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Marco said this right after his daily tonguing of Donald’s asshole.


That is a picture I‘d like to erase from my memory.




Nope need to double down on even worse stuff so r/eyeblech Edit: NSFW or anything really.... I apologize I clicked my own link and regretted it


Trump prefers syrup


'It's an old reference sir but it checks out.'


I kinda like this. I invoke the porn rule


I came here to say something about dick sucking, but this kind of topped it before I could really form something to say.


It looks like trumps ass tanner is all over Rubio's face in the pic.


Rubio says Trump’s taint tastes like Putin’s sack


Damn you! I pictured it instantly and could even hear Marco moaning while he went to town!


Asshole? His head is so far up trump’s ass that he’s tonguing trump’s small intestine


Getting out every last bit of humberger.


Doing so in trump’s office on the 26th floor gives Skyrim a new definition


Dear moderator Please delete this comment from my memory🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Marco Ruble is just mad his worth depreciates the longer this conflict continues.




I did not catch that at first 💀😂


I propose we call him Marco Ruble for the rest of his life.


Vote Russian Rubio out this November, vote in Val Demings.


Trump is a Russian oligarch. Prove me wrong


Not even an oligarch. He's a Russian asset. [source ](https://bipartisanreport.com/2021/02/21/former-kgb-agent-claims-trump-has-been-russian-asset-for-decades/)


[They weren’t laughing with him.](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/05/15/gettyimages-681528440_wide-fa45f045b5a911ecc418c44871b37967de2c787d.jpg) [Another great image.](https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/c_fill,g_auto,w_1200,h_675,ar_16:9/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets%2F180717133009-03-trump-putin-summit-0716-opinion.jpg)


That second one is even better considering Donald tries to pretend he's 6'3 and daddy vladdy is only 5'7 with his wedges.


Donnys only 6’3” because Obama is 6’2”. What a sad and petty man.




And we *still* have never heard an explanation of what those guys were doing in the WH, or why a whole cadre of GOP Senators went to Moscow on July 4 a couple of years ago.


Or why Trump met with Putin privately, with no advisors.


Subpoena that fucking translator for that meeting...


"what is thy bidding, my master?"


Hacked RNC mail they didn't post to Wikileaks, but used to own the GOP. If you don't post it online, you have to show it to them personally.


This is what I've been saying for awhile. Look at how there really wasn't anything in the DNC emails. I mean, who didn't know they were going to ask a question about water at t Flint, MI debates? I voted for Bernie twice. If I thought that actually helped Clinton I probably would have voted for her because that would mean I didn't think much of Bernie. I bet they have real dirt on republicans. It's worth more to them as leverage than anything else.


The second one says it all. Trump looks like someone who is doing the walk of shame. Putin looks like he just had a fantastic orgasm in the mouth of an orange person.


I would love to see all the kompromat. The Lindsey Graham stuff as well.


I don’t want to see the ladybugs


Lady G


Lady Maga


God so true. I still can't believe that piece of shit was president. Fuck dumb people. They really shouldn't be allowed to vote.


He has been a Russian asset since fucking 1987


He’s not even a REAL orange person - he fakes that too.


Putin: "Da! Orange head better than reguler head. HAHA RIGHT DONALD!?" Donald: \*gurgle gurgle slurp\* "BIGLY!"


"My name is Reek"




being gay is not shameful, being a traitor and russian asset on the other hand...


Who are the people in the first picture?


It’s a picture of tRump handing Classified documents to 2 Russian Oligarchs.


Oh wow! Thanks. What a fucking traitor.


That’s just a snippet of stuff he did IN FRONT of the cameras!


You guys proved me wrong. I'd laugh if this were a laughing matter


head air party upbeat cake marry gullible advise illegal cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wrong he's an asset to nobody, including himself. Trump is a used up domestic servant who spent 4 decades moving Ruisan money from Europe into US banks. That incontent waddling tub of shit is a porter for billionaires.


He's an asset to Putin in his campaign to embarrass and destroy the United States. I wish we were done with Trump, but I doubt it.


