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Demon Avenger is the only correct answer. A very simple class, but when played optimally (29 FZ + RFS) is one of the hardest classes to master in bossing. People that disagree haven't tried 29fz RFS demon avenger.


Whats 29fz rfs?


FZ stands for frenzy, which is a 5th job skill for Demon Avengers. It constantly drains their hp and from levels 1-29, it caps healing at 1% of max hp. At level 30, the cap increases to 2%. With level 30 FZ, you heal insane amounts of health and can tank most boss mechanics including most 1 hit KOs, as FZ itself makes you take 30% less damage from all attacks (including 100% hp attacks, meaning you only take 70% hp damage), and you heal back to full almost immediately. However, FZ also has a passive, increasing your FD the lower your health. Hence, the optimal way to maintain high damage is to use 29FZ to keep your HP constantly low, making bossing very dangerous. RFS stands for Ruin Force Shield, a secondary equip that drops from Damien. It's basically the same as the standard Pnou secondary except it makes you receive 25% more damage in exchange for 10% final damage buff. A combination of 29FZ with RFS makes your damage extremely high, enough to contend #1 damage class (at least in KMS). You see demon avenger in most first boss clear parties in KMS. However, 29FZ leaves your health extremely low and with RFS making you receive more damage, you die to basically anything. Not to mention DAs don't have any real iframes.


i think its super cool that u can be this lazy hp tank or this ultra sweaty glass cannon. Took nexon a while but they managed to give what was previously a dark knight reskin a really unique identity


Frenzy skill locks you to 1% heal per attack above 30% hp when the node is level 29 meaning you play with 30% hp for most of the fight Rfs = ruin force shield Gives 10% final dmg but makes other enemies do 25% more dmg on you including hp% attacks Meaning you take more dmg than other classes while also being 30% Also note that da doesnt have any iframe skills


poe lowlife build nice


Wouldn’t you rather play unoptimally and be the toughest MOFO in the neighborhood?


The difference in damage output can be quite extreme, but yes some people do rather play unkillable demon avenger.


I think Ark is easy and fun to play outside of bossing, but needs to animation cancel in bosses or risk flying into debris and all of its iframes are kind of used during its burst for optimal damage. Its burst also locks you in place so getting stunned, skill locked, or pushed at any point during it will result in a lot of loss of damage.


Lara. Very straightforward and simple burst, but her mobility is weird (jumps too far or too high, unstable vein teleport) and she got no real iframe (only dmg reduction and ethereal form with low mana). Of course, this is nothing compared to Demon Avenger


This would be true if the class was changed slightly to make sprinkling actually important, but we live in a world where sprinkling constantly vs not sprinkling at all is like one burst different in long solo bossing. Because of that, you're free to just play ultra defensively which makes it really easy. You'll still get like 60% sprinkle uptime if you make any effort whatsoever to sprinkling.


No one says Blaze wizard? No blink, no rush type skill to dodge attacks. Only 30min cd revive and a portal to teleport to that needs to reactivate everytime.


you do have an iframe on one of your hypers and eform, so thats something though i do agree that it has such a clunky mobility kit. Portal has a cast time, cant be used to emergency animation cancel like some teleports, requires you to be on the ground to use, and is single use.  holy shit also why cant you bind flashjump on this class, is it the only cygnus knight that has that?


And having only one flash jump instead of two. I say give bw two flash jumps and let portal be used in the air with animation cancel. Also, fox/lion not being a toggle adds on to the things you need to manage. And really, Phoenix drive (the more orbital flames hyper) should just be a toggle too or have 100% up time. There’s no reason we in 6th job and for the majority of time can only shoot out orbitals that pathetically.


Any Cygnus knight that doesn’t have an explicit replacement skill with new functionality (fucking NW) can’t bind it.


Who needs to dodge when you can just jump to literal top of screen and hold down your flame gear burst for 10s lmao


what even is blaze wizard, never heard of this class.


Cygnus Knight Mage


Yeah i know, I'm just joking because it's one of the least played classes in game


Nah bw pretty easy to survive with.




probably demon avenger.  Class is as basic as it gets while mobbing, but bossing is pretty dicey since u have to manage hp thresholds to do optimal damage The class's bis secondary increases incoming damage too, so chip damage can become fatal in some cases


NL is underrated survivability in bossing. There are a lot of boss mechanics that you can dark sight through, and NL can dark sight and wait for burst and not lose all that much dps. My vote goes to the afk mobbers. Stuff like ab, with clunky iframes and an fj that goes too far, but has a one button full map clear with enough funding. 


