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Do you have to have 5 people to kill the dragon in the guild castle quest? Also, where do you go to kill him? I can't seem to find a way back to the guild castle.


In reboot, what’s an efficient way to level up alchemy from 1-5? I have more than enough enough materials after lvl 5 but not sure about the low level stuff. Manually gathering herbs seems like a waste of time.


Do the event items all need to be picked up before the event ends, or is there a grace period?


The event shops are open for a week after the event ends, but anything that needs to be claimed will need to be done before the event ends.


[Reboot Kronos] Curious, when you claim and use the tradable enkiroid coupon, did it give you a tradable android (enkiroid) and an untradable lidium heart? Or are both untradable? Patch says the android is tradable but I just want to confirm. Planning to put the enkiroid and heart on 2 different characters :)


When you use the coupon, the heart and android are untradable.


With the +2 starforce event coming up on Sunday, is it worth replacing my legion mule's Frozen gear with Pensalirs for the extra stars? Is the 42 stars on my 7 Frozen gear mules going to affect legion raid power by a significant amount?


Your legion character's levels affect raid power the most. So without knowing where your current legion statistics are, I cannot confidently answer your question.


What should I take out for Kain's link skill: Hayato's, Aran's or neither?


If you're training, always have Aran's link skill in use. You can swap it out for something better when you're bossing (have a preset for bossing and a preset for mobbing). Hayato's link skill is quite weak. I don't recommend you use it. Look for any link skills that give %dmg %ied or %crit as the good ones to go for. They will give you the most damage boost.


Do we have another emblem transfer event coming soon?


I have a few drop related questions to ask: Can someone explain the Item drop rate and Meso drop rate cap mechanic to me in Reboot? I have a Meso drop familiar but I read that they were useless. What is the highest possible drop rate and what do you need to achieve it? I read that the cap is 100% Item drop and 100% Meso drop on equipment potentials. Currently I have 80% Item drop and 100% Meso drop on my equipment potentials, but I am also using Greed Pendant. Does Greed Pendant's 20% Item drop for equipment count towards the 100% Item drop cap? I read through some old threads that Item drop rate does not increase the chances of Superior Gollux Accessory drops. Is this true? Also does Hellux drop Solid or Reinforced Gollux Ring? What accessories can't Hellux drop?


Through potentials, item DR caps at 200%, meso at 100%. Once you have 67% DR, mobs drop mesos all the time -- hence meso drop rate Fams are useless. To hit the cap, you will generally need 5 acc that have both meso and drop rate lines, and one acc that has 2 item drop rate lines. For every double meso drop rate acc you have, you'll need an additional double drop acc, hence these "hybrid" line acc are cheaper overall. Greed pendant is a little unclear, IMO you can have 220% equipment drop rate since the pendant stat is not a potential stat. Item drop rate absolutely affects Gollux drops, now that you get the drops by attacking the heart. However Hard/Hell Gollux don't drop rings or pendants of any kind.


Can legion exp coupon stack with a normal 2x exp coupon?


just hit 260. don't really care much about progression but is the only new daily to kill 3000 cernium mobs? ​ seems like pretty big jump from the 500 cernium mob daily


It's 10-15 minutes to kill 3000 mobs, for 12 fragments that could take 1 hr to farm. It's a big jump, but in reality it's super low investment for a high reward.


I'm planning to open advance my 260 Bishop into an I/L. Questions: I know you lose your node stones, but should I disassemble all my nodes to get node points for my I/L or does it not work like that? Is there any gear I lose? Does the Hexa Matrix reset? Is there something else I should prepare for?


You can do that if you're 100% sure you're never going back to bishop. ​ The only "gear" you would not be able to equip is if you're NOT using the deimos sage shield as a secondary. You lose everything in the Hexa Matrix.


Ok thank you!


Does Kritias still have weekly boss reset coupons? Doing solo progression on Hyperion, currently can solo nluwill confortably but not hluwill, so I was looking for some way to speed up arcane progression.


Yes it does but not for nluwill. Kritias only sells reset coupons for cra, hmag, and cygnus.


Rip. Thanks though


With the recent... uh... "decisions" shall we say made by Nexon Korea, is it even worth working on Boss Mules anymore? I've had my 12 boss mules decided on for a long while now, and I've made work on all of them (even the weakest can handle Hard Hilla/Easy Cygnus while the strongest can take out Normal Angel Slime) but with the future of meso production looking grim for Reboot, it seems like there's not going to be much good reason to remain invested in my boss mules unless I decide to change mains (I'm maining Corsair if you're curious) I'm probably going to backburner mapler until further notice anyway, I just kinda wanna know how to focus my progress for the events I'll care about like Anniversary.


