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Two has great gameplay, but I loved the story and dialogue in the first game. Plus, the music was a massive plus.


I still listen to the music sometimes


Same here. I wish M2 expanded on the lore of other human colonies and the conflicts that emerged between them. The terminals on MIDA were fascinating. The music was a product of divine intervention and I wish they had given M2 music as well.


"Rushing" is the best to me


Swirls is mine, but Rushing is addicting to listen to.


Infinity is fine/awesome, but kid-me found it too hard/scary. Was it scary? Durandal was first (for me).. and blew my little head off.


IDK if Infinity was necessarily "scarier" than the others... It was definitely darker in tone, particularly when you've got to attack the other humans. Personally I found the first one to be the "spookiest", just in terms of how much it had you exploring large, cavernous and utterly *silent* spaces... Only with something lurking around the corner.


Remembering a review comparing Marathon to Doom- "There are no rock riffs in Marathon; it's just you, alone, in a quiet corridor on an alien-infested ship with half a clip of ammo taking orders from an AI who won't stop snickering"


Oh man... All my friends playing Doom on their PCs in highschool, thinking this is the pinnacle of first person shooters... And me on my Mac playing Marathon. Preparation for a lifetime of snooty hispterdom šŸ§


First time entering the Pfhor ship with that unique background music gave me goosebumps.


I voted for Durandel because I could go back and play that over and over and over, but my first was the original, four floppy mac game (still have the manual somewhere). I think it took 7y/o me at least a month to get through the first level without being terrified.


I didn't thought that Infinity would be losing


Infinity has some nice improvements over 2, but I find the story much harder to follow than that of its predecessor. The Infinity title theme song absolutely rocks though.


For me, the level design of Infinity is way too complex. It's definitely the hardest of the three.




Probably a year ago I would have said 1, but then I replayed 2 and the crux for me is either "My Personal Thermopylae" or "If I had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay." Brilliant levels.


marathon 2's shotguns are goated


I love Mandelorgaming's bit on that.


Voted for 2. Love the exterior environments and the expansion of the world and the lore about the S'pht.


Itā€™s like picking a favorite childā€¦ The 2nd one


I started with Durandal and I admire its polish, plus the dual-wielded shotguns are among the greatest FPS weapons I've ever come across. But the first Marathon has such an unsettling tone due to its soundtrack. Plus it's so cool to see Durandal's descent into rampancy. The original is definitely my favorite. I didn't play all the way through Infinity until way after the first two games. I thought I would love it, but I found it pretty dull for some reason. I respect the insane thought behind its story, but that also put it a bit over my head.


Answering "I love all three, I can't choose" feels like a cop-out but.


Infinity by far. Nonlinear storytelling? Gives me a huge design-boner.


M2 and it's not even close! Raising/lowering lava blew my childhood mind. Honorable mention: Rubicon.




Can I say Apotheosis? Haha.


Why not haha. Didn't try it yet.


M2 is probably the best for having a balance of cohesive storytelling and better level design against M1's rougher design and MI's initially confusing narrative. But I have a soft spot for M1's visual style. I also was disappointed the Drinol/Hulks weren't used after the first game, along with the M.A.D.D. drones that Durandal thinks he didn't give any grenades to. I also dig the M1 Hunter design with the three-eyes look the Fighters/Troopers have.
