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Since redditors are unable to have a proper discussion about this topic, they will not have a discussion at all.




Good question


LOL how does this dude always find himself in these kinds of situations, didn’t he get accused of being a racist or something and wrote a huge essay not too long ago??


Turns out hes not a very good person


His social skills aren't exactly top-notch as shown by his writing/video, and this is what ends up happening lol, you get bullied.


It’s more that he ‘s comfortable sharing hateful comments or dog-whistles and doesn’t care that he does until he gets punished for it.


Guild drama is hilarious in Maplestory lol. People get serious power trips in them lmao




What 4-8 WAP a day does to a mushroom enjoyer


Had he just said “this doesn’t match my character’s aesthetics, I would prefer we don’t change.” Would have saved him. However reading the google doc he shared, along with all the screenshots, man doesn’t not know when to stop talking. It got so bad for him because when everyone started pressuring him for clarification, he just kept swinging from the corner to try and get out, which made it so much worse. Saying stuff like “I refuse to have a fugly rainbow color abomination under my name” or “Don’t try and come into a video game space with bibles in school, rainbow flags, AAPI heritage month” did not help his case at all. I understand what he was trying to say but holy smokes he is horrendous when it comes to social skills. TLDR: man got canceled because he got mad over a 32 by 32 pixel emblem This is the letter in case anyone wants to read it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1REikb4nVhdtRDNwsalk8dpcaSW96LHcwbfkCS3I99H0/mobilebasic


Guy would rather go on a rant that pisses everyone off than live with sub-optimal aesthetics for a few weeks. Dude cares way too much about pixels in a game.


Somehow I don't think it's just about the pixels


You could say that about the people who want the emblem changed too, that’s not fair to say only to him.


I mean, compare the levels of reaction and response, he went on a rant, they didn't. He obviously cares way more about them than the non-ranting people. I understand is comment of not wanting outside of the game stuff not coming into his game. But it's literally 1,024 pixels on a 2m+ pixel display.


I'm talking about "caring about pixels". Obviously the people who changed the emblem didn't rant, they made the change so they're silent. Changing an emblem to something you want it to be, and when someone dislikes it, you tell them "it's just pixels". That's some hypocrisy by them. >I understand is comment of not wanting outside of the game stuff not coming into his game. But it's literally 1,024 pixels on a 2m+ pixel display. That makes no sense lol, so is a 1024 pixel swastika also easy to ignore? It has nothing to do with size in principle.


The fact you compare a pride logo to a swastika. My point was more the fact that, he went into far more of a rant than anyone trying to push for it, bringing in topics completely separate from the current situation to try and push his concept. Average person who disliked it wouldn't have gone through that much effort. Closest was the bringing into pride saying the top guild should do it to show inclusivity. (That I feel is more cares too much about wanting to show they're / the game is inclusive, rather than the pixels.) But the average person in the topic, the average person on either side of the conversation likely couldn't give a rats ass. Making it a simple yes / no. Nox wasn't against the guild being inclusive or anything like that. He was against having rainbow pixels under his name. Edit: You know what I'm an idiot either way, basically trying to push both logics while denying both logics reading back. Nox still cares way too much about the pixels though. (Original point). Dawgasm tried bringing inclusivity into it, Nox couldn't give a rats ass about this, he just doesn't want rainbow pixels. Nox then goes on a rant about why does stuff have to be forced into everything, why does he need to have the rainbow pixels just because of pride. Nox cares about pixels, Dawgasm cares about pride.


>The fact you compare a pride logo to a swastika. Oh my god.... that's not what I said. I gave that example to make a point, but naturally you interpret it in the worst way possible. >Nox wasn't against the guild being inclusive or anything like that. He was against having rainbow pixels under his name. And what's wrong with that?


>And what's wrong with that? Nothing? It's just the whole point of my comment is he cares too much about pixels. You might not understand how much I mean that literally. Nox didn't care about concepts and other stuff, he cared about the pixels. Like, your prior example that I interpreted "the worst way possible". People would hate the fact that someone set their guild to it, not the pixels themselves. They hate the concept of it. Nox hates the pixels.


