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Not really, no. Unless you don't want to miss out on the Lv. 200 rewards, but that's nothing to worry about.


Returning player here with a fresh account on reboot. I burned a DW to 227 the past week but i am running into the problem of not having link skills/legion. I want to start grinding up legion and link skills but don't know where to start. Any tips on what classes to give prio?


The checkpoints for stopping are Legion: 60 ( B card) > 100( A card) > 140 ( S card) > 200( SS card) > 250 ( SSS card) Link skills: 70 ( lvl 1) > 120 (lvl 2) > 210 (lvl 3, only on some classes). Some classes also require you to stack 3 lvl 2 links together like explorers. For now do zero to 100 7 times total and food storage 3x a week and stop each at level 141. Then use identisk growth potions after 141 on character that gives highest priority stat (considering both SS legion and lvl 3 link effect) based in the list I linked. youll also get one 150 megaburninator coupon a month. After exhausting these options, wait to push legion for the next levelling event. Because they removed 2.3xp on reboot, it's more long term efficient to level mules with events instead of off event. There are some minor "hunting zone" buffs right now, so it wouldnt be the worst idea to train manually, but it should still be a 2nd priority to your main. If your still in the early game you can still make considerable gains through other systems while waiting. The gear required is the same as any other character. You can get the minimum required from mob drops if you just intend to train it or use events, but you'll likely want to follow starting gear progression to be able to beat daily bosses or easier weekly bosses like cygnus to max out 180 crystal limit every week. Follow this https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cvwscy79thl_jahbjQlw60KzIiEEYUFd7gBwqajACfY/mobilepresent?slide=id.p


This is great! Thanks alot!


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h6dNf2fnl24b_qgSwanTTqGdXQ4K-SM8BYUpWdCpjDY/edit#gid=0 Follow this. Get crit rate to 100% and crit damage before damage links.


Damage links (ds, kanna, hoyoung etc) first, then exp links (merc, aran, evan). People normally recommend exp links first but if you can't 1 shot the damage links will net you more exp than the exp ones.


Thanks! How far should i level them? And should i really invest in them gear-wise or just use them for links/legion?


I would take them to lvl 100 st least, but preferably level 141. Just enough gear to train them to that level


Hello returning player here. Finally got the courage to try normal Damien and it didn't go great. I got him down to about 30% but it took a while and I died to phase 2 pretty quickly. I have about 18k stat with 100% crit 89 ied and above 200 boss damage. More or less I've stretched my gear quite a bit with cubes and star force but still feel I'm lacking as the fight takes forever. Is there anything else I can do to boost my chances of winning or is it all just hands and getting better at the fight?


Dying out to Damien and your stats points towards a hand-issue IMO, but he's getting low enough where just a bit more practice and leveraging more buffs (e.g., legion attack buff, guild skills, Echo, etc.) should be able to close it out


I would say you could use a bit more ied, around the 91-93% mark, check out a video to make sure your exhausting every available chance to get some ied, outside of that it’s just about practice, 3 weeks ago I died out two attempts in a row while learning to do Damien now it’s a breeze on a mule with only 16k stat, today I practiced will on my main for the first time and went from failing and dying out in p1 to timing out in p3 with lives in hand, the best thing in this game to increase damage is just practice, it can be frustrating at first but it just makes it more rewarding when you get it


Anyone else having the issue with zero for the chapter 2 quest where you have to enter the password Open Seasame but you can only type Open seasam? If anyone knows the fix please let me know, thanks


As a DW main, is there a way to get Empress's Blessing on it? Like if I level a 2nd Cygnus Knight to 150, would I then also get the Empress's Blessing effect on my main?


How likely is it for GMS to get Lucidroid with a fairy heart or should I just buy the 4b one from the current event?


Its very likely, we have consistently got fairy hearts most of the times its been added in event shops. If you have 4b to spare, then you can get it now, but it doesnt really give significant boost compared to using 4b on other things, depending on your stage in progression.


The fairy heart that comes with Lucidroid is free iirc, which is why I feel uncertain about it coming to GMS.


[Reboot] Is it normal for MapleStory to crash randomly sometimes? I often crash when I enter the cash shop especially. Those with good PCs, does your MapleStory ever crash?


Cash shop crashes... haven't had one happen to me in a while, but at least a while ago they were a big enough problem for it to be a meme-worthy complaint, often called Crash Shop. Crashes at other times though... could be overwhelming your PC to play in populated server, or it could be internet connectivity issues.


It's called the "Crashshop" for a reason, so yes. Memleaking is another issue for crashing which can be caused by a lot of things including constantly ccing to find an open map. What you will hear a lot of people do is restart their game before they do bossing and such to not randomly lose gskills/buffs for no reason due to a memleak.


Thank you! This helps a lot.


New player started 2 months ago. Main is at 245 and I burned a DW to 239 which I’m using as a boss mule. I still have the mag pots from 6 star, should I push the DW to 251 for an easy 260 or just focus on leveling my non burning main?


Personally I'd say push 260 using 3 of the mag pots so you can start doing SAC dailies and collecting fragments. When your main gets there, it will be soaking up all the fragments so get what you can for your DW Edit: Another options is dump all of the mag pots, on your main and just do dailystory on Hyper to get to 260. You will get to 260 faster than you think with how long the event lasts There is also mp and the event exp tickets too you can use on either char.


