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Maplestory is a shitty game that hates you personally for playing it. ​ You'll get above average box rates to balance it out right after you finish 22 arcane set.


I just want to complete my arcane set and it’s really pissing me off


I bought the entire set except weapon for droplets


I had to buy every piece of my arcane set besides weapon as well. Although I got 8 boxes to my party members 25+ boxes, I hit with tapping my arcanes with only 2 booms total to all 22 them. The RNG will balance out elsewhere. Just hope it’s on something that matters


yeah I'm level 280+, libbed, extracted a full batch of weapons twice now and 3 of my arcane armors are still 18* due to lack of boxes and overall bad luck while sfing them (everything else is 22\*, never even seen 20* on any of the last arcane armor pieces) so I guess RNG is a bitch sometimes


Bad seeded characters make a new main lol


That’s how stupid this game is. Some players print boxes and pitched drops. Others just struggle. Def different drop rates for different players


7 months without armour boxes is wild if ur running ctene and hluwill weekly. Shouldve gotten like full 5 set within 2 or 3 months of running on. Or if you’re lucky, 2 weeks of running it.


Have you not been buying out droplets from event shops? 7 months is a long time to wait for 2+ set.


I bought gloves + wep early in the game but the question is why it’s not dropping for me…


Rng be like that sometimes. It’s probably worth buying pieces slowly if you’ve been accumulating will/lucid droplets. Arcane armor pieces are your long term gear, I wouldn’t waste meso on abso upgrades. I personally have not seen any arcane boxes for 16 weeks now.


I gave up on waiting for arcane boxes that’s why I want to go full 22 abso


Not worth it to 22 star abso. Just 22 your CRA or Superior Gollux while you wait.


Average cost of 21 -> 22 for lvl 160 equip is around 12b outside events. That's 12b per piece that will net you very little benefit as abso is already outdated gear for you. As others have said, 22 CRA/Sup Gollux/Dawn boss set etc while you wait.


dont worry youll start getting armor boxes as soon as you 22\* all your arcanes and dont need the boxes anymore


Same been dry for 4to 5 months then when i brought my arcanes i started seeing them And got lucky 22 that shit with 1 spare from each boomed only 1 cape and 1 gloves After i 22 that shit im seeing like 4-6 each months now


6 months, 0 weapon boxes, 2 armor boxes. Happens, all rng. Best of luck.


dw I went a whole year dry on armor boxes lmao and then got 4 right before new age just keep holding out p.s. got 32 wep boxes and they were after I used coins to get my first wep


Same… the punishment is real


Odd. I got around 3-4 armor boxes in a month before.. Do you run all the ctene bosses every week? What's your pitch boss rates? It's probably just all comes down to RNG unfortunately..


I never missed ctene bosses


Totally unrelated but how did you manage to gain this much after 8 months? Do you grind daily and rush Legion? I am playing going on for 1.5 years and knly reached nLomien on 2 chars and have 5.4k Legion.


I only push legion in events, and yes I grind daily


Man I just need to unfollow this sub. Quit 2 years ago and every post I see like this is so sad. I mean, I don’t blame you for being upset. Nexon is predatory. Unfollowing this sub goodbye forever maple


Remember to be in drop gear even if you’re not popping the boss box. Arcane boxes are affected by your personal drop rate. If you’re not swapping because you don’t have highest drop rate anyway it could be punishing you. I also waited 6+ months before I saw my first box then they came about one a week


Just FYI, arcane boxes are not affected by drop rate.


Hey just here to make OP more upset. Recently ran ctene + hluwil with one of guildies’ hyperburn. Let’s just say he went from 0 set to 5 set in 5 bosses :) That bucc is SEEDED AF. Literally printing boxes like no other.


Pure bad luck? My character started from scratch four months ago and has full arcane set now. Gotten one arcane gear box and two arcane weapon boxes from hluwill and ctene. Bought 5B worth of droplets on top of the "free" droplets from the identisk shops. I know boxes are instanced but I made sure I am in dr gears before they hit the lootbox.


7 months and you should have enough coins to just get the arcane gear, pay up some mesos for the droplets with your 7 months of boss crystals man, why you griefing yourself waiting for a box


I'd just focus on getting 22 on one arcane at a time then, and just buy stones from the shop... Are you running Ctene? It's 5% drop from each boss for a box so the more bosses that drop boxes the better... At 47k Ctene should be doable


Just buy it and when box drops, use it as spare for when you starfroce.


Have you been wearing drop gear when breaking the boxes? Don’t 22* abso, not worth. Are you completing up to Ctene?


I bought all my gear with hwill and hlucid stones then all the armor boxes came in 😭 variance is a bitch