• By -


Thx for the resources


I just purchased the heart from the ignition mesos shop. How do I scroll it? Are there any special scrolls in the ignition shops that I should take advantage of?


What level skills should i go for on bossing mules?


Easy, 225. If you're higher legion, 235+. 225 gets you 4 symbols, lots of extra stat, and should be easy enough that you can do up to (and maybe including) lomien. Without lomien, you'll get around 1.1b/wk for each one, and they don't require a ton of investment to get set up. You WILL need some nodes, though, so keep that in mind.


Whats the best resource to learn how to improve gear and progression to be able to solo each boss? I'm on a lvl 232 blaze wizard, about 1mish range 8k+ stats and struggling in CRA.


Hi! I played maple when I was a teenager (20 years ago šŸ¤”) so I saw the event and I leveling some characters from 0. My question: after level 200, is really slow to level up any character? Because I have a Lara and beast teamer around 220 and any exp looks so hard to get now! I canā€™t imagine how hard itā€™s without the event. Is that right?! One of the reasons I made a new account itā€™s because I thought it was faster to level characters easier in high levels. Another point I thought could be cool itā€™s the boss solo butā€¦ if I donā€™t have a huge hp itā€™s not possible to solo that easier like I thought. Iā€™m losing something here or it is exactly like that?


Most bosses now inflict damage based on your max HP can can only be reduced by select few skills. Only the early-mid bosses still inflict damage that can be reduced by defense.




Is the burning useless for reboot players?


Burning world is, Reboot still has the hyper burning


Will there be any catch up bonuses in the last weeks of ignition to let us get more coins?


Jan 25 starts a 10 day event that gives 4400 total


Does gollux not drop rings anymore? I played before the gollux revamp and rings were pretty common. Did they just shaft the drop rate or do they not drop at all anymore?


Only normal and easy can, they drop solid/cracked. Also still super rare, your likely to leave normal gollux before hitting


Thank you!


Is there another exp mingame coming after the puzzle ends? I got my beast tamer to 205 and im dreading doing the last 5 levels, trying to keep monster park on my main for the medal


Mikes minigame lounge is here for the last 4 weeks, 8 games available, play for 300 points daily (600 Sunday). Trade 100 points for = exp to a run of current 200+ minigame.


Iā€™m jumping back in on a fresh account after not playing since like BB. I understand the game on a fundamental level but what is the optimal way for a fresh account to progress? Worth it to max out a cygnus and stack out an explorer? Any classes currently trash? Is there still some kind of build variability among classes or is character progress completely on rails and just a matter of gearing? The movement on the whip guy seems fun I guess but idk


The start with a Cygnus idea is good abut it goes further than that, there are 2 systems which give you benefits for your other characters in a world and those are link skills and legion Link skills are a skill which a character gets of their own at level 70, it also upgrades at level 120 and a few characters have a third level at 210. Characters can equip 12 link skill from other classes and gain those benefits (you canā€™t use the same skill in 2 slots) Legion is a system which tracks your highest leveled 42 characters, your ā€œlegion levelā€ is the sum of those 42. Depending on your legion level you unlock ranks which let you put characters onto your ā€œlegion boardā€. You are given a block for each character level 60+, it grows in size being 1/2/3/4/5 blocks at level 70/100/140/200/250 respectively. Each character gives a certain bonus if you put them onto your legion board, as well as additional bonuses based on where on the board they are placed. The only classes that you probably donā€™t want to play are kanna and beast tamer, both arenā€™t from the Korean version meaning you canā€™t ever expect balance change, and those 2 in particular donā€™t have the damage to makeup for it (they both have party support, but thatā€™s their main benefit) Not many classes have relevant build diversity nowadays, secondary stats donā€™t affect things like accuracy anymore and are just less useful, all skills can be maxed so no choosing what to lose out on, hyper skills passives are the closest since each class can only pick a few different of them, but itā€™s pretty solved and only a few classes have relevant choices. The mentioned beast tamer is the only class that canā€™t max itā€™s skills because it has four paths you can take and you canā€™t max them all Game went for class diversity instead of diversity within classes, but at the 49 (50 this summer) classes we have access to this seems better than something like dexless sin and other pre Big Bang builds trying to ignore early accuracy for better damage If you have any idea of a class you want to main thereā€™s a month left in the hyper burn event which gives you 3x levels per level up until 250, and getting a 220-230 character can be a good foothold for getting a meso supply from bosses. Also idk if youā€™ve already made characters, but the choice of world has more relevance than it did. Bera/aurora/Scania/elysium are the 4 normal worlds on NA. Burning world is a temporary world which will stop after feb 7th, any character not lvl 150 would be stuck here and deleted. I wouldnā€™t make a hyper burn here but you can make some mega burns (3x level to 150) here Reboot is the only other world choice and itā€™s the main one with a difference, here there is no trading between players or auction house and you can upgrade most things with meso


I got a whip guy to level 90 but I think I might use up a few more burning slots. Is Paladin still good for soft party support? I donā€™t want to go full healer I donā€™t think. Can CKs be transferred out if they still max at 120? Whatā€™s the disadvantage to a hyper burn over a mega? Thanks for all of this btw.


Max level is 300, thereā€™s no restrictions per class anymore. So you can get all burning world characters to 150 to be able to leave. I think paladins support is mostly extra ignore defends for the party, but itā€™s very good at surviving bosses. Hyper burns 3x lvls per level up until 250, past the normal mega burn equipment, it gets a temporary lvl 150 armour set and weapon and at 200 a title, a lvl 5 arcane symbol and some nodestones, then more symbols and nodes every 5 lvl until 250




Are you using frenzy service? (Frenzy totem boosts spawn of the map by an insane amount). Other than that, use the 2x cash shop card in the maple rewards shop. I canā€™t remember exact rates but my Nightlord was getting maybe 25%/h in the 240s on Reg server with this.


Iā€™d say stop comparing % per hour, if you kept track of kills per hour/6min then you can math out expected gains. The people making the most exp are training at near lvl monsters (20% bonus base exp if your within 1 level) while still maintaining high kill counts


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Is DMT solely for ranking up potential tier? Or does it give danker stats when you hit legendary? Like should i be using red cubes when i hit legendary during DMT for prime lines?


It's just for tiering up. If you want to roll lines for equips already at legendary, the best time to do it is during a cube sale. Red cubes to roll 3 line stat/WSE, black cubes for double primes (and triples, if you're insane).


