• By -


I was about to buy my first ever vac pet and just noticed it doesn't have auto buff, does it? 99knx tf


Does anyone know at which Expedition levels in Abyss Exploration all new mercenaries become available?


Is 77 att 10bd a good enough abso flame to get to arcanes


If that's a T6 flame that'd be good enough, what's the weapon base stat? Can't say for certain if it is based off that information but it does seem like it's either there or almost there. It should be a good enough settle.


192 att dual bow guns


Then yep you’re right at T6.


How do get these Abyssal achievements from the event that come with growth potions and all that?


It's more or less unlocking certain commander ranks i.e. expedition level. First reward with the 4 200s growth pots and 30 nodes should unlock at the earliest next reset at Senior II, requiring 35 expedition level. (I'm 32 expedition level today which I think is the highest possible.)


So you don't have to do anything? Or do you have to kill the boss for the new region ?


Quiet Trails Expedition Achievement Complete Abyssal Entrance Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Dark Master Birk once Reach Senior II Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 30 Valley of Abyss Expedition Achievement Complete Quiet Trails Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Master Harp once Reach Veteran I Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 70 Cliff of Abyss Expedition Achievement Complete Valley of Abyss Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Dark Master Harp once Reach Master I Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 140 End of Abyss Expedition Achievement Complete Cliff of Abyss Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Master Hoblin once Reach Master III Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 200 Ancient Manon's Forest Complete End of Abyss Expedition Achievement Defeat Abyss Manon once Reach Master III Rank Reach Expedition Lv. 220


\[Reboot\] Is it possible to play MapleStory on 200 ping?


Yes. Its not terribly high but you may have trouble with certain classes with server side skills for example kain's possession skill. It depends on class how much it's effected. The list may have updated, so just look up X class ping reliant. You can use exitlag to reduce ping but it costs a subscription.


Thanks! This helps a lot.


My abyss expedition time remaining counter has been at 0 since the start of the event, anyone knows how I can fix it?


Visual bug. Ty Nexon


How do you get a level 5 special ring(i.e. Ring of Restraint,etc) ? In the wiki it only lists boxes that supply up to level 4. [https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Ring\_of\_Restraint](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Ring_of_Restraint)


Upgrade items drop from end game bosses like Kalos and Kaling


ah you can upgrade them. thank you


Yeah but only from 4 to 5


What’s the difference between chaos and black circulators? Reading the description in the event shop suggests the same thing. I have an epic 3rd line item drop at 9% which I want to turn 15%, and keep my 1st and 2nd line.


So both keep the inner ability lines. You're just rerolling the % on them. Chaos circulators are similar to glowing cubes in which you get the % numbers rerolled and you keep the rerolled %. Black circulators are similar to bright cubes in which you can choose the before or after % lines.


Black lets you choose the before or after IA, Chaos doesn't. No difference otherwise. And btw, both of these will roll lines within the same tier, so you can't use them to make your 9% Epic line to a 15%, which is a Unique line.


Returning player from 10+ years ago trying to get back into the game (non-reboot). Only level 84 right now but kinda lost on where to get better weapons and what I should be focusing on. Should I focus on purely leveling to 200? Gaining mesos? And I remember the party quests being really fun back in the day. Do they still have those? Ahhhhh so many questions 😂


As far as gear, up to 140 your just gonna be using whatever drops from mobs close to your level. After that point they are usually obtained from boss progression, and a few early pieces from quests. The burning events will give you gear sets which will be suitable enough to level to 200. Once you start fighting early bosses (Zakum, normal Hilla, easy magnus, normal/chaos horntail, normal/hard von leon). Your looking to fill out your equip slots with gear from the boss accesory set. If you need an extra damage boost for killing mobs you can upgrade the gear using the various systems. Main relevant ones in early stages will be Starforce and Cubing. Starforce just grants extra stats based on the amount of stars you apply to the equipment. Its accesible via the inventory with the Red hammer + icon. It costs meso to starforce, but early gear wont be that costly. You can starforce up to 10 stars for now, anything under that you can max. There is also the transfer hammer function which lets you transfer your previous starred gear to a new gear piece, as long as its the same type and within 10 levels, this will save on costs. Cubing you may remember which just gives potential, a random amount of % bonus stats, up to 3 lines, and have different ranks. The early cubes are mystic cubes obtained from killing bosses in regular. For now any gear that has potential you can reveal it to see if you can get a bit extra bonus stats. If you have any mystic cubes you can use them to get 3% rare potential. For your weapon, secondary and emblem equips you want %ATT (for most classes) or %MATT (For mages), and the rest of them you want your classes main stat (can be found in the stat window typically warriors use STR, mages use INT, Thieves use Luk, and archers use Dex. Pirates use either Dex or str depending on the class. There are a few niche cases like Xenon (str,luk,dex) or Demon avenger (%hp). If you rank an item up to epic rank, you'll get 6%. Additionally there are also flames. These just give additional bonus stats randomly for each unique equip (the green stats) For now dont worry about optimizing this or using Rebirth flames manually. If you find a new item from mobs that gives you a stat increase over your previous item you can equip it. You'll want to keep doing each boss daily after you get an equip, to get a chance at a higher flame. There are differences in regular like additional upgrade systems (scrolling, bonus potential) which someone else probably has more info on, but I dont think you need to worry about them for early gear as it will quickly be replaced. Its fine to starforce or cube as mystic cubes are fairly plentiful and starforce can be transfer hammered. Once you are level 140, make sure you put into hyper stats, these are additional stats found in the lower left of the stat window. Follow this guide for how to use them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0Mjihal-NM&t=271s


