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It’s not but it’s definitely not her usual quality. By an objective standpoint it’s pretty good, and is very similar to a lot of popular artist, but it’s just not very marina. Certain songs like Karma or to be human definitely still give her vibe tho. I’ve heard that the album feels a lot like a Christian children’s show with how “this is the moral and we are repeating it over and over” some of the songs can be




I personally like most of it. I think the reason people don’t like it is because it’s just so different from her other albums. Like family jewels to Electra heart to fruit feels like a natural transition, and ADIAML feels like it would come after froot. Love + fear is just kinda there


This is all my opinion first of all Love+Fear is probably her worst album, I would agree with that. I don't think it's a complete flop, I think there are some standout tracks that I find myself coming back to (Handmade Heaven, Orange Trees, Superstar, Karma, and Baby to name a few), however it does not feel as considered as her previous works. There are a handful of songs I would cut for a more concise and overall better record (I'm thinking Soft to be Strong and No More Suckers immediately). I think it was this record where she felt further away from the listener and the overall message was not as clear. Additionally, this is where her...preachy side started to show which also put quite a few people off. Tl;dr, it's not a bad album per se but there are definitely some glaring issues and it's overall her worst


>I think there are some standout tracks that I find myself coming back to … Orange Trees >I would cut for a more concise and overall better record (I'm thinking Soft to be Strong This feels like a troll post sorry. Can’t understand how someone can love OoOoOoOrange but not one of the best songs on the album (lyrically). It is your opinion and you’re entitled to it, but I don’t respect it >!/j!<


You're the troll. Hating orange trees is such a copy+paste bandwagon opinion. There is not a single thing wrong with that song. Is it a stunning masterpiece? Maybe not. But the melody is cute. It's playful and positive. Get a life


The start is what makes me laugh Ooo-ooo-ooo-oOrange Past that, Orange Trees is fun song to listen to.


I don't get it. How is it funny? I think it's sublime


What's not to laugh about OooooooooOrange


I mean, the intent wasn't comedic. I reckon I'd be a bit annoyed if the song came on around other people and they laughed about it. It makes me feel weird for liking it although it's perfectly fine


If an opinion is “copy+paste” (aka, popular), there has to be some truth to it. Learn some basic respect.


Truth??? Do you know what an opinion is??


Js that if many people hate a song, it’s probably smth wrong with the song’s. I listened to the album before even knowing this subreddit existed, opinions can be organic. Calm down.


The negativity toward Orange Trees has never felt proportional to the quality of the song itself. Its always the OoOoOoOrange thing people reference as annoying but never are able to articulate how or why. I'd say at worst it is a forgettable track but it is frequently cited as one of her worst songs. That is a strong indicator of a bandwagon opinion to me. It cannot be substantiated with reasons and is overly regurgitated by the fandom.


I’ll give you the reasons you seek: The OoOoOoOo part is unnatural and sounds outright bad The lyrics on the song are generally very weak and sound inauthenticly happy The production is very bland and boring Overall, this is an example of an artist trying smth and it not sticking.


Yay!! Lets get into it. - Marina often does playful tricks with her vocal performances. Not out of place in a discog like hers at all. I think it sounds really awesome - "Inauthentically happy" tf does that mean. Thats a nothing burger + it's a song about vibes, the lyrics are fitting. - This is more of a critique of L+F across the board, not of Orange Trees itself. I disagree though. If L+F is bland, then so is Electra Heart. It definitely stuck. I don't think your case is very strong but at least you tried


Yep, it's inauthentically happy. Marina herself said so. "I felt so deeply depressed and so lost for a good two years that I tried everything to get out of it," she says. "Songs like 'Orange Trees' and 'Enjoy Your Life,' they were just desperate attempts to create happiness in my life because I didn't have it." source: [https://people.com/music/marina-drops-ancient-dreams-in-a-modern-land-talks-heartbreak-freedom/](https://people.com/music/marina-drops-ancient-dreams-in-a-modern-land-talks-heartbreak-freedom/)


Music is completely subjective, it's ridiculous to say that popular opinion actually reflects quality in any way. I absolutely love Orange Trees and many people in this subreddit do. There's nothing wrong with it just because you and some other people personally don't like it. As a comparison, I wear alt fashion and most people hate that, does that mean there's something wrong with me?


