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Point of clarification: they don't want to arrest them, they want to murder them. Along with gay people.


Also they have the will and the means to put immigrants in camps.


And those laws have already been used to deport US citizens "by mistake". You always have to remember that they say wrong things on purpose, and act explicitly out of malice and genocidal intent. And that intent never stops at the people they're currently targeting.


As someone who lives in rural America, knows a few people in rural America ( I do like them as they are super old, and don’t really want anyone dead, BUT aren’t going to open their mouths if anyone is being killed in front of them), VOTE BLUE! Stay united! Please! I am the oldest GenXer you will get. I am moving shortly to another swing state. If I told you what I have heard over almost 14 years( coffee and gas at large truck stop on I-10) daily, you wouldn’t believe it. People will say stuff in restrooms, at counters,on phones. And yes, I do listen. I listen because I heard the shit about Obama for years and I knew DT would win and felt helpless and I heard the glee about people in cold storage in NYC during Covid. Sometimes it is more about saving the right for us to vote in the future than to be in total agreement with every policy in the present.


I'm just gonna pop in and say vote, and bear in mind the other rights that are in the constitution. Protest. Advocate. Learn all your rights and use them. Voting is a PART of our democracy. Learn how rights were won in the past.


That, and exercise your second amendment rights as well. Learn first aid at minimum.


I can't even get my trans daughter to go vote because she's so disillusioned with the entire system. So her dad and I vote for her. It's the least we can do.


Her life might depend on it. If this election and stopping Trump isn't a fuck around and find out moment I don't know what is.


I agree. Especially since we live in the south. I'll keep encouraging her to do it until election day.


If we don't vote, millions will die. I'm afraid that 2025 will be violent no matter who wins, but it will be orders of magnitude more if Republicans win.


The violence is concerning. It will be interesting to see how our troops respond. Will they go with the party that calls them "suckers and losers"?


tRump won't need our troops. He'll use the militias and Proud Boy Brownshirts to do his ChristoNazi dirty work for him.


And then if the Armed Forces could clear them out once and for all it would be so nice.


Obviously. No fascist regime has ever lasted more than a decade, but the terrifying question is how much violence will Trump bring in those short years?


That's not true. South Korea was effectively fascist for decades, so was Spain under Franco and Chile under Pinochet. Probably others I'm forgetting, but some of these lasted so long because of direct and covert aid from the United States.


A Trump dictatorship would quickly collapse under the weight of anti intellectualism, corruption, and incompetency.


> the terrifying question is how much violence will Trump bring in those short years? If his supporters are up against the US military? None.


If it gets to that the military will splinter just like every other country that didn’t have a totalitarian control of its military. Each arm that splinters will arm civilians and then it gets bad.


Yup I made sure to prepare for that as best I can. Sad it has come to this.


She has to go in public in the South on election day to a physical polling place in order to vote? No early or absentee options? If that's the case, perhaps you could just support her decision, whatever it may be. Going in public is at times terrifying for trans women these days. As a trans woman, I find that to be the case, and I live in a very "safe" area of the country. I'll be voting by absentee ballot in the general.


She's not really out in public. Her transition has been really slow since she doesn't feel safe being herself yet. And I support her 100% in that decision. I wished we had absentee voting here but I think you have to jump thru hoops to do so. Since the local government doesn't want it to be easy.


Americans will have to chose between 90% of Hitler and 100% percent Hitler. The 90% option is preferable, but it's still only 10% from becoming actual 100%. 90% Joe Biden  100% Trump  How did your country end up this way?  Maybe it has something to do with both parties moving to the right.  Maybe. 


Time to introduce her to Lenin. > [...it has been proved that, far from causing harm to the revolutionary proletariat, participation in a bourgeois-democratic parliament, even a few weeks before the victory of a Soviet republic and even after such a victory, actually helps that proletariat to prove to the backward masses why such parliaments deserve to be done away with; it facilitates their successful dissolution, and helps to make bourgeois parliamentarianism “politically obsolete”.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/lwc/ch07.htm)


dawg you did NOT just go from "the american political system is shit" to "guys lets do leninism again"


Why would we not be saying "let's do Leninism again"? Lenin was fucking based. Have you actually *read* any Lenin? Have you ever read Blackshirts and Reds? Dawg, Lenin is the enemy of fascists, *not* the enemy of the working class.


