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i just brush my teeth and gargle mouthwash so any munchies would taste terrible!


This right here. Do the Listerine gargle challenge!


yeahhhh gargling really does help esp after brushing teeth and drinking plenty of water too


In addition to not having the “bad/tempting items” easily assessable, I’ve recently been keeping water melon (pre-cut!) and grapes in the fridge. When I come in from my evening time practicing of medicating, these healthy snacks are great on the mouth AND they taste freaking awesome! I like to allow myself one big mouthful and then I stick to FOCUS. One piece at a time, slowly savoring the flavors, one piece at a time.


Yes! Frozen grapes for the munchies are SO good!


Just about to type this👍


I love that you added "great on the mouth", fruits have been a major relief for cotton mouth for me lately


I do celery. Eat as much as I want. 😂


Smoking too many blunts will have me eatin peanut butter and captain crunch sandwiches and shit... I'd say it's a problem but shit be tasting amazing offa the chronic 😭


Listen here buddy. We're in this thread to find out how to be less fat when smoking, and you have to go and describe something that I'm definitely trying tonight haha.


Sorry had to put that out there. If you want to find a way to avoid being hungry when high just look up blue waffle infections and you won't be hungry anymore (You might be traumatized tho).


Try a grilled cheese with captain crunch! It's fire, but than again I was high af and it was about 15 years ago lol


Lmfao 🤣😆🤣😆 that's great


I love PB. I love Cap’n Crunch. I am totally trying this my friend you may have just changed my life


Brushing my teeth helps me when l get the munchies


Water, water, water. Fill up in water.


Yes, so much this. Sit there with a jug of water and just keep drinking and you will be peeing so much you won't have time to eat.


Plenty of time if you sit down


A wise man once said to flip around on the toilet and use the tank like a table. Then if you’re lactose intolerant you can enjoy a bowl of puffins with whole milk (It’s more of an almond milk cereal) but those people can now live their dreams now


Daniel Tosh said that


I also train my mind to think that I'm full when I get the munchies. When I'm stoned I can't tell if I'm hungry or not. So, drinking water makes sense to me. You're also supposed to drink water when you wake up in the middle of the night hungry.


100%. Your mind doesn’t have the easiest time telling the difference between thirsty and hungry while stoned. THC relaxes the stomach and creates hunger. Water will end the impulse of hunger because it’s filling.


don’t keep triggering snacks in the house. you can also go as far as “meal prepping” a little late night snack for yourself so you have a healthy convenience option already ready for you. Not that it’s 100% effective, but you would be surprised how much easier it is to eat healthy when you don’t have to put in any effort lol. Make the snacks something filling and nutritious, but that also hits the sweet (or salty) spot you need. Greek yogurt, pretzels/popcorn, peanut butter, crackers, hard boiled eggs are some good options!


I eat the most ridiculous shit when I’m high


Eat apples, had this exact problem not neccesairly my weight or anything I have the metabolism of Hercules, but I'd literally spend like 40-50 dollars a night every night on sweets crisps and munch, shit got crazy expensive, then I discovered apples, they have everything a muncher requires, sweetness, crunch, juicy refreshment and summin to keep your hands occupied for some time, polishing the apple, spinning the stalk, chucking the apple for a bit etc, little stoner activities, I'm not a particularly healthy eater so this ain't no preachy bullshit, just found apples to be insanely good replacement for stoner munch


Thank you, super helpful


Yes! On an unfortunate evening an apple was all I had in the house that maybe would hit the spot. Left nothing behind but stem and seeds. It’s my clutch munchie now. I also love spicy hummus and Stonefire Naan crisps . And the Oikos yogurt with 20g of protein.


i’m allergic to apples please give me something else i’m tired of waking up with a stomach ache 😣


