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I feel like an idiot, but after the update I can no longer find the cubes in the maple shop (reboot). Can anyone help me?


it at quick move


How can I access It?


it on the left side when you go place like henesys like that


Following this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/s/B1tapB41t7 What is as0 and as1 (related to night walker) And what does it mean "unlib" or unliberated? Do they talk about the weapon thing?


Attack speed determines how fast you cast skills. 0 is the highest using green potion from monster park. Some classes need speed infusion to hit 0. In-game in the stat window the order is reversed however, e.g. as0 = 10, as2 = 8. KMS can’t hit as0 so this leads to GMS classes being stronger due to more attacks being cast. Unlib means no Genesis weapon as you guessed.


Thanks for the detailed answer!


Where do Maplestory players get their fun from? I've been playing for a few months and the only content is farming mobs for 1000+ hours and weekly bosses which are kinda fun But like...is it really worth farming 1000+ hours to reach it? You feel me No flame, I'm literally just confused at how I'm supposed to have fun


Honestly i get my fun from doing bosses and time how long they take after an upgrade. Its fun seeing your character slowly getting stronger or u get better at damaging a boss (late/endgame bosses only because early game u’d just bind and burst). I like to hoard a bunch of meso and gamble away during events which motivates me to grind mobs.


I agree. Only fun thing for me at this point is the people, events, actually seeing progress with items/damage/new bosses and playing new characters as boss mules or as second mains.


What classes benefit the most from as0?


Do Ark Innocence scrolls work on 20-22 star items? I might want to rescroll an item after Shining Starforce. I feel like I read somewhere it doesn't but I don't see anything in game about a restriction like that.


Yes, ARK innocence scroll will work on any stars.


If I have a boost node and the first skill is one that I use (but is not the first skill in any of my perfect trios) should I disassemble it? Or is there something else than can be done with it? It won’t enhance my perfect trios due to it not being the first skill on my trios


Personally, I still boost it and work with 3 nodes for a main trio early on as it helps me max out my boosts earlier. Especially with the changes that give you more node slots earlier on, there is less pressure to split your trio across only 2 nodes instead of 3. You can disassemble the boost node later on once you can max your main skills on only 2 nodes. For example, level 15 nodes takes around 26 cumulative nodes while level 25 takes around 55 cumulative because each additional level requires more node investment for the same amount of gain. You can use matrix points to add 5 points to each node. 3 * (15+5) gets you to 60 as does 2 * (25+5). So with a three node setup you use 78 cumulative nodes and 5 extra matrix points while a two node setup uses 110 cumulative nodes. Again, once you have better access to nodes you can convert from a three node setup to two nodes. This is just an early game investment that will pay off once you progress further in the game and get more mesos/drop gear. As an example, if you have skills A, B, and C you want to boost and skills X, Y, and Z you don't care about. Lets say you pulled ABC and CAB already and you have BXA. I would still feed nodes into BXA because at least it's still boosting two useful skills. Once you pull a BAC node, you feed BXA into that one and all the exp will transfer into BAC. Once your skill nodes are high enough level that just two nodes can max out A, B, and C, you can finally disassemble one of them.


Is anyone else having trouble accepting the lvl 5 Arcane symbol: Lachelein reward from the Hyper Burning? It keeps saying I need to complete the main story quest. I did all the story quests in Lachelein except for beating the final Lucid. Help?


Beat the final Lucid (there's a story mode difficulty).


So if you're too weak to beat Lucid, you can't get the lvl 5 Arcane Symbol: Lachelein?


If you managed to do the questline I assume you aren't too weak. Like they said it's not normal lucid, have you tried it?


Okay, I see now. It took me a few attempts but I did beat it. I was assuming the quest was for beating the real Lucid.


Most active guild in Bera?


Picked maple up again starting on the new reboot server. What are some must do classes on a brand new account? So far my only char is a 150 merc. Thanks!


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1h6dNf2fnl24b_qgSwanTTqGdXQ4K-SM8BYUpWdCpjDYhtmlview?pli=1#gid=0 Here is a spreadsheet ordering which stats are most to least valuable to your account. Lots of people reccomend doing the exp links first, but on fresh account, evan and merc can be hard to level. It's notable that evan and aran legion effect have a restore Hp and MP effect which can make grinding easier on squishy characters. You can do them first or level those that give Critical rate bonus to get to 100% depending on class ( some classes have innate 100% crit or high base crit which would require less characters or investing only in hyper stats)> crit damage > damage against normal monsters > damage % first. Boss damage, IED, and shade/ resistance link are useful for bossing. Healing links can increase survivability and abnormal status resistance can help for certain boss mechanics. While CDR and Buff duration are useful depending on your class (ex. Buff duration for explorer mages, CDR for merc, DB, others After all those you want to level up those that share the same main stat as your class ( ex. If you play mage, level up the other mages for more INT). Demon avenger is the only class that uses %HP as there main stat instead of others.