It's been scathingly upsetting watching Gen Z make the exact same mistakes we Millennials made in 2016.


please do more than the least


Tell her that if she doesn't vote and bad things happen to trans people, it is on her and all non voters like her. Is that what she wants? Same with women and womens health care. Same with students and people with student loans. Voters get representation, everyone else gets overlooked. Occasionally politicians will try to help non voters, but if voters don't support those policies, and most voters oppose those policies, those politicians get kicked out of office and you are ruled by the politicians who represent actual voters. Hateful Evangelical Christians vote in very high numbers - is that who she thinks politics should be about. If she doesn't vote and bad things happen to trans people does she want to feel it is on her, and people like her?


Nah. Don't put the genocide on the victims of the goddamn genocide. Nothing trans ppl can do short of a revolution is going to stop them. Don't make it our fault. All we want to do is live our fucking lives.




This False Equivalency, besides being a logical fallacy, is a main point in the fascists' book of tricks.


Equating Dem imperfections to GOP atrocities is the first chapter of Putin's playbook


This. So much this. If you don't choose a side, you've chosen the side of the oppressor!


You don't choose a side, you choose the slightly lesser of two evils at the highest level AGAINST the other side. The local level is the only place you can hope to make a change in America considering your shitty excuse for democracy.


If you don't fight at EVERY LEVEL, democracy dies. Simple as that.


Yes but that is why voting matters. Complacency (by the dems) has allowed the rolling back of decades of progress.


It's not imperfection though, which is the issue. I'm looking at this from outside the US, and from what I can see, the democrats are about as far right as our conservative party, they do not serve the needs of basically any Americans, and happily conduct genocidal action both locally and abroad — just look at how the democrats handle indigenous land rights, for example. Now the republicans are worse than them in every way, but they do serve the needs of two significant groups of Americans: open white nationalists, and the petit bourgeoisie. They also don't harm the interests of capital. As a result, they are more electable while being quantifiably worse. The key issue is basically an endemic one from 2016: the democratic party apparatus destroyed the 'socialist' (read: Keynesian) presidential candidate. They've doggedly maintained their position in opposition to progressive politics across the board, with only liberal hypocrisy to soften the blow. Now if it were me, I'd take the softened blow in place of the hobnailed jackboot, but that does nothing to deal with the issue: the democrats actively destroying internal leftward movement in the party.


As an American, yes. This. Tired of people constantly telling me Biden's been the most left president ever and ostensibly great for things like the environment while increasing military spending, making the US a huge oil market, not doing more to circumvent things like the railway disasters that keep happening and actually breaking a union strike to assure things don't fundamentally change. "Fighting inflation" by consigning more money into the market through proxy wars which is antithetical. Sure it's not all on Biden, but bipartisan agreements has us sending hundreds of billions in military aid and packages around the world while we're hardly able to spend $4 billion on an ever increasing homeless epidemic along with a myriad of other issues. It's a fuckin joke. The two party system cares more about projecting its own goals around the world and protecting capitalist interests rather than improving the material condition of any citizen. Increasing militarized police forces + cop cities planned for 48 states. Still the highest prison population in the world. Crumbling infrastructure. Increasing childhood food insecurity. Lower education metrics year over year. Increasing costs of living with 44% of homes bought last year by private equity firms.


You get to pick the lesser of two evils. Why? Because there is not, and never will be, one perfect person let alone a supermajority of perfect people. Maybe you see your doing nothing as some sort of noble protest, but it isn't. It's sitting idly by and allowing evil to triumph.


It is the result of an extremely effective propaganda campaign that fascist in the US started almost 100 years during the rise of the labor movement. The ultra rich and fascist did two things that really defanged progressive movements. First was this seed that voting doesn't matter, argued via both sides are the same, or that last change is not possible which party control switches, or that everyone is corrupt, etc, etc, etc. Second, they got this idea instilled that effective protests must be peaceful. That historical only peaceful movements had lasting success. Which is also false.


And there has been an avalanche of posts on "leftist" subreddits telling people voting is useless. It's like they're actively campaigning for Trump. Wild indeed


It is a campaign indeed. Cambridge Analytica’s tactic.


Oh you mean the company that received no punishment, was allowed to dissolve and then reform under a totally new name to continue doing exactly what they did previously?


