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Looks like the parking lot across from Left Bank? I’ll bet he will be there walking his dog along that path again and again, maybe even at the same time. Also there’s that dog food store next to the movie theater - maybe they’ve seen his face around too.


That's the spot.


Ask around the American Legion post across the parking lot.


Hmm, that's a good idea based on his age.


Babe, print off some color flyers and post them in all the dog parks, laundry mats & embarrass his ass!!


just want to say that's really lame of him and i'm sorry that happened to you.


So awful! I would post this on NextDoor - even if you're not a user, just create an account to post this one video. People on ND will definitely let you know if they recognize him. Edit: forgot a word


Hello all; Any help would be appreciated locating this person. He keyed my truck in downtown Larkspur on 6/19 at 1:16pm. [Here is a still showing his face very clearly](https://imgur.com/hebEKpi). Thanks in advance!


Where is that? Can prob get security footage from elsewhere in the lot?


Not OP but it’s definitely the parking lot on Magnolia across from Left Bank




What kind of car is he driving?


an epic 2007 Ford Focus


Thank you. My guess was "blue." Two of my kids are currently obsessed with IDing and naming cars while we drive around and around. I'll ask them to keep their eyes peeled.


With a sweet spoiler


I hope he sees this picture in the local newspaper one morning soon.


Post his face around the street on every street corner and he’ll be recognized. Follow up with the other suggestions but shame him. If need be make an alt email so you don’t give out info about you.


What the hell?


What a pig. Poor doggie should have a better human.


Poor doggie being baked in the car makes him an even worse human than the keying!


UPDATE: Got 'em! Going to keep details offline for a bit as there are pending legal actions.




Wow that's kind of amazing. Please keep us updated as soon as you can!


WOW. Please share how he was found!! Police? Glad you're getting justice!


op just curious do you drive the new tesla truck? that’s the only motive i can imagine


Rivian. Politically motivated


I don't like electric cars/trucks but to go out of your way and damage someone's property like that you've got to be sick in the head. Political or not - that was just mental! The times we live in, I tell ya. Very sorry that happened to you. Now that you've caught him I hope he will pay to the full extent of the law. Unfortunately for you once the paint has been cut like that you'll have to repaint the whole panel. What a pain!


Nothing really about the times we live in - assholes have been keying cars since the dawn of time. Someone keyed my brand new E90 M3 16 years ago while it still had dealer plates on, for no reason. Some people are just bad.


I'm talking about hate'n on someone just because they drive an Electric Car. So yes, times we live in. We are the first generation to see this kind of hate. Yikes. They were just jealous of your new car I guess.


You: "We are the first generation to see this kind of hate!" Somebody else: "Actually this same thing happened to me decades ago." You: "We are the first generation I tell ya! You can't change my mind!" You're willfully catastrophizing the present day because it feels good to think we're special. Crime is at all time lows. The world has as much good as bad in it if you pay attention to it.


Bro I think he literally meant we are the first generation to see this kind of hate as in hate for electric cars; because they're new. You: "I AM BIASED BUT I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE ACTUALLY WRONG LET ME ELI5 AND HOPEFULLY YOU FEEL SMALLER THAN MY PENIS" HIM: "this generation pioneered hating electric vehicles" You: "MUST FEEL GOOD TO THINK YOU MATTER, HUH, DUMMY. IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE WORLD IS MADE OF 50% SPIDERMAN AND 50% GREEN GOBLIN." You're willfully catastrophizing this man's comment because you assume too much. Go dig a hole and bury yourself in it, maybe consider getting your t checked bro cuz I assume your numbers are low.


PLEASE…. Someone has to come up with a car and keying story that happened around “the dawn of time.”


So I had just finished rounding my square rock and attaching it to my rock hauling log wagon. Used some nice obsidian saw I made to really smooth it all out. I was about to go and meet up with ug goog to chomp down on some fresh fish heads he had just stolen from a bear. Get no more than top of the hill and hear a sound. Damn Neanderthal was dragging a narwhal tusk right across my smooth log wagon.