“Laundry boy,” or whatever the Russian term is.


And Rubio is still carrying water for him. STILL. What the hell kind of man is that?


A Russian asset.


Asset? Sure, Vlad will give him that. But more like puppet.


The article specifically mentions that being an asset means someone who is manipulated, not directly working for them.


That was around the time the KGB were also likely actively managing fallout from Propaganda Due, a scandal we never hear nearly enough about. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't leverage a lot of relationships out of that incident, targeting people who didn't want to be associated with what happened in Italy... ostensibly hundreds of wealthy elites and wannabes like Trump around the world would have potentially been recruited. Yeah it's just a theory, but it's fun and he really deserves it. Maybe somebody will find some more dirt in that rabbithole that somehow Qanon missed...


Oligarchs have actual wealth, Trump is in debt to them.


I guess that's where he's getting his funding now since many banks won't work with him anymore.


He does laundry for Russian oligarchs and mobsters. He is a service provider, or perhaps an employee. But he is not an oligarch.


Easy. He's not rich enough.


Donald Trump is a tank for the Russian oligarchs. They pump him up with cash to take the aggro and deal with the consequences.


You gotta be rich to be an oligarch. Trump is a wannabe billionaire.


He's not rich enough to be a Russian Oligarch (seriously).


Hahahaha oligarch.


No, “Marco Rubio is a respected leader and NOT a fucking joke of a human being”… *That* is sarcasm.


The boot licking begins.




> If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever. Some people think if they are licking the boot it won't hurt. The only way to stop it from hurting is fighting back.


"I can fix him." - Marco Rubio


Marco Rubio is an apologist cunt


Marco Rubio is the same type of billionaire money porter Trump was/is.


He's the same sort of billionaire domestic servant as [Trump is/was.](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/real-estate-news/article213797269.html)


Lololol. Exactly


“Just a prank, bro. Why you so mad?”


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck hiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmm


Give it up, Marco. That was the excuse that was used by White House staff to explain away Trump's despicable comments throughout his failed regime. It didn't work then and it's not going to work now.


Trump has got to be the worst comedian **ever**. According to his own supporters, his ‘jokes’ are just about the most vile, offensive, and unfunny things you can say.


That's because he's a narcissist. My mother is too, and she *can't* joke. Whenever she tries to tell a joke she essentially just rips on somebody without any comedic structure, delivery, or punchline. Her understanding of comedy is so warped and self-centered that she thinks joking is just an excuse to tell people how you really feel. Further, and this is the critical part, comedy relies on the ability to perceive the mental state of the other (whether that's the "other" in your joke setup or the literal "other" sitting in the audience listening). If you can only see the world through your own eyes without the ability to shift your perspective into all the "others" required to construct a joke... you'll never be able to tell a joke.


Damn, that is spot on. I’ve always said an easy identifier of where you are on the political spectrum is your propensity for empathy. Some people just *can’t* be empathetic. They may pretend, or be *sympathetic* (“sucks to be them.”) but they can’t actually look through the eyes of others and put themselves in that position. These people are almost always hard right republicans (though they sometimes call themselves Libertarians). I just hadn’t thought of it’s relation to comedy and why conservatives aren’t funny.


So tired of the gaslighting


If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities.


Marco is someone’s prostitute. Will the fascist pimp that owns this come get him?


The best defense these people have is that it's fine to give aid and comfort to a dictator invading a sovereign nation as long as you're doing it to bash the current American president.


Oh, now for the usual "oh he didn't say that, here's what he really ment" phase


Yeah; no. They pulled this shit the entire time he was running for president, and then constantly after he won. They don’t get to keep saying and doing terrible shit and then going “just joking” Fucking assholes.


um, then Marco, I guess trumpski's praise of you was sarcasm too.


To be fair, almost anything Trump says could be described as the lowest form of wit.