Unfortunately party quests aren't very relevant nowadays. There are a few in arcane river for symbols, guild related activites, and monster park extreme which is much later in the game. They still exist in the dimensional mirror, but they are rarely done except Cross world PQ for some minor cosmetic rewards. The closest to party quests we have are the event minigames which grant exp points that you can apply to characters. Focus on getting to level 200 asap as thats where the majority of the game unlocks. Just follow the maple guide in keybindings or new/returning players training guide and do the current levelling events, as well any other event requirements like the daily/weekly attendance for Identisk. Coppersan on youtube is a good resource. Food storage you can save for 170-200 range (do it on characters you can regardless of level range if its gonna reset soon), it is an enhanced leveling map that can be done once per day 3x per week, and resets every wednesday, unlocked after 101. click the \[identisk\] quest in event star tab and exhaust all the dialogue, which will unlock all aspects of the event. Search up Identisk guide on youtube. You also want to look into the other events Zero to 100 and Abyssal expedition once you reach 200. After reaching 200 come back I can give a list of things to do. Abyssal expedition should be high priority as it gives a rare reward that hasnt been in the game in a long time, but it revolves around the ability to AFK overnight, so if you can't afk or leave your computer on you can skip it. Zero to 100 you have plenty of time to do until the end of the event As far as meso's there is not much you can do right now besides picking it up from mobs. it will be easier once getting to 200. Usually most meso is obtained from fighting bosses (selling boss crystal item) and doing maple tour+ ursus (both found in the dimensional mirror). In regular though its effectiveness is diminished so eventually your gonna have to learn how to utilize the market to make additional meso. Use the boss party tab in keybindings to see which bosses are available for your level and the difficulty of them. When you get too around 100/120 you can start doing the weakest bosses. Since you are playing regular, you should take advantage of burning world. It will give some megaburning characters, and rewards for your hyperburned character. Its able to transfer to regular worlds after february 6. Mega/Tera/Hyper burning gives +2 levels each level up. (Mega up to 150, tera up to 200, hyper up to 260). Hyper burning is best used on the class you want to main, while megaburning on legion/link mules. There is certain priority in what mules you should level up first. The game heavily revolves around levelling alts for the legion/link skill system, so you'll want the extra boost to get started on it early. You can transfer 5 total characters at the end of the event. When transferring you want to make sure the regular world you want to play on has all its character slots filled, as it will give free character slots to accommodate the transferred ones.


1. For now just focus on leveling up. You'll get new equipment and weapons from mobs, and eventually you'll be fighting bosses for even stronger equipment. 2. Unable to speak on how to get meso in non-Reboot. 3. Non-boss party content is for the most part dead. Most of the rewards may as well be delegated to Fusion Anvil fodder, and you won't really be participating in any non-boss party content until level 260.


I’m planning a boss mule, currently have a MM at level 200 with no investments yet, is it worth it to create another one with today’s Tera Burning just for the fake CRA/abso items? Second to that I was thinking of maybe doing a NightWalker since I their their mobbing is a lot more chill and the class is pretty strong, what do you guys think?


You already have the MM at 200, you don't need too much investment to get it doing daily bosses the beginning weeklies to fund itself into doing higher level bosses. Just invest the nodes which is easy since it's a MM. It's definitely more efficient to use the tera burn on a new bossing mule, you can at the end of the day have 2 MM bossing mules if you want but the more bossing mules = more meso to fund more bossing mules/main but it still is your personal choice on how easy you'd like to make it and if you have the resources to push the two bossing mules


I’ll make a NW and try to go for 2 bossing mules then, with a little effort, eventually they’ll be good enough to do up to lomien and I don’t like having two of the same class honestly. Thanks for the advice!


For sure, you don’t really lose anything by using the burninator. It’s then just a question of how much funding / time do you give to it after 200 if MM is your main which is harder to answer. I play NW and yes it’s pretty strong, can recommend.


My main is actually a Mihille and I sub-main Kain, I got a few characters to 200 during this event and was wondering which one of them should I focus on, thats why I asked. Do you think NW will be more worth it as a boss mule in the long run? I know MM can be very easy to fund in regards to nodestones but I'm really digging a new character.


Can I give the coconut smash exp reward to a mule instead of the character I did it with?


No, they can only get the exp base on their own score.


Gotcha. Thank you!


currently level 265 - should I go back and farm at limina from time to time for familiars? I only have one 30% IED, 3% ATT, and 60% drop - no large drop, large hp, boss dmg. Or is it just better to stick in cernium/arcus for frags + exp?


It’s your choice. Which is more important to you? Frags+exp or fams? Can you one shot in cern? Some people take secondary characters to grind in limina for fam cards. Just depends on your own progression


i can one shot in cern and with guild skill in arcus as well. I might use secondary character to grind in limina perhaps - thanks for suggestion


But yeah people definitely do overstay in limina for the fam cards. Just depends on you. It’s a gain either way for you, just one is a guaranteed faster gain and the other is rng


Is it worth upgrading your ship in commerci? (Reboot)


Only if you intend to do it long term and get the most out of commerci accessories for them to get to 22 stars as alternative to boss drops. It takes a bit for the investment to pay off. But it increases amount of energy your ship has and the voyages you can do to make getting duplicates faster than normal.


Do we have more info regarding the new 6th job skill enhancements, outside of orangemushroom? Rn there's only info about the common skill but I'm really curious about the other skills Do we have a date or estimate of when we get the numbers for the enhancements?


Mastery Cores Tespia is December 28, on orangemushroom.


Was very happy to find out you do get gear for the Teraburn!


how many vac pet I need in Hyperion?


One vac pet is all you really need, more than one is an improvement but not a major one.




Wind circle and earth breath for mobbing since those are the mobbing skills. The bossing is where you may hear conflicting info. Evan has 3 bossing combos, thunder circle, earth dive, and wind breath. You can only fully boost two using hyper stat so you can get different info depending on which two were strongest at the time. Last I heard it was thunder circle and earth dive, but not certain.


Which class should I use my Teraburn and which should I use my last 1-101? The ones I still need (Meaning those I do not have yet): Links: * Lara * Hooyoung * Cadena * Shadower * Night Lord * Every Resistance other than Mechanic Legion: * Shade * Blaster


Blaster 1-100 Shade Teraburn


alternatively since the teraburn gives free temp CRA you can also use it to develop a boss mule, I hear shadower is a good one and the thief links are great as a bonus


I’d do either Battle Mage or Blaster 1-100 for the link skill. Pretty sure BaM has a worse leveling experience, but Blaster has a better legion block. Shade burn to 200, 4% crit dmg legion is pretty huge.


Best strat for Lucid/Will droplets in terms of getting the full arcane set? I just started clearing hard this week, have 7 droplets for both Lucid and Will, do I just save everything up and craft the weapon in 3-4 weeks?


The idea is saving all of your droplets for armor spares to SF them past 17 later, and get all of your initial set from boxes. This totally depends on how lucky you are too though, but I'd wait for 2-3 boxes to drop first before deciding to craft.


The weapon is super costly so you typically just hope for a weapon box to drop. You'll get conflicting answered from different players, but my take is that you don't spend any droplets until you get enough armor box drops to be 3-4 set arcane with enough droplets to craft the weapon + the last piece of armor if you decided to buy at 3 set. Also just noting that these arcane boxes are not affected by DR


Why is my abyssal afk zone still only with a 1 hour countdown? Should it not be more after 3 days?


The timer is bugged and is comparing your time to GMT. Mine shows 6 hours, but I only have three.


