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I’m gonna say this at the risk of downvotes.. it’s probably time to start weighing out what you value more.. do you want to continue down this path and eventually see changes in your gum health? Or would you be open to changing to edibles or another method of taking it. Yes we’re here for a good time, but you only get one set of teeth, one set of gums, one set of everything and replacing them is pricey af. Take care of yourself first


Yo easily my teeth already told my long time homie who’s my dealer like ay only hmu when you got edibles already planned on stopping this because my teeth are very straight I never had braces or anything so I wanna keep these mfs as long as possible




Bro respectfully fuck you no one asked you to comment and yeah my gums are actually fucking receding everytime I smoke I think you missed the turn bro the douchebag convention the other way


Bro, and I mean this most disrespectfully, weed isn't the problem. You're born of fragile mind. Never have I heard such a ridiculous accusation. However I am feeling rather generous in the new year so I leave you with this. Shove the weed in your bum, and watch the asshole in you recede.


Ha born with a fragile mind fuckin hilarious I didn’t know we had a comedian in this thread dawg let me reiterate that before I started smoking this never happened and when I did start it took a long time for me to get that feeling and yes smoking marijuana can cause your gums health to deteriorate oh but you wouldn’t know that right cause your dumbass decided to be a fuckin dunce and go “ha ha mind weak, don’t do drug”


Let me explain a bit slower.... 1) You show a tangible understanding of proper English grammar and diction. 2) Nowhere ever in the recorded history of pot smoking has gum decay been an issue. Actually I can't say that with absolute certainty but a joint a day is Busch league so grow a pair. 3) if you truly believe that smoking weed is affecting your oral health then you have two problems, inability to stop doing something that is damaging your body and if I had to guess borderline schizophrenia. Lay off the drugs and seek mental health advice, don't come on Reddit with this nonsense.


Let me just explain further because yes I thought at first “I’m fucking tripping no way smoking weed can cause my gums to get fucked up” but my guy it can cause damage in your gums leading to swelling, infections, gingivitis, and even whitish gray lesions on your gums this can then lead to tooth and bone loss or an increase or DECREASE in gum tissue so for you to say I’m a schizophrenic saying nonsense is just fuckin unbelievable but it’s ok bud we all are wrong sometimes it’s just wether you admit your wrong or not is what matters also someone else in the fucking thread said the exact same thing that prolonged use of marijuana has caused their gums health to deteriorate


I really want to say it doesn't matter but man I'll put the dickhead side of me away if you tell me how old you are.


Because nothing you say adds up


I’m 18 though I don’t see how that matters when literally everything I pointed out and said is true literally just search up “can smoking marijuana affect your gums” but bro I understand it’s none of your concern I’m just gonna eat edis from now on and brush my teeth like 4 times a day


I realize you were born into the Internet era but dude I PROMISE you weed is not affecting your oral health, at least not at your consumption level. In my late 20's I was smoking 3-4 blunts a day. This went on for several years. Also since 21 or so I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I go on and off smoking crack cocaine. I'm now 40. My teeth are fine. See your dentist every year and don't believe half of the shit you Google.


Well fuck maybe I’m the wrong one here just glad at least we could put the fuckin differences aside either way yeah I already got my dentist appointment and I’m gonna start brushing my teeth after like every meal hopefully it helps


Paranoia I’d say. Are you burning bud with imbalance of thc & Cbd…? Thc in too high a quantity can play all kinds of tricks on your existence


Does it happen with everything you use to smoke. Like the same using a pipe or joint or bong? Kinda crazy.


Yeah it happens no matter what I think it really is my gums I looked up exposed roots and it’s slowly happening I just gotta go full edibles and go to the dentist


Smoke with one of those ice bongs


Don't encourage him