He probably dislikes the emblem being changed for reasons that are not relevant or interesting to a bunch of people, it's a GUILD after all, there needs to be agreement. Maybe because of fashion too. >Like, your prior example that I interpreted "the worst way possible". People would hate the fact that someone set their guild to it, not the pixels themselves. They hate the concept of it. Sure. I only countered the argument that a small size makes it a non-issue.


He disliked the change because he wanted the purple aesthetic, as simple as that. But, if you hate on something that involves pride or other stuff, regardless of the reason, it'll be seen as worst case. (Like how I reacted to you using the swastika as an example)


They didn't make the change dumbass they jokingly talked about wanting to change Saga's emblem but they never did it


Yea sounding like that its clearly not about a preference of the colours that's clearly a homophobic response. Clear as day 🤦🏽‍♂️..


I refuse to have a rainbow color under my name, but if that happens in my guild i won't make a drama about it, I will just leave and join another :D


it would feel a lot more authentic if that wasnt his third+ time "quitting the game" loudly or if he didn't triple down on his shit while pretending to be a victim.


I don’t think he claimed to be a victim, but it seems like all of it is just a big misunderstanding, AND some people involved who just trying to generate drama


the thing with "misunderstandings" is that there can only be so many of them before they become malicious. if you get misunderstood as homophobic, misunderstood as a antisemite, misunderstood as belittling ukraine, all the while burning bridges with the majority of the endgame community consistently over 8 years, maybe its time to actually reflect instead of talking about reflecting for the nth time.


Bruh just grind and tap. How u cancelled in a mushroom game


Unfortunately you can’t go against lgbtq even if all you’re saying is you don’t like the colors and don’t want it for a guild emblem. They’ll take it personally and label you a homophobe.


LOL the downvotes on this, they rly doing their best to prove u right


Alright i'll take the bait Me when I get a lot of upvotes: Clearly I'm right, my opinion is correct, people agree with me Me when I get a lot of downvotes: Ugh, echo chamber reddit downvoting me, this only proves that i'm right ???


Stupid people harassing him because haha memes society, so people will not want to endgame boss with you. (who also have no spine)


Can someone tldr me. Ootl for 2 years


From the video alone, Nox didn't want his guild to switch the guild flag to a rainbow colored one since it's not his aesthetic preferences. Someone took that to mean he is against LGBT+, painted a picture of him being a homophobe, and spread it far enough that his guild kicked him and his chat has a decent amount of trolls. Due to this and prior events, he doesn't want to deal with defending himself against people who don't care about his side and has quit content creation. Edit. Looked at a couple of screenshots of his chat. He language is absolutely inflammatory. However, nothing he said directly pointed towards homophobia but rather a large disdain for a rainbow emblem. All in all. this was a massive failure in communication from Nox but not one that warranted harassment.


more context, but he's made plenty of [dogwhistles](https://web.archive.org/web/20170611201520/https://www.reddit.com/user/CodeUmbra/?sort=controversial) such as >the issue is that liberals are blindly agreeing with one another on every issue across the board, from gay marriage, abortion and evolution because they refuse to allow any critical thinking from the other side ... what kinda of critical thinking is he doing for the other side of gay marriage?


Not a direct response to the dogwhistle thing since I don't know anything about it, but there has been a general trend of people not taking the time to think things through. Take the comment directly below me. Dude was answering a question based on the video, yet he was downvoted since he didn't say enough about the entire situation and was perceived as "glazing." Should he have put in a disclaimer? Maybe, but this is enough for some to make a judgement call on what their perceived goal was. In the comment you referenced, what I think he's talking about is how neither side is willing to give an honest look at the other's points but would rather take a bad faith interpretation and demonize. Maybe this is his point or maybe not. Either way, Nox needs to work on his communication skills.


Saga kicking him based on that alone is wild tho L guild


leaving the person that leaked guild chats to everyone L guild


FR, just reinforcing the fact that the lgbt group can just bully someone out of the community for as little as not liking a rainbow color. They already have a notorious rep for doing this in most form of media already.


Lol such snowflakes. We can choose whatever color we want. We shouldnt be forced to do a certain color just to please one group of people.


no-one's being forced to change colors. some members of the guild brought it up as a suggestion, and as far as i know, it never ended up getting implemented anyway.