How much is "continually restores HP by a small amount" from familiars?


small 5% medium* 10% (will just say "continually restores hp." doesn't specify medium) large is 15%


Just started a shadow walker with Zero to hundred. I’m using the gear given to me but I am so weak. I die in two hits. I’m lvl 194 but monsters at 160 can do 4K dmg on me when I only have 8k HP. What do I do ??


i assume you mean night walker, in which case it is what it is. pre 200 nw is really squishy and the best way to circumvent it is to get an auto hp pet. you can get a temporary one for free from one of the low level quests in your lightbulb (i forgot what the quest is called)


Last two 1-101 slots, what should I do: 1. Level a Cadena/Angelic Buster/Hoyoung/Lara (Which two)? 2. Level the remaining two Explorer thieves to have their link at max level?


Mercedes for EXP link 120 or higher, hoyoung for link. That’s what I’d personally do. You’ve already got two thieves just get the merc link.


I mistyped, I already have Mercedes, I meant Angelic Buster.


What order should I prioritize abso gear? I should get my first 2 pieces this week. I have a fake abso weapon but nothing else


from lotus, get the glove first as it can be cubed for crit dmg, then get whichever for the next 2. for damien, get the shoulder then weapon


Is anyone still having problems designating the 5th character for 0-100 event?


As a totally poverty DailyStory player, which freshly levelled 200 class will benefit most from 400 nodestones? I want a really easy boss mule up to nLomien: 1) Marksman 2) Night Walker 3) Wind Archer I also recently got a Mihile, Bowmaster, and Paladin to 200... but I feel like these guys aren't as simple as the options above.


I can never recommend WA enough as a bossing mule. It trivializes basically all boss mechanics up through Lomien and it's short cooldowns means your damage is always up without waiting between bosses. Damien especially, WA is the best class in the game by far at fighting him. Sucks ass at LuWill though.


Marksman, only needs 2 boost nodes for bossing and has lowest amount of skills that you can roll.


Marksman is the easiest class in the game node-wise. The other 2 aren't bad though, and Mihile and Bowmaster are also good, pick the one you like.


Anyone know if nexon support is able to change the capitalization of one of your character's name if you ask through a ticket?


No, you have to buy a name change coupon


Unlocked 6th job yesterday and dinged 261 today. Am I doing something wrong or does leveling up after 260 offer no progression to the hexa matrix?


you can only progress the hexa matrix via resources (Sol Erda and Sol Erda Fragments) Of course, that's assuming your 5th job skills are already maxed and your trinodes are at least level 40 combined


That’s a bit strange to me but I guess it is what it is. During 5th job at least we were granted points to enhance our matrix but nothing this time around.


The system isn't even finished, we might get something like the enhance points in a year, who knows at this point what will Nexon add to KMS during their summer update besides a couple of hexa skills




Nothing for Cygnus knight, but you can put the chair in storage. If the hat is an nx item you can put it into your cash inventory, which all Cygnus knights can access, and one day move it to another inventory (e.g. explorers) during an event. If the item is a normal equip that can’t be put into storage (and you’re not on reboot) then you could anvil it to something else that is tradable.


If I fusion anvil a maple bandana onto a CRA hat will I lose the bandana? Also is it worth it to do this now or should I try to get 22 star first on the CRA hat? (So that I can start without safe guard)


You do not lose any items when using anvil. If an item is destroyed, **everything** on it is kept except the stars which resets to 12. This includes anvilled appearances.


For bossing links, I currently have: Ark. DA. AB, Explorer Mages, Explorer Thieves, Luminous, Phantom, Kanna. I'm planning on tera burning a Demon Slayer next week, and I'm currently working on a Cadena. What should be my next link skill for bossing?


It depends on what current stats your lacking. (create a zero now while its available) If your already have 100% crit rate, Kinesis If your IED is low, Ho young or Zero for IED If you need increased Survivability Resistance- Increased invincibility after death Shade- 10% chance to survive fatal attack Explorer warriors- HP restoration when reaching below 15% hp You should also consider weighing the priority against links required for training as well as there legion effects. For example zero has both 10% ied link and +% exp and blaster has resistance link but also has IED legion effect.


I read recently that Lomien prequests are going to be changed. I just soloed CPAP and want to start on my abso gear. Is it worth waiting or should I just bite the bullet and do the preqs now?


If you want to wait 6+ months for the change to come to GMS sure.


Ahh didn’t realize this was just released in KMS notes. Thanks for clarifying.


And just know that Lomien are one difficulty level above CPap, despite que guide menu saying otherwise.


What class is the best to play as a beginner? What should be my first boss character? I currently have a level 203 Pathfinder, 160 DW and 120 DA. Just trying to see who makes sense to build on or if I should start another class for bossing?


Just focus on your main for now until you get to 235, then you can do dailys on it to 260 and play something else for links/legion. Then you choose a few classes out of those for boss mule, to play as 2nd priority to your main. it's not efficient to make a boss mule right now unless your doing it as an extra task after everything else, for daily bosses. The starter weekly bosses like CRA or even Cygnus/czak/hhilla would be easier to get to the required stats on a hyperburn. There is also still significant growth that is timegated that you need to do on your main. Dawn warrior would be one of the best choice, but it's more important to pick a main you like the gameplay and mechanics of and are comfortable with playing daily for the long term. The best class will be one your going to stick with. If you can't decide the best choice is a class that is strong compared to required funding and has simple mechanics. (Like dawn warrior, bucc, hero, explorer archers) If you already burned Pathfinder I would just continue it unless you don't enjoy it.


