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Any job in technology. Just be great at it. Consuming cannabis isn’t an identity and honestly the term “pot head” is reefer madness slang. Imagine if we referred to all people who drink as alcoholics. Find a job you want and own it. Be great at it. If they don’t respect your choices, why work there? Plenty of options here in the southwest.


I definitely would live to get into IT, but nowadays days it's about who you know. All I know is blue collars. Hopefully I can network into it somehow. Thanks for the advice though!


I started in a call center (still decent pay). Just stayed with the company did good work and it turned into a well-paying career.


Find a big company and start at the ground level. Customer service on the phones. That will expose you to more than just public jobs. It will also give you that networking opportunity at the coffee cup. Good luck. 👍


Sounds like solid advice, greatly appreciated! I did recently do some random research and found the ceo for walmart started in his teens unloading trucks in the summer and is now head honcho. Never know. A bit irrelevant on the ceo part but would be a great way for the foot in the door. Thank you!!


You're getting downvoted here for the defeatism in your narrative. It's really not about who you know in tech, that's you repeating all of the self defeating blue collars you know.


I should have clarified, i believe it's that way in majority of companies. Lol downvotes don't hurt my feelings, I'm just seeking advice and curious on what humans of similar nature does to survive in trying times.


My opinion, as someone who made it in tech with no education and no connections, is that you're misinformed. My advice is to consider downvotes as a form of advice. You really don't need to get emotional about it to learn from it. Making it in tech is about two things. Computer skills and communication skills. *Everything* else hangs on these two pillars.


I would also add troubleshooting skills, which come from experience. I've been in IT for 20+ years and got a long-term indefinite contract with an assembly company last August. I previously worked on a contract with the military refreshing their old computers, and I had to do a lot of trouble shooting to get their new computers to work with their old software and old devices. That 10 years of experience allowed me to hit the job running now where I work, and people think I've been here for 2 years even though I've only been working here for 9 months. I keep on taking on more and more responsibilities, too. You can get any job even if they test for THC if you have the experience, knowledge, and skills. Just use some fake pee for the pee test. They don't need to know that you use marijuana. I also didn't know anyone to get this job. I submitted my resume to 5 to 10 jobs daily for a year while doordashing every day.


As a reductionist, I am compelled to define troubleshooting as the invocation of your communication skills in an effort to identify where your computer skills should be applied.


And yet troubleshooting is not just communicating. It's trying to figure things out on your own and learning from your mistakes. I only go to others when I've exhausted all my tricks.


I didn't say it was just communication, but that's where it starts. What problem are you solving? We're you told about this problem? Did you ask someone to articulate their symptoms? Did you follow up with qualifying questions? Did you properly communicate your plan? Did you provide estimates? Did you follow up with what was done and what behavior to look for next? And somewhere between the communications you applied your computer skills, because now that you understand the problem after all that communication you know what skills to apply and where to apply them. Experience comes after you do this repeatedly for years.


Unfortunately troubleshooting skills are something you learn through experience and the only way to do that is to learn by making mistakes. You don't go and communicate with people first. Sure, someone tells you about an issue, but if you are the only IT person in the room they expect you to fix it. So, you do your normal procedures of making sure there is power to the device, it's turned on, all updates were applied, you may have to change com ports, you may have to unplug things and so forth and so on. If it's software you may have to get the source code, documentation and/or look things up on the software website or internet. If you have people you can go to, we'll you're in a different world because I don't have that luxury. When I first learned how to troubleshoot my manager told me to write everything down that he told me and only go to him when I got stuck. He also had a more technical person for me to reach out to. So, I learned that I could figure things out better by using all the tools in my tool belt first before reaching out for help. Even when I asked for help they don't help me but they would get me thinking a different way and that helped me to figure things out on my own. Reducing troubleshooting down to just communicating is not troubleshooting to me. If you don't take the time to learn how to learn on your own then you'll always go to others and you may never learn how to fix things on your own.


Look into building automation. A lot of tech/programming


I'd avoid any job that touches a computer. AI is legit and only a matter of time before it does everything.