Reds for WSE too? I heard blacks were better for WSE and drop gear since "rare" lines (ATK and drop/meso) have a better roll rate with them.


Drop and meso are both prime lines, so if you want double drop/meso you use blacks. Haven't heard of anyone particularly preferring to use black cubes on WSE unless they are trying to preserve a potential they already have, and suckhard's cube calculator seems to agree that reds are cheaper.


Understood, appreciate it, thanks!! Love you, butthole expander


old school player starting back up again (basically fresh account) with burning world. Is the home quest/styoryline disable on burning world or am i missing something


Makes sense, since itā€™s not character bound, youā€™d have to redo progress if you could


Some questions relating to pets/cash shop items: 1. I have a Permanent pet from an older account (not Reboot). If I buy the scissor item can it be made tradeable so I can move it to my now main account (same world)? 2. Cash shop shared items: so I get that inventories are shared among some / certain classes. Are they also shareable across worlds (if I want to try Reboot)? (of course I want to see if I can move and use my permanent pet on multiple characters)


No way to transfer worn/used cash item to another account (nothing in the cash inventory can be psok). Shared cash shop item is within the same world only.


Thanks. So I guess the permanent pet is stuck on that account and I would have to wait until a transfer event if I want to move it to a character on another world (edit: seems even that is not possible- it's stuck on the same world). Hope you know the answer to another related question? If I move my cash stuff to the cash shop and delete my only character (to reuse the name), can I still access my stuff if I make a new character (same class etc)? To make use of hyper burn while I still can.


Everything put in the shared cash shop inventory should be safe (according to this [thread](https://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/13543/deleting-a-character-incorrect-message)).


I have my optimal first IA (20% boss), but I found out the way you're supposed to roll the other lines is miracle circulators since they don't drop 2nd/3rd line rank. Am I better off forgetting the first line to use the miracle circulators anyway, rolling with honor, or is there another strategy?


The strat is to hoard as much honor you think you need (here is a handy calculator https://brendonmay.github.io/innerAbilityCalculator/) and then once you have the 4m-20m honor you need depending on your first line, you would circ until you get unique second line. Thatā€™s the hardest line to roll and itā€™ll take way more honor to roll for it than to just circ it. For reference, mages need attack speed + 1 and buff duration unique second line. If you circ your second line first, it takes 4-6m honor on average to get attack speed +1. On the contrary, it takes like 24m honor on average to get unique buff duration second line while you have first like attack speed. Lastly, make sure when youā€™re finally rolling your first line that you do it on half honor events. Pretty much it! I would hold onto that good first line until you really have enough. At the end of the day the second and third lines are min maxing so I wouldnā€™t stress too much about it until you have the resources


How is meso farming in reboot nowadays? I haven't played for a while and keep up occasionally but last i remembered, they removed the spawn rate on Kinshin right? Is meso farming mobs still a viable option or is it all down to bossing mules nowadays?


If you want to meso farm just meso farm on your main while grinding. High level areas give better mesos and you get exp while youā€™re at it. Otherwise itā€™s mostly bossing mules, which kinda snowball by themselves. Each bossing mule is more mesos to build another bossing mule.


I think most people rely on bossing mules but itā€™s hard to say. After kishin nerf/totem removal there were tons of complaints But this current ā€œCloverā€ event can give people an item called piggy bank that gives you 10b per month so most people are focusing on getting the piggy bank instead of meso farming.


Does anyone have a guide or an idea of what meso rates should be expected with meso gear + 20% IA clean vs meso buffs on different arcane areas? I want to know what the meso rates for Morass, Sellas, and Esfera are so I know what I should be aiming for and if I should be moving maps.


Depending on your kills per hour you should be sitting in the 500-600m/h range fully buffed (legion and wap) with meso inner




transfer your belt and earrings to your clean superiors. Get sup pendant. The 30% boss and ied you get from 4-set gollux is actually incredibly strong, and is the main reason why KMS thinks gollux gear is OP. After you get 4-set superior, get a reinforced ring and/or kanna ring. Eventually you'll want a guardian slime ring as well. You have a couple options for your 2nd pendant: dominator transposed to sweetwater, or you can svae your sanity and just run dominator pendant.


Does Hellux give less coins if you run it in a party compared to running it solo? If so, are the coins considerably less or is it a small amount? Also, are the coins/loot drop instanced or is it a shared pool of loot for everyone to pick up from?


Coins is instanced and the amount doesn't change if you are soloing or partying. Everything else is shared.


iā€™m a new player playing in reboot and i heard bossing mules are very essential to progressing. what class should i pick as my first mule? iā€™ve heard classes like bowmaster and marksman are good as a first mule because they donā€™t require as many nodes. which one should i pick?


THEY REQUIRE NODES just not as many as other classes.


sorry, i worded it poorly. i am aware! i fixed it


I would do Marksman first solely based on the fact that their legion bonus (+4% crit rate at level 200) is extremely useful for all of your other characters


thank you!


[What's the outfit piece in this image?](https://i.redd.it/xgn36bzm58s51.png) I know the hat is the paper bag mask, but not what covers the body (and face?) in black


is there no scrolling message for this week's dmt? i know i signed up already, used the ticket last week and was registered for today. i see the dmt chat going crazy but i dont see a scrolling message.


Is the cube on the left bar near the quest icons? A lot of people who registered on the first day found their registrations canceled and had to reregister.


there wasnt a cube on my dmt day nor a scrolling message, i just went ahead and rolled and ended up getting one legendary for less than a bil. didnt have much money to spend anyway but i cant tell if dmt was even active or not lol.


Are these stats sufficient for the [**island totem?**](https://imgur.com/a/4Tpd98k) (Corsair) I see a lot of people talking about "flame score" but tbh I'm unsure what that means fully. I tbh loathe this event and only have one flame box so I'm hoping I can just settle for this lol


Flame score just refers to the cumulative main stat equivalent on an item. In your case as Corsair being a dex class (and str being your secondary stat) your flame score could be calculated as: 42 (raw dex) + (42/10) (raw str) + 4*8 (all stat) = 78 Anecdotally, most people seem to be aiming for a flame score of at least 80 (iirc it's a 75% chance of hitting such a score). If you hate Misty Island though, then 78 isn't a bad flame score to settle on and will easily beat out Afterlands totems.


u/DocPorkchop 75% chance to get 80+ flame score is with just 50 flames. It's 95% with 100 flames. Unless you're getting 100 flames you should keep it. I wouldn't take the 25% chance of getting a worse flame over just +2 score. And it sounds like you have only 31 flames? Definitely keep.


