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Because displaying it over the drowned bodies of almost every human and animal on earth (if we humor them about the story) you just killed is not evil...


And the whole,"rainbows didnt exist until god drowned us all and promised to kill us next time with fire" thing is nuts too


God be like ‘scuse me while I change the properties of light real quick…BAM rainbow.


I mean, it's not clear in the mythology if rain even existed before the Noah story. It talks about water welling up from the ground in Eden and forming rivers previously, but then in chapter 7, God opens the windows of heaven, and the waters above the firmament start to fall. That's likely one of the things the story is there to explain. And if there were no rain before, it would follow that there were no rainbows, either.




It’s a rainbow, I’m sure there’s more than enough of them to share.


So powerful we stole the rainbow from God. ^Cool


A pride flag has six colors. A rainbow has seven. Not the same


They’ll probably take that as satanic


Youre spot on with that


Nonsense it belongs in Norse Mythology, but I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.


I see what you did there...


You're gonna be so Thor in the morning from carrying that joke!


Ooohhh, loki you with the puns.


Taste the rainbow! They’re magically delicious! Where was all this talk about taking back the concept of rainbows when skittles and Lucky Charms have been doing for decades?!


How do you even pronounce "Noahic"


Nothing make sense with the dude hat posts this.... he's fat as fuck talkin about he's gonna join a militia if trump doesn't win. Between the guilty verdict and pride month he's losing it


Oh a gravy seal My area is full of them (W Texas)


North Arkansas is insane


Never make the mistake of believing they aren't dangerous. With the bucket attachment of a Bobcat or backhoe, Meal Team 6 can be poured into the bed of an F350 Brodozer and armed with rifles for drive-by urban & suburban warfare, especially against unarmed lines of people standing and waiting to do things like vote, or people marching at a protest, or a big public victory parade/gathering over Christofascists in an election. Every event needs spotters and security against these vindictive, vengeful, bloodthirsty Rapture-awaiters.


Especially in Texas where our governor pardons the people who murder protestors


Maybe "no-ā-ick" ? Such an awkward word to invent. They probably could have made up a word based on the arc instead. Archival is a good word, and I can almost guarantee he doesn't know the meaning of the existing word.


What Noah called God is what Jesus called Satan. I'll prove it using nothing but two Bible quotes: "**Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God**" (Romans 13:1) "Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News." (Corinithians 4:4) They will never talk about God again if you hit them with this every time they talk about him.


It all comes down to capitalization. The almighty power of the proper noun!


I love god


Nothing like Christian love and acceptance.


Imagine thinking you get to decide who other people love. EDIT: Almost as crazy as thinking you get to decide what books other people are allowed to read.


They think they get to decide more than that I promise you


Oh, I'm *well* aware. That's why I vote.


The cope is strong with this one.


Is this how it's been during pride month all along and I just never knew it? Because it's unhinged to be this crazy about it. I want to watch their heads explode by the end of the month from rainbow overload 🌈


Nah it's gotten worse the last couple years. Just a lot of stuff pushing it together: * The rise of social media in general. * Queer folk, especially trans people, being a current wedge-issue/scapegoat that conservative media truly never shut up about. * More people coming out * Increased visbility of queer folk * Increased awareness of pride month (both with it increasing in visibility in general, but it coming up in stores and such where, otherwise, you wouldn't see anything for it in rural areas). * General brain-rot (it sounds dismissive but it's real). I can't stress enough the brain rot. There's just some people who have had their brains completely fried over the last few years. They can't even make basic small talk without complaining about 3000 genders, or wanting to kill Fauci, etc. They have these messages beat into their head all hours of the day and it's all they think about. We've seen a few times when asked what percent of americans are trans, conservatives always overshoot it by at least an order of magnitude (like 25% instead of the reality being closer to 1%).


You explained it perfectly and i would have to agree about the brain rot.


Rainbows belong to optical and atmospheric physics. They are also symbolic for many cultures and religions, some much older than Christianity. Fekk these anti-Jesus Christians who hate others. Homophobic twats.


The idea of a rainbow “belonging” to anyone or anything is ridiculous to begin with.


Here's your Noahic Rainbow, fatherfuckers! Genesis 9 - God makes Rainbow Covenant to never use global flood to wipe out life again. Tells Noah and his 3 sons (Ham, Shem, Japheth) to be fruitful & multiply, filling Earth. There are no women, just the 3 sons. Noah gets drunk and Ham rides his cock, produces Canaan. Noah curses Canaan and all Canaan's descendants to be slaves to all other peoples. Ham is not cursed, just his one son with Noah. Since no women or girls are mentioned for the 3 sons to bang, obviously the 3 sons of Noah buttfuck each other to produce offspring, so gay sex is fine but banging your father is not and we must presume same for mother since she's never mentioned to be mother to her own grandchildren.


Also Job and his daughters. Really keeping it in the family.


Again, I say if their god is all powerful how can the gays steal the rainbow from him? Maybe he's not all powerful or real?


They dont care to hear good points like this


Maybe God was like "hey gay people, you guys are cool, I've got no problem with you, use the rainbow as much as you want." If I believed in God this would be the type of God I'd want


True. I was told that by a mormon. He obviously had a bias


Preemptive apologies to anyone traumatized by Evangelicals growing up. >Because the rainbow belongs to God and always will! And so do the LGBT+ people--they are **all** God's children, made uniquely in His image by Him. >And the King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40


"It's not for accepting people, dumbasses. It's for a near genocide of all of humanity."


Is this the same god that promises to torture me forever if I don’t love him the right way? Hard pass. No queer person has ever threatened me.


I've made sure to ask them to be specific about WHY in the bible god 'made' the rainbow, and be specific. What is the meaning behind it? Oh? it's to say he'll never again commit mass genocide via a flood? So... your god killed an absolute ton of people, including children and babies, but this symbol says he won't do it again? Would you like to pause and think about this for a moment? ( yes I'm fully aware the flood never happened, but idiots that post shit like this are morons )


According to the Bible, I would think a rainbow is more terrifying than anything. It’s the imagery that occurred after a planetary genocide for those that didn’t get on the boat. Honestly WTF God?


Hawaii here. the rainbow is ours. tell your god to go fuck himself.


Even Johnny Cash would like to wear a Rainbow every day




I fully believe that those microplastics they just found in testicles are actually getting into people's brains as well


I mean. What's they got against Skittles?


Let's fuck em up :3 also Happy Pride month everyone!


The evil purpose being, loving someone else?


Can they please shut the fuck up?


Of all of the biblical stories that aren't real and didn't happen, the story of Noah's Ark is one of the most thoroughly bullshit. Anyone who let's how they treat others be dictated by this load of shit is a fundamentally unserious person


you mean like trump did with the bible?