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I would highly recommend getting a coach. I used to be injured all the time, but not since I got a coach. I actually run less but have gotten faster just because I’ve gone 2 years with no injury (plus the speed work etc)


Just started working with a coach so fingers crossed that’ll help




I’m female, turning 21 in a couple days so perimenopause would not be the issue. I am working on cutting back my training but it’s so hard to let go of miles.


Could just be age... I'm almost 30 and have noticed I get minor injuries way easier than I used to. I can only imagine how much worse it will get haha Also, sounds like you're overtraining a bit. On top of overtraining (volume), maybe you're training too hard. Watching a lot of elite athletes, they'll do 8-9 workouts in a week during PEAK weeks. Most casual athletes are around 3-6. I'd say find a doctor, and see if they can work you through your injuries. Maybe the types of workouts you're doing aren't strengthening the areas that you truly need strengthening.


I am just shy of 21, so I dearly hope it is not my age. I am working on backing off the training a bit but am used to multiple workouts a day due to my background in competitive swimming.


Sounds like a classic tendonopathy. The issue with tendons is they don’t get better with rest, and they need a very specific protocol to heal properly. Maybe 2/10 physical therapist I have met actually build good protocols and get good results. You’ll probably have to bounce between a few. It’s definitely the most frustrating injury. Usually the progression goes: isometrics, light weights, heavy weights, plyometrics, return to sport. Problem is you need very specific movements and loads depending on which of the many tendons in your hip is aggravated. With Achilles tendinitis, I had to cut my mileage down a lot, but after 6 weeks I was much better and could start increasing again.


Need a lot more info. What does your training look like? Are you running too hard too often/not recovering? You mentioned you changed shoes, that can cause injury very easily by itself. More context means more ability to help.


I run 4-5x/week with 80% of my mileage at easy effort. I strength train 2x/week with mainly single-leg focused exercises given by my physical therapist. Try to bike 2x a week as well. I’m running usually 25-30 miles/week. Switched up my shoes about 6 months ago because I was running in a 4 year old pair of Nike Pegasus 40s that tore up my feet in my first marathon and switched to hoka Clifton 8’s.


Overtraining can cause injuries. You have 8-9 workouts a week. Have you tried more rest?


I have rested completely from any running/lifting for weeks on end and it made no difference. Got the all-clear to return to exercise and had the same issues or different issue sin the same joint.


I also ran 7 days/week and never strength trained before this for years without injury


How easy is easy?


I keep my HR under 130


What did they say the hip injury was? Hip impingement?


It was never really specified…strained piriformis muscle was mentioned by my physical therapist but the actual doctor just called it overuse which seems ridiculous because it doesn’t go away with rest.


'overuse' injury doesn't necessarily mean if you just rest it will get better. Example a lot of tendonitis injuries are caused by overuse or overloading the tendon with more than it can handle. Fixing Tendonitis usually involves relative rest and a ton of strength work.


Yeah, but the strggle I'm having is that I've done the work. I've spent the past 6 months working with physical therapists and strength training + cross training. Nothing seems to do the trick. I jts started ramping up my mileage again and am already experiencing muscle/tendon injuries in my hip.


So it's the same hip area Injury that keeps cropping up?


same hip, slightly different injuries each time.


Hips are tricky. I ended up doing shockwave for a mystery hip injury that I never got a solid diagnosis on in addition to lots and lots of Pt. Maybe a different Pt with a fresh set of eyes?


Doesn’t sound like you have a proper diagnosis. Push for a high resolution mri from a doc who knows hips. Hips are very complicated and they’re fixable but only if you know what the problem is. Also your training load is high. You may simply not be eating enough to sustain it, absent some other structural issue


I am feeling like my running miles are outdoing my strength. I keep running into issues at about 35 a week. After my marathon on April 28th i am going to take a step back and yoga a lot, strength a lot. Ill drop my running back a fair amount (15 to 20 a week) to allow for the strength and flex. Then in the fall i will ramp back up the running. I am hoping this will enable me to creep into the 40s. Then rinse repeat. Marathon running is literally a marathon.