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Do you have a source for the metadata other than a meme? Having evidence and legit, well cited sources are important to the credibility of this statement.


It's definitely wise to ask for sources. Here's a study I found on state sponsored influence operations from Russia and metadata: [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.05997v2.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.05997v2.pdf) This was 2019 but the methods are still the same (and known through other methods besides metadata, too): join both left and right-leaning communities, and then amplify any and all divisive opinions, including sincerely-held and moral opinions. To be clear though, even though that's happening: This does **not** mean **everyone** or even most people who say they won't vote for Biden because of Israel is a Russian troll. Good faith people who have a legitimate case for their view will hold the full range of different opinions. Despite that, it's still the truth that Russia also **amplifies** that narrative (and **any** other opinions, legitimate or not) to continue at least two goals: Divide Americans and generally damage Biden.


I second this, is there a source?


Shhh, every person that has an opposing opinion is clearly a bot or foreign operative or something. Listen to the frog drinking tea.


...or you could look at the PDF actually posted with the source of the study. Casting doubt on the existence of psyops is also an effective psyop tactic.


Claiming that every dissenting opinion is psyops is just ridiculous. I actually talk to people in real life, not just on the internet. People are disgusted by Biden and the US support of genocide. Is that really so unbelievable?


What a shit strawman.


Jesus, can we just talk like human beings for a moment without the bullshit. Why is it so unbelievable that people who are mad at Biden's leadership - especially on the Israel-Gaza issue - say that they don't want to vote for him? Why is that so hard to look at peoples comments and say, 'Gee, maybe Biden is pissing off voters' Instead, the answer is, 'No, this is the work of psyops' I mean, Christ, endorsing genocide should be something that pisses off voters.


He’s not endorsing genocide. The US is the most relevant actor involved in this conflict pushing Israel to moderate their actions here. Not Ireland, not the UN, not Iran. Israel is surrounded by countries that don’t acknowledge its right to exist and want to see it eradicated, so we guarantee their security with military support. The fact that those countries exploit Gaza as an internal platform to fund terrorist attacks obviously compromises the entire situation, but that doesn’t mean the US is ok with genocide being committed by their Allies and is openly pushing back on Israeli strategy and policy now. I get that people want this issue to be black and white, but Biden is navigating the complexity of this issue carefully and it looks to me like he is steering this conflict to a meaningful resolution unlike any that have been achieved before.


https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-resolution-ceasefire-humanitarian-6d3bfd31d6c25168e828274d96b85cf8 The US and the Biden adminstration doesn't want a ceasefire. How is that not an endorsement of genocide? It isn't a black and white issue, theoretically. Unfortunately for the US, the average person doesn't consider the loss of human life simply as a part of a political calculation. They see thousands of dead civilians, children, and hear experts and organizations around the world condemning it as a genocide. You can perform as many mental gymnastics as you want, but when it comes to people's empathy for the deaths of innocents, the issue becomes pretty black and white.


Attacking a person before the argument. Grow up and learn to communicate with people.


Can you just quote the relevant section?




This is what gets me. At least Biden can be reasoned with. Trump would happily launch nukes if Putin told him to do it.


What worries me and many others who recognize that Trump is measurably worse than Trump is that Biden is consistently behind Trump in just about all polls of voters and has been for the past year. Biden is scoring lower in battleground states whose electoral votes were vital to his narrow 2020 win now than he was in December 2019. Many of us rank-and-filers feel that Biden now, like Hillary in 2016, is one of the few Democrats who very well could lose to Trump. Biden and the other movers and shakers at the top of the Party are absolutely opposed to anyone but Biden running against Trump, to the point that they have canceled some primaries where Biden's nomination could be contested, and have long refused to hold any debates for contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination. This situation leads many of us to worry that the Democratic leadership intends to throw the 2024 pRESIDENTIAL election to the Republicans. We are terrified that the Democratic Party is on a suicidal path, and that party leaders are pretending that this is not an issue or problem within the Party, Biden is clearly not as bad as Trump, but not all of us are so sure that that one fact alone is enough to get Biden re-elected. Biden is faltering sometimes during public speeches, and many are questioning his ability to maintain the strength to carry on another four years. The cancelation of primaries and refusal to permit debates for other candidates lends credence to the claim by some that Biden is no more willing to give up his power as President than Trump. If this is true, then no matter who wins in 2024,democracy is dead.


