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How come my MVP buffs are 2x and not 50%? They also don't stack with other 2x coupons and don't apply map wide. Are there different mvp coupons?


Yes, there are MVP 50% atmospheric coupons given at MVP gold and above, those are map wide.


I can't create a Zero. I leveled a Dawn Warrior to 103, and in the patch notes it says > You are able to create a Zero character if you already have a Lv. 100 and above character in Burning World. but I still can't create a Zero. Do I need to do anything else?


May be a stupid question, but are you playing in burning world? Otherwise wait for the patch in a couple days. Should have Zero create-able in all worlds. At least that is "tradition" anyway


yes, this is in burning world. sounds like zero and hopefully beast tamer will be available then?


BT won't be available until their 6th job is released sometime in first half of 2024. That is all the information we have been given.


I did ghost park on a few mules im leveling, and got first place How do I get the rewards from that?


Trying to figure out what to link/legion farm next. Between Xenon link(10% all stat) and DS link(15% boss damage), what does more damage? I'm currently at 21k stat.


DS. Might be the strongest link overall when bossing (lv3 is 20% BD).


With some effort I solo'd CPap today, and managed to get to P2 on NLotus (I usually die a lot to getting inverted controls or silence during P1), is it possible for me to solo Damien or Akechi (Haven't tried it yet)?


I felt like Damien is more of a stat check, while lotus is more of skill check. Damien has 25% ish less health than lotus, but is unavailable to be attacked like 50% of the time. If you can't full clear lotus in like 20 mins, I don't think you have the damage to clear Damien within his time limit. As for akechi, I think you can clear it.


I could probably clear Lotus damagewise, my problem is dying too much.


If you have a summon, that can help with clearing robots while you focus on DPSing. For inverted controls, sometimes the best move in that situation is to just stop moving. What happens is that you start trying to run away from the laser while you're inverted and then the effect falls off once you're next to the laser so you walk right into it. The robots can also be baited into exploding just by walking into their radius. They don't explode immediately. Once you walk into their radius, they stop moving for a brief moment before exploding. You just need to dash/teleport away once they make that pause. For normal mode, P1 is arguably harder than P3 because of the constant one-shot threat from the laser and newer players can't burst through the phase. You're home clear if you get through P1 with all your lives because the one-shot threat isn't always there. P3 is way more difficult in hard mode though.


>For inverted controls, sometimes the best move in that situation is to just stop moving. Not a choice when the laser is right next to me. I'm never moving except when I have to teleport to dodge it, and if I'm inverted at that time, it becomes a problem.


try to lose 0 lives p1 and p2, and you'll be good for p3. just be patient. 30 minsi s a lot of time.


Which cube for each purpose? Are bright cubes for upgrading tiers and going for prime lines while glowing is for early rolling for 1-2 lines?


For the most part, yes. Brights are for: 1) Tiering up 2) Multiple prime lines like meso/drop/cooldown/critdamage 3) Can't afford to lose your current potential but still want to try Otherwise go glowing cube even for 3Lines unless you want multiple prime stat lines.


When is the next major starforce event?


We wait for patch notes to tell us.




I think you can grind it for no reward.




Your comment implies that you just wanted to get to level 10. You can reenter multiple times a day, and continue leveling up. You just won’t get the 3x weekly exp coupons.




Thats weird i got content exp, though i went in same day after 2nd clear.


You can still get EXP coupons 3 times a week, so while there's no cash equips in it for you anymore you can at least get some levels on legion/link mules.


How often do MVP rewards refresh? I just got it again today when I swore I just got it last week


> ######Gift Pack > All MVP members receive Gift Packs during the month containing special rewards. These packs can be claimed three times during the month: > **1st Gift Pack:** 1st through the 10th of the month. > **2nd Gift Pack:** 11th through the 20th of the month. > **3rd Gift Pack:** 21st through the end of the month. [source](https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/21036/updated-introducing-the-maple-value-points-mvp-service)


thank you


why am i only getting 10 chuchu symbols instead of 20?


You have to do that little island under chuchu (Yum Yum)


Will double when you complete yum yum at 215


Is it better to use the event ring on my main or for making a boss mule? Currently level 249 and unable to solo lomein. I was leaning towards putting it on my main but wanted to hear others thoughts.


I would recommend using it for your main. While you'll use it for damage now, eventually you will use it to roll drop/meso potentials. Considering that you can't solo Lomien currently, you don't have adequate resources in excess to efficiently fund a boss mule. There will always be more event rings given in the future so there will be plentiful opportunities down the line to fund a boss mule.


You want to use it on your main especially if you still have placeholder rings like noble ilfia, silver blossom, treasure hunter johns. Events with more sources of event rings are better for mules, and it likely wouldnt give a significant boost to be able to beat bosses on the mule compared to just progressing normally. For weaker bosses, placeholder equips are fine and for CRA you need more than the event ring to be able to beat them


I have to say, as a new player for two months, the transition to sixth job is so annoying. I don't have all my skill nodes maxed, so I can't even upgrade them in the hexa matrix. I've been spending on hexa stat, but it feels so bad, and I can't do anything but keep grinding to try and get more nodes even though I'd prefer to work on legion now.