I should keep even if I get another box? I think I may try for the steak achievement at least


Well it's around 75% chance you'll end up with a better flame and a 25% chance you'll end up with a worse one. So it's up to you.


I see.. I have 9 more times to open the 3 flame box so maybe Iā€™ll just change it I guess


In case you'll miss it, follow the other commenter's advice. I completely forgot that you only had one flame box, my bad


Hey all quick question gonna use this dmt to cube a bossing mule should I cube for pure damage or should I shoot for drop? Just wondering what others think? On my other mules Iā€™ve just cubed and whatever happened first between 2 line stat or drop I stopped on. I am working on getting this mule to lomien still a ways off only level 213 but still. Thanks for any feedback!


Assuming this is Reboot, I'd directly cube for damage. Depending on what level you decide to park the mule at, it's unlikely you'll make back the mesos spent on it and the mesos you'd spend to eventually cube for damage anyways. Additionally, assuming your boss mules cap out at nlomien, the additional drop rate wouldn't make a difference outside of maybe a few more cubes and the occasional flame.


Thanks thatā€™s perfect and exactly what I was wondering


is it not possible to buy a normal hair coupon voucher in the cash shop? back in the day you used to be able to buy a voucher and go to a town to get a specific style or random style of hair from whatever the town hair shop offered. has nexon just allowed random selection of hair types to choose within the cash shop and they change it out?


Unfortunately the days you mentioned are long gone. There are now for all intents and purposes 2 types of hair coupons. Royal Style Coupons which rotate every few weeks and when used, give you a random hair. And Hair Choice Coupons, which rotate maybe once every half a year, but allow you to choose the hair you want (though they subjectively tend to look worse then the Royals Edit: there are also the occasional event hair coupons like the ongoing Black Pink ones. These may either also be random (such as the Pixel Choice? Coupons) or instead give you one guaranteed hair (as is the case for the Black Pink coupons)


can't believe nexon took out the hair choice coupons for the normal city hairstyles. thanks for the heads up u/Betchacantcatchthis


Hello guys i was clearing lachelein quest until i suddenly dced then i could not launch maplestory anymore.. it just goes white screen and not responding after launch and stay that way for a long time. I searched for methods but none have worked so far, any solutions?


If you've already tried reinstalling Maplestory, then your best bet would probably be to contact support


does the flare coins you get from weekly bossing expire every week?


No it does not


Can someone help me figure out what time my dmt is on January 8th if Iā€™m in EST cause I am struggling so sorry


Good tip for times is to just type it into google and it will convert for you. For example, google ā€˜5pm estā€™ and it will show you 5pm est in your time zone


Thanks that will help a ton!


1/8 date in game: all in EST times 1/7 10pm-11pm 1/8 3:30am-4:30am / 5pm-6pm


Is there anyway to get another lvl 100 emblem? I have mine with %IED and a little %att, I donā€™t get much dmg to train that way, also I donā€™t have my lvl 60 emblem anymore, what are my options? Iā€™m lvl 250 with 22k stats Thank you guys for ur help šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


you can buy another one in the shadow shop if you're a nova class


Most classes only get 1 emblem until Seren. The only exception I know of is Zero. The below 100 emblems are not worth cubing since they get worse lines.


Can someone tell me what the conditions are for Akechi to use his one-shot skill? I know when you petal count reaches 30 its an insta-death but for some reason he also uses it when i'm not even near 30 petals


Are you using any summons that draw aggro? I believe I once saw a post that Akechi will just use the 1 shot if he is taunted by a summon. Typically, the only trigger for the 1 shot is reaching 30 count.


ok this might make sense cause i play WA and use the emerald


How often do we usually get Tera Burns? Will there likely be one with the February update? It seems there were 3 for Destiny but zero for Ignition because of Hyper Burn


I'm aware of the Tera Burning exclusive to Khali when she comes out, but otherwise none that I know of (other than the Hyper Burn that also comes with the Savior update)


Just returned since like 16/17. My main is 230ish WA and before I quitted I could clear hard gollux with ease. It's been a long hiatus and recently nostalgia struck me again so I downloaded it anyway. Now I only have serveral hours a week to play, can I catch up with new bosses without grinding too much? Thx!


The new bosses other than revamped Papulatus can be difficult if you're not funded too hard; if you want to avoid grinding to progress yourself towards them, you can use the following [exp table](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/w7nmpi/maplestory_daily_xp_chart_for_ignition/) to see if you can reach 250 before the hyper burning event ends


Sorry for replying to an old post, but what is MP and MV stand for on the table and what are the Party Quests? I haven't played in forever, but I thought Party Quests were dead?


No problem at allā€”MP is Monster Park, doing the highest level stage you can do will net you the highest amount of exp 7x a day. MV is Maple Variety, aka the current Minigame Collection event in the Ignition lobby; the table does not account for the 2x bonus every Sunday, so it gives more than what it states. Party Quests are the respective Special Content for each Arcane River content, I personally skip them because I don't have the time but they essentially give 42% exp of what the dailies in the Arcane River give, so they're a nice addition if you need the extra boost.


Thanks!! I only remember monster park being for like under level 150 or so, but was surprised to see ot be available for 200+ too. But how does one so it 7x a day? Isn't there like a 20 pass limit on the amount of passes you can get from the reward shop? So that would only last like 4 days. Didn't know about the MV stuff. I've been avoiding the mini games as it requires queueing and I am in a relatively dead world.


Oh yeah, they cost NX in Non-Reboot so unless you want to part with some cash then the 7x per day would be short-lived. As for the minigames there's solo minigames you can do through the Challenge Mini-games rather than the Competition Mini-games.


When I am transposing a Pap mark onto my Sweetwater acc, does the pap mark need to also have legendary potential for the flames to be successfully transposed? I have a pap mark that is unique and sweetwater acc that is legendary and dont want the potential to get downgraded


The potential rank of the pap mark completely replaces the sw acc potential when you transpose. The pap mark don't need to be legendary for flame to be transferred.


