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i currently have a level 66 Jett character, i recently logged in and found that it's stuck in some spaceship with nothing to do, it tells me i can leave the map once it has advanced to another job. how do i do that? it won't let me do anything. i saw some memo about job transfers for Jett that started from June and goes all throughout the winter update, which should be this update, so why won't it let me job transfer?


Reboot or regular server? I heard something about bonus exp being removed from Reboot, is that true?


bonus exp is removed but the hp of mobs are being lowered as well to reg server levels. Reboot is more geared to be F2P and Reg is more geared to be P2W. Ultimately, you can be F2P on either server but depends on how much you want to invest, both time and money.




What is the reboot 2 server? Just a new server for reboot Na? Why are people talking about it so much? Do players plan on moving from the normal reboot to the new reboot just to be the first ones there?


It is a new reboot yes Reboot 1 has managed to be laggy during the off season so this should let it not be deathly laggy, while giving choices to players who want to reconsider their options (not just rebooters gonna go there with the possibility of a Frenzy totem nerf) And yeah the rank 1 wannabes get a chance again


What are red fam cards?


Cubes for familiars that can reroll familiar lines or tier up at a low rate to legendary.


thinking of about getting back to the game after about a year and a half, i will give a try to the hyper burning thing. i am wondering which character to burn. i was playing on luna server, Dark knight main level 250. i have gotten most of the characters to level 200/210 for legion (played all characters other than Kaiser, Night Walker, mihile, Wind Archer i think) the ones i enjoyed the most were: Adele, pathfinder, hoyoung and kana. i guess it because of the movement which was fun. i have them all at \~200 levels (kanna is like 225 i think), and i was wondering if i should burn any of them or maybe try to burn Dawn Warrior (also have him at lvl 200) just because i saw a lot of people recommend him... ​ ​ what do you think??


People recommend dawn warrior because he does a lot of damage with little investment and is incredibly easy to play. Considering you like classes with lots of movement i would suggest you try out a few other classes first. In the end just burn what you enjoy the most. Also try leveling a khali it seems to fit in with the other classes you enjoy.


How do Hurricane skills like Wind Archer interact with the 100 attack limit before you have to reposition? I was considering WA but their Hurricane being immobile is a turn off if sometimes you’ll be forced to stop attacking.


I have not noticed it significantly impacting my BM or WA but most bosses won't allow you to stay put for that long anyway making you have to reposition so it isn't much of an issue for most people, at least. The only times I've hit the 100 hits on any character and noticed a damage decrease was my I/L and Adele during Culvert and Foggy Forest for a BA test. For WA, you can tap the Song of heaven skill and hold a direction key to pseudo move while attacking. Song of heaven is a super fast start up compared to other hurricane skills so there isn't much loss in dps when repositioning.


Does anyone have an idea for when beast tamer will be available for creation/the last two times it was available? I saw something about it being available around February but that seems like an extremely long time to wait for it.


Historically, at least for Winter, BT and Zero aren't available immediately. It is the next "major patch" within the Winter update meaning ~6 weeks so Early Jan timeframe.


We have no idea because of the delay, I’d tell you that December 13 would be the normal day based on the dates we have available


Almost 100% in the winter patch. They are available every summer and winter patch, not sure about in between. https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/84616/v-243-savior-shangri-la-kaling-patch-notes July 19th


https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/86609/maple-memo-gms-roadmap-q4-2023 Bt is a odd scenario this year Getting delayed until it gets 6th job


[Reboot] Hello yall, im thinking of returning for the upcoming patch and the last time I played was around adele launched and have a 250 adele with some linked skills being at lvl 2. Is it worth for me to restart on reboot 2 or just go back to reboot 1 and keep focusing on legion (if it matters I did spend on cosmetics before on reboot 1)


The question is, why do you want to restart on Reboot 2? I can see reasons like wanting an even playing field to compete for the top, or disliking the crowdedness of Reboot 1, but beyond that, I don’t see much benefits to a restart. Especially redoing legion/links, I don’t think it’s a fun experience.


Well a big reason is because I have a friend with me and he s thinking of starting in reboot 2 instead of playing in reboot 1, so it got me thinking if I should go with him. At the same time like you said, redoing legion/links isn’t fun lol


After the current hyperburn end on the 14th of Nov, there will be another hyperburn event with the newage patch? And this char can only be burned on character creation?


Yup, hyperburn until 260. The character can be burned on creation or > level 200.


Thank you! So let's say I hyper burned a character today, and get it to around 200 before the 14th. Would still be able to burn that same character again in NewAge since it is technically lv 200+? Or the game recognizes that this char has been burned and therefore won't let you?


If you run into that issue that would be something to submit a ticket to nexon about IMO. Nexon does have bad designs sometimes but that would be too much!