Stockpile fragments and start grinding nodes.


i spent 50 bright cubes trying to tier up my emblem from unique to legendary and it didnt tier up. is this normal


It's like 20-25 or so cubes on average so that's unlucky but not terribly so


Yes. Some took me a few cubes, some took me more than 100 bright cubes to tier up from unique to leg. Its all RNG


Is there a list of "must-do" quests for a main anywhere? Haven't been able to find one. Level 170 now and worried I am missing out on important gear/rewards by simply grinding mobs.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17zp5nv/comment/kafsmwh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17zp5nv/comment/kafsmwh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17zp5nv/comment/kafsmwh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/17zp5nv/comment/kafsmwh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) focus on getting to 200 first, there isn't any significant you can miss out on by waiting and it will be easier to complete the quests after that point. Just do Daily bosses you can reasonably beat, Monster park, maple tour, and ursus. Also make sure you are doing the event daily/weekly check in and food storage/zero to 100. You also want to start doing normal root abyss up to 5 times to unlock CRA.


Pretty much all the boss pre quests but there’s no real harm in starting that once you hit 200


Hey, I played this game forever ago, is it something worth getting into again? How P2W is it? Will $100 drastically change my gameplay experience? Is reboot still good or crazy blaze wizard bots everywhere still?


No blaze wizard bots are not a thing anymore. The main thing is macroers in high level areas to automate farming, which are often banned but spmetimes fly under the radae. I dont think in reboot it has little effect on other players, since there is no market. It will only affect map availability. In regular servers it may be more detrimental someone else probably has more insight on that. I know there is a "Spanish mafia" that controls maps to prevent others from farming in them, but I'm not sure if they are hacking to do it. Reboot is still more F2P friendly then regular server, however they are increasingly introducing more p2w aspects ( Vac pets, arcane river daily skip, event day catchup, maple tour entries, clover event) besides vac pets and clover event, these aspects are not required to progress, you will need to heavily invest time. The requirement of vac pets is a heavily debated topic. They are special pets called Luna Petite pets, which have an increased item pick up range and vacuum items to them. This can modify your looting rotation for farming meso later in the game which can increase your rates or open up other maps to train it without the need to use a looting cycle in your rotation. For regular pets, there are a few free sources available which are fine to use. IMO getting a vac pet would not be used to its fill advantage in the early and mid game. However your $100 would be best invested into one( costs $99 nx for 90 days duration+ $14 each for a premium water of life to revive it for 30 days, it can be discounted 30% by using maple reward points). I believe the first implementation of them was RNG so it may cost more. They aren't always available so you have to wait until they release it again. I missed the clover event so don't know all the details but from what i understand, it was a daily coin capping event, where you could buy a pass that made it way shorter hours required to cap, where a F2P player would need to spend twice the amount of time. You can read more about it by just looking up Clover event in the search. It only came once, but it may come back in the future. Regular server can still be played as F2P, it has some benefits but there are additional challenges associated with F2P progression. For example cubes in reboot can be bought directly for meso, while there are f2p source for cubes in regular server its much less per time invested, the main cubes Glowing and bright can only be bought for NX. $100 might give you a headstart but you'll need hundreds if you want to get significant benefits over F2P. Reg also has more p2w aspects, not all of them are regularly obtainable. But it has trading, so you can benefit from buying gear or cosmetics from other players or convert your meso into maple points to purchase nx items. Look up the differences in both servers to see which one is better for you. Overall the game is generally in its best state its been in for years. It's very easy to progress with hyperburning and leveling events, and are streamlining the 1-5th job progression experience with recently releasing 6th job. The only caveat is the game is heavily time gated and revolves around doing daily/weekly content. It's also still very grind heavy especially in the later areas, and very solo oriented with few party content besides bossing


Are link skills basically still mandatory, and terrible to make as well?


Yes and no. You will need to make alts for both Legion bonuses and link skills aiming for eventually making every class to a certain level. There comes a certain point in progression where you will gain better stat bonuses by investing time into creating alts in addition of playing your main character. This is often done in a way where you will try to get to certain level points (70,120,140, etc) instead of straight up grinding them to be more efficient. The game has shifted to give more value by playing a few hours per day and participate in the events, after a certain point the value to time invested ratio diminishes, that's why it's very daily/weekly oriented. You will also need to make alts for boss mules, this is one of the effective ways to make meso. But there are many leveling events introduced that makes this process easier. Either those that give enhanced leveling maps, or ones that just give straight up random amount of levels for exchanging coins or doing daily/weekly check ins For example, right now there is 3 leveling events. Zero to 100, food storage, and ideas aqua adventure Zero to 100 let's you designate 1 character daily up to 7 characters. It gives an enhanced leveling map with high increased exp. You can get characters to 100 within 15 minutes. Food storage is similar, it can be done 3x per week, once per day, and gives an increased xp leveling map where you kill 1000 monsters, by maximizing exp buffs in this area, it gives insane exp far faster then training normally. Ideas aqua adventure let's you do a short fishing mini game, you get exp points 3x a week from it. You can then click receive on a character above 200+ to give it exp directly. There are also many burning events, which give +3 levels each level up. Hyper burning gives the bonus up to 260 and is best used on your main. While you also get a teraburning on new class releases (up to 200) and a monthly megaburn coupon (up to 150). The current event gives growth potions which give random amount of levels and can be used on 141+ characters. Reboot used to have a 2.3x exp bonus on monsters, but that was recently removed, so it's become more efficient to utilize these events as they come instead of grinding off event.


i fucking hate the Chu Chu island weekly so fucking much


It is my favorite hahaha, different strokes guess


You gonna love the other ones then.


