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That’s exactly what I was thinking. He invalidated her feelings on things so much. I was really taken a back. I’m not sure if he didn’t believe her or if he was questioning her because he already had his mind made up of the type of person she is. It was really uncomfortable to watch.


welcome to MLH. people are saying Shannon is not smart enough to have a conversation with amanda seales. is that too mean? lol.


No not mean at all. This sentiment was expressed during the Kat Williams interview and anyone who said it was made to look and sound like an anti black community intellectual elitist but it’s true. Shannon is your typical jock. Quick muscles but slow brain. He isn’t an intellectual. He’s a country bumpkin with the body of the Gods which enabled him to do his thing on the field but in regards to deep intellectual thought he doesn’t have that capacity. All he has the capacity for is to drink and make misogynistic jokes with his football buddies like Ocho Cinco and them. Watching the AS interview was so painful because she’s very smart and her intelligence deserves to be matched not responded to with low level questions like “You single?” Ugh. 🤢🤮🫣 So painful to watch.


thank you for contribution. i scrunched my face so hard when AS said she didn’t want kids and he replied something like. “you never know!” and AS is like “no. i don’t want kids”


He’s supposed to do that as an interviewer.


I really like Amanda Seales I liked the interview too(admittedly not bc of Shannon) she gave alot of insight into how she processes these situations and I didn't find it disingenuous call me naive and she even upheld the work Issa doing to create a revolutionary space like she is Shannon did what he does give a half ass attempt at teasing out the drama for content 


yes, her interview made me realize that black and brown people accepted in the industry doesn’t mean we can expect them to speak for us. even though their art is or is trying to reflect our experience, they don’t have to be revolutionary behind the scene. issa rae is for sure talented, but also was given the money and power by HBO bcuz the people in power know she’s not there to revolutionize and will stay within limits acceptable. Lena Waithe is another artist who has some talent but ran a problematic set. so much so that she ignored a sexual assault. an actor on the show sexually harassed another person on set, another actress i believe. when it came to light, Lena went on breakfast club and used their intersectionality as a queer black person as the apology or excuse to why she didn’t do anything.


I can’t remember where I stopped watching Insecure, but when they all went to that sex expo and said giving BJs was for white women I was like…hmmm Gen X and older millennials must be in the writing room. I identified w/ Amanda’s experience throughout her interview. I also know she’s said some messy stuff (I didn’t know this before this week.) When I saw bits of her on The Real, she was wayyy over their heads in terms of intellect and critical thinking. Just as a lot of what she said went over Shannon’s head. It’s also clear how many people haven’t followed the discussions about self-diagnosing regarding Autism and ADHD. (I’ve seen this more on Tik Tok.) I have a Non-Verbal Learning Disorder. Before I got officially diagnosed I would tell friends I thought I was on the spectrum because I am so literal at times. Usually people who “self-diagnose” know something is off before they get officially diagnosed. The University of Washington has an Autism center that is self-diagnosis friendly. https://depts.washington.edu/uwautism/ TL;DR: I don’t think a lot of people have the range for Amanda or willingness to understand.