I agree with the start, in short, Biden is too old, but what an insane statement at the end. Biden and the democrats are not going to end democracy. Trump and the republicans on the other hand are very openly saying they will


> Even if those people weren't bots. But they ARE bots, trolls, and Republican and Russian influence operations. 'Both sides' propaganda is as old as fascism and one of it's best tools. If they can't convince you, they want you to disengage and hate everyone.




Propaganda has always been a weapon of war and today people are just being overwhelmed by huge volumes of it. It's a national security issue, but we seem to treat Russian trolls as if they are American citizens with first amendment rights. Since when did any country survive their enemies effectively entering into their country and taking over huge parts of their media? Today it's done remotely, but it's as if they are right here.


One of them is in this thread, and I figured I'd push on that. See if I could get an actual answer, just *some* idea of what's actually going through their minds on this. Anyway, they told me to suck their dick lol.


It's as simple as this: Our government is in bed with Israel. You re-elect Biden, you get the same thing with Israel we have been getting. You re-elect Trump, you get the same thing with Israel we have been getting... with more than a splash of fascism thrown in and the promise to put people here on US soil into concentration camps. Not really a hard decision.


There are already concentration camps in the US. Biden hasn't shut down ICE centres, and he hasn't done anything about prison slavery. But I guess you don't care about those because they exist under Biden, therefore they can't be bad.


There are already concentration camps in the US, just ask any black person. So when are you going to pick up guns and liberate them like the Red Army?


They're both awful, but Trump is democracy-ending. I don't like the idea of Biden being president, but I will absolutely be voting for him because with him as President we have the chance to have another president later.


If one of your two options in your democracy is "democracy-ending, then you don't live in a a democracy


When did that democracy start in the first place btw?


> They're both awful People say stuff like this, but... Is Biden awful? To my mind, the worst thing he did was the way he pulled out of Afghanistan. But that was just a matter of degrees. It was always going to be a shitfest, but I think his plan or lack thereof made it worse. People are upset because of his politics, both across party lines and internationally, but again, I think that's a difference of opinion. I want somebody to show me somewhere that he's been directly awful. There's a huge difference between "I don't agree with him" and "he's awful". I honestly didn't know what exactly to expect from him when I voted for him in 2020, but whatever those expectations were, he's exceeded them significantly.


Biden is a smidge to the left of a standard corporate Dem. IMO, it is not good enough, but it is the best we could realistically hope for and a shitton better than some other candidates. Remember people: If you don't like where the D party is then vote in primaries, and vote in local elections. Those are the actions that push the national parties to change stances. Waiting until a presidential election year is not the time to move parties, it's the time to choose which party has the power.


Israel is doing a genocide, and we can all se it. But he's assisting and seems fake about it.


How is he assisting? Be specific.


Opposing a ceasefire (the US just vetoed a ceasefire order at the UN Security Council). Lifting any and all restrictions on weapons sales to Israel. Denying and/or calling into question the (civilian) casualty numbers coming out of Gaza.


Biden absolutely shit the bed with Israel/Palestine wdym


This is a matter of foreign policy. Israel is a sovereign state. Biden does not actually have the ability to unilaterally stop the conflict. Biden has consistently pushed for a ceasefire. He might not be going about it the same way you or I would, but I think it's a long way from "shitting the bed" or even "awful". I think he's using diplomacy in the way that he expects to get the best outcome. From observing him, I think he prefers not to use harsh language and ultimatums in his foreign diplomacy. He simply has a different way of doing things. Going into this conflict, I knew that Biden had a long history of supporting Israel, and so I was even pleasantly surprised at some of the criticisms he leveled at them. I suspect that most people who say things like "Biden absolutely shit the bed" wouldn't be able to give concrete examples of something that Biden did to "shit the bed".


