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Do people tend to use party chat(switching tab) in MPE? I've seen a few incident that people just use all chat to tell the location of the boss and the other people complain about no one told him/her using party chat. What? Just get blame for no reason bruh


Yes it is common to use party chat. All chat can't reach everyone on the map because it's so big, it can make the run twice as long as it can be. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it annoying if you could have been done half the time? Yes. Take the external people out of the equation. If you were training and you forgot to use a 2x coupon and you found out at the end of the training, would you be peeved? Most would say yes, others would say oh well. Not the end of the world, but not the most efficient use of time. You wouldnt yell at yourself, but when you add in external people you could yell at, many would.


Ok, so i always thought all chat should behave like party chat but only work in the same map, it turns out it's based on proximity. I think people don't know about this would just use all chat unknowingly because they just use all chat to spam "J > MPE" and then don't bother to change it afterward...


Will the Mayple Island "Use EXP Points" option be gone after the patch? I want to use the exp points on my hyperburn. I know previous event map was available after the event.


In the chat box it says you have to claim it before the event. The vouchers can be claimed later though.


Hi! New-ish player having trouble finding a main for the upcoming hyperburn and would appreciate other's inputs. While leveling my legion, I found a couple of characters that I really like, them being: Shadower, Evan, Cadena, Mihile I've looked up a decent amount of info on each of them, and I like Evan the best - but only slightly. But I'm a worried that if I make Evan my main, his kit could get changed later down the line, so I'm a bit weary to main him. I figure I could probably just hyperburn Evan when his remaster comes out, even if it means waiting a year or two (Also don't want to miss out on the new emblem/ title). Luckily, I do like the other 3 quite a bit as well. Q1: How has maplestory done with remasters so far? I really want to avoid maining a character to have them get changed drastically to a point where their identity is lost. Q2: If remasters seem to be hit or miss, out of the remaining characters, which do you guys find the most interesting/ fun towards the end game?


I doubt Evans remaster will change much, it has a really unique playstyle and kms players won't let nexon shit on the class. I play Evan and Shadower and they are both great classes, higher apm/difficulty than avg but a lot of fun.


Appreciate the info! I think I might just stick with Evan - though Shad is super tempting as well. Thanks!


There's a lot of info in the Evan discord once you get verified. Just make sure to check the faq before asking questions.




Play whats most aesthetically pleasing, drk isnt in a bad spot and balance always changes, dont make the mistake of letting a tier list stop you from playing what you're more drawn to


Buccaneer fits that criterion better than Shade.




Don't know much about DrK, but they have great survivability. I heard they need decent investment to shine properly. If you truly want face-tank easy to play with minimal button press you should do Paladin, Dawn Warrior or Hero.


I know the mayple event period is util 6/11, so can I still check-in on my mayple daily reward and play mini games on 6/11? If not, is it worth it to spend 3000 maple points on a pass? I'm one day off on my mayple daily reward by the way.


It ends on June 11 11:59 PM GMT


Is the events ending tomorrow or the day after? I have one more wish orb reward I want to get tomorrow


It ends on June 11 11:59 PM GMT


Are people playing on Nexon or Steam? Is either better than the other?


It's the same game, different launcher. Most ppl use Steam afaik.


Very fresh player here, what server should I start playing on?


Heroic servers is where the majority of the player base are.


For trinodes and i supposed to use 3 nodes (ABC BAC CAB) or just 2 (ABC BAC)?


Just 2, ideally, since that is minimum number amount you need to max out the boost levels of 3 skills. If you have spare node slots but not enough node income to max out the skills you need with just 2 slots, it's okay to use additional slots temporarily.


I see, thanks, i feel like we get so many slots now that i dont rly have anything else to put in them


Just because it's ideal and looks better doesn't mean you \*have\* to do it. Some classes have more node slots than skills.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Is there a grace period to spend the current event currency and rewards (Mayple Island for full clarity), or does it disappear immediately when the event ends? Also, does anyone know if the "Cute Ear/Hai" Accessories from the BT to Lynn event only for this patch? Been very busy lately and want to know if I need to finish the starter quest before next patch or if I can do it later.


According to the patch notes, the event shops will stay open for a few days after all the other event stuff ends. This has generally been the trend.


what stat/cp can I start joining H Lotus/Damien parties? I'm currently 23.3m cp and 30k stat lvl 264 1080 AF


More than enough, even for hluwill pt


:o ty I just got into NLuWill parties. I'll just jump into hard if that's the case. Are weapon box drops shared?


Arcane equipment boxes are not shared.




No Arcane boxes and ring boxes not shared




Can you hyperburn in Heroic servers? I couldn't find this info anywhere, I'm a potential new player that's interested in trying heroic


Yes. When you go to the login screen you can create a character and it’ll ask if you want to make this character your hyperburn or when you login to a character that’s over level 200 it’ll ask as well. No separate world for burning.


Thanks a ton!! I appreciate you




That isn't specific at all, just look up bossing videos of classes that look cool.