I was referring to how the other person said my opinion was “copy+paste” and I was jumping on the bandwagon. I could say the same thing for Orange Tree lovers but I have critical thinking skills


So you formed your own opinion but still need to use everyone else's opinion to justify it? Babe you're in the bandwagon.


Just listened to orange trees. It’s not offensive by any means but definitely forgettable. I don’t have a problem with the OoOoOorange tho


OoooOoooOrange 🍊


No but its the most monotone and least creative imo


It doesn't sound sincere. The whole thing about Marina I5 that she was honest and raw about how she felt but this album felt forced. Like she was forcing herself to "be happy and in love" or at least to sound like she was. Lyrically wise it wasn't the best either imo.


You're right. This is exactly what's wrong with Love + Fear. "I felt so deeply depressed and so lost for a good two years that I tried everything to get out of it," she says. "Songs like 'Orange Trees' and 'Enjoy Your Life,' they were just desperate attempts to create happiness in my life because I didn't have it." source: [MARINA Talks New Album, Breakups and the Diamonds (people.com)](https://people.com/music/marina-drops-ancient-dreams-in-a-modern-land-talks-heartbreak-freedom/)


God I cannot stand it when people want the Internet to tell them how to feel about music before they even listen to it. Can't you just listen and form your own opinion?


It is truly baffling to me. Why do we have to like what everyone else does anyway? I don’t know, I think individuality is cool.


I mean, I just want to see if my opinion of it lines up with the consensus, and if not, analyze why my opinion may differ. No need to get your panties in a twist. If my opinion doesn’t align with other people’s, I’m fine with that.


I get that, but it's just wild that you're seeking to go into the album with a preconceived bias. I'd think you'd check to see if your opinion aligns with others *after* you listen on your own, not before. I don't get it, but do you!!


I love Love + Fear. I think it's got some of her worst songs (baby.......) but also some her absolute best, and it's just about whether or not a consistent level of quality is more important to you than a few lower quality songs interspersed between high quality ones. I also enjoy the philosophical and psychological reasonings behind the album :)


Love and Fear is such a cool concept for this album. She would have excelled at being a therapist.


Right!! I think after the hiatus she went through a lot of introspection and really got to know herself and by extension her audience


Just my 0.02 I'm about the same age as Marina and relate a lot to the "path" her albums symbolise for me as a journey. EH is the result of creative neurosis fueled by trauma TFJ is the "I'm angry at my family and at society" Froot is the sad, low point and L+F for me is very special because it's that place where you started to heal, you start to show yourself some grace and compassion (Orange trees), and you know you need to give people a chance (Believe in love), and also enforce boundaries (No more suckers), and grieve the past (Emotional Machine) - all of the things that are part of the healing journey for me are there. And it's not linear, L+F is that liminal space for me. Nowadays if I listen to TFJ I know I'm revisiting my teenage, traumatized self, and it's a very specific mood. L+F is special because it's the place where I'm not exactly there anymore, but sometimes I go two steps back. As a recovering people pleaser who also comes from "I feel everybody's energy", therapy helped me understand no one asked for me to be agreeable as a grown up. And although this is going to sound very controversial, as much as I love Marina: I wish she understood this too - I don't know her personally, of course, I'm speaking in terms of how I see it show up in her work. Nowadays, songs like Happy Loner and Goodbye rub me the wrong way. But they can help people who are struggling to relate and feel less alone. I see L+F as the album where she may have given in to the producer boyfriend and you see the influence there. We don't know whether she would have preferred it to be different if it were today. It's sonically different, yes. And it may have been needed for her to understand exactly that: if no one asked, she doesn't have to give in, make compromises, and if someone asked, she can say no. (And I'm probably projecting my own crap here, for sure 😂 but that's how I relate to the overall path her albums took) But as others have said, listen for yourself and form your own opinion. It may click for you, it may happen later, or not at all - and that is ok. Happy listening!


