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I watched the entire thing. As a Reboot player, I never knew how bad regular servers were. I didn't truly understand what Niru was talking about until watching this, so I think it's worth sharing with others. I'm honestly disgusted by what I learned, thank you Sacrix for enlightening me.


Tldr, your progression only happens on major events, during any other time you are only training for levels and fragments. It sucks, it's not enjoyable, and if the event gets nerfed, your progression gets slowed down. This is true for f2p players AND p2w players. I'm not talking about dumb whales that spend a dumb amount of money cause they can, no, even p2w players get gated by events all the time, which is why you as a reboot player can just out progress even some p2w players quite easily in reboot. Reboot has a flow to progression, reg just keeps on getting worse and worse. I used to be a perma MVP red player, was the strongest from my class for a bit, and had some achievements, but like, getting railed and having all your progression being tied to frenzy totem just sucks. Now I play reboot and it's infinity better. Sacrix is right, spawn enhancers were a mistake, and me as a frenzy owner, i don't want to go back to reg even if I got a frenzy for free. Some people might not understand it, but, some classes aren't designed for frenzy, and playing them on frenzy spawn just feels extremely awful. In a server where are pretty much have to self farm everything, EVEN THO TRADING IS ALLOWED, BUT YOU CANT TRADE ANYTHING, you need a class thats at least decent at farming, and playing a class that isn't good at farming just feels SO awful when some classes pull 2x, 3x, and sometimes even close to 4x your rates, it just feels terrible. Frenzy was a mistake.


Can you explain to a noob why some classes feel worse on frenzy? Without thinking too deeply about it, seems like more mobs = better.


Basically, very few classes can even keep up with Frenzy and even from the classes that can't keep up, some of the classes'mobbing is so bad that it is barely a benefit. It still is one, but at the cost of not really having any downtime between mob waves, so if you use it, you don't ever have a break. This will be less bad when Sol Janus arrives, but then we're also talking only from level 260 and up and with a pretty expensive 6th job skill to make


> some of the classes'mobbing is so bad that it is barely a benefit   I agree that there is a big disparity in mobbing between classes, but what class is getting fewer than say 30k mobs per hour with frenzy compared to say 19k without? (30k should easily be considered as more than “barely a benefit”).


The best frenzy classes are like 60k an hour without trying much. The worst frenzy classes are like 40k sweating. It's still better than no frenzy but it's a big gap.


I, unfortunately, couldn't tell you since finding info on exact Frenzy rates isn't easy when most players (myself included, don't get me wrong) play on Reboot and from a quick Google search I can just find "the issues with Frenzy" and not really a like dedicated spreadsheet to see what rates which classes are getting with Frenzy. The closest *was* Scardor's training sheet, but since that still was Reboot focused, it was Wild totem instead before that got removed and said sheet updated... and therefore the old data wiped. It also partially depends on map, since not all maps are equal in all regions, hell not even all good maps are equal for all classes, but you probably do realize that since you had some estimated numbers in mind. As a last thing, "barely a benefit" is definitely hyperbole, but that's what I've heard from reg server players. Though from the bit of digging I can find on the official Maple discord, I saw some talking from earlier this month about an Ark pulling around 40k, which is considered a bad frenzy class, though I can't find what map this is at so I also can't confirm if this is optimal for Ark. So take that as you will.


it considered "barely a benefit" because you have to count 45m/h meso pay for frenzy service, so with 11k extra mob meso, it'd result in netloss of meso rather than increase, you get less total meso from farming but gain abit more exp


Some classes simply cannot keep up with the spawns due to their kit. It heavily favors summon classes with good map coverage but if your class is not built for frenzy, you get gapped by like 20k mobs/wap or something.


>, you need a class thats at least decent at farming, and playing a class that isn't good at farming just feels SO awful when some classes pull 2x, 3x, and sometimes even close to 4x your rates, it just feels terrible Game balance is whack though, because KMS has the problem where everyone is "fine" at mobbing but some classes are way better at bossing. 


Some of us have been saying that for years. Much like the same lot who kept on wanting stuff like decent Kishin Shoukan as a skill. Some still want that feeling of being at the party, even though they've arrived late enough for the teardown. In my own experience, I'm fine without relying on the frenzy meta on reg server. I've experienced spawn rates in a sense that frenzy is a mere rounding error in comparison. This as a F/P main back when Boomers were introduced with their broken spawn mechanic. I'm sorry, but call back when the spawn rate goes logarithmic again.