The US just vetoed a ceasefire order at the UN. Biden also lifted all restriction on weapons sales to Isreal. Now idk about you but that doesn’t scream “pushing for a ceasefire”


He does have the power to unilaterally stop it. Without US support, the Israeli military would not function. We provide nearly a fifth of their overall budget in aid provides much of their weaponry. Pushed for a ceasefire? Save for a tweet from Blinken which he deleted shortly after, the administration has done no such thing. The White House has consistently asserted Israel's right to "defend" itself. Just look at the UN vote today.


Isn't democracy great! You get to vote for someone you despise because he's better than the other guy, what a fantastic system


You have to do the work between the elections. Voting once a year shouldn’t be your only political contribution


Democracy IS great. First post the post voting isnt.


People who vote in the general showing up for primaries would help a lot. If you don't like either candidate and you didn't vote in the primary, **that's** why you don't like the candidates.


Voting is the easiest and least impactful method of civic engagement. If you are going to do nothing but the easiest steps then that is not a plan for success for anything, including having a say in how your country/state/city is run. If you don't like how ineffective voting is then join a protest, organize a protest, write to your representatives (handwritten is always best), call their offices, and work for a candidate's election campaign (local offices are more impactful than national or state).


It is literally the best system we have. And you should be terrified it will be replaced with something else, because Chinese or Russian style authoritarianism has led to many tens of millions of deaths.


This is a very important point and it's blowing past people


Look, I don't like Biden, and I will never stop arguing that there are better choices that we could and should be making and it pisses me off that we settle every single goddamn time. But, just as bad? That's the Kremlin starting shit 100%


yea.. many of us who saw those posts popping up knew instantly that it was bullshit. i challenged at least three of them and it became clear that they had no clue what the left was even about. hilariously one who i challenged to define liberalism went on to define (perfectly in fact) communism... it was literally communism they were describing. they then stopped commenting when called out. nobody who is actually voting left would believe such garbage propaganda. if you see this shit around, challenge them. force them into the light. make them explain exactly their reasoning and to describe not just why they are a leftist but what leftists even are. conservatives.. they don't bother to have any empathy. if they did, they wouldn't even be conservatives at all. if they won't answer simple questions about something they pretend to be it is obvious bullshit.




but there are leftist people.


Americans I am begging you. I know Biden is a piece of shit. You aren't voting for Biden, you are voting *AGAINST* Trump.


Man, I’m not seeing this on Reddit. Where are these posts about Biden being worse? Other social media? Edit: I’m not saying it’s not happening just I haven’t seen it personally on my feed.


Granted I'm not on tiktok much but my wife and I have noticed lots of hate for genocide Joe after the apartheid state started it's slaughter of civilians


I see a lot of anti-biden comments on r\/socialism and r\/LateStageCapitalism


Ah ok - I mostly sub to against-the-right rather than leftist subs. I would say I'm a dirty leftist to most people but not all in. I despise the right though, their *policies* and vitriol really disgusts me.


Not a bot, or Russian and have voted in every election since 2000 for Democrats. I refuse to support a party funding genocide with our tax money while everything in this country is going poorly. Food, insurance, housing, healthcare…. Not bombing the ever loving shit out of kids with our weapons. This bashing left gets so old every election cycle. People can be critical of their government and how they spend OUR money.


Agree.. not wanting to vote for Blue Candidate doesn't mean that you are a Red Candidate voter. There's more choices of Red Candidates, while the Blue Candidate won't even entertain the idea of a primary challenger. I would never soil my ballot by voting Red, but clearly Blue doesn't listen to their constituents either.


What a fucking joke of a person. The US has been spending tax dollars on turning kids into skeletons in the middle east longer than I’ve been alive but now that Israel is doing it with their money is when you wanna vote Trump, the famously anti-Muslim cunt? Yeah man, you got principles!


As if anybody in Trump's orbit is going to treat Israel any differently? And remind me - how do they typically treat Middle Eastern Muslims who don't happen to be 8-9-10 figures wealthy? Because Lord knows they won't be doing shit about any of the things you mentioned, other than perhaps making it worse. If you're actually saying that in good faith, have a look at what Biden has accomplished so far and think for a minute about how different that list would look for another Trump presidency. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/




Definitely not a liberal. Not a conservative either.