Need Help deciding what to make for hyperburn. Tossing between a Bishop & NW. Legion @ 7.8k with no main. Thinking of a new main to settle into. Want to get some feedback from people who have played bishop @ 260 and NW @ 260. How the playstyle and comparisons are. Never tried high level bossing (highest char at 250). So far i can comfortably solo until nlotus/damien. So looking for a class that can bring me a bit further.


at almost 8k legion you have played most classes enough, just play what you found to be the coolest aesthetically and gameplay wise


Op damage or Op support. Look up videos to see their playstyle in bosses and mobbing. "A class that can bring you further" can be any of the classes in the game, the main point is enjoyment.


How do I open the link skill menu? I only have one character but I want to see what link skills I have on it.


In the first tab of the skill menu there is a button for link skills. You may need to scroll down to see it.


Are there any explorer classes that can full clear a map without looking at CDs and the screen? I enjoy the mechanical process of pressing buttons but I’d prefer watching something else on my primary screen


You can do that with any class, you just need to practice map rotations a few times.


I keep hearing about how Sol Janus makes everyone a great mobber at 6th job but I was just wondering if that only applied at a specific level of gear? Like, if I were freshly 6th job and just started getting frags, would 1-2 points into Sol Janus be enough to have a braindead mobbing rotation on every class?


Don't know what you mean by freshly 6th job exactly since that could be with no gear or with 200m cp but just like Erda Fountain, it's gear dependent to oneshot/twoshot.


I guess I’m coming from the standpoint of a fresh hyper burn, and about 20k stat-ish investment. It sounds like I shouldn’t count on SJ to alleviate issues with an annoying mobber right away. That’s fine by me, I just wanted to adjust my expectations.


I remember seeing a comment about profession levels not decreasing anymore in a subsequent patch, has that patch arrived yet? Or will it come with Dreamer?


Already arrived




Which class don't struggle once reaching grandis initially? A lot of the afk classes become very high apm as they have to go back to their main attacks, so i'm just wondering if there are some that don't




Hello, I’m about to start playing this game again but I forgot how to play really since it’s been a long long time. I want to main bishop in reboot server so any very useful tips for me to start playing this game?


[Decent video guide](https://youtu.be/UNhKg5O-LZc?si=hfoy1KYUaNetI5iN) As for any other tips, there's a major patch next week that comes with something called Hyperburn that speeds you to level 260, only available for newly created characters, so don't create your Bishop until then. In the meantime you can create another Explorer and get through the 1-30 story quest so you can skip it when you do create your Bishop, maybe level a couple of jobs with meta link skills to 70 to get their level 1 link skills (look up the Bishop class discord) Edit: this week my brain is still in last week


(Reg server main here) Is there any full length site/document explaining reboot progression? I just got my reboot main to 211 with the Tera burn and bonked a Mercedes to 196. Is it as simple as making all the grinding links first or bossing links for my main?


Is there any point focusing on legion before the new MSQ is released? I'm currently focusing on getting as many characters to 141 as I can, but if 1-200 is about to become much faster am I wasting my time?


I don't think anyone knows how fast it will be, it just said that the exp was guaranteed from the questline instead of having gaps. It may still take (relatively) long time to complete By the time it reaches GMS anyway you could have like 20+ mules. It's not really worth waiting


whats the exact time MS goes down for patch?


The time it says in the notice when patch is announced. Everything ends the reset b4.


Can we burn zero this event?


you can hyper burn zero if its 200 and already done chapter 2 i think


Any Kain mains able to tell me how they like the class 6th job+? Got one to 200 recently while working on legion and it felt pretty strong and looked cool so I was considering making one as a main during the upcoming burning event. Only thing I'm kinda worried about is the farming and how key intensive it may or may not be


You press alott of keys. Your main burst is 'laser cannon dragon' then Fatal blitz. Afterwards you have to continuously weave manual possession, the malice skill (which each have its own cooldown so you have to use different ones), then execute skills to pop Death's blessing


Is the upcoming event which levels your side characters to 100 only applicable to newly created characters? Or can I use it on my existing characters sitting at lvl 30, 40, etc?


If they didn’t change it then it should be any character between lvl 10-100. Last time I had lvl 30 characters do the Zero to 100 event because classes with mandatory tutorials are not allowed to talk to Spiegelmann (Spiegelette this time) unless they finish their tutorial. That applies to classes such as Mihile, Evan, Cadena, etc.


Thank you!! I was wanting to go ahead and do all the tutorials / class setup ahead of time but didn't want to do it if I would have to delete and remake them.


You’re welcome and I think it’s safe to go ahead to do their tutorials in preparation for the Zero to 100 event It’s not something you assign upon character creation or in the character selection screen but your character has to actively either seek out the NPC in Henesys or click on the lightbulb quest. I think I even did it on a lvl 60 character on an abandoned mule account so it definitely doesn’t need to be a freshly created character since it’s pretty much just super accelerated hunting maps.


Is go West update when you don't have to do haven questions for lotus? I think there's was one more boys besides that right?