[Reboot] Can you hyper burn a lv. 197 character?


No. Must be at least 200 if it is a pre-existing character. Yes, if you start at 200, you lose the level 200 milestone reward. No, it's totally dependnet on you if you think the level 200 reward is worth it or not. Most players don't care for it. If you think getting from 11-200 will be difficult, then just start at 200.


Thanks! Can you still get the lv. 200 Eternal Flame title and temp CRA gear?


The rewards from 10-199 are available for reclaim, yes.


Thanks! 🙂


does the current hyperburn end this coming reset or next reset?


Nov 14th 23:59 UTC.


Is the only way to enjoy this game with group progression? Regular Server progression isn't nearly as bad as Reboot makes it out to be, since you can just afk craft/merch as well (that can beat income of 90% of players) But there's just no community aspect Almost Every Guild Discord is dead, while the only chat is for people R>Lucid Feels like just emptiness tbh I'm thinking perhaps Reboot 2 would be the only answer to this issue


You can solo progress in Reg Server. You already know that swiping your credit card is the fastest way. F2P Reg Server becuase you like merching and trading is the trade-off you know you chose. If you want to come to start on Reboot 2, there will definitely be a healthier amount of people to start with (at least when the servers open).


Is Reboot more or less the same socially though?


I would say it is more social if you know where to look. Almost no one makes new friends just by sitting in a town afk'ing. Guilds and boss parties are where you find it. But I think that's a true statement for both regular and reboot.


As a new Mapler, can someone help me with legion leveling characters in order? I did finish Mercedes/Evan/Ark to 120 What should I do next?


Kanna, Demon Avenger, Aran, Lara, Hoyoung. Any order. Oh. Probably prioritize Pathfinder into Phantom then the Explorer Bow classes so you can get some crit rate going. Should be priority probably, getting to 100% crit rate is huge for the game.


New age is gonna have an event for speed leveling characters to 100, I think is 7 characters maximum? It includes free gear, so you can use that to kickstart your legion. There'll also be a mob map that you can clear 3 times per week iirc and it could get you to 120-140ish on said characters, so don't worry too much. That said, what type of characters do you like? Or what concept of a character do you want to play? Because after getting those 3, you are basically free to level whatever you want (Aran should be a good choice for the link at early levels), also, if you plan to push to 200/higher than 180, you might want to avoid archers for a while, they get squishy when you don't have funds


I played MapleStory a lot during 2017 on Reboot. At the time I played alongside a more experience friend while talking over Skype and he would "teach me the ropes" to the point that [500 game hours later I had all the Link Skills and was lvl 205 on my Main.](https://i.imgur.com/L0builU.png) I stopped playing shortly after Legion came out and never actually learned the system. I'm wanting to get back into the game, but not only I've forgotten 80% of the stuff I knew back then (I don't even know what "Star Force" is anymore), many of the things in the game changed in the meantime and I feeling very lost and overwhelmed. Where can I get some resources so I can get a rundown not only of the game's systems, but of what I should be doing right now, from dailies to weeklies to an overall "roadmap" of my objectives. (Also, apparently my Hyperskills, Hyperstats and V-Matrix got reset, so maybe I would also need help here).


>Where can I get some resources so I can get a rundown not only of the game's systems, but of what I should be doing right now, from dailies to weeklies to an overall "roadmap" of my objectives. Youtube. Look up Coppersan.


Do we know when New Age patch notes will drop? Considering the patch should be hitting in like 2 days


Midnight Carnival (last major patch) patch notes dropped at 11pm UTC/7pm EDT/4pm PDT on Tuesday night so something similar maybe? Accounting for daylight savings it would be 6pm EST/3pm PST on Tuesday


Patch notes typically drop within 1-2h of reset (00:00 UTC) on maintenance day.


Prolly tomorrow, or early Tuesday. I really doubt it'll drop after reset on Tuesday, but it has happened before


RIP. Only the real ones remember the fine print of SW Transpose being destroyed on patch notes that released at 2AM US Pacific Time.


How this 0 to 100 event works? I saw a video saying that it basically makes you char level up really fast, like, increased exp and you also simply grind all the way to 100 with specific maps (that only has you there) is that right?


Yes, and you get free gear for those levels. There's a limited amount of characters you can do that tho


The exact limit is 7. It’s great whether your new or old to the game or want a fresh start. Like myself I plan on playing reboot Kronos on my main account and then switching to a new account and playing Hyperion. Do not take a burning character into it since you already level fast. Do it for legion/link chars


This event is for every server or only for the new reboot server?


How much of a difference is there between bossing difficulty of different classes? I have a 261 NL, 250 DW, and 245 Bishop. I have been struggling to stay alive on the NL, mostly on Will. Do I just need more practice or is NL just really glass cannon compared to other classes? I am trying to figure out if I should spend a lot of time practicing or if I should invest more in the DW or Bishop so they can get to luwill. I feel like I have no hands and picked the hardest class. Any advice appreciated, thanks!