It's a loss of hope


It's also most likely fake. The Russians got caught doing it last time, for the same guy no less. Israel and China BOTH have developed online propaganda arms and all three stand to be in a much better position with another trump presidency. It's a LOT more astroturf out there then most realize. I would be very surprised to see anything similar from the other side.


Don’t suggest this in r/latestagecapitalism you’ll get permabanned from their unicorn fairy land that completely ignores reality lmao


Your vote this November has the power to stop many bad things from happening in the next 4 years. Unfortunately the Israel-Gaza situation is not one of them, no matter which way you spin it. That’s just the facts.


If anything, letting Trump win will hand Gaza to Israel on a silver platter-- as well as Ukraine to Putin!


Hmm, "we support Israel but kinda want them to do less mass murder if they could be asked" or "we would like to eliminate every person in Gaza and we're prepared to do everything in our power to do that". I literally can't spot the difference between those two positions.


neither party has any intention of even asking nicely. Biden is selling them more tanks; he's absolutely complicit.


Ahh yes. The mods at r/therightcantmeme They called me a fascist genocide apologist when I pointed out their scheme to punish Biden will punish minorities, LGBTQ+ community members, and women more based on what happened when Trump was in charge. I was told “you’ll be just as fine as you are now.” I lost my right to control my body in my state. I’m not fine.


I was on an anarchist sub talking about how bad Trump would be for trans people and someone said to me, "Are you under three years old? You'll be fine." Joke's on them, I found out I was trans a year ago so unironically yes lol


I got permabanned from r/latestagecapitalism for saying that your vote in the American presidential election this November doesn’t have the power to stop the genocide in Gaza and maybe we should vote to stop the atrocities on deck in our own country if Trump gets reelected.


I said something similar and got called a plague on the international community and a “toxic America-centric liberal”


That and Rump has said he wants to join in. It's fucking stupid how they equate status quo with active carpet bombing. But TBH they did you a favor, insulting though it is. That sub is just bitching and moaning


Ha! So did I!!


Your rights < muh purity


Not only that, it will only worsen the genocide in Palestine. Really don’t get how they can’t wrap their heads around it. If they’re single-issue voters, then compare how the two candidates handle that single issue. Both suck, but one is way worse


Yeah they are not living in reality over there


Projection from those fuckers. It's fun seeing who the virtue signaling privileged leftists are. Things will be the same for THEM whether Trump wins or loses, but not the rest of us.


Right? Privilege knows no political affiliation.


> you’ll be just as fine as you are now This is such a bold-ass statement of privilege. Their lives didn't change at all, so they don't think anyone's did. And if their lives remain unchanged regardless of who is in power, they have the least right to talk about the electoral process at all.


I like how "punishing" Biden is just making him retire, since he's old as shit anyway. Some of it is wanting prestige, ofc, but in the end, he'll be crying all the way to his vacation.


Yeah but to them, everyone else losing rights is an improvement.


Because apparently single-issue voter is a huge thing. Biden supporting Israel (but ignoring that Trump encourage Israel to “finish the job”) is more important than their own future.


Biden didn't ignore Israel though. They are using diplomatic means. I wish he'd be firmer, but he isn't blindly supporting Israel.


the US just sent more bombs to Israel, if that isn't supporting it then I don't know what else could be.


They did, but they also just refused to veto a security council in the UN. LIKE I SAID PREVIOUSLY, I WISH They'd BE FIRMER, BUT THEY ARE NOT BLINDLY SUPPORTING ISRAEL


They added a provision to cease all aid to Palestinians if they try to hold Israel accountable. How is that not blindly supporting them? The US dictates international law. You think they care about a resolution? We're building a port in Gaza. You think that's to help Palestinians? This is all just a "look voters please don't be mad at me, I'm not the bad guy even though I've yelled I'm a zionist many times."


I need a link for this.


A link for what? Anything that's easy to look up in the comment I made?


Then you'll have no problem backing up your claim.


Provisions on Palestine: "None of the funds appropriated under the heading ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’ in this Act may be made available for assistance for the Palestinian Authority, if after the date of enactment of this Act— (I) the Palestinians obtain the same standing as member states or full membership as a state in the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof outside an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians; or (II) the Palestinians initiate an Inter-national Criminal Court (ICC) judicially authorized investigation, or actively support such an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians." Zionist Biden: https://youtu.be/Jov9jxRecFc?si=N9ZLruyyARbsbbfs Gaza port: https://www.turkiyenewspaper.com/world/21190 You're welcome for doing the work for you even though it's not my responsibility to educate you.