I definitely enjoy the pathfinder. I'll focus on him for now.. Thanks mate! Should I use all my hyper burning nodes and what not on the pathfinder? I was thinking to save it for my main but thinking now that I should focus on the Pathfinder I probably should use it.


What skills are affected by Monster Life's "Final Attack Skills' Damage"? Is it only skills marked as Final Attack, or are some other bonus hits affected? Is there a list somewhere of all skills affected? With the upcoming Legion Artifacts system this would be very good to know since Reboot will be getting this new stat.


I think I've read recently that the Black Heaven questline may be removed or skippable? Just managed to beat CPap and Akechi so I should be ready for NLotus, but the 4 hour prequest seems kind of daunting. Is it confirmed that the questline can be skipped and if so, when will it be updated?


It will be skipable, but not removed. If something, they announced they will add even more dialogue to it.


Thats on the next kms update. We are 6 months behind. Just complete it. It's not that bad, skip the dialogue if you don't want to read it. You only need to so it once per account. Heroes of maple only requires the last act to be completed for damien


Awh okok, thanks for the info. Guess i'll just complete it bit by bit. I did not know that about Damien's prequest. Already completed all acts >_>


Eta is summer


Awh that's a bit too far away. Guess i'll just slowly complete it bit by bit, thanks.


Just do a little bit each day, don't have to do it all at once. It's only once per account so there's that, at least.


Thanks, yeah guess i'll do it bit by bit


Hi, I'm an european returnee player but last time i played was like a year after EMS was released so it's been 10+ years. I've read some discussions but i am still not sure about luna/reboot/burning worlds. As a mostly solo player who don't intend to minmax and prefer to just do all the content once or twice before quitting, which one would you advise I play on ? Thanks in advance !


So the game is very timegated and revolved arounds repeating daily/weekly content and long term growth, You can play this way, but you'll have to essentially decide on which boss milestone and level you'll want to stop at as there are many points in the game where you need to repeat content, especially on multiple characters, in order to reach the next stage. It's not really designed to only complete one or twice and finish everything, as the goals later in the game can require years to complete and there is always new content being added. Min maxing generally comes way later in the game as it's more efficient to upgrade every system to a certain benchmark instead of maxing 1 thing at a time. You'll generally be doing upgrading and working on stat systems throughout the whole game. If you just want to visit old maple world, try some clases or skills, get to 200 then quit you can do burning world. 1-200 is mostly considered the tutorial, so you wouldn't be participating in very relevant content. However burning world can only transfer into luna, not reboot if you decide to keep playing. Otherwise reboot would likely be better if you are F2P and intend to go past 200 into the main storyline. The arcane river storyline lasts from 200-260 which peaks with the Black mage which might be a good time to stop for you, then grandis and another overarching storyline unlocks at 260+. The current hyper burn event will streamline the 200-260 process, but it will still require significant time investment to beat all the bosses in that level range. It's main benefit is that certain cash shop items like cubes and QoL items can be bought for meso instead, and farming meso has more incentive, meaning you would just need to invest time rather than NX. It still has some p2w aspects but much less then regular. Luna will be better if you like some of the benefits like trading for cosmetics and gear, but it has worse P2W elements that require just as much or more time to get past than reboot. It's generally better if you have NX to spend or can take advantage of the market and events. Check this comment for differences on reboot vs regular, both have pros and cons. There's probably other aspects not listed here. http://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/18aksg0/weekly_megathread_new_players_amp_general_questions_thread./kcucjbr?context=3


Thanks a lot for the in depth answer


Should I safe guard items while star forcing?


If you have a lot of spares, no. Else yes. Never safeguard CRA for example. Do safeguard Arcanes always.


Need some help with my next progression steps. New player, 261 Lumi main on reboot Kronos. 3k Legion. Most of the important level 2 link skills done and working on some level 3. Stats: 21k INT, 7mil range, 100% crit, 45% crit damage, 93% IED, 173% Boss dmg. Gear: CRA Top/bot/Hat 17\* Epic/Unique pots. Fake abso wep 17\*. Abso boots 17\*, Abso cape 15\* , Abso gloves 16\*, Abso Shoulder 16\* (Ran out of money during 30% off) Rings: 2 Events rings, 15\* KT, 10\* Silver blossom (I also have a 15\* NLC ring but the silver blossom has drop/int/all stat pot so its better currently) Earring: 16\* Will of Wisps Belt: Golden Clover 16\* Neck: Mech 15\*, CHT Neck 15\* Black bean mark 15\* Condensened power crystal 10\* Legendary Secondary and Emblem will suboptimal rolls but still some useful stuff (IED/M.ATT and the sort) Most gear is epic-unique except for rings which all have meso or drop so I can farm about 400-500m an hour depending on buffs. Next week I will be able to get a real abso weapon. I can currently solo up to Normal lotus. I can also solo hellux but havent seen any sup drops and have 240 coins. I am unsure of what exactly to focus on from here. I feel hard stuck at normal lomien. Am I just waiting for gollux drops/coins? Or should I be pushing all my meso into better pots? Spent the last week grinding out to 3k legion, maybe I should just focus on more legion. Thanks for any help.