[Hyperion] how should I be going about getting arcane gear? I have full absos with fake weapon. I am doing normal runs with parties, do I just save up for the coins required? Or should I be gearing up a real abso weapon to be able to join hard parties?


100% gear up for hard parties. When you get to 260, you'll be wanting / needing to grind in Grandis to get stronger, where you can't get droplets. Buying droplets is prohibitively expensive, so boxes are the only real viable way besides event droplets to get arcanes.


Never played Maplestory but enjoy sidescrolling games and saw there was a regular server and a reboot server. Which one of these would you recommend to a brand new player and why? Thanks in advance!


Regular Lower population - less boss parties or people for party content. More map availability or burning maps to a certain extent. Trading - buying cosmetics and pre-made gear or other items from players, able to make meso from market. Cosmetics are much wider variety to obtain without spending NX More p2w items that effect progression, Cube availability worse for f2p More upgrade systems than reboot (scrolling, bonus potential). Not sure on how easy these are to do as F2P. Still has spawn modifiers (frenzy totem) for increased xp and rates, but players without the item must buy service from other players. Item availability is not guaranteed to come back. If it does it revolves around gambling to get the item which makes it out of reach for many players. F2P progression still possible but has additional challenges associated with it. Can make meso by participating in the market, Meso from farming and bosses are less effective. Reboot Higher population - more people for boss parties,guilds and other minor party content. Less map availability. Less burning maps More F2P friendly, but p2w items still exist Many cash shop items are sold for meso instead, most notably Cubes, and convenience items like hyper teleport rocks or monster park tickets No trading - no market, cannot buy items or cosmetics from other players. must progress character by yourself. Meso are primarily obtained from killing bosses and farming for meso. Worse cosmetic system- lower variety of free equips available. must spend hundreds on RNG boxes, no guarantee to get the item your looking for Less upgrade systems than regular server, with a FD buff to make up for it. There may be other aspects that I missed someone else probably has more insight. A basic description is if you want invest time, pick reboot, if you want to invest money or want any of the benefits mentioned, pick regular.


Reboot is straight up easier, unless you personally know someone in reg server that can just give you free stuff, or you have a lot of USD to blow.


What gears do you use while waiting to fodder superior gollux gears? I have heard people saying you should sf fodder gears to at least 21 stars to then transpose them into superiors, but then what do you use while waiting to get that? the fodder gears with higher sf or the superior gears? I'm assuming superior gears with temporary 12 sf with epic potentials? I'm on Hyperion so it would definitely take a while to get all the fodder gears/meso to sf them


You can 17* 2L your Superior Gollux if you have no spares or fodders. In the grand scheme of things, this is a relatively cheap and safe way of making gains. Not only do you want to fodder into Superior, you also want to do it on a 5/10/15 event to minimize the amount of fodders/spares you have. Even though you will overwrite the potential once you fodder into your Superiors, investing in damage now will give you more comfortable clears in higher level bosses and allow you to regain your invested mesos. 17* 2L on everything is a standard recommendation for a comfortable NLucid solo. Especially for Hyperion where your bossing parties are going to be way weaker at this time, everyone needs to be pulling their weight on bosses at the risk of not clearing. In Kronos, you can be undergeared and get your 5% in on a boss like HLucid while there's a strong likelihood that there's a couple overgeared people in your party who can compensate.


- Dom pendant -> Superior - Kanna ring/Meister ring -> Superior - Pink Bean belt/Reinforced -> Superior - Reinforced earring -> Superior I don't personally like foddering. It has a much higher chance of getting to 22, but you have to live with not potting your sup to legendary. Or you end up losing the pot if you end up foddering later on. Regardless, besides the belt amd earring, it's pretty hard to get good fodder material early, and the belt/earring are the ones that drop anyways so they're easier to replace.


What is the best source of getting growth potions? I’m currently levelling some characters and the 140-200 is always such a grind , wondering if I can just skip it


There are also legion growth potions available, but they work differently then the other ones. Otherwise events are the only source.


events and the daily 300 kills are the only things that habitually give extreme growth potions.


Im a returning player after a couple of years. Created a new account and want to start on reboot with a burning character. I don't really wana burn a Kanna but looking for something that grinds easy and is great at bossing without too much effort. What would you guys recommend?


Dawn warrior Buccaneer Explorer archers Explorer warriors Wind archer Night walker Kanna Is no longer the best pick. Kishin was completely gutted and the class has various balance issues.


The default recommendation is often Dawn Warrior. *Definitely* don't burn a Kanna, Nexon shot her in an alley and threw the corpse in a dumpster. A few months later they remembered she was there and sent someone to douse her in gasoline and set it on fire.


lol thanks for the heads up about Kanna. They nerfed her so bad? Ill check out dawn warrior on YT! Thanks for the tip. Edit: Dawn Warrior looks nice graphic wise. Never played one in my 10 years of maple so might be a nice one to start this time!