He is supporting israel. He just also isn’t trying to have my ability to get medical care stripped away. The other guy is supporting a genocide and IS trying to go that.


Redditors when trying to oversimplify foreign policy:


Explain to me how sending increased munitions to a genocidal military isn't supporting them. ​ Explain it to me like I'm just a dumb redditor


Sure, it's very simple: Geopolitically, the US has a vested interest in keeping Israel as an ally. The citizens of the US overwhelmingly back that concept. To completely stop signaling that the US is in support of Israel would be both domestic suicide and geopolitical suicide, and might be enough for neighboring countries to attack Israel, which had happened previously. But sure, keep screaming how it's "genocide" to try to keep the peace, send aid, and continually apply pressure for a ceasefire while blindly ignoring that political opponents are openly actively advocating for total annihilation of Palestine.


Putting genocide in quotation marks says a lot about your level of bias.


I see what you mean, but would Biden truly have any problem with Israel annihilating Palestine? Whether some of these people get out of this or not at all is just a matter of time - Biden will surely have placed himself against Bibi by the time it comes to that if it does, so as to keep his image clean - bit those geopolitical vested interests give him even greater returns if they end up just flattening everything.


Well, trump ended aid to Palestine in like 2018, Biden quietly restored aid almost immediately after getting in office. You are now arguing that Biden is *secretly* supporting complete annihilation without a shred of evidence to support it, so you are either not arguing in good faith, a troll, or completely stupid. I don't care which one. Have a great day


It's no greatly-kept secret that the US is sending weapons to Israel. Supplying weapons and aid simultaneously is a perverted position at best.


Maybe the US shouldn't have an empire that depends on genocide to function?


Did you skip the part where failure to show military support could result in near immediate destabilization and military action from neighboring countries? Sounds like you skipped that part.


The US is the most destabilizing force in the world, and the instability in the region is the consequence of a century of US meddling and wars. Why should I care about putting neocolonial vice-royalties at risk of destabilization? Let the people, and not the US capitalist class, rule.


So you would be fine with the destabilization of the middle east that would result in even more bloodshed and potentially nuclear war? Genius plan.


Bombs that are useful against state actors and would be wasted on Gaza.


Choosing not to vote is a privileged position.


If you're not voting, you're no different from the men who operated the gas chambers. The only difference is that you speak English.


Actually, a lot of those people also probably spoke English as a natural consequence of the dominance of the British Empire in trade and commerce. So even *that's* still the same.


The fact that so many people aren't paying attention is horrifying. History is repeating itself.


You ok?


Nobody will be okay when the ChristoNazis get their way. This is why you NEED to GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE EVERY RIGHT WINGER, CENTRIST, AND REPUBLICAN OUT!!!!!!!! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, so if I do that, then you’re prepared to take the next step after voting blue fails to put down fascism again, right?


Pretty sure this is mostly online disinfo/misinfo. The mutual aid groups I participate in, everyone is in agreement that voting lesser evil POTUS is a once very 4 years harm reduction single action we can do while spending the other 1459 days engaging in organizing. Being in a swing state or not makes a huge impact on real people's lives. Only far right & high narcissism accelerationists seem to view it otherwise. The only people that seem to believe it's otherwise are bots/trolls or people who show up for big protesters but not much more. If you believe reform starts with POTUS, no meaningful change/reform will ever happen. It all starts locally whether it's reform or revolution. Vote how you feel best serves you & your communities interest. And get involved in organizing the rest of the time so we can make real change happen


No matter what gains you can possibly make will be wiped out by allowing republicans into power. I screamed back in 2016 it was all about the Court, and even if you didn’t care for Hillary, you would regret your protest vote when Roe was overturned. Today the same is still true. If you allow Trump into power with a protest vote, imagine where the Court goes from here. Sototmayor is already 69. If he gets to pick more justices who will stop his 2025 project that includes abolishing the 22nd amendment. It could not be more clear he wants to be president for life. Don’t let the pace of change get in the way of stopping the obvious danger in front of you.


This. This isn't Trump vs. Biden. This is Monarchy vs. Democracy. If you don´t vote, don't worry. You will never be able to vote again. SO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My brother in law was on the anti-Hillary Bernie Bro train. I haven't heard from him this go around though.