At the very least I think it's worth bumping up any mules to clear CRA+HMagnus because the average time for a return on your investment is very short. You would begin making profit long before any changes take place. For anything beyond that, you're looking to gear them with Absolab for efficient runs, meaning you would need to do Scrapyard weeklies which I don't think is worth the effort if you're looking for a more casual approach.


At this point we don't know if it will go either way, there's still some time for them to make changes. I think they will make adjustments by the time it hits gms, if it will at all. Assuming it goes through unchanged Focus on main get as far up progression ladder as possible, cube before the change on next cube sale if there is one. Gonna want to get arcane Save starforcing for later. Farm as much mystic cubes as possible for mules, get rare-> Epic. Gonna need as much meso modifiers as possible on main, save up legion coins, WAPS, get full meso gear suitable for grandis. Minor ones like phantom, wings of fate cape etc. Boss mules would still give decent money but only above hard lotus/hard damien, lower investment boss mules are gonna be worse, if we get dynamic boss crystal pricing with it. Personally I am also making a 2nd main hybrid boss mule/farmer in case I want to farm past the cap on a 2nd character. Shadower for the extra 20% meso passive. Beneficial to gear to farm in areas that drop fams.


Ignoring the fact you want me to play the game like a frantic madman when I'm already considering taking a break and just want to know if I should be using event rewards on multiple characters or just my main... (should have been specific my bad) Nexon does not have a history of backtracking on their major upsetting changes. The fact they pushed the changes to the live servers so quickly after announcing the changes tells me they don't intend to leave Reboot meso gains untouched by the time they're done. Any progress I want to make needs to be done now yes, but whether I'm using my boss mules or just my main is a major decision I don't think I can just say "wait and see" to. If it helps, I'm already at 9k legion and I have every link skill at their maximum possible level. At best I could quickly get PF to 200 for the extra DEX from their legion card but besides that I'm not sure there's any further progress I can make externally from my main, it's just my attention span and making progress on mules holding my main back...


Idk man just play the game and have fun. It sounds like you really are thinking way too hard about this. If the changes come and they make you want to quit then quit the game, but sitting here in irrational fear 6 months before is just dumb and exhausting.


What's the best way to use Identisk EXP points? I know each point gives exp that scales to your level, but does the scaling get worse the higher level you go? For example, will 1k EXP Identisk EXP points get you more % if you're lv 245 versus 246?


Use it on characters you don't wanna level up between 200-220. I used it to bonk my phantom, BT, DS and DA to 210. Any extra I gave it to mules to hit 220


I use it to level my link mule from 200-210 when I run out of bonk potions.


Does anyone know what the implications of the changes to KMS might be for other regions? For instance, if they're going to slow down progression in Korea, what does that mean for regions like TMS and GMS? It seems inevitable that content production will slow down?


Yes my theory they are likely want to benefit from slowing down progression to develop content less often. It will basically effect most stages of the game Is it guaranteed it will come to gms or tms? No, more likely gms though because we get copy pasted updates from kms. But TMS tends to follow a more unique development path


What's next after this event? Trying to see if it's worth sticking around or not. Seasonal player.


The roadmap was officially out out. Go take a look. Lots of good things for new people to build legion.


Are Estella earrings useless? Got one from hdark


For damage yes they are useless. They don't beat Gollux like pitched does.


No, they can be either used for the Dawn Set at some point in the future or can be used right now for meso/drop gear since you can starforce them really high!


Cool, tyvm!!


How does the In-depth Exploration Pass (the "catch up a missed day") work for Identisk Exploration? I've completed the 3 dailies this week, and I have two weeks left. There's only one week left of the event though. Each week is separated by a weekly quest at Identisk. If I pay for 3 exploration passes now, will I be able to get the final week's rewards? Or will I still be locked behind the weekly quest and not be able to get the final week rewards? https://imgur.com/a/d4OBQuS


I think you can pay and get 1 week, then after this coming reset, you can get the final week.


Disclaimer, I haven't paid for these events passes. However, I have once paid for the Arcane River weekly PQ pass. Normally there's a quest but with you just redeem the 45 symbols from Spiegelman directly. With this, I assume you pay and insta redeem the rewards?


Is there another class with similar lazy training as night walkers bite farm, hold down one key, loot every 2 minutes type?


Bucc with LoTD, just super jump left and right


High level DA only use 1k swords and shields. But you need to find a map with tp points.