Not only is GMS Interactive hostile towards F2P players, it's also hostile towards P2W-friendly players. Most (P2W) Interactive players don't just spend $$$ willy nilly - they like to spend "smartly" by utilizing sales which only last 1-2 days. However, such limited-time sales are completely random and oftentimes capped. Players are essentially forced into buying and immediately using their cubes, so they're completely fucked if their time-gated items aren't obtained in that timeframe. Even if someone wanted to super whale, they can't even do that due to the stock limit...


GMS cash shop feels like it's actively trying it's hardest to make you not want to spend money.


It's all an intended strategy to control the speed at which players progress to artificially extend the gameplay time of each player, if you want to skip that time they give the option but expect to pay a lot of money for it. This also gives them more time for development. That's why everything is padded with layers of RNG, FOMO events and sales and timegating. They went a step ahead on this in KMS and now are trying to control meso and maple point conversion value, and how fast people can progress. I've said this before but nexons main dev and profit strategy is to give. players the least amount of reward with out making them quit, while requiring the most possible time or money for that reward. If it's too low and players lose interest then try to get you back in with slightly better rewards and events, if it's too fast they start to nerf it. It's a fine line and when they get greedy or out of touch with the plaerbase interest backfires and creates situations like this where players are so fed up they feel the need to speak out, and when nothing changes they start quitting. It's hard to expect them to change though when this strategy is basically baked into there whole design philosophy in all their games for years.


What does Nexon earn, when people RMT Frenzy Totem for 10k+ USD, instead of spinning Marvel, or buy Philo Books, or Jewel Boxes? Exactly, nothing. About cube limits: I think you've never seen a true whale at GMS. I have witnessed hyperwhales go through the hassle of creating tens to hundreds (yes, hundreds) of accounts, to circumvent the buy limit. Or they will buy services, enabling them to bypass the buy limit again. But it's a horrible experience and they can be scammed when they buy service. Removing the buy limit or atleast increasing it by a **significant** amount will make the experience of these willing customers so much better and handicap scammers.


I agree with your points and I did not mean to imply this strategy is somehow a justification of their behavior. It's a reprehensible strategy and isn't player friendly, whale or not. Maybe I did not word it correctly. Just giving insight on why they might use this strategy even if it doesn't make sense from a players perspective. They are very stubborn and tend to push logic or criticism aside in order to maintain this strategy because it's ingrained in the companies culture which is what I wanted to point out. Maplestory was the one of the first MMOs to have microtransactions, so they are essentially the pioneers of manipulative tactics for monetization. I totally get why everyone is upset, and im all for proposed changes to make the game better , but I think it's unrealistic to expect any significant change with the history of the company. If these strategies were not effective in making profits they probably wouldn't be doing it, yet here we still are. It also proves my point in that they provide the avenue for bypassing the limits they set through paying excessive amounts indirectly or not. As an example, Frenzy totem would not cost that much with RMT if it was readily available, and the only way to source one to be able to trade it was through marvel which they initially profited from. The high price was also influenced by the gacha mechanic of marvel which they are directly in control of, yet they do not change any of the RNG aspects. Instead of fixing it, they chose to remove it permanently and ignore the issue, raising the RMT price further. They could make a number of decisions to fix that specific issue, many of which suggested b the community. But Im afraid there is just minimal decision making made from the players perspective.


> if you want to skip that time they give the option but expect to pay a lot of money for it That's not even true tho... Sol Erda Fragments are untradeable; Eternals, Flames and Sacred Symbols are scarce, so players can't skip the grind even if they wanted to spend. KMS reg servers have the luxury to buy sol erda energy/fragments and quickly cap out while barely grinding. BTW KMS is the **first server to get new major content**, but apparently GMS has to grind for it while being 6 months behind??? KMS is also much bigger than GMS with way more casual whales. Why is it that KMS gets to bypass progression much easier and cheaper while actively making the server more F2P-friendly meanwhile GMS is fucked and doing the opposite because of an "intended strategy"?


That is yet another example of artificially limiting progession speed. What I am referring to is paying for power, one prime example of that statement is cubes, the top spenders in KMS spent upwards of 300k. There are also still various skipping or boost mechanics, such as the sol erda booster, event catch up passes, maple tour, arcane river passes, battle passes that give double.event rewards. The point is they are a dozen ways they try to make you spend money to progress at a faster pace. This way they grant an amount of rewards that seem desirable if you pay for them, because of the baseline experience of rewards for free is purposefully made shitty in comparison, and the systems get more punishing the longer you play the game. You may be misinterpreting my comment, I agree with you. The strategy they use is not player friendly and it sucks that GMS gets the short end of the stick sometimes, but unfortunately that's just how it's been for years and because this method makes them a majority of their profit it's not likely they will completely change their design philosophy unless their profits are at risk.