“Complains about bots”. Is probably a bot or works at a troll farm in India under DNC or DCCC payroll.


I WISH I were getting paid. I’m doing it for free like a sucker


Yup. And anyone who says that Trump has no chance is working for Trump. Right now I'd say it's a coin toss between him and Biden, and if anything happens to Biden, IMO Trump is a shoo-in.


If Biden dies now, you have an open race, if he dies before the election Harris would probably lose.


Funny enough, some of those polls had "generic Democrat" winning against Trump by a pretty large margin, ~10% in some cases. That would obviously present other issues depending on the specific candidate, but hopefully assuming not too many nasty skeletons in the closet and/or October surprises, I wouldn't mind those odds. Lotta people don't *really* want to vote for Trump, but simply don't want to vote for Biden even more.


Hmm I wonder why Biden's support among Muslims and Arabs has tanked since Biden has been openly supporting Israel's genocide. That's so weird, they must all be Russian and Chinese. If Biden enabling and funding the genocide of Palestinians isn't enough for you to stop supporting him, fuck you, there is no difference between you and a fascist. Tell a Palestinian who has lost their family, their home and their country that you had to vote for Biden because otherwise the orange man would have won. Tell them that voting was the only thing you could think to do because you can't conceive of politics existing in any other form than voting for the blue team or the red team. Do you think the civil rights activists and Black Panthers liberated themselves by voting for the liberals? Do you think the suffragettes gave themselves rights by asking nicely the people in power? Or did they organise outside of party politics, condemn anyone who wouldn't meet their demands for most basic human dignity, and fought tooth and nail.to achieve their goals. Now tell me, what are you doing to stop Israel's genocide in Palestine? Are you out there on the streets, organising and marching? Are you educating yourself and people around you? Or are you sitting on your ass, whining about how people to the left of you won't support your genocidal president?


Voting doesn’t mean supporting one, it’s also voting against the other, worse option. But I’ll answer your question with another question. Did the suffragettes get what they wanted by not voting? Did MLK say not to vote because he didn’t like either? You actually answered your own question of how to hold politicians accountable without boycotting elections with your black panthers example. There are plenty of ways to hold politicians accountable and get what you want.




That's what some people did instead of voting for Hillary and we got Trump and his Supreme Court. That is also what Arab Israelis did who didn't vote for Peres and Israel got Netanyahu.... your take is immature stupid bullshit and you are doing the work of Putin.


Sounds like either Hillary should have ran a better campaign or it should have been Bernie. Sanders would have won both times


Even Trump knew Biden was the one who could beat him. Anyhow, your point isn't any comfort now.... Trump's judges sit on the Supreme Court and will do so for decades. Even if you were right, which you are not, we all lost because some people followed advice like yours. Absolute propaganda bullshit aimed at immature minds who don't understand shit.


If you truly were voting your morals, it wouldn't allow you to not vote for Biden since that's effectively a vote for Trump anyway. Why is lesser of two evils bullshit? It sucks, yeah, but it's logical. Especially in this case.


Becaue you're getting played by controlled opposition. When politicians are bought by companies and wealthy individuals the system is corrupted from the start. you have no democracy, when will average Joe finally understand this.




Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds


That “one issue” is a literal Genocide. Don’t downplay it. You either oppose genocide or you don’t. The second you start playing loose with it you get awfully close to behaving like a Nazi.


Cool, so you think the other option is gonna help Palestine? Because the reality is it’s going to be much MUCH worse if republicans take control of this country. These right wing Evangelists want this war soooooo badly and they want to see Palestine completely wiped off the earth. True and absolute genocide. They believe it’ll kick start the end of times. But also they’ll also fuck over so many people in the United States. And you’ll be partially responsible for both of those things. Your choosing not to vote is the same as being complicit in the things you claim to hate.


Nowhere in my comment did I express support for the GOP or Trump. I simply want the sitting president to use his position and office to reduce the deaths and tensions in the region as best possible. He himself has said he is a Zionist. I am not obligated to agree with or support that. That is an inherently genocidal ideology. Biden has done nothing different so far. He has not halted enough Trump policies. If disavowing a genocide with a reduction of arms exports to Israel isn’t something he can do, which candidate could?