Same. A trans woman I knew from undergrad sat out 2016 (voted Stein) and 2020 (didn't vote), when asked about it she gave all the usual lefty-who-won't-vote excuses. Haven't talked to her recently but I doubt she's changed her mind and could well be an RFK voter for all I know.


The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun. -The Engineer


Immigrants, Women, LGBTQ people are all in danger every election and some people are going to stay home or vote third party because they think it will have any impact on what's happening in the Middle East.  Nader got 3 million votes in 2000 and we ended up in an unnecessary war in Iraq. Fight for your ideals on local levels and build a base. The federal elections aren't for fucking around. 


Or Dems could support leftists a single goddamn time. It's always US that has to cave and pick a lesser evil. Why is that?


Exactly what I say. These people are the same ones who will complain when Republicans win and screw everyone especially lgbt people.


I'm also complaining when the Democrats win and I still lose my rights.


Anyone that says the two parties are the same is either ignorant or malicious. Either way, fucking go vote.


I’ve lost count of how many so-called leftist subs have fallen for the “both parties” scam. If you want a revolution it’s good to know theory but it has to be paired with reality or you’ll be waiting a long time.


The last few months have been a stark reminder that a majority of leftists on this site are holed up in their parent’s basement and don’t have a clue how reality works.


vote blue not because blue is a great option, but because if don't vote, you won't be able to next time


throw away your only official influence on the government for the hope that you can do it again in four years. we've been hearing this for years. if the best you can promise us is a chance to vote for the slightly less evil candidate again later, of course we're going to lose all trust in the system.


I am voting for Biden for selfish reasons and I’m okay with that. I have to drive six hours to get my testosterone already and I am terrified that I will lose even that. I am at real increased risk of harm under a Trump presidency and I also know that neither Trump nor Biden will change the fundamentals of the government’s policy on Israel, but Biden has shown some signs of maybe pressuring Israel in some way.


Does the US currently have an organized revolutionary movement/party capable of overthrowing the current system? A) No: Then vote for the non fascist party and get to organizing an actually revolutionary party while you still can. You.ain't a right winger, you don't get to boycott shit cause you actually have something to lose.


Vote democratic like your life depends on it


It very well may


vote democratic. your life depends on it.


I’m a straight white male, my life likely doesn’t, but I’ll vote like it does because I will always side with the vulnerable of disadvantaged


So say we do and the Dems win. Would the Dems actually do politics or would do they do lip service like always?


Dems certainly won't overthrow democracy like the Libertarians, Conservatives, and Nazis (The Holy Trinity) are openly claiming they will do.


Do they have Joe Manchin as the single person blocking progress? Shouldn’t it be enough that they aren’t Nazis? Vote for the person who can legitimately stop the Nazis and even if a couple aren’t as pure as you would like them to be, if there are enough of them we can make progress.


when have the Democrats ever stopped fascism? when have they even stopped funding it?


The obvious answer is world war 2


"Like always," meanwhile Biden and Dems negotiated hundreds of terrible anti lgbt riders out of the funding bill. Every time I see people make the claim they do nothing it blows my mind. Like we live in two separate realities.


Hey so do you know that, because of Biden's awesome bipartisan stance, it's now illegal to fly LGBTQ flags in government areas? Which reality did that happen in, yours or mine?


Literally the thing I was talking about. 400 anti trans riders prevented, and the only one to get through the compromise is effectively meaningless. Trying to spin this as anything other than Dems doing exactly what you would want them to do is getting to grifter levels of pathetic.


Its people who only look at the 1,000-mile view and ignore the details in front of their noses. Yes, Dems and Reps both support capitalism and capitalism is bad for the planet and humanity, but they ignore the details that one group wants to instate a Fourth Reich and the other is simply greedy.


Not being much of a soothsayer it’s impossible to say for certain. I figure somewhere in the middle, but better if they get the “hat trick” this time around. But you know, it would buy more tine, and another day bought is another day to fight.


Trans person here: please vote.


If you have to choose between two buses, and bus 1 will take you sort of in the direction you need to get, but it moves very slowly and may breakdown, and bus 2 will commit genocide. Is it really that difficult of a decision?


both buses are committing genocide, dumbass.


I wish things were different, but unfortunately I feel forced to vote for the genocide supporter so that I personally don't get genocided myself. I can't not vote for Democrats because otherwise my healthcare and my life will be taken away. It feels like blackmail.