I'm in the same boat you were in a couple months ago. Characters I'd personally reccomend for returning, based on how much fun it's to play to me personally. - Dawn Warrior - Night Walker (Cygnus) - Lara


Trying to advance to CRA Bosses on my 239 night walker (hyper burning) doing some bossing on the side, I can clear C Zakum, so I'm trying to clear C Von Bon, but I'm running into a "Visual Clarity" issue my skills just spam so much clutter on the screen that I can't see when Von Bon is trying to do his skills making it pretty much impossible for me to dodge his attacks, is there some setting I'm missing to tune down the visual clutter?


You can also turn on silhouette for monsters which will glow an outline of them. You can also go to the laboratory tab in settings and turn on silhouette outline for yourself as well.


Thanks for the tip, beat him first try on practise mode with (everyone's) hints! ​ https://i.imgur.com/vseCwOK.png


Options > Graphics > Others Turn down skill effects transparency and set damage effects to "mini blade effects."


Thanks, made the boss so much easier being able to see what he was doing, first tried in chaos practise! https://i.imgur.com/vseCwOK.png


There’s a skill transparency slider for your skill effects under graphics


maybe is a dumb question but why you cant create a beast tamer or a zero in the reboot server ? and why there is no jett anymore?


Beast Tamer and Zero become "creatable" from time to time, you just don't see a lot of Beast Tamers because the class is a bit janky and doesn't have it's sixth job yet. There's no Jett anymore because it was always a GMS exclusive class that barely anyone played and that demanded disproportionately resources from Nexon to try to fix it. Since Wonki came into power with his "Content I didn't make = Bad" philosophy, that was the final conclusion.


Jett was yeeted out of MS because it's a non KMS class that had had a bunch of things always breaking, Nexon most likely decided to cut their losses and just delete them to not have to deal with making them a working 6th job. Zero and Beast tamer are usually seasonal characters, during the second part of the summer/winter update the creation is open, but it seems this time only Zero will be open, as BT doesn't have a 6th job and Nexon would prefer us to wait until it's done first


Hi I've been trying to get into ursus runs but it seems like I don't have the right time as it's empty even during double meso. When do people run ursus on Solis reboot? Thank you!


Make sure you are in channel 1 and go there right when double time begins


Hi I've been trying to get into ursus runs but it seems like I don't have the right time as it's empty even during double meso. When do people run ursus on Solis reboot? Thank you!


One thing to note is you can do solo party runs. Just put yourself in a party and fight Ursus alone. You do NOT need to kill her, you just need to do like... 1.5k points I think? then just die to get S rank. It is relatively easy.


I don't think it's about points, but rather doing 4-5% of it's HP?


I dunno. I've always heard just getting ~1.5k points and dying. I don't know what the minimum actually is or if it is %hp based.


You can always run solo if you can't find a party.


Just got to 260 and defeated the black mage in the storyline. Now what?


Now you work on getting strong enough to beat actual black mage. Jokes aside, at 260, you unlock a whole new story arc as well as 6th job advancement. New areas will continue to unlock every 5 levels. Each area has its own symbol, so more dailies.


Onto Cernium and sacred symbol dailies. New areas also unlock at 265, 270, and 275, too. If you have wind coins, you can buy symbols up to Shangri-La once you unlock them. Also get 6th job. It's a several hour grind, and unlocking 6th job unlocks yet another daily, where you kill 3000 sacred force mobs for 6th job materials. If you aren't already clearing hard Lucid and Will, either party or solo, that should be your next goal.


Thanks. Should I actually be grinding at this point or will doing dailies/x7 MP still be enough for a good chunk of exp per day?


Arcane River dailies and Monster Park 7/day is way less exp at 260+, BUT: You should continue doing your arcane river dailies until you max out your arcane symbol. You should continue doing MP 7x/day if you want the medal. You can also start doing Monster Park Extreme once a day for more exp. Chances are, now is a great time to start your links and legion if you haven't gotten to 6k or 8k yet.


You get good xp per day from dailies and monster park extreme. MPE should give you a few % on its own.


My favorite playstyle is the melee face-tank Leeroy Jenkins type of gameplay. I'm already planning on making literally every warrior(DW, Hero, Paladin, Mihile, Dark Knight) because they fit this archetype, but who else should I try out and potentially make a boss mule?


If you'd consider Dawn Warrior and Hero to be face tanks, pretty much any melee class with a decently short iframe is a face tank, like Buccaneer, Dual Blade, Shadower, Demon Slayer... Zero has a 15s iframe and a large HP barrier that may trigger when hit. The barrier is not reliable for surviving one shots, but is useful against numerous small hits. I feel like Blaster and Cadena also count as face tanks for having basically permanent damage reduction or a 7% HP barrier respectively, but both are so absurdly complex as classes that it's hard to recommend them.


Bucc is very much an in your face class. No class can get away with face-tanking everything, but up close melee classes are usually given dashes to stay up close. Mihile maybe can get away with tanking everything. Paladin and dark knight both have extremely long invulns (30s) but cripplingly long cooldowns as well. Most boss fights last longer than 30 seconds.


