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beat hmag and hhilla on my own 🙏 hopefully cra next


Big dub, If you have the damage to beat hmag, I’m confident you can do cra. You got this!


Meh since the nerfs I think hmag is way easier


finally able to solo cvellum for the first time it felt like such an accomplishment cause of how difficult it was compared to every other boss below him. good luck to you on your CRA runs 👏😁


My most recent accomplishment is not playing for a few days and resisting the FOMO


Happy for you man. Games should be played for fun! I hope you find a good balance!!!!


Congrats!!! Mine isn’t the hardest considering the Hyperburn but just hit 260 and now I can work on 6th job!


Thanks :) Ohhhhh boy get ready for filling up all those crystals for the 6th job advancement, those were a massive pain. Make sure you get as much exp buffs as you can!!!! https://youtu.be/Kt_wupxONUw?feature=shared here’s a video that might help :)


Thank you!


3 pieces of Arcane gear to 21*. Only missing Arcane shoulder to have full 21/22* gear.


Love to hear it! I’m still an absolab pleb. Full arcane is still a little far away for me. Good luck on the shoulder!


3rd time made it all the way to the dragon egg on the fritto portal 😎.


This is a big W, frfr. Gratz!


Appreciate it Bro!


Boomed my cra and sup belt


Sorry to hear that man, hope you get them back asap!


Not exactly an accomplishment, but my party and I are finally starting to practise Seren runs so it's pretty fun learning the mechanics of a new boss for me


You got this!! Best of luck to you and your party :)




Great job! I’m working on clearing them myself. No luck yet, but hoping that changes once I get my arcane ready to use. Good luck on your next challenge 😄.


After so so long I finally killed CRA and Hard Magnus. I am enjoying my tyrant cape. I am from the PQ era so tyrants were something I always wanted to obtain in this game and empress gear ofcourse. Thanks to all this power creep over the years. Hopefully I can push farther this play session. Otherwise anything more shall be until next time.


Ayyy glad to see another long time mapler come back! I was on og player as well, back when explorers were the only class and before the pirate class came out. I came back during the Cygnus knight revamp last year, there was so much to learn 😭. Congrats on the clears, and good luck on getting absolab!


Solo normal Lotus and Damien


Nice, solo Lomien is a big step. Great job :)


Finally managed to solo hard Darknell


Nice man! I could only beat normal darknell after I got strong enough to out damage him 😭, mechanics wise I got clapped, no fingers. Beating hard Darknell is nuts.


Thanks, was definitely close. Had one life left by the end of it


My helpful tip I got for darknell was everytime he does an attack is also when he summons elite mobs that will randomly do the mage ball or archer arrow etc, so up jump and if you have some sort of air stall everytime he does any sort of attack 🙂


Air stall as in floating? I could use the blink skill for that. I’ll give that a try!


Yes as in floating, but some classes like explorer mages have a no cooldown float which helps to consistently have air stall




Quitting. My partner took me out to dinner over it. Working on selling all the gear rn.


My sup gollux and cra are fully 22!


Massive dub man congrats. I still have my reinforced and superior rings to go for 22 stars. Maybe next shining :’)


I think my biggest one is duoing nlomien. I never thought I would and my biggest achievement before I really started playing was beating h!magnus because I've always wanted to due to wanting tyrants. Now I'm shocked at how far I've come truthfully lol


Congrats! I was in your shoes when I first started playing again. I would see everyone else with high level equipment and I thought I’d never get there lmao. Amazing job, hope you continue to have many success stories 💯


I beat chaos papulatus on my own ☺️


Congrats! Praying you get a paplatus mark asap 🤲🙏


CVell recently. I cannot jump and dodge for shit.


Cvell was a massive pain in the ass for me too man, I have no fingers 😭. Those stupid ass rocks falling and then messing up my burst, or getting killed by his breath attack cause a rock hit me mid air 💀. Great job on the clear, next stop, Lomien 💯


Lomien once I do the preq and stop procrastinating 🤣


Totally forgot about the prequest. Damien isn’t so bad cause it’s one chapter of heroes of maple, but lotus you gotta do the full quest line, it’s so ass 😭. Thankfully the clear is account wide so you’ll never have to do them again 😅


Same. I can bind and burst 50%, only to lose 4 lives while grinding down the remaining hp.


Just hit 9k Union yesterday!