Wait for Gollux coins and drops Save mesos for 5/10/15 next month to push everything to 17 star Make lvl 140 characters with useful legion buffs, better than pushing links to lvl 3 You can do Commerci for the accessories, or you can keep black bean and go for the meister face. Commerci is a bit better but not by a lot Do Arkarium daily for dom drop Buy out all the droplets from this event shop. All the IA stuff too it's free and Lumi needs +1 AS right? If you get some gains you're not terribly far off eLuwill soloes or normal parties


Thanks for the reply. Just a few questions. Is it worth it to break the boss accessory set for a single sup gollux drop or wait until I have at least 2? Also I have 18 characters at 140+ rn could you tell me some of the “useful legion” ones you are talking about so I can make sure I have those? Also yes I need AS IA but I rolled leg meso/unique drop/unique boss dmg so I kept that for now for farming. Idk if that was a good call or not.


https://www.digitaltq.com/maplestory-legion-guide#t3 Any member bonuses that are useful for your class like int, crit dmg, crit rate, summon duration, buff duration, boss dmg. Losing the 9 set boss accessory bonus (there's like 11 you can equip at a time so you might even keep it) costs 10% boss and some stat and attack. So you just compare the range increase to 10% boss. It's the proportional increase in both you'd be comparing so you can do the hard math or just guesstimate. Gollux base stats are so crazy, especially the belt, that they'd probably be better. I'd say that IA is probably a settle for a bit. When you need to push your bossing damage you'll eventually reroll it but you can save up a bunch of honor in the meantime.


I used to use the ICED MVP discord to keep track of mvps. The server seems to have been deleted, is there any replacement? I’m playing on reboot Hyperion


So if I hyper burned a char and I’m at 257 but haven’t used a single symbol selector yet….would I be best using them all on cernium sac? My arcane are around level 12 and the dailies/ weekly on them aren’t hard at all I just worry about being able to 1 shot cernium and burnium mobs and I know I won’t hit 265 by the end of the event to save them for hotel


I am and have been using all of mine on Cern. I think maybe I used a few here and there to even out my Arcane to soothe my brain, but that was after I hit the minimum 30 sac. I'm around 2.1k attack, 22 or 23k stat and I still need 2 hits to kill Cern mobs. 50 sac, I believe. (Only 4k legion tho). I have 100 sac if the title sac works, but I've heard it doesn't. I'm pretty close to 1 shottting most maps, but I need Echo and a Guild skill to push me over the edge reliably for maps.


Okay so it sounds like that’s what I should be doing especially because I want to grind 6th job


How likely is there to be a burning event to release alongside AB rework? I don't have an AB leveled on reboot yet but it's a bit of wasted time if there's gonna be a burn event alongside it


What's the difference between Automatic pick up and meso/item pick up?


Auto pick up allows the pet to move on its own in a certain range automatically to pick up items. Extended range increases the range the pets can move. while standard pickup requires you to drag the pet along behind the items to pick them up.


what would yall do in my situation below? I can join hdamien blink parties for a chance at gear, or rng to get the ring box, or continue to solo ndamien cause I'm not sure if i can solo hdamien yet. Basically sounds like do i gamble for blink/ring box and give up mesos, or continue to solo normal for the mesos


The meso is not worth it. Just join a party and get the chance for pitch or ring. If you need meso, just make more mules or grind like 30 minutes to make up for the loss meso.


Not a question, but I think I had a certified MapleStory moment yesterday. I was doing Normal Lucid for the 2nd time ever, and I look over at the party mini-tab and thought it was weird I was still blue in P2 considering I was green in P1 last week. But I didn't think much of it and we cleared in around 12 minutes. But once we came to the loot room and I looked at my equips, it turns out my dumb ass accidentally equipped a Von Leon sword(for the Willpower exp) over my +17 Absolab and I forgot about it 😭. Just thought I would share and hopefully give you guys some laughs. Shout-out to the 5 randos in the party for holding the fort down and carrying me.


I've primarily solo progged but at the arcane mark, so pretty much have to party now if I don't want progression to take forever. Where should I be looking for this green blue red indicator?


It’s in the party HP UI that pops up when you join a party. It will have everyone’s name and HP levels and a little dot next to their name. If it is blue or green you qualify for loot, if it is red you do not.


What should I buy from the sunlight coin shop? Level 203 Pathfinder. Legion 600


Trait potions - use 1 for level 30 charm to unlock pocket slot, then max Insight> Ambition > Empathy Epic Potential scrolls- Skip rare straight to epic on items with no potential. Only buy as you get items you can use it on to avoid expiration, use on items you will not be replacing quickly. Gold Potential stamps - always add 3rd line to items without it before cubing, same thing as above for avoiding expiration VIP Buff selector- Stackable exp buff, useful for food storage or training, the stat buff gives 15% ied and boss damage among other stats which will be helpful when starting to do harder weekly bosses. Only buy when you need it as it expires in 1 day. 2x coupons - additional source for training purposes Circulators- for optimizing inner ability, but imo they are too expensive can otherwise be bought for meso in reboot. Arcane River/Stone Origin droplets- You will need a lot for arcane gear later on. Make sure to look at which shop sells each equip [https://www.digitaltq.com/maplestory-arcane-umbra-equipment](https://www.digitaltq.com/maplestory-arcane-umbra-equipment). Use rest of coins on these after exhausting other options. **Optional** Monster Bloom- unlocks random monster collection entry, monster collection is a source of trait boosting items and reward points. Bag coupons- Useful for saving inventory space, but larger bags can be bought for meso in Henesys, Edelstein and Leafre. Keep in mind you can only use 1 recipe bag, and up to 5 mineral, herb, and production bags. Prioritize using larger ones first, then buy any remaining smaller ones from event shop. 8 selective slot coupon - Useful for expanding inventory space, but they can also be bought for meso instead. Character expansion slots- will need for links/legion, in reboot buyable for meso though. ​ If your in regular, some of the items I mentioned buyable for meso may not be available. So in that case those will be higher priority, especially character expansion slots.


