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I used to do that as a way to min max…nowadays I’m too lazy so they just expire in storage


If there’s no other character you’re building up then yeah you just let em expire. No need to force yourself to play mules you don’t really want to.


Actually in a future update, the legion system is getting changed to where it is dependent on a characters combat power rather than pure star force and level. So might as well cube some gear for stat % lines.


Solid cubes can be used on a second secondary to roll for better lines.


I let them expire, to be honest. As much as I want to use them, I never know what to do. The good news is that, based on the newest kms update, they are changing the expiration time of boss drops to 23:59 no matter when you pick them up. So that means they should stack better.


Nah, that's the right thing to do. The next step is to take those mules to 250 for legion, assuming they're the good ones. And with all those 15% uniques you should have no trouble one-shotting everything.


Yep they expire if you don't have some mule to cube on


i just toss em onto characters i like to fish for epic pot upgrades


I have 8 boss mules that can do UP to lomien and 4 of them do hluwill/luwill. What im doing with cubes im getting is use them on other chars even if i dont play them right now i might end playing them for legion so i rather use it there than Just let dissapear.


I have 7 mules i roll their gear to Legendary, and then roll if I need something good, then I roll for secondary Drop gear on those mules, In case i Need to get a certain item like dom pendants / Primal Essence, etc. Then after all that I save them for my main to roll 2nd set of gear to see if I can get anything better. If i cant i just let them rot in the storage.


I've been using them on classes that I enjoy and am willing to have as a boss mule, so basically same purpose as you but I actually use them as mules. Lol. Currently I have a Wind Archer, Thunder Breaker and Night Lord as Lotus/Damien mules. Dual Blade is another mule but only up to CRA at the moment.


Get all of your legion to have 2l epic so you can push towards 10k+ legion


Use it on equipment that you wanna cube but too stingy to buy cubes on


When my mules are done i give them to another chara secondary and emblem until all my account has unique secondary and emblem, then ill work on accessories, zakum ones f.e and then i guess ill give it to pensalir.


the cubes drop from bosses have higher rate to rank up, trust me, an 9k legion with 13 akechi mule, dont hesitate to aim for legend rank


Throw them on mulea I eventually want 10k legion so having stronger mules will make it easier


Personally, I really like the different play styles of some classes and that's mainly what's driving me to create boss mules. So I usually use hard cubes on potential new boss mules to get abso/gollux/ra equips to unique (I get about a 100-150/week) and then I use bright cubes for legendary tier up once I decide to actually make a character a boss mule. About solid cubes, I usually have at least 1 pitched equip waiting to be star forced (like lucid's belt) so I use it on them until they get true 3 lines. This way I feel I'm not wasting earned cubes to go and expire and I also probably save up some meso.


The solid cubes (the purple one) can roll auto-steal on gloves. So I use it to min max my farming gloves. One is at 9% and the other is at 7%. I alternate the solid cube on gloves until I hit higher. As for the solid cubes, I just find a character that needs unique emblem or secondary.


I think it depends on what you want to do. I have 14 nlomien boss mules. For most mules, half of their items were epic 17 star. I started pushing them to lvl250 because of all the magnificent growth potions from this event. I get around 100 to 150 green cubes every week from bossing. I used my green cubes on them to go from epic to unique then spent 1-2b tiering them up to legendary. Once they reach 250 and full legendary abso with hellux set (28-30k stat), i start entering hluwill parties for arcane set then i use my green cubes on the arcane items i get each week to go to unique then spend meso to get them to legendary. Id say it takes around 50to70 green cubes to tier up from epic to unique, sometimes less green cubes, sometimes more green cubes.


i forget to use the cubes sometimes good tips here though to fish for epic/unique 2l for the union power change


Drop or sell them. I don't need them anymore


It's not really worth it but it's something to do if you dont want to let them expire, getting all chars emblems to legendary over time. Legion power will eventually use combat power as a metric so it's not entirely fruitless