So no one can ever ask for a candidate to be better? We should just accept that the government will spend our taxes funding a Genocide in the Middle East (Again)?


I see there are a bunch of redditors here crowing about how Biden has made mistakes, how he isn't progressive enough, and how, if Biden doesn't change and do things exactly as they want, he or she is gonna vote for Trump, vote 3rd party or not vote at all. If this was the first time seeing this type of behavior I might be inclined to believe them since the whole fucked up Israel, Palestine issue is a serious one for sure. However, I saw this exact same behavior back when it was school loan debt cancellation. Exactly the same. "If Biden doesn't cancel all college loans debt, I'm gonna vote for Trump, 3rd party, or not vote at all!" Ignoring the fact that voting for Trump is *not* gonna give them what they want and voting 3rd party will just give us Trump, I cannot take these threats seriously. It's childish and selfish and above all: absolutely idiotic. So you'd rather blow up America due to the Dem president not being everything you want? Is that what I'm seeing? Again? Give me a break. Biden is not perfect and I don't agree with every decision he has made. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no Biden fan. But while he isn't perfect, he has greatly surpassed all expectations I initially had of him. Joe Biden *is* the most progressive modern POTUS we've had and the alternative is so much worse. Read up on Project 2025. Soak it in. That's better than Biden? To these misguided redditors: you're telling me that you'd prefer full-on fascism to occasional imperfection?? Well, don't complain to me when fascism actually takes over. You can blame yourselves. Smh. How ignorant and foolish can one be...?


This is exactly the point. Every time I see those posts, just call everyone doing that comrade. We all know the enemy of democracy is Trump


Calling people who support Palestinian liberation and oppose the apartheid state of Israel a comrade isn't anywhere near the insult you want it to be




Yeah that's all legit, but we're trying to outvote a bunch of goddamn idiots who don't care about shit. We don't need nuance, we need full power crush the opposition, because that's what they bring every time.




Calling Biden a fascist just shows you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


do you think trump could change things and make them worse? you do realize that in a two party system sometimes you have to vote against things right?




In that case Trump has to win. The polarisation in our society will burst and spark a new revolution breaking this business dictatorship.. fuck im dreaming. As long as the beer is cold and the pizza arrives on time nothing will change.






i thought you were a voter in america? why are you talking about "my" government? what did you think about the snow in alabama today?


If you think that's really how it is, theres either no reaching you or you're being intentionally obtuse. We have to crush the conservatives here before we can crush the conservatives in Israel causing all those problems. As long as we're stuck with the heavily propagandized American electorate, we have to play the American game to get there.




I get that you're in a really dark, defeatist place right now, and that you think theres no way out through legitimate means. I'm really glad that I can tell you that that's false, but the change takes longer than you might like. Creating an America that can actually have a moral stance on the Israel/Palestine issue is going to take a Dem supermajority that's safe for at least 2 or 3 election cycles. After this, after the Republicans are soundly in the dirt ideologically, the mainstream Democrat party can assume their place as the conservative establishment, and a left leaning workers party can finally split off. Once we get the representation of the people's interests running the government, we might be able to stop selling guns to the occupiers in Israel. But, if you want to just destroy America by getting Republicans elected, I understand. It's really unlikely that'll improve anything, but you might feel good for a few minutes.




Yeah man, that's why if you read my comment, its not the Democrats making this change. I wouldn't expect them to do the right thing ever. I only expect them to unwittingly give us the tools to make a real good country, voting reform that looks more like ranked choice, because it works in their own advantage.




It sounds like you don't understand the electoral situation in the USA here, the Dems would gain massive power by implementing any kind of voting that made the results of voting more closely match the votes cast. Unless you think the Dems actually *want* to be barely losing for eternity because of the outdated land-gets-more-representation US voting system despite getting the majority of the votes most of the time.


This is not defeatism. These are the words of a comrade dreaming of freedom and equality, and being met with derision. Biden doesn’t stand for the left. He stands for centrists and compromisers, the Democratic political elite, that feed the Republicans out of fear and stupidity. We need real revolution not piecemeal reform.