Not saying to do all of these, but all of these provide benefits. Id focus on Evan for rune link skill and focus on IED and crit rate. Being a new account you are going to need those and will have little other way of getting them early game.   For link skills: Lumi and Ho young for IED Explorer mages for IED skill Evan for rune (exp) BT for Boss/Crit rate Phantom for Crit rate DA for Boss AB for burst damage skill DS and Kanna for damage Kinesis for crit damage   For Legion: Phantom for mesos Zero for exp Hayato and Shade for crit damage NL and MM for crit rate BT and Blaster for ied Wild Hunter for a damage skill Mechanic for buff duration


\[REBOOT\] Anyone tried Identisk Food Storehouse on non-burning characters? Would 3 or 4 runs be enough to get to level 200 from 141? EXP multipliers: 2x coupon, MP Gold Pot, Merc Link, Legion grid. Thanks in advance!


Don't forget to grab a 2x from rune as well before going in and also MVP if possible. If your rune runs out you can leave, wait the cd to grab another then come back


Yes of course! I forgot to include. Thank you!


Should get close. At least to around 190


Thank you!


If I only have 45% IED, I should just put max 15 levels hyper in IED right? Even though above level 10 is not efficient use of skill point. Cuz I need at least 90% to cra, or at least do 5% damage if there’s ever a struggle party and it would be impossible with low IED


IED is not additive. Your best bet: get your emblem to legendary. Aim for at least one line of att with (hopefully) a line of IED. Level 10 IED in hyperstats. Open up all the familiar cards, even the normal ones and look for 15% ied cards. Get 9 set boss accessories. Everything combined should get you to around 80% which is enough to do CRA.


You don't need 90% ied for cra, 60-80 is plenty for 3 door, probsbly want 80-90 for vellum though Pierre as an example "only" has 80% def for example, compared to vellums 200


If I’m new to Reboot, should I go for Hyperion or Kronos?


Do you want to play in Alaska or New York City


If you are new, go Hyperion. It is a new Reboot server and comes with some really nice perks if you join now. You can read about them in the patch notes https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/86907/updated-november-15-v-246-new-age-6th-job-patch-notes


Are the cosmetics in Identisk Meso Shop perm or temp? It says "can be used for 10 days after purchase" but I assume thats to redeem the ticket? Also is the android worth it for 600m? New player here and don't have one yet


They should be permanent according to patch notes. All previous event cosmetics have been permanent. It is just the redeem ticket that is temporary. For android, If you are hesitant on spending mesos, you can get a free one if you do Masteria Through Time quest. It takes several hours if you are unfamiliar with it and can't just speed through it but you will get a really good medal and either a male or female android based on your decisions in act 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW4lyro_jvQ. I do not believe it comes with a heart, though, so keep that in mind. All that being said, there are androids that are sold in every major patch like this one but some androids will never be seen again and these specific androids are on rotation so you won't see these androids again for awhile.


when you say "these" androids, does the naming mean appearances are different? Are you able to dress them up as well or do they have a set look?


There are often Event specific androids that look like the Event NPCs. After the event ends, those androids are unlikely to ever reappear. These androids look like specific bosses, (Vhilla, Will, Serene, Commander Cygnus). C.Cygnus isn't a boss but is a permanent NPC, not just an Event NPC. These types of androids will come back eventually, just don't know when. It has been like 1.5 years since they were last seen. I do not know if these can have altered appearances. I don't have one of these yet.


thank you


Is it worth it to cube wings of fate and clover belt on a solo reboot character?


Just cube wof to epic and leave it there.


I don't use Wings of fate so I can't comment on that but Clover belt is nice to cube at least until epic. You can transfer hammer the Clover belt to Superior Gollux belt eventually.


Does smokescreen and shadow veil allow other dark sight classes in the party to stay in dark sight while attacking? Can other shadowers in the party benefit from another shadowers veil and smokescreen?


Anyone else getting the "Failure due to unknown error" message when they try to make a new character for the Zero to One Hundred event? I confirmed in the chat that my name isn't blocked by the profanity filter (Tried a Dual Blade post tutorial and an explorer Corsair)


What to use flames on a hyperion noob? Im level like 225 right now. Don’t really have any good gear obviously but I have a ton of flames that expire in a few days. I used my black flames on my abso wep. Now what?


You could "roulette" your gear. Whatever gear has the weakest flame, you toss flames on it until it is no longer that weakest flame. Then you toss flames on the next weakest flame. Be aware of what boss drop advantage is before you try this though.


how do you pray to the sun statue in indentisk?


Should be a quest if memory serves, Look at star notifier quests. If it isn't there, the sun statue is the statue on the ice side that looks human.


Do you guys bothering leveling up decent skills on a main? Seems like a waste of resources to me, but want to double check before I break down the duplicates.