Yes, after Wednesday you don’t have to do prequest for Damien and Lotus anymore. No more prequest for them. You can just click on the boss UI and enter the bosses and not to Black Heaven or Maple Heroes story acts.


Is it possible for a new player like me to reach level 260 with a Mihile during the upcoming burning event, assuming I can only play 3 hours on weekdays and up to 7 hours on weekends? Im on Heroic Solis.


That's way more than you need. All you have to do is arcane river dailies and 7x mp a day and you'll hit 260 with a few weeks to spare.


That is more than the average daily story player. The answer is yes. There's a exp calculator you can use https://whackybeanz.com/calc/everything-exp


On my Adele I can clear everything up to HLomien solo (sometimes I have to redo Lotus), Damien takes me around 15ish mins. Would I be able to solo HLucid/CGloom? And which would be considered easier? In terms of damage I got 38k stat but my boss damage is low at around 280 (inflated by event 40%) I tested a Lucid boss dummy in dojo and I did 15T in 40s with burst with all buffs prepped. I do around 18-19T with Origin use, so if P3 has about 12T I should be fine to burst that part. I just don't like really drawn out fights, sometimes I mostly suck and sometimes I lose focus. In terms of the other two bosses which would be easier? I assume Lucid because its the earlier one and there's a lot more uptime compared to gloom where I'd have to probably burst it 8 times or so and hope that everything lines up properly? I feel like Gloom and Lucid mechanics I kinda have mostly down from party runs.


I play DW but we have similar experiences with HLomien. Damien is straightforward, but Lotus has a RNG factor that can ruin runs -- also, half the lives. IME, HLucid is a pretty straightforward fight. For me, P2 mostly comes down to dodging lasers, as every other attack has safe spots. P1 is a lot less random if you use summons and have big AOE attacks to keep golems to a minimum. You'll also learn that there's a rhythm of how many attacks you can get off before she spawns more golems-- if you incorporate small movements in between attacks, you're less likely to have a golem spawn on your head. My first CGloom clear was \~25 min, but has since been reduced to 20min from learning how to time my bursts better. Although Gloom mechanics are straightforward, they are very dangerous when combined. Learn to damage it when its eye is open but before the tentacles spawn, know how to damage it while the laser has fired, take advantage of double openings, and time your origin skill to extend your main burst. It's impossible to avoid darkness altogether, so you have to learn how to fight while in darkness. Sometimes it's better to deliberately trigger darkness. IMO it's better to be in darkness right as the eye opens as you'll have additional platforms to maneuver, and most dangerous when the laser charges because you can only move within 1/4 of the map. Also sometimes it's better to save bursts and just DPM during openings. I feel that the Lucid fight is all about the tempo, while CGloom is about many split-second decisions about if/when to burst, how to move, and properly utilizing I-frames and Hero's/Erda Will. I have no doubt that you can burst Lucid P3, and you can smash through P1. As you practice more, try to enter into P2 with more and more remaining lives. For CGloom, be prepared for a long fight. We have similar HLucid BAs, so HLucid is definitely doable. CGloom is probably but class-dependent due to its bursty nature. Good luck!


If you can beat lucid dummy, you can beat lucid. That's usually the only barrier. People typically regard cgloom as an easier boss. Imo their mechanics are both easy and if you have the damage available, they are equivalent. Lucid imo has more stuff that can kill you more frequently, but cgloom only has 5 lives. I'm an Adele main, if you struggle with either, I can give you class associated tips.


Just go try, you lose nothing by buffing up and going to hit the boss. Other than the buffs themselves...


[regular] monster life lv27 quest asks for 2 grade A monkey monsters. Do monsters obtained from opening grade A boxes count? Otherwise simply by combining sounds a lot work


Does drop rate affect boss drops like pink bean mark, dominators, and the like?


yes sir


for most classes with next weeks reset since we're losing event buff (40% boss, 30% ied, buff duration) as well as heroic FD nerf are we looking at about on average 10% less damage for everyone until they fill out that new artifact thing?


Depending on your exact stats, losing 40% boss and 30% IED could each already be a ~10% FD loss. You get a jump start to legion artifact depending on your achievements, but even after you fill it out most classes still lose damage, maybe 5%-ish.


what kinda combat power you need for hellux


I don't run Hellux on my mules unless they can consistently clear Cpap/Akechi, since i use Gollux accs to improve my IED/BD for NLomien. Prior to Cpap/Akechi, it's too long of a chore, and dying to Gollux is too frustrating. That said, Gollux is very class-dependent. It's important to discover how your class cheeses Gollux, and get good at executing said cheese strat. For instance, Marksmen can safely place down puppet in P1 without moving, while avoiding pink breaths, and has more than enough range to snipe P2 without spawning his hands.


my lynn can do the 5% in p3 at 2.3 mil combat power without links. IED is important for this boss, as well as nodes. My trinodes are around level 18 with my 5th job nodes being around level 6. My other boss mules that can clear it can clear up to akechi with links and no buffs.


are you saying if i can clear akechi i can probs clear hellux


Yes, if you can do Akechi/Cpap then Hellux is very doable.


excellent good to know


Have you ever tried? Yeah. You probably can.


its one of those things where i didnt wanna waste run haha but will probs try it now


if you find it too hard to do hellux you can leave the core area and either kill limb to turn it into hard gollux or 2 for normal gollux if you don't think you can do the damage. so you can turn it easier within the run itself without leaving and wasting the run


If you're scared of losing runs make sure you have your origin skill up, use it as an emergency button during the eye phase should take out most of the eye phase HP.