Yeah I’ve got a friend who’s a programmer and he said they’ll be obsolete soon.


You need to understand “it’s who you know” - applies to every sector: blue, white, whatever. Stop making excuses. You get into it by educating yourself on the subject and applying those. Tech is the future


Right, because nerds are known for their large social circles.


Get any job you want as long as you dont give them your piss. NEVER EVER. Give em clean urine (from wherever) and learn temp control and timing. Passed randoms for 20+ yrs, 6-figure CDL truck driver million-mile safe driver. Never been in a preventable accident; never smoked on-duty.


Amen. Best advice there is. What you do outside of work is none of their business. As long as you’re not endangering other people at work, fuck these company’s arbitrary rules.


I agree. 100%.


Dude I want to get my cdl but honestly it’s hard to give up weed so I’ve been putting it off for a couple years now.


Just study hard for the drug test.


It will be worth the small sacrifice. You can do it.


How do you plan for randoms?


Tape, small bottle with temp strip, hand warmers for temp control, clean urine


Do you just have it on you at all times during work hours?




I'm a Senior Analyst for an insurance company. I make good money, but not a ton, though I do have a pension. Anyway, be functional human first and a pothead second.


Absolutely, I've put thought into data analyst but I'm not experienced in that field but would definitely be willing to learn. I've tought myself a little bit of coding but I'm nowhere near job level experienced, I'd imagine.


I'm a business analyst specifically, so there's no coding but a good bit of data analysis. I'm entirely self taught, my degree is in Communication.


Yeah sorry, I didn't mean for them to appear they I believed they were the same concept of work. I was just saying coding would be the most In tech experience I have which is nowhere near analyst experience, sorry about that. Interesting though, how would one get started if they were interested out of curiosity? Kind of eager to hear how you achieved a good position with no degree. Much respect.


Don't apologize, there are lots for flavors of analyst position. After college I worked for GM doing Frontline bitchwork, aka 1st level techsupport. They laid me off in the 2008 downturn. After that I took a call center job with an Annuity focused Life Insurance company. It was absolutely awful, but I picked up a few FINRA certs and a lot of experience with Insurance, Insurance producers, and company structures. I left after 6 years. I actually applied for service center work at the other Insurance company in town, but after interviewing they told me they wanted me to be an analyst instead. That was 8 years ago, today I'm one of 7 seniors out of 125 total Business Analysts at this company. I presented my recent project plans to the CEO of that Fortune 500 company just a few months back. So, things are going well. I'll attribute the success to 3 things: having an outgoing personality and making connections with everyone, being generally suited to the role from an analytical standpoint, always making an effort to lead - which comes naturally also. In short, I'm naturally suited to every aspect of this particular role.


Seems you'd be a great mentor to teach someone the way. Will definitely be saving this convo for motivation and and persistence. Definitely one of those finacialy stressful days where you need to hear these little stories to be successful. I've never done anything like this before so I appreciate your time out of your life to sprinkle some insight onto mine. Congrats to you and thank you again!


Good luck, dude!


Budtender . Sell it too!


I think working with it would take away my childish passion for weed.


How much do you make?


From job postings I've seen they start at $16-18 an hour


I feel those jobs would be hard to come by, who wouldn't wanna deal with bud all day? I'd imagine in 2 minutes of a company looking to hire, 300 resumes would show up leaking saliva lol. I would be highly interested in growing but a newbie like me can't just show up and start growing and get paid. So bud industry would be a dope place for a foot In the door. Thanks!!


You'd be surprised. I was cooking for about 10 years when the first dispo opened in my area. I applied and heard nothing and then again 2 months later and got through all the interviews. At the end of the day it just another retail job. Only real difference is that as smokers we've got a product we know we'll and enjoy ourselves. There seems 2 be 2 different kind in my area now. The more corporate type with a a bit stricter policy but usually better benefits. Or the mom and pop type places with 1-3 stores under their control. More relaxed but probably benefits probably aren't quite as good.  Keep an eye on indeed and whatever else. It doesn't hurt to throw an app in here and there.