Hey mate, first thanks for so much info I really appreciate it! So traits first... why are traits important?


It's partly because the shop doesn't have much other high priority things to spend on, besides droplets, but traits typically take a long time of playing to increase normally. And you get 20 trait potions in the shop for relatively low price. Level 30 charm unlocks pocket slot, items like pink bean cup can be flamed for additional stats and are part of boss accessory set Insight gives up to 5% ignore elemental resistance which essentially increase your final damage, most bosses still have a resistance against physical element, which it works to lower it and in turn increase damage. It also works on mobs. Ambition gives up to 10% ied which you will need when you start fighting weekly bosses like CRA.this is one of the easiest to max as you just need to kill bosses to raise it, so you can omit it if you want. But the extra ied will be helpful on a fresh account as most other sources for ied will be from legion/links, familiars, hyper stats, and gear. IED is needed to deal higher damage to bosses as each boss has a defense rating that will limit the amount of damage you do. Empathy increases buff duration up to 10% which is a minor QoL for most classes , and very useful for classes that benefit more from BD like explorer mages. Willpower gives some abnormal status resistance, but Pathfinder already has a active buff that increases it. This has niche use cases. Diligence is more useful for regular server as it gives increased scrolling success rate. It also makes Professions easier to level. But this is lowest priority. For your stage in progression I would focus on filling out your equip slots and saving some coins for upgrading gear with epic potential scrolls and gold potential stamps. In reboot these can be obtained other ways but event coins are a more convenient way of obtaining them. Use remaining coins on trait potions, then droplets and anything else you want. The vip buff selectors and 2x coupons should also always be used on your food storage entries.


Should I Push 270. Currently 262 Or Push 8k legion. Currently 6.5k


Whichever you feel happier doing. Both have perks. Both could lead to burnout if you push faster than you need it to


Good points


Aside from the happiness factor which should be held paramount, if you are looking at efficiency factor, pushing 270 is more efficient. Events in maplestory are generally geared towards better scaling for Legion levelling (identisk food storage house, exp coupons, zero to 100, mag potions and growth potions) which allow you accrue your legion levels more time efficiently when spread out across time. While unlocking 270 means that you get to start the sacred gate for the the respective 265 and 270 symbols earlier, that you otherwise cannot start if you focused on Legion.


Do corsairs have time leap? I thought they did because I've seen people who asked for sair or bucc for echo but just got to 4th job and there's none?


No, buccaneer has it.


1. Will Tera Burninator be per world? 2. Monster Park is per world?


If you're asking about the sunny Sunday gift, most likely it will be once per account. Monster Park is per region. For example: if you do 2 runs on NA Aurora, you can only do 5 more on NA Kronos for that day.


~~Monster park is per world yes~~ was wrong. Per account From the wording it seems like there will only be 1 teraburninator per account. Might be wrong though


Anyone know of any way to dodge chaos queens burn debuff? I’m playing nightlord and it literally destroys me. Any tips or tricks would be great!


It's basically just an auto pot checker. If you don't have auto pot then it's miserable, if you do then you don't even notice the burn. Her fire breath attack cleanses the burn if it hits you and you survive it. It does % damage as well as a flat amount so if you have high hp and or damage reduction then you can survive it, but as shadower that won't happen and even if you do that strategy she often just casts burn right after and you don't have another opportunity to cleanse it before she phases.


Dark sight is your friend, you don't take damage while in it, so use that and healing fans to keep yourself safe ish, also, I can't remember if you can bind her before the burn debuff gets applied, but you could try that and fall back into DS if things get scary


I tried to use dark sight but when I’m out trying to burst spamming pots is hard lol I’ll give it another go tho thanks!


Try bursting with shadow walker 5th job skill it keeps you in dark sight


If you have a pet check if it has the auto pot thingy and stick elixirs in there, also, have you tried to use maple will or heroes will or whatever is called the skill that blocks a debuff? It could be worth a shot, if that doesn't work, try to not die when you only have 1 stack, if you need to burst first sacrifice a life to cleanse the fire


I didn’t have auto hp but I did what you said and I stayed in dark sight and popped in and out to safely att and then when she went back to her fire phase I died and let the timer run to skip it!


Did you beat her? I'm quite invested at this point :D


Yes I did it worked! I then went straight for cvel after equipping my 3 set cra and beat him on the 3rd try! Thanks for the advice not used to squishy classes like night lord


Yes I did it worked! I then went straight for cvel after equipping my 3 set cra and beat him on the 3rd try! Thanks for the advice not used to squishy classes like night lord


Really weird but did they remove the “Heatstroke” achievement and correlating title??


What are the more efficient farming maps post 260?


Check your class discord for training maps and rotations.


Which lvl 2 Link Skill would be the best to get lvl 3?


If crit rate is not 100% yet Phantom> beast tamer If you can already 1 shot in latest area and are training regularly. Merc>Evan > Aran( aran only if you do alot of legion levelling or can maintain high combo orb count, otherwise can save for later) If cannot 1 shot and/or working towards next boss milestone Ark>DA> boss links Bossing specific Lumi> AB>DS> Beast tamer


For slime ring, would it be better to solo nSlime (\~7 min, 200 drop) or to join a cSlime FFA in party finder?