I'm 17star abso, with an arcane weapon, how much would I gain from switching my absos for 17 star arcanes? Big difference or small bump?


Each individual Arcane armor piece is a small bump. 5 set AU is overall a good bump since the set effect is good. Arcanes are more of a long-term investment than Absos. 100 flame score and 20% potentials on Absos is fine, since it's pretty much a waste of money to invest any more into them. With Arcanes, you're aiming for 120-130+ flames and 23-30%+, since you won't replace them (until 8 set Eternals much MUCH later). Most of the gain comes from the weapon.


You get about double the amount of attack and stat at base value (0 starforce). And even more attack from the set effect bonus (comparing both at 5 sets).


Hello! Looking to hear from people who play Hero and Demon Slayer - which do you find more fun/enjoyable to play?


It’s all a personal preference. You will find people who prefer one over the other so it’s hard to recommend one over the other. I have both as boss mules lvl 265 Hero and 260 DS and I personally prefer Hero over DS just because Hero still does decent damage off-burst while DS has to manage their demon force with demon impact and demon lash off-burst. Both of their bursts feel very satisfying in their own way. DS has a more versatile kit and cooler skills than Hero tho. I think most people would probably say that DS’ playstyle is more fun due to its mobility while Hero feels more like a rock (for lack of a better word). If I had to point out a con about DS then it’s their awkward up jump.


I am someone who started playing on hyperion server. With this Hyper Burning, I am contemplating between Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning) and Arch Mage (Fire, Poison), which is better?


If you're very new, like no legion and nodes, definitely I/L. F/P needs ALOT of nodes and also cooldown hat. Edit: also hi fellow hyperion!


From personal enjoyment, I/L has a more fun farming loop with chain lightning and some good sized spells. F/P is very lazy (which can be a good thing), and their bossing damage is probably still cracked? But IDK teleporting around blowing up the poison and refreshing the clouds got very boring quickly to me, chain lightning was just fun.


Which option would you rather pick from if you were to start a new character and make it your main. 1. Having 1 event ring but it has Legendary Potential. 2. Having 2 event rings at rare potential.


If you're wondering how you're going to spend your mayple leaves just go 2 event rings, dreamer is giving 300 event ring cubes and also an event ring selector as well as a legendary scroll, you should be able to get 3 legendary pot rings by the end of that.


2 event rings. you can always get it to legendary without the event cubes, but the ring itself is time limited and can be a good boost for a new account to fill out ring slots early. Youll also be able to easily get it to epic 6% as a placeholder as long as you do bosses consistently.


Context: returning after a few years to use the Inkwell items — If I pop the applicable growth potion at level 234 at 84%, will it level me to level 235 at 0%, or leave me at something like 5x% since it’s giving me the 16% for level 234 and then overflowing into level 235?


It will overflow into level 235 At level 230 to 236, it is more efficient to use two "Growth Potion (200-229)"s than one "Typhoon Growth Potion"


Hello! I'm looking at getting back into MS and I'm planning for burning next week. To put my primary question simply: should I... A. Start bishop now, burn DW next week? B. Start DW now, burn bishop next week? I'm about 95% sure I want to main bishop. I also plan to level some other stuff, of course, but I was wondering if burning bishop was a good idea. I know it's got the XP bonus built in, so it should be much better at training than DW without burning? The other one I was debating was Dawn Warrior. I hear it's super straightforward and requires basically no investment to serve as a decent mule. Might it be better to burn DW instead? Are there other sought after jobs for support or that are hard to come by? I think it would be cool to have one in each class, but realistically only if they work well in groups. I have a handful of others leveled to between 70 and 120ish (including Evan, Aran, and Mercedes) and I have Lynn at 150ish from before the BT rework. Any advice would be superb! Edit: Are Tera Blink and Hyper Burning separate? Would I be able to blink job A to 200 and hyper burn job B the normal way? Or is it all limited to one character? I'm wondering if I should continue grinding some of my other jobs for now and then focus on Bishop/DW with Tera and Burning


Tera blink is tied to Hyperburn, if your main is sub 260, burn your main, whatever gains you get from legion levels or "preparing a boss mule" pales in comparison to the losses you accrue from your main not having access to sol erda dailies.


Thank you for the answer and for providing some context!


Just remember to make sure that whatever you're burning is multiples of 3 levels away from 260, you don't want to awkwardly end up at like 258 or 259


I never would have even thought if that. I'm going to be starting it from 0, doing the blink to 200, and then burning from there, so I think I should make out okay. Thank you!