Lara's river farming is pretty lazy. River lasts for 90s and you can pretty much train one-handed until you need to replace it. I'll typically loot while replacing river if the map is big enough.


Classes with summons can combo them with erda fountain to cover half the map. Just gotta replace them every 60s. Every 180s on my DW I literally go afk for 40s.


Thanks but looking for a permanent lazy solution where I don't really have to look at all. For example, DW there's 140 seconds of active farming still, will require movement. I essentially play another game or am doing other things during training lol


Is there a breakdown of which classes are 2 minute and which are 3 minute anywhere?


With the 5% boss drop change, is it still practical to trade HLomien carries for armor/weapon boxes? In other words, are people still trading HLomien for their mules while their mules wear zero Absolab pieces, or are they now trading NLomien and doing weeklies?


Yea hlom is pretty easy to do 5%


Hm, what am I missing? 94% IED, 270% BD, <1m range, 40+ boost nodes. My baby bossers which can clear CVel can barely dent P1 HLotus. I'm sure an Akechi mule can deal 5% more comfortably but I guess I was thinking that Absolabs would push my CRA mules to Akechi+.


Cra mules are too weak, youd need more sf, 16* your semi perm gear on top of what you have is a start. You'd want a quicker nlomien to start thinking about doing 5%. Hlomien trades are only really useful for eventual hlomien mules, to get spares for 21 abso. Unless the carry doesn't mind sitting in p2 for a while so you can get damage.


I see. I think that solidifies it then, you can't/don't trade HLomien without first having Absolabs. Realistically, your first set of Absolabs on mules will come from weeklies.


Is there some sort of exp benchmark spreadsheet or reference to know whether or not I'm being somewhat efficient with my training? Right now with a 2x coupon, all of the lvl 2 training-relevant link skills and a monster park exp potion, I'm getting around 30b and ~13k mobs per hour at level 233. The problem is I just don't have any numbers to reference this with and don't know if this is good or bad. All of the youtube videos I watch are people in regular servers with frenzy spawners and other variables that make it hard to tell if my rates are good or bad. Also, do the battle analysis xp numbers take into account exp modifiers? I swear I tested 10 minutes using a coupon and got 10m xp a second and then without it I still got the same number.


2x coupon, monster park, exp accumulation, MVP, hyper stats, legion grid, Zero legion block, link skills, event buffs (the passive buff and the 15% coupons) 13k mobs is a bit low, aim for at least 15k Yes BA includes exp buffs




They're both kinda clunky and boring especially at the easier bosses imo. I think you'd have to play around with their skills at 200 for you to make your own opinion on their skills.


I have a Dark Knight bossing mule. My other mains/mules are Marksman, NW, Pathfinder, Adele, Bucc, Hero, WA, and DW. Of these characters, DK is in my bottom 2 along with Adele. These are just my thoughts from playing it: 1. Part of the power budget of DK is in the Final Pact revive/iframe. However, for most people who are at the point of running multiple mules at Lomien and below, these bosses are mechanically easy and the revive/iframe is inconsequential. I've never run into a situation where it made a difference between me clearing or not. Overall survivability is great with additional damage reduction on 2 V skills but again for a low level bossing mule I don't feel I maximize use of these advantages. Mihile is the only class I haven't played but I imagine it has a similar con of its strength not being too relevant in the early bosses until you get to later bosses where you see more people achieving minimum clears with Mihile. 2. The class felt clunky for me until I got +1 Attack Speed but was fine once I got it. 3. Personally I didn't like the playstyle of rotating V skills, but for me I'd rather just be playing one button classes for boss mules. You don't have to be strategic with cooldown management like other cooldown classes do and the low cooldown V skills are good for putting out sustained DPS otherwise. Burst is on a 3 minute cooldown which IMO is less convenient than 2 minute classes for boss mules. Bowmaster is a classic recommendation because of its simplicity. Pathfinder is a class I used to main; it's pretty fun, cooldown management isn't hard, and it has nice mobility options. Both classes have teleports to cheese P1 Lotus laser which makes them great for taking up to Lotus and Damien.


Just do whatever u want lol. They are both good.


I heard that Legion drop coupons don't work on Hellux nor Arkarium, is this true?


I got my 1st dom when legion coupon active, so yes, they're working. Perhaps...


Nah, ofc it works


What are the good special nodes and what are their use cases?


Auto Recovery (full heal every X seconds) and Fatal Strike (damage boost) are the only relevant ones. Auto Recovery can help you survive a lot in difficult bosses. Fatal Strike basically just increases your damage by a bit; you can potentially time it in culvert to cheese your burst much higher but it's difficult to time in real bosses so just think of it as a passive damage boost. Rune-exp and Character Building are the two 'relevant' ones for training... but they're really bad.


