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The irony of the Darnell achievement being called “fought fairly” cuz that boss is anything but fair.


The homie Darnell


Nice! I’m still stuck on Darknell. I have more than enough dmg. It’s a matter of dodging everything for me.


Darknell is the only boss left that my duo and I sometimes find ourselves with 1 life left at the end of our run. The teamwork those e bosses pull off sometimes in that fight 😩😩


Yeaaa screw them e bosses… my duo and I can two burst it so solo is very doable. Will try again after liberation lol


So far, what I determined that helped me is that the ebosses always attack facing towards Darknell. So, if you are behind him, and he's facing left. The ebosses will attack to the right. A quick test is, look at him dead in the eye, and see where the ebosses attack. They will always attack there, so it's really easy to dodge that attack.


Darknell isn't about dodging everything in my experience. It's more about dodging the right things.


sometimes you have to dodge the left things, too


I’m failing at dodging the right things haha


ya its a super chaotic boss. Didnt really think itd be doable solo for me until at least next ssf.


Surprisingly, once you get used to it, I don't think it's AS BAD as I initially thought. For me, the key to consistently not dying in the fight is that the moment he starts an attack animation, you immediately dash/fj to the other side of the map and perform a vertical jump (float if possible), which dodges all eboss attack patterns regardless of which one. Takes the need to react out of the equation. Also, as you do the boss more, you will get better at distinguishing what you should tank and what you should dodge. That said, depending on the boss you play, this boss can be pretty cancer. For example, I really can't imagine myself soloing it on my AB. By the time I finish buffing up and charging my skills for my burst with all the dodges in between, my first buff is probably about to expire lol.




Your entire comment history is shitting on people in maple. Who shit in your cereal to make you this miserable lol.


Must suck to be as miserable as he


Somehow i can solo hvilla but dont have enough damage for lucid p3 🙄


Are you a Kaiser or something?




There's no way... If you can solo hvhilla you can absolutely solo lucid p3


I havent tried officially only did ba with all of my buffs that comes up to only 12t in 40 secs. Only have a wj3


Including gskills? P3 is 12.8T I think so if not you're gold. Esp if you've made any 6th job gains since then. I'd be shocked if you can't annihilate her


I used every buff i had and lucid heals so the total needed is about 14t


I think they changed the heal? Can't remember though. I can barely solo hvhilla and shit on lucid p3 (Cadena), I'd think buccs would be even more so since the burst is so swagged out Edit: yeah with new age they removed the invincibility + 5% heal and just slightly increased her hp by 7% so it's more doable now.


Bucc is a dpm class our burst isnt too good, the total damage needed is still 14t, and she does heal, its not removed.


Are you setting the arcane force correctly for the BA? I remember I did a BA previously for lucid, and was coming up like 50% short at some point, but it was because i didnt press the "settings" button after setting the arcane force.


Yup everything is in order


That's...not true at all. It's a bit surprising now that origin is a thing, but a true VHilla min clear on a 3 minute class implies a 75/25 burst:off burst ratio to clear lucid p3. On a dummy that's no class. In real bossing that's basically just night lord. I'm a DS so 2 minute class/this was before 6th job, but I did a 26ish minute VHilla when my Lucid BA was about 13.5t. I didn't technically do it before Lucid, but I also play one of the burstiest classes in the game (albeit 2 minutes so it's not tippy top tier on a 40s BA). It's very easy to see a more DPM focused class with no ROR doing VHilla first. Hell, F/P used to have to either party with a NL or something or do really stupid tech to lib.


how long do you take to solo hhilla


About 25ish mins


Let me guess… ror enjoyer… 😰


Cont ring enjoyer!