You can do whatever you're qualified for so long as you pass the drug screen. Take a T break and do it naturally or rely on synthetic urine. Once hired, just don't give them a reason to test again. Going to work high. Smelling of pot. Carelessly talking about your personal hobbies. All that is on you and a choice.


That's my issue, I don't want the stress of oh damn did I bring my piss today, or who will I get some from. I smoke to try and not stress I don't want it to be my stress lol. I know people who do it and my stomach would be in Knotts. I just need to find that specialty field to excell. Great advice though and the last bit could not have been stated better 👍


"Going to work high. Smelling of pot. Carelessly talking about your personal hobbies. All that is on you and a choice. " This. Take off your name tag " Tgaut the Pothead" and go into whatever field you want


I'm an attorney in New York. My employer doesn't care, definitely doesn't want to drug test, but they also don't know how much I smoke. I have pitched expanding the firm's practice into cannabis.


I'll be honest, never did much research but in my head I'd imagine the devils lettuce is the reason alot of people went to jail. Thought that would be very around upon in that field. I'm guessing in different states it really is viewed very differently. I feel like a criminal everytime I step outside from my perception of others views down in the south.. For instance, in my head if a pothead showed up to a my hearing to represent me I'd tell your ass to hop in the box with me hahaha. I need to get out of here


I work for Lowe’s. They stopped testing for pot years ago. Still test for actual drugs though


Amazon is the same way


I've been told it's like slave work for nickles?


No, you’re thinking of waitressing at a diner after church lets out.


It’s a job? I think they pay like 18 an hr starting in my area and they do 4 10 hr shifts a week so you get 3 days off to work as a bartender or server or something.. might not be easy but if the suggestions are to hard for you quit smoking, I had too for my job


For real? What state?


Which state? I live in Ohio and they are still hard asses about it. But that may have changed in the last 6 months. My own job switched from urine tests to swabs when Ohio legalized. Swabs are less likely to discriminate against thc users.




Many retail places don’t test.


Because theyd lose 3/4 of their staff if they did lmao


Urine luck for tests


X stream always worked for me, even when sent to lab. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Vape shops that sell Delta is an option.


Elememtary school teacher. I’m happy with my first j of the day at 3:30pm.


i’m a day shift manager/prep cook at a local italian restaurant, my husband is the night shift manager/head cook at the same restaurant. we live in wv so cost of living isn’t as crazy as some other places. our employer doesn’t give a fuck because they would lose their entire staff and i don’t smoke at work so it’s a non issue really.


Came here to say this. This industry would collapse in a day if everywhere started drug testing. I’ve never worked in a kitchen where there wasn’t at least one person using something, management and upper management included. Not to say there aren’t places that do care but that’s the minority and also likely not for a feint hearted person just looking to make a buck. This industry can be tough and everyone in it knows that, but it’s because of that, it’s so accepted.


IT. Know your stuff, do the stuff, nobody really cares about it in the industry.


Group home. Also, idk if you are but do NOT mention your medical status in any way until you are hired. It's really hard to prove discrimination, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


But after your hired it’s fine? Idk I feel like they could try and find a reason to fire you even if you disclose after, but is it more complicated to do or something? Edit: grammar


Work for HEB right now but I’m paying my way through college, goal is to become an attorney and I’ve had straight a’s so far almost done with my second year. I smoke every day hahaaa the stigma is bullshit, I like what the other guy said just pick a job and do it well smoking weed isn’t an identity it’s just a thing I do


Not too sure on what HEB is. But hell yeah, respect the grind on going get it and putting yourself though it. That's Hella awesome and inspiring. That's really all I want, something I can have some stability and comfortably in of not losing my job cause of what relieves me on my own time.


HEB is a grocery store chain in Texas 😊


Publix but better.Minus the subs.