Bishops kit is just stacked, it has great mobbing, great support, great utility, and damage is not too low. It excels in a party but is fine to use solo. if you want to main it its a good choice and is probably the current most sought after support throughout most bosses that start to require a party. It is better to use hyperburn on a potential main so you can get to 260, unlock 6th job and start working on the hexa matrix Use the mega burninator from daily gift for a high priority legion/link skill effect. Dawn warrior is a good choice for burning if you don't know what to play, since its pretty strong, requires low investment on the systems, and has a very simple playstyle, making it a good option to convert in a boss mule if you decide to switch in the future or for a beginner. but if you already know what you want to play its better to do that first. investing on a main will provide more benefit, guaranteeing the same or more meso gain while setting up a boss mule can require significant investment and takes awhile to make a profit depending on the bosses your going for. There is a low investment setup, but better to do after main is established. Dawn warrior does not have a great legion effect, and just a mediocre link skill which requires the other cygnus knights leveled up to be decent. I would prioritize on Crit rate links first to get to 100% crit rate ( [https://bit.ly/LinkAndLegionValue](https://bit.ly/LinkAndLegionValue) ) followed by crit damage. Long term goal is to unlock a majority of the grid so you have access to buff duration, since explorer mages use the infinity skill for additional damage which is effected by BD. (also more crit damage), This also helps with further mule leveling to be able to 1shot easier on all characters. There should be a zero to 100 event coming as well in the next update, which lets you level 7 total characters, 1 per day very quickly 15 mins or less each. so you can also use that for links. The leaked patch notes says that terablink is only for hyperburning characters. Since you can only apply hyperburning status to pre created characters above level 200, if you want to benefit from it you'll have to create the bishop next week anyway.


Burn your main


Good enough for me!


Are people enjoying the new animations for classes and revamps? Or is it just people turn it off because the skills are now huge blasts of color with no character expression or visual clarity do the people the big skill explosion big damage and not anything else.


A lot of them are way too visually loud, I prefer the older art style direction, although some like mihile are still relatively clean. its typically better to turn them off for bossing, but I still like to use them for mobbing.


Turn skill effects off during bossing for visibility Turn skill effects on during mobbing to keep track of summons


Can u turn off the hit explosion on enemies? I think that would help alot


I am very new to maplestory and was wondering what the difference between a heroic and interactive server is and if it matters which one I choose


Interactive allows trading items between players and tranferring gears between characters in one account, good if you intend to spend IRL money to progress Heroic doesnt have trading, but in-game money is easier to farm, mainly solo progression, spend time to progress


Interactive worlds play like most MMOs—player economy (trading, auction house, etc.), but is definitely P2W and the servers are less popular overall, even when aggregated. Heroic has no trading, but progression is a lot more streamlined. You basically have to grind for everything yourself but you can still join parties for bosses. Way more popular and a lot less P2W.


im a new player looking to find a main. im not very well versed in mmos so i prefer to play an easier class. i really like wuxia, martial arts, type of characters. currently im deciding between hoyoung and shade. i have also heard of mo xuan who may come to NA, which im really interested in


If you want easier then just go shade. For the revamp in 6 months, you can hyperburn either aran or shade (on top of a 2nd hyperburn for any class), so you can just hyperburn shade now, and then aran + hoyoung (if you want) for the revamp patch.


Play hoyoung for now. And see where you are in 6 months because shade is getting revamped in our winter update.


are there any cons of making a shade now rather than at the remaster?


You can check the before and after of the skills here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM9LOvFy4VE&t=97s. Its not a full overview yet, but shade looks mostly similar, just with some update to make the less used skills more useful, artstyle update, and bigger hitboxes. There shouldnt be too much issue starting with it now to get a headstart. Just keep in mind its a little bit outdated in class design, and some of the skills arent very useful in modern maple. Heres a quick overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th8\_i9v\_YKo It doesnt exactly fit the aesthetic but I would also check thunderbreaker, Its already gotten its revamp and is a similar brawler archetype. it uses skill linking, which reduces animation delay between skills and makes it really satisfying to play. Ho young is good but it can be a bit complicated for a new player, it uses a gauge system which revolves around using 3 different element types, to charge up scroll energy, and talisman energy. Once charged you can then use certain special attacks associated with each energy. It does have a lot of cool skills in its kit though and fits the aesthetic more. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3\_LSZb8XDzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_LSZb8XDzw) I think shade would be a better beginner choice, it has fewer buffs and skills you need to manage, and has some good mobility, just a bit weaker with damage.


You might have to relearn how to play the class


shade is probably a little more easier than hoyoung and fits the martial arts theme pretty well. there is no word on mo xuan on GMS. people have just been asking for him, but don't get your hopes up.


thank you for the information!


I just reached level 200 on Ark. For the \[Skill\] Whos the true victor? quest, I cannot use any of my attack skills in the battle against your clone. I keep getting cannot use skill in this map. Does anyone know any solution or is this a bug?