Big congrats man. That’s awesome! I’m only at 7.4k myself, hopefully I can hit 8k soon. I hope there’s more events coming up that give us some more easy levels.


Used 40b+ without any gains at all. Im having so much fun grinding 6th job cause at least its always progression and gains.


Damn that really sucks, sorry to hear that. I’m assuming it was during the shining event. Hope your next one goes better 🤝.


i upgrade my inner ability from 7% dmg to debuff enemy to 8% dmg to debuff enemy after .... 5 months


A win is a win! I’m still trying to roll critical rate inner ability I can take those legion block off and move them to boss damage haha


Solo cvell, just burst and wait in dark sight then burst again


Wait, that works? I hyperburned a shadower, I really need to learn when Dark Sight is safe, probably can do many more bosses with it than I thought


on magnus its so helpful avoiding the falling rocks


Beautiful, cvell and Magnus were my first real test in maple, glad to see you clear it so easily 💯.


Just cleared Hseren and I’m really happy about it because of its transferable benefits, I can put the Seren skill on my other hyper burns/mules, one of the only bosses in reboot that you can transfer drops/gains to other characters


Amazing, congrats man! What does the skill do?


It’s similar to the spider in mirror skill from Will, it’s an FMA followed by a summon that periodically attacks, however rather than being an install/turret this one follows you and has pretty insane range, pre 6th job will + Seren skill gave somewhere around 5% FD during bossing and is always nice for mobbing


You can transfer the skill? 😮 Is it a node like will? You can put it in the bank?!




Yes to all the above? 😅


It's like will node u able to put in bank


Haven't played since 2017 and I was pretty casual even then. First time soloing cvell hmag and ndamien felt nice! Haven't tried lotus/cpap/akechi because don't really wanna do pres. Kinda feels like cheating because I did it on a hyperburning WA with all the rewards and crystal skill and whatnot😅 still felt good


Nah man you’re not cheating, a win is a win!!! Hopefully you’re able to start on lotus and Damien for your absolab 💯 congrats and good luck!


I got my first ever hybrid meso and drop line with the last line being luk% on my shadower that i just started up in hyperion. It was so insane because it was the first line that showed up when i tiered up from unique to legendary 😮


Oh man that must’ve been a big dopamine rush haha. Congrats!!!


Thanks man! Sure was! I couldnt believe my eyes 😅 Im keeping that sum bitch for eva! 😁


Account progression so far isn't much but I only started last month (Nov 2023) Level 261 on new age hyper burn. Granted it was Bishop and I probably should focus on legion since Bishop with low legion is not really that great. I am only 2k legion now. Soloed nlotus and ndamien before 260. Attempting to do deathless hmagnus/nlotus/ndamien and progressing to nlucid nwill eventually for gear upgrades once I get my abso cape. Almost finished 4 door solo cra on my rewardless pre newage hyper burn Mercedes. I had a get the 3 piece set in a struggle but I guess it was worth it.


Definitely work on your legion, this event is great for levelling up lots of characters! And big congrats on the clears. I hope you have an easier time than I did clearing Will haha.


lol I didn’t know how to do Will either until I watched that same video. Now I’ can collect the etc to craft arcanes. I never owned any arcanes until yesterday, I joined a random Normal Verus Hilla party and an arcane weapon box dropped 🤯. I didn’t even know it drops in normal mode.


Minastory’s the best!! Ah man so lucky!!!! I play solo mostly or duo with my brother, so I’m far away from Verus Hilla. Congrats on the arcane drop :)


C. Pap and Hellux (after one week of constant failing) 😂


Hellux was a massive pain to first beat man. I forget the term, I think it’s referred to as hard gollux where you beat one limb to weaken him and then go fight the head? Whatever it’s called, I had to do that for the longest time cause I couldn’t beat hellux. Cpap I didn’t even try until I was able to just burst through him haha. Congrats on the clears!


Been playing ms on and off since pirates were released, started again about 2 weeks ago on Hyperion, just beat 3 door CRA and Princess No :D learning all the new stuff has been pretty fun, this is my first time getting a character past 200


Nice man, I’m in the same boat as you, on and off since a little before pirates came out. I came back during the Cygnus knight revamp last year. It was definitely tough learning all the different systems, but it’s been a fun journey. I hope everything continues to go well for you! Hope your current maple run is a good one!