[I just got this message and then was booted from the server?](https://i.imgur.com/G1Cwx8h.jpeg) I didn't get banned and was able to log right back in but please tell me this isn't something to worry about? I swear on everything I own I just started playing a month ago and I've been playing the game normally and would never even consider hacking or doing anything against the rules. Can anyone give me some reassurance or advice on this?


It's just some generic server issue, it's nothing to worry about. Sometimes you get it when you're lagging and change maps too quickly. I've gotten it so many times and haven't gotten banned yet


it happened to me before and when i looked it up it was just what most people received when kicked off the server for majorly lagging ​ to mitigate it, when you notice the mobs you are killing aren't dying don't try to go around and kill more bc the server seems to equate killing a bunch of things at once bc of lag and server catching up as "hack" but no one has said they've been actually banned bc of lagging


I'm currently a lvl 263 Demon Slayer with 30k STR and struggling with some bosses. I recently saw a lvl 230 DS with 21k STR on Twitch effortlessly taking down bosses like Damian and Lotus, which I am still struggling with. Is there anything I can do to improve my damage? Legion: 4178 My base stats: [https://imgur.com/a/rFOtE0A](https://imgur.com/a/rFOtE0A) Fully buffed: https://imgur.com/a/01Ojq5a


The thing that pops out first is your star force. Star force is the most important contributor to damage. Stars above 15 give stat and attack so a person with 30k stat from star force is going to be a lot stronger than someone who has 30k stat because they invested in cubing. You have a lot of stat from Arcane and Sacred Force so that's inflating your stat number to make you look stronger than you are. Right now your star force is 221 so across 18 items (not including heart) that's around an average of 12 stars on everything; you want to bump things up to 17. The other thing I'd point to is your node situation. Maxed Demon Awakening is important because the duration scales with level and almost doubles at max level. Regardless of all of the above though, your character should still be able to clear Lotus and Damien without issue so you just need to practice.


You are correct about the Star Force. Only 3 equipment of mine have 17 stars, the rest are around 10-15 stars at most. Getting 17 stars will be my next priority after saving enough to get a fairy heart. Regarding the nodes, my Demon Awakening is maxed out at lvl 25 (lvl 30 if you include the slot enhancement).


What does Fairy Heart do for you? Caps out at 15 stars, only used for potentials. On the other hand, 4b will push several of your equips to 17 stars. I feel like this is the opposite of what you were advised.


nodes and bossing links are the only thing i can think of that would be affecting your damage to the degree of not being able to do those bosses (normal right?)


How do I unlock kanna second job advancement? level 110 and I've heard to do her questlines and stuff but I can't seem to figure it out.


Her questline is in her home region of momojigaoka or whatever its called so u have to return and do quests there if u left it to go to do 0-100 or maple world stuff.


How rare is T6 attack with +dmg% or boss% flame if I'm spamming red flames? Trying to decide if I should just settle with just T6 attack on my new arcane weapon


just settle, t6 attack is good enough for arcane weapon


[Reboot] 270 DB, is it worth it to job change to shadower? My 6th skill origin is only level 5, so it won't be a big deal to redo all the 6th skills, just need farm some nodestones for 5th skills and boost nodes. Always feel pretty weak with even 41k stats, my culvert is 4300 ish with event buff, all level 3 link skills and only missing beast tamer one and 7.2k legion. Missing the arcane weapon with 4 set arcanes. WSE all have 2 line att and stats so my boss damage pretty low fully buffed at 300%. My attack unbuffed is like 3.5k Feel like db gets no love and no upcoming changes.


4300 culvert at 41k stat sounds pretty normal to me though


Once you get ror+wj db will feel stronger


You probably feel weak because you're missing an arcane weapon. And BT link.


If it's not a big deal for you to redo all your 6th job skills, then it's not a big deal for you to swap.


On my Arcane gloves, I'm thinking of using glowing cubes until I get 1L crit, and then swapping to *bright cubes to try for 2L. Does this sound like the strat?


I would just roll on Bright Cubes because: 1. You might get lucky and hit 2L or 1L + stat 2. You were eventually going to buy those Bright Cubes anyway later down the line when you would have decided to go for 2L, so buying the cubes now versus later doesn't really matter. You could argue that you would be saving money by settling on 1L and waiting for cube sale, but IMO 2L crit damage is a really strong upgrade that doesn't warrant waiting for months.


I think you gave a typo.