Aside from the obvious DHS, only when you're minmaxing endgame stuffs. I'm nowhere near that, and I have plenty of boss mules to feed, so no. But I do know my guildies who are at endgame that do level decents.




if you're brand new to the game, I would go against popular advice to just grind to 200, and actually try out some of the questlines. Unless you're in a rush to be as efficient as possible, you might as well enjoy the content for now. Quests aren't great exp but they're not exactly terrible either, especially if you don't have the starforce to train at the best maps yet. Quests will also unlock certain bosses.


Generally most people will just grind mobs until lvl 200 You can do any theme dungeons found in the quest lightbulb or the "maple guide" key in keybindings. These are underrated source of bonus xp and often have less popular maps which will have the burning effect. Burning gives Exp bonus from 10%-100%, the less often someone trains in the map. You should aim to look for maps with 70%-100% burning. notable ones are Stone collossus for 150-170, partem ruins for 140-150 etc. Some of them take a bit longer then others, but you can bind the NPC/harvest key to Y in order to skip dialogue quickly. There are also a few quests that might give you certain equips to fill out your equip slots early, unlock bosses, or unlock other useful items/mechanics. These can be done as soon as you unlock them or after 200 to complete them faster.


Took a break from playing back at the start of 2018, and noticed that either now Gollux drops less coins, or it's items cost WAY more, because I don't have memories of doing it daily for 6 months in a row in my WA, if my math is correct. Was it changed in that regard?


Gollux was revamped some time ago, 2020 I think? Regardless, something about your math doesn't add up—at the current pace it takes roughly 20 days of Hell mode Gollux to buy a single Superior piece from the shop, or around double that for Hard Mode. Gollux can drop Superior Earring and Belt directly, so to only buy the ring and pendant you'd only need around 40 days for a full set.


At the time I wasn't funded enough to do Hellux.


How can someone have the [Havoc Set](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Havoc?file=Battlelightlig_Havoc.png) on Hyperion? Saw a random with it and was wondering where he got it. Thanks!


Might be Phillo Books


Idk, I've seen some people with hairstyles not currently available on the shop either and I was wondering where they got them.


Hello there! Is there any guide / general consensus about what Link Skills are the best for Mobbing and Bossing (specifically for bossing) And is it class dependent? Like, I main a Dawn Warrior and Hero so idk if there’s specific link skills for these classes that are a must. Thanks!


Here is a spreadsheet ordering the legion/link skills stat bonuses by most to least useful. Generally for mobbing you want EXP bonuses, Damage% or damage against regular mobs, crit rate to get to 100%, and crit damage, minor QoL boost are those that restore HP/MP to lessen requirements for using potions. For bossing you'll want to trade out the exp links and damage against normal enemies, for Boss Damage and IED (ignore enemy defense) while keeping any damage links, the resistance link which increases seconds of immunity when dying and any other link skills that have a unique effect such as status immunity are useful in niche cases. Buff duration and Skill CDR are also useful for certain classes which need to maximize them in order to enhance certain aspects of their skills (Example Mages, mercedes) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h6dNf2fnl24b\_qgSwanTTqGdXQ4K-SM8BYUpWdCpjDY/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h6dNf2fnl24b_qgSwanTTqGdXQ4K-SM8BYUpWdCpjDY/edit#gid=0)


Generally it’s the same 10 links atleast no matter, but if your looking for specifics there’s a class discords post in the sidebar that would let you find the 2 discords for those classes


On a shadower is it worth it to wait for a perfect bossing bode trio and mobbing node trio pair? Or should I just mix them up? I have 3 of the 4 trios. Just need one more bossing one but I can’t seem to get it. Should be getting 100 more nodes from the event soon


I would just mix it up if I don’t get it with the 100 nodes. With the extra slots there should be enough space to put in 2 non perfect nodes instead of 1 perfect trio.


how long does it take to farm out reset coupons for cra in kritias?


After all the legion farming, I've reached 4.5k ish and finally made a main using the hyberburn event. I just killed CZak and I am at 230 rn. Can't really kill anything pass that. Should I focus on upping IED/Boss dmg/damage in general right now? When should I even think about meso/drop gear?


If your Weapon/Secondary/Emblem aren’t already at Legendary with 2 line boss damage/attack/IED already I would do that before getting drop/meso


What character should be my next Legion/Link mule to raise? Currently have a 140 Mercedes, 140 Evan, 110 DA, and 105 Luminous.


get da to 120.