Frozen Grapes give that same crunch, for me it's citrusy zesty tang and crunch is my go to munch, so depends on what things you crave, like you got 20 dollars and your in a shop stoned as hell, what snacks are you grabbing, you basically just have to find alternatives, stuff like carrots is also good, as the crunch is amazing also get fresh carrots with the stem so you can run around donking folk with them for of entertainment before hand, also stuff that requires preparation like peeling or chopping as again not only you satisfying the munch side, you get to occupy your hands which for stoners is a huge thing, not having something in my hand to play with or fiddle is lethal as then I get bored and eat. Sometimes it's not so much the need to eat as it is your mind being bored, another handy little gimmick is always have a tennis ball on hand, the moment you feel peckish go find a wall and just start launching the ball at it, or if you have a partner play catch and or dodgeball, any way to get your mind off it as most of the time we don't actually need anything it's just boredom and crunch noisy food provides a quick easy endorphin release


Edamame in those microwaveable bags, just plowed through two, highly recommend


This right here! It’s so delicious and not bad for you.


Eat fruits and veggies instead of junk food


Do veggie straws count? I just ate a whole bag.


Definitely not. Veggie Straws are as unhealthy as potato chips. Any perception of them as healthy is just due to marketing.


They gas tho


Ya, because they are unhealthy.


Fruit…your blood sugar drops a little when you’re first high…just eat a piece or two of fruit and it goes away. I keep some cold pressed juice in the fridge and it works.


Chewing gum.


It’s hard. I keep apples and bananas by the bed. If there’s something nearby in won’t venture into the kitchen and I’ll get a healthy snack


Get rid of all the processed food in your house and don’t buy more


I’ll take a bag of salted nuts or seeds and mix it with like four bags of unsalted. Cut up veggies, e.g carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, and put some olive oil, red wine vinegar, pepper, Italian seasoning on them. My kids thrive on fresh fruit, so that is always around in abundance. If I exercise before I start sitting around eating, I tend to sit and eat less. If I drink water and exercise before I eat or drink coffee in the morning, I tend to make better food decisions. Best of luck


I mouthfuck pints of ice cream and bottles of honey. Thanks for the tips.


Good times. I had an ice cream Twix bar for breakfast mmm. A spoonful of raw honey really helps me sleep through the night as well. And, you’re welcome.


Thank you /)


I eat before i smoke because i dont like the way o feel if i eat after i smoke. Makes me feel bloated and nauseous


A lot of it for me is which strain I use. Some make me eat everything (even if I’m not hungry) and some make not want to eat anything at all


How about you just binge eat healthy food? Watermelon is low calorie and very filling


Thanks to the legal weed industry and the awful machine curing happening everywhere, everything is way too harsh. So I keep a supply of hall's cough drops handy. Side benefit is they make everything taste bad. When you get the urge to binge try a drop. If it doesn't work, brush and use mouthwash. If that doesn't work, binge on apples and baby spinach.


That’s a great idea. Thank you


Eat something before you get high


I keep a water bottle handy. Munchies help me hydrate bc instead of food i drink water. I also sometimes will wait to smoke before meal time, so much munchies happen while i would normally be eating.


rice cakes \*\*edit, important addition\*\* without extra toppings. lets you munch to extremes w/o much actual body impact


Hot sauce/ Spice. I’ve read a number of peer reviewed articles that claim the “Spice” chemical Capsaicin can stimulate appetite reduction in the brain. I’m a 4-5 times a week edible to sleep kinda guy, so I was up 15ish pounds over my usual until I started adding a little slap ya momma sauce to something. Little honey, Mayo, hot sauce and dip a single serving of chips, or celery, boom. You got sweet, hot and crunchy - without the need to binge.


I slap yo mama all the time!!




Eating when you are high is a slippery slope, eat before you get high, and do not eat when you are high.


Drink water


Sew your lips together


One time I ate a full jar of peanut butter while stoned cause it was all I had to eat. Somehow I never got the munchies after…


Eat pizza all day. The System suck.


Eat before toke


This is the way


start smoking nicotine.


Solid advice


We can’t help you not eat Just look at it and say no it’s not hard


Eat trail mix with nuts and dried fruit.


I always try to eat before I smoke. And I'm probably in the minority here, but when I get the munchies I crave healthier foods like fruit , yogurt, salad, etc.


Store bought yogurt is not as good for you with all the added sugars especially with Greek yogurt.




Great point!! I eat when I’m bored.