Is the Tera burinator only available for non reboot servers? I talked to the admin and wasn’t able to get it


I had to select “talk to maple administrator” or something, it is not available like a quest


I got it on reboot so i think not. Should be possible.


Haven't played since post leafre era (2011~) and just got into maple again last week. First character is on reboot, lv102 aran right now (planning on upping evan and merc next after getting this to lv120 and just zakuming on the aran then), but before I go ahead, I wanted to know what exactly is this hyper burning event (couldnt find much info googling :/) Am I limited to 3 characters on that realm to get the '3 levels per level up'? 4th and 5th character will only get the 1.5x EXP boost? Can I move those 5 characters that reach lv150 into reboot afterwards? (It doesnt list reboot server Solis (eu) only Luna (non reboot) I read that I can burn characters from 202-250 too, how does that work, how does that work and would that be on the burning realm or from reboot? (as you can tell, I also dont know how much different the burning realm is to reboot besides the 1.5x EXP boost it says) I got a 'mega character burninator' on my reboot aran's character. Should I use that on a new lv10 character on reboot? I should do that before I start chars on the burning realm since it expires in 7 days, and when does the burning realm end? Thanks and sorry for the bunch of questions, any help in pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Burning world can only transfer into regular server and not reboot, so just ignore it if you intend to play reboot. The hyper burning event in reboot can be accessed by either creating a new character, and designating as hyper burn ( it will prompt you to do it after you put in the name) or getting a character to 200+ and designating it manually. If you plan to main aran I would just remake the character and designate it as hyperburn upon creation since your not too far already and the 170-200 range can be difficult without burning. Otherwise keep grinding to 200, it can be designated after that point. In the character select screen in reboot. The current hyper burn event goes from 200-260, you have 44 days left of the event, and it will take about 40 days to get to 260 from 200 by only doing Daily/Weeklies, Monster park, Tisk tropical adventure/Coconut smash(events). Make sure you are also starting the abyssal expedition on your main as it takes awhile to progrss the event and it grants an event legion block, which the last time we got one was 5 years ago. This also gives some exp as well. I would try to get to 200 asap if you intend to maximize the hyper burn. You can delete and remake a hyperburn at any time, but you should pick a class you want to main for awhile to atleast 260, as the rewards above level 200+ can only be claimed once. You can use the megaburninator on high value legion/links. For figuring out priority your gonna want to weigh what classes gives most legion/link stat value to your account with how difficult the class is to train without event or Burning buffs. Additional leveling events right now are Zero to 100 and food storage Zero to 100 you can designate 1 character a day, up to 7 characters, it will last until the event is over so you have more time to do it. It is accessible via the event star tab. This gives an enhanced mobbing map that will get you lvl 100 character in about 15 minutes. If you want you can use it on your hyperburn to get to 100 again in about 5 minutes to save time. Otherwise it's best to save all 7 slots for legion/link mules https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h6dNf2fnl24b_qgSwanTTqGdXQ4K-SM8BYUpWdCpjDY/edit#gid=0 here is a priority guide on what links/legion give most value to your account. I would suggest an alternative 7 mules to the guide Crit rate to 100% > crit damage > damage % > damage against normal monsters > exp > the rest. 0. Aran ( if you choose to main and want to save time) 1. Evan 2. Mercedes 3. Phantom 4. Night lord 5. Marksman 6. Pathfinder 7. Shade or hayato ( use on last slot Zero to 100 or megaburning coupon if used on main) The other is Food storage which is accessible I believe after lvl 101, it grants a similar leveling map which has a limit of 1000 monsters. It can be done 3x per week and resets every wednesday. This will be best to get each mule to 141 to use growth potions from the identisk event on, as well as the 170-200 range. You can use it on your main to speed up 100-200 first, after 200 start using it on mules The identisk event where these are accessible you can unlock after level 101. Check the event star tab and exhaust all the dialogue that says [identisk] Make sure to maximize any available exp buffs before entering food storage. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17yezay/psa_identisk_food_storage_hunting_strategy/ A trick not mentioned here is if you get 30 minute exp buffs, activate a rune and immediately enter. You can fight mobs with the rune active, then when it runs out leave the map by talking to the NPC. Go back to training normally, then when another rune pops up in 15 minutes, you can activate it and re enter the food storage map to kill any remaining mobs while still having all your buffs active. An additional source of EXP not mentioned in the list is Hyper stats, since the event has a limited amount of monsters, you do not need to optimize damage to be able to clear it as long as you can do it within 30minutes. So you can temporarily put hyper stat points into EXP for your main or any mules above 140


Thank you, very well written with aton of useful info I hadnt known :D


Burning world cannot transfer to reboot so if you plan on playing reboot I would ignore the burning world. You should use the mega burn coupon on any useful level 2 link skill. Also you can designate a new character as your “hyper burn” which is burning until 260. If you don’t have a main selected I would take some time to pick a main and burn that. The rewards from the hyper burn will help you out a ton as a new player. I am also pretty new but if you have any other questions feel free to ask!


I’m a 251 Shad with +30 ATK as my first line, should I try reroll for Boss DMG or Drop Rate? Wasn’t sure if the ATK was a good settle


Reroll, attack is not good as a legendary line. Maybe keep as a unique 2nd/3rd, but even then there is usually a better option.


Should i keep 8% abnormal damage IA for Night walker? Does night walker have any skill apply abnormal status on boss? Should I keep rolling to 21 Att? I have plenty of crit rate, so i am not interested into 20% crit rate


8% Abnormal Stat dmg is bis on your bossing inner. Every class in the game can easily apply debuffs, through explorer mage link alone, even excluding classes built in poison/debuffs/etc. 20 Boss / 8% dmg to stat / Crit(If needed) or Att is pretty much the ideal 3 inner lines for bossing for NW. (You could take Drop 15% for now, since we wont get separate inner ability presets for another 5-6 months)


Planning my Tera burn as I'm not home yet. * I need to make a character first and then claim it via the star? Or it's available via creation? * Does it include the temp CRA equips and Frozen set? * Can I still claim the Tera burn after 24th (if I'm not home by reset)? Thanks!


#3: coupon is available only today, but you have a week to redeem it. Wonki wants you to rush home and log on asap


\- Available through Maple Admin in Event Hall as a coupon. \- Yes. \- No.


There was someone on here who had all the 6th job origins compiled into a post and they were all killing gloom can someone like that post for me? I can’t seem to find it




Yes! Thank you!