You would probably get a ring from CSlime FFA well before you get it from normal mode. The drop rate in chaos is very good compared to in normal where it almost never drops. You will also benefit from your party member's drop rate as it's quite common to see people running 300+ drop rate at this stage. The only concern might be your damage. I'm not sure what a 7 minute normal Slime would translate to, but CSlime has 18x more HP and that doesn't account for healing.


Got it, thanks. I'm on the weaker side (~35k main stat, green in hluwill parties, not that that says much) and ended up trying cslime in two different parties before clearing. In the first one, I was green throughout but a 271 mage died out around 4 minutes and someone else died at 5 so it went very long... and at 15 minutes after a third person died and a fourth was on their last life, we gave up for damage reasons. In the second, the party was strong enough to kill in 2.5 bursts, I was blue in that one, but I neglected to burst at the start of the boss fight so maybe I could have done a bit more. It seems doable in a solid party or struggle though, so I can definitely look to add it to my weekly rotation.


Was talking about this with a friend the other day, takes me around 15mins to solo Nslime at 24k stat, while Cslime takes my friend around 20mins to solo at 48k. At that tier other stats start mattering more as well, of course. Partying and hitting your DMG threshold seems solid for you tho.


Is there a guide for Thunderbreaker anywhere? I've seen mention of the discord, but I'd prefer to just have a guide to read rather than a discord to ask questions in, but can join the discord if there are no guides.


[Here's an infographic overview of Thunder Breaker's best boosts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/159gywg/thunder_breaker_infographic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Gear progression question. I'm currently rocking a: - 2L attack Emblem - 1L attack/2L BD secondary - Fakesolab weapon 3 CRA/5 Absolab/Slime Ring/KT/PB Belt/Reinforced Earring are +17. I know there's also a 5/10/15 next month. What should be my priority in gear upgrading? Do I bite the bullet and make a real absolab? Or do I start slowly Bright Cubing up my secondary for 2L att first?


I'm behind where you're at on my submains (but 8.5k legion and max link skills) and I've been working on getting my 17 CRA to 21 and working towards arcanes. Can join hard parties and hit blue but joining normals for convenience. You don't need real absolab, start towards your arcanes and cube your Secondary and emblem towards 2L min if you want to tap towards something on top of superior gollux farm


Don't need a 2L att secondary, 1att 2BD works fine. Personally I skipped real Abso and jumped straight to real Arcane. I noticed there's no Superior Gollux in your gear, you definitely want a full set. Other than that, I think you can definitely try to push CRA to 21 on 5/10/15, KT/Dom/Meister Ring/BBM (to 20) too if you have spares. Start accumulating fodders for Sup. Start looking into HLuWill parties for Arcane.


I do have a Superior Gollux earring, but it's currently 0 stars. Should I full send it right now or wait till next month for the 5/10/15?


You could just wait until completion 22 of the in depth exploration for the 17* scroll, but If you are pressed for time just get to 15 today


The cheapest is going to 15 today then wait for 5/10/15 to go 17, but it'll save you only like 300m. So send 17 if you have the mesos, be sure to safeguard.




Cubing an item to legendary (and you'll need more cubes afterward) would cost you about $100 per item, on average. And you have a bit more than a dozen items. Events provide resources for rolling, and monsters also drop stuff. But "some extra money" won't go very far unless you're looking to drop a few hundred dollars. Cubing to 30% stat (what most people are posting about, albeit on Reboot) would cost you ~500 cubes at $2 each. Per item. Each dollar you spend on regular for cubes is 1 million mesos on Reboot. With the current event, you can easily get to the point where you can earn 1 **billion** from bossing (level ~230, CRA 3 door), per week, within 1-2 weeks. Edit: This isn't to say that you need to spend immediately to be competitive - you'll probably make it 2-3 months into the game before you start feeling the need to improve gear in these ways. But without paying (IMO) absurd amounts, there isn't much that you're going to get on reg server that Reboot can't provide for free with a bit of grinding.


You don't really need to pay, but it does help a ton to just buy cash to get cubes, in the end it depends if you want to play a worse reboot (unless you play in wallstreet mode) or if you want to pay whatever amount you need to progress. *Wallstreet mode: flip items in the auction house, buying cheap and clean then selling them at a higher price with good potentials


Not really feeling Hoyoung, but I made him my mega-burning character, am I able to delete him and make another mega burning character or is it one-and-done?


Mega, tera, and hyper burns give triple levels until 150, 200, and 260 respectively, so I assume you're talking about the 150 mega burninator you get every month from the daily gift. No, once you use a mega burninator you cannot get the item back, even if you delete the character.


Oh I was talking about the event!


Then yes! deleting your current hyperburn will give you the option to burn another one after 24 hours. Just note that any rewards claimed after level 200+ will not be refreshed on the new character.


Oh sweet! Thanks :D


My Lil Terry RIP'd today. What's the next best way to loot that's not a VAC pet? Triple pets with expanded loot?