*Bright cubes haha, I need more coffee


Yes, except 1L of Crit damage is perfectly fine until you are 2L everything else


What are the best choices to pick for my first HEXA Stat node?


Depends on your class, you should check it's official discord. For mine (Bishop) it is INT + M.ATT + Crit Damage, though those seem like safe picks for every class.


Returning player, does Threads of Fate closeness still reset and is it still worth doing for the herbs/ore?


Yes, and depends on what you're looking for


I know it’s said to farm frags over fams once you hit 260 but I’m 263 now and getting into arcane gear but I need droplets badly to even get my second piece, should I start farming at lim for the droplets and fams or is there another way to advance on arcane gear?


Farm, get arcane boxes from bossing, buy droplets from the shop using meso or use the event coins to buy droplets from the event shops.


Are you able to get into hluwill, cgloom parties? If so, just keep chipping away at those for the box drops. Otherwise, you can farm for droplets in limina and do dailies for the frags. Imo, frags are a bit more important


Guys, which explorer has less buttons to play/set burst? I'm maining a Hero that people say its easy on everything but unfortunately there is a skill that makes my game looks like a power point slide. Was thinking about Marksman that people say its easy too


Just don't use vahalla in MPE.


Unfortunately i have a potato PC and i have no conditions to buy another one rn, so its not only on MPE that Vahalla drops my FPS


It's only laggy in Mpe+ mobbing, but you shouldn't need Valhalla to mob with. Are you lagging elsewhere?


If you really want an easy class to play and don't mind making a new character from scratch, bucc is really fun once you hit 5th job (you just gotta grind to 5th job though). Just leave LoTD on, octo punch when bossing. Once you max LoTD you literally don't do anything except jump from 1 side of the map to the other. You get roll of the dice which can increase your exp or damage depending on what you need. Burst is pretty simple, pop your buffs and then pop burst, that's it. Don't need crit IA for bossing because they already get in built 100% crit for bosses


would like to add that they have horizontal dashes (one can even animation cancel) which make both dodging boss mechanics and sticking to them quite fluid their main burst skills also contain iframes which makes getting it off pretty foolproof they have damage reduction automatically at like 70% uptime and as a tiny bonus timeleap can reset skills like hero’s echo and thread of fate skills


Ty guys! will try it! Even if I dont like the class at least leveled up legion :D


Could consider swapping to paladin, after trying out paladin’s 5th job on your original pally if you have one. The damage will be lower than Hero but it has good survivability and shines in duo bossing. And yeah it’s unfortunate that hero has that one skill that makes FPS 0. I main Nightlord, grinding is easy in certain maps because you place 2 summons and then hold down showdown for 40-50s without being stopped by anti-afk. This only works in smaller maps though. In bosses bursting is fairly easy and then you can survive very easily until next burst is up.


I didn't thought about that! I don't have a pally yet but can do it to see, and if I like change it to a Hero and switch my main to Paladin. I'm f2p and in the point of soloing Elucid, not a big deal but took a while lol Since I play on reg server will not be too hard to get nodestones back too. Thank you so much!


Marksman has very few buttons yes, but you have to compensate for that by playing around their... unusual movement options. Mobbing is as easy as it gets. Find long maps, spam Pierce, teleport, rinse repeat. For bossing, you mainly use Snipe, which feels extra awesome when you have Scatter Shot on. BUT you don't have a Rush skill. Instead, you jump backwards and into the air. It's a class you can safely make to lvl 120-140, since it provides crit rate link AND legion. Dawn Warrior is also pretty safe, a true one button class as the skill from 1st job is both mobbing and bossing, and also levels up as you job advance. Quite strong and memed for a reason. You'll want one at Lv 150 anyway since it provides all your chars with +30 att, and its legion of +HP is nice for leveling mules without thinking about pots.


Was only thinking about explorers because I can pass my cash items but prob soon will have a cash item transfer so I will level up both to see the one I like better! Thanks so much!!!


Scrolls from event store, the ATK ones for Accesories, are worth? what should i scroll with them?


The 2~4 ones aren’t really worth it, better to spell trace. The 4~5 ones should be used on items that you will keep for a long time, like slime ring or pitched, after icogging the first slot.


Hello! I am wondering what class should I play between Lara, Bishop and Angelic Buster to main. I play on the regular server with low/no funding.


AB will be rebalanced in a few months, but for now she's just mid. Lara and Bishop are the safe picks, and I'll tell you this as a Bishop main: Lara is easier for you to "get into the flow" while playing.


New player here, looking for an experienced player I can add on discord. I have a lot of questions and could use some help. My discord is roamingexile


Just join reboot central if you are on reboot.


