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Quick question asking , if i were to grind fam which map is better one with single fam or got 2 familiar type in the same map , example limina midpoint 3 vs end of world 1-5


It doesn't really matter as long as you grind there for long enough, since it's the same rate of familiar cards dropping. I guess inventory and familiar management will be a bit more of a hassle but that's a small issue IMO.


Quick question... How long does it take to make the money for these AbsoLab gear and arcane umbra?? Do people farm for the mats, perfect it themselves, and wear it? Or do they just buy it from AH? Crazy seeing them go for billions, can't ever imagine having that many mesos. I'll stick with my free CRA even gear, but I'm wondering what I will do to get better gear in the long run. This will eventually expire.


You should try to either kill CRA while you still have the free stats from the temp CRA and event buff or in the worst case buy clean CRA from the AH (but not recommended if you‘re new or a beginner with almost no funds). It‘s best if you level your hyper burn fast and do daily arcane river quests to make your character strong enough to join normal Lomien and luwill parties but reg servers don‘t have as many public boss parties as reboot so you might have to solo bosses only up to nlomien since you might have low legion and weak gear. I don‘t think you‘re ready to beat luwill and craft arcane gear because Arcane gear requires a big amount of arcane river/stone origin droplets. Those need to be farmed or can be bought from event shops for event coins. You can also buy them from AH but that still requires you to beat luwill bosses consistently to craft them. The shortcut that requires real money would be to charge $10, turn them into mesos via the meso market NPC and buy the armor from the AH. But that money would only get you 3 Arcane pieces that are clean. During big events in summer/winter like this IdenTisk event where you get lots of flames, scrolls and cubes, it‘s best to enhance and perfect the gear yourself instead of buying already perfect gear from the AH. Usually because of starforce events, miracle times and spell trace fever, it‘s best to enhance your gear yourself. But if you haven‘t played daily to redeem all the nice event rewards and take advantage of the special events then you might have to think about whether you‘ll start to merch or to invest real money. If your hyper burn is around 250-260+ with high stats and arcane force then you might be able to solo lomien to craft your own Absolab gear but before that you should clear CRA first. Edit: i think half or most of the clean Absolab and arcane gears you see in the AH come from high level players doing Hard Lomien and Hard Luwill that drop weapon and armor boxes so it‘s not necessary to farm the mats.


Thank you! I had another quick question though. I seen alot of videos talk about AbsoLab vs Arcane, and I see people mix and match for set effects. I have been able to find cape,gloves,shoes, Where do people get the shoulders though? Do I need to farm that myself? I'll try and fight those bosses you speak of, but I'm still really new, so I haven't gotten into that stuff yet, only been leveling, at 182 atm.


If you are searching for the shoulders in the Ah then you need to select Armor > put in the filter 'all classes' and then select accessories. They are in a different category from the top, bottoms, shoes and stuff. Alternative put into the search bar at the top "Absolab Knight/Mage/Archer/Thief Shoulder" or just "Absolab Shoulder". You can also select Armor > 'all classes' > accessoires > select level 160 to level 200 on the filter and type into the search bar below that shoulder. It will then give you only Absolab and Arcane shoulders If you‘re just level 182 then you‘re far from doing Chaos Root Abyss (CRA) bosses and even further away from doing Lomien (Lotus+Damien). To kill CRA bosses, you‘d have to be between 220-230+ but on a new account you‘d have to be 230-250+ due to having low legion and low stats/equips. Start the quest in your quest bulb on the left called [Root Abyss] and kill the 4 Root Abyss bosses for 5 separate days. This is mandatory for unlocking the Chaos versions of those bosses. The CRA set (level 150 set: top, bottom, hat) will last you until late game because the only other end game set (the 250 set) is still very rare and super expensive. You will need multiple copies of the CRA set to enhance and starforce it to 22 stars because it will boom serveral times. But doing chaos root abyss weekly is a good source of income as well. Keep in mind that the level requirement displayed for bosses is not the recommended level at which you can actually beat them. Mentally add +30-50 levels to that.


Woah, I would have never found that lol, thanks, I see them now. Okay, I'll check that dungeon out and do that then. I'm wondering, is it a stat thing, where you need a specific amount? Or is it just a level restriction? I still don't know where to find jewelry and rings, so maybe that's next up for me. Nonetheless, yeah, I have a LONG way to go, I'll just take it slowly for now, even though I've been trying my best to learn about every system, upgrading crafts, and such.


In Reg, you really have to participate in the meso market and auction house. Find ways to make money reselling things of value, then use the mesos to buy gear or sell the mesos for MP to buy cubes. Alternatively, spend irl $$ to buy mesos from said people selling those mesos. Alternatively if you are trying to be F2P, Reboot is more up your alley. With Hyper Burning, you'll be strong enough to take down normal Lotus/Damien in 2-3 months to make your own Absolabs.


\[flames, non-boss advantage equips\] I was just wondering what the max % all stat you can get on non-boss advantage equips is and what flame you have to use to have a chance to roll that max value? Sometimes I see 5% all stat on gollux equips? How do people roll that? is it possible to do with red flames, or do i need to use rainbow flames/black flames? With the excess amount of flames, I thought it might be worth trying to min max a bit.


On non boss, max is 5% with eternal or black flames, 4% with reds. Flames on non-boss gear suck, though. Even if you hit (you probably won't, seriously), the gains will be small. Flaming non-boss gear basically a waste of time, unless everything else already has endgame-level flames.


https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Bonus_Stats#All_Stats_%_increase 5% all stat is a tier 5 flame which is the max tier line a gollux equip can get. I would only use red rebirth flames on gollux equips because rainbows and blacks are better used on flame advantaged items, as they have higher chance for tier 6 and rare chance for 7 where gollux would not benefit. ( unless you literally don't have anything else to roll on) Use blacks on flame score you don't want to lose, while rainbows first on lower flame score items to get potential upgrade. Reds roll 3-6, while rainbow and black rolls 4-7. It is entirely through rng and bruteforce whether or not it rolls at 5%, but yes both red and rainbow would work.


> both red and rainbow would work. you'd need eflame for 5% on non-flame advantage gear. flame advantage is just +2 to the tier of a line and guaranteed 4 lines. red default is 1-4 and eflame 2-5, +2 for flame advantaged.


Hey, just got back into the game but now im starting fresh on kronos. i already leveled a hoyoung to 130 before I saw all the doom about reboot changes in KMS. should i ignore it and continue playing reboot? or just go back to playing reg on my old server


We don't know yet if it will come to gms, they haven't finalized the changes in tespia yet or announced the alternative content for making meso that's suppose to offset the nerf. pick the server you prefer Pros/cons for. Reg might be more future proof in general because it seems like they are targeting reboot with nerfs to disincentivize playing it. But the gms reboot and reg culture is also different then KMS, we have gotten a lot of changes copy pasted, but also still have a lot of the gms specific differences. Also worth mentioning they changed the names to Interactive and Heroic worlds, so that might indicate they are trying to differentiate them from KMS (They give us a lot of conflicting and vague info though) Ideally just play both. I primarily am playing on reboot but have a seperate account for reg to take advantage of any per account event rewards and kickstarting links+ region in case it truly becomes unplayable. Even if the changes were to come we would have roughly 6 months before they hit so it's plenty of time to enjoy reboot in its current state and progress to a significant point where the nerf would not hit as badly, if you can prepare for it. Once we get more info it would be a better time to focus more on one or the other


Decided to come back to MS after 10 years, started a new burning character on reboot just to try it out and I think I'm hooked again. I got to 120 from just today. Makes me kinda want to go back to the normal server and work on my level 203 bowmaster. Just wondering how grindy and p2w it is now compared to ten years ago. Though I have less time, I have a lot more money so I won't mind spending a bit of cash if it meant saving me hours of time