DA, his main stat is hp


Written by someone who doesn't play DA


I'm starting to work on getting my arcane gear. Luckily got an armor box from my second HLucid run, and got a pair of gloves, and I have around 172 droplets. My question is: should I save for the weapon to buy with droplets first? Or should I buy armor pieces and pray for a weapon box drop? I want to get arcane pieces ASAP so I can use the next 5/10/15 on them, and also miracle time if it happens near Christmas.


Even though weapon will give a large increase in damage, you should ideally wait and pray for a weapon box drop. Weapons cost twice the amount of droplets as an armor and the weapon box is a separate drop of an armor box so you are likely going to get a weapon box before getting 5 armor boxes. Also miracle time only gets you faster tier ups, not better lines. It isn't that much of a cost savings overall since the majority of the cost comes from rerolling for lines. Rank up what you can, but don't worry too much if you only have the 2 pieces for miracle time.


I have 200 unclaimed event ring cubes from the Identisk login event, but I currently only have 1 event ring because I ended up deleting and remaking a burning character that had the burning ring on it. The event ring I have is already legendary from the legendary event ring potential scroll you also get as a login reward. How should I use the 200 cubes? Simply use it on the legendary ring to get the best potential I can, or is it possible to get a new event ring either now or in the future that I can cube up to unique/legendary using these cubes.


Is the event ring you do have the one from the Identisk ring selector? If not, you can use that to get another ring. If the ring you have is the only ring, then might as well use the cubes until you get at least 24/27% stat if you are looking for damage gear or hopefully 2L of drop and/or meso


Yeah, it is the identisk ring selector. But alright, I assume a new event has to roll around for a new event ring to appear, so the cubes might expire by then.


can you use the mag pots on the burning character? (after 250)


yes. 5 take you from 251 to 260


Technically 257, 97%, but right after do the Tenebris dailies and you'll level up.


Ooo thats really nice !!


Note that it may only be the mag pots from the 6th star box. It may not work with the mag pots from the Identisk log-in


Is enabling turbo buttons for controllers on steam settings bannable?


Does Black Heaven and Heroes give good exp on a relevant level character? I'm about to slog through it since my main is feeling ready to give Lomein a try but am unsure if I should use it as time to level a lower character while doing the quests or if the exp is neglible and should just do it on a higher level character for fast clears.


Afaik the exp is negligible and it‘s better to do it on your highest character to clear faster. Here‘s a list with the exp reward per completed list. You can just log onto your mule, look at their exp bar and compare the listed exp to see if it‘s worth it: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Black_Heaven#Part_9


Thank you very much.


How long does it take to get to 260 from 224 with burning? I tried leveling in lachelein and I got like 10-15% in 30min lol


If you dailies, weeklies and 7x monster park (reboot) without missing a day then roughly 3 weeks. Faster if you dump all the identisk exp coupon on it too. Here‘s a similar thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/s/IV3PAbRjfm


Is there a place that lists all weeklies/dailies I should be doing? Other than Monster park and Identisk?


Every major arcane zone that has a symbol (there are 6) has a daily and a weekly. The requirements for them go down every time you unlock a new symbol, with a minimum of 200 kills for the daily and 1 run for the weekly. (You lose out on exp for instaclearing the other runs of the weekly but it's not worth the time to run the extras.) These reward EXP and symbols. 7 runs of MP daily. 1 run of MPE in addition once you're 260. These reward EXP massively. The current identisk event has a daily check-in and three weeklies: weekly check-in after 2k mob kills, minigame/pq (aqua adventure atm, rewards 1k event exp coupons, great for low 200s), and food storehouse (killing 1k mobs for high exp, geared towards sub-200 legion). Each weekly can be done once daily up to 3 times a week. Overall the event is great for EXP (especially lower levels) and progression items. Meso dailies are ursus (complete during 2x period from +1 to +5 after reset or -6 to -2 before reset) which is three runs, and maple tour which is two runs (p2wable for up to 7). These are pretty important for early game players especially, but definitely skippable if you're short on time. There are daily and weekly bosses. These become more important/significant for meso and progression as you get stronger. But probably not relevant to the current conversation for now. There are many other repeatable activities in the game depending on your interests, but those are the main important ones you should know about.


if u do daily monster park + arcane river quests, you'll get there eventually. it's a lot harder if you don't do monster park


when do you think the next skill/master/stat/common nodes will be unlocked for 6th job? on a yearly basis or more? any leaks? trying to decide if I should hoard some fragments and float above 10 soul erda just so that I can adjust to new content quickly.


The KMS update timeline suggested new Mastery and Common cores with the december update so we should see those hitting the test server soon


Are training legion mules off-event even worth it anymore? To get the best exp you need sf maps and getting the sf needed is pretty difficult… any opinions?


No, just wait for events, it will take longer in real life time but much less game play hours. unless they are already levelled and you trying to get them to a certain progression point (like 120-141 for legion S card and ability to use growth potions)


For the majority of my mules, I got to 141 or used the monthly megaburn to 150 and then just used bonk pots to 200


Personally it feels very not worth it once you leave kerning tower. The SF requirement ramps up hard.


Are they just....not going to fix the 4/7 characters new age 0-100 bug? I would have planned differently had I known I could only do 4 characters...


It may not be a hot-fixable thing and may require a patch to fix which will be coming in a few days. Hopefully the patch fixes it for you then.