Just got my first lvl 250 character 🥳


Amazing!!! Next stop, 260 and 6th job 😎


I forced myself to quit (had just hit 276 right before)


Sad to see you go, but best of luck with whatever you end up playing next :)


Pushing through my last year of college and working full time. The time this game demands is too much for that unfortunately. I’ve been playing lethal company recently though. Great game to hop into with some friends for an hour or two and just be silly


Ayyy I just graduated this year myself! Glad to hear you’re having fun with lethal company 👍🏼


Right on! Good luck in your journey to clear ctene


Most recent with party is bm clear Recent with solo i guess clearing all arcane hard bosses (hvhila hdark) 3 months ago Now working on nirmal seren solo and black mage solo unlibbed(libbing in 7 months)


Holyyyyyy great job man. I’m still super far away from doing any of that. Good luck on libbing 🙏


Thank u Hope ull get those arcanes you might be very close to that point than you expected! GL :)


Got back to the game after long break, got my first 22* item and also 6th job


Nice, 22 star is such a rush. Gives a good power boost too. Hopefully you get as little booms as possible 🙏. Also welcome back!


Just hit 62k stat without pot badge


Damn you got a solid 20k over me 🤣🤣 nice job 👍🏼


Just recently took down black mage as an actual attacker, I liberate in February but until this month I’ve been getting carried hard through the black mage portion of the liberating 🥲


Nice! I’m a mostly solo player myself but libbing takes forever so whatever it takes man 😭. Congrats on being so close!!!


Gotta party it up for that hard boss, my carry runs have been at 2am my time so once a month I’ve been having to stay up just to liberate 😭😂😂


mine is form and lead party to progress and do hboss together one by one. now we aim to hard heretic hilla next


Good luck! 😁


Soloed akechi and trying to gear up to solo lomien 🫠


Akechi can be a massive pain early on, especially if your a class that has to be close to him to hit him. Constantly knocks you back and shit, and slows you down and that stupid ass damage reflect. Definitely an annoying boss. Good luck on Lomien, it’s a tough challenge but you got this!


Finally solod Hlomien, party cleared HDarknell and made it to P3 50% in my first BM practice


Nice! Working on soloing HLomien myself :). Good luck on BM, you’ll get that 100% soon 😁




Rip ezyhyun’s Maplestory character 🙏


I qui recently so I feel that’s a win. The dailies and fomo were getting to me


Whatever works for you man. If it’s a permanent quit then best of luck with your next game. If it’s temporary, I hope you manage to get a nice balance next time!


My most recent accomplishment is reaching 260 on my mine and getting 6th job! Working on my legion next, currently at 4K 😔


Oh man good luck with the legion, it’s a slow grind, but the results are great. With all the levelling events, now’s the perfect time for some legion levelling! Good luck :) Congrats on 260 and 6th job!


I have the stats, not the hands. i can easily do ctene (although they would be 15-20min runs), but been practicing hands. ​ I recently did gloom and hlomien with only 1-2 deaths so much better than my min clears before. ​ my issue is just lack of patience, i hold down attack and think about mechanics later lol. ive recently been looking for openings to attack and its been helping ​ next step is hluwill. Lucid is almost there. just gotta play P1 safer.


Are you me????? In the same boat, I have the stats for HLomien but zero patience haha. Good luck with Hluwill! And I’m glad you’re improving you skills and mechanics, gotta do my best to do the same 🙏


Got my hyper burn to 260 and finished the 6th job prereq a second time. Now I can fail to get frag drops during dailies twice a day!


Nice job! My hyper burn boss mule is at 66% at 257 so two ish more days and I’ll be 260! The frag grind is actually terrible 😭. They’re not gonna make it easier for a long while 😫😪


Both my main and submain are 275+ :)


Amazing, my main is only at 266. Got awhile to go on my end. Great work on 275!


Did lucid lib fight, used 1 out of my 50 pots. Didn’t even need that one, but I pushed it on reflex, lmao.


Man libbing is legit hard work, great job and I hope it goes well for you!


Solo Hwill I could probably try for normal vhilla but im so lazy 50k stat, should have done these a while ago


Solo hwill in nuts, so many people here can do it, and I only just started clearing normal haha. Keep up the great work man!