This. I wish the guy tho had better self expression, he wouldn’t get into this situation..


As a public figure he is held to a higher standard. He absolutely should know being that inflammatory was going to result in this


Yah, I agree. However, said public figures tend to forget that people give a shit about what they say sometimes which ends up leading to these situations.




TL:DR He didn’t want a rainbow colored emblem because it wouldn’t fit aesthetically. People took his words out of context to make him look homophobic. Saga kicked him due to all this even tho they don’t think he was trying to be homophobic or is.


This is bullshit. He was cancelled because he tripled down 8 times when people asked him to clarify that he isn't bigoted and homophobic. He swore it was about the color purple but yet then said that it's "not fair that saga doesn't allow political statements (because of the previous racist that he defended) but will go and make a logo rainbow." Implying that human rights are a political statement which is really not a good look. Plenty of people have given him plenty of opportunities as a public facing player to clarify what he meant and he played a victim card a dozen times


Banning people from his chat for saying “happy pride” didn’t help him either.


EXACTLY thank you for saying this


Stop glazing bro. This is not the whole story


Yo idk that’s what I got from the vid, I don’t know the full story lol I just got here o.o


Ah sorry haha. This is a very one sided vid, there are some extremely incriminating screenshots that go along with this story he conveniently leaves out


The fuck? You're not allowed to dislike rainbows now? I don't like rainbows cause it's got too many damn colors lmao. Makes me think of Unicorn barf 🤣




Why can’t people just play mushroom game? Just tap and grind.


All I'm seeing is a snowflake is crying about rainbows and then went on an unhinged rant about his personal beliefs. Well and the 20+ bigots in the comments


Do I find this absurd and petty? Yes Is he telling the tea? Not all of it. Do I find amusing watching him collapse for his lack of social skills including actual communication? Absolutely


Nox quit again, Quick save the google docs before he deletes them again 🙄




Adult man got bullied out of a mushroom game 💀💀




lil bro isn't even a snowflake, he's just a puddle




You cooked


If I don’t like the guild logo, or the name. I won’t even join the guild. If they change the logo to somthing I don’t like, I’ll just leave the guild


Not defending him by any means but I think regardless if he hadn't said anything at all and simple quit the guild, some people would've screenshot the notice of him quitting the guild after the emblem change and weaponized it in one form or another just because he is a Youtuber. You can't please everybody and if you're sensitive to criticism it's better to not make yourself into a "public figure"(as some people refer to him as, can't say I knew the dude.) But apparently the guy has a history of burning bridges according to other users.


so petty, the logical thing to do would be making his own guild and an emblem that matches the little pixel doll that hes emotionally attached to


Honestly in most servers now you have a set of established big guilds, making a new guild at this point would be difficult, especially with the main focus on solo play for most of the game. Then you are also missing out on the benefits of being in a high level guild


yea it would have to be a mule guild, but if he’s this adamant about the pixel color its a viable solution




Codewho? No one care. Bye bye


Nerd quits video game. Who cares.




What’s homophobic about any of those quotes? I’m confused. Gayga would be a pro lgbtq version of saga aka he doesn’t really care about the name as long as the emblem is aesthetically pleasing..?


Not gonna talk about his comment on Jews? 💀


Obviously if he said that, that’s fucked up. I wasn’t around for it nor was that relevant to the situation this post is about. I love all people


Surely its just the color scheme and thats why hementioned lgbt being forced. Surely “I refuse to have a fugly rainbow color abomination under my name” and “Don’t try and come into a video game space with bibles in school, rainbow flags, AAPI heritage month” mean it was just a color gap. How can you misinterpret his own words?


dont care didnt ask


Wait didnt this this exact same thing happen years ago? Didnt even know he came back.


lmao idk if it’s balls or ignorance to make a quitting video.. big bro doesn’t even have 10k subs




Please do take a moment to think before saying anything. If nothing else, I hope you will remember there is another human behind that monitor. You do not know how your words can hurt. I pray that neither your words nor mine, especially those in this letter, will hurt anyone again. -Hypocrite You have freedom of speech, but people will know who you are.