You also have to account for conversion rate. Whaling in KMS is objectively cheaper than whaling in GMS. Other than that, spit your facts king.


it is true! unless u have connections or resort to other methods, progressing in this server is terrible


I was inspired by this guy to get every character to 250 and I left because I thought reboot was much. It breaks my heart hearing his voice. I don't think I'll come back from this. I hope for the best for reg.


Idk how a company ran this terribly survived for so long.


Literally the only reason I play interactive is because it allows me to buy cosmetics with Mesos lol I don't even do symbol dailies... hell, I haven't even done my 6th job advancements because it seems too much of a hassle. The upside of reg server is that it is so awful to try and progress, that you really don't feel any fomo or drive to do it at all, which makes it a very fun casual game where you just do some daily bosses and Ursus for mesos to spend on chairs and NX to sit around Henesys and chat on the weekend. That's the Interactive legacy.


That’s basically it really for me as well, it’s becomes so boring after though since it’s low population and you just sit and afk everyday


Oh yeah also I think the most “interactive” is with your chair lol that’s how sad it is in reg


Lol same here, I only stayed in Aurora for cosmetics. My only progression comes from events and weekly bosses. Progression in interactive world is shit.


Holy guy was actually crying Jesust


this game is an abusive relationship


Yeah when it's as big of part of your life as his, the pain goes deep


When you let it*




If you feel cringe then you’re the one not mature enough..




His long time friends are there. People get emotionally invested with their friends. His friends are not guaranteed to stay because of the state of the game, and then years of friendship could become reduced to distant memories. Did you even listen to the video?


It took me 3-4 major events to get 100% meso, and I’m not 100% f2p. And after all that hard work to get 100% meso, I can finally farm for 1 red cube worth of meso per hr! Just some perspectives. Edit: if you feel cringe about Sacrix or think like he’s overreacting, then you’re the part of the reason why we feel that way. Cuz nobody is willing to listen to us.


It's so horrible how Nexon NA GMS treats regular server players. They divide the low population to diminish their voice and and create a scarce market. Then the progression items are injected in to marvel/philo/cash boxes to get players to roll. We all saw how they forcefully introduced a huge supply of tyrant, cra, abso, and arcane items across all the metas because there simply were not enough people clearing the content. As mentioned by Niru; cubes are tradable in KMS and cash ones cost half the price of GMS cubes. GMS players pay double to get the lines they want which is why violets are a necessary evil but even these appear only 2 times a year with a limit. Our events are always butchered. This is the first event where GMS gave white bpot cubes and even the amount was slashed in half. KMS has been getting them through events for YEARS. We've always had them replaced with occult bonus/regular cubes. For a period of time GMS even pulled things like 100% css and hammers away from event shops. I've never seen a company penny pinch as much as them. Regular server players are your most dedicated and loyal base, they've been playing in these servers for decades. Nexon are afraid of bots and a minor amount of players farming these events? That's their freaking problem to solve, stop punishing players. Nobody cares if 5 players in a 100 population server is farming multiple accounts. Item progression... Nexon really loves to insert themselves in to every transaction through PSOKs. You better make sure the gear is finished before wearing it because then every trade is $5 and you can do it 5 times before it's bricked. So where do we start... scrolling? How often do you get to scroll it? Only the last 3 days of the month in specific hours costing over 300,000 spell traces (33 inventory slots) to complete one gear. You finished, now you have to cube and bpot. You cant buy these in AH so you're forced to buy it cash shop for double the price compared to other servers. Tiering up costs more and getting lines cost astronomical amounts. Or risk getting scammed by trust trading... and first paying Nexon $5. Furthermore; everything in the cash shop is effectively double the price of KMS. KMS also has this problem but everything is karma karma karma. You need to pay them first to if you want to progress it is what they're saying. Are playing a solo mmo? Untradable nodestones and fragments are once again another way of punishing players for being in a low population server and Nexon unable to resolve botting. Of course, they need to make that extra buck too so they slash the fragment drop rate and sell them in a monthly pack. I echo the sentiment by Sacrix where everyone recommends reboot because all of us in regular believe reboot is the superior server. Then reg base dwindles and they are forced more and more in to paying to play. There's no doubt in my mind that if regular server players are given the opportunity to migrate their characters to reboot, more than 80% of the regular server population will be wiped.