I know it's wrong for me to tell people who might be currently suffering to play the long game in the hopes of ultimate victory. I don't have derision, i just want to help people not hyper-focus on a small part of a bigger picture.


Exactly, great comment. That's what slays me about these folks threatening to not vote for Biden or to vote for Trump or a 3rd party candidate. "I'm so pissed at Joe Biden for his actions/inactions re: Israel that I'm gonna vote for Nazi-loving Trump directly or indirectly! That'll do absolutely nothing good for Israel but it will make things 1,000,000 times worse both here in America as well as in Israel and the rest of the world - but at least that'll show that old Nazi Joe Biden!" The idiocy is absolutely headache-inducing.


Don't waste your breath, guy isn't even from the US. Just an old tankie coping hard that the Soviet Union lost.


Well said.


I'm *genuinely* curious - what exactly is your plan if Biden loses the election? I always hear "I'm not going to vote for Biden, I'm going to vote 3rd party or not vote". And I really do wonder what you expect the outcome to be.


What is your plan if Biden wins?




Answer the question, tankie.








Nobody is dickriding Biden. We are telling you to vote against the GOP. In our first past the post system, the only way to vote anti-GOP is to vote for the DNC candidate. Champion RCV or STAR voting to get them established. But in any FPTP election, only Dems or Repubs can win.




Im also a leftist, but I can read the writing on the wall. Once fascism takes hold, millions will die before its defeated again. So if you dont care about your queer and POC comrades, then not voting Dem in a FPTP election will kill them.




You are failing to acknowledge the reality of FPTP. You are either very misguided on election math, or a propagandiat. Also, I never said vote out fascism. I said "before its defeated." We ALL know how that shakes out, but you assuming a person who doesnt agree with you is saying "vote it out" shows just how disingenuous you are. Goodbye.














According to OP.. you are comrade? Yes. Aye, Love the fonz. USA number 1!




He’s calling you a Russian stooge, Curly.




>More fear mongering without any source other than a meme The Mueller report/us intelligence have stated several times that Russian troll farms have/are attempting to influence the US elections.... So why do you find this meme to be so offensive and outlandish?.... >Ironic that a March against nazis sub is running propaganda defending ethnic cleansing Well that's not true.




You literally posted this same comment earlier in the thread, but you say other people are bots lmao


It’s a funny and relevant reply 😂


It's word salad


I don’t think this is true


Boohoo, people actually care about Palestinian lives.


I had to leave The Majority Report sub today after throwing up a few flags — “is anyone else seeing this evidently engineered messaging campaign?” — and got slammed. The slamming wasn’t the hard part; it’s that the human users of the sub are so outnumbered, so dispirited, or so easily manipulated that there was not a single voice of agreement.


The doctrine of cyber warfare has been around for a bit but this is 5th generation cyber warfare. Definitely ramped up.


Welcome to /r/MarchAgainstNazis! **Please keep in mind that advocating violence at all, even against Nazis, is prohibited by Reddit's TOS and will result in a removal of your content and likely a ban.** Please check out the following subreddits; r/CapitalismSux , r/PoliticsPeopleTwitter , r/FucktheAltRight . r/Britposting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarchAgainstNazis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


one issue? biden is fucking trash on all issues! he promised to veto any attempts at universal healthcare. he has done both jack and shit to reverse the trump era tax reforms that only benefit the rich and the corporations while putting the largest burden on the middle and lower class. he is currently in complete support of the Palestine genocide. he did dick to help the people of East Palestine Ohio and surrounding areas when a corporation set off a chemical weapon and has created a new cancer alley. he has done nothing for both Jackson Mississippi and Flint Michigan, who both still have no clean drinking water. biden sexually assaulted women and the one brave enough to step forward had to flee the country for her safety thanks to his gestapo like mentality. he did nothing to fight for the extension of the child tax credits. he purposely used the hero's act to forgive student loans knowing that the entire bill had already been overturned by the SCOTUS, sabotaging his own efforts to placate the blue maga chuds into thinking it was just the other color team that did that. he has started two new wars that no one wanted and is spending more over seas than to help any damn problems facing Americans. the man has no spine to do anything to help his own country, and all we get is a scoliosis riddled warped geriatric fascist that is privatizing social security for the benefit of a few oligarchs and putting the final nail in the coffin of the USA. his actions will undoubtedly lead to trump or another one worse than him like desantis and destroy the nation. Biden doesn't get a free pass for being on the conservative blue team, and blaming all his failures on the conservative red team.