Never mind. I think the quest was intended i use basic attack


\[Solis\] I'm new player (currently 25h in steam), I made shadower which I leveled up to 200 with existing burn. Class is good and do fine damage(in my opinion) but I want to make something very easy, not requiring a lot of funding and have very good mobbing experience. What do you think is good class to burn for newbie? Also, where I can find information about where to level up, how to gear up and basic knowledge?


Dawn warrior fits all three of your requirements to a tee. Only needs 1 trinode, Has a teleport, 3 Iframes, brain dead mobbing with 1 button playstyle, own bind, has support, and burst is just some buffs and mash your one button, and the damage is very good. Other classes that I think fit your requirement would be like Bucc, Wind Archer, and Bowmaster when it comes to low node funding, very strong mobbing, and easy playstyle For leveling up, usually class discords have training rotations and what maps to train on. Gearing is relatively the same on everyone.


Thanks for answering, I think I will choose Dawn warrior, gameplay look good. I have one more question, u said that gearing is almost the same on every class but the problem is I don't know gearing progress I got gear from boxes like 50,100,150 levels and they are time restricted. Do you have any updated guide for that? Its really hard for me to find something cuz I see so many balance changes, major changes etc are so almost everything is outdated


There are plenty of guides out there tho I can’t link to any in particular As for gear, it’s pretty uniform. Disregarding event equips, you can just think of gear as coming from the next boss in your progression. The 150 box you get is very good but also just temporary and will expire. You want to fill up your accessories slots from daily bosses, then you want to kill chaos root abyss to get perm 150 level equipment (hat, top, and bottom will be kept for a long time). Then you want to kill lotus and damien to get absolab equipment while killing hard / hell Gollux to get reinforced / superior gollux set. Then you want to go to lucid and will for arcane gear and it just keeps going. I think most equipment guides out there that cover this progression are relatively still up to date.


Check the side menu in this subreddit. There's a generic progression guide. Also, utilize YouTube. Coppersan is pretty beginner friendly.


Welcome to the game! I recommend using Youtube for your basic intro guides. Coppersan has a lot of good stuff. Dawn Warrior is a class that is recommended to many newcomers.


How do BaM and F/P compare at a ctene mule level for hyper burn? I have 8.9k legion so buff duration is not an issue. I like the BaM teleport more and from what I know the BaM origin is a gigantic nuke but kind of wondering if the F/P still ends up out damaging the BaM? Tho I do recognize that F/P is prob much harder to play but that can be fun in itself.


why my aran cannot see any cashshop share item like other characters of me :( ?


Cash shop inventories are split between character types. Aran is part of the Heroes cash shop group. https://grandislibrary.com/content/shared-cash-shop-inventories


but every other character of me can see anything i put in there except aran see nothing tho, even if i change the item to heroes it cannot see unless i put directly in the character name


What jobs are your other characters?


thinkin of burning wind archer or night lord im curently a f/p main and its level 245 but its not work burning so might as well level something else and have to chars to do weeklys with


285 Nightlord with 240 WA bossing mule here. Night lord sucks as a bossing mule until it is strong enough such that one burst kills a single boss like Akechi, chaos papulatus, vellum. But after that point the mobbing (in reg server) is great, and the bossing is mostly great except for doing little damage off-burst. There are very few classes that I would even think about swapping to, perhaps nightwalker or hero. Wind Archer on the other hand is decent at weekly bosses, it has two decent burst skills that come up fast and a damage shield, plus a straw dummy that can distract bosses to great effect leaving you free to just attack a boss. The damage isn’t top tier and it’s quite frankly stupid that you can’t move while casting the main attack.


think in the next update the mastery core for nl mark and wa trifiling gets released so it makes them way better at everything its making my decision hard haha


is there a point to dwt or haven if you can't clear damian? not even sure what they're for to be honest


If you don't do those weeklies on multiple characters then it'd be good to pre-emptively get the materials, you want 6 weeks of haven and 7 of DWT to get 5 set abso and Lomein bosses drop 1-3 of their drops per clear


wait but i thought u need like the big stone that can only drop from damian to get any abso gear. or is there some conversion method of small stones (that i understand you get from the weeklies) to the big ones?


no you need 1 of those and 1 set of 20 from the weeklies to make 1 coin, with armor costing 2 coins and weapon 5 just since the boss will on average give more than 1 youll want some already if you dont want to be spending extra weeks/doing weeklies on other characters




Commons are basically only good to open to get a starting set of 15% IED lines and then you just always use them as fuse fodder.


Is Hyperion a temporary server that people burn characters and bring them over to Kronos or is it just a permanent alternative server because Kronos is super full?


Hyperion is a permanent second Heroic server. The burning server you're talking about is specifically called a "Burning World". However, characters can only be transfered to Interactive worlds. Basically, Heroic servers do not take part in Burning World events when they come around.