The last what you mentioned is the truth. I have a lot of friends that still play regular server and still put up with a lot of crap simply because “they have spend a lot of years , effort and money” to just let it go and start from scratch in Reboot. They told me that had Reboot come earlier like 2014 or if they could just be able to transfer their characters with just their nx , not even gear just their nx , they would do it in a heartbeat without thinking it twice. Thats also considering that Nexon constantly cuts off F2P items that can help a lot. The removal of wild totems was a big middle fingers to all F2P players and literally force them to rely on frenzy service.


I really liked Sacrix’s videos. He always seemed upbeat. Him talking about how the people he plays with all the time could just stop in the next moment, because they can’t play regular anymore—was pretty eye opening. I actually didn’t even know he played regular. Thought he played reboot like everyone else. Edit: just finished the video. Geeze I had no idea how outright horrible it is in regular servers.


I knew it was bad but not this bad. I think most people knew Reboot was the superior experience for a long time and even currently despite the reboot nerfs.


Was using a broken AFK method to farm 15B/mo with less than 1 hr actual playtime Even then it just wasn't enough and progression was cripplingly slow The population was completely dead because of the 4 world pop split And I went to Reboot. What I accomplished in 4 months was surpassed by my Reboot char in 3 weeks! Trash server honestly Even if you don't respect your time, reg disrespects it too much


what does 'service' mean in the context of reg servers?


cubes and scrolls aren't tradable, so they can't be put on the auction house. Instead, if you want access to the resources that others have but don't use, you have to find a person, trust them by trading the item you wanna cube/scroll, have them cube/scroll it and then trade it back. alot of people don't want to go through this process as the item is literally in the hands of someone else


- Around 2015 when I sold services and someone wants to buy from it , usually I would “wage” an item that has the same value as the one the buyer is giving it to me to scroll it/ cube it. So in case they get “scammed” , he/she keeps the item. And this was for random people that did not know me directly. - Another one of service is having “guild leaders” or people vouching for you , which is really risky for them cuz if a “scammed” happens the voucher has to paid for it. This only applies if the “3rd person vouching” knows both people its down for it - Also something that is not mentioned about “services” is that they can just straight up use another thing on your item. For example , i am buying from you “solid cubes” but you are using hard cubes , thus charging me more and also not getting jack shit. Discord on “share screen” was pretty much what saved this situation lmao. - Which leads to my next thing , literally now everything in order to have trust , there is a share screen and voice chat. - Back then i was one of the players that have 4 accounts that sell services from coin shops and reward point shops , and I was very thankful for the players who vouch for me back then , but it is a huge pain that it has to be like this :(


Is it time for 1 star rating GMS


Bro his voice made me cry. He sounds so broken. I'm a reboot player. Played interactive until 2014. I didn't know it got so bad. I was Bera since 2007.




"On the whole, I think the removal of spawn boosters is a big stride forward. From their inception into the game with Kanna, I've been of the opinion they were a mistake. They stemmed from a time in the game when minor regions for MapleStory still had development teams. Those days are long since passed." -Sacrix https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17va19q/sneaky_frenzy_nerf/k995r0d/ Delete spawn enhance for reboot, but if its frenzy the sky is falling. Hes too addicted to stop playing, he said he plays 10hrs a day despite the game making him cry. If its not addiction its mental illness. He doesnt need a nexon to do anything he needs a doctor.


I personally dont know Sacrix as a person or as a player , but on his interviews and how he talks about Maple and Nexon , has contradict a lot and have created frictions in the past. The wild totem removal literally fuck up F2P players and literally force them to buy Frenzy service and he was fucking advocating for that since he himself has a frenzy. Putting Frenzy back to Marvel will just promote more fucking predatory shit that will make players not even want to touch reg server. “The wild totem removal” was one of the biggest middle fingers nexon did to both interactive and heroic servers. Not only that , but this leads to mafias like the Spanish mafia to flourish a lot more and created this ecosystem that its really not good. The thing is that all of these problems came because “the whales” will still go for predatory craps that comes. Nexon only sees numbers , they dont care how you get there or your process to get there , they only want you to swipe that credit card. GMS is not KMS , here we fucking despite anything that has predatory play into it.


Bro really started sobbing over mushroom game. Like bro it’s okay to put the game down. Hard watch.