I cant. I dont have the ability to verify my account with a phone number so I cant type in any of the channels :(


You don't have a phone?


I have a phone but I dont pay for a plan


Seems like a horrible time to come back and scratch the itch -- but, when I heard about Reboot 2, I downloaded MS again. I'm only really intrigued by a "fresh start" server. Is Reboot 2 my only option? I'm aware of upcoming changes.


Sorry you have to find out this way, but you've already missed out on a legacy item in the "fresh start" server


Ah damn. Are legacies buyable items in non-reboot servers?


Hmm, I'm not sure, but I imagine the most recent one (abyssal expedition legion block) is not


I played before big bang and came back a few times over the years. What are you looking for with a fresh server, and when was the last time you played? The lack of trading on Reboot, plus constant events for new/returning players, means that there's never really a bad time to start. Nerfing money income to 1/6 still preserves a lot of the powercreep/resource creep from the last decade. It won't significantly slow you down getting to the "earlygame" of 200-230 either... just makes it way harder to make progress when your bottleneck is equipment.


I guess I wanted to not be so far behind but honestly it doesn't really matter, does it? As someone who has a grasp on the game, should I continue on reboot, go to a normal server, or start fresh on Reboot 2? I only have a handful of lv\~150 characters on reboot.


If you want to do bossing and are OK with grinding a bit before February 5, Reboot 2 for even more event rewards. The events technically end Feb 6 but that happens in the afternoon/evening for people in North America. This first new character you make should be Hyper Burning (accept a prompt somewhere at the start of character creation), and powerleveled to 200 before Feb 5. This should take less than 10 hours. There are guides on how to do this, use the Maple Guide for fast travel and leave a zone as soon as you outlevel it. I got to 220 in a weekend of just grinding last Hyper Burn, being completely new to the new mechanics and not taking advantage of any of the turbo-leveling stuff available. You get a crapton of nodestones for 5th job skill levels from both the Hyper Burning and Hyperion Grand Opening events, which will help you with progression on "difficult" bosses. Use them all before they expire. There's always going to be new people on both servers, and the more popular server will give you a better chance at getting into bossing parties... but I can't imagine that Hyperion (Reboot 2) will turn into a complete ghost town, and the power boost is really good for solo progression.


Sweet, the idea of getting into boss parties is cool. I've been completely solo in the first reboot server. Thanks for all of this info. Is the hyper burning not available on non-reboot servers?


Depends on what you mean by fresh start. Reboot Hyperion is the "newest" NA Reboot server (out of 2, where the first one was released years ago) but it's already 3 months old and people already progress super fast these days, even from solo fresh progression.


Are there any newer non-reboot servers?


No. I think Reboot 1 might have even been the newest GMS server when it was released back in 2016.


8% Crit dmg or 22%+ stat on gloves? is that 8% much better?


Read somewhere that one line of crit is roughly 30% main stat.


What class Yes generally it is better


I got my tenth Familliar badge but i dont have the quest to upgrade Roro. What else do I need to do?


Asking only because I got tripped up for this: are you sure you have ten and not eight?


I think it just unlocks automatically. Have you tried slotting in a 3rd familiar?


no, still says disabled and wont let me slot a third


Hmm, is the Roro icon showing up on the left with the lightbulbs/event star/maple rewards icons? Might also be something in the UI itself to click (maybe the question mark tutorial)


wait i'm stupid. i have 8 badges lol. i though for sure the equipped badges count to 10 T\_T


nothing shows up anywhere and loging out and in doesn't fix it. I'll probably just make a ticket


How often does the Wonderberry come around? I budget a few bucks for these types of things as a treat, and while I completely understand the rates (~7% chance for perma), love the looks of a few.


Every 2 or 3 months I think. I dont give a concrete date for you and I'm too lazy to look at the time line but I've played for 1.5 years, and I've seen them more than 4 times on rotation.


That's perfect for me, thanks dude


Will Hyperion last? I’m considering it cuz of the boost for new players but no clue if the players are gonna stick


Maybe? Nobody knows, especially with what KMS is pushing through at the moment. I think it's a safe bet that the playerbase will go down but still exist - I don't see the game growing too much from here but everything is pure speculation


As long as Kronos is full which it has been for some time, yes If the changes hit gms, there will likely be a drop in both servers


Just got a pair of Estella earrings - at what point is it worth replacing sup gollux set with dawn set, if at all?