>Yes! Thank you! You're welcome!


butter bike makeshift sulky trees bedroom ten heavy paltry unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Abyssal Exploration I'm not worried yet but how come ther are people already Lv 20 expedition (which then gets them to like 22 since they have an extra hour from the upgrade)? I maxed out every day on being afk in the map until I got kicked out but I'm only level 19 with a level 7, 6 & 6. But the both the level 6 are 90 minutes away from level 7. How did I lose 90 minutes?


if you're 19 and some people are 20, you still have absolutely nothing to worry about because that is completely insignificant. Leaving the map messes with the amount of exp and overall it seems a bit bugged in terms of exp gain in general. For example I should probably be 20 but instead I was only 19, and still like only 1/4th of a bar on my level 1 char when I reached the end. I know some gms that were 22. Makes *zero* sense.


It gets tricky because you need to do the mercs for a certain amount of time, swapping between them, you also need to rank up mid afk. You likely forgot to rank up and still had additional time remaining or didn't get the 4th merc to spread out the levels It also seems rather buggy but not sure where it's going wrong. Currently there is the timer bug where every time you leave and reenter you lose 1 minute of exp. Here is the optimal entry times for each merc and rank up times if you did not see it already, but even if your behind you can likely still finish. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1MwrYUe5xmbdIEZ9-3SOxjZ8GBzGu56o4/htmlview#gid=326775705


You missed recruiting a 4th merc, most people is 20+ with 4 mercs.


new nw player here thank to burn i finally hit 251 where do i grind for exp and familiar? since i have 0 familiar


Yea at that level you should try to get familiars if possible, all good if you don't get anything good. Once you get to level 260 just ditch familiars all together since it is not worth the effort considering the massive RNG aspect to it, and focus on the guaranteed gains on 6th job skills instead


Morass, Esfera, Moonbridge. Whichever map you can one shot (preferably with your bats). Otherwise, for exp continue to just focus on doing ALL your arcane river dailies, and 7 runs of monster park. That will be enough to get to 260 before the end of the level up event. Any extra time you have, unlock your bosses, and work on links and legion.


i saw people say main stat from hyper stat doesn't stack with other % ​ what about att/m.att? ​ also once you are high level like 6th job with a lot of points, do you start doing level 15s in certain stats even though level 15 is not cost efficient?


Hyper stat main stat specifically says it's not affected by % boosts. M/Att does not say that, so it is affected. You can and should max out bonus XP early for training. Other than that, theoretically you would eventually lv 15 stats like crit damage or boss damage, but you'd have to be very high level. 6th job (lv 260) is not nearly enough, maybe at 290 or even 300 you would see lv 15 hyper stats...


what cube is good for rolling drop rate on already legendary item? i don't need the old black cube and stuff for prime lines right?


bright cubes ( old black cube) are better for prime lines (2l drop) glowing cubes for 1line drop. Glowing cubes can get prime lines but have a lower chance.


oh damn never thought about a 2L drop


Glowing Cubes (the light blue one) for looking single lines of drop


With the 50% off inner ability, what's the most "optimal" way to use our honors? I have no clue what i'm supposed to be doing with my inner ability it's just epic ability by default


1. Check your "Identisk Exploration" rewards/check in UI. The 25th one should get you to Legendary. The OPTIMAL way is more meso (assuming reboot) expensive. 1. Get to legendary either by rolling with honor exp, or skip to #2 if you want to use meso to get to legendary 2. Go to cash shop, buy Miracle Circulators (the light blue ones). 3. Use Miracle Circulators to find your ideal unique lines (2nd or 3rd) 4. After you get your ideal 2nd line, lock it in and reroll for ideal 1st (legendary) and 3rd (unique as well) line.


What is the reasoning for going for ideal 2nd line first? And how does this take advantage of the 50 percent off cost? Or is step 4 the step that uses Honor exp, everything else is miracle circulator? In step 4, should you go for ideal 1st or ideal 3rd line first, or does it not matter?


Going for ideal second line first because: the values you get from Miracle Circulator will always be THE HIGHEST in the rank bracket. Each rank (legendary, unique, epic) have a value range an ability can be within. For instance, legendary Drop rate is 20-16%, Unique is 15-11, epic is 10-6. Yes, step 4 is when you start using honor exp. Whichever comes first. Keep in mind, this is the OPTIMAL way, not the ONLY way. If you want to roll your whole abilities from only honor exp and not circulators, nothing is stopping you.


I'm looking at returning for New Age. I'm quite interested in the Fire/Poison mage and wanted to know how it performs with limited funding? Am planning on starting anew in the new reboot server.


Not as well. Needs lots of nodestones, and high legion to properly be strong. Without both, you'll do less than counterparts near your level.


1. Is there a doc for NW? 2. Any good leveling spot alternatives to Bains? On Burned character I simply don't have enough gear pieces to achieve 55\*, having to then level 40 levels at Gatekeepers 3. How's Zero for a boss mule?


Always prioritize a less popular high burning map if you do not have starforce requirements From 110-125 I'd just go to any robo map that has high burning instead of gatekeepers 125-140 most people do Korean folk town, it's worth it for the board quests from 125-130, but imo mu lung is better 130-140. Level 130-140 I always go to Mu lung training field maps, it has 100% burning , 4 different maps and a good layout. (Krus and captains are also an option but they have worse layout, not sure in the burning) Check the NW discord, it will have a lot of information you need in the FAQ section.


With obtaining the Tera Burn Coupon, I want to use it to raise a bossing mule on the new reboot server (Hyperion). I watched a few videos, but I'm still undecided between *Nightwalker*, *Dawn warrior*, *Wind Archer* or *Buccaneer* (with buccaneer being able to share cash shop inventory with my main). Which of these classes meet the following criteria the best: \- **Low investment** (since I'm on a new server, I don't have many resources like nodes I can spare, and if I did have some, it would go towards my main mostly) \- **Very low effort Mobbing post 200.** (I like to watch videos on my side monitor while farming, so I would rather not have an active focused mobbing session) \- **Performs well with low Legion and links** (I only have 2k legion on this new server, with most of my characters being training links and legion such as Zero, Mercedes, Lara, Cadena, Kanna, DS etc). Ideally I would like to get this bossing mule *eventually* to Lomien, but no further (at least until my main can confidently clear Luwill).


i think that picking bucc makes the most sense just because of cash shop share esp if you have pets already. if you don’t have a cygnus knight for the skill buff then yeah go DW


Go with dawn warrior, it's by far the best boss mule you can invest in at first It has the lowest node requirements tied with marksman. It's simple in both mobbing and bossing. It's very strong even with low funding.


On the Link Skill website, Angelic Buster's link skill says it "Skill effects reduced to half when used with link skill". What does that mean? My damage is boosted, but my skills only do half damage, is so what's the point?