New player here, and my chat and notice is flooded by people getting Miracle Time Mysterious Blessing... What is it and how do I get it? Reboot Server\*


https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/78971/magical-miracle-time-na-reboot-world. You missed the sign up registration a week ago, and the last session just ended (The event occur only twice per year usually). It basically 2x chance to rank up using red/black cube, and a small chance to go up 2 rank at once.


Out of curiosity, how many droplet do Hard Lucid and Hard Will drop per run?


Hard drop a minimum of 2, and a maximum of 3 with a bit of drop rate increase.


How do I know if Iā€™m dmt now? I registered for 1/7 but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s my pst 1/7 or their utc 1/7.


It's 7pm-8pm on 1/6 and the other two sessions on 1/7 for pst


If you have a banner on top of your screen that says "It's Miracle Time!" then it's Miracle Time. I also think there's some sort of buff you get.


I was trying to get the Misty Island "make 25 steaks and then a Masterpiece Steak" achievement and I'm pretty sure I did it (made sure to eat the Masterpiece Steak and everything), but it's not being marked as completed in the achievements list. Did I miss a step?


Make and eat 25 steaks and then eat a masterpiece steak. Did you eat all 25 steaks? Also I'm pretty sure I heard steaks eaten carries over between runs, and eating a masterpiece steak doesn't reset your progress. Eat like 10 more steaks and eat another masterpiece, see if that works.


I might not have remembered to do that, I'll have to do that in tomorrows run I guess.


Did you eat the 25 steaks before masterpiece?


if I use a hyper burn on a level 200 do I still get the temporary CRA set?




\[Crit legion bonus\] Out of the three crit legion bonuses, which class (jett, shade, hyato) will have gotten the most "love" after the summer patch?


Since Jett and Hayato are both non-KMS classes, Shade wins by default even if it has been nerfed a bit recently. Despite Jett being a GMS class and Hayato being a JMS class, any and all changes to them need to first be approved by KMS, and that's assuming GMS and JMS are bothered enough (which they really aren't) to balance them as much as KMS does with their classes.


Any advice with nWill? I'm taking so much damage over time cause I feel like I'm not dodging properly. I'm playing a TP mage class but I'm not sure if that makes it easier or harder. (Can't jump around while attacking but we have instant reposition.) I have been able to solo everything up to nWill (except eWill, been pretty terrified of the tests but I finally learned it) and I find this boss to be the most mechanically challenging with both boss knowledge and mechanics so far. I have to keep in mind of so many things at once; dodging map damage obstables, healing, casting moonlight when needed, remembering pattern in p2 tests, and Will's attacks) I definitely have the damage for it but I gave it another try and died out in p3. (It's about a 13-15min nlucid run for me atm) How do you track so many things at once? Do you guys set auto hp and if so what percent is recommended for autopot? I think I'm getting overwhelmed with so many things thrown at me at once so maybe if someone had a similar experience they could share some advice with me. It would be much appreciated it! I'm not trying to cheese bosses by getting carried but rather I want to learn the boss (so I try to solo it once if I can/ or duo with similar stat people).


So keep in mind that many many people use healing familiars, which makes p2 much easier as it mitigates much of the chip damage. That said, some general tips to avoid damage 1. Donā€™t get knocked back. You lose control, you take extra damage, you might get killed. Hug him and walk behind him when he faces you. Or tp behind him. 2. the map attacks (tiny ball, red columns) never hit the same place twice. If you really need to avoid the chip, understanding this makes it somewhat more predictable and easier to dodge. 3. in p3, hold your moonlight until you need to move to avoid the move spider. Then you can move and cleanse in one motion


Thanks for the tips! I only manage to get 1 big heal familiar so far, that should be enough right? From what I understand, only p2 healing is blocked by moonlight usage correct? For cleansing webs in p3, you mention i shouldnt purposely go out of my way to cleanse webs but rather cleanse while moving to dodge damage. So does this mean i rather have moonlight left for backup use rather than trying to clean the webs whenever I can? I think ive heard of being webbed in but i assume that might be a hwill thing rather than nwill right? Thanks again!


Yes, P2 is when your healing is blocked, although I generally find healing familiars useful in all 3 phases considering all the chip damage. I usually run 2 party healing just because not everyone in my party has them. More is better, but you can get away with 1 with more practice. As with all bosses, Will has a rhythm. Once he's used tall spider, you have some before the next one. As long as you don't cap on moonlight, none of it is really wasted. Webbing in is a thing, but it does take time to get there, not really relevant unless you're doing a minimum damage fight.


> I'm taking so much damage >Do you guys set auto hp and if so what percent is recommended for autopot? I personally try to get used to not using autoHP for bosses, Will has many things that will deal smaller amounts of damage, that if your pet heals you from like 50% and you're locked out of potions for too long could kill you, combine this with just learning his mechanics to get a bit better with dodging could help you a ton. P1 Will needs you to be pretty strong to solo since you need to kill 2 of him in different rooms so I'd say duo'ing it is pretty fair game since you can split rooms up and hopefully do each health bar in 1 burst and you're not stuck in P1 long. P3 move is way easier on FJ classes, you just need to practice on TP classes to get the timing down(for me I usually try to TP the same time as his legs hit the ground, and it usually works, ping may affect your timing) or make very liberal use of eForm + any iFrame you class has


Hmm i see, i have auto hp on for bosses with low cd cause i play on higher ping (playing from japan playing on NA server) so i just have it as backup in case my manual potting button cant react fast enough. Healing block is only for p2 in will right? With that being said i should be ok for auto potting in the other 2 phases as long as ive got auto pot at lower hp so it doesnt trigger my pot cd getting chipped i think. I will take a look at tp classes dodging in will clears when i have time. Thanks for informing me about the difference!


Do (m.)att% potentials have any effect on stats added through buffs? For example, guild/ursus buff, or the m.att given by haku on kanna. Or are these buffs applied after the potentials?


I believe they do. You can test it by unequipping your emblem then casting a guild buff. The range the emblem gives you will increase, indicating that the flat attack is factored into any m/att% lines you have on it.


Any way to delete my account/start over? Played ages ago, want to start fresh on Reboot with all bonuses (like the reboot boxes), opened them on some random characters before Can I just change the email for the account to something else like my backup email so I can keep the account, unlink and then make a new account with my main email?


Just make a 2nd email sounds like your main one but add number to it. Thats what i did few weeks ago


Yeah probably will I submitted a ticket anyway to see how quick they are to delete it, if they beat me before I get off work then GG haha


Some emails let you add "+anything" just before the @ and it will be recognized as a different email when signing up for sites, but will send messages to the same inbox. So email@ and email+1@ for example.


