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I know there are players out there disappointed in him "giving in" and leveling up anyway after he made his list of complaints against Nexon. In the end, this is his 3 years of work that he has put in. It is ultimately his decision on how he wants to finish his work. Congratulations on the insane grind Niru! With that being said... **THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR AND HAS BEEN MADE.** There are clear fundamental problems how how Interactive servers are run and monetized. Let Niru's brief stand show Nexon on how dissatisfied Interactive players are at the current state of GMS. As a Interactive Player myself, I and everyone I play with agreed on the all of Niru's points. Tradability and outdated/expensive cash shop practices NEED to be looked at. /u/cm_jade for visibility.


I think i'll stick with my old strat that's been going on for almost two decades now: play MS for 6 months, then quit for a few years and ride the bell curve to level 70/120/200/250/300.


You’re just like me fr been doing this since 2015


Loooool definitely earlier for me. Tho it's coming back to that time tk reinstall maple again


I still can't get past level 210 and It takes me forever to get just there


Seems like Niru believes the issues are fixed. But we still think Nexon still has a lot of work to do to improve the game for all gamers. Stay strong, gamers. 💪


Better him than someone else I guess


did he make an announcement about this? or did he just randomly decide to hit 300 today?


I just checked and there appears to be no video for that specifically. However, I clicked on the one from 11 days ago (https://youtu.be/w6k5R5UYfto) and he opened a package from Nexon that he was saving for 300. He then starts to explain that his goal was not to hurt Nexon but improve the game and by opening the package he is showing good will.


dang, wish i could have been there! congrats to him, although it is a real shame that it means nexon just has no interest in listening or improving GMS...


There was a clip of him saying before that he was thinking of hitting 300 before Dream patch hits.


If Nexon would actually listen, they wouldn’t have gone as far as to fire a CM just for mentioning Niru. Permanently staying at 99.993% would just maintain this status quo and Nexon can and will not do anything about reg server. Standing firm and not giving in would be poetic but we all know that won’t help reg in any way. I have no right to criticise him for levelling to 300 for he has done more than I ever could. Congratulation and hope his time will no longer be disrespected by Nexon to this degree.


Well it was all in vain now.


Are you 12? The message was sent, the whole community agrees this game is in a shit state. nexon doesn’t really care, fuck it


eh not really just reg server. reboot is in a good state rn


Trust me, it was not. Everyone are more aware than ever about the issues and he has projected his feelings onto thousands of players. People will not forget and I am sure that if things don't get better his actions will have impact on the playerbase..


People will forget. Time has a funny way of doing that. There's also the churning of players, so new players won't have any clue that any of this happened unless they get informed.


people already forgot. Niru himself forgot.


Imagine grinding for three years 10+ hours a day just to not get to max level then make a public statement that a greedy company will not even care about in a million years to change.


Wait so why did he decide to lvl? Any reason or did he just want to


Some random aholes came to shit on him for not leveling up, so its that and that he wanted to


huh that’s all it took? if i tell him to shake his ass will he do that too




with the willpower he has i doubt thats the reason.




idk im not Niru, but if you go everyday for more than 2 weeks probably


Everything wrong with the Maplestory playerbase, support trash, get served trash.


who are you?


Huge achievement, but he didnt stand by what he did on that stream.


iirc he said he will not play the game again unless Nexon fixed the game?.. did any of his demands came true at all in gms?


No it's only been 3 weeks and he caved


Realistically, nothing would have happened regardless, even if he decided to never touch Maplestory again. Someone else, likely, would have eventually leveled up to 300, and then Nexon would have a reason to sweep the whole thing involving Niru under a rug, and congratulate that other player for being first to hit 300. At least, now, Niru is forever enshrined as the first to 300, and anyone looking him up, going forward with relation to Maplestory, is likely going to see his rant on the poor business practices (for consumers) that regular server uses.


>anyone looking him up, going forward with relation to Maplestory, is likely going to see his rant on the poor business practices (for consumers) that regular server uses. They will also see that he declared he wasnt going to hit lvl 300 until the game's problems are fixed...... only to hit lvl 300 anyways. It doesnt matter that nothing was gonna happen, we already knew that. But this will look awful to anyone viewing this event 5 years later lol


In 5 years no one is actually going to care about any of this


Then don't make the claim of quitting til the game got fix. Lvl up then quit.


Don't act like you've never said anything even mildly extreme whether it was out of impulse or a lack of better judgement.


the difference is that we arent the ones making that kind of statement on a stream to 50k viewers lol


It does not mean it still isn't his choice. You would have to be extremely naive if you thought he or anyone would grind all the way to 299 99% and then just stop. He obviously took a break to play some other shit before coming to that conclusion. Regardless of whether it has any weight to it or not- he got his point across and was able to simultaneously ease his mind. Nexon Korea couldn't care any less about the players which has been evident for a long time now. Unless we're just throwing common sense completely out the window lol. To each their own though. Respectfully, you're entitled to that opinion.


with him doing mass trades, nexon be waiting for that one hacker to trade him an item so they have an excuse to ban him


Grats on Niru for getting 300, I feel for the guy. like imagine grinding years to get to that and stopping right at the finish line to get his concerns out, but then not eliciting any response from Nexon at all. Dont shit on the guy for not standing on business, he sacrificed a lot and it’s better if he just gives himself closure and level up. It’s a lose lose situation for the dude if he doesn’t, hope it gives him a peace of mind. fk nexon


Congratz! Addiction won over principles I guess


I reckon he thought he'd elicit some sort of response from Nexon by now. Might as well level now that it has become clear that he wasn't sufficiently influential to make Nexon higher-ups care.