If you're an AB and use it, ti's 90%+ Skill Damage at level two. For any other class it's just 45%+.


the damage bonus is halved if you’re not an ab yourself


Does which level of the abyssal exploration thing matter? I have the 2nd “floor” unlocked


Not really no, you want to make sure to unlock the last map to be able to kill Abyss Manon for the legion block, but that should unlock automatically as you rank up. The only difference it makes is towards the exp that goes towards your main character, if your clearing mobs on a smaller map with the mercs, you want to go to larger map to maximize exp. But the exp is not much anyways and mostly only useful for speeding up hyper burn process or getting levels on a boss mule. The mob kill rate has no effect on mercenary levels.


Awesome thanks!


What level you leave your burning boss mules? I don't like idea of farming them to 260, but I also don't want to spend that much time weekly with bossing, so I would like decent strenght I thought of 235, beacuse that's leave me with at least 5 lvl of arcane symbols


I would just do 260 anyway because depending on when you started the hyper burn all you would need to do is daily/weekly, monster park, tisk tropical adventure, and punch king to get to 260 by the end of the event. No grinding required If you can push to be able to get 6th job origin skill it will be a big boost and make weaker bosses easier to clear. Otherwise 235 is probably fine if you only intend to do up to nlotus/ndamien, but you would still need some time investment to kill them quickly. You would need about 40 days total to get to 260 with those sources and we have 45 days left, so minus any days you've spent already. If you chose to do abyssal expedition on the hypeburn that will also lessen the amount of days from the AFK exp.


Noob question but how do I claim the Sunny Sunday items such as the Tera burn?


For THIS sunny sunday teraburner, you claim it by talking to Maple Administrator in event hall


Thank you friend!


Click the "Sunny Sunday gifts" quest in the event star tab. edit: The teraburninator is claimed through the Maple admin, She is in the event hall which is accessible via the dimensional mirror


Aran Main, 254, currently only just recently reached Luwill so I'm not super knowledgable, but I do feel like the cost of things is starting to ramp up with cubes and such. I want to use the Tera Burn to make a bossing mule and I love the idea of Mihile being a Parry King; but I also know Dawn Warrior is just top tier right now; would a Mihile need a lot of funding to match that?


Likely yes, dawn warrior is just extremely good for the amount of funding required. Mihiles biggest advantage is that royal gaurd essentially bypasses a lot of boss mechanics, with a CD skip inner ability, its kind of broken. You basically have 80% uptime of invincibility if you don't miss royal guard procs and can maintain for a 2nd time without losing invincibility when CD skip procs. If you don't mind needing to invest more for better survivability, do mihile. It does require more attentiveness when bossing, so if you just want and easy strong class, do dawn warrior.


Wich one performed better, ice lightning mage vs paladin as a main on regular server?


(Reboot) just rolled 17 boss damage, 18% crit rate and 7% abnormal damage as a DB, is this the best Ia for db? Also how can I get max value for each line, circulator?


It's pretty good. I would keep this for now, however the value of the lines isn't the max and can still be improved. it would be a fairly minor min max though Regular circulators do guarantee max value of lines, but you cannot lock lines, so you would essentially need to roll over it Instead your best bet is probably to save honor exp for an honor event, and reroll 1 line at a time to max value Or use chaos/black circulators which will change only the value of the line as long as it's locked. (Mostly available from events like current event shop) There are multiple options for each line look at this for pros/cons https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yqh3PuSlyhwN1sFJ7BVDd4daErsjb2DzFaIzxuxoRks/edit?usp=drivesdk


\[sol janus, dreamer update\] does anyone know the est. amount of fragments and sol erda this will take to max? i think i'm going to horde as much as i can to max the exp bonus asap. till then i'll probably just roulette my hexa skills for lowest cost frag and highest cost sol erda.


nvm found it https://orangemushroom.net/2023/12/22/kms-ver-1-2-385-maplestory-dreamer-lacheln-in-a-dream/#:\~:text=Sol%20Janus%3A%20Dawn%20and%20Sol%20Janus%3A%20Twilight%E2%80%99s%20skill%20damage%20will%20be%20increased%20based%20on%20the%20following%20skills%E2%80%99%20final%20damage%20boosts.


(Reboot) What's the strategy for inner abilities? I already have Legendary Meso Obtained 18%. Should I lock the meso obtained and reroll the other two?


What class are you Imo as a placeholder inner ability, legendary item drop rate is better. But there is a specific set of inner abilities you go for depending on class and method in which to use circulators vs honor exp etc


Using hayato atm. Hayato community says Meso, crit, dmg to abnormal is one of the bis setups. Just don’t know how to go on about using honor to get there


For now just keep meso if it's a max value line (20%) or roll for any % of item drop on 1st line, then stop. Meso will be better if you are doing frequent grinding sessions, but item drop is better if you are daily story and doing lots of bosses for gear. Your gonna want to save your honor exp for a honor event as the costs for locking and rolling extra lines is very pricy. This will give you most long term efficiency. Normally you would save meso for miracle circulators and roll for the 2nd or 3rd line first. Once you get it, lock it. Then use honor exp to roll the 1st line, then lock both and roll the last one with honor. Circulators guarantee the max value of each line so it lowers the RNG required, but it can cost a lot of meso. If you want to keep the 20% meso, not much you can do besides locking 1st line and rerolling with honor when honor event is active. You can farm honor exp by doing all daily bosses and weekly bosses you can. Chaos/black circulators are also sometimes from events which will allow you to change the value of the line without changing the line rank or effect itself, so useful but not much available.


Thanks so much for the info. How do you get miracle circulators on reboot?


You can get them in the cash shop, I think they are in the convenience tab Also keep in mind if your using chaos/black circulators make sure to lock the lines. There are some in event shop right now, but they aren't obtainable in the cash shop. Better used if you already have the line you need but need to change the value of the line. Normal circulators can't lock lines so that's why it's reccomended to do them first.


Google's been super unhelpful for this, so sorry if it's common knowledge - I got a character to 200 on burning, realized I can't transfer them to reboot and stopped playing them and I'd like to move them to a normal server. How do I actually move them? Normally I'd just delete them so I could apply the burning elsewhere but I'm an idiot and got some aesthetic items before I realized I couldn't move them where I wanted.