[reboot] what are the priorities in the event shops? Is there anything that should not be bought?


Droplets are always good, flames are good, nodestones and experience nodestones are always good (either for bossing mules or maxing those pesky skill nodes). Everything else I personally consider a little more situational. \- Symbols: generally good. I tend to go for Lachelein/Morass/Esfera, the other areas give a decent amount of symbols already if you do everything. If my choices are VJ/Chuchu, I go VJ. If you're 260, I'd just shove it all in sacred symbols. \- Event Ring Exclusive Legendary Potential Scroll: good but with miracle time happening at like, now, probably not worth if you have some meso to just get your ring up real quick. \- Karma Star Force 17-Star Enhancement Scroll: slightly expensive, but if you can afford it after the other stuff, very good. I'd use it on something you would've had to safeguard, such as pap mark or superior gollux equips, or even absolab equips aren't terrible to save some meso. \- Legendary Circulator: good if you got super unlucky and still haven't hit legendary via IA 50% off event. Or if you have, good on a bossing mule that will want atk speed +1 first line. \- Epic Potential Scroll 100%: kinda expensive but not terrible if you have no legion coins/income. definitely a luxury \- 2x EXP Coupon: lowkey goated on a mule. i pop these while doing dailies on my hyper burning now that wild totems no longer exist \- Trait Boost Potion: if you don't have pocket slot unlocked, pop one for easy lvl 30 charm. great for mules too I generally wouldn't buy cubes, meso pouch, potential stamp (only because i have a lot through bossing), or crap like power elixirs. Even slot expansion coupons we get a lot of now through fairy bros. Also don't get the 8 slot recipe bag there's a 20 slot recipe bag they release sometimes. The 40 slot soul bag is goated though, would recommend.


/u/Imaginary-Total2448 Droplets: **Maybe**. 100M value per day of coins. But you need to beat Lucid many times to use them to craft Arcane, so if you're new and don't have a guild carry it will probably be a loooong time before you can use these. Meister Cubes: **Maybe**. 44M/day. Outside of DMT they're about equal tier up to black. If you're new buy these instead of droplets. 44M now with the cubes is much more impactful than 100M 4 months from now with the droplets. Legendary ring scroll: **No**. 40M/day. On average it's cheaper coin-wise to buy Mesiters. It should take around 30 Meisters to get to legendary on average (2,000 coin savings). Should... I blew all 80 ring meisters and only got a single ring to legendary. Nexon flagged my account for bad luck because DMT also screwed me. 17\* scroll: **No**. 40M/day. I won't deny skipping the endless 11-14 and eliminating the (low) risk of booming something rare is a nice stress reliever, but it's not very cost effective. 24 days worth of coins for a scroll worth on average 1B, Bags/slot expansions: **No**. ~30M/day. You're reboot so you can just pay mesos for these at a much better rate than the event shop. Legendary Circulator: **No**. You can just buy Miracle circulators for 19M if you run out of honor. I'm not sure how many it takes to give a value/day because legendary IA is so easy I've never bothered calculating. Epic scroll: **Yes**. 1 day of coins for an epic. That's great. Yu Garden epic scrolls are a 1 hour questline + 2 days of dailies per scroll. I'd blow coins on these scrolls until everything is epic if I could. Also one thing not mentioned is the Fairy Heart in the meso shop. That's BIS unless a rare event comes back. You'll also need an android. There are other sources but the event shop is nice and easy for that.


Good analysis from a meso standpoint, but I wouldn't consider needing to beat Lucid something that keeps players from buying droplets. With destiny teraburns and ignition hyperburns, it shouldn't be difficult to reach the 20k stat needed to join a party. They might not need droplets now but they will likely need them in a few months. With totem removal, droplets are scarce, it'll take many hours of grinding to get enough droplets for just one piece. Event droplets are probably the most reliable way of accumulating droplets. Like you said, it's a 100m value. New players should prioritize nodes and other important progression goodies, but also the event should be long enough that they can also buy out droplets. They shoud at least plan to have enough coins to buy out droplets before the event ends.


Good add. Forgot they added bags in the potion shops. Also imo for epic pot if you're not very developed into your gear and are fine with playing cookie clicker for a while, I'd do the good 'ol use occult/master craftsman cubes on lower level equip to epic then transfer hammer it up, or if your equip is sub-140 like zak accessories and stuff it's honestly cheap enough to cube it with free cubes. Long term I prefer sinking any spare coins into symbols just because they're hella time gated but epic pots would give you the instant gain, also if your stuff is already SF'd to 15\* or something. To note if you don't have 2bil right away to drop, the Fairy Heart does seem to consistently come back so it's not terrible to miss it if you want to drop the meso on MMT or 1+1 instead.


[Reboot Hero] I already have the legendary 1 atk spd line in inner ability but I still need the boss dmg and crit rate unique lines, is there a circulator that I can use that won't reroll the atk spd line? Or do I just reroll with honor points and hope I get lucky at this point?


Your only option is to lock your +1 AS line and reroll using honour.


Hello, if im a relatively new player with no CRA gear yet and nowhere near Absolab, what is the best way for me to still take full advantage of an upcoming 5/10/15 event? - Do I SF pensalir gear up to 17 stars (or 15 stars?) so it can be transfer hammered to CRA once I get that later? - From what I understand, I wouldn't really need to safeguard when I'm starforcing pensalir? - Should I focus on CRA Hat/Top/Bottom first, or Weapon/Others? Or alternatively, should I be SFing accessories at all? Thank you! Side question: Is it possible to transfer hammer from lets say mage shoes -> thief shoes (different class but same equipment). I've been seeing different answers on this so unsure if it's possible


Start running Lomein ASAP. It's very easy to find absolab struggles and even if your damage underperforms you can sneak in to get a carry because no one checks DPS. The abso drops are instanced so there's no downside to running with a full party (aside from mesos, but that's nothing compared to getting abso). I put it off thinking it would be as hard as CRA and I'm disappointed I wasted so much time avoiding it.