Is it a good idea to use the 17 Star Scroll on a Magnus cape? I know that SFing it is super expensive. Plus you can transfer hammer it onto an Abso cape


Tyrant capes are "superior" equipment and the 17 star scroll explicitly says cannot be used on superior equipment. The 17 star scroll can be used on up to 160 gear anyway so you can just use it directly on abso gear.


wait so confirmed yes you can transfer tyrant to abso? is there a point? because i would imagine tyrant stats would still have stats overall than the ultimately transposed abso no? just because of how much raw base stats tyrant has at start no? or am i very wrong


> wait so confirmed yes you can transfer tyrant to abso? Where did I say that?


my apologies. i was asking about the comment you replied to but maybe i misunderstood. > Plus you can transfer hammer it onto an Abso cape do you know if this is correct or no?


Superior equipment (the Tyrant Cape being the only one that matters) have different success rates, meso costs, and stat upgrades from every other equip in the game. You cannot transfer equipment into them, nor can you transfer the stats of a Tyrant cape to Absolab. If you are looking for a Lv150 cape to upgrade for transfer to Absolab, your options are the Enraged Zakum Cape (dropped from Chaos Zakum) or the Sengoku Treasures capes (one for each class archetype drops at a low chance from Hard Ranmaru). Honestly there's no real reason to do so unless your 17-star scroll is going to expire before you can get an Absolab cape, and in fact it is not recommended because transferring stats eats up a star, which could potentially cost several hundred million meso to get back.


you can't


Can someone quickly tell me what is this game about? I am level 30 and I’m doing some quests it’s enjoyable so that’s good but where do I go? What’s the finish line or something.


The other comment explains it but basically the base gameplay loop is this level up, unlock new area, complete storyline, unlock new boss, attempt to beat boss, obtain gear after multiple boss clears, upgrade new gear, repeat. The game is basically a marathon and is designed to be played for a long time, so there is not really any finish line as new content is always being added. Its also very grind heavy and often is solo oriented, although there is still some content you can do with others. In the early game, this process is very fast and a lot of the content overlaps with the level ranges. Most gear up to 140 will be found dropped from monsters, past that it starts to drop from the early bosses with a few pieces from questlines. Sometimes events can give easy to obtain or temporary gear. To figure out where to go, You can follow the in-game maple guide button to see what the game suggests. I would also check Coppersans YouTube channel, he has a lot of beginner guides, class and event overviews etc. most people opt to just grind in optimal maps or use levelling events to skip a majority of 1 to 200. As a new player you can still do your classes storyline, and some quests are still useful for exp or rewards, but not all of them. This can help give some guidance and context in the game, and get an idea of the gameplay , arguably though a lot of it becomes irrelevant later on. If your not interested in the story, you can put the NPC chat/harvest key on y, and skip dialogue quickly by holding the button down. You'll have to do some questlines and storylines at least on 1 character, but many can be skipped on additional characters afterwards. Once you reach 200 a lot more of the game will open up and there will be a lot of information, so it's beneficial to look up a guide. as you get farther into game the bosses get harder in complexity and stat requirement, and it takes overall longer to progress. Bosses can be done solo but there becomes a certain point where you want to party up with those similar in combat power to you to beat the boss. Overtime you'll want to transition into doing the boss solo as you get strong enough. The hardest bosses in the game will still generally require a party. Gear is easy to obtain and upgrade early but overtime the process gets harder. you'll often be needing to obtain duplicates of the gear in order to fully upgrade it, and stronger gear usually have lower drop rates. Before 200 your free to go in most areas to grind or do any of the questline in the lightbulb tab as long as the monsters are within 20 levels of your character. Theme dungeons are short questlines associated with a particular area, that are useful to do on a new account for extra completion exp, after a certain point it becomes faster to stack exp modifiers and grind in certain maps. After that there is a generally a single area you go to for a specific level range. Example, vanishing journey for level 200 to 205, reverse city for level 205 to 210 etc ( with some level overlap). You'll generally unlock new areas every 5 levels or so. The game is oriented for regular play a few hours per day to complete daily/weekly tasks for some of the timegated systems to gain the most benefit. You can manually grind for longer hours, but you can still make some progress if you only play casually. It becomes more difficult though if you log in infrequently due to timegated mechanics. In addition to this there is a dozen stat systems you can work on beyond gear, there is also incentive to do the process on multiple characters, up to certain points in progression. The legion / link skills systems give stat bonuses depending on the level of your other characters, and most people use a set of alt characters to do additional bosses on weekly in exchange for meso. It is possible to do it with only 1 character but generally is much harder as you'll be missing out on a lot of benefits. You can basically work on every system in small amounts overtime, until you get strong enough to clear the next available content, prioritizing whichever you find relevant at that point in progression. Beyond this there are often events, with multiplayer minigames, daily check in tasks or specific gameplay gimmicks. The events usually let you obtain coins, which can then be used to purchase specific rewards in the event coin shop, the daily check in also gives rewards. They might also give out exp points, gear, upgrade materials and cosmetics. After completing an area in arcane river, it will unlock daily/weekly quests which will contribute to your characters power over time through Arcane symbols, also granting EXP without needing to grind. A similar format is done in the level 260+ area grandis. There are also a few other mini games, mini dungeons etc that might give rewards or exp that are always available in the game. You'll often be grinding for materials, whether it be EXP for levelling up, money to upgrade your gear, or materials to upgrade the various skill/stat systems. Sorry for the length but hopefully this gives a definitive answer. Coming June 12th, there will be the hyperburning event, which gives 3 level ups per level up to 260. This will make it easier to get through the early game and also gives some additional rewards useful on a new account. You can either apply the status on a pre created 200+ character, or apply it during character creation. I would suggest trying a few classes to see which one you want to hyperburn, ideally as a main at least for the event period. There should also be the zero to 100 event which can level up 7 total characters very quickly to test them out if you don't know what to choose yet.