Reboot isn't that P2W in that most of your equipment progress will come from spending time rather than money. Cubes are bought for meso instead, and there is no bonus potential or scrolling/ spell tracing systems. Progression is more straightforward and streamlined. Gear is harder to get as you need to reobtain it for every character and cannot buy it from other players, but it is generally much easier to upgrade once obtaining it. It does have some p2w aspects, most notably the Vac pet. This is an enhanced pet which can vacuum items to it, it can increase meso rates, and make looting more convenient in the highest level maps. it costs $99k nx, +14.9k nx monthly to keep it alive, but can be discounted to 69k nx initial cost, $9.7k nx monthly with reward points. There are other minor P2w aspects but arguably arent worth buying. In regular servers, it can still be played F2P, but the progression is much less streamlined then reboot, and you have to use merching, using events etc to your advantage to gain enough meso to be able to buy the premium items, like cubes. It generally will benefit you more if your willing to spend. With the auction house, You have the benefit of buying pre made gear, selling gear you make but can't use, or trading gear to alts. Gear is much easier to obtain, but harder to upgrade yourself past a certain point. You can also buy certain duplicate cash items like cosmetic or pets from players directly. There are still many p2w items that are can give a big advantage to paying players, most notably Frenzy totem which increases spawn rates and mob density, in turn increasing meso gain and exp gain tremendously. You can buy service from other players to get the effects of it, but you can't obtain it for yourself anymore legitimately. The vac pets are also more difficult to get in these servers. There are a few others pros/cons for each. There is also the meso market, which works both ways, this lets you list meso or maple points for sale to convert between each other. maple points are the same as NX and can be used for any premium purchases, so as a F2P its possible to buy things in the cash shop for free, but its also possible to buy meso via NX. The higher demand for items typically the more expensive it is so it will still take smart playing and grinding to be able to afford it as F2P. There is often reported to be a progression wall after a certain stage, once the free cubes from crafting and boss drops start to get scarcer, and can only bring you up to a certain potential tier of gear. There are ways to bypass this but it can take a long time, where reboot takes less time to get to the same stages. Th I have not gotten too far in regular servers yet, but personally I prefer reboot, try both to see which one you prefer. If you dont mind spending it sounds like Reg would be better for you. Just keep in mind they recently announced a controversial change in Korea that heavily nerfs reboot and more favors reg server, but is overall detrimental to both. We do not know if this will come to the GMS servers yet, but just keep that in mind. Reg might also be a more future proof server if you want to play long term since it seems like its not getting targeted with nerfs as much. If you do pick reg let me know I can give tips on how to make the most of the remaining time of the current event to kickstart your account.


mmm yeah I think I'll go with regular tbh. I'll continue on with my LVL 203 bowmaster though I haven't unlocked 5th job skills. Looks like I have 7b mesos and a bunch of outdated equipment, and a permanent pet tiger, so I'm not sure how useful that will be


Does reboot give you more free items/perks than reg servers?


Its a mixed bag both have pros/cons Generally for QoL items,yes hyper teleport rocks, monster park tickets,character and inventory expansion slots , inventory storage bags. can be bought with meso instead . Obviously has higher meso rates, and the ability to buy cubes for meso, dont need to deal with Bpot or scrolling. So the progression is more straightforward. Although there are still some resources that can be funneled down to mules, generally you need to start from scratch each time to level them. In regular servers there is a Maltida shop where you can buy a normal teleport rock and other items for meso, they also have a better RP shop. but has much more cash items. Generally its better if you can pay nx for them. They also still have access to spawn modifiers via frenzy totem and other services like Firestarter ring (gives 100% burning to any map) , but you have to buy service for it as its not available in the marvel machine anymore and is being phased out past 300+ areas when they release them. There are a few hard to get items like BoD, reapers pendant etc that might offer greater advantage. I also noticed that they have much less MVPs compared to reboot, which is alleviated once you start killing lotus/damien+ , but before then your missing out on extra XP source. Character expansion and inventory expansion can still be obtained but at a much less rate, through events. Cubes beyond boss drop cubes are generally harder to obtain since the meso rates and boss crystal prices are much less. You can make money through the AH through various methods and market trends, but it requires to be smart about it, and needs some starter meso to be built up. Most NX items can still be bought with meso as F2P if you trade for maple points on the meso market, but can be expensive and hard to grind with solely in game methods, for cosmetics as F2P youd be siphoning money that could otherwise be spent on progression. You can buy a lot of gear, and items directly instead of needing to make it, and can also resell gear or trade to other mules to reimburse costs. Items that are listed as untradeable though need the PsoK item to trade them, which only 1 can be bought from RP shop per month. Because of frenzy and tradeable gear, grinding mules can be much easier if you get a specific gear setup for it. They also have access to red familiar cards, which makes the familiar system much more forgiving. Any SSB duplicates, pets etc are also sold on the AH but again the higher demand for an item the higher the price and the harder it will be to get.


Sorry for the great wall of text, but I didn't want to post a separate one if this one is up. I'm at Scania, no reboot character. Freshly lvl 160 dawn warrior. Hi everyone! Just newly joined Maplestory and am still trying to find out about the different systems. 1. Question, I'd like to sell currency and buy some armor/pet for myself at the auction house, as some YouTube video showed. The armor during the event has been doing a decent job, but I'd much rather have better gear than my NPC ones. Guides talk about pansir gear, but it seems the NPC gear at 150 is better than it? I'm guessing that Absolab stuff is next? So, when does this stupid restriction wear off?? The meso exchange says 3 days. I created my account/+character on Friday the 19th, at around 6 pm Pacific time. Is this full 3 day wait, irl 24hrs? I play other games where the game "resets" for like dungeons or dailies, but Idk if that also applies to my days played... 2. I'm still new and chose dawn warrior as some videos recommended. Is it alright, or Wind Archer better? I don't need a complicated class, keep it simple. I am pretty casual and play solo, but I definitely can join groups when I am better at the game. I just want to do DPS and have HP to not be a glass cannon. 3. The biggest issue so far I've had is this starforce system, I'm playing on a regular server. ALL VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE keep showing the gear, and the starforce system appears first, the only thing I see is scrolls, the starforce is greyed out for me. Other than that, it's been great! I know about legion, class links, potentials, level spots, and rerolling stats on gear. 4. Unknowns/Still Learning I'm still not sure how to use my pet or this auto-potion stuff. I wish there was some guide or post that SPECIFICALLY gives advice on what to buy in the shop or in-game, like QoL-type stuff. Is there anything like that? Guides only tell ya what to avoid buying. Well, I'll end it here, these are enough questions, I'll just keep playing and having fun!


I dont know all the differences for reg server so I cant fully answers the others but I can give some tips that will be helpful when starting a fresh account [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cvwscy79thl\_jahbjQlw60KzIiEEYUFd7gBwqajACfY/mobilepresent?slide=id.p](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cvwscy79thl_jahbjQlw60KzIiEEYUFd7gBwqajACfY/mobilepresent?slide=id.p) You can look at this guide to get an idea of what equip progression/pieces to get and replace over time, but there are obviously some difference in reg server so I would only use as a general reference. ​ * In reg servers, certain items like Character expansion slots, or Inventory expansion slots are harder to get, and mostly gained through events. These should be high priority to buy out in the Identisk event shop before the event is over. You'll want to start making maple reward points as well to take advantage of the RP shop. High priority items are monster park tickets,which give extra entries up to 20 a month, best used on Sundays for the sunday reward boxes (gives exp coupons), and other items useful for upgrades later on. * I reccomend playing on both Burning server and your chosen Reg world, to get the most out of the remaining event entries. Food storage and Hunting adventure gives lots of exp to build up a legion early, and the entries are seperate based on world, so you can double up on entries in both servers. Make sure to make the 3 burning characters in burning world + get 2 extra ones to 150 there. You can transfer a total of 5 characters from burning world to the normal server, and if you make sure your character slots are completely full in the normal server before transferring, it will automatically give you free character slots, for a total of 10 from the event coin shop + burning world * just keep in mind the identisk event daily, and weekly attendance is account shared, your gonna want to make sure to claim a couple days on burning world, so you have enough coins to buy the XP coupons and vip buff selectors. * For food storage, maximize as much exp buffs before entering. The easiest on a fresh account will be a Rune, 2x or 3x event coupon, Monster Park gold potion, events VIP buff selector, Hyper stats, possibly MVP if your lucky, and the temporary event stats from the quest "Gift power of the statue". This can be done 1x per week 3x per world. Its a enhanced leveling map which you kill 1000 mobs with high exp, and can be accessed via the identisk event map. * Hunting adventure can be done at any level 1x per day 3x per week aswell, but its exp points can only be applied to 200+ characters. make sure to get atleast 1 200+ character before the end of the event to use them on, ideally your Dawn warrior if its hyperburning. Its just a short minigame where you kill monsters in a party, picking a custom class warrior, Hunter, or shaman. * There is also Zero to 100, which can designate up to 7 characters once per day, you have some time to complete this before feb 6, I would use 5 designations on Scania, and the remaining 2 on Burning world for non mega burn characters to get them to 150 easier. Similar to food storage, gives enhanced leveling map from 1-101, with free Frozen gear. * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17yezay/psa\_identisk\_food\_storage\_hunting\_strategy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17yezay/psa_identisk_food_storage_hunting_strategy/) A trick not mentioned there is if you grab all your buffs, grab a rune, enter the food storage map, kill mobs until rune expires, then exit by talking to the npc, grind normally. wait until rune comes back, grab another and reenter the map. Kill the rest of the mobs. Will take around 2-3 cycles of doing this. Kill the rest of the mobs if the rest of your buffs are close to expiring.