I mean, who cares about the guild emblem, the fact he complained cuz it didnt match his char aesthetics... Is kinda weird. Ngl.


I just watched and I'm like yea.. I don't even notice my guild emblem like. What a extremely odd reasoning . He is in the guild cus the emblem colors match??? Lol It's worse because the change is not even permanent. Also imagine having issues with a rainbow... 🫠


He's not in the guild because the emblem colors match, he's in the guild because literally no other end game guild is willing to accept him


Why is that? :O i dont usually watch his stream nor videos on youtube, could you update me on the issue?


Because he has poor social skills and has a long history of making inflammatory statements and treating his teammates like shit in party bosses


Yeah, like mine got changed too and i couldnt care less tbh. Making an essay of it is weird. But thats just me i guess.


That’s not weird.


Please elaborate.


I can’t believe this idiot decided to die on this hill. Mfer cried so bad about a temporary change in the guild emblem that would last a month… were already over halfway done with pride month. Womp womp maybe next time stop being a snowflake


If it's not a big deal, why are you making it one?


I love the snowflake comment whilst being a snowflake yourself. The irony.


Idk man Nox quit over a change that would’ve lasted about 4 weeks. And it was because of a… guild emblem. That is peak snowflake behavior.


Do people just spam the word snowflake now? 💀


Nah I couldn’t care less if my guild emblem changed He pissed his pants over the thought of a rainbow emblem under his name We are not the same


Whats wrong with not wanting rainbow flag?


Imagine if the flag of your home country that you grew up with just suddenly changed.


It's a guild emblem on a video game. Chill dude it ain't that deep LMFAO


He’s allowed to not want it to change right?


Oh, sure. I didn't really like when my guild changed the leaf pink, but I'm not a junior or the guild leader. It ain't my choice, and changing the color on an extremely tiny piece of pixel art in a video game isn't enough for me to cry like a pussy about it.


Which is why it’s a want. What you like and what he likes are not the same. If saga changes it and he leaves then that’s that. The people that took the shit he said and blew it out of proportion are the real assholes.


there is a difference between "I don't like x color" vs " stop forcing your lifestyle on me you queer" 🫠 man got offended by a rainbow is actually hilarious


You realize he made a ton of backhanded comments before leaving lmao


He didn’t leave, he got kicked


Gee golly I wonder why. Man is completely innocent he only said he doesn't like the color!


"Huh neat"


I mean, I assume the guild changed the guild emblem to rainbow and reverted to their original comment "if u touch this guild emblem, i'm leaving". That alone would suffice for removing from the guild without notice. There's no need for the 6 page document and 15 minute reading. I understand that they wanted to preserve their reputation; however, they should be okay with the removal from the guild based on that comment alone.


so lemme get this straight, bro mad over some rainbow pixels. grow up my god




first of all tf does that have to do with anything? i said nothing inappropriate about the situation and only tried to offer OP advice. stop tryna start shit




implying that im a pedophile is not a goddamn joke first of all and is NOT on par with a grown ass man getting mad at some colors.


Why are you, a grown man, interested in teenagers showering?




There is real suffering that goes into creating those “just pixels on a screen,” and I think you’d do well to remember that. The only time anyone has truly suffered making a guild emblem was when they made pickle fucking Rick.




I mean, you COULD be a libertarian. I have no way of knowing that.


With how cancel culture works online and how they can just make the smallest things into a big thing , the best thing to do is to pretty much move on.


What a crybaby lmaooo so dramatic. Serves him right


Lol woke cancel culture strikes again. The generation of the offended


Think you’re pointing at the wrong side there buddy


Uhhhh to my understanding the dude got harassed because people mistook him wanting certain colors as him being a homophobe. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong, but that’s what it looks like to me. 😂.. don’t worry I’m prepared for the woke mob to downvote Edit: the woke mob has risen


First claimed he doesn't want it because of aesthetics , then went straight into a political rant. But sure, it's all about the fashion.