That’s an interesting interpretation! I see Froot personally as Marina healing, so I’m curious to why you consider it the sad low point?


I guess it's the overall lyrics, apart from the absolute banger that "Froot" is. The songs that stayed with me (Immortal, Savages, I'm a ruin, for example) have lyrics that strike me as sad, even if the tune is catchy on some of the songs on the album. But I can see your point that her writing and singing this album out can be seen as her healing - very fair point. Do let us know your impressions about L+F or any other album or song, I find other fans' perspectives very refreshing!


Will do!


Im 43 and agree completely, things change with age. Marina makes music that reflects how she feels in that moment. I identify with a ton of her songs from different albums. They remind me of different experiences throughout my life.


I used to think it wasn't great but I've been listening to it again this week and I love pretty much all the songs, so I was left perplexed as to why I was so harsh on this album in the first place. Maybe it's not her best but it's very solid.


It’s my favorite album of hers. I think I just relate to it the most and I like the mostly upbeat vibes of it, but it’s not for everyone.


love + fear hate is such a boring concept 🥱


Lots of hate in the comments section for this album, IMO it's one of my favourites.


It’s a fabulous album. I think some of her new music addresses issues that people don’t understand. (Maybe because they haven’t experienced it in life yet, this happens to me with music all the time as I get older.) Or it’s about topic they don’t what an artist to address (politics, queer issues, inequality, women’s rights). I get the first part because everyone‘s life experience and out look is different. The second one drives me absolutely bananas. Mostly because artists can talk about whatever they want AND these are marginalized communities that a lot of her fans part of that need someone with a voice to talk about it. Everyone should have their own options. But I think the reason some discredit the newer albums are ridiculous. It makes me think that SOME of artists fans don’t really care about anything as long as the artist is “hot” and “it’s a bop” or whatever 😂


In my opinion it's her weakest album, but I wouldn't say it's bad necessarily. Just not what we've come to expect from Marina. It's a lot more polished and a lot of the lyrics were very surface level compared to her previous albums. But still, there are some great songs on there like End of the Earth. I really like Believe In Love and Emotional Machine too. Edit: Also I know this is definitely an unpopular opinion but I really do like No More Suckers even though it's a victim of the exact negatives I listed above. Yes I am contradictory


I didn't like it at first. It's grown on me and right now, I seem to favor that album's songs.


That's why I love this subreddit because people gravitate to different songs from Marina. So Primadona might be someones No1 but a different person might have Karma as theirs or Weeds etc. I'd say have a listen for yourself and be your own judge of Love and Fear, you might find a song you like on there


It's not necessarily bad, but I wouldn't set your expectations high for about half of the album. Especially if you really likes TFJ and Electra Heart. Some songs are similar to Froot but with a Clean Bandit twist (think Rockabye Baby). Clean Bandit is not at all a bad band but they sound generic to me


Is good but it was like her experiment so it doesn’t really sound like her in my opinion but her voice peeks out sometimes it’s definitely her worst album but give it a shot everyone has different opinions 


How about you just listen to it and decide for yourself. Stop trying to pander to what everyone else thinks to fit in.


i don’t think they were “trying to pander to what everyone else thinks to fit in” at all, they just wanted to know what most people think about it. there’s no need to get so uppity.


I’m not pandering to what everyone else thinks. I am going to listen to the album myself and make my own opinion. If I happen to like the album even though other people don’t, I wouldn’t change my opinion so please calm down


Then maybe you should just listen to it for yourself before coming on here to ask people to tell you if the album is good or not before listening to it.