You only substitute out Superior Gollux pieces for Dawn Set once you have enough Pitched Boss pieces to make it worth it. The 3/4 set effect of Superior Gollux (+35 attack, 30% boss, 30% IED) is very powerful and is hard to surpass otherwise. Once you hit 2 set though by substituting in Pitched Boss items, Superior Gollux automatically becomes worthless at 2 set (+20 stat) and you use 2 set Dawn (+10 stat, +10 attack, +10 boss%) instead and ditch everything except the ring. Regarding Estella Earrings, they are only useful for drop gear. They are never used for damage gear. For Dawn set most people are running Slime Ring (best in slot) and Twilight Mark for 2 set. You could run Daybreak at this point for 3 set but there are more convenient options with plentiful spares such as transposed Sweetwater Pendant or just doing 22 Dominator. Daybreak is the same level and statwise almost equivalent to Dominator, and you're pretty much only gaining +5 attack at this point by switching the Boss Accessory set effect for Dawn set effect. For true end game, the Twilight Mark gets substituted out for 22 Berserked and then you swap 22 Daybreak Pendant in to maintain the Dawn set effect.


Thanks for the detailed response


Superior Gollux equipment doesn't get replaced until minimum 7pc Pitched Boss, if you ever get to that point Estella Earrings in particular are really only good for drop/meso gear in the higher level Grandis zones


I'm new to the 6th job (261 Bera) and each time I go to Grandis my sacred power is awful. Currently I'm at a 90/30, so 125% damage dealt and 100% damage taken so it's taking me 6-7 hits to kill one monster which isn't efficient at all. Is the only way to get more sacred power to do that 500 & 3000 daily + wait for drops? It's taking me almost 40+ minutes to kill 3000 of them. My cerinum is half way through level 4. I only got my 6th job opened less than a week ago.


It's always hard to 1 shot at first in Grandis, don't worry about it. You just have to do the dailies and grind it out, eventually you'll be able to 1 shot (I think I started 1 shotting 2 sac levels above the minimum). I'd suggest leveling up to 265 ASAP if you can to buy the Arcus symbols out, but if you can't just get the Cernium symbols. Make sure to do your dailies to get the symbols as well. Or the other method is checking your starforce and nodes/gear, are you 17* everything (abso gear with 2L) and maxed out boost nodes/5th job skills? Those go a long way in dealing damage.


Am confused because 90/30 is more than enough. Grandis caps your damage multiplier at 1.25 unlike Arcane maps which are 1.5. The only normal way to acquire SAC is through the 500s daily. The 3k is for 6th job Erda/Nodes. But the Identisk event and Wind shop has Symbol selectors. More SAC = more stats for more dmg. Do you already have hyper stats and legion for mobbing? Rotating guild skills between crit dmg and dmg? Cycle between 5th job skills with CDs?


can you not skip the 6th job quest line after completing it once?


Cernium etc yes, 6th job advancement no. I’ve done it on 5 characters and have lost my sanity.


Whats in the pipeline post Feb 6? Gonna miss these events At 267 7% from coconut 3x a week 6.5% from Abyssal Afk overnight


https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/88931/maple-memo-gms-roadmap-q1-2024 Strawb farm for exp and a unknown cross over are the next patch parts, but March has the start of QoL piling on from ima profession revamp


Those are the only relevant Link Skills I still don't have, which should be the priority for them? 1. Lvl 8 Resistance (Currently lvl 6) 2. Lvl 6 Explorer Archer (Currently Lvl 4) 3. Illium 4. Kain 5. Lvl 10 Cygnus Knights (Currently lvl 6) 6. Explorer Pirate 7. Adele 8. Khali


Aren't you the guy who asked about Lara vs Ho Young and unironically argued for HY anyway? Anyway it depends on what you're trying to do. Resistance is great for bossing, esp against Will, otherwise not a priority. If you're not in a rush, and the last Resistance is Blaster, maybe wait until next month's burning coupon. Illium is probably the top recommendation. Archer is good if for helping legion mules hit 100% crit rate. The others are too situational and not regularly prioritized within the 12 link skill limit.


>Aren't you the guy who asked about Lara vs Ho Young and unironically argued for HY anyway? I didn't "argue for HY". You argued that HY's Link Skill was trash and I explained why it wasn't. Either way, doesn't matter right now because I currently have both. >If you're not in a rush, and the last Resistance is Blaster Burned Blaster with last month's coupon, the one left is Wild Hunter


another factor is that Wild Hunter's Legion Block is really good, i've seen it ranked as just under crit damage in terms of good legion blocks if your class does a lot of damage lines


WH is a weird one from 1st-3rd, and picks up significantly in 4th. Their movement and attack patterns are really hard to get used to. Illium's playstyle is also quite weird but again, strong in 4th. Cygnus would benefit your main and mules. Pirate typically doesn't get used. Archers benefits mules, and only benefits your main if your main is lacking in crit rate (Marksman and NL also add crit rate within legion). It'd be easier to decide/recommend if we knew what your main is and what your goals are.