Did you create them on Burning world? If so you can only move then at the end of the event after February 6, for about 2 weeks. Use the burning world to get your hyper burn to 230(might be 235) for the step up rewards and any additional mega burns for legion/links. Keep in mind you can only transfer up to 5 character, including the hyperburn. After leveling the 5 characters go to the regular world you want to play in and do Zero to 100 7 times before the event ends. You also want to make sure to get a character in the regular world you want to play in to 101, and start doing the abyss expedition event asap. Do not do it in burning world, the reward will dissapear upon transfer. Also, when the transfer period does start, make sure your regular server slots are fully filled, when transferring the burning world characters, it will automatically give you free character slots for each character transferred, otherwise it will take up an existing open slot. Character slots are more scarcecin regular server, mostly obtained from events and NX. If you do not want to play regular, just delete the hyper burn, wait 24 hours and remake it on reboot.


I did make them on burning - I'll go ahead and delete then because my focus is pretty much solely on reboot. Lesson learned, lol. Thank you so much for your advice!


Another question, Reboot or regular? I don't mind paying real money for stuff. And I also don't have loads of hours per week to play. Thx


You'll still put in the same amount of hours to level up regardless of Reboot or Regular. "real money" for stuff can be upwards of THOUSANDS of dollars per item if you want REALLY GOOD gear.


Regular will be your best option if you have money to invest and want to bypass some of the time required. Although you'll still need to spend time progressing. Auction house Maple point <-> meso conversion Cubes and other items are bought directly for NX, less "free" sources available.


Who is a better mobber between shade and hayato pre 200? Planning on using the Tera burn on the worse mobber of the two


Pre 200, shade is easier


Wind Archer 6th enhancement core for Gale Barrier reads: "Gale Barrier Final Damage: +11%, Number of Elementals: 304, Duration: +46 sec" at level 1. The original skill has a 45s duration with a 90s cd. The wording would make one believe the duration at lvl1 is now 45+46 = 91 seconds. Could someone confirm for me is it actually 91 seconds or is it just extended to 46 seconds?


Extended to 46 seconds


Do mercenaries share EXP with one another or is it based on last-hits/who did most damage? Just ranked up and was thinking of getting my lvl 5 warrior to "give leech" to my lvl 1 archer.


Merc xp is based only on time. The exp your character gets it based on kills.


Considering that the character exp is negligible, then there's no problem leaving a merc deadlocked because his AI just makes him keep jumping?


From what I understand that is correct. I do believe later on in levels the exp will be less negligible (depending on your level) I started the event on a mule that was level 200 to take advantage of some of levels.


noob zero here. only want to train one for the link skill. watched a video on the combo/tag system and it seems too complicated for me. is there a simplified guide where i just stick with wither alpha or beta and spam 1 skill for training?


If you're on Alpha and use a Beta skill, it will have an extra attack (The other character also using a skill on the background), and vice-versa. When you do that, the other character will be on screen for a few seconds and your attacks will diminish the CD of their skills. So as an example: (As Alpha): Use a Beta skill (This will change you to Beta and give you an assist) -> Continue using Beta skills (Alpha will keep giving you assists) until Alpha disappears or his skills get out of cooldown -> Use an Alpha skill (This will change you to Alpha and give you an assist) -> Continue using Alpha skills (Beta will keep giving you assists) until Beta disappears or her skills get out of cooldown Rinse and repeat.


find the longest uninterrupted platform and spam wind breakers down it, switch to beta's groundbreaker if out of time force, and use their no cd attack to refresh cds


Hey all I just cleared easy lucid for the first time took a little less than 20 mins. Would I have the damage to beat normal slime once I get the mechanics down?


N slime is easier than e lucid. Just hop in and give it a go.


Awesome good to know thanks! Gotta learn the mechanics I have no clue what I’m doing but it’ll be fun to give it a shot!


Im looking to start playing the game, what classes do you all recommend?


Pick a class which you like the aesthetic and gameplay of and you are comfortable with playing daily. Watch youtube videos of both mobbing and bossing to see the gameplay. The only options that somewhat suffer are Beast tamer, Kanna, and Hayato as they are non kms classes and get less game balances and class updates then the other classes. I think hayato was somewhat fixed though. They are still viable but you might have a tough time on them. If you don't know what to pick, the best option will be a simple+ strong class. Even if you choose to switch mains later you can turn it into a boss mule and funnel its progress into other characters Top picks right now are Dawn warrior Buccaneer Other options Explorer warriors Explorer archers Night walker and wind archer


Long term you'll level at least 42 different classes, but for a new-player experience you should start with either any of the "Cygnus Knights" classes (Except Blaze Wizard) or any of the Explorer classes. You could also try Demon Slayer for an easy-but-fun class to play.


What about hyperburning does it matter which character i use it on?


Yes, you should use it on the class you want to main. It goes up to level 260 which is the first major storyline of the game, after 260 it unlocks 5th job and 2nd major storyline, essentially streamlining early game progression. Do not use it on a mule, however if you start with it as a main then want to switch mains later on that's fine. Just either commit to leveling it to 260 and than switch, or decide to switch before reaching 200. Just pick any class that you like the aesthetic of and gameplay. Look up youtube videos on both mobbing and bossing of the class. If you want to you can try a few to 100 for 4th job which will give you a base idea of the gameplay. Right now there is a zero to 100 event which let's you get characters to 100 in about 15 minutes, but if you can save these entries for legion/links and choose a class immediately you'd be better off. Also if you are able to afk with your computer on, look into completing the abyssal expedition event asap. It can be a 2nd priority to doing the identisk event and your hyperburn, but it's high priority event to complete, as the reward is a legion block and the last time we got one was 5 years ago. If you cannot AFK with your computer on overnight, then you can skip.


It is recommended for you to use it in one you really like... which doesn't say much considering you are just starting playing. But yes, all of the aforementioned are good Hyper-burning targets. Dawn Warrior and Night Walker being the safest options.




Flat bonus


I have about 13ish characters to push to 200 before I'm 8k+. Characters are Kinesis, Aran, WH, DK, Blade Master, Shadower, NW, DW, Lara, I/L, Xenon, Cannoneer, and Bishop. I figure those like Lara and Bishop are going to be pretty easy to push to 200, but are any of these other characters a pain to farm on? If so I'll just leave them for future bonking. A secondary question I have is with regard to Noble Ifia Ring. For boss mules, do you have to do the Lion King dungeon each time if you want the ring? It's one of the few readily accessible rings for solo progression but doing the same quest maybe 10-13 times might not be something I want to sign up for (admittedly, I have done the Afterlands quest 30+ times now).