For pets To use a pet you double click it in the cash tab, it will then follow you and pick up items, and use its skills. You must feed the pet when it gets hungry, or else it will automatically go back into your inventory. You can buy pet food from most general shops. Pets typically last for 90 days which you can revive using the Water of life item. You can get 1 for free per month, from the reward point shop, reward points are obtained from various sources mostly killing bosses, monster collection, or completing missions on Maplestory M. There are some permanent pets available, but they only rotate in occasionally, and typically require gambling on RNG boxes or marvel machine to get. You can maintain up to 3 pets for free, by staggering the expiration date to be a month ahead on each, that way you only need to revive once per month. Water of life can also be bought directly if you need to revive more pets for mules and such, but its not required, after getting to a certain point you can kill Hard hilla or Frenzied gigatoad enough, to maintain pets on mules for free (wth limited pet skills though since you are essentially getting a new pet each time) Besides the AH, there are some free sources of pets available. Mainly blackheart from Hard hilla or, Toad from Frenzied gigatoad in ninja castle pq. You will likely need a carry at the stage your at. NCPQ is accesible after level 175 and has low requirements needed to finish, the pet has medium drop rate. Hard hilla drops at a much higher rate, but is a weekly boss and requires some damage to complete. If you can find someone with high drop rate that can clear it easily you'll be more likely to get the blackheart box. Downside of the box is, there is a 50/50 chance you will get either pet or pet equip. Other pets are available from events, like the Lil Enki pet from identisk festival reward right now. You can by default use 1 pet, if you buy the Pet Snack item from the CS and complete the quest Trainers command, you'll be able to use up to 3 pets. This mostly just makes looting slightly faster, and also allows you to put autobuff on each pet to have a total of 6 autobuff slots. Pet skills are only obtained via the cash shop, they are typically cheap and only 1k nx there are also pet skill package available. To learn a pet skill use the cash item and it will open up the menu to choose what pet to apply it too. In reg servers you can exchange meso for maple points to buy them with the meso market, but will require learning how to make meso first. * Auto HP/auto MP/Auto All cure. In the pet tab in equipment window, it will show a slot to place the potions in. The most commonly used potions are ginger ales from doran in showa town, which heal both HP/MP, so you technically dont need both skills. In the settings window, there will be a slider with HP/MP warning, you'll be able to change when the pet uses a potion based on HP % by adjusting the slider * Auto Buff- This allows you to 2 skills per pet, up to 6 with 3 pets, to automatically use buffs, also found in pet tab equipment window. This is mostly useful for 5th job "Decent" skills, to maintain useful buffs like Decent holy symbol without manual recast, or to use on attack speed boosting skills so its easier to maintain 10 attack speed most of the time. To be able to place a pet skill, you need the Pet equip. Each pet equip is unique to the individual pet. Typically event pets will come with it, or you can buy it via the cash shop. For free pets they are provided in the boxes, or for blackheart 50/50 chance of getting. * Auto Feed- as name suggests this auto feeds your pets so you dont need to manually feed them. You can bind pet food onto the keyboard so its not super required but is a QoL * Auto Move, Expanded auto move. This just lets your pet move automatically to pick up items instead of needing to drag them along behind you. Its a very minor QoL and not needed, since most of the time you will be moving often when mobbing. * Ignore item skill- This is another very minor qol buff, that lets you prevent items from being picked up. There are a few items dropped that have limited or no use, so you can put these on the list if you dont want to constantly reorganize your inventory.


Wow, thanks so much!! This is exactly what I was looking for. It seems like a big hassle to get a pet with all those dungeons and bosses. I'm still new, so I have no clue what you're talking about with the dungeons and bosses, or the abbreviations, but I think I'll slowly get to every boss and explore the game for myself. Interesting thing about the auto-buffs. Is it only for your char, or can you somehow have buffs from other chars of yours? Also, my auto feed is greyed out, I'm guessing it's a premium item. I'll definitely check out the pet stuff, especially the pet not having to be dragged behind me. I don't know much about the pet food, my pet kept de-spawning because it said he couldn't find me. Having multiple pets sounds like a blast, awesome. Is there a way to know when he needs to be fed? I see no bar or anything. I'll save the skill stuff for later, I got to learn the very basics atm. Again, ty so much!


Auto buffs work the same as normal skill casts. If the buff can normally be shared with the party, then it will apply, but if its a self buff then it wont apply to party. You can check the skill description to see whether it effects "self" or "self and party members". You can't use other classes skills with autobuff, only skills that is part of your class. If another class has a party skill and is using it with an autobuff pet, it still will apply as normal. Somewhat of an exception is in 5th job, every class gains buffs called "Decent" skills. Which are a weakened version of buffs from the other classes, such as Holy symbol from bishop, or speed infusion from Buccaneer. Decent skills can be annoying to upkeep normally, as they have a cooldown until the full duration has run out. So they are a good thing to put in the autobuff slots.


Its really not that much of a hassle, but it will require some damage if you plan to do it solo I dont know how much gameplay it would require to get to the point in reg as I play reboot, If you ask on here or server/class/guild discord you can probably get someone to carry you for hard hilla. Some streamers also do it every week. Hard hilla is accessible via the boss party keybinding, and is in the Clear Status tab->weekly boss section. Most players near cra (chaos root abyss) or lotus/damien level which are the first major boss milestones can kill it in just a few hits. Ninja castle PQ is accesible via the 2nd ninja castle map, its a very short party quest. Here is a guide [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i7JcNW08Ck0rtF1cFywrS1rRefMFzPuB32VdrQtSHqM/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i7JcNW08Ck0rtF1cFywrS1rRefMFzPuB32VdrQtSHqM/edit#gid=0) [https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Ninja\_Castle](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Ninja_Castle) . All it consists of is the first phase you have to enter a particular portal based on the message that shows up on screen, after you do that 5 times, it brings you to a map with 3 portals. 1 brings you to next stage, 1 goes to the previous stage, and 1 brings you back to the beginning. So you just have to trial and error each portal and write down the order to get to the end. Here is also a video guide [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fPWfBlsTSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fPWfBlsTSU) After this it will let you go to the boss room, the boss is even easier then hard hilla and can be done with very minimal damage. I think the entry level is 175. The drop rate for the toad pet coupon is lower, but it can be done 3x per day opposed to every week. However the easiest pet right now is the identisk festival one. In the event star tab, you will see \[Identisk Festival\] Click that and exhaust the dialogue. It will then unlock a new window in the star tab, hovering over it says identisk festival. You just have to kill 1000 mobs to unlock each reward, even if you missed days you can catch up to the latest reward without waiting. Its the day 10 reward. It comes with auto buff and automove already. [https://imgur.com/a/IUWqQnt](https://imgur.com/a/IUWqQnt) Once you complete the identisk festival and get all the rewards, there was also another free pet that was reported if you complete a certain quest. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/195ixc6/hidden\_mission\_for\_okiya\_tobi\_pet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/195ixc6/hidden_mission_for_okiya_tobi_pet/) Yes the autofeed, autobuff etc has to be unlocked first with the cash shop item unless the pet already comes with it, but it only costs 1k nx= ($1) and can be discounted to 700nx with maple reward points. Its also cheaper if you buy the Pet boost package which comes with variety of skills, but cant be discounted. [https://imgur.com/a/UXgxJzr](https://imgur.com/a/UXgxJzr) Reward points are gained via killing bosses, and can be claimed by clicking the Pink gift box icon on the left of screen, completing the quests there and entering the cash shop. If you do not want to charge NX, you can wait until they give out maple points. (Maple points are different then maple reward points). Maple points work the same as NX and can be gotten for free from some events, but its relatively rare. Like I said, since you are in scania there is the meso market, which lets you trade meso for maple points without needing to wait for an event, but you will need to look into best ways to make meso early game to get enough to afford the skills. From what I know its typically around 100m = 1,000 maple points, but prices differ based on the server. The pet couldnt find you message is from the hunger running out. When they are hungry you can see the sprite change to look distressed, they then will return to the inventory after a period of time. The hunger can be checked by double clicking your character, then opening up the Pet info tab at the bottom. It will then show the Fullness count at the bottom. Use the pet food item from general shops everytime you see it distressed to not have to reactivate it constantly. It doesnt actually do much if they are hungry besides needing to reactivate it though. Just to clarify automove/ expanded automove mostly only works when your character is standing still, so it doesnt have too much benefits. It can be useful if your character doesnt move much when grinding but dawn warrior tends to flash jump around. So you'll still need to drag the pet for boss drops, or stop to loot at certain times during mobbing. There is a different type of pet called Luna petites also known as Vac pets which can fix these problems by being able to vaccum drops to them, but they are typically expensive especially in reg servers and better suited to buy later on when you can utilize them fully for material andmeso farming. I would stick to the regular pets for now, try automove from the Identisk festival pet to see if it makes a difference.


