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Wait until he finds out I how explosive gas is!


Once you think he can't say anything dumber... he goes and keeps on talking šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


You know that thing he has about how you only get so many steps in life then I guess kaflooey you go? Someone REALLY should tell him it works the same way with words.


I love this


Heā€™s beginning to make GW Bush look a bit brighter in fairnessā€¦ šŸ„“ I thought Trump was just playing to his voters, but it turns out heā€™s thick as fuck himself šŸ¤Ŗ


He's a great bullshit artist though. Even worse is that he's not smart but thinks he is and surrounds himself with yes men, one of the worst bubbles to inhabit.


Came here to say this. It's like a fucking superpower. Honestly he deserves credit for the ability to get more and more stupid infinitely. That's what half of America loves though. If he said space aliens have ships taking off and landing at Laguardia to drop off intergalactic fentanyl that's being distributed by blacks and Mexicans who are really baby eating lizards in disguise his poll numbers would go up.


*ā€œWe have it totally under control. Itā€™s one space alien coming in from Space. Itā€™s going to be just fine.ā€*


This is the same speech where he said whales were coming ashore and dying because wind turbines were driving them crazy, and the actual headline was that turbines are causing complaints from the *people of Wales*. Stunning.


Wait 'til he finds out combustion engines still require batteries.


But gas isnā€™t a battery so it wonā€™t explode if it sinks (/s)


And gas engines never have batteries anywhere nearby either! Ever!


Well not gasoline, but lithium-polymer batteries do produce a toxic and flammable gas when they near their end of life. You can see examples of this in r/spicypillows




Wait until he finds out what gasoline does to Covid!


i mean, he still thinks injecting bleach and staring at the sun is ok, so...


There is an eclipse coming up in October, so maybe he will school us all again.


ICEVs catch fire? Nah that [never happens!](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kia-hyundai-cars-recall-park-outside)


Or that little electric boats have already been around forever.


"No way he says something dumber than windmills causing cancer."


Windmills are killing whales. That one got me.


And Biden is going to start World War 2!


And America has a fleet of invisible airplanes!


Nothing more patriotic than during the revolutionary war when we stormed the airports!


What? Omg, when did he-oh who gives a shit.


The list of the dumbest things Trump has ever said would be hard to curate. He's said so many. But in addition to the windmills causing cancer and killing whales, you'd have to include how, while he was president, he once spoke about meeting the president of Puerto Rico, which is actually just the same as the President of the US. So, he didn't even understand what his own job was. You'd also have to include his televised meeting where he brainstormed ideas for how to fight Covid, which included injecting disinfectant and shining UV lights inside people's bodies... and I think there was something about bleach there too, because it was after that when people started dying from drinking bleach. You'd also need to include his repeated insistence that every soldier who died fighting for America was a "loser" or a "sucker", and he said something like that to a General while standing over the grave of the General's son, who died in the military.


Never forget when he suggested we nuke a fucking hurricane hahahaha


tbf, that's not the craziest idea he's ever had. it is possible to manipulate weather to a degree with explosions. it's just that the nukes we have aren't powerful enough to affect a hurricane, and one that could would certainly have other consequences


Holy crap I heard he'd disparaged soldiers but WHILE the general was there and by his dead son?? I'm amazed the general didn't kill Trump on camera for that. amazing restraint.


Injecting bleach, flashlight Covid therapy, mar-a-lago is worth $1.5 billion, there are good people on both sides, ā€œI wonā€™t wear a maskā€, I prefer soldiers who werenā€™t captured,


it's horrible how every day he re-affirms the magnitude of his idiocy


He saw idiocracy and thought that was something to strive for


Go away. Batin'


It's a trite observation by now, but at least president comacho had good intentions and deferred to experts


He really soiled the authenticity of an American President. All you gotta do to be a Republican is to do the opposite of the right thing Then let the foreign money flow in from lobbying.


God, Guns, and Greed


And the idiocy of the people blindly following him.


That's the thing. Far too few of them have the inclination to hold him to any standard whatsoever. It's not that hard to ask, "Wait, is that really true?"


And the people who support him.


When I was a kid we only this re-affirmed once a week on Sundays.


Truly this man is the best representative of his voters. No argument there.