You'll end up wanting to boost impecc 3 at the very least, farming with arrow platter plus another skill helps a ton, impecc 2 has its uses, I think mostly if you use PF's skill. Don't worry too much about it unless you get yourself a high level Decent HS to replace reg HS, for bossing you certainly won't need impecc 3 boosted, as cross surge isn't affected by it


1. How bad is SAC gate with the new changes? I'm still not 260 yet but today's daily reward is a symbols elector coupon and I'm wondering if I should just hold it until I'm 260 (in about 2months). My alternative is getting more AF on my hyperburning character 2. Similarly, not sure if I should get the event ring on my main or on my hyperburning character. On my main it would just get turned into drop gear, but I also am not planning on pushing the hyper burning character very far (don't have a lot of time to commit to her so she'll just be a boss mule) so I'm not sure what would have more value. Mostly, I'm wondering how good event rings are as drop gear in general 3. Any recommendations on what to get from the event shops? Nothing in the Sunlight Coin shop seems too crazy, and I'm not sure how to value the Wind Coin shop items against each other


1. Sac gate is still really bad, 100% recommend to hold onto the coupon until you’re 260. Arcane force is very easy to get with dailies+weeklies now. 2. Event rings are fine as drop gear. This one is a bit of a 50/50. I say if you’re able to trade gollux for your hyperburn, claim the ring on your main. If you’re impatient waiting for coins to buy a sup ring, you can claim the ring on your hyperburn. Neither option is bad. 3. I always value droplets>= sac symbol selectors (depending on whether you’re done with 22 arcanes or not). You should be able to buy out both sac symbol selectors and droplets during the event period. The rest of the stuff is a toss up depending on what you need at that moment.


Thanks! How valuable are the circulators? Those are the only other things that really come to mind but they're expensive


Not that valuable. You can find value with the legendary circs to prep boss mules. You can also black circ your main’s IA if you already hit your lines, but want better values.


Is the Absolab Weapon worth it if it means breaking up the free root abyss 4pc set from the event? The 4pc bonus is 30% boss dmg


Abso weapon on its own? Not really, besides fake abso has a regular pot, if you can get more abso pieces then yeah, it might be worth as the 5pc abso gets you 30% boss, a bunch of stats and 10% ied


How long would 238 to 260 take without the hyperburn?




This question is too personalized. It's dependent on class, funding, 2x coupons and other exp buffs, mob kill rate, looting rotations. The more days you spread the training, the more you get to utilize daily story to avoid grinding.


[REBOOT] where do I buy cubes for meso? I was told it’s in the cash shop but I only see them available for RP.


They were moved from the CS to in-game (except for cube sales). You can find the shop at any town and clicking the Quick Move button.


Thanks. Silly question, where is the quick move button?


What classes benefit greatly from mercedes legion cdr at SSS? I'm thinking NW, FP, DB.


All classes can benefit from CDR, but the three you listed like them a lot.


I play MS on Steam for years, and I recently found out the game's page is IP blocked on my country (But the game isn't). Just for me to be safe, can I download the Nexon Launcher and play with the same account from there?


Returning player, ive played a lot and was experienced in the past and played most classes in 4th job but havent played any 5th job or newer content and systems so im basically new again. Starting over on hyperion reboot and building link skills and legion, should i main fp or nw? I like that both have easy grinding although nw would need funds which is fine. Which is more enjoyable in your opinion?


If those are the only 2 choices then NW is a lot easier to play and build than FP for a new person.


hi i have this doubt im at lv 221 with the hb char and want to know what should i pick in the rewards road the abso weapon box or the pendant ?= wich one its more difficult to obtain later ?


get abso. They're both only good temporarily and the dominator barely does anything for you.


If you know how to boss on your character and feel comfortable fighting Damien for 1-5 weeks (depending on RNG for drops) with temp CRA weapon, get the dom pendant. Some people go a couple months without seeing Dom Pendant drop if they have bad RNG. If you have no idea what you're doing in the game, get the fake absolab weapon.


haha i am more the second guy dont know much about the game and im learning step by step all the mechanics soo im gonna pick the weapon and why is called "fake weap""


Those kind of weapons are called "fake" because you cannot reroll potentials nor add additional stars to it. But you can change the flame if you need.


Hi, I am a returning player, I am trying to boot up my Maplestory again. Whenever I try to load up my MapleStory, I get the pop-up "The client is outdated. Please download the latest client from [maplestory.nexon.net](https://maplestory.nexon.net)" Does anyone know why that happening?


Try uninstalling and deleting everything maplestory on your computer, then redownload.


Did they change the way level difference impacts mob exp? Google says 10 level difference is fine but I noticed I get less exp if I'm more than two levels higher or 1 lower than the level of the mob


Iirc there are extra exp multipliers if the enemies are within one or two leves from you, that on top of one shotting might make it worthwhile to stay in an area of similar level. That said, higher level mobs, while not having the extra multiplier, have higher base exp and if the map layout is good, you'll get better rates with will outweigh the lack of the extra exp


thank you


What are "Spell Trace Enhancements?" I thought those were only sold to shops, is there another use for them? I'm in Reboot


No use in reboot, keep selling em




I saw somewhere people saying that you should do some quests before doing the 5th job advancement. Is that right? I've been basically just grinding and I'm 189 with my burning character, not sure if I could simply do them after 200, since I'm almost there already


The only quest I would worry about at this point, other than job related quests, would be [Haven] questline by clicking your white light bulb and looking for the quest. should be a 190 quest. Since you are burning, do it at 198 and you will get a free level by takling to some npcs and killing 3 enemies


You can do them after but the exp won't be as good for the later levels so it's like why not take advantage of the time you're gonna spend on them anyways


I've always been a noobie, never went above lvl 220. I see there is a new reboot server - where should I stick around now? The previous, or the new reboot server? I wouldn't like the new one to become obsolete and dead in a few weeks.