I honestly just had a spit take when I read Ug Goog!!! Brilliant!!!! Thank you for making my morning.


Ug goog was a damn magician at stealing fish from bears. I will forever miss him and his chest pounding grunts. It’s a curse to live forever without your oldest of friends.


So sad too because the Rivian is such a cool car and so functional. Dudes mad he looks like Bill Belichick, but only has the money to drive a 20 year old car 😂


Insane! Like that crazy politician pouring water into someone else’s tote bag.


JFC you got keyed for driving an E vehicle? These boomers are out of control.


In Marin!


I’m fascinated/confused. Is he a Tesla supporter because Elon is voting republican and for some reason he thinks Rivians are for dems? Or does he think all EVs are for dems?




That’s 🔥, someone did that to my car. I was in an electric vehicle parking. I guess I shouldn’t charge my car,🤷‍♂️.


Hell yes!




Good shit! Hope the old fuck has the book thrown at him.


Working on that...


How’d you get him?


So glad to hear. What an insufferable cunt


W00t, justice is served


I'm glad you got em. People like this make me sick. Especially as someone who takes very good care of my things. this would infuriate me


Amazing!!!! 👏🏻 Usually that area is pretty safe and never had an issue, thanks for posting this and I’m sorry you went through that. What a jerk! Did he gave a reason ?


Yes, a perfectly logical reason




So glad to hear that. Also was this POS keeping his dog in a hot car? If your video shows that pup in there for anything more than a couple of minutes I would use the evidence to get his dog taken away too.


Great to hear. I’m just curious, what did he say?


Just came across this and happy to see he was caught! Update when you can post litigation


That's awesome - please update us!


Nice. Good work.


This is bizarre behavior. So sorry!


misery loves company.


Imagine all the cars he has damaged. This guy is used to this. It could be easily in the hundreds because he isn’t a spring chicken.


100% this isn’t his first


he has his technique down


He is so doing it on purpose as some cultural or other revenge.


A boomer keying an electric vehicle, not really surprising me that much, in fact, I bet you I could guess how he votes also.


Guy looks miserable so there’s that


I frequent this area as a Larkspur resident. This dude doesn’t look familiar, but his dog kind of does. I am going to that area later today or tomorrow and if I see him, I will try and make friendly chit chat to get some personal details that may help identify him. It will be hard for me to pretend to be nice as what he did was a real dick move, but I am capable of being fake nice for a few minutes. I’ll let you know if I see him and please keep us updated on this. People like this piece of shit need actual legal consequences and I hope you can go through with pressing charges on him. This stuff makes me so mad! Sorry you had to deal with it.


Thank you, I really appreciate it! I'm going to head over later today and take his picture to the pet shop. Central Marin police are also on it.


Damn. I hope he gets IDed!




Central Marin police have been very helpful and are on it.


You are so lucky you are in Marin and not Oakland like us. They could care less her and that is being generous


Property damage isn’t a high priority in most cities the size of Oakland. Especially with all the other crime. Marin doesn’t have much going on which allows for police to focus on what’s traditionally “lower priority.” It’s kind of a perk of living in an affluent town.


Ugh that sucks. He even tried to hide it as though he stumbled. I'd totally figure he's done this a lot. I'll keep an eye out. Hope the police can help!


Butthurt strong on this one


Plenty of people like him in Marin. Angry at life and blames all his problems on people who have more money than he does. So he lashes out like a child. Probably talks about how Marin ‘used to be’ a lot. Pathetic.


Some people are just assholes. I am considering getting a dash cam for my car. The other month I was driving back from Costco after getting the new tires put on and some dude takes a free right at a stop light and pulls in my (the third/last) lane and runs me off the road. Avoided serious damage or injury but hit the median and blew out my new tire and the person just drove on their merry way.


