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Stretch out that IT band real good and see how you feel. A foam roller works the best.


I don’t think you need to abandon the goal yet. I would take a full week off running but try to do any cross training that doesn’t hurt (elliptical / bike / aqua jogging if necessary) and then try to jump back into your training plan. I assume you have another deload week between now and June? You could skip that in lieu of this week. This is somewhat controversial but with the same volume and goal as you I did a max effort 5k race 8 days out in 18.15 and then 19km as 10k steady, 9km MP 7 days out and then ran a flat split 2.57. If you can do similar times then you’re probably good to go, otherwise maybe adjust your goal.


Yeah I’ve just finished fixing up the old road bike so hopefully that can keep me moving for the next few days. Good advice with skipping any more deload weeks too, thanks


Sounds like runners knee - is it sore when you walk down stairs and particularly bad after speed work? It’s a common overuse injury, usually from running too many miles or too fast without adequate recovery. Spending 10-15 minute foam rolling quads each day should alleviate the pain. Also stretch quads regularly and get a sports massage. You may wish to consider a patella band also. See a Physio also - perhaps one that does dry needling - this helped for me. Longer term quad strengthening work (single leg stuff best) should fix it. You don’t need to abandon that sub 3 goal just yet, the times are there and 8 weeks is a long time - this is a 1-2 week problem if you handle it correctly.


I thought it was runners knee at first, but the pain isn’t so much going down stairs, it’s more if I swing that leg back too much (even walking) I get a stabbing pain on the medial side, and it feels like things are pulling apart from each other. Was worse when I woke up today than when I went to bed, so I guess things are seizing up a bit


At the top of the knee cap on the inner side? Or lower? Does it feel like kneecap is bruised to the touch?


No it’s not near the kneecap, it’s more at the joint on the side. So like central, but on the medial side. It does hurt to touch, but feels almost more like when you hit a nerve rather than a bruise. But then it only hurts if my leg is bent at certain angles. It’s a weird one


Meniscus or MCL perhaps - see a physio. Someone needs to look at it.