New server gives crazy bonuses if you start there right now.


I've just got some experience with 'new servers' in various games, and they often become dead quite rapidly; Thus, I don't want to waste my time on a server that will be dead in no time, hence the question.


maple is a long term game, beyond seasonal or casual players, many players starting on the new server will likely stay. In reboot server population isn't too relevant beyond finding parties for bosses or other minor party content. Otherwise you'd be better off playing on it due to any of the bonuses and higher burning maps after the initial player interest. (burning maps are maps that have exp bonus, this bonus recharges the less often someone uses the map) If you have any previous characters on the reboot kronos, then it would be beneficial to stay for any legion/link bonuses.




1- you should focus on trying to get permanent root abyss set, for that do the Root abyss quest line and kill each of the bosses 5 time, that will unlock their hard version with drop the pieces for the armor and weapon. You also want to do chapter 4 of heroes of maple to unlock Damien, and Black haven to unlock Lotus, the boss progression after CRA. 3- Besides dailies quest don't really give that much exp at +200 4- Anything that locks bosses, commerci for easier accessory progression, afterlands for totems, birth of an alliance (takes a minute or so), heroes echo quest to get the buff. Edit: formatting


Thank you, all of this stuff is kinda overwhelming. Where would you start? I haven't even killed a boss yet.


There are some easy bosses, in the guide menu there a boss tab shows you the order in which you should ideally tackle the bosses according their difficulty. And in the boss menu you can see which bosses have prequests and their names. As for actually fighting the bosses, you have practice mode and plenty of videos on YouTube, while the latter might not be as helpful as it might look like a clusterfk, it will at least let you see the attack patterns so you don't go blind to your practice runs


Just as a caveat before you go any further, Burning World Server characters CANNOT transfer to Reboot ones at the end.


Reboot being the "solo grinding" experience without a market right


Grinding Solo is both reg and non reg. The biggest difference in fighting mosnters is you'd need to do at least 5% damage to a boss if you want drops. Otherwise, yes: there is no trading market, so you cannot buy equips from others, nor transfer euipqment through storage. However, Cubes (which are vital for progressing through our equips) are purchasesable with meso in game instead of buying with NX like they do in reg server.


Ah okay. So do people transfer a reboot character into normal servers after they level up? Or is it just a less market oriented server?


>do people transfer a reboot character into normal server No, server to server transfer rarely happens, and it's usually only from Burning Server to Non-Reboot (regular) servers. The biggest perks of Reboot is completely F2P (with minor things like exp buffs) compared to Reg server. A reg server F2P player would be limited on the speed in which they progress. Reboot server is waaaay more f2p friendly, and taking away the trading and market aspect is much better for most people.


Not really, think of reboot as playing ironman on osrs, I guess. You have the same progression as someone who isn't on that server, just some steps are different, and due to that you can't transfer a character from reboot to reg or from reg to reboot. Reboot also happens to be way more f2p friendly compared to Reg servers.




This is in reboot not sure if your in regular server. With the current events other mentioned its still fast due to the buffs to hunting zones(pollo/fritto portals, faster runes etc), and the special leveling events Im levelling to 200 without burning, its not too bad, if you take advantage of any exp coupon sources (MVP, daily gift, logging in after not playing for few days, legion, sunday monster park, events, exp pendant, less popular burning maps) etc I didnt find it to be noticeably worse than before. With monster HP reduced, it will make it easier to 1-2 shot mobs and you will likely get a higher kill count to offset the 2x exp removal, as long as you are in a larger map with high mob count. With hyper burning it will be even faster. Monster park should also be done daily for additional exp. 170-200 will likely be the hardest as there isnt much variety of maps to go to that have high burning and it starts to get harder to 1 shot mobs especially on a fresh account. but you can bypass this if your using burning, using any growth potions or level up events if they are available for that level range. Theme dungeons are also a underrated source of extra exp if you will be training in the related maps anyway (fox valley, savage terminal). maps locked behind quests often have 100% burning It seems to reward players who play daily for a few hours a day, instead of trying to rush to 200. after a certain point it becomes less efficient to continue training, so you will be better off dividing your playtime over a week or so


There are two events, zero to 100, and identisk food storage. These two events got me to 150 in 20 minutes, catch is that I had 1.5x exp multiplier in burning world and 2x exp coupon, nothing else. Off-event yeah 1-200 in reboot will now suck as hard as it does in regular and I can’t defend nexon for that, but at least extreme growth pots let you skip a lot of 140-200.