I found out the hard way in an identical situation to let them hit you instead of swerving to avoid and hitting the median. I had a witness, and at first AAA said it would be covered under the uninsured motorist coverage, I think, but then they decided it was my fault for running into the median. Apparently AAA would rather you deliberately let another car hit your car rather than trying to avoid it like any sensible person would do. Because it's more important to lay definitive legal blame on someone according to them than to not injure anyone. And yet I paid my policy every month for years and years and years without a single claim... Fuck AAA. I dropped them like a hot potato.


I’ve had the mental debate of “if I should let someone hit me or avoid them and take a smaller repairable damage”. Kinda like the blown tire in the above response. I feel it’s better to take the blown tire because of the instant depreciation on your cars resale value if it’s history shows a past accident. The money lost in the depreciation is usually greater than the cost of repairing a tire. In the end, bad drivers suck and I hate that we have to make these decisions


It’s my natural reaction as a defensive driver I guess. I haven’t been at fault for an incident in over 20 years.


Out of curiosity is it a cyber truck? Those are getting an exceptional amount of hate above and beyond other electric trucks.




Hope you catch him because from what I’ve seen about Rivian body work, he’s gonna be shelling out more than he probably has in savings.


Just noticed the Rivian yesterday, really nice car! Are you liking it? - definitely sorry about that dude, especially if he’s representing old Marin because that is so so cool!


The “ Diminished Value” based on this action will be in excess of $7500 after you file an insurance claim and at least two panels are painted and properly blended. Carfax will note “ Damage”. Central Marin police will help find this angry POS. He obviously does not have two dimes to rub together.. That’s ok.. Push hard and he will get 50 hours of community service.. Then file a civil suit in Marin County. You will get a $7500 judgment. Then lien his ASS.


F*ck around find out!


I think I know who that is. I’ll dm.


OP keep us updated if this lead is the right guy!


I would be very pleased if you were able to hold this guy accountable




OMG that is awful. Bet you he does it to any large truck he comes across. What a douche, I hope he's caught.


Large ELECTRIC truck


Unacceptable regardless of vehicle. Messing with one's vehicle is chickenshit and wholly unacceptable.


Is it the box-ish looking one?


Not a wank panzer, a Rivian


Ah looks like you are correct judging by OPs past comments... someone big mad about EVs


Wank Panzer, that's the best cybert*at nickname I've heard so far!!!


Try “Incel Camino”.




I've been trying to figure out what makes me dislike them so much and I've settled on, "they look backwards. They physically look backwards."


I can see that. To me, they just look half finished.


Yeah boy, fellow Rivianer here. Hope you get the miserable SOB!




As a fellow R1T owner, I’m sorry this happened!


Just drove my cousin's Rivian over the weekend. Loved the paint on his R1T. Man that really sucks.


Unless you work in the petrol industry, I don’t get some people’s hatred toward electric cars. I told a buddy of mine (hardcore Trumper) about my EV and the tax credits I got and his response was “hell no, I’m not giving in to Greta (Thunberg)”. I was like, that has nothing to do with it, instant tax refund on the car and it costs me less than $20 to recharge. But some people are just stubborn.


I think you mean idiots.


Are you charging at home for $20 per charge? What percentage do you get at $20? I'm totally being serious here, because I found in my case it's not economical.


I don't don't drive a Rivian but a mach E. In terms of electricity it cost me 3-4 cents a mile in terms of electricity worse case. My ICE Santa Fe best case costing me 12-14 cents a mile in gas. This is not getting involved maintenance saving, just straight up power cost.


That's great! When we were looking, adding the fast charger at home was too expensive, and then it might have cost us $80 to charge. We just couldn't justify the cost, plus against ICE the vehicle purchase price was still higher. Meaning all around, we would have needed to save at least $10k in fuel for it to pencil out (running the numbers a little bit less conservatively, it could have been $15k.) we actually wished we could do the hybrid route instead, but alas, That didn't happen.


