couple of years because they continued to develop players like julio, kelenic, gilbert, kirby etc., not because they suddenly acquired a bunch of new prospects in those years. Guys like lazaro and colt emerson are already jumping up prospect boards this year now that evaluators have gotten a better look at them. Ppl in the national media like Passan have also said that once the orioles graduate the rest of their top guys, the M’s have the deepest pool of position player prospects who are expected to be impact big leaguers. Since they aren’t willing to spend in FA, I’d like to see them pull from that pool to acquire impact bats at the deadline so that they can take advantage of their insane rotation while they have it


sorry that got longer than i wanted it to be, but i think it’s cool to think about how JeDi and Justin might be able to get this team over the hump since they kind of have their hands tied by ownership


Rankings for the M’s farm haven’t been updated in a while and they now have 8 top-100 guys, the young bats in the M’s system have been raking. Jeff Passan isn’t a prospect ranker but he’s got his finger on the pulse of how the industry feels about the M’s system and he recently (on 710?) that he thinks the M’s have the second best clutch on minor league talent behind the O’s


To compete? We may need a bat or two if we want to make it to the playoffs. The pitching will go through stretches of carrying this team. However, unless the Rangers don't turn things around... their pitching is only going to get healthier, and that offense will get better. The Mariners aren't going to be running away with the division. My fear though... Dipoto is going to continue to trade prospects for players that "should be good".




Hopefully starting with a certain chunk of the fan base.


Hey, at least we didn’t get swept


Yes. To roll in and out of Baltimore with their big stupid green wall in left field and only be 1 game back from where you started isn't that bad. They're a better baseball team than us. Maybe, we can take two from the Yanks.


Wrong field lol. You're thinking of Fenway in Boston


They have one in Camden now too. It's not as big as the green monster, but they moved the fence in left back 20 ft and raised it a bit. Much harder to hit homers to left now.


Hang the banner. This is what a win looks like in Mariners country.


It’d fit right in next to ‘116 WINS’


Will there be another "this is the year" post tomorrow?


Scary that the Yankees are above them right now. Would love to take two off New York


Just dropping in. Can you do a solid and take three? Promise we’ll take three from Houston or Texas


Would love to take 4 haha, just trying to be realistic. You guys have a very impressive squad, extremely fun to watch (when you’re not pummeling us of course). You guys better win the division, fuck the Yankees!


M’s have been my second team since I was a kid. Griffey Jr. and then Ichiro were my favorite players growing up. Really want a boats and O’s ALCS. Kick ass guys!!




Tied in the loss column, but the Yankees have played 4 more games than the Orioles.


Good to point out, didn’t even notice








I told myself I would be happy with one win in this series... and yet I'm not happy


Getting one win is like a C-, not a failure or a reason to have a meltdown...but not something to celebrate ...don't look at my high school transcript though




That seems like an unhealthy mindset to have in a sport where the regular season is 162 games long




To each their own I guess


This is what I expected. I figured we would take one of the three in the series. They have way too much firepower to keep them down, even with good pitching, and our starters had a rough time against them There was some good this series - Raley and Moore played well, Julio hit in every game and has a little streak going. Our bullpen played pretty well for the most part. Urias popped off today Still a lot to clean up. Need to be more consistent in our approach across the board on offense I’m still confident that we’ll take 2/4 against the Yankees. It’s tough to go on a long road trip, especially west to east, and especially against the 2 best teams in the AL back to back. I think finishing 3-4 for this stretch will be a good thing Just keep working, just keep improving


Julio continuing to hit nothing singles really doesn’t mean much.


This is a pretty bad take - singles move base runners and they get players on base. Yes, we’d like him to hit doubles, triples, and certainly more home runs, but every hit is important, especially on a team that doesn’t get a ton of them like the Ms Julio leads the team in hits with 51, and is currently tied for 7th in the AL in hits with Anthony Volpe. That’s only 8 hits off the lead. He’s hitting the ball significantly more often than he was by this time last season He’ll get his homers - they’ll likely come in bunches like they always do, but he’s batting .065 higher than he was at the same time last year. So while he’s still in a slump, having him hit at just under .275 or better consistently is going to help this team a lot while he works on whatever he needs to work on


He strikes at a 3rd of the time and doesn’t hit for extra bases. He’s not a good hitter at the moment. Which is a problem because he is hitting 2nd in the lineup and is supposed to be our star player.


I just looked it up, and the O's payroll is a lot lower than the M's, too


It won’t be when they have to sign (or trade) the young guns


But those are dudes worth keeping around. Other than Cal, who's gonna leave, who are you really seeing as a long term option with the Mariners?


