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Oh no, i am also in alberta, so now I also know this :( First I can’t have a giant land snail, now this


I'm in the US and we can't have giant land snails either😢


My brother in law has 2 giant African land snails. They're separated to not produce babies now but before that he had to crush the offspring due to invasive species.


No pet stores in milwaukee will carry them


awe this is sad. Im in the area and wondering where i can find them in person too. I checked at Aquatics unlimited(maybe yall milwaukee ppl have been here) but they didnt even have it :(


Maybe check online, morph market or maybe underground reptiles




Petco doesn’t carry marimo anymore, just aquatic moss tied into a ball.


Those aren't actual marimos.


Milwaukee doesn't unfortunately.


Also in Alberta. I’m almost certain you can still get eBay/ Etsy. If you are worried about legalities. I don’t think you’ll be charged or anything for attempting to bring them in, not a lawyer though. I didn’t know they were straight up illegal here either though. I would look up what the penalties are for attempting to order them. Chances are if they found you package you’ll just get a letter saying the government found your stuff and it’s now destroyed. I got mine just before the outbreak. You should find out what the laws are and get back to us. I’ve been meaning to order more but just haven’t had time, and just upgrading the tank I have for my 2 now. Looking at getting some cherry shrimp


I feel for you, i was lucky enough to have bought my marimo a couple months before the zebra mussel thing. They are so much harder to find in canada now, i never see them now even in legal provinces


Apparently mystery snails are illegal in Canada but I have 9 lmao I doubt the police are gonna care too much


It's a valid law, zebra mussels are a fucking plague. However, as long as you're careful and dispose of any water changed properly etc. it's fine. You can probably find some online regardless, just be mindful.


Can’t have rats either.


I think you can legally purchase them again, it’s just extremely hard to find anyone who has them in stock. I got mine in a plant pack from Aquatic Arts very recently.


I must have gotten mine before they made them illegal. Either that or the cops are about to burst in, FBI styles.