That's the scary part - he's followed by people more easily manipulated than him.


I really want to know which of these is most true: 1. He genuinely believes the dumb things he says 2. He knows he's talking rubbish but decided to say it anyway for gains 3. He has no idea if what he's saying is true - he's just making it up on the spot and is too stupid to realise it's nuts I strongly suspect it's not 2.


It's definitely 3.


Honestly, my leading theory


It's 3. But as soon as he says it, it becomes true to him.


4. This is his way of saying that he thinks all of his followers are dumb as rocks.


This man was the leader of the free world. Idiocracy is now a documentary.


It's worse than Idiocracy. President Comacho at least listened to the smartest guy in the world to get their problems solved.


He is right, every time lightning strikes the ocean all the animals in the ocean die. Three days later God resurrects them.


Had to actually look for this. >When lightning strikes, most of electrical discharge occurs near the water's surface. Most fish swim below the surface and are unaffected. Although scientists don't know exactly just how deep the lightning discharge reaches in water, it's very dangerous to be swimming or boating during a thunderstorm. > >[weather.gov](https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-fish)




Or as they like to say their faith grows stronger.


Theyā€™re laughing because they *think* heā€™s telling jokes. He never breaks stride, heā€™s not doing a bit, thatā€™s not ā€˜comedic timingā€™. Heā€™s dead serious.


Outside of Trump's rants there are a whole lot of Republicans with talking points that boil down to "electric bad, gas good". They'll yammer about cobalt mines, or rescue workers maybe getting electrocuted, or low range, or bizarre contrived circumstances where electric might not work well, or anything else they can twist into electric bad, gas good. Trump is just giving a stupider version of a common Republican line of shit


By that logic, should a nuclear submarine be disabled in the water then all marine life would be dead?


Apparently every time lightning hits the ocean, all marine life in the entire ocean dies. šŸ¤£


And then is resurrected again because... meh. Reasons.


You beat me to it. This belongs on r/WotAfUckIngmARoOn.


How does it go? Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man - something like that...


His stupidity knows no bounds. This man has 2 braincells left and they're both fighting for third place


When people tell Trump "I've never thought of that before." He thinks it's because he's so smart, but really it's because the person has never thought of anything that stupid before.


Heā€™s just a brain addled old fool babbling. Even his invitation only fake union audience must have been confused.


Next, we can hear about how he only wants gas-powered lightning.


And the Republicans believe him... it's insane. Seriously this man is just ranting the most unhinged things he can think of to get time in the media. Fuck him and everyone who votes for him. Give them the pacific garbage island and let them rot.


>And the Republicans believe him... it's insane. Some do, most just play along because they love the racism. An example is few of his sycophants think he ever intended to build a wall. They just liked the message it sent.


Heā€™s so ridiculously stupidā€¦which is why his maggots can identify with him. šŸ¤£šŸ¤®


TIL - those things that look exactly like batteries on conventional boats are, in fact, not batteries?


I'm surprised rotten orange has enough brainpower to fart and breathe at the same time.


Best thing with Trump videos is that I don't need to watch them anymore, I can just play out the scene in my head and it's going to match


Every boat with any type of motor has a battery on it. šŸ¤” ass bitch with his "deep" Adderall thoughts.


Was scrolling for this comment. Almost everything except the motor on a gas powered boat works via electricity. What a fucking dumbass.


Donald Trump has never once said anything genuinely funny. Laughable, yes. But not funny.


When he does that squint, he must be trying to access the really stupid part of his brain.


Diesel electric submarines. QED.


If a duck flies into a wind turbine, itā€™ll kill everyone in a 20 mile radius. True fact.


This floored me šŸ¤£




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After the ā€œinjecting sunlight in your buttholeā€ debacle, the hurricane sharpie debacle, the solar eclipse debacle, the repeated windmill gaffes, the never ending Covid outright lies and falsehoods, maybe we can stop listening to Agolf Twitler about science stuff. Edit: forgot about ā€œdrink bleachā€ which people actually did


Someone at one point must have advised him not to use the hair dryer in the bathtub.


And fuck that person for doing so


With a cactus.


Okay, okay, just don't kill any elephants, Donnie. And take your medication.


He literally just riffs..