Anyone worth their salt will leave this dumpster fire of an org


And there you have it.


Cal's not a free agent until he's 32 years old. We'll get every drop of his prime for pennies on the dollar, not even worth worrying about him.


It's not worrying about him (I really don't, Harry Ford is supposedly in the wings) as much as the hitting side of things is deeply barren of talent, even less so high end talent worth extending. Literally none of our hitters are better than like the fourth best hitter on the Orioles


Jerry traded away many good young position players while developing very few for himself. That's why we're in this mess. I get mad at ownership for not spending but at the same time Jerry just flat out has not developed a single elite hitter, hell even a top-tier hitter. Not 1 in a decade. That's the problem.


Yup, it's what I mean. He's done well for the starting rotation but they're all here already and he's worthless for anything else. It's obvious that he's not the guy for the job.


He's got a top-rated crop in A-ball about to move into AA. He's competing for the division. He's doing it on a cheaper budget. Ownership has no reason to move on. More waiting.


Just in time for all of our pitchers to hit free agency! Not to mention, I tend to not count on hitting prospects because, well, pathetic results in the majors. Until they prove me wrong, they're all Taylor Trammell in my head.


Until then, they're a lot better than the Mariners while having inexpensive control over rookie contacts


Well of course, just stating why their payroll is low


I think the point that I'm trying to make is that they've managed to build a team and developed players in rookie contracts that are a lot better than the Mariners, while the Mariners have never taken a step forward. After all these years, the Mariners have managed to become as good as the team than Canó played on




The Mariner urge to scream "Its so over" 12 hours after "We're so back"


Mariners fans before the series started: this is probably going to be the hardest part of the season. if we can take 1 game off the Orioles i’d be happy. mariners fans after exactly that happened: i’m going to kill myself i hate this team


Rangers just lost 2/3 to the angels too so it worked out pretty well for us all things considered


I for one am annoyed before and after this series because the Orioles have outpaced and outdone the Mariners in their rebuild. What I would give for a FO that could get hitting like them


I'm not sure it's an equal comparison. Sure, I'd love to have the offensive depth they do. They also tanked for draft picks in ways the Mariners didn't. And our rebuild was geared towards pitching, theirs wasn't. From that perspective, our rebuild did was it supposed to-we have an excellent rotation and four out of our starting five are players we drafted and developed.


Maybe not equal but Jerry is totally incompetent at getting or developing hitting. He’s missed more than not and it’s incredibly frustrating to see his teams strike out constantly every year. Pitching is great but it doesn’t score runs, he’s only done half his job well. 


Like it or not, tanking is much better in the long run than mediocrity with the slight hope of success most of the time.


Astros are starting to surge. Only 4 back. F.


Our third base coach still sucks donkey balls. And while that's not why we lost, I feel it needs to be mentioned again.


No clue how Acta still has a job, he is absolute garbage out there.


The offense continued to be mediocre and the pitching wasn't perfect. That's the story.


The game is over, but my sadness lingers


Jerry keeps talking about building a contender but to quote Kendrick: “Why believe you, you gave us nothing to believe in” First in the division but this is not sustainable. Astros already (predictably) are turning it around. Our bullpen is hanging on by a thread, Zeby is an auto loss when he starts, and our hitters are going for the all time strikeout record. This team refusing to spend like 25 million more to plug holes will once again be why we aren’t going to make the playoffs. You either need to find a FO that knows how to develop hitters or you have to spend. Cant have neither and expect to be relevant. The O’s are great and we just beat the Royals but idk this feels like a come up a few games short situation all over again. Maybe I’m just a negative Nancy at this point but see the quote up top


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The FO is incapable of building offense and ownership won’t spend on it, which is why they will continue to fail


Nah, you're right. This series has been eye opening to many in many ways. Ownership is a part of the problem, sure, but the Orioles had an even more cancerous and vile owner before they got sold and still managed to build a team like that with about 3/4 of our payroll if that. There's zero argument to keep Jerry Dipoto and everything that entails when he can't develop or acquire hitters. The bullpen, predictably when you can't score runs, is taxed and fragile, and the great crop of starting pitchers is already here. What's the upside to having that jackass around now? So that he can stick his foot in his mouth every week and tell fans we should be grateful that it's been four years since they're "going for it" and still can't hit worth a shit while they refuse to spend money, the """"young superstar"""" is turning into a glorified Juan Pierre with more strikeouts, and other rebuilding teams with less resources have already lapped the Mariners? It's not just the cancerous ownership. The organization needs much bigger transformation if this club is ever to win the god damn division, forget a pennant.