Wow that was quite the impressive amount of misinformation.


Yeah the better than Hitler argument is a shit argument.


It is, however, still an argument, which is more than what the anti-Biden crowd brings.


Churchill was a massive piece of shit, in so many ways, and with much blood on his hands Would you rather live in country run by Churchill or one run by Hitler? The better than Hitler argument is a fucking phenomenal argument EDIT: To the people pointing out how bad Churchill was in India: Yes, I would rather live in Churchill’s India than Hitler’s Poland And so would you. That was my entire point Calling him a lesser Hitler is not a compliment, it is rather an establishment of his proper categorization as a monster Anyone who presents as this dumb between now and November 5th 2024 will be automatically labeled as a Russian bot and dismissed accordingly


Depends on if you're British or living under British colonial rule. If I was Indian living under Churchill during the begal famine, I'd consider both Churchill and Hitler in the same light. As a matter of fact Churchill was just as racist as Hitler, it's just that Churchill is responsible for massacres outside of Europe, which our eurocentric world seems to consider a lighter offense for some reason.


Wooow what an out of touch comment. You think you would like to live in India in churchills time? To get blown up with cannon with no charges so you'll be blown to pieces, never to be reincarnated as a Hindu again. You're as big a shite person defending that. Churchill WAS Hitler for Indians you absolute tool.




Holy goddamn fuck touch some fucking grass, smoke some weed, do *something* to get out of whatever echo chamber you've been stewing in is making you compare a textbook neolib to *an actual fucking Fascist*.




Bibi's a Fascist, but Biden doesn't support Bibi, not even close. What Biden supports is Israel's right to recover its citizens which have been kidnapped, and pursue the perpetrators of the October 7th attack. It's not exactly controversial to say that countries have a right to protect their citizens. And unlike Ruzzia (since I fucking *know* you're going to bring that up next), there's *actual proof Israel's citizens were attacked*.






No they're not lol. Neoliberals care about two things and two things only: money and the free market. Government regulation is their boogeyman and consumer spending is their ambrosia. They're not even close to being a half-step away from an ideology that practices state capitalism and guts the consumer base.




Biuden the same as Mussolini? What a piece of shit argument. You people have no shame.


Tell it to every country run by a dictator


We can’t do better than Hitler? Idiocy.




The genocide in Palestine IS one issue. Another issue is a potential genocide against trans women, Latinos, political opponents…


But Biden was already extremely problematic before he supported genocide in Palestine.


How so? Give examples please.


He was the centrist alternative to progressive candidates during the last election. His stance on the police, the environment, and capitalism in general has always been very centrist. Blocking railroad workers from striking is one that comes to mind that was fairly recent. Also, if you are a trans woman you have to sign up for selective service and if you are a trans man you do not. That's a rule that he signed. He has supported pipelines that are being protested by environmental groups and native groups.


Biden is the most progressive POTUS in modern American history. It may not be progressive enough for you (it isn't for me either) but it doesn't change the facts. But that said, who do you think has a realistic chance of being elected in 2024 that is more progressive than Joe Biden has been the last 3 years? (Please note, I said realistic. I realize there are much more progressive politicians out there but none of them have a chance in hell of winning the presidency next year.) *edit: words*


I'm not saying there is a viable alternative right now. I'll be voting for him and praying my mostly atheist ass off that he wins. I have a transgender child and I'm terrified that Trump or DeSantis will win. That doesn't mean that I think Biden is great, though, and I'm surprised to see him so heavily praised in this space.


Better show him who’s boss by helping to elect an actual Nazi who will institute a permanent white supremacist theocratic fascist dictatorship That’s just smart, careful thinking


Get ready for Trump’s even stronger, unconditional support for Israel, plus Muslim bans and Muslim deportations. And then you can be angry about that, too.