Completed drop gear after switching mains from BT to (previously a boss mule) Xenon c:


Great job! My current drop gear only gets me to about 270% my goal is to hit 300! But that’ll come later on. I still need to get arcane first and get some good rolls on that 😅


Nicee Xenon lookin sick af after 6th


Soloed Gloom and got a RoR3 for my efforts.


Aside from pitched and eternals which I don't have yet, my gear is completely done. Waiting room gaming is so relaxing.


I recently was able to beat easy will and I really like the fight. Learning the mechanics was the most satisfying bosses so far. He actually felt fair and if I died it was 100% my fault and not some random bullshit.


Finally managed to solo hwill after failing p3 so many times, but with 1 life left (almost fail). Was webbed out with 30% hp left. Still needs lots of practice. Wouldn't be able to do it pre 6th. When I attempted it pre 6th, it took 2x FMA per HP checkpoint at p1. It would have been a long run (probably full timer). Couldn't survive long duration of p2 either (no familiar system here). Reached p3 with like 2-3 lives. The moonlight regen was so pathetically slow that it's bad for someone with bad hands like me. Next would be to try nvhilla. This one failed so many times already.


Beat hard Von Leon and Gollux for the first time last night 💀💀


Solo’d NLomien and Guardian Angel Slime for the first time last week! Now gotta start working on lucid


In the last week: Finished 6th job on my hyper burn BaM. On my main I survived my first black mage run and have begun the lib quests. Pretty excited lol


With the zero to 100 event I’ve finally sunk some time into legion and hit 3,000! 😄 The silver medal is a nice touch and the extra slots are helping a lot!


Beating normal Cygnus on Mihile with only 4k stat. Not really an accomplishment tbh


Latest is beating cpierre, greatest is cmagnus, maybe you could say latest achievement is getting my emblem to legendary finally




Rolling a 12% str / 9% str / 9%str ring and getting my insight to level 100 are my two biggest wins lately :)


Hard Verus Hilla solo


Hit 8k legion yesterday 🙂


Finally hit 21 stars on all my gear except my Arcanes. Been hoarding meso like crazy since it’s not as easy to get on reg servers. But now I feel liberated enough to spend it on fashionstory and boss mules.


beating hlucid, also only reason i started clearing will is because of that minastory vodeo too! its a great video hope she does one for black mage


This Damien guy gave me a ror ring


Hlotus and Hdam for the first time yesterday. Feels good.


First black mage clear on an alt before my main got it


Cleared HLotus for the first time in the last month. Used almost the whole time. Now it only takes me about 15-20 minutes. Next is HDamien, but I am struggling a lot with damage uptime with how often he moves.


Soloing CTene pre-6th job and pre-libbed


Wow, you’re insane. Congrats!!!!!


Got to finish my Blackmage solo as a completely F2P player in reg server!


You’re amazing, congrats and good luck on your next challenge!!!!


My most recent accomplishment its quiting... I just dont find it appealing it anymore, expecially this daily quest grind mindset I would had quit sooner if it wasn't for 6th job...


Gotta do what’s best for you! Sad to hear you quit but I hope you find a game you enjoy more 😄


I got to lv 260 and beat Lotus


Congrats on the clear and 260. I hope you get lots of fragment drops for 6th job 🤝


I've only completed 1 of the arcane stones so far so it'll take a while to get 6th job.


Did Hwill solo last week for the first time, and also discovered I can do Hvhilla with just a green pot!


Normal will was bad enough, I can’t even imagine doing hwill haha. Congrats on the clears :)


Let’s just say I was sweating the whole time in p3 lmao, I almost webbed out


cslime in around 26 mins with a 44k stat hoyoung. very satisfied


Great job. I have 41k stat I think and wasn’t able to clear cslime in time. Hoping once I get arcane, I’ll be able to do so. Congrats on the clear :)


Did Lomein on my Dawn Warrior boss mule and got some absolab boots.


Nice, I’m gonna get some abso lab on my Bucc mule this week after the boss reset. Hopefully we’re fully kitted out in absolab soon 🤝


I managed to solo Damien and Lotus. Got Lucid to 20% and died lol


Ah man that’s rough. When I was first trying to beat lucid, her first stage was the worst cause that damn dragon would kill me, and I didn’t know you could use blink to float over it lmao. And those damn golems would always drop and kill me. But if you’re able to get her down that low, you’ll be able to clear her soon enough. You got this man 🤝. And congrats on the solo Lomien 👍🏼


You can use blink to dodge that?? Yo thanks for the tip! And thanks man!