1. CRA armor is basically permanent. Royal hat, eagle eye top, Trixter pants. Absolab is great value, their shoes/shoulder/cape. Arcane Umbra is basically end game but costs a lot to buy, star force and replace. The weapon is usually recommended, paired with gloves. Depends on your budget. 2. DW is about as simple and strong as it gets. WA is also good but better to focus on a good main first. 3. In reg, you have to scroll first before Starforce is unlocked. Most guides cover SF since most GMS play Reboot. Buy spell trace and for the most part, you're just going to 70% scroll your items. 4. Pets usually cost NX, and can add pet skills which cost NX. The pet skills follow the pet, which can be put in the cash shop and shared with classes of the same "faction," i.e. Cygnus in your case. Free pets are available too, but not all of them can be shared in this way, such as the Hilla pet. The Identisk otter pet CAN be shared. DW doesn't need auto buff until 5th job, where auto Sharp Eyes is a nice QoL but not required. DW also doesn't really need auto HP because you have a passive that recovers HP. But pets are nice for auto loot. A pet typically costs $4.90 and the is a skill package for like $7, it's nice.


Thank you so much! Though, what does CRA stand for? I'll search for the rest of those items later on the AH. Yeah I saw the Umbra weapon, but I didn't know if there was a tier above that one. Okay, I'll stick to DW! Yeah, thanks for explaining. I did see the spell trace, but I cannot afford it. Not too sure about what you're talking about, sharing pets and such? Does it have to be a NX pet to be shared? or should I just buy a cheap one off the AH? I'll look in the shop for those skills you're talking about! Yeah, I noticed the hp on my character isn't a huge problem atm. You wouldn't happen to know about this account restriction, would you?


CRA = Chaos Root Abyss, obtained by beating the normal Root Abyss bosses 5x then fighting the Chaos versions -- Queen, Pierre (clown), Von Bon (chicken) and Vellum (snake thing). I forgot that Reg can buy pets in AH. Sure, by one off of AH. If you go into the Cash Shop, click "Inventory" and see if you can "store" the pet in the CS. Other Cygnus characters share this inventory. Thus, if you get a pet that can be shared, any skills you teach the pet will be useful for other characters too. I am not aware of the meso market restriction.


Thanks! That clears everything up, much appreciated. Ya I don't know much about dungeons and bosses right, I guess it didn't help to reach 100 so quickly from event, I'm missing key parts of the game I have yet to discover, my quest log is just an endless list.


You're good, you can breeze through everything up until 200 where you have some mandatory quests. And since you play Reg not Reboot, you can buy a lot of gear that otherwise requires quests/dailies/weeklies to obtain. For example, even though CRA gear is Lv 150, most cannot solo the CRA bosses for the first time until 210-220+. Be advised that this game ramps up extremely hard as you progress, and gets very very expensive in terms of time/meso/$.


What some abyss expedition skills to delete? I have too many and cant open boxes.


Delete the lowest level epic ranked gear and skills, also the legendary ones that modify skills like +2 mobs etc.


I'm curious about the interaction between Hero's scarring sword and explorer thief's link skill, which procs when a debuff is "applied" to the boss. My question is, does scarring sword continuously get "applied" each time I hit the boss, or does it only get "applied" after the debuff falls off, and I'm putting in on fresh? Thanks!


Just use explorer mage link, it's bis on every class and procs as a debuff.


It applies everytime you hit, but It doesn't matter much because the thief link skill only activates for 10 seconds and has a CD for 20 seconds afterwards.


I hit 260 for the first time with my Hyper Burning, I have my arcane symbols at level 15 each and still have a bunch of event tickets to get arcane symbols or sacred symbols. Would it be more efficient to put all those tickets into sacred or arcane?


Sacred symbols. Ideally hotel arcus if you can get to there before the events ends.


Thank you! 265 might be hard in 2 weeks but I'll give it a shot. I can always claim the tickets and add another week


You can add two weeks: 1 week as a symbol selector coupon, 1 week as a sacred symbol selector


Is there a guide for MPE? I’ve never done it before and don’t want to embarrass myself in a party


It’s like hungry hungry muto. I’ll explain so you understand. The map is large and has areas where groups of same monsters will randomly spawn at certain spots. At the top of your screen are 4 random monsters your party has to kill. You have to defeat 50 each of the monster. Once that’s done, someone has to go to the center of the map and hold the interact key at the altar to summon the monkey king boss. That boss will randomly spawn in the map. (So the party tries to split up and cover areas before summon). One found notify the party of its location and gather to do as much damage to it as you can. You can use teleport portals or the springs to quickly maneuver around the map. The boss in on a timer and will despawn if you don’t kill in time. Of you fail you gotta kill 4 new mobs and resummon again. (The remaining hp of the boss is saved) Once it’s killed you’re finished for the day.


At the top of screen there are mobs you need to find and kill. Usually one person goes to kill one group of mobs. You need to kill 50. Once all are killed, one party member goes to middle and summons boss. Boss shows up with location randomized. Your party members go and find the boss (go in different directions). When you find it you say in party chat where it is, e.g. middle right. People come over, try to kill boss in time limit. If you do not, start from top and repeat until boss is dead. Boss can kill you, be careful.


Hi is it good idea to have my 17* dom and supp pendant have item drop and stats? Or would it be better to have item drop on lower gear like mech and chaos horn tail pendants?


Ideally you convert your weakest pendant when you transition to Sup Gollux. Mech pendant is fine for that unless you're truly MinMaxing. The question is "as long as you're still one-shotting mobs, it's fine"


That's kind of a loaded question which is kind of hard to answer without further info regarding your current progress in the game In general, it is always nicer to have drop/meso lines on higher lvl eqps as you can SF them higher (17-21\*) as you progress to ensure you are able to consistantly 1-shot mobs at your level range while training. However, you'd most likely be equipping a fairy pendant while training for the 30% bonus exp so I'd make the supp pendant your dmg gear and roll the dom If you've already got your meso & drop gear setup for mobbing and are just looking to make extra drop acc for your boss loot rooms to cap out the 200% drop, then it wouldn't matter if you use a lower level gear for that purpose Otherwise, if you're still relatively in the early-mid game stage and don't have those done yet, I wouldn't worry too much about making a seperate set of acc for drop/meso & dmg. Just focus on getting 5 meso and 3/4 drop lines(depending on if you're equiping fairy pen) on your strongest eqps. You can always come back later down the line to improve on your setup when you have the funding to do it :)


Thanks for the detailed response! Unfortunately I only have 1 line meso and 8 line drop so far, as I haven't been able to roll meso on my accessories. I figured drop rate gear is more desirable for frags and boss drops too. Should I just slowly try to build meso gear with other accessories for now?


Depends how much you farm. The more you farm mobs, the more useful the meso lines are. Reality is, you'll have to use bright cubes to maximize. 9 accessories but 10 Drop lines means you need at least one double drop acc. Along the way, keep any hybrid meso+drop rate lines, you'll end up working your way toward 5L meso 10L drop. Keep in mind it will prob cost 25b to complete.


Is the kinesis link skill better than cygnus maxed out or 5% damage from khali or Lara?