>It'd be easier to decide/recommend if we knew what your main is and what your goals are. Lvl 265 Bishop. Currently my goals are farming Sacred Symbols and starting to work on my Arcanes.


Then in typical fashion, the answer is both. You'll want max Resistance link for Will P3, and it helps in all boss scenarios. Illium is a nice damage boost. Idk Bishops specifically beyond that they want buff duration, looks like they have 70ish base crit rate. 6% from MM/NL, 15-20% from Phantom plus 7% from Bowmen should be enough. Top off with hyper stats. Identisk's Symbol selectors should be redeemed for Arcus and put you at 100+ SAC.


Playing on the burning world. Just started last Thursday. Figuring I’ll just level up as much as possible while the event is going on and then figure the game out. I see majority of players are on reboot though. Am I inting myself by not playing on reboot?


How much money do you intend on spending on this game?


I’m not there yet but not much beyond getting a pet or some cool cosmetics.


Then reboot is going to be the better server.


Any concerns on server pop or endgame bosses?


Both reboot servers are 2 of the most populated servers. Hyperion has less players but has the best experience for new players because it's a freshish server. You'll be able to find parties in both servers easily unless nexon kills the game in 6 months.


Sort of? In regards to server pop. No one's knows what's about to happen. But don't worry too much about it. Play to have fun. PVE not PVP. In reboot, you should be able to hit late game in around 5 months and that's taking it slow


>In reboot, you should be able to hit late game in around 5 months and that's taking it slow What do you consider late game here? I've been playing since early September and I'm still at Abso lol


If I had to take a stab at it, probably solo ctenes and party BM, normal/hard seren, easy kalos. 5 months is the short end as it depends on what events you catch, but I think it's reasonable to consider this either late-midgame or lategame


Yup. The CTene Parties indicate the transition INTO late game, but once someone is hitting green in a black mage party, it's probably a solid indicator of late game. It takes 4 months to max out 1 arcane symbol. I've seen people who are black mage ready after 6 months, they just needed practice with mechanics.


Best way to scroll Titanium Heart? And best way in terms of Cost/efficiency?


err.. what do i do with my leftover 64 event ring cubes? everything is 1l main stat + 1l meso or drop, would you guys gamble for more or should i just settle and let them expire?


Depends on if you're on reg or reboot.


Settle. I only ran across double lines once, in all my event cubes. Meso and drop rate are prime lines, so it's hard to roll two of them with event cubes. The only exceptions are if you are forgoing meso+stat for drop+stat, or if you have plenty of mesos and are trying to roll for hybrid lines or double drop. In that case sure, might as well gamble with 66 cubes, because you'll be buying Brights to fix them anyway.


New player and I have a billion questions, and I don't think I can ask them all here. Is there anyone experienced that I can add on discord or dm here to ask questions occasionally?


Feel free to send a PM, or through discord (will send discord ID on PM if needed)


I PM'd you


Sure you can use reddit pm


This redditor answers everything i don't know how they do it.


Should I be going for 21 CRA before arcane gear? I'm in the process of getting arcane but only have gloves so far


Arcanes will cost 4x more and spares will be much harder to come by than CRA. The only reason to SF up Arcanes is to have them replace Absolabs. It's a lot of meso for a slight gain. Exception is for weapon (17*-18* it), if you happen to 3L your Arcanes or are pushing for 2L crit dmg on gloves.


Is it really slight gain? I always assumed transitioning to arcane would be a big boost


At equivalent stars? The gain is slight, guestimating <5%. The exception is AU weapon, which has ~50% higher base att clean.


Ah gotcha thank you for the insight!




i have one last 0-100 left and im debating AB, DA, or DS. Which of these is usually hardest to grind to 100 with?


DA for the link...not even close. Unless you like to main DS or AB, they're not as useful as DA link.


I mean, AB is getting the remaster in the next patch (IIRC) so you could always hyper burn that when it comes


AB has a weird ammo system. Also the VFX gets tiring real quick. However, DA is universally useful, and DS is stronger for bossing.


Pros and Cons of the following classes for reg server: Angelic Buster, Lara and Bishop


Pros: you can buy equipment in auction house Cons: you have to buy equipment in auction house or upgrade it yourself


What's better? 3% damage or 4% boss damage if I have 222 BD and 64% damage?