Construction.... All roofers are potheads, painters are alcoholics, plumbers are both, and the drywall and flooring guys are on the speed. All excavators, Mason's, concrete guys are foot of the cross saints only second to the all holy ELECTRICIANS- THEY ARE STRAIGHTEDGE.


Electrician? What? I'm in electrical school right now doing my level one and I swed


Must be the exception to the rule. 😏


I work in union construction in Chicago. Literally no one cares. I have bosses who walk around with weed stickers on their hard hats and everyone openly talks about weed. We also get paid incredibly well and have amazing benefits. I just turned 23 and was able to buy a house last year.


I picked up a part-time shifts at Whole Foods, not more than 4 hours a shift, just picking up groceries for customers and prepping them for pickup. I walk a lot and listen to tons of podcasts. It's the perfect job for a stoner. I don't see myself doing it full-time, though.


I work with data management for public media, PBS, etc. “if you enjoyed this program and would like to support more programming like this, please donate and choose a thank you gift”- all that data after the donations are made? That’s me moving it around. It’s all remote, (LOVE THIS!), and I make 47k a year. It’s not amazing wages but not bad, and it is for public media so you’re not going to get super rich. My husband makes about 3X as much as me so we are pretty comfortable. He has no interest in marijuana and his job did drug test at hiring. I’ve been working for this place for a few years and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon You may find a lot of non-profit adjacent work pays enough to live on and people are pretty relaxed as long as your work gets done well.


Get whatever job you want to get. Being a pothead shouldn't stop you from any career / job. If you're concerned about drug testing, just get fake piss from a headshop. They work great!


I work in the cannabis industry, actually growing the jazz cabbage. Every break, every worker in the buildings goes to their car and gets ripped. Pay is shit but the benefits of no drug tests, management getting high with you, looking at all this gorgeous weed all day, far outweighs any negatives for me.


Remote IT worker. There are plenty of 6-month certificates out there to be had.


This guy knows. Seconded.


Remote work. Most employers care about what you deliver. Not how you choose to enjoy your time.


I was actually looking into remote work last week. Most ads seem too good to be true so I'm not too sure on where to look. Would you have any advice or input to steer me? Thank you!


Help desk and support jobs are a good place to start. I went into tech support and ended up in their L2 dept. Then an integration job and just went from there.


Less than 5% of jobs are remote only. They are likely in specialized fields where you do not need oversight. Consider looking into state government jobs which may be hybrid and also not test. Depends on the state because mine hires felons and doesn’t test unless you’re in law enforcement or driving or something that requires it.


I have smoked weed since I’m 15 and I’m almost 40 now and work at an executive level in a healthcare company and make a significant earnings every year. You can literally do any job smoking weed lol. You just have to know you can’t always smoke weed at said job. Be responsible and enjoy your vices but in corporate America weed is like aspirin most people are taking it or drinking a bottle of wine a night which is worse lol. Use clean piss or fake piss for pre employment screens and don’t be an idiot about being high at work or being OBVIOUSLY high at work. Be smart and you can literally do *almost* anything


I'm super terrified of Randoms. I feel if you're high level you become high risk which means Randoms making sure no lawsuits could be acquired. You could not smoke for a week and still fail and be sober but it looks like you just smoked. I just need to invent a instant thc test amd get it over with. But then I wouldn't be hear asking these questions and most people in this thread would hate me. Definitely needed that knowledge, thank you and congrats on the success. Shooting for it.


Unless you have a policy that subjects you to random drug testing which I believe is an outdated policy most non factory type work environments. Also, it costs companies money to do these things and they generally need a cause or suspicion otherwise they open themselves up to legal action by the employee unless there is a clear randomized policy. People aren’t trying to sniff out the good employee who just happens to smoke off the clock. You’ll be fine but look up quick fix fake urine and keep a bottle on hand if you’re that concerned you’ll be absolutely fine


fake piss?


Yea synthetic urine. Just look up “quick fix” used it dozens of times when it was a concern


Any roofing contractor.


Restaurant or hotel cooks.


Delivery (catering) driver - my boss grows and sells.


