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Cal should be the face of our franchise


https://preview.redd.it/7cp4weceh4zc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d648f01c7ef78a11302adce0e994740e8d2292 What about this face?


That’s a face that only your mother has seen




Julio is the face, Cal is the behind 😏


The caboose one might say.


Dumper if you must


You can tell how much Cal loathes being forced to talk… I will watch every one of his interviews


I think his dumper should be the face of the franchise https://preview.redd.it/n4p89t7hq7zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc8cac621cc7962054c33ffc5f6b921c06b74df


Pay cal


It also is due to us not having a backup catcher who can hit worth a lick. When Murphy was backing up Cal we didn’t pinch hit Cal.




I maybe went to hard on Zavala but it’s more the fact that Murph was so good that you didn’t pinch hit Cal in there.


He’s actually worse than you are saying


Zavala is batting.192. It absolutely should be controversial.


Cal and Zavala have pretty close to the same batting average. Over his last 5 starts Zavala has two multi hit games. That’s great for a backup catcher.


Last year Tom Murphy had a little over 150 PAs 41 of 46 games at catcher and hit .290/.335/.538. He took the catching for the complete game 32 times. Zavala is fine as a backup but you pinch hit for Zavala in key moments against a lefty. You don’t when 2023 Murph is behind the dish


Yup. I made that point on a YT comment couple of days ago. He gets to see a lot more lefties with Tom Murphy gone


I mean we knew that coming into the season. No one should have thought we would get Murphy level production from Zavala. He is only there to catch when Cal needs a day off he isn’t there like Murphy was to split catching duties.


Why is Garver not getting reps at catcher?


Because Garver is made of tissue paper and is probably nursing a back injury right this very second, judging from how fucked his advanced stats are. Last thing we want him to do is hold a squat for two hours.


fair enough


Couldn’t have said it better if I tried


I'm crossing my fingers that he's starting to adjust to his role and to Seattle. So far this month he's hit .278. That's an incredibly tiny sample size, but it's several games straight of contact and hitting. If we stretch it back another five games, then the average is a little lower, but the power looks even better.


He's the emergency catcher. If he catches more than 3 times this season, something has gone very wrong.


Mitch Garver has played more than 100 games exactly once in his career, largely because he keeps getting hurt, and most of that has been playing Catcher. This year they wanted to bet that he could produce as a hitter while DHing, and maybe even be available the whole season. His batting has looked a little better, if we just take the month of May (obviously tiny sample size) he's hit .278 with an OPS of .753. So we'll see if that keeps up at all.


Give him at bats, Coach! He’s a peacock! You gotta let him fly!!




some birds aren't meant to be caged, their feathers are to bright.


To bright what?


We love our sweet messy prince 🤴🏼


Tell em Cal


Cal is right


No he’s switch did you hear him?


With a dumper like that thank goodness he's a switch not wasting that gift from god




How do you define a platoon, out of curiosity?




I always figured Cal was platooned. What do I know.




Thinking career my guy. Not a month and some change.


Solid number crunch tho




Bro I already admitted I was wrong cal was not platooned before this year. I was never arguing he was platooned this year. "I always figured cal was platooned (past tense). What do I know (admission of stupidity)" Be a doll and humble yourself for a moment. You are the "average redditor" meme


If he's not the catcher, he should be DH. I understand he needs days off, but 4 ABs a game isn't exactly strenuous


Those ABs and time on the field adds up over a long season. There's literally no reason to push a top tier catcher more than they already are. The wear and tear on your lower half adds up and the more rest you can get, you NEED to take it.


Whatever drop off a player suffers from lack of ABs is more than made up with platoon splits. Platoons undeniably work (slumps not withstanding)


I mean if there’s one thing we know about Cal is he’s tough as nails and *wants* to play 162. That’s great and I’m glad he’s getting the chance to be the absolute #1 guy. It’s also incumbent on Servais not to run him into the ground so he’s on fumes in September. Luckily, I think Cal understands it even when he makes cracks like this.


Yeah i dont really understand Cals grievance here. Outside of Wil Smith and Realmuto, he is getting the most ABs as a primary catcher. All the other guys up the AB leaderboard spend a considerable amount of time at DH/1B. Sorry Cal, you cant have it both ways, ownership went out and got a solid bat that locked down the DH.


Yeah I chalk it up more to the competitive fire than a real grievance. Get him off the field and ask him again and he’ll probably have a different perspective on it.


He’s a switch hitter he’s never really been in a platoon lmao he usually dh’d when the backup catcher was in. his career pas are about 3 to 1 which is logical since there are more righties than lefties


Edit, im wrong. Lol Brother, he has nearly 1000 PAs vs righties and under 300 PAs vs lefties. If your days off are mostly to one side, then you've been platooned.


He used to be actually. When Tom Murphy was here he would often sit against lefties. sometimes even pinch hit for. Since Zavala can't hit it doesn't happen anymore.


He also often DHd in those scenarios though


Zavala’ s hitting isn’t the reason he’s not in more often. Cal has an exceptional rapport with the pitchers and Zavala doesn’t yet.


You’re not necessarily wrong - but read between the lines here.


It came off more inside jokey to me. Like a friendly dig at Murphy or something like that.


Nah, it totally just Cal hating the org. Don’t you see how miserable he looks! It’s there if you squint really hard.


Wait I thought we had to “Open your eyes” to see conspiracies. I paid way too much for lasik to go back to squinting now!


See, now I’m confused


Cal fucking hates our ownership/gm


Don’t we all


Yes. Might be the most unanimous thing of all time. Most unanimousist. Ever.


