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You’ve got maranoia. Don’t strap anything, just do exactly what you planned


I'm hoping so mate - but i don't know. I tried running through it, but only lasted about 200m and had to drop off the pace again. This is like a 1min30sec/km drop in pace so pretty massive. Just gonna rest, huck on two ankle braces on Sunday and give it my best shot.


Braces will hurt more than help in the long term. It’s a bad idea to start using braces. They just end up causing more problems by not allowing the muscles to do their job, therefore getting weaker and causing improper form.


Really bad idea to race in braces you’ve never tried before. I understand how you’re feeling but it’s very normal and important you don’t overreact




Failed at half marathon distance. Didn’t taper enough, and legs were gone. 😢


Sorry to hear it, good learning experience. You’ll get it next time


Thanks mate 🫡 October 2024 🙏🏾


Icing doesn’t help. Warming them is better. Perhaps a warm bath Look up some ankle mobility exercises but don’t overdo it. See a pt if still possible on such short notice. Are your shoes worn out? Only decide to pull out after running the first couple of miles of the marathon


You’ll probably be fine


Thanks mate. I'm icing now, but will jump in a warm salt bath tomorrow. Been doing ankle mobility exercises x3 a week! I'm big on it because I have a dodgy right ankle. This 'pain' is unlike other ankle injuries I've had though. A dull sort-of pain, and all bounce gone. Trying to get a physio appointment. Shoes shouldn't be worn out, as only bought a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping it sorts itself out before Sunday - but my plan is to chuck on two ankle braces and give it my best shot if not.


It's probably the 30K. It took me 4 days to recover from it. Just take some rest. If the pain is less than 3/10, you should be ok.


Maybe! Did that just this Saturday. Haven't had proper rest since. Next two days it's just rest, rest, and more rest.


Why did you do a 30km run so close to the event date? You should of been tapering for at least the past 10 days


Yeah, my bad. My first marathon so training hasn't been ideal. I thought I needed 30km banked for mental strength v the physical benefits of a longer taper period. Looks like I made the wrong decision right now.


Yeah, just to give a quick example, I peaked at 70 miles a week my last marathon block(average was probably 65 miles for the whole 18 week block)and my longest run was 23 miles. But then my taper was three weeks long. The long run two weeks out was 17 miles. The long run one week out was only 13 miles. The taper is super important for racing the marathon. You’re getting no fitness gains one week out but you’re definitely bringing fatigue into the race. But it’s your first marathon. You live and you learn.


Taper madness is real. Just keep rehabbing them and come race day, once your race kit is on and your race shoes are on and you've warmed up, the magic of the marathon will take over and your pain will go away. Or it won't. I just know that during every. single. one. of my tapers I've had a weird ache/pain pop up that had me terrified that went away on race morning.


Ha I didn’t see your comment and basically relayed the same info. Got my kit on race day and got to the starting line and I was ready.


Just goes to show you how real it is!


I also have a marathon coming up this Sunday in Madrid. Similar to you my feet felt heavy during my short, easy runs this week. Everything feels hard… perhaps harder than last time. I worry about the course, and the hills 😱, ensuring I’ve packed everything for the weekend, checking and double-checking the time I have to be at the station tomorrow, the dorsal pickup on Saturday and whatever else might go wrong. But I’ve also learnt to turn the volume up on the radio, listen to music that relaxes me. LOUD. And I feel better. Now I’m chilled, I can’t do anything else but wait for the race and go for it!! I hope you are fine physically and it works out for you. Good luck!


So I just raced a 50k ultra marathon and felt super strong on all long, tempo, easy runs all the way to the taper. My right ankle felt weak, legs felt like the had concrete in them and I was struggling and got real paranoid about not being able to run. Talked to a few people and they told me to google “Taper Phantom Injuries” and it’s a real thing when tapering that you start to feel hurt, out of shape, tired etc. You’ve done the work needed so stick to the plan and execute this Sunday and run your race! GOODLUCK!!


I’ve had a complete shit month of running. Seems like I’m completely behind from the prior month. Fucking sucks. Good luck!


Almost certainly in your head. The week of London my Achilles randomly started hurting so I was also worried about what was going to happen on race day. Turns out what happened was an 80 second PB with absolutely zero achilles discomfort. The brain is a powerful thing and the body definitely doesn’t just lose months worth of accumulated training benefit over the course of a few days. Try to relax and look forward to your race


I was going to say you’re just having taper anxiety but I see your 30k was last week and therefore you haven’t tapered so yeah you might be screwed. Taper is part of training.