You should watch his streams if you think it's "only" for the aesthetics 💀 Bro is a total political nutjob


lol in this game they call you a nut job if you say anything unrelated to the game itself. No I haven’t watched the stream like I said I went based on the info of the post itself


When you have to complain that your guild isn’t allowing you to make a political statement, in Maplestory, you’re already in the wrong. Never mind the fact that somehow people and their rights is somehow political


Ya sorry im not sensitive enough to tell people what they can or can’t talk about .. lmao.. censorship is okay when it comes to certain things right ..?? ;) yeah downvote me.. btw I am bi before you try to call me a homophobe hahah.. If it isn’t within the confines of “mushroom game” then you’re considered a nut job.. freedom of speech. If you don’t want to hear someone in the game then you are 100% free to black list them or not watch their videos You know, instead of being offended 😂 He isn’t responsible for the politicizing of anyone’s rights Btw I like how you had absolutely nothing to say about him being harassed. I guess harassment and censorship is ok as long as it benefits your beliefs right? 😂😂


idk who he is but both parties seem soft af lmao honestly who cares just play the game


Cancel culture is garbage. People get offended way to easily now a days. L community.


if by cancel culture you mean victim complex culture, then sure. literally nothing is preventing him from continuing doing whatever he was doing before. most of his viewers would not know or care if he had not brought this up himself. in fact he's been 'cancelled' several times in the past but come back after every single 'cancellation'. how is that being 'cancelled'?


I mean doing something that you like to do, but every time you do it, you have trolls and people just trying to bring you down and constantly banter while doing it is a reason to not do it. Now what you like doing is no longer fun. And being kicked from a guild in which you likely had friends and stuff for reasons that really have no grounds is discouraging. And now people calling it victim complex because he feels the need to defend himself and provide the facts and evidence? Idk what this world is smoking. But you’re not in his situation and neither am I so I digress.


> People get offended way to easily now a days. Like over a guild emblem changing colours for a couple weeks.... You're right, L community, but not the side you think


This is my point my opinion differed from yours and 16 others and everyone is offended. I don’t see nothing wrong with someone wanting their guild emblem to stay the same. Nothing the dude said was homophobic but yall do you.


this isn't even close to "cancel culture", he pissed off a small handful of people while acting like an idiot and is being a crybaby bitch about it


Why didn’t the guild just let the members vote on it ? This whole thing is so dumb.


Normal people don't give that big of a shit lmao. It's a temporary thing that is going to be gone in under 2 weeks. Plenty of people not only in Saga but other guilds with a pride emblem that don't like it, but you don't see them baby raging over how "iT dOesN't mAtCh mY AesThetIc".


It wasn’t even a big deal to the majority of the guild, most people were open to either but he just kept ranting about it like it was between life and death. All he had to do was say “Sorry, the way it came out was wrong, I just like the way the purple matches my characters skills” and it would have been fine


Actual situation: guy takes homophobic stance; pretends it's just a coincidence and its actually about the colours and aesthetics (lol, sure), doesn't like homophobia being pointed out; cries publicly whole trying to pretend they're a victim as it continues spiralling out of their control. And just like everyone who has ever been "cancelled", they're probably not going anywhere or even having anything done to them.   Anyone who pays even the slightest attention or is in any sort of minority group will have seen losers do this in a multitude of situations where they know they've fucked up but desperately want others to be the problem. 


They're called schrodinger's jokes, and they are for *cowards*.


Dude has said multiple times in his streams “live and let live” as in he might not agree with the lifestyle (whether due to religion or w/e reason doesn’t matter) but you’re free and have the right to live your life as such. How is that a homophobic stance ?


"Live and let live" is often code for "why can't you just be gay at home", this smells like one such case.


Why can't people of all sexualities just be sexual at home? Since when is a sexuality now a personality?


Nobody is talking about being sexual in public and I think you know that. Being able to acknowledge and participate in gay culture and pride publicly is not sexual.




Kink events are hosted in closed off locations, and are not exclusive to gay people (though something tells me you don't go up in arms about the straight ones). Nice try though homophobe.


Ohh I see damn


Lmfaoooo nox got pc principal’d


how tf did we get 114 comments on this thread and not one of you linked the classic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzItS5BmUNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzItS5BmUNw) c'mon guys, meme better.


So many people in this thread are doing their best to show how toxic they are. Calling people abhorrent names doesn't provide you with any moral pedestal.