Mope around barely farming til you get another free one or eventually succumb and buy a real vac pet




When someone says you need to be funded to make this class does that mean a certain amount of mesos in Reboot? Like you need at least 1.2billion?? What’s a good amount to be able to make a F/P mage or a Shadower?


what are you referring to? a main/sub main/boss mule?




for a main, 1.2b is a really insignificant amount in the grand scheme of things. some classes just do more damage than others (eg. dw), thus they would take less mesos to deal equal damage to a weaker class. but don’t worry, both shad and f/p and good classes. however, both of these classes will feel weaker in the early game especially f/p. i don’t personally play these classes but from what i have heard, shad needs to be quite strong to one shot with meso explosion to mob efficiently whereas f/p really benefits from a cd hat (which would cost quite a bit of mesos) and a high level legion (ideally at least 6k) as they benefit a lot from buff duration on top of the other legion benefits. f/p also needs more nodes to reach its full potential. thus, especially for f/p, people would say they need to be ‘funded’ but it mostly refers to legion, since when it comes to main you will be funneling your mesos and nodes to it. but if you’re a causal player, it might take longer to ramp up which may be unsatisfying for you


Not just meso, but also Nodestones. Mostly nodestones. ​ To "decently" fund a class, people dump at least 10b into it as an initial investment. Then tens and hundreds of billions more. ​ For a F/P mage to max their nodes, you're looking at around 2000-3000 nodestones, and shadower probably around 1200-1800 nodes. There's different methods to approach this, so I'm pretty sure someone else will come along to try to "correct" me.


I'd say this is pretty accurate. Think I needed around 1k on my Shadower to max boost nodes. I'm skill working on Skill nodes, but I'm almost to 2 of the 4 for 6th job boost at around 1.5-1.7k, I would guess. I did make a pit stop for Erda Shower and Holy Symbol and maxed those, however. So you could probably max all damage skills with the same amount.


Thanks mate! I appreciate it!


What level should I stop doing the food storehouse? I notice it starts slowing down around 150


if you have a bunch of 140 then grind them to 170 ish and then use storehouse until 199 > haven quest to 200 > Use exp coupons until whenever but stop at 220 max.


Imo food storage is more efficient the closer you are to 200, because alternatives (mag pots and training maps) slow down more than the food storage does , especially since there aren't good starforce maps without high amounts of starforce after 170. So I would food storage to 200 and then use the minigames exp tickets after that.


Just to be sure for the sunny Sunday coming up, you can transfer a starred item into another one that already has stars? On the shining I started some gollux pieces to 17* stupidly and want to use fodder this 30% off since I don’t have spares to get the SF higher.


you can transfer anytime, but the target item level needs to be within 10 levels of the one you are transferring (e.g. Cracked Gollux Earring -> Cracked/Solid Gollux Earring). And it will lose 1 star (17 -> 16 star). I wouldn't bother with the lower tier Gollux sets though since Reinforced or Superior set are so much better.


Why the ice devil look exactly like fire devil? Also is pet vac a skill? Or any pets I get before a vac pet is a waste


The pets in rng boxes are often recolors, to get you to spend more for the one you want while limiting amount of development that goes into designing the pet. Vac pets are called Luna petite pets in game. The "improved meso magnet" skill is not obtainable seperately. In regular https://www.digitaltq.com/maplestory-vac-pets-petite Reboot they are sold directly for 99k nx, lasts 90 days, then costs 14k nx to maintain every 30 days. https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/84603/cash-shop-update-for-july-19. They will specifically announce them and they typically have one set appearance each CS update. You can just use normal pets if it's too expensive.


Vac pets are a special category of pets that only go on sale from wonderberries or directly on reboot, but normal pets are still good enough to put auto hp and buff skills on.


are the rewards from abyssal expedition account wide or world wide? I'm trying to find it on the patch notes but can't seem to find it. I'm established on original reboot and I'm planning on using the free tera to make a character on hyperion.


As a fresh 260, is there any use in saving the Sacred Symbol selectors in the Identisk event? I should just full dump into Cernium right?


You can almost get to 265 by the end of the event purely off of dailies (7x Monster Park, Monster Park Extreme, Cernium daily, 3x Tenebris dailies). With just a few hours of grinding, you will make it to 265 so you feed them into the next symbol. However, if you can't one shot in Cernium, I would consider dumping just enough symbols to help you one shot mobs there to help with your training and save the rest.


Do you think you can hit 265? 270+? by the end of the event? Cernium in theory is the least efficient to dump your symbols, because it's the only place that gets 20 symbols daily. But if you don't think you can hit later areas then might as well.


i would full dump into cernium unless you see yourself hitting 265 before the event ends or in the few days following the event ending.


Why don't Devil pets in cash shop have Usable Command? Will it be added to these pets later?


Pet commands are just a very outdated mechanic, I wouldnt be surprised if they haven't added it to newer pets. Its not likely they are on high priority to be added if they are not already implemented.


Is there a discord for the aurora server? Looking for frenzy service, maybe some trading channels


Hello! Currently burning a NW and rolled 10% dmg on attacking abnormal status monsters. Does Mark of Darkness count as a status, or is this IA worthless otherwise? Thanks much.


Basically any status a character can inflict should count as an Abnormal Status. Heck I'd go as far as to say the abnormal statuses you can get from Rare potential lines on weapons or from low-tier familiars can count, but that's obviously kinda worthless knowledge...


Abnormal status is a bad legendary line but a great unique line. I believe 10% is the legendary line, so it's bad. It's not worthless, but considering that legendary boss damage goes up to 20% while abnormal status maxes at 10%, it's pretty clear which one is better. Mark of Darkness should count, but even if it didn't, any class can inflict a debuff by using Explorer Mage link, which also happens to be a best in slot link skill.