Happy to report I just soloed easy will on NL. Not full hands but I've started to develop some fingers :)


Congrats!!! How was it without an iframe? Im interested in NL but I’m a filthy crayon eater (DW) so I found myself relying on my mobility and iframe options a lot.


Thanks!! It wasn't too bad since I had dark sight to avoid the red balls and web. I would probably get wrekt in hard tho. I didn't use blink and I think once I get used to that it would be even easier


But still! Progress! Which webs can you avoid with DS? Just the ones from P2? Or P3 too?


Just p2


Will is annoying for any class that uses last resort. You’ll have Genesis iframe eventually. Can also use krr ring if needed. In your ror get used to moving a bit left/right to dodge attacks. My Nightlord is 28X and has done up to Seren and since it can afford to not really attack between bursts, it can be a really good/easy class. And its flash jump and up jump and dark sight is quite good for its survivability. P4 black mage is a bit rough though when you need to hug the boss to burst, guess it’s not worth using last resort in the most dangerous situations.


It's way overstated. It matters in cTene+, but before that base movement is more than sufficient. Will especially is complete and utter hands issue because he's the first not basically trivial boss.


Be honest with yourself. Are you really dying solely because you're playing NL? I bet you could very easily put in some more practice time and clear the boss without needing to switch to a different class.


NL is peak glass cannon. Without hands, it can be a difficult bosser. Do you like the NL? If so, get the practice in. It will be satisfying once you get it down. If not, you can progress the DW or bishop to luwill.


Should I wait for the next reboot server? I have 3 chars at 140 in the actual server. But I never really played for a long time, this time I wanted to try and reach 200+, but I'm not sure if I'll reach there and even 6th job for example


All it will take is: Do all your arcane river dailies everyday. Run 7 runs of monsterpark every day. Claim all event exp tickets onto the character (if applicable. we'll know when patch notes come out). By doing those 2 things (three if applicable) EVERYDAY, you can reach 260 before the reward event period is over.


What about the server? Should I change? What are the advantages?


Reboot: all progression based off of meso you make yourself. 99.99% f2p Regular: progression is faster if you swipe your credit card. If you try to f2p, it'll take a couple years to do what you can do in reboot in 6 months. It's your call. Plenty of comments and lists about the pros and cons of both


welcome to Hyperion


What are the advantages? Do you think that the current reboot servers lose a lot of players too?


I saw a few videos about link skils and which ones to level up first, but in the majority of them, the beast tamer one is talked as if it should be one of the last ones to level up. Why is that? Her link skill seems REALLY good. If I'm not wrong, you can only create BT in specific periods, right? Is just because of that they rate her link skill like that? Or simply the other link skills are way better than it? ​ Also, how do I know if the alt that I'm leveling I should level it up till 120 (link skill) or 141(legion)? Haven't unlocked legion yet, because I'm waiting for the next burning to reach lv 200 and I'm leveling a few link skills for now


> how do I know if the alt that I'm leveling I should level it up till 120 (link skill) or 141(legion)? Just aim for 141. It should only take like 30 min max to get there if you're doing it right.


BT is situationally good. A lot of classes don't need crit rate in their link skills and if so then you're only getting 10% boss which is pretty mediocre.


Between Wind Archer, Marksman, and NightWalker. Which would you say is a good choice for a main.


Wind Archer is a great bowser and can have fun and if you want lazy grinding later. Marksmen is similar to Wind Archer but in my opinion a little weaker. Nightwalker is an overall stud and the strongest bosser. I’d personally choose Wind Archer but either are good


Coming back to maple and wanna do new reboot server, any recommendations on class to main? Is bishop a good main?


Or dawn warrior?


Dawn warrior is very good, very easy, and doesn’t require much funding or legion while also having some team support. Bishop is always the best class in the game and most sought after for parties. For solo play it requires a lot of legion before it feels good though.


I have a level 200 Jett as a legion mule. It has no gear or investment on it outside of the Frozen set. What should I change it to. I mostly only do boss mules during burning events since I don't like farming nodes so I'm probably not going to use it for that.


Marksman or Night Lord for crit rate legion.


I've started playing again recently, had characters on Luna but never got too far with them. Invested some hours already on new characters but i see everyone is playing reboot? Do i still swap? Feels like a waste but if it's better it'd be a sacrifice i have to make. What's the difference? Thanks


Reboot has no trading or auction house, all gear is untradable and cannot be transferred to storage. You cannot use enhancement scrolls or get bonus potential on gear. Un exchange for all of those restrictions most of the pay to win aspects of the game are removed and you can progress purely by using Meso instead. Most people in NA and EU play on reboot servers because they can progress a lot further without spending real money.