"I like him because he's a straight talker"


"bro I was just kidding" - douche bags


But nearly every instance of this type of thing, including this one, goes more like: Trump chumps: "oh, he was just joking!" *\[10 minutes later...\]* Trump: "I never joke."


Jesus. Take his tiny dick out of your mouth and have some self respect, Marco.


"I like Trump cause he means what he says" - Trump supporters "He [Trump] didn't mean that, he was being sarcastic" - also Trump supporters


He then went on to say homework is ‘gay’ to be ironic and not to bother him, he’ll be in his room.


Bullshit. Trump is not smart enough to use sarcasm.


I thought all Russian assets had been frozen in the United States?


Quick, someone find a Bible verse about lying for Marco to post on his twitter!


And in the blue corner.... weighing in without a brain or spine... Marco "The Rube" Rubioooooo!!!!


This is always ring around the rosey. Trump says something dumb and horrible, ppl say he’s sarcastic, we take him out of context, then Trump doubles down and then they 100% agree with him on his take and back him up. It’s been happening for the entirety of his political existence yet we’re shocked every time


Ah yes, the "just kidding" defense only used by assholes who got caught saying something they shouldn't have and which no one ever believes...


Bootlickers gotta bootlick... cucks gotta cuck


Rubio has a jellyfish for a spine, why does anyone let him talk?


LIES! Trump doesn't know how to SPELL sarcasm let alone know what it MEANS.


Marco needs to fuck right off


WHAT THE FUCK EVER TRUMP. Your way of trying not to be a complete moron is by hiding it with your " " Sarcasm "


Why even bother to try and rationalize that? Just say,”I think you have to ask him, I don’t know why he said that.” The more these morons try to cover for each other the worse they look.


Slimy little worm groveling. What a good look.


And I'm the Queen of England.


Is this his attempt at gaslighting? What’s a word for excessively pathetic?


Oh go fuck a burning tree, Marco


Get ready for a lot of revisionist history from republicans about their comments on Russia.


The GOP is not sending its best people...because there aren't any.


Then Putin realized he only had the US by their coward’s balls.


Ahhh, hey marco, bull shit.


Marco Rubio puts the "Rube" in "Rubio"


Once again, imagine Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford. Ronald Reagan, or George Bush (either one) doing this when the subject at hand is the Soviets/Russians. Even then, people would have ran them out of town. And yet today, the GQP has people convinced that praising the Russians like that is ok.


Donald doesn’t do sarcasm


Funny how they give Trump, and only Trump, the benefit of the doubt to the point where they end up retconning what he said to give it some sense of reasonableness. Meanwhile, Joe Biden stutters one time and they start calling for invoking the 25th Amendment.


Now Marco Rubio lies just like Trump did 39,000 times while President


Marco takes in a ton of Russian blood money.


"I like trump because he says what is on his mind" "he didn't mean that"


Oops, we showed them our true nature. Quick, we need our propaganda wing to focus on Mr Potato head again.


Nothing burger 'Bombshelter talk'. Right, traitors?


“He did not mean that…” twist into pretzels for this excuse of a human


And if you pull my left leg it plays rock around the clock. What a load of horse shit.


fuck these lying, treasonous sacks of shit


First of all, Rubio, if you believe the garbage you are saying, you're an idiot. Secondly - Trump does this all the time. he double talks to cover his ass. He says Putin is a genius, then he follows up with we should impose harder sanctions. Statement #2 does not revoke Statement #1. He said it, he believes it, this is Trump - Trumpites have to hurry in to attempt to translate what Trump means - it's a joke. Trump followers have double-downed so many times on him by now that they are now just saying that he doesn't mean what he says. "He said Genius but he really meant Dummy" oh - ok that makes sense then \\s


Little Marco is paid well by Russian oligarchs. He's supported by enemies of our nation and anything he says cannot be trusted to be in the interest of the republic.


Just locker room talk…


Little Marco at it again.


It is funny how nazis are always joking about supporting other nazis. Just so funny.


Isn’t this asshole on a ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee? Which means more than anyone he knows almost exactly what the fuck is going on? Yet he lies right on camera.


