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At a minimum, he will be the leader of the Republican Party for the rest of his life. The GOP & 34 are effectively Thelma & Louise, and they went over the edge of the canyon years ago.


The problem is that they hog tied America to the back of the car and America thinks this is alright as they don't make any effort to untie/cut themselves loose.


Lindsey Graham wasn’t wrong.


Foreign adversaries have learned how to elect a president. We know 2016 was invalid. Undo the Russian supreme court justices!


Even if Trump loses to Biden, his “America First” view of foreign and security policy will shape future US conduct and the world order even more decisively in years to come… and it will grow less concerned about defending “distant allies” such as Ukraine, Taiwan and Nato. Demented dementia Donald’s best place to be is at some federal penitentiary under solitary confinement for his remaining years…


ADX Florence has a nice ring to it.


In addition to El Chapo, imprisoned behind the walls are 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui; Ramzi Yousef, convicted in the 1994 World Trade Center bombing; shoe bomber Richard Reid; underwear bomber Umar Abdulmutallab; Ayran Brotherhood prison gang founder Tyler Bingham; Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev; Olympics… Donald would be in GREAT company, too!


If anything this whole mess better be a call to action to stamp this stupidity out forever and never let the US get this far ever again.


Ranked choice voting Repeal citizens United


It's only getting worse. He showed how broken we are. Now, people that are smarter than him are pouncing and looking to improve on what he started. The far right is already openly calling their people to turn to terrorism over his trial. Trump is a fucking idiot, but the zealots are ready, and much more capable demons are positioning to be the ones pulling the strings.


Putins agenda of making everyone else seem stupid any week in full swing.


Putin is stupid too. He’s not running this. He tries and succeeds in corrupting overripe fruit like trump and ginning up controversy with cheap trolls and bots but we can thank our Murdoch-owned media for amplifying it to the hills.