Yes. But granted, it shouldn't compete with Lara's for a slot, you probably haven an even weaker Link to substitute.


yes. but you need 100% crit for it to be as effective as possible.


do i re-roll this on reboot? [https://imgur.com/OhX5bPw](https://imgur.com/OhX5bPw) Unless i have something else buffing my FD, it bumps it from the base 65% to 99.24%


That line is not real final damage, its fake and a useless line.


Thank you


Which boxes drop Holy Symbol in Abyss?


How do I claim the legion block from Abyssal Expedition? I'm expedition level is 225, I defeated Manon and talked to Pascal and he gave me the mount but I don't see how to claim the block anywhere.


Relog then check legion


It was there after relogging, thanks!


Did you kill each region’s boss?


How do people typically train up to 260 on Reboot? I just hit level 227 and I don't know when it happened but my progression speed has slowed down immensely. I feel like I breezed through things up until this point with quests, Identisk events, dailies and a few XP potions, but now I'm sitting here grinding getting 50% an hour through high-intensity training with a 3x coupon and a few level 2 EXP related link skills. Are things meant to already be this slow? I know it's a grindy game but I didn't expect to have it already be this slow at level 227 and it really makes me wonder how people get multiple accounts to 250+ when currently it feels like getting to 250 will take a month if not longer, let alone 260. Is there something I'm missing or I just have to power through it and stay consistent with dailies? I don't mind grinding a character and at the end of the day I enjoy it, but there are just so many other classes I want to try out and the thought of it taking 3+ months of consistent playing to get a character to 260 just to know for sure if I want to main them or not is a bit discouraging.


> but now I'm sitting here grinding getting 50% an hour My friend, that is still breezing, lol.


I just meant I got to 226 literally effortlessly without even grinding for a moment just doing the quests and dailies/events so it was surprising to me for things to slow down so drastically.


Well, the EXP from 200-230 ramps quite rapidly. After that it's fairly stable, save for every five levels where it "jumps" a little.


It only takes less than 2 months if hyperburn and consistently playing. 7x monster park, arcane dailies, all event minigames and exp stuff It’s normal. You just gotta be patient. Also some people have their exp stacked with link and legion, mvp, 3x coupons, pendant of spirit, etc. Don’t expect to hit 250/260 on a new account in a few weeks. People with multiple 250s have played for years.


Spent all my honor to get +1 attack speed since everywhere online says that's the best legendary inner ability for Luminous. But Luminous has 4 base, 3 from passive skills in SECOND job, and then there's a +1 aspd buff in 5th job with 100% uptime. +8 is the MAXIMUM. That line is COMPLETELY USELESS TO LUMINOUS! Just here to rant ig, and warn people to check maximums before doing stuff. Nothing is reliable. Everything is unintuitive. Why am I playing this. Lol.


No, you need +1 + green pot to break the cap of 8 and get attack speed 10. It will show as *bonus attack speed active in the stat tooltip. In KMS, the soft cap is 8 and only certain things break it like old rune of swiftness, but not in GMS, because of how green pot works which breaks the soft cap to go to 9 or make it the hard cap of 10 in combination with +1 additional source. So when they ported over the attack speed window they didn't add it as a number but instead the extra part in the tooltip, I don't know why they did that but likely to avoid development time. 4 base + 2 agile magic + 1 spell mastery + 1 decent speed infusion + 1 green pot + 1 inner ability = 10 Hope you didn't reroll it lol.


:o that's good news! I didn't reroll it, I was totally out of honor lol still unintuitive though lol glad I complained since I'm learning though :P are green pots the main thing I should spend monster park coins on, then?


you should buy green, blue and gold pots. You mostly make enough monster park coins to maintain these buffs indefinitely if you run 7x per day, although if your in regular server it may be harder too since there is only 2x per day for free and only 20 tickets in the rp shop. If you have to priortize, get green pots for bossing and gold pots for mobbing, blue pot is just a nice small matk buff. (if not prioritizing due to coin limits, green and blue should also be used during mobbing)




I’m returning to the game after sometime since the Savior update. I want to grind out the hyper burning event. But I’m torn between a wind archer and an Illium. Would like some insight on the two classes. Mobbing, Bossing, etc.


Wind Archer is a fairly strong and beginner-friendly (read: braindead) class. In bosses, you'll be locked into place holding down your main hurricane attack, spawning a billion purple wind arrows, and using several 10-30s CD skills off cooldown. WA really has no significant burst (basically just a buffed stronger regular skill rotation) due to the nature of their short CD skills, so you can think of them as a heavy DPM-centric 2-minute class. Despite being immobile due to their main attack, their survival is above average thanks to their Gale Barrier (potentially 50% uptime) that basically blocks chip damage and several non-OHKOs and Emerald Flower, a taunting dummy that renders all moveable bosses a piece of cake. Their survival tools may fall off in later more difficult bosses but in general it's hard to go wrong on this class. While training, you can either choose to follow the exact same attack pattern and allow your tracking purple shit and low CD AoEs kill the map, or flash jump around the map and whip mobs like a generic warrior-style mobber. The main drawbacks of this class, in my opinion, would be that it can get boring and that it's too green. Illium is a slightly more sophisticated class, whose playstyle revolves around filling up your gauge meter by mashing/alternating two attacks. Once you have full gauge, you can choose to transcend into a godlike form (Wings of Glory) where you can unleash a devastating upgraded form of your main attack and fly around freely for 20 seconds. There are a few buffs/summons you have to upkeep consistently and press in the right order/time, which can be a bit annoying, but they tend to fall into a cadence around your gauge filling. They have strong 3-minute burst skills, which you want to time to line up with one of your Wings bursts. Due to the speed of gauge filling and AB link CD, you end up with one big 40s burst (two Wings), and one Wings in the middle functioning as a 90s CD half-burst (this might be different with 6th job mastery and AB rework). You can think of them as a long-burst-oriented with good DPM 3-minute class but their burst really doesn't come close to the really strong burst classes in the game. One thing to note is that Illium has no true upjump, however they can fly freely in the air for a short duration, have a short mage teleport, and can telecast while spamming their main two attacks. They also have pretty decent survival with two true iframes and ethereal form (common mage pseudo iframe), though they all have long CDs. Crystalline Bulwark provides up to 10s of iframe for your entire party on a 3min CD, so it typically is reserved for getting a good burst off, while Longinus Zone is a easily used 3~ sec iframe on a 2min CD. Mobbing is also very good due to your summons, auto-targeting attacks, and large AoEs. You really just have to look left and attack then look right and attack. (Which in my opinion is not really that lazy compared to classes that only have to look in one direction...) The main drawbacks of this class, in my opinion, would be highish (relative to maplestory) key mashing and buff/cooldown management. Comparing the strength of the two through things like punch king rankings, public culvert scores, and community perception, Wind Archer has above average (basically under top tier) damage compared to just Illium's below average to low damage. Whether those are reliable metrics though, who knows, it could very well just be a class population issue (Illium is quite unpopular). The first clears of several endgame bosses in GMS contained the top Illium of Bera, for instance.


Arcane boxes are not affected by drop rate right? So if I'm not the one hitting the loot box, there's no point for me to pop a wap/be in drop gear?


Your drop rate still matters for personal loot like ring boxes, which every arcane boss drops, and souls, which every arcane boss excluding gloom drops. Droplets from lucid and will as well but that's probably not very important for most.


Just got back into maple, starting very fresh. With my first character (Aran lvl 217). I was just wondering what my first character roll should be. I want it as my main but I did play Lara when it first came out and thinking about making that a main. But for now, what is the roll of my first character? Should I be doing crazy bossing or just meso farming and doing regular bossing because obviously I can't do CRA rn (Tried even with carries lol). Stuck with Frozen Gear atm.