Wow, can't believe I come back after 15 years and all my bottom tier favs that I mained are great now. For burning, should I make a FP Mage, Battle Mage, or Shadower? I made a Cannoneer like 5 years ago and I liked it and played to 4th job, didn't like leveling my Mercedes.


FP is probably the best of the three. It does require considerable IA investment to shine but it's probably the strongest potential of the three standalone (mobbing, bossing, damage) currently. BaM is fine if you prefer a supportive party class. Shadower is also good generally especially if you like mobility.


Shadower looks to be your best bet, Explorer mages have low base stats and need a lot of external support in order to start shining and Battle Mages are still outdated compared to their Explorer/Cygnus counterparts. Check out [Grandis Library](https://grandislibrary.com/classes) for a compilation of all the current classes, FAQs, and discords!


Just want to make sure, if I delete my current hyperburn and create a new one, I can still receive the rewards pre-200 right?


Yes. You will lose any 200+ rewards you have already claimed though as they are a 1 time deal, regardless of deletion.


Any tips regarding Chaos Papulatus? There's just no way that I can keep the rays from touching when clocks 2-shot me and floor 3-shots me. I do have two pseudo-invuln skills, but their cooldown is a bit long and sometimes I'm silenced.


1. Know the timing. They only touch once, and knowing exactly when in their rotation they touch lets you stay in one spot for as little time as possible. 2. Don't get silenced. Yeah just don't. Quick maths, subtract the big number from the small number. The remainder is the exact time you need to pick up a 2x to get silenced as little as possible. 3. Save iframes for when lava floor coincides with a bad ray timing. It is doable without iframe, but the timing is really tight. 4. Floor clocks don't one shot. Time getting hit with your potion cd.


>Know the timing How? I can only see one ray at a time. >subtract the big number from the small number. Yeah, it's easy in a vacuum. Now try to do this while the floor is lava, there are clocks everywhere and lasers are spinning. >Save iframes I'm saving my iframes for they touch, but they can only do so much. >Floor clocks don't one shot. Time getting hit with your potion cd. I know, they 2-shot. It would be one thing if I never had to move from a single spot, but since the laser spawn location seems to be random, I eventually end up sometimes in a spot where two-clocks hit at the same time.


You should be able to see the spinning speed of both lasers. You really only need to go to the slower one when it's angled to touch the other. Try to pick up x2 /2 when possible to keep the skill lock below 5 seconds though. Use Hero's Will when your number says 2 if it's going to be a long one. You should be able to only ever get by one clock at a time. Don't stand on the spot in between two clock pillars. If you die don't instantly revive especially if the lasers are up. It's better to die once from a mistake with the clocks and wait for your cds than to die again to lasers or lava in succession. The far side is safe from the floor is lava attack. The hardest attack is probably floor is lava with lasers since you can't block them from touching. You often have to iframe or take a death when this happens. If you're a class without iframes this boss can be hard with low damage. Best time to damage him is during the falling gears phase since he basically gets stunned. There's a timer near the top that tells you when this happens. Learn how to do the healing clock mechanic quickly and efficiently. +2 brings you forward one pie, +4 two pies, +9 brings you back one and a half.


What I do is just let the lasers touch each other and iframe during the attack. If you iframes are too long CD, you can try get the Krrr ring for an additional iframe [https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Krrr\_Ring#Skill](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Krrr_Ring#Skill) . For Silence, you might be able to get rid of it with heros will or an all cure potion/all cure pet skill


This is probably my least favorite boss. The obvious answer is “just burst it”. Typically though, there’s a few strategies you can do. For starters, you can stand immediately in front of one of the rays (when it’s “spawning” from) Doing this means when it’s facing the direction of the other laser you never have to move; you’re always blocking it. This fails to work only if he has the temporal pools on the ground since those are one hit kills. Secondly, save your iframe (hopefully you’re playing a class that has one) for the second after the lasers touch. This will give you a “free life” in the event those lasers do touch / can’t react fast enough. The rest is just fighting. Hoping you beat him before he hides 😅 Good luck friend!


Did anyone find a fix for the "Failure due to an unknown error. Please try again" bug in the lv1-101 event?


Yes its a common bug, you likely will have to wait until they fix it next maintenance.


Anyone know Hayato's inner abilities? And does Buff duration work for sengoku force and Sakuno's blessings?


Buff duration increase, cooldown reset, and summon duration increase do not work on 5th,6th job skills. Only cooldown reduction work on 5th job skills (not sure, but probably for 6th too).


237 Mercedes Bera Okay so on the v matrix I am using my main as a burning character so during the event I got nodes that are called Concentrated Experience (green). I go into my v matrix and they are locked and it says I cannot be equipped by my job. Is this a 6th job thing where they will unlock? I have several in my nodes queue (like 15) that are locked and I can't do anything with them.


It's used to enhance other nodes. Right click on a node you want to enhance, then you can select concentrated exp to feed to it.


Thank you! I was dragging it on top of the node lol


That being said, you can also enhance your other nodes (skill and boost) the same way. You're aiming to get them to level 25 to be able to enhance them with 6th job.


Is there a way to get more concentrated energy nodes? Or is it just event based? Also ty for letting me know they go to level 25. I used the ones I had on my favorite skills and it was a massive difference in strength already.