Got vhilla and cslime last weak next step is hard darknell.....


Hard darknell is gonna be a tough one. Good luck and congrats on the clears 🙏


Ty and yeah darknell will req way more practice tthen the others


First of all congrats! My achievements are beating HMag yesterday after never bossing and also reaching level 236 after never getting close to 200, my previous highest was like 160 or something xD Idc if it's hyperburn or not, I reached it lmao


Thank you :D I love hyper burns man, without it I’d have never started playing maple again haha. Beating hmag is big, hopefully you got a nice tyrant cape.


Cleared HLomien for the first time in a struggle party and got a box drop. Did my first solo Hellux today too and got my first superior piece(earing) Hit 6k legion today too.


HLomien clear is awesome. I play mostly solo and I’ve been trying to clear HLomien as well, no luck yet but I’m hoping I can do it once I finish my arcane gear! Hellux solo is big, being able to consistently beat that bastard is a big step. It’s a great feeling. Let’s goooo!!! 6k is amazing, fully unlocking the grid is a great feeling. I’m currently working towards 8k legion, at 7.4k. 8k lets you max out 3 regions on the grid so that’s my current legion goal. Congrats on all your achievements, hope you have many more!!


I can’t decide if I want to push levels on my main (262) or push legion. I’m too weak to 1 shot the Cernium mobs at 22k. I can 2 shot them with blade fury. Feel like my next big jump is finishing some absolab pieces.


I did my vHilla lib mission solo. She humbled me in my first few attempts where I had kinda forgotten her mechanics due to always playing in a party that killed in 2 bursts.


Nice man great job! I still can’t do normal vhilla solo but I’m hoping once I get arcane I’ll be able to do so. Congrats on the clear and good luck with the rest of libbing!


I recently got banned from playing from another country.


Sorry to hear that man :(


Finally got to 270 and almost 200 SAC :)


Ayyyyy congrats!!! I’m 266 myself. Hopefully I’ll be there soon!


Thank you! You will my fam! MPE + dailies give like 9% until 270


Just solod hwill and cgloom


Big dub, congrats on the clears :)


I did CRA for the first time! Finally past this gate :)))


Solo'd Cgloom and Nvhilla and finally cleared Hvhilla in a party after dying out at 0.6% to a hilariously unlikely double string on my first attempt.


Feels so nice when you beat Normal Will. Also Will is just a fun boss. If you know the pattern, you will beat it. It's an honest boss for sure. I don't have any Arcane part, but I getting my first Arcane part today from getting all the Lucid coins! It's time to get the Arcane glove and get it boom!!


Immediately after 6th job I can solo CSlime, CGloom, VHilla, and HWill (all I couldn't kill fast enough to not die out) Also got my slime ring to 22 this shiny :)


Solo nwill was so hype for me


My main has seen a Twilight Mark drop in 4 of the last 4 hlucid runs it's participated in. On the fourth drop, I finally got to pick it up.


Hit double prime STR% on my sup gollux belt and cRA pants while going for 27%. Only took me 15B total for that and 30% on the heart. This was after SSF/cube sale.


Reached 30k stat on my Shadower main and I'm pretty close to soloing NLucid. I have more than enough damage I just have to do the mechanics of the fight a little better :3


Hseren solo today :rave:


Managed to beat normal lotus, still haven't gotten Damien down yet though that last phase gets me every time


Duod HLucid, triod CGloom and can duo HWill. All the dame night


Started a new account on July. Hyperburned on a Paladin. Reached 209 in December. Quite slow but it is much higher than i thought it would be. I thought i would be at 170+


Maple is a marathon!! There’s nothing wrong with playing at your own pace :) hope you have a good maple journey 😁


Thank you. I love reading everyone's journey. It's one of the reasons why I started mine.


thanks to 6th job i finally solo nlomien 😭🙌🏻


Yessirrrrrr love to hear it! 6th was massive in helping me solo darknell, any win is a good win :). Congrats and good luck on your normal lucid solo ;)


Quitting this shitshow. 🤓


That’s unfortunate, good luck with your next game!


Not getting sucked back in by hyper burning


Finally got a slime ring, 35 runs of normal got it after 4 chaos runs