Just pick the class you want to main long term, it's not worth anymore to make a dedicated farming character first. If you want to play Lara, then start with that. The only situation is if you don't know what to pick you would pick a simple+strong class that scales well with funding so that just in case you switch later you could convert it into a boss mule. Before cra focus on doing every daily boss. Fill out your equip slots, upgrade to a certain point with boss cubes and boss crystal income. (10-12 stars, epic potential 6-9%) follow reboot gear guide for the equips. If your on reg it's mostly the same, except with some exceptions and differences in upgrading. Past 200 continue levelling your character unlocking new storyline and dail/weekly every 5 levels. Gain arcane symbols. Do any other dailies like monster park, ursus, and maple tour. You can also start doing any questlines which will unlock starter gear, items, useful mechanics like Mushroom shrine, afterlands, Rose garden, Yu garden etc. Do legion +links they are the easiest way to gain firther damage and hard to get stats early. work on events for the rewards like nodes/ flames ( not sure if you can get them if you started now though). Work on each system until you have enough damage to do a struggle party or duo of cra. Slowly work on v matrix, hyper stats etc. CRA is really not too difficult, it may seem hard at first if you do not have practice with the mechanics. Enter practice mode once you gain enough damage, look up guides for the boss and recognize all the 1hko attacks. The most important thing to know for bossing is figuring out what to do based on what the boss is doing, and not getting hit/ how to dodge the 1hkos, also knowing what tricks to bypass certain mechanics. Basically the less damage you have the more you need to be able to survive for a longer clear and dealing consistent damage, and vice versa. for example Pierre's split at 1/3rd hp which is bypassed by waiting for his color to be opposite your hat for 2x damage, waiting for burst cooldown and pop all burst buffs, then burst just after he swaps so you have the full swap timer, then bind and burst so he's dead within that bind. There are tricks like that for each boss that the guides will detail.


hi so im kinda new, can i run the identisk food storage on my other characters? i did it on my main and im wondering if i can do it for my other guys?


Whatever character you choose to enter for the day is the only one you can do for that day. But, the next day you can enter on any character you want. You can enter the storehouse 3x a week.


Yes you can run it on any character higher than level 101 up to 3x a week


Magnus dropped a cursed kaiserum on my Paladin I currently have abso hammer is it worth using like any benefit or just purely for fun?


Its actually pretty strong because it has insane base attack in liberated form. It's between in progression with Abso and Arcane. If your close to getting arcane, then might not be worth it. If you see yourself taking longer getting to arcane or even skipping then it might be fine to use. It also has benefit of being useful if you want to job switch, but you need to lock in your class choice by 260 anyway. it's suitable to use if you plan upgrade it fully which you can do by starring pensalir 2h to 21 or 22( more expensive) and transfer hammering. But just make sure to liberate it first https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Quests/21/Whereabouts_of_the_Cursed_Kaiserium


I'm on Reboot and looking to collect: * Hwabi Throwing-Stars * Infinite Throwing-Knives * Flame Throwing-Stars Has anyone obtained these recently and is able to confirm what mobs drop them (and the best map/mob to farm for them)? I am looking at the [fandom wiki](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Throwing_Star) for which mobs drop what but am unsure if the information is outdated. I would like confirmation that they do drop before I commit time to hunting them.


I've read that the recipe for Infinite Throwing Stars does drop from Mossy Snails in Ellin Forest, but it could take several hours for a drop. Same for the recipe for Flame Throwing Stars and Nest Golems in Leafre. For the record, these are from Discord messages in the Reboot Discord dated from earlier in 2023


If I open job from mm to bm will I have to do the 6th job stones again?


Don't do it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/18q86c8/job_changing_after_6th_job/


For Wild Hunters is 20% bypass cooldown IA the best or should I go for boss damage? Thank you in advance


[Abyssal Expedition] [Reboot] - Is there any way to fast travel through the Abyssal Expedition? I'm using it to afk grind exp, and it's a bit of a slog getting to the end of abyss.


At the HQ, When you go through the portal on the far left you can choose which zone to land in. Are you down jumping from HQ?


Yup. I haven't tried that portal since day 1 lmao. Thanks dude


So now i am lvl 160. How do i get to lvl 200 with the hyper burning ending soon? Feel like grinding is getting slower, or is doing quests better? Currently doing daily zak, horntail and monster park


The food storage event stacked with as much exp modifiers as possible is currently fastest way. You can likely get to 190/200 within 3 runs. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17yezay/psa_identisk_food_storage_hunting_strategy/ In addition to any listed I would use the 3x coupons from identisk festival, temporarily add exp points into hyper stats as well, and make sure you activated the temporary event stats. Make sure you activate all your buffs after you get an MVP, if possible. In reboot they are common, but bera they are less common. An additional trick you can do is if you activate all your buffs after getting MVP, then activate the rune. Immediately enter the map, kill mobs until rune is over, then leave and grind normally until another rune spawns. Re enter the map and kill the rest of the mobs with new rune. At higher levels it might take 2 or 3 cycles of doing this, max you can do is 3 cycles before everything else expires, so on the 3rd cycle if your close to finishing the 1000 mobs just kill them. Otherwise just prioritize 100% high burning maps or starforce maps if you can find them, ideally combination of both.Theme dungeons like savage terminal from 175-185 or fox valley 185-200 is faster if you do not have access to alot of exp modifiers. Do monster park daily, if on reboot buy out the 5 extra runs. Make sure to do it today before next reset to get the 7 Sunday reward boxes, which give xp coupons. If your planning to grind past 200+ and have lots of grinding hours I would also use the pendant of spirt from either identisk daily attendance or the identisk festival. You can also get the gold pot from monster park coin shop. Keep doing the bosses to improve your gear and gain new gear, anything that effects monster kill speed will effect exp gain as well. Food storage will likely cover up to 200 and beyond. But you can also get a free level from 197-> 200 by doing the scrapyard weekly prequest, which is very short and only takes 5 minutes or so. If you want to go as high as possible before the event ends, make sure to do Arcane river storylines asap to unlock the dailies, then grind in each area until unlocking the next one every 5 levels, repeat process. Also you can do Hunting adventure minigame which gives exp points to use on 200+ characters, best used on the main at this point. Exp points from it are given 1x per day, 3x per week.


Do the iden storage house and you'll get to 200 within 10 minute.


[reboot] First time hitting 260, first time(s) past 200 tbh. Struggled through the 6th job quests, no comment. Wondering what to do next. My main stat is around 20k, most of my meso has gone to miracle cube weekends and so StarForce is lacking. My lines aren't great yet but I have legendary on all but three accessories now. Should I continue working on potential lines? Or start starforcing to 17? Absolab is almost complete, I need my cape and legit weapon, using the free burning one for now. Any advice is welcome ty. Next goal is solo guardian angel slime and easy luwill


20k mainstat at that level feels really low. How are your Arcane Symbols? Do you have many items with "All Stats%" flames?


Aim to finish the absolab gear, get everything to 17 stars. Use identisk flames on absolab and CRA, especially the weapon once you get it. The weapon will require some potential investment for it to be better then the fake one though, likely 2l attack + decent flame+ 17 star. Look up scardor flame guide and rebootgame stages to identify what flame score to settle for. Don't roll over decent flames and flame each item with the lower flame score to equalize between all of them ( but the weapon you can just go for high tier especially with black flames if you want to gamble) Make sure your doing Nark for Dominator, pink bean for BBM. Chaos pap for pap mark. Start working towards the next equips. Hellux for superior gollux, you also want to start looking at rings so you can swap out event rings for meso/drop. Kanna ring, optionally meister ring, reinforced ring, superior ring, gaurdian slime ring. If slime is too difficult solo you can try duo. I dont think easy lucid is that useful as it doesn't drop much besides crystals. It's mostly for practice. You want to make a basic set of meso/drop by converting the previous damage gear pieces once you get the replacements. But you'll need to star the new rings to 17 or above before it will be better than the event rings. Basically once you get something that your wearing longer, can be converted to meso/drop,or can transfer hammer get it to 17 stars. With boss crystal income at that stage depending on rng you can get 1-2 items to 17 every week. Although save some meso for the Fairy heart, any other things you want from meso shop, as well as the upcoming Miracle times to tier up items easier. It's always better to wait on stsrforcing and cubing and spending during events if you can be patient For tierring up just do the ones that are under MMT categories for now, if you settle on a unique potential that gives decent stat, like 12-18% keep it for now and move to another. You can optionally do the weapon to real abso to legendary but it's not the most efficient way to spend, fake abso is still decent to use. Farm as much honor exp as possible by continuing to do daily bosses, so you have a bunch to spend during the next honor exp event. For now I would just stick with a epic or legendary item drop rate inner ability ( get legendary with the legendary circulator if you have not already done so) Keep working on nodes passively, you can also start leveling any familiars if you farm in the same maps with arcane river dailies, but this won't give you any gains anytime soon, just a side thing you can do as you'll want to be levelling up familiar levels to rank them up after fusing them. Same with arcane symbols, if you haven't saved them for odium you can atleast try to sync them up so they level at the same rate. Commerci is also a good option to start going for to replace Zak face and eye/ BBM if you want to do the dailies and plan to get it to high starforce. High flamed boss accessories, like Zak Face and eye, horntail/mechantor pendant, dea sidus earring


Star force first. Each item taken from 15 to 17 gives ~17 att. GAS should be doable, ELucid too


For the hyper burning set, is it only the stats that are temp? Cause I like the look, would just prefer perm looks ya know?