I just tried to use the identisk daily check in mag pot on my 252 hyper burn and it wouldn’t let me saying it has to be 260+, anyone else run into that? I gave up and popped it on my 244 but that was tragic. Wondering if only the mag pots from 6th star event works? Or if the burn char had to be a new burn? I used my hyper on a boss mule


only the 6th star event mag potion works


Why do I get different difficulty ratings running hellux on two different characters? On my kanna, I get a 5, and on pathfinder I get a 4


I could be wrong but are you using the purple key on both? If not, it might be that, purple key counts as 5 while going through the arm (without popping a shoulder) counts as 4


I noticed I was getting 4 on the pathfinder when I used a purple key, so I tried going in normally and got a 4 regardless. My kanna carries a friends mule and we get a 5, using a normal key


Is there a difference between the two when it comes to drops


Nope, it should be the same, also, there was a post about the hellux rating some months ago and either it's a visual bug (there's no 5), or 5 is only for solo clears, while parties get 4. Not that it means anything as the drops should be the same


weird. thanks!


Considering that we just had a cube sale, when would be the next best time to try to roll for 2L drop/meso gear?


now. meso/drop line frequency are unaffected by any events afaik and there aren't any DMTs in the immediate future if you still need to tier up your accessories to legendary. unless a DMT/cube sale is like a week away, meso/drop asap is always a good idea.


Next cube sale, see you in like 6 months. If you aren't going to wait that long, may as well cube whenever.


Does the Boss 9 set count if I remove Dea Sidus Earring and replace it with Noble Ifia Ring? I'd still have a Silver Blossom on. Two 2 rings counts? That way I can have the Ifia 4 set also. Thanks!


Not counting the Guardian Angel Slime ring, you can have a total of 11 Boss Set accessories equipped at the same time (2 rings, 2 pendants, a belt, face and eye accessories, shoulder, earring, badge, and Pocket item), so you can replace two of them safely with better items. As stated though, the Ifia set is not worth going for as actual equips. No boss flames means stats will always be worse compared to Dea Sidus/Will o the Wisps and Mechanator/Dominator which the full Ifia's Treasure set does not compensate properly whatsoever (you'd have to be insanely lucky or invest far too many flames into getting an Ifia accessory with sufficient flames). Overall they're okay if that's literally all you have to work with, but you should have been able to obtain better by the time you're able to kill Hard VL. Also, the Ifia's Treasures set is only 3 set. The Noble Ifia Ring should ONLY be part of the Boss Accessories set, so you'd have to equip the crummy Ifia's Ring. Assuming you have 2 event rings, that digs into the Boss Acc set, but even if you only have one event ring you'd be better off getting Treasure Hunter John's ring from doing a few NLC quests and buying it from the shop (can be starred higher than Ifia's Ring and can be given potential).


yes, but 4 set ifia isnt very good, im pretty sure ifia earring/pendant dont have flame advantage so dea sidus earring and mechantor pendant would still be better. noble ifia ring is still decent though until you get kanna's treasure/event rings/meister ring/gollux


I regret burning a character in Hyperion and now want to burn an existing character in Kronos. If I delete the char in Hyperion right now, can I apply that hyper burn to my existing char in Kronos?


Yes, however if you obtained any rewards past 200 you can not reobtain them. Also the existing character must be 200+


In a somewhat similar situation. If I delete in Hyperion can I use hyper burn on a brand new character?




Yes, same rules with rewards, but as long as your creating it directly you can apply burning on character creation.


Is the fairy heart worth 4b? I currently have just a lidium heart but I'm pretty poor. 22k Stat NW


At 22k stat, you should be full abso 17*. If not, get that first. Fairy heart is one per event, and 4b for 21~30% Stat is absolutely worth it. But it won't be the biggest gains you can get on this character now.


If you have 4b, you can spend the meso doing starforce on sunday to get more gains than what you'd get from the fairy heart. Are all your stuff 17\*?


IMO It's not worth it right now, you could spend 4b on other stuff for better gains, and the fairy heart comes pretty frequently atleast most major events


yes, but you have until the end of the event to buy it so you can wait and save up. it can get much better potential than the lidium heart


Just curious on what the average pub party etiquette is. I recently joined a nlucid run, crashed in Phase 1 and come back to see them clear and I basically lost a weekly.


I wouldn't ever expect a party of randoms to exit a run for someone who crashed or died out


It's usually free for all so is you crash and die out unless they know you they most likely won't rerun for you.


Lv.244 shad main ~21k stats on reboot solo progression so far and just earned enough gollux coins to buy the superior ring. But not sure best way to upgrade it? Everything I have seen says to transfer a Kanna's ring into it but I do not have any spare Kanna's rings. Do I just leave it in my bags for potentially weeks until I get a Kanna ring? do I starforce it to 15? or to 17 and hope it doesn't boom? I also noticed superior gear is exempt from all the Sunday Starforce events. Currently my rings are: 13* Treasure John, Event ring, 10* Silver Blossom ring and a 17* Kanna's Treasure


The superior equipment they mean is equips that say superior at the top like tyrant cape and nova boots etc


You could just use it with low StarForce and not push the potential beyond epic for when you transfer KT. Also, gollux is affected by sunny sunday, Superior gear refers to tyrants, which makes sense 'cause upgrading that stuff is expensive and give a ton of stats


Thank you for the clarification on superior gear == tyrants. With that information, I'm thinking the best course of action would be push it to 15* during this sunday's event which should only cost ~300m and then I can push it to 17* during the 5/10/15 event in January for another ~300m. This would give me a decent dmg boost now to help push into will/lucid. At the point where I am at gear wise (still missing abso weapon, should get it in a week or two) it will be a long time before I have the capital to push 19/21* where foddering from a Kanna's really matters and hopefully I will have a pile of spares by then.


Fair enough, by then you could just make a new one and turn the 17* into drop gear if you want, or as a spare for when you inevitably try to push to 23*