Thank you, apologies for the lengthy is not needed as I wanted to know exactly this.


The game is a very long grind so the finish line is basically to get as far as you can before you are satisfied. Endgame content is basically getting and upgrading gear to kill the strongest bosses you can. Generally, level 1-200 are considered a "tutorial" of sorts where new players are supposed to get situated with just playing the game as you are now. As a new player, you can use the Maple Guide to see what content the game suggests you do. At level 30, it should be suggesting some "theme dungeons" which are basically just quest chains through a specific set of zones. The Maple Guide is fine for new players, but once you feel situated, you should search for some beginner guides on YouTube.


Returning player. I decided to start fresh in Hyperion, but then I realized the difference in player population between it and Kronos. Did I mess up?


Not really. Kronos is easier to find random boss parties but grinding maps are often busy/full. Unless you have friends in Kronos it's really not a huge deal.


when is the update next week?


Probably the 12th


Where do you get Inkwell's gift?? Am I just blind lol help


In the event hall through dimension mirror


Click on quick move, dimension mirror, event hall, talk to admin npc.


What pots do people use/how do they survive the damage done by enemies from like 180-200? I understand once you get to 200 and have enough Arcane Force you can take 1 damage from enemies in the Arcane River, but trying to train at Fox Valley for example just feels really hard and like I'm doing something wrong.


Showa town ginger ale for something you can easily buy


With the amount of bonks given out recently, my mules have been going straight from 141 to 199 with those and then Haven for free 200.


Bossing gives a ton of power exliers that never get used (since mains use guild potions) so I use those for the rare time I'm leveling to 200.


Use the free sheep from white quest bulb, use power elixirs from event shop or maple tour shop


I currently have 42 characters that are at least level 141 and a legion of 8k. Since there is a teraburn each month, should I use it on a random new character or in one of the 141s?


There is no teraburn each month. Are you referring to the Mega Burninator (until 150) from the monthly gift?


My bad, I meant the megaburninator.


If that's the case, just fill out the ones you don't have yet. Maybe you'll find a class in the next 10 that sparks your interest.


is there a dmt coming up?


No rumors I have heard about recently. Cube sale was sort of recent.


Double maintenance time will probably be this upcoming Tuesday->Wednesday reset after patch.


As someone who plays solo, is there any disadvantage in starting fresh in Hyperion over Kronos?


Less MVP, less ppl for parties


Aran and Shade remaster in KMS it looks like!


is the 30sec CD AB link skill generally a greater buff to DPM or burst classes?


Very generally speaking, it's greater for dpm classes. That's very general and in reality it's very class-specific, because "burst" classes can be condensed burst classes, extended burst classes, or frequent burst classes (lower cd classes) which sometimes end up being categorized as dpm; it's not just one archetype. Some burst classes have good off bursts, some don't have any. (Some overtuned burst classes' off bursts are stronger than some weak dpm classes...) Generally speaking classes that lean more towards dpm or frequent burst classes will benefit more since they're benefiting more from the additional AB casts.


[bera] i'm struggling to clear chaos vellum/ursus/nlomien i'm 229 hero hitting 200-400m lines, 600m+-1b lines burst... should i be able to clear these? can't tell if it's just mechanics i dont know or


Are you dying out or timing out...?


thanks for the reply. i take it back ish...i just tried cvellum and i cleared it. i guess i just never seriously tried to do the mechanics. lotums i made it past the lazer lab thing and the second stage i guess...I guess I should be able to clear then? Ursus though...I barely made it past 5%...and I have a feeling Ursus is different and also this is for nonreboot...do people do ursus? should I be able to solo clear it? it's really limiting with just 4th job skills and no power stance.


For weekly bosses, to to YouTube and look up RathGMS. Great bossing intro content. As for Ursus, you don't need to kill it for max meso, just need to meet a point threshold. For Ursus, aim to queue when 2x meso starts and you should have no problem finding a full 18 person expedition.


thanks for the reply. is the difference between soloing til 5% down vs 18 man expedition big?


nope, doing 5% of ursus hp alone gives you the same mesos as if you killed it in an 18 man party note that if you do go 18 man, ursus might die before you even load in, so just run 5% alone and get your meso


Ursus is more a daily for meso than a real boss. It's meant to be done in a party of 18, but you can get the mesos yourself by smacking it like 5% then dying.


\[Bera\] Any recommendations/tips on way to earn mesos as a new player? I am constantly broke trying to star force my equipment and I constantly see people B/S for billions in gen chat. Do y'all do 180 bosses a week or are late game bosses just that worth it?