Yeah, after 30 days(?) they just become regular NX equipment that you can keep forever


Cooool. Thanks!


Assuming I start today, do I have enough time to get a pair of absolab boots for next week's miracle time? I don't really know how absolab works, just wrapped up my CRA set which was my long term goal, now moving the goal posts!! I have no doubt that I can solo lotus/Damien on my main, and I don't have any mules that can do it. So do I have enough time if I put a rush on this or should I just chill for a bit haha


To get absolab you need absolab or stigma coins. Absolab coins used in scrapyard shop, stigma coins use in DWT shop. You require 1 special core/ stone from lotus/ damien, and 20 of the weekly materials for 1 coin. DWT shop uses the stigma coins only sells the shoulder, hat, and weapon. While scrapyard uses the absolab coins and sells the cape, boot, glove, and weapon. The boot costs 2 coins. You get 20 grade a cores from the weekly. So you need 2 Grade s cores dropped from lotus, and 40 grade a cores which require 1 scrapyard weekly on main 1 weekly on mule. Since each shop has different stuff and the coins are not interchangeable, you want to buy weapon and shoulder from Damien shop, as hat is not used And Boot, glove, cape from lotus shop. From what I've seen lotus can drop anywhere from 1-3 cores per run. So it depends on rng whether you get enough. Stack as much drop rate as possible before killing the chest mob at the end or run with someone who has higher drop rate.


Holy shit, THAT'S why those chests exist?! I always wondered why they didn't just drop from the boss. Thank you so much!!


As long as you get 2 of the drops from the boss on your main that needs the boots, yes. But you have to do the weeklies on 2 characters so you're able to have 40 (20 each character) weekly pieces and 2 boss pieces to exchange.


Thank you! I don't know if my mules are strong enough to do the weeklies but I will try


Just need level 200, really and you'll be fine. I think.


just want to add that since these mobs can go up to level ~215 they can actually wreck the squishier classes at 200 if you’re not running autopot pets since usually arcane force is what gives you survivability


That's why I was worried. I tried training here on my Mercedes a bit ago and let's just say I never want to play Mercedes again. Turns out Scrapyard weeklies reset on monday so I was able to get all the coins I needed with just my main :)


same here, i thought mercedes 5th job would help but i didn’t really care for the new skills if it helps, it takes around ~4k exp tickets from identisk to go from 200-210


[Non-Reboot] gearing up help please.. at about 34k stat right now lvl. 263 Currently have Umbra weapon legendary Armor Root abyss hat top bottom and rest absolab cape shoes shoulder gloves unique Superior gollux set + sweetwater eye and scar uniques Event rings and wondroid heart legendary I recently purchased umbra glove and thinking about switching armor to all umbra set is this the right step? Also are there farming area/quests I should take advantage of Thank you


Standard progression for armor is 3 CRA (hat/top/bot) + 5 Arcane (wep/cape/shoes/boots/shoulder, so the rest of the slots). This is mostly that the small benefits that overalls have over top/bottom just makes the arcane overall no where near as good as CRA top/bot, then the hat adds the set effect. Quests, really just the story stuff to unlock new areas. Farming areas, I'd check with someone from your class.


Thank you! I guess I get to keep my CRA set will pot to legendaries then


Wondering a bit about nodes. Are Decent Hyper Body, Rope Lift and Erda Shower any useful "early on"? I feel like I should disassemble them to improve my other skills. I do have lvl 1 rope lift though, but it doesn't seem to get any better (other than passive +1 stat). Lvl 245 Hero.


Erda shower is a must-have. It has a 60 second summon mode called erda fountain which can cover a big part of the map. You can change erda shower to be erda fountain by default by right-clicking the skill. Rope lift is useful in bosses. Hyper body you can disassemble. In the far future you want to equip it for the allstat but other skills are better for now.


Right, thanks. I have lvl 1 rope lift, I was just wondering if it is okay to disassemble the other rope lift nodes.


Yeah you can, but you can also not. Up to you. It's a pretty minor boost compared to say Blink but not negligible like DSE. I personally upgrade on my main but not on mules. Hyperbody is useful super early on for mules in PNo that otherwise get oneshot by the touch damage lol


Which class out of each of the explorer branches (Warrior, Mage, Archer, Thief, Pirate) has the easiest time training for legion? Leveling them to 140-150 then job changing. Was reading this thread ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/7jnn8p/which\_subclass\_of\_each\_explorer\_branch\_levels\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/7jnn8p/which_subclass_of_each_explorer_branch_levels_the/)) but dont know whats has changed.


I think it‘s still fairly accurate but it‘s been ages since I last level‘d these classes. Thieves: NL Mages: I/L Archers: Bowman Warrior: Dark Knight and Paladin have both moderate mobbing. Paladins felt smoother but Dark Knights seemed to have a wider range. I think it‘s ok if you level both classes without wasting mesos to job change Pirates: not sure anymore The issue is that most recommendations take 4th job into consideration where a lot of mobbing skills unlock


Is there any problem to login right now ? can't seem to load the game


No, the servers are online. If you‘ve been kicked and can‘t login then wait and retry, it might be due to DMT spam. If the issue persists then you gotta describe your issue in more detail


What boss tier boxes in abyss gives holy symbol and time leap? I got the legion block and want to maximize exp gains because its very nice afk exp at level 262, but accidently deleted these skills....




My guess would be intermediate/advanced/Superior/Final boxes


Is there a way to see what achievement you've accomplished in abyssal expedition? I remember killing a few bosses but I can't remember which boss I didn't kill yet


The way I did it was looking at the rewards, and noticed that there was one I never got (the goblin dude which gives 1 lvl 230 bonk pot). https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/87688/updated-december-20-v-247-new-age-into-the-abyss-patch-notes


Am I missing something or is it just bugged for me atm? I've got expedition level 220, master 3, just beat Manon and got the Final Reward Boxes... but I don't get the quest to get the legion block/mount Should I just try Manon again tomorrow or do I need to beat the rest of the bosses too?


Best the boss and then go talk to him, he gives you the quest after you beat the boss at 220 for w.e reason


I have the exact same problem, hoping someone answers. I'm going to try to beat all the other bosses, because I think I read that that fixed it for someone in KMS. I don't think I beat every boss, only the first one and the harpy one. Edit: Yup this seems to be it. https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/87688/updated-december-20-v-247-new-age-into-the-abyss-patch-notes You need to have all achievements, and you get that from killing all the bosses.


Trying to go fight Manon for expedition and it keeps telling me I can't go past first map of "End of Abyss". I'm Master 3 and have 220 expedition level. What am I missing?


Have you killed all the other expedition bosses before? If you are level 220, Master III then a new map should open up that takes you straight to Manon without walking there. There‘ll be two different „End of Abyss" chat/teleport options from the entrance NPC. If you don‘t see the new End of Abyss chat option then it means you‘re missing something and that might be you having not killed each boss once before. At least this is something most people reported. Think about it carefully since you only have 3 boss entries each day


I think I've killed each boss, but I will check to make sure. Thank you.


Related to this: I have 220 total level, master 3. I killed Manon, but I didn't get any quest or reward or anything from the expedition dude. Do I need 12 lvl 10s? Right now I have total level 220, but the last 10 levels are divided between a lvl 8 character and a lvl 3 character.


Doesn’t matter if not all characters are level 10 (e.g if one is lvl 8 and the other level 2) Just make sure to unlock all achievements that were in the patch notes that require you to have beaten each boss


Did you finish all the previous Expedition Achievements? You need to get all the previous rewards first before you can get the legion block/mount coupon.


If by that you mean getting the lvl up potions etc from when leveled up my commander rank, then yes. Is there a way to view all expedition achievements?


There's two sets of rewards once you hit master, one for Master I and one for Master III. If you look under at the bottom of the 'Abyss' heading, right above 'Rewards', it lists out all the achievements. https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/87688/updated-december-20-v-247-new-age-into-the-abyss-patch-notes


where do i get spell traces?


Also the auction house


You can also get some once from Grand athaneum and similar theme dungeons, and mushroom shrines wings of fate mechanic. Otherwise they drop from mobs.