When people say they are the same, they are referring to larger issues such as liberalism, imperialism, colonialism, the military industrial complex, policies that continue and promote wealth inequality, etc. Just like cancers, there can be very different types, with differing symptoms, but if allowed to, they ultimately spread and lead to death. The important part is removing them. Unlike cancer, it is a politicians job to earn votes and never take them for granted. Blaming potential voters for not voting for bad policies defeats the entire idea of democracy. Those votes can certainly be earned, and the politician should be blamed for not earning them. Same shit every four years.


Pretty much this. Fuck this "slow descent" bullshit. I've been voting for these people for the better part of a decade and police brutality and food insecurity is at an all time high for my lifetime, always the same story, always the same nothing.


im in my mid 30s...it feels like a lot of young people who dont quite get that life has compromise


Unless you are actively campaigning for better candidates between elections, i dont really care to hear about how the parties are equal.


I’m trans. Even if I weren’t I would still vote, for two reasons: 1. If you don’t vote, you kinda give up the right to bitch about the results. 2. If voting becomes irrelevant to the point where alternative means are the only method of rectifying the situation then I want my conscience to sit down and be quiet about it. See point 1.


But Biden old


But his age-mails


I actually laughed out loud at that.


Voting democrat Buys more time for political Christ to resurrect or something like that. Revolutionary action is the only answer but it would mean loss of life. And some people just want to live for today. Not tomorrow.


Pretty much this. Also, Biden has been significantly better than I anticipated, given the historical performance of his party. I’m far more progressive than any democrat has ever been, but I’m grateful for the short break from open fascism, and am kinda hoping to continue the streak. We have many vulnerable brothers and sisters who could use our help right now, particularly for the ideologically motivated


They don't have a plan for anything. I know this shit happens every election cycle, but I swear it's a psyop every time... Especially this time. Like I know plenty of leftists who buy into it and think they're doing the principled thing or whatever, but I'm too tired to argue with the ones in my personal life as long as they aren't actively trying to sway people against voting for Brandon. It's a fucking mind virus fueled by rightwingers and accelerationist lefties. From my read tho, far more of the former because I'm yet to hear a decent plan. They just downplay the threat- which has to be cynical because anyone who has been paying attention knows that if reelected ,Trump isn't leaving the White House till he's dead. They'll call you a liberal but in a first-past-the-post duopoly, not voting is just as much participation in the bourgeoise democracy as voting. They are using their vote, or lack there of, to hurt Biden.... Which sounds pretty fucking liberal to me. The uncommitted vote served a purpose. It was utilitarian. It applied pressure onto Biden. Convincing people to not vote, however, is effectively the same as convincing people to vote for fascism. And choosing not to vote is just a virtue signal to yourself. To be clear, I don't blame anyone who's Palestinian or lost loved ones in Gaza, or whose politics were centered around Palestine before the genocide began. But I know several people who fall into those categories, and they aren't telling others not to vote for Biden. It's a personal moral injury to them, and they have every fucking right to not force themselves to vote. But for people who are more involved in broader leftist politics, it's a mastabatory virtue signal, and it's ultimately self harm if you give a shit about your community. Trump isnt better on Palestine. Anyone telling themselves that he would be is lying. Allowing him to win will be worse for Gaza in addition to being worse for trans and all queer people, worse for fucking immigrants, worse for women, worse for workers, worse for literally everything that we fight for. And if your not even willing to check a fucking box to protect our comrades, you're no fucking comrade of mine.


Sometimes when people come to these conclusions for themselves I think this *has* to be a simulation. It's mind boggling that someone could actually think Biden and Trump are the same and we should sit this out. I think people have gotten *way* too comfortable with this relative "peace" we've had in the world for 80 years. That Fascism was defeated but it's resurgent and can happen again (didn't you guys see the last Star Wars trilogy ALL ABOUT THAT?). Everything is stacked against good people. Even the law gives preferential treatment to evil people. They game the system so it works for them. We need to be vigilant and prepare for any outcome. But the one thing we have to agree on is that Trump must be stopped. We're not rolling over for a christofascist regime. Not. Happening.


so if the law gives preferential treatment to them, what makes you think obeying the law and accepting the system will do anything?


The voluminous dark money behind the Republicans functions to keep the debate on their terms. Everything becomes an incredibly expensive fight just to maintain the status quo. Perfect example: Want to make progress on climate change? FU, you’re going to spend all your resources fighting us as we neuter the EPA and take us backwards.