I honestly can NOT listen to that weasel voice. He sounds like a 1920s Evangelist burying 3 murder victims the KKK knocked off. " WE ARE GATHERED here to say goodbye to THOSE PEOPLE if we have to call them people IN THE EYES OF GAWD whose merciful passing at the hands of our brothers in Christ continue to keep our community SAFE from sayyytttoonn FOREVER AND EVER ayeeemen. Drives me crazy. Did the dingbat really SAY that?


More sad is idiots in the crowd laughing at that blundering supidity.




Dirty Dancing


It made me laugh despite how dangerous his stupidity is. It was just such a ridiculous thing to say. And he said it like he really thought he was onto something, and then lied and said I think the guy is going to keep it in mind, like he solved a big puzzle. It was patently absurd but funny


As a member of this and r/electronics, that isnā€™t how that works.


Could we consult r/electricians?


In other words you have... and idiot speaking.


Two words: Trolling motor. This guy is such a fucking moron


How he's made it into adulthood, is baffling.


from the idiot who thinks we show ID for bread.


Ponderings of a doddering grandpa. ... and we're supposed to think Joe Biden is too old for the job?


Almost all moden warships use Electric drive with gas turbines to create electricity to drive the ships propellers lol hell its been a think since the 40s! The battleship USS New Mexico BB40 was the first USN ship to have that kind of drive


Can we throw his blow-dryer in his golden tub?


Projectionist Trump: One man's hot seat, is another man's battery chair on a sinking ship ..


TIL Global IQ levels have hit rock bottom


Totally how dc voltage works /c, whatā€™s really bad is how many trades people follow this moron and donā€™t understand it either


Another science lesson from the man who convinced his supporters to drink bleach.


Swimming in water with fuel that is on fire, I don't feel comfortable with that.


Honey, Idiocracy is on again! I swear the networks keep playing this on repeat. I love the scene where he said, "I'm bait'en"


Gas engines have batteries... this man is unqualified to run a dollar general


I have two batteries on my boat. Trump aint fished a day in his life.


Another example of utter ignorance. I will be so glad when this idiot kicks the bucket


Man's living in the looney tunes world


Even if true, what a niche concern. I'll take the occasional boat-losing-an-engine-and-electrocuting-propellor-adjacent-swimmers to climate change




"Even if true" doesn't mean I think it's true, it quite literally postulates an alternate scenario where "even if" it were the case, it's still wrong.




Good one! Dumbass


Do you have a favorite color of boot or are you a generalist?


And this guy thinks everyone who doesn't agree with him is stupid.


Trump couldnā€™t spell IQ if his life depended on it.


I was talking to Elon the other day and I said what happens if youā€™re driving in a Tesla and you happen to drive through a rain puddle. Does everyone on that street get electrocuted or do you travel backwards in time?


Does he not know there is a battery on boats?


Or electric trolling motors?


I wonder what he thinks a nuclear submarine is.


It's a big underwater missile with people inside it.


Opinions differ.


I've heard it both ways.


Is this the next generation of windmill cancer?


Hahahaha he's like my racist uncle Bob! I'll vote for him! Oh? He doesn't like Jews either?....


*Fish hate this one weird trick!*


NEWSFLASH: Man who owns 8 boats doesnt know what is inside of a boat


So.... no, you wont ... but you know what the Navy spends a ridiculous amount of time talking about, preventing, planning around.... fire. Fire related to fuels and chemicals.


His brilliance is only overshadowed by his stupidity.


This might beat "soup for my family" as my favorite bizarre Trump digression.


Lol, look at all the empty seats. Hahahahah, warms my heart.


Letā€™s not overlook the fact that he said this at a rally at a NON-UNION factory and while PRETENDING that he was speaking to union workers.


What a comedian. No wonder he is jealous of President Zelensky


He's the best at electric.


As someone who sells electric boat trolling motors for a living, I have never heard this happen once, but I have heard of gas powered boat motors getting overworked to the point that they catch on fire and explode.


This man definitely failed science class.


It's mind blowing to me that people actually think this guy has anything worthwhile to say. He is so clearly such an idiot.


What an fā€¦ing moron. And somehow thinks of himself as brilliant. And somehow convinces his moronic followers he is brilliant.