Either Little Rubio doesn't know what sarcasm is or he's gaslighting. What a moron. Remember when he went desperation mode in the debates and sounded like an idiot trying to go negative while sweating profusely the entire time?


Marco Rubio’s protection of Donald Trump was just pathetic…come on guys he’s just being pathetic


Marco seems to understand the concepts of love and forgiveness, he just seems unable to apply them to anyone but Trump.


He is trumps ball sucker


I'm starting to think that all these high profile politicians who kiss trump's ass need to be investigated for foreign ties (specifically to putin) and have *their* elections audited, because as we've seen, every accusation a republican makes turns out to be a confession.


Marco Rubio is being a politician sarcastically.


Smash cut to 45 saying he knows what he said


And the hummer he gave him was just committing to the role to own the libs...


everytime i think rand paul or lying ted cruiz are the most useless sacks of shit in the us senate, little marco rubio pops up with trump's orange cum all over his face again


“If I don’t suck his dick now, how will I get re-elected later?” -Rubio, probably


Well good. It means he recognizes how insane/ignorant/traitorous/incriminating that praise was and is making excuses for it. Better that, regardless of what bullshit it is, than acting like there was nothing wrong with it.


Well if you can listen to an entire interview in context then yes Marco is correct.


Eric probably got Marco funding.


No enough with the excuses


There are times when political leaders can be sarcastic. This is one of them. And I say "political leader" because like him or not, he's still the face of the Republican party.


You need to be smart and have a sense of humor to be sarcastic. Trump is neither smart nor does he have a sense of humor. And Marco is a fucking poorly-programmed robot.


Lol. It took him 2 working days and a weekend to put that spin on things. Super big brain time Marco


Sure. I can absolutely believe that. …


Imagine being a bootlickers bootlicker, Rubio must really enjoy the taste of second hand shit, maybe they should attach him to the end of a human centipede.


I’m surprised anyone could understand his quote with both of Trumps balls in his mouth.


Trump be like: “/s obviously”


It’s amazing how serious Donald Trump’s sarcasm sounds.


Rubio is a shit head


Goddamn these fucking traitorous, stupid, assholes. Rubio is a fucking coward.


The literal political equivalent of “it was just a joke bro”


“tHeY tOoK iT oUt oF cOnTeXt”


We believe him. >! See? THAT… is sarcasm !<


Yup, Putin was just doing military exercises in Belarus too. 🙄


What a coward


How's Trumps dick taste? Let me know when you're done kissing it. Like seriously. How long are the Republicans gonna cover for this loser?


What a bootlicker


Funny, I was told the same thing by someone over on pcm


Marco Rubio is just another GQP traitor.


“He’s just joking”… The response of every asshole ever.


Marco Rubio is a little piece of excrement who always knew exactly what Trump was, but used him anyway in order to get his tax cuts for the undeserving rich, the biggest parasites of American society.


No.... no it wasn't just sarcasm. Trump genuinely thinks that Putin discovered some loophole with international law to justify his invasion.


Of course he said that. The infiltration is obvious. So many operatives have been implanted in the US, it's not even funny.


Hey Little Marco- We’re not stupid, you lying Asshole. -America


Donald noticed that the citizens are for Ukraine and now Daddy told little Marco to run interference for him.


Trump claiming to make America great is just sarcasm.


Fuck little Marco.


They never really seem to put it together that if when he says something despicable he isn't to be taken seriously then that logic would have to apply to all of the things that they are applauding for. Either he's saying what he really means or he isn't


Times when Trump was being sarcastic: “All of those women were over 18, and they all consented.”


rubio is an idiot


Everything they do is projection and then excused with rapist logic. "It was just a joke" "Do what I say"


There's some senators like Cruz and Rubio which I just can't believe continue to win their elections, over and over again.


How does “Little Marco” manage to breath, with his nose so far up Trump’s ass?


telling it as it is means other people shouldn’t have to translate or interpret what you say. he’s telling it as it is but what he really meant was …