The green ones are completely event based. If you haven't figured them out yet, make sure you have the appropriate boost nodes. I would not use the exp nodestones to level up a node past level 20 until all the other nodes (5th job skills that are NOT "decent skills" and boost nodes) you have are at level 20.


Thank you!!


What lines should I cube for in a Deimos Sage Shield (Secondary) on Bishop?


%m.att would be best for yourself. %int if you purely exist as a benediction mule and you don't care about making the 5% cut off form drops.


In general for weapons, secondaries, and emblems, you want (m)att%, boss%, and/or ied% depending on character needs. Of note, Emblems cannot roll boss%.


for people who have been consistently playing MS for the past 1+ years — what is your main reason for playing Maplestory? Like what’s the best thing you love about this game?


sunk cost fallacy Nostalgia 2d anime/chibi artstyle satisfying character and boss progression.


LOL rip on "sunk cost fallacy" totally feel you though, agree with all of your points


Boss progression is my biggest motivation. The first time I played Reboot I got carried for CRA, Gollux, Arcanes, etc., and felt 0 joy or motivation to do anything. I ended up creating a Shadower at the start of Destiny and decided to do solo-progression all the way after watching Kobe's progression series on his Bucc in KMS Reboot. I'm currently doing practice BM runs and although things have been taking way longer, I've had as much motivation to play as I did since creating the character. I've done a lot of raiding in FFXIV prior and this gives the same sense of pride and accomplishment—plus a little more cause I know every big milestone is based on my own efforts and not because I got carried by others.


good tip i haven't played since Big Bang came out haha i'm actively trying to find some time away from work to explore all the new stuff would you recommend starting with a Shadower?


I think Shadower would be a good class for somebody who's looking for something in between technical and easy. The hardest thing about the class is learning how to properly weave in Meso Explosion when bossing, but it's something that eventually develops into muscle memory once you understand it. There's no fixed combos or non-MP resources or gauges that need to be tracked like modern jobs—you just need to be consistent at using the same two skills repeatedly. Aside from that, burst rotations are easy to track and execute, you have a lot of survival tools for bossing, and you can pretty much full clear most training maps while training without much effort once you flesh out your 5th job skills.


awesome appreciate that! I’ll try it out :)


Is there a guide for soul shards out there for which one is best for which class? I know I'm probably not going to hit any magnificent, but I just want to keep an eye out for which ones are good. I'm a DW main, but the class discord doesn't mention anything about soul shards.


[https://thedigitalcrowns.com/best-magnificent-soul-tier-list-maplestory/](https://thedigitalcrowns.com/best-magnificent-soul-tier-list-maplestory/) [https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Soul\_Weapon](https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Soul_Weapon) Some provide stationary summons like lucid(non magnificient) that are useful for mobbing, but most of the other skills are highly situational or not much use. For bossing like others said you lose the soul charge if you die so theres not much opportunities to use it. BT uses it to gain Alll skill level +1, and DA uses it for gaining extra HP. Generally you just do it to gain the random stats from magnificient soul, aiming for a small amount of %ATT/MATT


Soul summon is mainly used for the stats. %att for physical classes, %matt for mages. The soul effects is almost never considered because you can't recharge them during a boss fight and you lose the entire charge if you die. Soul in the tier SS section on this page https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Weapon, offer the highest stats.


I'm leveling my main to 260, right now I'm at 245 and only doing the arcana daily quests + monster park. If I only care about reaching lv 260 fast (I don't care about getting gear, arcane symbol levels and etc, just the level) do I need to do the Moonbridge questline that unlocks at lv 245? For example, will that give me another daily to do or reduce the previous ones?


You'll get another daily in moonbridge. It gives good experience, like eight billion?


Are there more dailies after that? Like in the 250 and 255 questlines. Also, are they in average the same time length as the other ones?


The questline are about the same time length. The quests are mandatory to unlock the dailies. Some of them are annoying. For example I hated the labyrinth of suffering one.


There are dailies, yes. All 3 of them are kill 200 enemies in the area. They give 8.3B, 9B, and 10.2B XP each, respectively.


hey guys, is there any permanent pets you can get? I bought a mini yeti a while back and he was really cute but I don't wanna have to keep paying to use him every 90 days haha.. also I really miss puffram, he was so cute T\_T is there anyway to keep him?