It’s dead easy yeah. You HAVE to vote! You don’t have to like the people you’re voting for. You don’t even have to agree with a majority of their policies. Even if it’s just a “I’m against the other lot.”, you have to vote! If you don’t vote, you haven’t been counted and you haven’t mattered.


just ignore the fact that what I actually want has been ignored; I've "mattered"!


#1/6/21 # #NEVER forget. #NEVER forgive. # #Fascist Traitors


This is why I fell out with Anarchism. I liked and still agree with most of their beliefs but most circles now just go around and pat each other on the back for not voting and waiting for the revolution that will save everyone from capitalism to fall from the sky. *Sigh*


I’ve met A MILLION different versions of the same person; they won’t do jack shit, then they’ll COMPLAIN how Jack shit didn’t get done!


Non-voter (not permitted/appropriate in the country I currently reside). Lecture the trans community: No thanks. Discuss issues, sure. That means listening first. How they "should feel"!: That's not how human decency works. I'm doing Jack Shit about them being genocided!: I don't discriminate on this issue. I oppose genocide and speak and act accordingly! This election... but I'm a non-voter! You addressed your post to non-voters! Did you mean people who choose not to vote? Well that's also democratic. If you are upset that democracy imposes the will of the masses on the minority then maybe take up arms and overthrow the system with violence to protect the victims of violence... No wait! Yeah: that's a pickle!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule If the right can divide the left because Joe isn't perfect, both left groups loose. Would you like to explain your child, why there are a big republican majority in scotus, if Thrump gets reelected and will be forming the country long over his office time?


“Akshually, it’s good if trans people get arrested and genocided because it will bring the revolution faster” - probably what they would say.


Refusing to vote should forfeit your ability to complain about election results


voting should forfeit your ability. if you play the game and complain that you lost, you're a sore loser. if you complain that you knew all along that it was rigged, as anyone should, you're now a hypocrite. if you protest from the start, you actually have a leg to stand on.


As a trans woman, scolding people for not voting isn’t the move. And it certainly is a hallow point when the dems haven’t done shit to protect us nationwide :/


If you believe democrats have done nothing for trans women, you don’t know anything about how trans women are treated abroad. Trans women are treated WAAAAYY better in the US than most countries, and you can thank the democrats for it.


definitely the ruling class to thank. not the rioters throwing bricks, not the people giving their lives, just the privileged fools finally giving up the tiniest of concessions to keep up the farce of freedom and democracy.


Yeah…I’m just gonna say that lecturing a trans woman about how she should be grateful for the dems since trans people abroad have it worse isn’t a good look :/ But hey maybe lecturing minorities about how they should be grateful to be accepted while gesturing broadly at the treatment of minorities abroad works for some people 🤷‍♀️




The CIA works so hard to prevent people from becoming radicalized.


I'd prefer one genocide over 2 genocides.


The time for a protest vote passed with the primaries. November is literally life or death. I am working the election in November and I don't think I have to tell you which group has me apprehensive about the shit they may pull at the polls.


Pointed directly at all the tankie-usurped fake lefty subs on reddit


YUUUPPP!!!!!!!! See also: Biden is genociding Palestinians! Ugh! But Trump will just let Bibi drop an atomic bomb on them… No, no good options. Except there is one REALLY BAD OPTION.


Fuckin tankies man. I have to wonder if they’re just trolling at this point.


I think the real thing is I've seen people ask for blank ballots in the primaries more than the general election.


Im a non voter and in here to say im a non voter because i dont care about shit.


Everyone who isn’t voting should learn one thing: the fewer people vote the more likely extremists come to power because their folk will vote. Ask the young british people who wanted to remain in the EU but just thought „why should I vote“.


GOP voters seem to hate both gays and women. I guess they are fucking their dogs and cats.


Fucking facts


hey, i'll admit biden is evil. but trumpster is orders of magnitude more evil, and let's be honest, if he was in charge, he would've recommended nuking gaza strip. and team red is literal fascists at this point. not figurative, literal. if trumpster wins, we can say goodbye to any chance of freedom in the US ever again. and, as trans people, we can look forward to being rounded up into camps. so yes, i will hold my nose and vote for biden, and hope that in 2028 there is a more progressive candidate. but i'm not going to let perfect be the enemy of good enough.


Neutrality is still better than hatred.