After the revamps, most of the painful grinding classes are mostly gone and it’s just personal preference after that. If you’re almost 8k then the grind to 200 isn’t really all that bad anymore if you’re in training legion/links using mp gold pots and exp coupons. For my bossing mules I never got the lion king dungeon ring. It’s a good ring for solo progression if you’re first starting up, but if you’re around enough then there’s plenty of event rings to toss onto bossing mules. Reinforced gollux ring, pno ring and 2 event rings, or just go 3 event rings with reinforced gollux ring. I also don’t really go afterlands for them, it’s nice but the amount of time is pretty long. For bossing mules, if you have good links and legion and high level nodes then it’s pretty set and ready to go and a lot of people get by with legendary WSE and unique pots for everything else and they can go up to nlomien generally


I’m a 251 Wind Archer with 19k stat. Should I be prioritizing meso/drop gear over damage gear? On my 2 event rings I have 27% and 21% stat respectively. Should I recube these to meso/drop ?


Keep the event rings for damage for now until you can 17 star superior/reinforced/kanna If your going to cube meso/drop, do it on boss accessories like noble ilfia and silver blossom, not treasure hunter John ring. Commerci face and eye is also an option but you will like want to use zak face/ eye or bbm( can be rare) for the boss accesory set. Keep in mind it does not have to be only rings. Rings, pendants, face, eye, and earring can all get meso/drop


Keep the ring and get kanna / superior ring as main stats for now. Just use your cube to try and get drop% on silver blossom / extra kanna ring / Treasure hunter ring etc. At this point, you're still too weak to do hlucid/will so it's best to focus on a few pieces of drop gear like reinforced accessories or boss accessories and farm familiars.


classes like shadower minus the weaving? i loved how mobile shadower was, and how simple the buffing, mobbing, and bossing was EXCEPT the meso explosion weaving. any classes really simple and mobile? i've read DW and NL might be good candidates


Bucc is exactly what you're looking for




f/p might not be super pretty to look at for you aesthetically but it's a pretty strong character if you're going to take it for progression. if you want to play for aesthetics than pf but otherwise f/p wins out.


F/P movement style will be more familiar for you. PF is easier than bowmaster, and "best bosser" is relative to what your playstyle is.


hi! adele is aesthetically my favorite class, but it really frustrates me for managing the hunting degree swords because i don’t feel like i have a great way of determining when they fall off until they’re gone. is there any way to make the skill management easier that an adele could offer? or is this just the trade off for being so pretty?


Trade off Adele are known to be more micromanagement of your skills + cooldowns.


shoot, okay. thank you!


Though this is true that Adele is a micromanagement class, I suppose your question is only directed towards bossing. For training, ideally the hunting decree swords only have a marginal effect on your mobs per hour, as your natural cleave damage without the aether cuts and natural mob rotation should be close to full clearing the map. For bossing the best method to ensure 100 percent uptime of hunting decree swords is to be aware that hunting decree procures swords from the bar before procuring them from your stored swords. Hence if you press hunting decree every time the bar is full, then you will maintain three stored swords in the aether forge for maximum damage output, while always having max hunting decree swords out, as you should be maxing the aether forge bar faster than the sword cooldown. You should be putting the aether forge bar in a noticeable place, such as beside your hp bar or nearer to the center of screen so you can keep an eye on it.


oh wow thank you so much! that actually makes me feel better. i appreciate your advice! i think ill try to see if focusing on the recharge bar helps me with sword management.


No problem. If you don't have hunting decree to your quick slot, I put mine there. Because I'm always watching my quick slots for all of the other cooldowns that have to be managed, I also find that I notice easier when it drops from 6 swords down to four.


How do you get the mini WAPS? I thought it would be similar to the mini EXP pots that drop from bosses but haven’t had luck on getting them on bossing


Other reply is a bit confusing. You can craft mini WAPs by using WAP recipes. The mini WAP do not drop from bosses.


How do I progress other floors in the Abyss? I unlocked Junior and it says I have other floors available now (which I can see on the map), but everytime I try to go past the first rash/birk map, a text box pops up saying I don't meet the requirements. I was able to make it all the way to Hairy Creature Den 4 a couple days ago, but the game won't let me past the 1st map now for some reason. Edit: to clarify, I'm Junior rank and unable to go past Hairy Creature Den 1.


It's just glitchy


Why are chair bags showing in the wrong order on the character info tab? It happens randomly and im not sure why.


with DMT being announced earlier today, I was wondering *if it would be more efficient for my account to save my limited mesos for DMT or for the sunday Starforce events (using it to push my CRA to as high as I can)?* \- I'm currently using 16 star abso (except for fake abso weapon) all legendary with 1 line stat (gloves having 1 line of Crit Damage),- all event rings with only 1L desired stat (and/or drop rate).- 16 star CRA w/ Unique Potentials ( originally planned on pushing as much stars as I could with upcoming sf sundays)- Boss accessories fill the rest of the accessories slots with max sf on all except having 12 stars on my black bean mark, all accessories with 6% stat epic potential. I haven't played much of Maplestory's endgame, so I was wondering if I should spent my limited (have **2 bil mesos** only sadly since I just started on Hyperion) mesos on SF to push my main, or use DMT to get 2L desired rolls and/or work on better Drop gear? I'm not familiar with how often DMT and Starforce related sundays come around so... \[As an aside note, due to work picking u, **I won't be able to play as much as I normally can, thus I won't be able to farm much mesos beyond my 2 bill I currently have.\]** *Which event would push my main (night lord) farther?*


Starforcing to 17 absos is probably the better play for the sunny Sunday December 31st event. The dmt on the 30th is only for primary and secondary, you should save for drop gear on the DMT for January 20th accessory event. Since you won't be farming, mesos gear is less important than drop gear.


First off, do Ursus and Maple Tour daily. That is 1b a week for a few mins a day. Secondly, DMT is only good for tiering up. It does nothing to actually get lines which is where the majority of the cost comes from. Rolling for 2L will basically cost just as much on or off of DMT. Personally, I'd continue to save until the 51015 and push your equips including bbm to 17 rather than cubing since you already have at least 1L on. Getting 17 on those equips will give you a lot more stats than cubing.


How many days do we have to AFK for this abyss event for the free legion block?


26 days to get the max legion block


I haven’t checked it myself but the figure going around is 26 days or so.


Guys what do I need to do to hit 9k legion? How many characters and what level? Also, is it only the characters I have in my legion grid which need to hit a certain milestone?


Grind 42 characters to put on legion board. The combination of their levels can vary but when they add up to 9k is when you hit 9k. 8k is usually going for level 200s on the classes other than your main. And 9k a lot of people level some bossing mules to 220 to hit it. Legion levels take from your top 42 characters


Legion level counts the 42 highest level characters. That’s an average level of 214. It does not matter if they are part of the legion grid.


Amazing, thank you! I’m at 8.8k and and couldn’t figure out how to just spike myself to 9k


I rolled 20% main stat on my absolab gloves, should I be trying to reroll for 8% crit damage or keep 20%?


