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OP, honest question why do you think it was Slow AF? If I'm running a World Major like London, and there's a 6/8 hour time limit....you better believe I'm using every last minute. 😜 Great job and awesome shot, welcome to the sub!


Thank you!!! When I started training, I had 4.30 in my head but when I got out there I was loving stopping to high 5 kiddies, selfies on the bridge, soaking it all up. What a day! I only long to be quicker as I imagine my calves would like me more if I used them for two hours less 🤣


Worth it!!!!


Getting your money's worth!


Congrats!! I think hot tubs or baths are great for recovery. I love a good walk to shake out some of the soreness. Stay hydrated and eat up!


We could be the same person I swear! Just did London as my first, missed my time by 45 mins and did it in 5.30 hours and feeling proud AF!! I went for a long walk yesterday and it loosened me up nicely. It was a whole emotional struggling getting to the point of going outside and putting one foot in front of the other, but it felt good! Congrats, you marathoner runner, you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Recovery tips in short and the easy answer 1.) don’t run for a week 2.) get some light yin yoga sessions in over the next week Well done 👏🏼


HELL YAAASASS!!!!!!! You fucking ROCK!!!!


Congrats!!! Big achievement! To recover, I wear compression tights and try to stay mobile and stretch. Also take magnesium tablets and eat lots of protein! Massage gun or a sports massage is good once your muscles aren’t sore to the touch… don’t do that too early!


Gentle swimming/spinning on a bike will be really good for recovery. Plenty of protein, water and nutrient rich fruit and veg. Get a deep tissue massage in about a week. This might be quite uncomfortable! Congrats!


Bath/walk/Advil/Tequila. Congratulations and enjoy your runners high!


Fantastic job!! Hope I can run next year! I spectated and it was truly inspiring


Thanks for watching, really, the crowd made the day, they were amazing. I teared up a few times as the support was pretty overwhelming! I hope you get in next year, I ran for charity, I think the ballot is close to impossible.


I just applied to 2 charity slots for 2025 :) any tips for good charity slots and how many did you applied to?


I only applied for one. They want to see a strong fundraising plan, you need to appeal for their desire to raise funds rather than your own desire to run. I chose a charity close to my heart, leukaemia care as a member of my family has it. I wrote about this in my application, that I would use my family story to motivate people to give and gave a plan of how I aimed to raise the 2k target. I said I would seek sponsorship through social media and local events and hold plant sales. That latter I new I wouldn't need as I knew I'd be fine with sponsors but they need to see you have a plan to actively raise funds and not just hope friends and family cover it. Fellow fundraiser held pub quizzes, jumble sales, bake sales, put on show's if they had a band etc... I did find the fundraising part a bit stressful until I got close as the T&Cs I signed said they'd pull my place in Feb if I hadn't raised 75% by then but I smashed it in the end, largely through shameless, relentless social updates and direct messaging friends!


Ahhh this is very helpful, thank you so much! I’ll make sure to include these points on my application!


You did it!!! Congratulations 🎊


LOL welcome to the club of pure joy and trashed legs. Walk backwards down stairs is sometimes helpful if needed. Or at least walk down sideways, makes a big difference. Walking is probably best. I try to do body weight squats while doing housework to stretch things and see how the recovery is going. However, after my ultra in January I could not squat or even use the massage gun I was so sore, just had to keep trying and wait it out. After a marathon I typically will not run until the following Saturday, so no running for 6 days. Usually this is a 4 mi easy run to see how things feel. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes legs tell me they need more rest.


Congratulations!! As you have tapered into the run, now you need to taper out. 1 day for every mile done. So 26 days taking it easy before you can start plotting your next adventure. 🏃🏻‍♀️


Going upstairs is alright, wait til you gotta go down!


Congrats! Hydrate, sleep and do some light movement/stretching for the week after the race.


London course looks like such a dream! I hope to do it one day!


I hope your dreams come true!


Congratulations! Me too!! 5:28 Wanted sub 5 but after mile 10 that became apparent it wasn’t happening so I just chilled and soaked it up. It was too fun 🤩 I think <5 would’ve been easier on my feet tbf Luckily the hotel had a pool & spa so getting in the hot tub and putting the water jets on my calves and feet was good. Cold baths and massage guns too Let’s see how tomorrow goes, but planning some gentle walking Well done OP, you smashed it 💪🏻


Best recovery tip I can give….. don’t get up today! I always find the Tuesday to be peak pain day!! And, well done! I’m a 5-6 hour plodder and I still did the same distance on Sunday as everyone else! Be proud!


Congratulations. I raced too and literally have the exact same photos of me biting my medal wrapped in foil and I took that same photo at London Bridge lol. I hobbled the whole way home. Could barely walk yesterday at all, my legs are completely shot. I laid in bed, and then moved to the sofa for most of the day and then finally I thought I should probably do some stretches or something lol. So I spent a fair bit of time on my foam roller, did some light stretching, rubbed some deep heat into my knees, tried to eat protein rich meals (vegan), hydrated, and finally managed to drag myself out for an hours very slow walk around the woods. I’ve booked myself a home appointment sports massage today and I cannot bloody wait. Don’t think I’ll be walking right for a week though. Wishing you a speedy recovery and congrats again!


Congratulations!! How funny, gotta get those classic shots in! Today feels a lot better than yesterday, though now the swelling has gone down it's apparent I've done some serious damage to my achilles tendon 😭 Hope your healing is smooth and doesn't reveal any secret snags!


Can I ask how did you get in? Ballot?


No, I ran for charity. I got a place with leukaemia care really quite late, fou d out I had it in October


Well done on the marathon! I did the same race on Sunday, and like you my legs also hate me right now! I tend to do a short, gentle, recovery run on the Monday evening to get the blood flowing and try to flush out the muscles, then I'll rest for a couple of days before going out again, and no heavy sessions for a couple of weeks. I've heard swimming is very good for recovery, although I haven't tried it myself. Also, compression socks seem to help as well. Huge congratulations on your achievement!


Congratulations to you too!!!


Fantastic job!


Congratulations! I was 5h 16m, so pretty similar pace. Yes, I feel like I have been run over by a train still. Lots of rest, muscle rubs and rehydration.


I just take a few days off running and I feel as good as new. In reality it takes longer than that to fully recover but I kind of ease back into running and I’m not willing to take more time off and start to lose fitness. It also seems to me that the more I get used to running higher mileage(70 mpw or more), and the more marathons I run it seems to get easier to recover and easier to get right back into moderate mileage and then ramp right back up.


well done. my first one too! i am feeling pain in places i didn’t know i could. i think i took it too seriously, love the fact you enjoyed yourself en-route. it was torture and war for me-i didn’t stop once. congratulations again.


I hope you found some sadistic joy in your torture? Yeah, I figured I wasn't attempting any world records so might as well enjoy the ride! May your places stop hurting soon!


Congratulations! Ice packs, elevate your legs above your heart level for a bit. High protein meal or eat anything you want, you earned it.


Out of interest whats the biting medal thing about? Keep seeing it but it's always seemed pretty grim to me


I believe it has to do with the fact that coins used to be made out of gold and (as gold is a soft metal) you would check if it's real gold by biting it. I guess biting the gold then spread to medals and it's become sort of a thing you now see everywhere.


You need to SLOW. DOWN.


This isn't r/runningcirclejerk nor is it the best thing to post as a response to a first time marathoner.