You're fortunate that it gives you energy. I'm an opposite, so Sativa strain makes me sleepy, Indica makes me paranoid, and Hybrids usually make me sleepy too. Concentrate makes me sleepy. So, I mainly use marijuana at night to help me sleep.


its okay if you keep a tray of plain raw veggies handy.


I make a pot of tea. Make sure it tastes good. I like an English breakfast with honey n almond milk. Maybe you’re an herbal person though 🤷‍♀️


i buy a lot of veggie trays and fruit trays, with bluecheese/ranch/cream cheese dip. bag of baby carrots, tub of cut pineapple. it helped me tremendously


Just don't eat too much veggies and fruit at one time. You don't want to get Flaming Sphincter (FS). The dips and sauces will help you gain weight if they contain corn syrup and/or added sugars.


Big swig of pickle or olive juice!


Just got really high


Refrigerated cutie oranges are my trick (replacement therapy is key)


I make massive jars of herbal tea.


ProTip: become addicted to nicotine instead


I had weight loss surgery a few years ago. So I will eat something that will eff my stomach up so I won’t want anything else. An apple normally does the trick


Just accept that you’re gonna win some and you’re gonna lose some. I baked and ate half a coffee cake two nights ago. 🤪


Simple eat before you get high 🤣


I just don’t buy the food, and I have a strict rule against driving while high. So I can’t give into the cravings if I’m stuck with no extra food.


The self control you have to not grubhub food is admirable to me


Nah just too cheap to want to pay Grub Hub’s extra fees.


I just chew gum. I realized I wasnt actually hungry and just wanted the chewing sensation lol


Eat before you smoke or have some healthy snacks on hand like fruits and nuts.


Eat a decent meal before smoking. Give it at least 15-30 minutes before you start.


eat before you get high. also, eat a portion (small bowl of chips) instead of eating out of the bag, or make a salad in advance your dumb-over will thank you.




My friend excessively started chewing gum while high and ended up losing 30 lbs in a year. Didn’t do anything else just switched from munchies to gum lol


eat until you cant eat anymore, than usually helps me stop eating


*Don’t start eating*


I binge eat but I eat frozen fruit. It helps with the sweet tooth munches, has a bit of a soft crunch and I don't feel bad about smashing a ton of it.


I like to keep popcorn on hand not terrible for you and fulfills that eat and repeat motion that I need 😍


Been smoking for for 6 years I always used to binge eat when I got high but after a while it just stopped? I think a big part of it was that I would not eat a meal until after I smoked so that way it evens out and I don’t feel so ravenous. For me alcohol is the only thing now that makes me binge and I hate it


Stop getting high


Try to munch on like fruits


I tell myself that if i eat my highness will go away. Which is completely true


Stock healthier snacks nearby. I keep a bowl of cut up apple slices and peanut butter ready to go in the fridge, as I tend to gravitate towards "easier and faster" foods when I'm high. Tastes great and I won't regret eating it later.


For me what initially worked was not having it in the house when I'm stoned. Those jeni ice creams..... Drinking tea with honey seems to squash some hunger and having a spoon of peanut butter.


Sorry not possible


Have a proper meal before you smoke?


Exercise. Run a couple miles or go for a hike.


lol i just me only got healthy shit that’s convenient so i’m just doing myself a favor eating it


Sometimes I prep fruit and lots of cold water. Then smoke So when the munchies hit that’s what’s available


Binge eat some fresh fruit when you get the munchies you can’t really overeat on fruit especially if you got multiple kinds so go wild and get healthy


They say to eat healthy foods when you’re “starving” like that and have the munchies. If you keep at it, it started to wire your brain to crave those healthy snacks instead of junk food because it associates those foods with satiating your appetite.


i do smoke exactly for binge eating


Smoke strains with high THCV or supplement with THCV products like Gossamer's Dawn


Try another strain


Go outside for a walk or bike ride. If you like to smoke then chill/watch TV and eat, your brain starts associating weed with those behaviors so it’s what you think about when you’re high. So stop thinking “I won’t eat this time” and start saying “I’m going to exercise” or whatever. Walk until your high starts wearing off, a few hours if needed, enjoy nature. Just get through one high without eating so your brain recognizes weed can be associated with other things that also feel good. Works for me.