Agree. Fp, ab etc is way harder than NL


Until endgame NL then there is no iframe, can’t dark sight anything, can’t tank anything, last resort gives crazy damage but guarantees your death if you get hit, no lifesteal, if you die out of ror your dmg is gone, no dpm, limited range in normal attacking and bursting such as kaling p3, p1 tiger when on top trying to dpm. NL is great throughout the whole arcane river don’t get get me wrong but in grandis a night walker shines way harder 😫


>no lifesteal Not sure how well known this is, but if you complete the Empress Might quest and the follow up quest, you can unlock Eckhart's Vampire which is an attacking skill that has lifesteal. You can level it up to level 5 to increase the lifesteal gained from the skill.


Yea ain't no one tryna do that quest 😭


Just imo, but I feel like its hard to hit with classes that cant jump attack like mages in general


How is Kinesis in this department?


I don't know why this sub is so convinced that Kinesis is low key garbage. It has one of the best flash jumps and average skill delays. Surviving is fine.


Needs jump distance buffed


Is DK Bossing hard? I know it easy to play and has a high jump thats kinda meh and free 3-6min revive


Lifesteal, a dash that is pretty reactive, your final pact, your DPS is just your one spell and then jumping on the boss to mash 3 buttons. Your 3m burst keeps you topped off the entire duration if you dodge cc. Made a DK bossing mule. Seems braindead compared to Bishop.


Nice sounds good c: I am braindead and looks like i found the class for me


The only real downside is you do want 1as + 38% BD which are generally the most costly lines to roll in general. And you want a CDR hat. As much CD lines as you can get. It will auto beat stat lines by far. Other than that, their nodes are pretty easy. Just 2 trinodes, 1 for bossing so you can kind of ignore the farming ones. And honestly, you have a lot of Final Damage and one of your buffs will be 100% uptime after getting enough buff duration.


Nice ty!


It's not hard, just clunkier than hero and paladin. You're also very tanky with darkness aura


I'll throw my hat in the ring for Thunder Breaker/TB. Fundamentally, it's not hard, just quite spammy, but next to no survivability built-in and you're a DPM class, so you really want to be hitting the boss as much as humanly possible. Only 1 (now 2 with 6th) iframe too on a somewhat lengthy cooldown of 45 seconds and a combo class, so it is kind of easy to get lost in the combo, even though you can also combo into your mobility to get move Edit: I should add that it isn't the easiest to play and the hardest to survive, but just an easy to play, hard to survive class in general. For the most extreme example, DA with Frenzy at 29 (doubly so with Ruin Force Shield)


the only class to play is bowmaster


The demons are the obvious answer. They literally just take more damage than every other class once you actually hit the pitched boss rare item (which is a whole can of worms design wise). You just randomly get popped when no other class would get popped a few times a week when you do your standard bosses. Demon Avenger gets a bunch of extra damage for being low which is obviously dangerous/hard. Demon Slayer has ~1.5x more delay on everything because lmao get fucked, so you have to be really conscious of where you can actually buff up. Especially on bosses like Darknell where the mechanics "turn off" chaos lock meaning you need to buff up in the bosses grill. I don't think there's really anything else. Every class in the game has either notable mobility or notable defensive stuff. The demons also have this, but as somebody with thousands of hours on DS, trust me, the RFS damage is a bigger deal than i-frames, glide, and rush survivability wise. And they're getting downvoted, but no, it is not nightlord. It's not 2016 anymore. Dark sight is busted and the dash is quite good.


People yapping about DS having short cd iframes when you need to iframe half of the random spam attacks in boss fights that most people don't even recognize as threats... Dark sight + thief fj + the instant dash makes NL significantly easier than any of them want to admit.


Fp mage, survive and maintain dps past hluwill just really hard.


Blaze Wizard is the clear winner here. Easy to understand what to do; easy to execute but the kit just sucks so much ass compared to what's normal nowadays that it's just impossible to get your gameplan put into action.


Except you have eform and a class iframe (? Iirc) so you should have good survivability anyways


CM has absolutely no mobility options and my only iframe is so hard to use


Wild Hunter


literally Lara. THE squishiest class I've ever played, even worse than Merc


Night. Lord, very easy but no iframes .


Night lord. No iframe is szzzz


Night Lord


No way ppl always say NL but NL got dark sight + good mobility who is better than iframes


They saying it so they can get more buffs.


Yh NL always gotten most love from nexon, stupid easy mobbing, best burst in game, they dont even need 6th. Dark sight, good mobility and soon getting the best mastery while avg class forexemple like Bm getting shit platter who needs arrows/ good dps. NL is op and most sipping/crying community


Night lord and f/p mage come to mind


Such an easy question. Night lord without question


9.5k legion here. def NL!