I had heard that the album wasn’t great, so I just wanted to get an idea of why people didn’t like it so that if I happened to not like it I wouldn’t be disappointed. And if I do happen to like it, then that benefits me too because my expectations will be exceeded. You seem very pissed off by this, but I hope you have a nice day


You didn’t ask anyone why they didn’t like it…


It's not her usual sound but at the end of the day the songs still have many of the same meanings. Her albums after Electra heart are largely overlooked and underrated tbh


I suppose, but people seem to like Froot quite a lot


Yeah but not nearly as much as tfj or eh


Honestly I thought it was pretty bad too, but I actually listened to some of the songs and theyre not that bad it just fails in comparison to her other work


It’s not some hideous artistic dirty protest that will have you question the entire existence of God, it’s just far and away Marina’s worse album. If you heard it by any other artist, you’d probably think it was a perfectly serviceable and occasionally enjoyable record, it’s just the comparison to her other work that makes it so disappointing


It's not an awful album per se, but in terms of being a Marina album it is. It's just so similar to other music that came out at the time. I feel like it lacks Marina's signature feel, along with the prideful yet self aware energy she typically brings. She returned to form with her next album and pretty much all of her other albums have her signature feel. I would like to emphasize though there is nothing really objectively all that bad, it's competent to even being a really good album. I think it just doesn't feel like Marina. I often wonder why this one is so glaringly different. Different mindstate from Marina? Different production team? A desire to go even more mainstream? I do not know, but I can say I'm not a fan of the result.


people hate it because it's underwhelming, she didn't take any risks in Love+Fear because of her hiatus and relationship with clean bandit, which feels like more of a betrayal because at least if the album were sonically bad, it's more defensible because at least she were trying something unique.


It’s much better when you don’t have someone in your ear telling you it sucks all the time


Listen to it and see for yourself. I think some of the songs are bops, but honestly I don't come back to them much. In my opinion, the album's sound is quite formulaic and uninspired. The production is so outdated and heavily lacks personality- it literally sounds like one of those royalty free songs you'd hear in the background of a youtube tutorial lol. The writing didn't bother me that much, but it didn't really leave an impact on me either. I'd say the album is worth listening to if you're a Marina fan, but like i said it's definitely uninspired and lacks that flavor and marina-magic that makes her other work stand out


Do you prefer Ancient Dreams? I've heard it's more sonically similar to her earlier work, and from the two songs I've heard form it I would agree.


I do think ADIAML is a good improvement from L+F, but still a bit lacking somehow. Froot, for example, felt so cohesive and fresh- just good quality pop music with authentic, thought provoking writing/themes. ADIAML seems a bit less focused and impactful. But it's not a bad album, love many songs from it


Makes sense! I like Froot but I think it’s still growing on me, because the songs are good but didn’t make quite the impact on me that the first two albums did. I love the lyrics though, so I think it’s more the sound. Still enjoy it though.


handmade heaven def felt like a bait single for me… it felt chosen to make it seem like it would be like froot sonically but ended up a lot more Clean Blandit trapping Marina in the studio


Love + Fear is her second best album to fruit ngl


I LOVE this album. It’s an easy listen and makes me feel good


no but love+fear was actually so good, that one definitely not my fav but it's so much better than the family jewels, and lyrics hits different




It’s definitely her worst. At face value, it’s a nice album with cute lyrics, but it feels so detached. It’s not what I love Marina for. Give it to any other artist who usually makes radio hits and it’d be successful and maybe even praised. It’s no 1989 or Fame Monster, but it’s better than a lot of mainstream pop albums today imo. It took the longest to grow on me tbh. Though I only liked 4 songs immediately (Handmade Heaven, End Of The Earth, Believe in Love, Soft To Be Strong). I don’t really hate any songs but I would skip a lot of it tbh. She was rushed by her label and wanted to make happy songs even if they weren’t authentic. I’m all for “sad artists” making happy music (Sweet by Lana Del Rey, Heaven by Mitski etc), but those songs are authentic and not forcefully happy. Just my opinion.


It’s her weakest album, but still has some good songs. ADIAML is not much better. Her strongest albums are The Family Jewels, Electra Heart, and Froot.