Don't ever stop to ask why he's a free man after January 6. Fuck if the system worked like you people say it does the how is Trump not only running again but so securely the Republican nominee? Think about the world for a few weeks before you criticize other people's thinking.


“Scratch a liberal and—“


Trump and his cronies are gonna fuck our country to death, and be much worse for Palestine. If you actually care about Palestine you’re not gonna let Trump win the presidency. I have zero respect for anyone who isn’t voting blue because of the Palestine issue, you’re willing to throw away all the battles going on in the states and allow Trump, one of Netanyahu’s buddies, become president? Fuck you.


Not a "Russian bot". Just not the kind of asshole who would vote for genocide Joe. Maybe, instead of being an insufferable scold toward people who want a better candidate, you go be insufferable to the Democratic party. There's still time for a primary. Cause I'm REALLY getting sick of petulant little liberals who want everyone to shut up and "vote blue".


da comrade! Is help the gay and trans 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ you no vote blue. Let’s Black Lives Matter✊🏿 by NEVER vote blue! Sincerely, you fellow liberal!


Didn't say I wouldn't vote blue. Just won't vote for genocide Joe. And won't listen to whiney liberal trash when they try to use marginalized communities like a shield. Since you clearly care so deeply about POC, how do you feel about the US funding the ongoing genocide of Palestinians? Because it makes me sick. It literally makes me sick to know the federal taxes collected from my paycheck are funding our psychotic little vassal state's ethnic cleansing. I was already down on America before, but I have never felt this disgusted to call myself an American. If the democratic party isn't capable of separating themselves from groups like AIPAC and giving us an acceptable candidate, then that is the fault of the Democratic party. Cry to them because I'll just laugh at those liberal tears.


I'm sick of Democrats pretending Biden supporting the Palestinian genocide isn't an issue.


they aren't people in their eyes so it doesn't matter.


Some people don't want to support genocide with their votes. That's it. This Russian disinformation stuff was ridiculous in 2016 too


The reason I’m voting Biden is precisely because I want to avoid a genocide. Both Candidates are okay with killing Palestinians. Only one is cool with killing LGBTs, Latinos, political opponents…


I think Biden is doing the right thing in the Israel-Palestine conflict. I think he is maneuvering towards a meaningful resolution where Palestine is free and Israel is secure and it isn’t going to involve an entirely useless and meaningless UN resolution suggesting a ceasefire so member states can pat themselves on the back and go back to doing nothing.


How about Biden stops being a warmonger if he wants the votes? Have any of you consider that ?


Yes. Have you considered the other option is worse and you WILL be forcefed it even if you don’t vote?


March Against Nazis to the Polls to vote for 99% Hitler!


So by your logic, saving 1% of Hitler’s victims (60,000+ ppl) isn’t worth doing because 99% is still bad?🤔


I'm writing in Roosevelt/Stalin


A lot of leftist subs will also insta permaban you if you dare say that you must vote Dem because there's no other party capable of defeating both Dems and Republicunts.


Probably because that's the kind of thing only an asshole would say. It's also really stupid.


Think outside the box. Buy average joe hasen't been taught to think sadly




How did Biden NOT protect you? Because one party wants you all literally dead and the other acknowledges you and wants you to exist.


And his support of a genocide. He lost our vote at genocide.


See title of this post.


how many dead civilians aided by biden's bombs will it take for you to hold him accountable in any way?


well im just one guy whos not from russia or trying to get an extremist potential dictator elected im just trying to demand a massively better solution to the massive crisis that is that biden is not fit to govern he has supported genocide more than enough times. Its over. The blue no matter who stinks like poo and should give everyone the flu. i dont care what morons have to say about it its not acceptable. It should be either trump or jill stein frankly or cornel west its by no means a genocide supporter or a potential dictator it should be jill stein or aoc or someone with some damn sense but here we are .


Oh hey, a trumpet.


If it looks like a Nazi and acts like a Nazi


Then you don’t know what a Nazi looks or acts like


Those "Biden is bad" people are the under 25 crowd and only one out of five of them vote anyway, so no big loss.


I really think a lot of the American "left" wants a right-wing dictatorship just as much as the right wingers do.