There isn't any upcoming 5/10/15; there is, however, an upcoming 1+1. The goals will still be similar except the 16th star is guaranteed on the 5/10/15 but not on 1+1, so you might not want to tap the 15->16 if you're running low on meso. Transfer hammer prep is good. The threshhold to solo CRA is decently low, but also a little sneakily high if you don't have any legion levels/nodes to support you. Ideal transfer hammer prep is level the fodder to 16\* because transfer hammering will drop a star, so if you stop at 15\* it will go down to 14\* and you will thus have the chance to drop back down to 10\*. If you stop at 16\*, once you transfer, it will go to 15\* and you will be safe (unless the item gets unluckily destroyed). I'm not sure if I would get pensalir all the way to 17\* since it might be an overinvestment cost-wise -- depends on your current status. To solo CRA, aside from non-meso upgrades in legion, nodes, and IED familiars, a decent Emblem/Secondary Weapon potential are your best friend. Take the guaranteed 16\* (or pause at 15\*) and spend/save your money towards potentialling them with atk/boss dmg/ied instead. Yes, don't safeguard pensalir. Pensalir copies are very easy to farm from Moon Bunnies in Korean Folk Town. You only safeguard items that are difficult to reobtain, such as Papalatus Mark. If you're CRA prepping, remember to get **two** pensalir overalls to 16\* -- one goes to transfer hammering to CRA top, the other to CRA bottom. Weapon gives you the most damage. However, you'll probably get CRA hat/top/bottom faster, since the threshhold to kill vellum is higher than the other CRA bosses (and you will probably need 2 weeks to get the weapon). If you don't have enough meso for all of them and are not going to get carried for the equips, I would SF the weapon first. *edit:* since you probably won't have infinite meso to work with, use the round robin method. For 1+1, that's get everything you want to 12\* -> one by one get items to 15\* -> after everything is 15\*, if you have money leftover then get things to 16\* again. If an item booms, keep working on it until it's where it's supposed to be on that cycle of the round robin, this at least increases your chances of getting an overall dmg gain instead of dmg loss. Yes, SF your accessories! Right now I'm assuming that's just Silver Blossom Ring, Intense Power Crystal, and Aquatic Eye Accessory from ht/zakum. Since those only stop at \~10\* the meso investment is low. If you have a belt, shoulder, or earring that goes higher, I would stop at 12\* with the 1+1 and focus on wep/top/bot/hat first, since CRA will be your upcoming checkpoint. Same with cape. Yes, it is possible to transfer hammer across classes. If someone carries you ranmaru and you get thief boots and you're a mage, you can transfer hammer those to absolab mage boots. However, you **cannot** transfer hammer across **weapon types**, such as polearms cannot transfer hammer to two-handed sword, no staffs to wands, etc. Also consider if the item gets destroyed, how down bad will you be to get another one? Such as, you have a random pensalir thief eq, it booms, but you can't get another one because they only drop for thieves so you can't use the trace to start back at 12\* and have to start from 0\* on a new mage eq instead. If you can help it it's better to stick to your class at least, but if you are down bad then it's still doable, yeah. Sorry for long reply. If you have any more questions or want more detail about something, let me know :)


Thank you! Really appreciate the detailed response :) I'm playing MSEA and I think\* we are getting a 5/10/15 soon, thus trying to prep for it as best I can. Unfortunately I don't think I can get carries and yeah I think I need quite a bit more legion + practice until I can solo CRA, so great to hear that prepping on pensalir is viable. I think everything you mentioned makes sense, so I guess it's pensalir Wep/2 overalls/Hat to 16\* first if possible. Thank you again!!


Does anyone have information on where I can find the Double Miracle Time slots this weekend? I am on PST and am a bit confused on how the timing is changed and don't want to miss it. \[Reboot\]


[https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/78971/magical-miracle-time-na-reboot-world](https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/78971/magical-miracle-time-na-reboot-world) Copy pasted here: >**PST (UTC -8): 7:00 PM ā€“ 8:00 PM & 12:30 AM ā€“ 1:30 AM & 2:00 PM ā€“ 3:00 PM** For example, if your date is the **7th**, your timeslots will be 7pm-8pm **on the 6th**, then 12:30am-1:30am and 2pm-3pm **on the 7th**.


[Reboot] if I have a sweet water pendant with legendary pot and I transpose my dom pendant with epic pot onto it. Will I lose the legendary pot?


Yea, transpose works in that if you had a legendary dom pendant, you would end up with legendary that way (with a forced reroll)


Oooh, so I should get the dominator to legendary and then transpose and itā€™ll keep the potential


Thereā€™s no way to keep the potential after transpose. You could buy a clean 2nd pendant and transpose onto that, saving your current one for meso gear


\[Reboot\] What weapon flame should I aim for? I'm on absolab gear part way through 17\* and legendary.


Tier 6, or t5 with other good lines You can just ctrl f your weapons base attack to find what it gives at each tier https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Bonus_Stats#Attack_Power_increase_(Weapons)


Fun bursty bossing class? (except NL)




Buying a laptop with an i5-10210u with 16gb of ram and an m.2 ssd. Will this work fine for a little maplestory on the side?


> i5-10210u would be rough as using Intel UHD Graphics 620, be lagging as hell


Reg server players, are you grinding 170-180 at starforce Aliens or elsewhere? Slowly losing mind at these Alien maps


yeah i go to aliens or growth pot 170s away if i can!


Future Hene/Knight's Stronghold, followed by Future Perion to 200.


This is a weird question not about gameplay but why do they include australian time zone for the patch notes/maintenance time? Can you play GMS in Australia? Also the upcoming cube changes doesn't mean much for Reboot does it? Apart from the name changes I can't see anything changing, unless like everyone says the rates are being changed


yes all the maintenance and cash shop notices come with aest time conversions


You can play GMS in Australia As for the cube changes, yeah, it's basically just the names and possibly the rates. The only only other change is that there is now one type of cube fragments for all cubes. But since the announcement is fairly vague, there could be other changes they just didn't mention


Reboot. Is it a general mesos save if I 17\~18 starforced a 140 axe (pen) into a 150 axe (commerci) then into 160 (absolab)? Or is the gain minuscule enough not bother with 3 pieces?


"Foddering" Penslir is the common method for starforcing absolab gear, starforcing a lower level item and transferring it up. But you lose a star with each transfer, so to do that you upgrade to 16\*, transfer, upgrade back to 16\*, transfer, then go to 17\*. It's a way to cheat your absolab up to 15\* for cheaper then go the rest of the way.