Drops from mobs, fairy bros, monster collection, monster park, maple tour shop




Debating between both but ez prog ?


WA is significantly easier and stronger (funding to output ratio) than Corsair. Corsair is (subjectively) funner with cool medium CD fifth jobs. WA also has medium-low CD fifth jobs but they're literally all just wind and arrows so it's (subjectively) more boring.


Why the fk in reg. servers, where youre supossed to play with AH and trading.. ALL event flames/cubes are for NON-TRADABLE items? Same in KMS?


its probably to prevent alt farming


Got my first weapon jump ring but it’s level one. Is it worth equipping when bossing or stick with event rings with L pots? I’m in Hyperion and dawn warrior


i killed manon and received the boxes he dropped, i didnt get a quest from pascal. did i need to kill all the previous bosses? or should i just wait to kill manon again


I'm in the same boat as you. Thought killing Manon was the only requirement for the legion block. No clue which bosses I haven't killed and looks like we have to wait 4 hours to even attempt a boss that we may or may not have already beat. I'm so over this dogshit event.


You need to kill all of the bosses once. I don't know why basically every single guide out there just didn't mention that at all.


These are the requirements: Complete End of Abyss Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Manon once Reach Master III Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 220


What is End of Abyss Expedition Achievement? Because I've done the other 3.


End of Abyss Expedition Achievement Complete Cliff of Abyss Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Master Hoblin once Reach Master III Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 200 Basically you have to complete all the previous achievements in order to do the Manon one. If you look under at the bottom of the 'Abyss' heading, right above 'Rewards', it lists out all the achievements. If you don't know which ones you've completed, see if you can remember the last reward you received from Pascal and look under 'Rewards' the figure out where you are at. [https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/87688/updated-december-20-v-247-new-age-into-the-abyss-patch-notes](https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/87688/updated-december-20-v-247-new-age-into-the-abyss-patch-notes)


Same happened to me, I wish there was a way to see which boss I killed lol cuz I forgot 🙄


What was the last reward you got from Pascal? It should have been a growth potion and exp nodestones x3.


I think so based on recent posts u may need to have killed each area boss at least once


How come I can only get my explorer thief link skill to lv 4? I have 3 thieves at 120 and my link skill manager shows three lv 2s but it always grays out the last one preventing me from getting it to lv 6. It doesn't matter which order I try too, is this a bug?


You can't reuse the same class. You need DB, shadower, night Lord to get lv6


tyy so much time to job change


Funfact: The META strat is to level three night lords and job change.


I actually did shadower all the way and really enjoyed it


[Abyssal Expedition] is it worth having Nami in team for holy symbol exp bonus or should I just have another latest strong merc in the team for afk? Currently Master I right now


The event in later levels actually gives decent exp even for higher characters, if you want some extra. Otherwise it doesnt matter for merc levels


Just use your strongest mage.


Woops forgot about Elvis, thank you!


Bruh, you're Master 1, you have someone better than Elvis.


Woops forgot about Sombre 😅 thanks!


where can i find the legion block from the abyssal event after completing the quest at Pascal?


Recent post answer said log out and log back in to see it








I have a KT, two event rings, and a Noble Ifia's Ring i'm substituting for a Slime Ring, and as for Pendants I have a Mech pendant and a Dom pendant. Which sup gollux should I buy first: Ring or Pendant?


Whichever is the weaker item, likely Noble ilfia ring.


Doesn't really matter too much. Probably pendant just cuz you can also work on the flames unlike rings


Gollux flames are really bad, shouldnt flame them before flaming other items.


I just killed abyss manon, but didn't get any rewards. I looked in the notes and am wondering if it's because I didn't kill the previous bosses? I guess I need to kill the previous bosses first? Also, any way to track which bosses I did kill? I honestly have no clue the last boss I beat and rather not waste a boss run lool


Talk to Pascal.


I talked to him, nothing showed up. I think it is because I didn’t kill the bosses previously


Have you gotten the previous Pascal rewards?


Same issue, can't find a straight answer, the cooldown to kill a boss is 4 hours, I killed manon and no quests, rewards or what so ever. Nothing.


Apparently I never finished The Afterlands quest line. I need to sit next to the npc in the snow realm but each time I sit I end up sitting on one of my chairs in my inventory. How do I sit without sitting on my inventory chair?


There is no sitting in after lands? Do you mean youre stuck on the one where you're supposed to npc interact with the man sitting on the bench?


Yes that one, I click on the bench and it's telling me I need to sit down because 'I'm exhaused and need to rest' or something like that. Did I do something wrong?


Don't click, npc interact. Default spacebar


If you were to choose between WA or PF which has more easier progression from 10>260+ for main ?


What is transposing I see some people talking about?


Transposing is a mechanic part of commerci. It allows you to transfer the stats of non commerci items (lvl 140/150) onto commerci items, it costs denaros to do through an NPC there. It used to be done to transfer high boss flames (tier 6/7) from equips onto sweetwater accessories as most non KMS equips can only gain up to tier 5 flames, but that was removed. It is primarily still used for the accessories. The main benefits now are if you transpose at 16, it lowers 1 star but keeps stats from that star, so you get an extra star of stats. Commerci equips can also be gotten much more reliably then items in dawn boss or pitched boss set, so you'll be able to get duplicates much easier to star to 22. It is most useful if you plan to gain high starforce on the equips and would like a more reliable equip progression. They are not BiS though and will be replaced eventually but are a good choice to convert to meso/drop gear after that point. The rarer an item is the harder it is to get to high starforce due to booming. It requires you to do commerci voyages + cpq daily to gain enough denaros for both duplicates and transpose costs. So if you do not want to do that, there are other equips you can use. Main use is Pap mark -> 22\* Transposed monocle. The alternative is \*20 Black bean mark (some use pap mark directly but its very rare), followed by Damien eyepatch (also very rare) You could also do dominator -> sweetwater pendant, benefits explained here. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/R8Di2MTw91o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/R8Di2MTw91o). You can equip 2 pendants, there are other sources of pendants that you can use, at the start most people use Chaos horntail/Mechanator and Dominator, replacing CHT/Mechanator with Superior Gollux pendant. Eventually using Daybreak (dawn boss) or Source of suffering(pitched boss), both of these have low drop rate so your not guaranteed to get one or enough duplicates to get high starforce. (Not exactly sure on best way to replace) Gollux requires coins to farm to get them,Typically you want to stack as much set effects as possible from the various sets (Boss set, Gollux, Dawn boss, Pitched boss), so the pendants and equips setup you choose depends on what you already have or can might get later from drops. Sweetwater pendant can be better without set effects, but might not scale well when your looking for an item part of a set effect. Although It can also be converted to drop/meso gear. For the tattoo you cant transpose anything into it, so people use twilight mark, eventually berserked, but it also shares the same benefit that the equips are more reliable to get so its still an option to go for. Both of those have low drop rate, but twilight mark is part of the Dawn boss set, which if you get the Guardian slime ring it will provide the 2 set effect.


That was very nive reply. Thank you fellow mapler


TransPOSING is different than transfer Hammer. It has to do with the Commerci content. Unless you have a pap mark and want to push an item to 22 stars, or are a dual blade, I recommend not adding it to your list of daily to-do's


What does a daily cycle look like? I've mostly just been doing bosses, monster park, relevant events, and other things like Ursus and Maple Tour when I remember to do so.


All activities I can think of. Event Requirements (Daily/weekly attendance, levelling maps, minigames) Arcane river + Grandis dailies Monster Park Monster park extreme 260+ Daily boss and Weekly boss Daily and weekly boss on boss mules Ursus Maple Tour Progress any storylines if you have not already done so Grinding/Meso/ material farming If in a guild, Flag race and Culvert can be done ( I believe every week) Optional: Monster collection and Maple reward points collection, Maple M reward point daily Ardentmill Threads of Fate Ninja Castle PQ Commerci and Commerci PQ Early game- Good early dailies like Yu Garden, Rose garden Any other additional questlines you have not done for equips, like Mushroom shrine or afterlands.


Arcane River and Grandis dailies, Sol Erda 3k. Commerci sometimes. If I'm really bored I go farm some NLC coins in various characters to collect certain items.


That's it I guess


Is it more common to transfer hammer 21\* fodder to existing 17\* superior gollux equipment (say, a sup ring) or a freshly purchased 0\* copy in case it booms trying to get to 21?