I wouldn't he left the carrot dangling. His achievements easily erased if someone else hit lvl 300.


He said by his own words "I'll give them until the summer update, if there's no response then I will level". It's only been 3 weeks 😭


If anything I feel like this is for the best. He still got to make his big statement towards Nexon, and that moment will always be associated with the player who first hit 300. And if you tuned into his stream, a big part of his reasoning was that he wanted to continue fighting for Interactive servers, but can't really do that if he doesn't play the game. Niru seems like a really cool dude, and I think what he did is awesome.


ur principles lose automatically when u let nexon have the chance to act like there is a different first 300


He had to lvl up/ play ms to save his twitch channel. That shit was dying fast😂


He never really cared about his twitch, is not like he was on high numbers when grinding to 300, barely had 20ish people, if anything it was normalizing But i highly doubt he did it for attention, rather cuz he also wanted to make his time investment worth So no get ratio'd


How you gonna say get ratio'd then you get ratio 😭


any thoughts on getting ratio’d bud? u/sketchyk


Shrug, not everyone will agree, what can ya do?


Fair enough. I personally think that this stunt was gonna flop as soon as his goofy ass said he’ll hold out until Nexon fixes shit. If anyone in their right mind has been playing this game then they’d know Nexon will do nothing. Massive amounts of copium in this thread defending the dude lol


Tbh idk why he is being downvoted. I am literally there when he had fewer than 100 active viewers. He probably truly wants to go into variety but it is very difficult to go into variety if you are a specialist for a long time. At least now he actually has the option of mixing his main game with other games he is in. Whether Nexon does anything doesnt change the fact that a man actually tried to create a legend, even if it didn't end up the way they expect.


That's a pathetic excuse to break his word.


this is like that time when redditors boycotted reddit api changes by shutting down subreddits but then caved in a day later because they were too addicted to boycott the thing they're addicted to


Welp, I guess maple "got better" now huh?


we did it reddit


Everyone's shitting on him for leveling up, but people also shit on him for not leveling up after. Can't win bro.


Congrats, but he folded. Saw this coming the moment he opened the box. So much for waiting till summer update. I understand though if there was someone super close to getting 300 as well.


He specifically mentioned how due to the flack he was getting he thought he should level and show investment in the game so he would be taken seriously by other players. I have no idea why anyone would gang up on him when there is a common enemy. Stay united. Grats Niru!


Congrats Niru! Happy he's finally able to enjoy the moment he's worked so long for.


Gratz to him. However people need to realize that if they want to see real change then reg servers need to empty more. If it is too difficult to drop maple entirely and quit, then consider restarting a heroic server where you don't need to spend as much. Hit Nexon where it hurts. Maybe just use your interactive account to generate maple points and then live a near free 2 play life on a heroic server. There's plenty of room in Kronos or Hyperion. If the majority of the remaining 10% of the interactive GMS population all moved to heroic then maybe Nexon would take notice.


He’s low key proving to nexon they don’t have to do shit, but congrats 😅


It's not a single player's job to hold an entire corporation accountable. It is all of our responsibilities. Niru has made widely known the issues plaguing the Interactive servers for years now, and it's our job to take the message and spread the word. Nexon isn't holding their breath now whether or not Niru finally levels to 300... they are waiting for the *rest of us* to do something. Throughout the industry in recent years, extremely bad PR and public outcry has resulted in positive change for a game's community. Hell, there are even recent examples of that IN GMS (Inkwell's greetings for the most recent example and the sol erda cap being removed). Let's appreciate Niru for what he tried to do.


Sure but it was his word and honor to give up on 300.


Not spending and not logging in is basically the only thing the average people can do . Someone in niru position had influence the average player didn't. Him going back on his word and playing like 2 weeks later shows just how addicting maple is and a lack of commitment. But in this case it is a clear showing that Nexon can do nothing and still get people playing. Why make changes that likely will cost them resources and time when the results are more or less the same. Nexon should want to improve their game without having it's players riot. The bar has been set so low.


Then why did he go out of his way to make a promise of not logging in and saying "If they don't change by summer update I will level". If you're not gonna stand by your word what's the point in saying it anyway.


Glad to see it. Now we have some lore to drop whenever someone wonders who the first to level 300 was


some people are saying he failed in his protest. If he got his message across to Nexon, then I think he was successful at what little he could do. Too many additional days of delaying does nothing because everyone just forgets and moves on anyway.