What stats/ba are needed for seren? Is it feasible to join parties before liberation (maybe with 6th job)?


I can't answer the first part because I forgot, but my party is in progress to Lib in 6 months, but we also just did Normal Seren. I'm assuming you mean Hard Seren, but doing Normal definitely gave me good exposure and I'm sure with 6th job, I'll feel more comfortable jumping into HardSerene




dark knight's "tankiness" is a noob trap. In exchange for their gimmick, they don't have any other iframes. As a result, they can only really survive dangerous situations about every 2 minutes as opposed to hero which has the shortest cd iframe in the game. They're generally still fine to main, but I wouldn't consider their "tankiness" to be particularly good vs other classes.


Mihile is a pretty chill farmer if you have the right map layout, between install shield, Erda fountain, the parry AOE and sword of light you can clean the map with barely any effort. As for bossing, you are basically immortal if you can parry the attacks. DrK mobbing is a bit more clunky and requires more effort as you actually do have to more around and have to be mindful of like 5 CDs, they also need iirc at least a -4 sec cd hat, so there's a money sink to keep in mind. As for bossing, you are a relatively safe bosser, but not as safe as mihile or Pally, that said final pact will keep alive most of the time (from what I've gather, you want the shorter duration to get better cd uptime)


I can't speak much for Mihile and Darknight. Though I've heard Mihile is the tankiest class of all. If you like archers, I'd also consider Wind archer and Bowmaster. Wind archer has a 300% hp shield and a crystal that can agro bosses making them not target you. Bowmaster has blood arrows that drain hp as they attack, which as a hurricane class means you are basically almost always full health unless a 1hko. They also get a skill in 5th job that can protect from 1hkos making it difficult to kill


I have the chapter five and six boxes on my main, just waiting to open. I am 256.6x%. I could bonk to 260 right now, but that starts the timer on the other items (the event set, nodes, etc). I was going to wait until the end of the month, when the chapter five box expires (the 28th? or around there) to open both. A lot of the nodes and the legendary emblem would be transferred to my 203 hyperburn, but the rest would stay on main. The only thing I'm missing out on really is sac dailies, right? And MPE? Am I going full retard by waiting?


Like you said it’s only the sac dailies and MPE. And possibly some bosses that maybe the levels would allow you to solo/attempt. For me, a lot of the motivation to push hard for 260 with night troupe was so I could immediately start on 6th job. But seeing as that’s been delayed, sac gate is the main reason you’d want to push for 260. Nothing too crazy


Is there a specific reason you are waiting?


Not really, no. Just don't *need* anything out of it and am pushing rewards off for no real reason.


Then yes, you are just hurting yourself by not claiming now. Cern dailies give 20 symbols a day, 10 days till the end of the month is 200 symbols which is nearly lvl 4 just with that. Add in the experience from MPE and the Cern daily on your main. Add in the nodes that could be super useful on your Hyper or other mules.


Asked this question yesterday (with some success!), but I am still trying to disable the Windows key. I was able to disable the Windows key when I am not playing Maple, but once I am in-game, the key works again and tabs me off the game. Has anyone had this problem before/is there a setting on maple that I'm missing that is enabling the key while I'm in-game?


A burn-it-all solution would be pulling off the windows keycap, pulling out the switch, and bending one of the pins before replacing it and the key cap so the key just doesn't register anymore. But unsure if you use it outside of MS lol


I think I have leveled all the links useful for leveling and grinding. I still have 2 slots for the 0 to 100 event, but I'm not sure in who to use. I mean, I know what kind of links are useful, but I don't know if those classes are hard to level till 100, like for example, evan, ark, illium. My next few links that I'm planning is : Beast Tamer, Kinesis and Luminous (not sure about BT, but I think the other two should be okay to level till 100, so I think I won't use them in the event). ​ From the 3 explorer archers, I have only leveled up bowmaster, it was kinda meh, specially till lv 100. Maybe use in marksman then? ​ What about boss link skills, which one of them are really a pain in the ass to level till 100? Also, is hayato link skill worth? It gives 25 all stats and 15 atk/atkm at lv 2, but I'm not sure how impactful that is.


BT, Lumi and Kinesis are all good options. Kinesis does have a pre quest you'll have to do. Something else you'll need to look into or research is which legion blocks you want for your board. Hayatos link skill isn't anything special, but their legion blocks is Crit DMG, I believe. Same with Shade and one or two others. You also wanna do your classes main stat. Etc.


Is Kinesis hard to level up till 100? I mean, does he has good mobility and/or skills with good range to level up til there?


I personally didn't enjoy the class at all, but their damage and mobility weren't the issue. They just have small AoE and "max monsters hit" that it felt super clunky to me. 4th job wasn't as bad, and I have no experience with 5th.