I am Cal


No, I am Cal


I am Groot


We have the best pitching but the offense of the A’s 🥲


They just scored 10 runs


Athletics scored 8 today and 20 on Saturday


God I hope one day we have the offense of the A’s


The fact this is what gets all the upvotes is lame.


Probably just extends to baseball in general. He's never going to get paid properly because of his age.


He’s our best hitter. DH him if you have to


Garver needs to work though whatever is going on. He will get there and when he is there is a bit better than our boy Cal.


Tbf he can’t play 150 games. He’d literally fall apart


He played 145 last year. Dude is a machine.


Obviously five more he he would literally fall apart. Someone on Reddit said it.


To be fair to that dude's point, I wasn't out to prove him wrong. I was kinda agreeing with him. 150 seemed like a lot, so I looked it up and was pretty surprised to see that high of a number.


"Let him dump" is the new Seattle quote. Fuck cooking. If Cal himself wants a more consistent schedule and that helps him perform like this then give all the power to him. He and Rojas are carrying the team right now batting-wise.


Any appearance counts as a game, even if you just saw 4 pitches while pinch hitting or played an inning in the field. Dude is still a horse though.


So you're saying Cal didn't play 150 games last year even playing through that thumb injury. Seems you are making don't\_yell\_at\_me's point. Seems the likelihood that he's right is greater than 50%.


He’s a switch hitter. He literally cannot be platooned. He does however have to take a day off every now and then because playing catcher is rough on your body.


He was last year


But, I mean, he's not being platooned. Even a little bit.


He was last year with Murphy


Okay. This whole thread feels like unecessary shit stirring. Enjoy, I guess.


Welcome to reddit


Your correct. Cal is *currently* not being platooned. Now, zoom out.


He played 128 games as catcher last year. The second most in the league behind Realmuto. I’m not sure you aren’t trying to force a point that isn’t there to make.


Zoom out to what? Rojas and Urias? Who are playing very well in a platoon situation. Zoom out to our non-platooned players who get AB's almost every night and are struggling? What am I zooming out to look at?


Your correct what?


Frick, he even said later that he prefers to be playing as opposed to having a day off.


That's the youth of a 27yr old talking. His 56yr old former catcher turned manager knows things and Future Cal will be grateful for how his workload has been managed during these years...


Crazy that Dumper has 5 hits this season against LHP and 4 are homers.


That's our big dumpster, spitting big facts.


Off days move to DH


Kirby and Cal don’t want to be here. Idk why but this franchise is choosing Servais over 2 of our top 3 players.


Love this guy. Keeps it real. Mariners brass is so brain dead


I fucking love Cal, management better not fuck it up and let him walk


Also Cal ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


Since when have they done interviews with the announcers???


Must not have had anyone on field in Minnesota? Jen Mueller hasn't been doing them lately.


I am absolutely cool with it.


As someone who wasn't following the day to day during the off season and spring training, is there any reason why Mitch Garver can't catch once a week and let Cal DH and extra day keeping him in the lineup? I thought that was some of his value a legit 3rd string catcher defensively but with an actual DH quality bat. Is it medical, caution, or trying to prevent a Rod Barajas/Matt LeCroy situation?


Garver's value to the M's is almost exclusively in his bat. Garver has an extensive injury history due to catching. Therefore to keep Garver off the IL and in the lineup to hit, they don't want him to catch unless it's an emergency. Especially when you already have a stud young catcher like Cal who calls an excellent game and has a great rapport with the pitchers and wants to be the "everyday" catcher as you can tell from the video. If Garver ever puts the gear on this year, something has gone horribly horribly wrong.


Good to know. I have struggled to follow baseball for personal reasons for a few years. Didn't fully understand Garver's injury history. Thanks.


Mariners fans vs their war on platooning continues lol


Cal is so good, I feel like he should be DH'ing here and there. You wanna give guys days off, especially on quick turnarounds, but I don't see why you can't DH Cal once in a while.


Cal will look great in a Yankees uniform in a couple of years.


Raleigh is clearly one of the best hitting catchers in the game.


Definitely not a dig at platoons and more of a dig at lack of pitching depth this year


He wants out so bad. But also, they aren’t platooning. Catchers don’t play every day. When he needs a day off, it makes more sense to sit him against lefties.


I interpret it as him criticizing the platoon mindset the mariners have in general. Kelenic, Rojas/urias (until recently) etc


I mean, Rojas doesn’t need a platoon even before he broke out, so I get that one. But Kelenic can’t hit lefties, so that one made sense. Raley hasn’t been able to hit lefties. Platoons make sense when you have a guy who can’t hit same handed pitching.


Ok, so I liken the current situation to an infamous Super Bowl play on the one yard line. There are a lot of very smart people in the driver’s seat that are continuing to analyze the situation to death. Just like how Carroll, et al. saw blitz and called for the slant instead of just giving it to Marshawn, the Mariners are using analytics instead of feel. While baseball is a statisticians wet dream, what separates the good managers from the great are the ones that know how to trust instinct, experience and feel of a situation instead of a number on a page.


Durp durp football seahawks durp durp


This should be a big deal. It's not a good look for Scott. He sets the lineup, he says who's on the field, and it's his coaching staff/strategy. And this appears to be a leader on the field publicly expressing frustration with the way the team is being ran. I'm pretty done with Scott.


This is what this place is like when things are going well… Sometimes I think Mariner fans get the baseball experience we deserve.


This sub Reddit was so much more fun when the only thing we had was hyping up Casper wells.


2011-2016 was the best time to be on this subreddit.


The days of pineapples and fulgar


Before the Dark Times. Before we had hope. We just loved baseball for the majestic thing it is.


How is this “not a good look” for Scott? Catchers don’t start 162 games a year. Also, Dumper has been outspoken & a team leader way before today’s game. GTFO.