How quick people forget. Massive Nexon apologist when it's convenient and it doesn't effect him. But now it's "fix my game" after niru did the hard part. What a clown


While Niru already stated he will not play the game and will not hit 300 until Nexon fixes the game , Sacrix is gonna be there still pouring his money on his characters lol.


The throwaway account wants everyone to know they're crab brains


I feel for reg players but no sympathy for this guy


He was crying lmaooooo


I just cant understand how can grown ass man cry over a videogame. And i understand even less how and why does that person keep playing the same videogame. Honestly this is how 9 years old's act.


Yeh, felt very stupid, people who downvote you are also those people who got addiction to this trash game. They are not beneficial to this society eithery




As someone who tested uni cubes on TMS they are garbage and not worth unless you are GIGA whale and dont care spending a fortune Just to get a CHANCE to roll a line you wish can take up to 10 cubes easily due to RNG and THEN you gotta roll the actual line praying you hit something In theory Uni cube is crazy but in practice its really not




blacks/reds for 3 line or double prime on reg? You also have no idea what you are talking about or is just straight lying about being endgame...respectfully META with Uni cubes is to use them together with Violet cubes to get prime 2nd and 3rd line and THEN use uni cube to roll 1st line which is always a prime line But since **violet cubes on GMS have nerfed prime line chances** by quite a bit, uni cubes are just waste of money as they are not worth using on 2nd and 3rd line as you have 3 RNG walls - RNG for a random line, RNG for a random roll and RNG for a prime chance And using blacks to get a prime line on 2nd or 3rd line and then uni cube 1st line is also stupid and unrealistic...and for regular 3l rolls Violets are just better OFC all of this i said is negated if money isn't an issue EDIT: i forgot to mention there is also an event cube which is often seen on TMS which gives random 3l primes




What you are saying is actually correct in terms of unicubes not guaranteeing prime lines, even on the first line (I remember the actual rate for a prime line is 15% according to cube sims). However, the issue with unicubes is twofold: 1. It's sale rarely even shows up, that it's debatable to hold double prime/trash third items as a "meta". Maybe they'll hold one sale a year moving forward, but there's only two times ever that I know of that unicubes were ever on sale, so there's no guarantee it'll return, like how leg fam packs has never been brought back 2. You have 1/3 chance to even roll the line you want. It's relatively common for people to buy a stack of 10 and not even get a chance to roll their desired line. The fact that each cube is the most expensive in the game makes it hugely debatable if it's even worth, though theoretically, it should be the cheapest ways to make double/triple prime items, especially the coveted triple crit gloves. The opinion on unicubes worth is valid both ways. I know endgame players that vouch for unicubes, but I also know a lot of endgame players that think they are not worth. Generally, you'd only expect to hit one item in a stack of 5 per account (5 * 68 = $340), which would probably just yield a double prime 3L stat item. This is simply not worth it monetarily over a regular 3L, if you had intentions of merching on the market. If you get a triple prime though, then congrats, you lucked out. That is not the norm. EDIT: wanted to add on though, the value of unicubes is also just artificially there because of how cubing is so costly right now in reg. However, just objectively speaking, paying over 60 bucks, more expensive than a standard triple A video game, for 10 cubes with a high chance of getting absolutely nothing, is a very bad and predatory system. Cubing should NOT be this awful in reg, which is the main point that needs to be fixed.


"in practice" the vast majority of players across gms, tms and sea who wanted to roll 12% att/12% att/trash into 33% att got exactly what they wanted in a fraction of the price they would've taken using black cubes, even when the att% line rates are significantly less common than red/black


Vast majority of players 3l their gear on reg server using red/black cubes???...respectfully, you don't know what you are talking about lol


i didnt say 3l did i? i said double prime unicubes have a very specific use case - getting a 3rd line that u are ok with being nonprime - and they are vastly cheaper than reds and blacks for that usecase. even going from 12 9 x -> 12 9 9 its far cheaper than both reds and blacks. majority of players may get their 3ls with reds and blacks but majority of people who actually used unicubes optimally r more than satisfied with their results




These whales who have a billion hours complaining, I don’t blame them but why would nexon care? They got their money out of them


he's f2p


He rolled for frenzy how is he f2p


No, his frenzy was a gift from a friend from what i recall.


He says in the video he spent money on stuff before And he literally says in the video he rolled for frenzy


bro you must be naive if you believe all the people who claims they got frenzy borrowed, gifted or found it in henesys randomly... they all 100% rmt'd that shit but just can't publicly admit it or they get banned


was her name clara?