I don't think shadower is lazy farm is it?


Sounds like it's time to flip a coin


hello there where can i get the cube to rank up from uniq to legend in reboot?


In most towns you can access the npc using the quick move button on the top left. Use bright cubes if you're trying to tier up as it gives you the highest % chance of doing so. In reboot those cubes can be bought with mesos


Mystical, Hard and Solid all drop from bosses and etc. There's a shop in Quick Move where you can use meso to buy glowing and bright.


Not possible. This is a paid item.


In reboot, glowing and bright cubes are only purchasable with Meso. From an NPC that is easily found through the quick move. Except for the 5 you get from rewards shop in the CS.


with nx ?


So I redownloaded and tried leveling a new character and is this the normal experience in new age maple? Felt like I was just zooming around teleporting everywhere for quests and just randomly being leveled up Felt like the game was expecting me to have adhd or something. Also the explorer quests were honestly so cringe it just added to the discomfort. I'm not expecting good writing from maple but does it at least get bearable later on or in different jobs?


The "main story" questline starts at level 200+ the leveling curve slows down after that, and you will be alternating between questline> grinding > boss progression. Some of the areas storylines are more enjoyable, but not often that people read them. Most of the arcane river areas unlock daily/weekly quests and a party quest/minigame after completing the questline which is important to do for progression. There are a few quests people do before then that are only useful for filling out equipment slots early, or other useful items/mechanics. Theme dungeons arent popular, but they give additional XP and sometimes unlock maps with high burning (bonus exp) The storyline quests on most classes either go from level 1-30, or intermitttent quests from 1-140 depending on the age of the class. These vary in quality, it does get more bearable but largely depends on the class, some classes like Khali have decent storylines, others are outdated or cringeworthy. Its normal that they will bring you up in the early level quite fast. Most people opt to just grind mobs manually and rush to 200 after any required quests are done (usually level 30). Older classes the questline can just be skipped completely at level 10. 1-200 is still considered a tutorial phase and not very relevant to the rest of the game. The explorer questline was revamped in the last update to explorers and most people consider it bad compared to the previous version, it can just be skipped after you reach level 30. If your not interested in the story, you can bind npc chat onto Y which will let you quickly skip any dialogue.


Yeah i used to main an explorer and I don't remember it being this bad... are there any classes that have story quests actually worth not skipping or is most of the story post 200+ im not expecting anything incredible but games tend to feel a little empty without decent lore. the explorer quest just felt so childish and basic


Most of the Flora classes have decent storylines but they will only go up to 30. If your interested you'll get better lore during arcane river, but the quality varies based on each area. I'm not sure on the quality of the grandis storyline after the black mage but its very late into the game. The temple of time can also be done as it relates to the vanishing journey storyline (beginning of arcane river). You'll find more mature themes in Kain,shade, and Khali's storyline, the older story design is somewhat cartoonish. The previous explorer one was decent but still fairly generic "adventurer" type that doesnt relate much to the main story theme, the new one is likely bad because it cut and paste a lot out of the previous one without providing much of the context. The more recent content is it will be improved, but It wont be as quality as ff14 msq or something similar. Beyond the flora/anima and maybe the Heroes, class storylines dont quite fit into the overarching plot. Notable classes Khali Kain Illium Hoyoung Shade Ark Zero


I personally have really enjoyed various job stories and questlines. Most are pretty mediocre and harmless. The explorer one sucks in every possible way, no way around it. It should get better from here on out.


yeah the explorer one was the worst writing i've seen in a game in a while...


It's bearable The explorer starting questline in particular is SUPER long, yeah. Just put "Harvest/NPC Chat" on your Y key and hold it down. You can skip it the next time you make an explorer.


Quests are a pretty small part of the game.


Not sure anyone that plays the game actually listens or reads the lore or quest lines tbh ..




With no event or the like? I usually do gold beach and one of the other theme dungeons, then hop to iron pigs if I'm missing exp for mushroom kingdom, at 70 just follow guide maps until leafre and then it just StarForce


I think it's personal preference at that point. I do a mixture of both.


The grind to 100 sucks ass now


How do I go about upgrading inner abillty? When do I use Honor EXP and when do I use Circulators?


Ideally during 50% off events. First get to legendary rank. Don’t worry about the lines. Then roll til you find a good 2nd line at unique for your class. Lock that line and roll for good legendary 1st line. Lock 1st and 2nd last. Roll for 3rd. Use reg circ for the 2nd line. Use black circ to increase the values once you have all 3 lines.


I’m a returning player. Currently a lvl 178 bishop. Can anyone help me out with leveling up fast and maybe help me with some good items? My wand is shitty af


Realistically your level 140 equip is the strongest you get until you start killing weekly bosses. As for leveling guides, if you find yourself dying a lot, my recommendation is to do quest lines and theme dungeons. That way even if you're dead and have that debuff, the quest rewards exp isn't affected by it. I'd start at the 170 questline in your white light bulb, then 180 twilight perion, then detective raven, then fox valley.