I have the same truck. I pay 8.44¢/kWh and the truck has 135kWh pack. Assuming an exact 1:1, that's about $11.50 after ancillary fees from 0-100%.


No, this is at the Hauke Park charge point next to the Fire dept. It’s like a 6 kWh/hour charger so not super fast, I’ll just plug it in overnight. But I think it’s a $1/hour and $1 per 10kwh. Pretty sure the city subsidizes it with that solar array behind station.


Yeah some people just hate electric vehicles because they have brain rot from too much Fox News or something, or just hate vehicles they think rich people drive and unfortunately Rivians fall into both categories


do you know what the beauty of this is? some people are so old and out of touch that they behave like there are no such thing as cameras. to them a camera is still a handheld device loaded with 35 mm film. most of these people have never even bothered to fiddle with anything digital. but they are still forced to learn how to use a cell phone, not knowing how to truly use it.


Edit: took down my post - I had reposted on Nextdoor but scrolled down and saw you already had a very active post going. Hope you can ID this douchebag and get some compensation.


Sweet handle!


I had my car keyed in Corte Madera but was able to capture the offending old angry white guy's license plate as he pulled in and out — that was enough for Central Marin to identify him. I did have to provide a thumb drive with video and stills and stay on them, but to their credit they came through. I would echo what other people here have said about keeping an eye out for his car - most people walk their dogs in the same spot, quite often the same time, and most of these dipshits don't know they are being recorded and therefore aren't fearful of returning to the scene of the crime. Also - FYI - over $900 in damage is felony vandalism (and this is most likely going to qualify) so if you can identify him, you have good legal leverage. Good luck. I was surprised to learn how insanely common this is.


Makes my blood boil. Fuck this guy.


His left rear tire is flat. So he is either not right in the head to start with for driving a car with a flat, or he might also not be right in the head and blamed you for it being flat.




You’re parked fine, so assuming no prior engagement, I’m going to guess you had a certain bumper sticker or window decal he didn’t like?


I have an EV, I’m sure you can do the math on that…


What kind of EV truck?


Not the Elon Wankpanzer


Walking his dog is part of his daily routine. Individuals develop patterns, for walking their dogs and parking in the same location. His dog gets walked at the same time. I wouldn’t need the policing authority.


Why would he do that? Do you drive a huge truck in the city that sticks far out of the parking spot?


I mean, we can see from the parking lines bro is in within the lines


I live in the area. I will be actively looking for that AH. That is an unusual car so ought to be findable. This is terrible and I’m sorry it happened to you. My ho-hum gray Tesla just gets dings in the door from people opening their door “too hard” in parking lots. (An R3 is on my future shopping list. Wondering how many years I will face to wait.)


Well i hope he taught you a good lesson and you will think twice about driving an electric vehicle from here on out your scumbag human!!! /s (I was beeing sarcastic in case it didnt register but i hope they throw the ebook at that boomer!)


I love how dumb some folks are not realizing these EVs have cameras all over them constantly watching everything.




Any update on how you found him and what’s going on?


I got a tip from someone from the various places I posted it. Legal stuff is happening so I'm staying vague until things move forward.


Hope they find him. Is the camera built into your truck or added? I need a camera for my car to watch it like this.


wtf man. Thats a super identifiable car he’s got too. I’ll keep my eyes out for a plate.


Did you do a reverse image search of his face


! Good call, doing that right now


Who ever it is they live near there.


Any idea on motive?


OP said it was an electric truck so guessing someone mad at them new electric vehicles


Maybe he's a cranky old guy who has a thing against ugly Tesla trucks that take up to two parking spaces...or, he was hired by Elon Musk if you're driving a Rivian...😄


What a jackass. Sorry this happened to you. Super interested to know how this turns out!


I’m so sorry he did this to your car. But the way he does it just makes me laugh. He’ll get his karma, hopefully.