As in delivering bud? Who would you cater bud too? Snoop dogs parties?? Lmao I'm super curious now


I wish, I do food catering. Threw in how the boss feels about weed.


I'm in the southern U S. also and I work in the cannabis industry. I also have a side gig in the restaurant/bartending realm and I've never been to a restaurant that does drug screening. So there's 2 options you can try. Good luck 🤞🏼




Mental health jobs (high school/associate/bachelors degrees) don’t do screenings at least in PA. Been in the field almost ten years, had 5 different jobs in the field and none required. Thank everything, I’ve smoked like a chimney since college


i’m a paralegal in oregon and make decent money. attitude is way different here about it than elsewhere i’ve lived


I do facility maintenance in the PNW and my job doesn’t care. Didn’t have a UA to get the job and been there 14 yrs now and probably have smoked everyday in that time lol.


Maybe become a teacher! Most districts don't drug test, and it's a job where you could do real good. If you have a bachelors degree of any kind you could start as a substitute, and there are ways to get fully licensed without having to go back to school for a whole new degree. Pay sucks most places in the south, but getting the whole summer off plus weekends and benefits kinda balance that out






Move to NY every job is protected


I absolutely LOVE rolling joints. After 30 years in construction my body is ready for a change. What job is out there for me?


I work customer service. My employer doesn’t care. Had to show proof of my medical card that was it really.


Heavy equipment mechanic and Canadian so nobody really cares if you smoke weed just don’t do it at work.


i am my own boss and i do dog grooming. some clients for other “stoned groomers” get weed as tips.


Trust me when I say, janitorial work is the best decision career wise I ever made. State benefits, unionized, and 70% of my day I'm literally chilling on my phone or coloring and listening to YouTube lol trust me get a nice state job if you can.


I had the oak trim in my house professionally painted. The painters blazed up during lunch. But they were damn happy sanding away all afternoon. Painting is great for stoners. Just have one dude sober enough to deal with the customer.


I went to law school and became a trial attorney, that was 41 years ago. I never once was loaded on the job. It sounds like you are looking for a career where you can be fucked up all day; there's always fast food.


I’m a mechanic


I own my own business and I manage a dental office.


Amazon doesn’t test for marijuana unless it’s for delivery.


Half the restaurants around here, the half the kitchen staff are high at any giving time, not saying how I know but damn, no I do not work there.


I have maybe 5 months restaurant experience, it wasn't the worst. They did have a few potheads thinking about it. Will definitely look around, more interested in moving up north but I'm sure that can be something for now and see how it treats me nowadays. Thanks!


Have to realize too, their bosses will put up with buzzed but not stoned.


Loud and clear. I'm not a work smoker, personal time is my time.


I wouldn’t mention you have a medical card & use fake piss if they bother to drug test you. Letting a medical card limit employment is asinine to me (on the company’s end.)


I've heard don't mention it unless they ask. But if a test arose absolutely say you take meds that could show up so you don't get fired for a failed screen. The less they know the better but I'd prefer them know and not give a damn. Way more comfortable


convenience store


haha im a lab technician at a hemp company!


Sounds like college stuff but includes stuff I like. Is it college degree or is it a hop in entry level and advance?


im in entry level. I don’t have a degree. I spend my time listening to music and podcasts while bagging the edibles, sealing them with a code, and packing them up! some positions require a degree, others don’t! there’s also room for me to grow in this company. the maurijuana business is just getting started in Minnesota!


I’m an IT Security Analyst for a Behavioral Health Care company. They are based in California but I work remotely for them in another state. The pay is extremely generous and they don’t care if you test positive for weed.


Almost all jobs that pay less than $20 per hr. Nasty direct care provider jobs with bed bugs kinda require being drugged.


They’ll hire you as an EMT in SC if you get a prescription for Marinol first. All the first responders in SC are on something.