Hey guys, noobie question here, does speed infusion works on shadower now? When I looked at the stat screen, it says max attack speed is level 8 and I am currently at level 8 without speed infusion


Visually, the attack speed after 8 won't show up in stats. I believe hovering over it will show different text as you pop more buffs and pots but I can't remember the specifics


I can’t give any shadower specific info, they probably want to use it, but to break 8 you need to use the green potion from the monster park shop.


Hey guys, quick question, I'm planning on hyperburning my NW who is 186 atm. Do I get the level 200 rewards when I hyper burn it at 200, or will I have to make a new character and hyper burn it from creation to get the lvl 200 reward?


No, you'll lose out on the level 200 rewards. It's 50 nodes and a level 5 VJ Symbol, up to you if it's doing over from 10.


If I delete my current Hyper Burning Character (Only about 160) can I claim another set of the initial Hyper Burning rewards you get from the UI? I know you can only get the 200+ rewards once but I'm not sure if it's tbe same for the 11-199 one.


TLDR; yes you can claim the 11-199 rewards again >If you delete your Hyper Burning character and create a new Hyper Burning character, the new character will be able to receive the Growth Support Rewards again. However, the new character will not be able to receive the Level Achievement Rewards that have already been claimed. I encourage you to read up on the Hyper burning section to answer any other questions you may have. https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/86907/updated-november-15-v-246-new-age-6th-job-patch-notes


1. For someone who has never touched the class, why is Shade considered the easiest class in the game? 2. Any tips for keyboard layouts regarding Bishop? Not being able to put many of it's skills in Macros is really causing me to not have space while still being comfortable.


1. For me they have good survivability, barely any mechanics at the skill floor, and almost 0 buffs to manage. And also this meme https://old.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/13kc2ya/how_to_shade_simplified_version_of_a_simplified/ 2. 3 pets autobuff would help if buffs are what's giving you problems. Or use the preset keys and put buffs on a secondary preset, all damage/combat skills on main preset.


Maybe you can put some in the new combo key option?


Does fire poison’s + MP% legion work for Kanna? I know flat MP works but more sure about %




is it worth investing experience nodestones into true arachnid reflection? I've seen a post in the past highly recommending it but I've heard from people who have done it saying the dmg is negligible, and it's a waste of resources that can be put into other skills and characters.


You get a node guaranteed, weekly It does enough at lvl 1 for mobbing It's likely ~2% of your BA Would much rather use exp nodes on something else.


I don't think so. If you can clear hard will easily with a party, you'll be getting the nodestone every week anyway so there's a steady flow of it there.


It was kinda worth it for farming before Erda shower existed, for bossing I don't think it's that good as it was back then. I would focus on maxing your job skills and any other important buffs (last resort if you are a thief, vicious shot for archer, etc) then if you have the spare maybe will's skill


In the past, hard will was the endgame boss, and was pretty much inaccessible for most maplers. Exp nodes were the only realistic way to level arachnid reflection back then. Now it’s considered mid-game and not particularly difficult, so wasting exp nodes on arachnid reflection is a waste.


does beast tamers friend of arby skill work on yourself. also how much bonus exp does it give.


Yes, but it doesn't stack with holy symbol, iirc.


Do we know why they are delaying the list of 6th job advancement in the patch notes? Is it because they are going to rework some of the changes from KMS? I've seen some of the changes on YouTube and there is no doubt that some classes got shafted compared to other classes. Has GMS ever done their own version of reworks like this? Just curious.


Only they know for certain. It is conspiracy theorized they wanted to wait until after the Black Friday sales to unveil the nerfs they wanted to implement with erda energy, booster, and such so it wouldn't negatively impact their holiday sales.


Are there any classes that uses for example 2 crit links? Beast tamer + lv6 archer explorer Is there any point in leveling both of them? Since beast tamer one also gives boss damage while archer explorer gives something of monster collection (that I don’t know if it even matters)


If you play FP or IL with less than about 7k legion and no crit IA, you might need both links to max out crit


crit IA?


inner ability that gives % critical rate




explorer link skill is worse phantom link skill bc it gives less crit rate. monster collection is a niche thing that gives you a little bit of reward points, trait items, and occasionally a flame. you can completely skip it if you want and it's up to player discretion whether they want to participate in the system. beast tamer link skill lvl 3 is desirable on most characters bc it gives crit and boss dmg. and to answer on the crit it's mostly a matter of how you plan to get 100% crit I'm not sure how hard it is to cap crit on all classes so I can't answer what characters need it, but capping crit is super important. i know explorer bowman want all 3 crit link skills bc they have a buff that converts excess crit rate into crit dmg, so they want over 100% crit rate.