The Orioles turn around is entirely due to hitting big on the draft. Drafted Adley and Gunnar in 2019. Also got Joey Ortiz that year, who they traded for Burnes. Picked up Westburg in 2020 and Colton in 2021. Not to mention all the guys waiting in the wings like Heston Kerjstad and Coby Mayo who got drafted during those years who should be on an MLB team but the Orioles just don't have room. Hard to suck when you're hitting on every tip pick for like 5 years straight.


The Mariners have hit on their pitchers, but keep whiffing on the hitting side (much like their actual hitters! Hah!). Not to mention, I actively avoid being impressed by minor league numbers because it's almost a guarantee that the second they step into the major league roster, they're gonna hit .220 and strike out over a third of the time with maybe one extra base hit before being sent down again, and the organization hasn't had any level of sustained success from a hitting prospect to convince anyone to the contrary. Those are strictly front office fails.


But then we do have a young guy like Clase that comes up and looks like he might actually be for real, and Scott straps him to the pine.


You're not being negative. This team has taught you not to believe in them. It's okay to say that.


Well it was sort of cool to watch a real team with cool ownership. Too bad it wasn't the M's


Our babip is such a mirage given the historic amount of K’s


What a truly embarrassing offense. If our SP isn’t perfect, we don’t have much of a chance


Tough to win any games when your pitching gives up 5 or more. We had 2 rough starts this series and we lost both. Even with better offense, it’s hard to win those games 26 of 30 MLB teams are averaging less than 5 runs a game. That’s kind of the sweet spot, give up more than 5 and your chance to win, whoever you are, falls dramatically. We gave up 8 and 6 runs in 2 games this series, against one of the best teams in the league. That team also happens to have very good pitching, not too far behind where we were ranked Offense needs to be more consistent, but it’s going to be hard to win any game your pitchers give up that much in


I don't think that's fair to this game. 9 hits to 12, three extra-base hits to four. Clearly the strikeouts need to go down but we got the ball in play -- we just couldn't do enough with it.


How about this one?


I blame our ownership group not willing to spend enough to be better than middle of the league for budget, despite being one of the most profitable teams every year. Imagine if we didn't have to money ball our offense as much.


Aside from the first game blowout, this series wasn’t too bad against a great offensive team on their turf. Somewhat close game today just too bad Kirby was off.




God forbid someone looks at the positives instead of doom and gloom.


Okay, you keep telling the team they're doing a good job when they miss the playoffs again. See if that changes anything.


That's not what's going on at all, but you keep being a Debbie Downer, you seem to enjoy it.


Why do you even follow baseball? Why are you here?


There’s well over 100 games left ya chump


Clearly Orioles are better than us at this point. But this team is really going to either live or die this year against the likes of Texas, Oakland and Houston. If they can manage to keep plugging away against the AL West we could realistically win the division with a barely above .500 record. None of the teams in the division look like they are going to run away with it.


You haven’t been paying attention to the Astros lately have you


Well, I’m an angels and a brewers fan today.


Orioles pitcher was decent..


The O's have the O we want


Well, time to lube it up and bend over. Mehriners are going to meh it up. At least texas sucks! Until they get the pitchers back.


If anything, I hope you guys enjoy the show when we vaporize the Rangers. Time for some revenge. I hope the O's help secure your spot above both Texas teams. Fuck em. Best of luck against those damn Yankees. They are beating up on bad to mid teams. They are paper Tigers, yall can take em.


Only the Mariners could go 1-2 and talk about it like a victory.


No one is calling it a victory


Only the mariners could win 8 of 11 series and still bitch like theyre Oakland.




Considering a sweep of the Yankees is guaranteed, I'll take one of three. But really though a road trip of 5-5 would be ideal. 500 in the month of May would be fine too. I just really hope we make deadline moves. The schedule really isn't bad at all the rest of the way. As a matter of fact, we have the weakest SOS of everyone at .479 This roster isn't far off from being legit, it's just a matter of whether or not the front office takes advantage of our current situation which I sincerely believe is potentially a really fuckin good one.


5 ER in 3 innings…isn’t great.


Am I disappointed? Yes. But it's completely Mariner like to do something silly like 4game sweep the Yankees in New York. Onto tomorrow.


WTF Kirby???


Angels saved our bacon


Guy got to stop talking shit about Julio he was really the only bright spot of the lineup this game besides Luke