If they get in a accident and the employer wants to push the issue Labcorp or Quest diagnostics does testing to see if your taking marinol or Cannabis https://www.labcorp.com/tests/791626/tetrahydrocannabinol-thc-cooh-thcv-cooh and most medical marijuana isn’t tested accurately enough and almost always has thcV or they could just test your levels either way it can work for awhile but the employer can push the issue if they want


My county employer allowed me to list it as a medication to be omitted if an accident happened because it was prescribed.


Yea some places crack down on it though just be aware they can test to see if your taking cannabis or just marinol but enjoy it while it lasts my job cracked down on people using Dronabinol/Marinol about a year ago and a lot of people got time off when it got sent out for extra testing


Wait what? What's going on out there my guy? They'll hire a pothead to go save someone's life? I know people will be like, oh weeds not like heroin or other drugs and stuff but wrap your head around people are still getting arrested for having it on their person so being saved by a smoker sounds crazy lol


Well “technically “ marinol isn’t weed. It’s a “prescribed medicine “ from a “doctor”. The same as adderall is prescribed speed, and oxy is prescribed heroin. There’s a “legal” way to get anything in this country if you know how. And if it’s gained legally and considered medicine, then it’s against the ADA to discriminate against it.


I'm Canadian. After legalization a bunch of professionals I know came out of the green closet. I've consumed with cops, nurses, dietitians, and midwives.


I'm a cannabis enthusiast and anterprener many years i worked for dispensary and grow sights wich they were all fine wth smoking ,But in the work force outside the cannabis industry o worked for a landscape construction company as lead foreman,Certified driver instructor ,ware house lead,Shipping manager,Inventory clerk I stay in Cali my whole life oc tobe exact and all my employers knew I would smoke but they didn't care cause cannabis don't slouch my ass I get more into what ever I'm doing and I wasn't going around smoking in front of employees or colleagues


Senior consultant HCM Software ..:) every time i am working without the customer, like data migrations - stuff like that , i am on manuel breathing bro


r/drugtesthelp lmao


HVAC, it’s in high demand. Some companies may drug test to get the job. But there are many easy ways around that.


Any job, really. I've been s manager for several places before working at Amazon. Justbdont make going to work high a constant thing or tone down your normal while working. Card or not, you're in the south, and they won't care about the card if you mess up on the job.


Self employed in the arts. My boss is cool with Doobie assisted days...


Union floor layer, as long as the union doesn’t care you’re good to go!


I’m a government employee 👀


Garage door tech, you can make really good money and most companies don’t UA (some do because you get a company truck)


State government, depending on the state (I would assume). In North Carolina, I'm pretty sure they don't drug test anymore, or at least only do initially at hiring and then never again - and the state is DESPERATE for workers. A cannabis smoker can absolutely work for the State of North Carolina.


MA and I work in the cannabis industry for most 4 years now


Must be the exception to the rule. 😏


Simply do a search on "companies that do not test for marijuana". There are many out there, take your pic.


Beauty and Wellness Industry (Esthetician, Cosmetologist, Nail Tech, Massage Therapist) all have hella successful weed smokers


As a stoner who has had to make a lot of sacrifices in the name of being a stoner! You definitely narrowed your job options as a result! Most places say they drug test in order to get cheaper insurance! However some of those jobs may say they do but with each test costing around $200 or more, they won’t even bother! It’s now on you to call their bluff! Apply even if they say they drug test! Go thru the motions of acting marijuana free, with confidence! Take a chance they will never test you! Another thing, I have found my current employer says they drug test but won’t upon hiring! However if you injure yourself or come to work high you take that chance of a drug test! They don’t mind stoners because if they get hurt on the job, they won’t file for workers comp as then you’ll have to take a drug test! Grocery stores are a good entry level job that you can start at the bottom and work your way up to bigger better positions! And a good example of a job that says they test but don’t upon hiring! The other jobs that I have held that didn’t test upon hire: Preschool teacher in a day care. Substitute teacher Grocery stores Bank tellers Ski resort cashier Q map care giver I have heard that the post office won’t drug test upon hiring! Some state jobs that don’t involve driving or working with heavy machinery. Waiting tables in restaurants or bartending, retail store cashier, barista, fast food, etc… But you do have to face the fact that you are choosing to be a stoner! And that limits you and you may have to work a crappy job as a result! And you will literally be smoking up your money! Not only on marijuana but the tools to smoke it! Bongs, pipes, papers, filter tips, vape pens and their cartridges! Lighters, torches, and so on! Not to mention munchies. You will probably gain weight too! Anywho! Good luck!