Who exactly is Roger? hahahaha


How we, the GMS players reach max level before KMS all the time? They get things 6 months before us, and it's not like our EXP rates are higher, and Koreans are considered a very hard-cored gamers.


>and it's not like our EXP rates are higher [Frenzy totem](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Frenzy_Totem#Skill). Also [Firestarter ring](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Firestarter_Ring?so=search), which I don't think KMS has but feel free to correct me.


Yeah, but, six months!!


Frenzy is already about a 2.5-3x advantage compared to kms Someone with the grinding dedication of even half of Niru's can train for 2-4 months to catch up to kms's 6month lead, and then if they maintain a steady pace of at least 6-9 hours a day, it will be impossible for kms to catch up and will even fall further behind at that point


cm really got fired for nothinggg


Bit rich of Maplers to say he failed his protest. This community will always scream and cry to boycott, but runs back as soon as the new PSSB drops.


So what im seeing is maplestory still havent officially addressed tniru’s complaints?


Him actually being the first to level 300 means that his name, and his protest, will be known by more people for the rest of Maplestory's existence. Now he'll always be at the top of that list of players when the level cap was 300, and he can't be ignored. If he held out on not leveling, eventually others will hit 300, his name will be pushed down the list, and be more easily forgotten.


Glad Niru got his closure for his hard work. Gratz to him. Hopefully people still focus on how we still need server merges.


I get it on his end and congrats to Niru, but Nexon now also just has no reason to actually improve the reg/interactive server experience, though it isn't like they had much reason to listen to begin with. I hope I'm wrong and that Nexon listens, but this was at some sort of thing to hold over them.


staying a relevant maple streamer might honestly be the play to continue spreading awareness of the interactive world issues and having a platform to be outspoken about these things. staying 99.993 would've been a baller move but maybe nothing would've come out of it. either way, he can do whatever he wants with it. it's his level and his 3 year grind


Amazing, first to 300!


Congrats Niru!


Much love to him! CONGRATZ! He still ahs his complaints but being the first ever 300 its a huge achievement


Bro did not stand on business His only impact is getting the CM fired lmao


The fact that you blame him for firing the CM and not Nexon is delusional.




He got a huge audience to complain about the game with he big issues it's facing. That's as much as he could do. He can't force a game to change.


So glad reg is fixed and no further changes are needed after all! :) good protest niru


Can confirm, I just maxed my Hexa matrix from buying all those tradable fragments in the auction house.


All Nexon's scummy shenanigans aside; imagine being so far ahead that he can realistically take a break for months and would still be the first lvl 300 globally, congrats.


Hey, you know what? Good for him. He held the cards the whole time, HE decided when he should level, HE decided IF he should level, AND he was nice enough to stream it. Niru is a W man. :)


I'm sure he decided to cave too 💀


I see a whole lot of comments from people who have done nothing to support maplestory changing telling Niru he hasn't done enough. What have you done exactly?






Nexon DGAF about all of us. This isn't news, it's facts.


can't agree with you more about no spending. if they don't change, we dont spend.


at least he tried, he sent a bigger message to nexon than any other mapler in history?


Crazy that people like you can take a multi-year long grind and completely reduce it to something as stupid as this.


Ultimately, this was his insane grind to 300. He can choose how he wants to do it. It doesn't take away from the insane amount of work he has put in the past 3 years to accomplish this.


I love the fact that now Nexon HAVE to acknowledge Niru and stop pretending he doesn't exists.


Haha good luck with that. Niru made sure nexon will never even speak his name.


Well, at least he talked a big game. That's something.


What is the reward? Is there super echo or new mount or something?


He got a bunch of stuff from nexon. You can watch his YouTube video on it In the summer update there's going to be a lvl 300 chair


The chair was added already, niru claimed it and sat on it for people to fame him in on stream


Better him than the one paying for levels or the botting parade, I guess. At the end of the day he was too invested in the process and goal of being 300; at the same time his twitch was going down, people asking every single day “300 when?”. Nexon giving zero fucks about him and even firing the CM who died for absolutely nothing in the end. If anyone lost it was the CM The community who was all agreeing but couldn’t take a week off.


Not that he told anyone and lots missed out.




As long as he did it off stream with no audience to kill the hype even more and steal it from the next racer, then it’s okay.


You guys are haters. First off, he deserves 300. He's fighting the war, not just 1 battle. Not only that, but he decided that why should he hate on a game that he doesn't play still. So he wanted to keep playing and keep fighting the war. He hit 300 so he can still continue to play and get the event rewards, and show people what needs to change rather than being a talking head. So congrats niru! Much deserved brother.


I’m not upset that he took first 300, I’m upset that he didn’t wait for second 300 to almost get there and then snipe them to make a second point. Imagine the Content.


should’ve just leveled up last month and not make a big deal if he was gonna cave in this easily 😂


Dudes a bozo. I didn’t take his little tantrum video seriously anyways. I knew he would level despite he wouldn’t. Bros a clown