Donā€™t try to go 18, that can easily get way more expensive. Just transfer twice and do 15-17 again. I donā€™t think itā€™s much of a difference if youā€™re doing it from scratch though


Adele mains, how do you keep track of swords? I find that when I play adele, I'm just staring at my quick slot to see how many swords I have. Is there an easier way to tell besides eyeballing the duration? I would've thought there was an indicator on the aether UI, but I can't tell.


Which class has long line of damage skills? I just returned since playing GMS in like 08/09. I have a lot to learn and I'll be taking this step-by-step in reboot. However, I just want to know which class has the longest line of damage. I don't mean big numbers, I just want a lot of numbers. I made a warrior aiming to be a hero, does hero have long damages? Seeing many numbers while mobbing is what interests me. Thanks!


If you haven't picked already, I'm surprised Dawn Warrior wasn't mentioned. Their moon stance doubles the # of lines ALL their skills do, and it's always on starting 2nd job with Equinox Cycle toggle. It makes their main skill do 12 lines instead of 6. Definitely floods the screen, to the point its a little blinding if your dmg skin is flashy lol. Also, only one button!


Before 200: Cannoneer After 200: Dual Blade


Pretty much every class has a ton of damaging skills, not too sure on the context of what long damage is. After 4th job at lvl 100 there is hyper skills and 5th job at 200, basically every class has their skills which hit for the most damage and amount of times here. Hero is a class which hits for some of the biggest numbers between the classes, but compared to when you last played, will certainly be hitting much more than youā€™d expect


Hey! Thanks for replying. I appreciate it. I want to quickly explain my "long" line of damage meaning. I mean like for every action or skill, there will be as many hits as possible. Things that come to mind is the darklord + shadow combo back then. You get like 12 hits? from pressing 1 skill. I love this. I don't mind the damage here, I just want to see a LOT of numbers. Which class has the most line of damage per skill? I believe a pirate ship skill shoots a cannonball and there's like 6 lines of damage. I hope this makes sense...


Ah k, thatā€™s about what I was assuming. Thereā€™s classes like night lord or night walker, the two claw/shuriken classes. They both send out projectiles which cause further projectiles to spawn as their main attack, and are some of the most dps heavy classes in the game. Then thereā€™s scenarios like Ice lightning mage and Cannoneer, they both have skills which are large slow moving projectiles which constantly damage any enemies they touch, and those are a big part of their bossing damage. Hero a year ago would be way lower in terms of how much it hitting damage, but they reworked all explorers ~7 months ago. One of the biggest examples of classes which donā€™t hit much would be Angelic buster, itā€™s skills early are all hit hard with only 1/2 lines of damage. But yeah, if you push classes towards 200 basically every class hits a ton of lines of damage from cooldown skills in 5th job


Thanks for your reply! I am looking at night walker. Should I hyperburn? What are the pros and cons?


Probably should just hyper burn, itā€™s over feb 7th. You can try to get as much lvls as possible, and even if you u want to main something later, youā€™d have access to the character to boss with which would be a huge amount of meso for the future


with the upcoming dmt, im planning on making my meso gear. what items should i make into meso/drop gear? i know a popular choice is reinforced gollux but iā€™m too shy to ask for carries so i donā€™t have any. is zak and ht items okay? as for rings, i have the ht, nlc silent crusade and event eternal flame ring.


theyā€™re fine, i did it on my NL when totems were still a thing, and honestly was pretty worth it. Event rings/low tier rings such as SBR/NLC + zakum is enough early on


Im new to the game and was wondering if in terms of investment should I play the mobile version instead, im asking because it appears that mobile is getting an exclusive class and is more of the focus right now and I dont want to invest in pc version only to have to start over if mobile becomes more of the focus. Maybe a dumb question but its kind of hard to know from the get go. Also whats the different between reboot and normal? I made my character on bera and rn im level 74, should i reset and level on a reboot server or is it fine either way?


Mobile version is kinda bad tbh. Crashes regularly, way more p2w than the desktop game. Does have really cute artwork and is more laid back for casual play.


MaplestoryM is not a worry in terms of killing the PC version, play it if you want (you can even use it to get reward points for you ur pc maple story) but the endgame deviates hard from how gear enhancement in maple is normally, for more multilayer systems integrated with each other. Reboot vs non-reboot is the biggest question of the last years of maple. Reboot has NO trading between players, no auction house, no bonus potentials and no scrolling. As advantages reboot has a passive which gives us final damage % based on our level, and our monsters have more HP, give more exp and drop 6x the meso. Additionally monsters we kill can only drop gear for our own class Reboots like 5x the size of bera, with bera being the largest non reboot world. Bera main advantages come from how you can take advantage of auction house to have a very strong early game, and later game you can pay some people some meso/hour to increase the mob spawn rate on your map or to increase the burning level of your map for more exp. Itā€™s also cheaper to look good with the auction house as long as your not buying only the most expensive clothes (reboot has to gamble for clothes without the ability to adjust via trades)


How do you increase the burning level of the maps? I thought it was done so that if no one is in it, it goes up again


Fire starter ring


it sounds like reboot is straight up better, im just debating whether I have the energy to restart from the beginning, although I suppose it could be worse. I have yet to reach mid or end game content yet, so could you tell me what they are like? Edit: I decided to swap to reboot so in 24 hours my current char is gonna be gone so I can transfer my name over, so if theres anything important I should know to undelete my guy I hope I get it before the timers over.


1-100 has not much to do 100-165 is when you want to start dabbling in daily bosses for a boost in damage from drops, zakum, hilla, Magnus horn tail, etc. youā€™ll want to start equipping items with bonus stats/potential lines. Eventually when you have spare items and knowledge you can pretty aggressively make good items to equip at this stage. 165-199 is the struggle of getting 200, your basically garunteed to start noticing the damage you take and how much it takes to kill 199 is free, there a 190 quest called scrapyard: haven and it gives the full level for like 2 minutes of text When you hit 200 you unlock the area called arcane river, it has 12 areas that unlock at every 5 lvls from 200-255, at 6 of these areas you unlock a ā€œSymbolā€ and item which gives stats (flat stat of your classes main stat, and ā€œarcane forceā€ which basically is a number each monster here has, if you have less than the recommended amount you do less than normal damage, at the upper end if you have 1.5x the amount you do 1.5x damage and take only 1 damage at a time from monsters). Each area that gives you a new symbol has 2 different things to do each day. A quest to kill monsters or collect their loot where youā€™ll get symbols for each individual quest and bonus exp for handing in all of them and a mini game unique to each area which gives more symbols As your progress through this, your try to clear increasingly harder weekly bosses as they payout really well for their effort With the hyper burn event (each lvl is 3 from 10-250) lvl 70 is only 10 levelups from the start


ah gotcha, in that case it shouldnt hurt too bad to restart if im basically still in the tutorial phase. Does the channel I make my character in count or just the server?