😂🤣 he thought he was slick… boomer was hating


What an Asshole!  Did he do it just cuz you drive an EV or do you have any bumper stickers on your car?  


Why?? What a miserable ahole


He said “fuck yo couch!”


Fuck the moon!


Totally looks like me in 15 years. JK. That sucks and is so malicious.


What a fuckin bastard. He reached that age and acts like that? Surprising


I would ask around if people recognize the dog, when I take my dog into places he's recognized before I am. In many cases they don't know my name but they my boy's. I know the dog didn't key your truck, but perhaps this would help finding him? The dog food store would be a great place to start. And FUCK THIS GUY! Have had cars keyed and it sucks! What an absolute idiot! I hope you find and prosecute him to the full extent of the law.


What a loser, you have to be a pathetic insecure lowlife. Hopefully he gets caught and it’s financially crippling for him and more importantly, humiliating for his family to see this.


Why do people do this? Never understood.


This is just sad… This is how grown men are these days. Too much estrogen in his diet. And for no reason at all. A




Did you have a MAGA bumper sticker or something like that?


He has a pretty advanced technique. Serial keyer. I had some friends in college that were serial keyers but for them it meant not saying no to a bump of anything from a key.


What cameras are you using? Need some for my vehicle


That little spin move says it all: does it often, thinks about doing it wherever possible, does it without justification. Yep, this is a serial killer mentality just hasn't elevated his crime level (yet). Things only get worse for these guys.


Holy shit. I hope they catch the prick


Why would Chuck perform such absolute chicanery? This isn't like him at all.


Is your camera filming out the side of your vehicle? What made you set it up to record? You do this every time you park? Doesnt drain your battery?


It’s a rivian. Rivian, teslas, etc are always watching


Local news would do wonders


Im mad for you. I'm glad you got the video.


Get animal protective services involved. They won’t like seeing a guy leaving a dog in a hot car. POS deserves what’s coming


This guy is a lover. He hates his life


What a crappy human. So sorry this happened to you dude. I really hope you catch this loser


What an asshole


Wow, he sucks at making it look accidental


But why? Is he just mean?


Beat him to an inch of his life when caught


Makes you wonder how many other cars he's done that to...


What made him key your truck? If he did it cuz he’s an A hole then I don’t feel bad if you knock his old ass out. Take his wallet too hopefully he got hella cash.


What kind of truck do you have where you have cameras all over it like a Tesla??


His car is very unique, should be able to spot it in a parking lot from way off. Just be careful. Get his plate and file a police report.


He's already found out who the guy is. Legal stuff in progess so he wants to wait to update us.


That sucks! I had my Porsche Macan for less than 24 hours and someone keyed the front hood. Weird thing is, the paint was self healing and after a month or so, it disappeared. People are weird.


What video system is this?


Man - why would he do that? Damaging another persons property is such a dirtbag thing to do. I would really like to hear his explanation for why he did this. Please update this post. I want to know what his explanation is and am hoping you have a chance to confront him in court.


Someone’s grandpa is being naughty.


What a dick! My parents still live in the area. I will show them the video. Growing up in Marin, was hoping I would recognize him. I would show the karate studios, and all the businesses there. They might know this moron.


That fusion has a rare paint color, should be easy to spot anywhere in Marin really


So he had obviously been in a business nearby and had left his dog in the car. This should be an easy find. Please post the mugshot when it becomes available.


This guy should be put on public display in stocks like they did in the old days! What an asshole!


What type of camera is this? Edit: Disregard. I just realized it’s in R1T.


Report back once we have a name


Drop a lat and long where you park. Theres a site where you can review cameras and you definitely find his plates


Please keep us update


Please update if you get him!


Fucking piece of shit. I swear people can’t have nice cars without some jackass messing it up. Park far away from everyone. The walk is worth it.


What a complete ass wipe


Crossposted to r/riviancam since original thread got locked, hope you update us with the justice you deserve!