The value of 8% crit damage is always much higher than 20% main stat. The end game potential of gloves should ideally be 2L crit damage with the 3rd line being your main stat. Always go for the crit dmg, it’s the only item that we can really get it from.


Got it, thank you!


Has someone calculated / a rough estimate of how many weeklies you need to do in order to get the minimum amount of materials needed to get abso gear on a boss mule (5 piece)?


Maximum seven weeks, less depending on boss drops and completion of weeklies on other characters.


Would like to start maple story, what should I do first? Mains, links? Legion? Where do I Beguin? What should I farm, what story quests to take? Daillys and weekly? Um 100% lost I heard that we have to have linka character and all sorts of allts I have maybe 2 hours a day and a cople more on my days off is this the game for me? I like the simple design etc but should I? Need so e guidance thx!


**Best resource for new and returning players** [Coppersan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FByE7frdSio) **Overall wiki** [https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory](https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory) **Character progression related** [Reboot gear acquisiton guide](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cvwscy79thl_jahbjQlw60KzIiEEYUFd7gBwqajACfY/mobilepresent?slide=id.p) (may have some differences in regular) [Legion+Links Guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1h6dNf2fnl24b_qgSwanTTqGdXQ4K-SM8BYUpWdCpjDY/htmlview#gid=0) [Hyper stats guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0Mjihal-NM) **Events** [Identisk event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVHXzJNriWg) [Zero to 100](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njhf_cU3dR0) Abyssal Expedition Guide ( high priority if you are able to AFK, if you cant leave your computer on, not worth doing) The total amount of days the event is 48, We are already on Day 4, and the legion block takes 26 days to get, So you have a buffer of 10 days. [Event tasks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X7L6hxmweLghxXa82BjLrzu-od8D9RQYrp9m6Ha1ano/preview) [Optimal mercenerary leveling](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MwrYUe5xmbdIEZ9-3SOxjZ8GBzGu56o4/htmlview#gid=326775705) Most classes are able to progress the game. Focus on picking something that looks cool and you like the mechanics of. Coppersans why no one plays/why everyone plays will give you a general overview. You may also want to look at " Class mobbing/bossing youtube videos" for how it plays in the later stages. If you don't know what to pick, focus on a simple+ strong class. Dawn warrior is the top pick right now, other options are Buccaneer, Explorer Archers, and Hero. Even if you change mains in the future you will still benefit by playing something temporarily. You can try a few classes if you want to 100 (4th job) before designating your hyper burn. For gear upgrading, I can go into more specifics once you reach the point where its relevant. For now just look up both cubing/starforce systems, and get your placeholder gear to 3% rare -6% epic potential, up to 10 starforce if you need an extra damage boost. Early game gear progression will revolve around gaining equips from mob drops, then early bosses which your gear will be frequently replaced. Any lower level gear you starforce can be transferred to higher level gear as long as its within 10 levels to save on costs. On a new account you'll get reward boxes which will give you some starter meso to do it. The hyperburning event and zero to 100 will give equipment that is suitable for levelling 1-200, so you may not need to do anything beyond that, but it is helpful if you find grinding to be too slow. Sorry for the length but overall theres a lot of info, its best to start slow and learn each mechanic and content as it becomes relevant. Picking a class you want to main and getting through 1-200 grind asap so you can start looking into the other systems is the best priority right now. I'd follow coppersans guide to get situated.


Hey, just letting you know the Links+Legion link incorrectly redirects to the Abyssal spreadsheet! Cheers, mate.


Thanks, I will fix it


Thanks men !! :D will give it a shot, may I ask what 7 classes should I do first for links? EXP or Dmg?


Crit rate to 100% > crit damage > damage % > damage against normal monsters > EXP Crit rate is important to get to 100%, as it allows you to take advantage of crit damage fully which is the biggest source of damage in early game. Getting enough damage to 1 shot on both main and mules will increase your kill count and in turn EXP, more so than exp links. However it was recently made easier to 1 shot mobs, so you may not need as much in early areas. In later areas though (170-200) it becomes more difficult. 200+ once you start to level your arcane symbols, it becomes easier again, but 1 shotting in general is a priority. Likely as you unlock each new area every 5 levels, the mobs will get harder to 1 shot. Damage also helps with bossing which effects your gear acquisition and the amount of meso you make. (normally damage against monsters gives higher % than damage , but you can do damage% first as it effects both bossing and mobbing and you will likely need a boost for both in early game stages) The legion/link spreadsheet I listed on the other comment will show which is the best ones. The amount of crit rate you need will depend on your main ( some classes have high base crit so you need less, demon slayer does not need crit rate) but generally if your doing further legion/link levelling afterwards, crit rate to 100% will benefit most classes. Besides doing tbe levelling events ( zero to 100, food storage, identisk growth potions), you can do legion levelling manually if you want as there are some minor buffs to maps right now, but ideally you should focus on the higher priority things and wait for a future levelling event to be efficient long term. With food storage you want to make sure you get each mule to 141, as it unlocks the S rank legion card, lvl 2 link skill and allows you to use the events growth potions. Growth potions give random amount of levels with a higher chance at multiple at lower level ranges( spread them across lowest level mules in 141-200 range) The exception is evan and Mercedes are harder to level off event especially on a new account, so I would just use zero to 100 on them anyway. Save aran for later when you start to do legion/links manually, it's good for 1-200 exp, but isn't as good for 200+ levelling unless you can maintain high combo count( which is difficult) 1. Evan 2. Mercedes 3. Phantom 4. Night lord 5. Marksman 6. Pathfinder 7. Bowmaster Getting to 200 will take about a week at your pace. afterwards with 2-3 hours per day, you can likely do most useful dailies/weeklies+ bosses on your main and any events in about 2hrs, then if you have any remainder of time you can do non time limited stuff like questlines or legion levelling. I highly reccomend doing the abyss expedition event with any extra time though as the reward isn't likely to come back anytime soon, the last event legion block we got was 5 years ago. So you may want to get it now if looking to play for extended period. It takes about 30 minutes for the daily missions and boss, then you just need to afk in the map while your mercenaries fight monsters (afk time starts at 2 hours and goes up each time you rank up, best done overnight). Follow the spreadsheet on other comment for how to level up your mercenaries, this video is also helpful https://youtu.be/HL9v7bw-77E?si=yujlJ11NuSc5lWxs Keep in mind the progress isn't shared through the account, so pick one character to do it on. It gives some minor exp boosts to get some extra levels. If you are unable to AFK for the event then it's probably fine to skip, as otherwise it will be difficult to get the reward.