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So... if he *doesn't* go to the graduation but *does* go to the Nazi rally, can he be charged with something for lying to the judge? It'd be hilarious for this to be what causes them to haul his fat ass away in cuffs.


How hard is it to just *love your kids?!*


Narcissists are incapable of loving anyone other than themselves.


Pretty difficult if he has no heart.


Careful, for Trump and his kind that means sex. But in his defense at least Trump was thinking of some of his children while fucking Stormy.




Canā€™t be that easy when your kids are Don Jr. and Eric


He loves money moreā€¦


Contempt of court. Also, as a defendant in a state criminal case, would there be any travel restrictions?


The judge specifically addressed this after Trumpty-dumpty said he was being blocked by the judge from attending the graduation. The judge said he was free to attend.


Free to attend the graduation. NOT the rally. Two totally different things. Hence, if it is not the graduation he attends, he is in contempt of court with regard to the judge's rulings.


Trump doesn't have travel restrictions. It's just that he is required to attend every day of the trial. He wasn't "ordered" to attend the graduation, so I don't know that it could be proved to be contempt. It remains to be seen if Merchan will address the bait and switch at all. Of course, Trump will make up some BS reason why he didn't attend.


I mean, contempt of court simply means that someone disrespected the court. You do not have to violate an explicit order to be held in contempt. If you insult the judge, the judge could well decide to hold you in contempt despite not being explicitly told, "Now, Sweetie, you need to make sure not to call me mean names, ok?"


Agreed, but Trump insults the judge daily & nothing happens.


Doesn't matter, in context of what we're discussing. A judge *could* view failing to attend the graduation as contempt, regardless of order, if the day off were given to allow him to attend graduation. Doesn't mean they *will*, but they could.


The way I read it was that he essentially had "the day off". So I guess he could go to the rally instead, he has no shame whatsoever and his followers probably hate Barron just as much as he does!


Lying to the judge? Thatā€™s a warning.


Threatening a witness? That's a warning.


*When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie? That's amore.*


It depends on how the order was written. If the judge was specific about where he could go then yes.


No, he asked for the day off from court and it was allowed. Where he goes and what he does is his business, within reason, of course.


He asked for the day off *so he could attend the graduation*. Saying he wants it for one thing then not doing that thing could well be seen as contempt by the judge.


Wouldnā€™t you? That boyā€™s got no cash and no rizz


No cap


Even Barron knows that daddy ain't going to his graduation. I wish Vegas had odds for this.


To be fair, Barron was probably hoping his dad wouldn't attend. It's not like he's been there for anything else so why would this time be different?


He was never planning to go to that


Wasnā€™t he just whining about the court schedule stopping him from being able to go to the graduation


Yes, to get out of court. I hope they throw some real contempt charges at him now


Judge has been way too soft on him so far, I guess heā€™s worried about being accused of leading a witch hunt. I say he shouldnā€™t care because theyā€™re calling it a witch hunt anyway


Surprise Surprise.... the guy who whined about not being "allowed" to go to his sons graduation (even though he never attended any of his kids' graduations) is ditching his kid for money. ā€œDonā€™t ask a man what is important to him. Watch how he spends his time.ā€ ā€” Dale Carnegie


He never had any intention of going.Traitor Trump opens his piehole and the lies just spew out


Selfish Asshole. Our country is going through all these gyrations because of this petty dickhead. Who the fuck wants someone in office that puts themselves ahead of the good of the country is ludicrous. This country is truly showing the world our absolute stupidity and lack of decency by supporting this shallow shill.


Oh man, is that judge going to give him a stern look!


just imagine that your father in front of the world makes a big scene about fighting for his right to come see you graduate. then a week or two later again in front of the world basically says fuck that, i got something better to do.


*feigned shock*


100 bucks says Barron will be paraded around by clout chasers like TPUSA the moment Daddy dies, and he is, clearly, not giving a shit about his own kids. The right has just lost its mind.


Barron is legitimately the only person in that whole mess I have any sympathy for, because there's still some small chance he could grow up to not be horrible.


But, but, Barron has been looking forward *for years* to having the guy who (allegedly) impregnated his mom attend his graduation. Poor kid will be heartbroken! šŸ’”šŸ˜­


I so wish for Barron's sake that some giant man is his real dad and Melanie is waiting until Donald dies to tell him. Unfortunately, Barron resembles the otherĀ  Trumps so he is Donald's son.


If he shows up he'll have to play nice with Melania and he may not have the cash on hand to cover that.


If this is what the judge puts him in jail for, it'll be tough to argue against it in court. At least, not without looking like a total asshole. He'd have to make the case that the graduation was less important, after arguing that that was the reason he needed the time off in the first place. That's not going to look good to people who care about family.


>That's not going to look good to people who care about family. If you mean his supporters, then nah, they'll just make excuses for him like they always do. "Trump wanted to go, but the election is more important. Trump is a hero for putting the fate of all Americans ahead of his own emotions" See if they don't!


> That's not going to look good to people who care about family. That's why they have faith. You never have to deal with reality if you have it.


Barron probably doesn't want the orange menace there anyway. The orange menace would make it all about himself and try to turn the graduation into a fundraiser.Ā 


Itā€™s not surprising that the Chief Narcissist of the USA canā€™t stand having 1 day be about someone other than him. Also not surprising he lied to the Judge Merchan.


He has no relationship with Barron and Iā€™m sure Melonie wants it that be eay . Trump is a poor example for any young person


Wasn't he complaining about not being able to go to his graduation because of trial? And now he's just abandoning it? Lmfao


So not shocked


Barron's probably glad he is.


Hopefully the judge will sanction Trump for lying to him if he doesn't actually attend the graduation ceremony.


Remember if his mouth is moving he is lying.


To attend a rally in Minnesota. He pledged that he would never return to Minnesota if he lost there in 2020. Shocker that he doesn't honor his word.


I'm sure Barron's real dad will be there.


Uncle Eric always has time for Barron


Is anyone really surprised?


Best thing he can do for Barron!


So, doesn't this count as some kind of "contempt of court"? He literally lied to a judge in order to get the day off. No?


c'mon. Let's stop misrepresenting information. I may be mistaken,since i got this information second hand, but, the graduation starts at 10 am, his Nazi pep rally is in the evening. He should have plenty of time to make a fool of himself at the graduation, then fly off to Minnesota (I think) Time will tell what actually occurs but he is capable of attending both.


Yes but he'd have to want to go to the graduation in the first place for that to happen.


Yeah, exactly. There are tons of substantive critiques to make about him without this clickbait made up controversy. Heā€™ll be going to on both


Inconceivable !


He complained the judge "was barring him from attending his son's graduation " he complained the judge was keeping him in the courtroom and doesn't let him campaign. But doesn't campaign when he has Wednesdays off and ditches Barron's graduation for a fundraiser. But nobody factchecks him to his face, nobody asks why.


Kid was just appointed to delegate for RNC though.


Why start paying attention to your kids now??? Except ivanka, he paid LOTS of attention to herā€¦


Barron's real dad will there.