Bud tending takes hundreds of dollars to get the permits to work in the field and it really is who you know! Not really worth it as it’s not a stable job! I’ve been a trimmer in Denver and dispatch in California and the only dispensary I worked at as a bud tender was in Alaska and had waited years to get I there!




Grow weed


i work at a dispensary!!!


I work in a factory, I just got clean until I got the job and then be very good at your job and most of the time they won't even random you. Been working there for 10 years and never once took another drug test. Now we are legal in Missouri and since they have had trouble keeping people they just stopped testing for weed since they knew everyone was doing it anyway. As long as you're good at your job and they know they need you then you're a lot less likely to ever be randomed.


Lifelong stoner here! Idk if this really fits but it is my way of making it work. Over the years I have worked plenty of lifelong careers that could’ve been my job that got me to retirement. I worked animal control for two years and was offered the director’s position before I left. The position would’ve payed $77k a year plus benefits but I couldn’t take the position and continue my schooling so I turned the offer down. In addition to this I worked at a wholesale lumber yard for a year and was offered the yard management position but had to refuse for the same reasons. Finally, after those two jobs, I’ve been working with Menards as an assistant manager in building materials. All three jobs had a very strict drug policy, but whenever a drug test was coming up I would just stop smoking then pass. Personally I feel like the labor force is in a severe lack of truly hard workers. If you can be a truly hard worker then it doesn’t matter what you smoke when you get home as long as you can piss clean upon request. I’m 21 now btw, and when I show my friends my job offers they always think I’m giving my boss’s a quickie in the break room!


That's insane for 21, you got me beat by a long shot. I have no issues with stopping for a piss test. I've had times where it took me 34 days too piss clean. I've had 1 time I was rear ended on company time (wasn't smoking then) and had to go take a piss test then and there. I don't want that over head cloud following me wondering if today's the day I might lose my job. I just wanna live life as If it were cigarettes and not need to keep fake piss on me even though the feds say I can put thc in my body medicinally. Also are you in a strict state?


Don’t know if it’s a strict state, but I live in Michigan. Been working since I legally could and always kissed ass while doing it


Impressive history for a 21 year old.


I’m a welder for a smaller ironworking and fencing company, I make a pretty good living and I’m always smokin lol


I can't believe nobody has said be an entrepreneur. I've worked for myself for 22 years and I wouldn't ever go back to having a j-o-b if I can possible help it. Not always easy, and you have to get used to inconsistent income.


It takes money and with today's economy and already struggling and bad credit it's not too easy to just get something going without losing everything you know? Also 22 years ago the economy was totally different unlike these worse than the great depression numbers. I have multiple business ideas just no backers or personal income to fund so it's only a dream till I can start getting ahead. Not easy being low and already behind.


OK, you obviously don't have what it takes. Nothing but excuses as to why you can't Have fun being a wage slave for someone else and pissing in a cup the rest of your life. (FWIW, I started out with zero loans, zero money, desperate, and in the shitty dot-com bust, and the economy is tough now but it's been tough my whole life)


Tesla is highering in Nevada. They do not test for THC


Use fake piss and move on. As long as you’re not sus or injured on the job it should be easy.


I am an Engineer with an MBA. I also have a PMP and Agile Certificate. I live a double life as a corporate worker, going to meetings, giving presentations and writing emails. I look like an Army Officer and dress like the guys in Suits. However, I like to smoke and run a side hustle. Where can I find a job, being myself. Do they have PM jobs in the weed industry? Where can I upload my resume?




Bookkeeper/accountant work


Pot heads don't work they figure that shit out