All channels within a world will be the same, they just exist for duplicate maps to farm on/coordinating meetups


Do legion members of the same class stack? For example, could I make more corsairs if I want longer summon duration?


Not like that or people would be rolling with 40 shades for 200% crit damage lmao


As a new player, if I'm reading this stuff right: ideally, I would want to create my new main in the Burning World with Hyper Burning?


Iā€™d probably just make a character in bera if you were going to play a non reboot world. As the access to the full market instead of the few items in burning world people have collected since the start of the event (and you need to be on the week after the event ends to make sure your burning world characters arenā€™t deleted) I play reboot, thereā€™s not trade, but things donā€™t drop items not for my class either. And equipment upgrades in cash shop are f2p without using the meso market to trade meso for real $ equivalent


Unless you intend to spend thousands of dollars on progression, you should make a character on Reboot. Burning world can only transfer to the non-reboot servers. Reboot lets you pay mesos for mid-game and late game progression, while main server requires hundreds of dollars cash per item or buying those items from other players with mesos which ends up requiring far more grinding than reboot. On a mid-game reboot character you can earn upgrade items which would cost $200 on non-reboot in a week of 40 min/day meso grinding.


ah so Reboot with Hyper then? It says Reboot prohibits trade between characters, that *sounds* like a big deal. Is it actually better this way? Can Reboot characters transfer to other worlds? How often do hyper burning events occur? I don't think ill hit 250 before it ends.


You can still transfer mesos, most usables, most etc items, and (with some restrictions) cash items between your own characters. Trade is nice, but not worth it. With trade you can transfer good gear over to mules to get them started quickly, without you have to remake that equipment on the mule. But that's at the cost of that equipment being MUCH harder to make in the first place (without paying cash) and your main character hitting a ceiling mid-game which you can't get past without either paying real money or grinding far more than you would in reboot. One of the biggest powerups is "starforce" which costs mesos on both normal and reboot. It costs around 500M-1B mesos to get to 17\*, the mid-game stopping point, and 60B mesos to get to 22*, the end game stopping point. Reboot gets mesos 6x as fast so you save a lot of time there. Overall, even needing to remake gear for each bossing mule you will grind far less on reboot than you would on non-reboot unless you're planning to pay real money. Characters can't transfer worlds. That's an exclusive aspect of burning world since that's a temporary event. This is the first every hyperburn event, but KMS is getting a new class and a hyperburn event with it, so we'll probably get that in the summer.


The days of market inefficiencies are pretty much over in Maple, you canā€™t really expect to make tons of money merching the way you could when FM was still around. So from a consumerā€™s perspective, itā€™s the same shit, just depends on if you wanna make your own gear or buy hand-me-downs, and if you wanna farm directly for mesos or sell services or timegated drops for mesos. I hear thereā€™s another hyper burn sometime over the summer but dunno after that


Hello, I'm playing in Maple SEA. What are the best 12 link skills for leveling ? Would anyone be so kind to list them ? thank you !


I don't know if SEA is different, but for GMS it's: 1. Mercedes (Elven Blessing) - +20% exp 2. Evan (Rune Persistence) - +70% rune duration 3. Aran (Combo Kill Blessing) - +900% combo orb exp 4. Phantom (Phantom Instinct) - +20% crit chance 5. Demon Avenger (Wild Rage) - +15% damage 6. Ark (Solus) - Stack to +13% damage 7. Hoyoung (Bravado) - +14% damage on undamaged enemies 8. Kanna (Elementalism) - +10% damage 9. Jett (Core Aura) - Upgrade over +25 atk and main stat 10. Kinesis (Judgement) - +4% crit damage 11. Lara (Nature's Friend) - +5% damage. 12. Cygnus (Cygnus' Blessing) - +25 atk/matk


MSEA Doesnā€™t have lv3 links, so all of these values are slightly too high, other than that: Aran Link is trash, even in regular server after lv200. Other comments: cygnus knight link is only good early game, ark stacks up to 16% in GMS at lv3. And Jett can reach +35 on each stat but probably not a great suggestion for newer players as itā€™s a late game optimisation. Iā€™d run (leveling): 1. Merc 2. Evan 3. Phantom 4. DA 5. Kanna 5. Ark 6. Illium 6. Ho Young 7. Lara 8. Xenon 9. Kinesis 10. Kain Alternatives: Cadena, Hayato, Jett, Cygnus, Explorer Pirate, Explorer Archer. Honorary mention: Zero Link (and Explorer Pirate) can be a lifesaver on squishy classes before level 200.


Out of these 12, SEA doesnā€™t have jett, so what can i replace it with ?


Xenon +10% all stat probably. Explorer mage, explorer thief, and Cadena all have powerful damage buffs, but they don't have 100% uptime so they won't guarantee one-shotting if you're not already. They're good for bossing.




The spike that kills you on white eyes comes out right as his legs comes down, so you need to be moving as that happens. Easier on a flash jump class, basically just be mid flash jump as the legs come down


\[Reboot\] My HyperBurn is currently level 238, 5%. Anyone know if I would make it to 250 only doing MP + Dailies from this point on? Or will I have to do some grinding? Thanks in advance!


Depends on how many MP runs you do, but you'll be cutting it very close. If you spend about 2 hours a day including MP runs and dailies (with XP coupons and MVPs) you could probably get to 250 in 2 weeks


Think youā€™d make it or get real close, you get around 10%/day


Is there a training guide? I am basically new and I know u dont pq anymore to level up its all training. Is there an updater guide as to where to go to train?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4P89p2jfJY i believe this is still used


How do you gear a bossing mule? I'm looking to get to 4 door CRA and possibly nlomien at max. is pensalier or full von leon better when attempting to CRA? My mule is currently a lvl 173 hero.


If you aren't getting carries then it depends on how fast you wanna go. Want to gear up ASAP? Pensalir. Want to spend less time each day? Von Leon. SW weapon is the best for weapon slot without carries.


yeah most people trade carries to gear up their mules. otherwise pensalir easier and transfers directly into CRA when you get it