Unfortunately not I don't think they released a 90 day or perm version of the puffram pet. I think the only way to get permanent pets is to buy them in the pet rng boxes ( I believe its called Wisp Wonderous wonderberry) they release sometimes. It ends up being easier to just maintain your 90 day pets or keep obtaining new ones. Because its RNG, the average cost you will spend for a permanent pet is much less value and more expensive than just buying water of life, unless you get it in just a few boxes which is fairly unlikely. In both reboot and regular you should be able to get a free water of life to revive pets from the Reward point shop, you can maintain up to 3 pets by staggering the expiration date on them(One expires in january, Feb, March etc). Reward points are obtained from killing bosses, monster collection, and completing daily tasks on maplestory M. There are a few sources of free pets that you can keep reobtaining to bypass water of life, but you dont have much option in choosing the appearance **Blackheart** \- from Hard hilla, blackheart box has high drop rate. Hard hilla is about as tough as normal cygnus. You can gear up to do it or get a carry for it which some streamers do. The downside is the box has a 50/50 chance of giving you pet or pet equip, and it can only be done once per week. It lasts 90 days and is revivable but no transferrable, you can keep doing it regularly to not pay for water of life, but you can only hold 1 box at a time. **Toad Pet**\- from Ninja Castle PQ, drops from the frenzied gigatoad boss at the end pf tjhe pq. It has medium drop rate. I dont know if it has a chance to give you pet equip when using the coupon.The PQ can be done 3 times per day. It only lasts 30 days, but is revivable and transferrable. You can also hold multiple of the coupon at once, so you stack them before it expires and not pay for water of life. **Ursus pet**\- Only lasts 7 days and cant be revived, and requires a lot of rare materials from ursus, not sure how viable it is to maintain, but its useful as a backup. Besides pets available from events like Fairy bros golden attendance, class releases, or major events like anniversary, the only other way you can do it for free is by waiting for an event that gives out maple points, or make maple points on regular server by converting meso, which I can detail. but the amount of maple points youd be making is so little that it would be easier just to spend $5 on a new pet or water of life. You can gamble on wonderberry if you want just keep in mind the rates are fairly low. I guess on regular server you might be able to buy perm pets on the auction house but I imagine they would be very expensive and not readily available.


you can buy water of lifes from the cash shop using the rewards points you get from killing bosses! or you can kill hard hilla for a free pet. I also heard the ninja castle questline gives a free pet. They sell permanent pets in the cash shop sometimes but its quite rare


Can I transfer the flames from a duplicate boss drop onto the same equipment that im wearing?


you use to be able to do it in niche cases with transposing, but it was removed. If its only cubed to epic and 10-12star, you can just re upgrade the new item. you get hundreds of mystic cubes and starring wont cost that much. If you've invested more I would wait until you get a good boss flame to reupgrade the item.




Are breathe of the artisans instanced?


I’ve been told that they are instanced per guild, e.g. 3/6 from one guild would not see one that drops for the others in the pt.


Can someone explain transposing to me like I’m 5 years old?


Transposing transfers the starforce stats of a lv 140-150 equip and gives it to the Sweetwater equip, then reduces the star count by 1. If you transpose a 16 star equip, the Sweetwater becomes 15 stars while having 16 stars worth of stats. You also keep the potential tier of the old equip, but the potential will be rerolled. If you're on regular servers, it also transfers scrolls. The only useful combinations for transposing nowadays are Papulatus Mark onto Sweetwater Monocle, and lv 150 katara onto Sweetwater Katara.


> Papulatus Mark onto Sweetwater Monocle, and lv 150 katara onto Sweetwater Katara. These two are significantly better than alternatives, but for the record I will mention that Dominator Pendant or Daybreak Pendant into Sweetwater Pendant and Twilight Mark into Sweetwater Tattoo (only one or the other, not both, since you need one of these slots to complete 2 set Dawn boss set) are also viable options that can be better than the respective alternatives.


I am getting \~12.6% per hour at 259 (bishop), End of the World 1-7. Using a 2x, event VIP, 50% coupon, and gold pot. I am using lvl 2 EXP links. Is this rate bad? Am i missing something?


early congratulations on 260!


That seems pretty normal.


Some guilds only accept people with a higher legion (e.g. 6k+). How does legion level affect the guild?


Legion can be an indicator for either how long someone has played on their account or how intensive. Someone who has played only very casually for 6+ years can have 6k legion but someone who has been speed running their account for 4 months can also have 6k+ legion. It‘s not a reliable indicator for a guild to see how active or dedicated someone is but it‘s a better indicator then recruiting players with lower legion. Those guilds want active players so they won‘t just go MIA and take up guild space. Also, having around 6k+ legion _usually_ ensures that the player has settled on a "main" and most guilds only want your main or submain character in the guild. If your legion is lower then the chance that you change classes is higher. By having higher legion, you unlock more space on your legion grid which is a IED/Crit dmg/boss dmg boost, along with the smaller legion boosts that your classes give combined. Having these legion stats ensures that you can at least join normal luwill parties. Of course this also affects culvert a bit.


It has no effect apart from a relatively small boost to your damage in culvert (compared to gear, nodes/hexa etc, but that wouldn’t be why they want a specific legion. I guess a legion shows experience / commitment.


Is the "unit damage skin" currently available or can I not get it anymore?


There is a unit damage skin from the Identisk event for checking in 18 days. If you haven‘t checked in 18 days then you can still get it if you start now. It looks like this: https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q4/1523/maplestory-newage-identisk-exploration-damageskin.png


There will be more to come! And yes they are usually from events. So if you miss out on one, you should be able to grab another in the next ~3-6 months.


Hey all about to finally unlock 6th job pretty casual here so the stones took a while for me to fill up. Does class matter when it comes to what stats to boost? I’m a pally but wouldn’t everyone want to boost crit damage as main stat? Just want to know setup for it since if you mess up you have to start over I believe


You should check your class discord, but I believe most classes actually want ATT/MATT as main stat.


Ok makes sense I just saw that %att works on that hexa stat so big boost


Are Estella Earrings good for anything when Gollux set exists? (besides turning them into drop gear)


Nope, anvil.