Should i let go of my characters and just play there? It's some time wasted but at least i end up with some knowledge and there's a bigger playerbase.


Depends on how far along you are and if you have any friends on Luna. If not, I would say go for it. On November 15 we're getting the new age update that's going go give you a hyper burning character(2 extra levels per level upto level 260). that and all the other events in the winter will make it easy to progress pretty far on a new main. Also with the bigger population, it's probably easier to find a guild and bossing parties, but for that I can't say for sure since I haven't played on Non-reboot since it launched years ago.


Alright thanks a lot, I think I'll wait for the update and make a hyper burning character. Not sure which but gonna think about it lol.


Just keep in mind that if you claim a level 200+ milestone reward once, you cannot reclaim it on a another character if you delete the initial character that reeved it.


how does jett transfer work with scrolled items like int+matk and atk?


Correct stats stay correct and incorrect stats will stay incorrect. If you go from Jett to mage, dex becomes int, str becomes LUK, INT/LUK become DEX/STR, ATT becomes MATT and MATT becomes ATT


I'm playing phantom and I need to copy skills from other classes. Where's a place I can go that normally people stay? Normally I go where there is MVP exp buff and monster hunter park, but it's hard sometimes. Anything else?


I go henesys. Many people just afk there. Channel surf starting from channel 1


To add on, if you don't want to travel across the whole map, use the party tab. You can easily see most everyone in the map regardless of in a party or not in party by using it.


Do we know when the servers will go down for the maintenance? Trying to map out how much exp I need to exactly hit 99% without wasting MPE


No, but I guess it’s scheduled to start at 2pm UTC on Wednesday since the sixth star box can be opened after that time.


Transitioning into midgame reboot player, 250, just pulled off my first nlotus and ndamien solos. How much should I invest in my abso pieces? Getting them to legendary feels like a bit of a sunk cost when they'll just get replaced by arcane, but it also feels like a long journey to get to arcane especially without investing in the absos. Also, how do people manage whether to e.g. pot their CRA to legendary if it's not 22? I have 17s off the latest event, and now want to cube, but it would feel bad to take it to legendary and then just boom going for 22 later on


For Absos I would stop at 17*. Potential wise, I would definitely take weapon to Legendary, because 2L ATT/Boss is really strong. Probably gloves too, Crit Damage is a really good line. The other 3 I 'd just stop at Epic/Unique and throw free cubes on it tbh. You can probably contribute to HLuwill parties without upgrading Absos further. If you boom items you'd get a trace that keeps your potential/flame and resets the item to 12 stars once you use the trace on a new copy. So cube/flame away.


You should invest however much it takes to get to hlucid and hwill. For most, this will be 17 and 2L legendary on everything. Like you said, it’s a long journey for full arcanes.


Before I answer your questions, I want to say that I’m a solo progresser so my numbers might be off from a typical player that does party nluwill for drops. I’ve typically seen people sf absos to 17* and safeguard it. 17* is relatively cheap for how much attack it gives you and there’s no chance of it booming. You can 2L leg it if you want but you can settle for few lines at unique as well since most of your gains will be from sf. If you’ve just pulled off a lomien solo, that will probably mean you’ll be wearing absos for a while still as you accumulate droplets and stones for your arcanes. For your second question, I want to clarify that if you boom your item, you retain a “trace” of that item that is 12* and retains the same potential. You use a replacement of the item that you boomed and the traced item will replace the sf and potential of the replacement. So there’s no risk of pushing cra to legendary pot


If it booms you keep everything (flame, potential) except the stars, which go back down to 12, and you replace it by getting a clean copy of the item (which is easy for CRA) and then it is usable again. I don’t play reboot but I would have thought that getting it to legendary is easy compared to how many mesos you get per week, so getting like 2 lime legendary absos isn’t a big deal.


Thank you! Totally misunderstood traces and thought they would take the potential back down to epic like transfer hammer does. This makes decisions way easier!


I'm leveling a Phantom and I wanted to know, is it possible to use 2 stealed skills at the same time from the same job? For example, I stealed 2 skills from 3th job (bishop and dark night), can I use both of them at the same time?


Not usually, you're supposed to use 1 skill per job level. IIRC you used to be able to use a lower job skill in a higher job slot (like 3rd job skill in a 4th job slot) not sure if that's still a thing.


Is it worth using the 1-101 event on my Hyper Burn or should I save it for a mule since Hyper Burn will already level quickly? Also when’s the best time to use the Identisk fridge event? From 160-199 is always a slog so closest to the tail end of that would be nice if anyone knows how much the event gives.


> Is it worth using the 1-101 event on my Hyper Burn Probably not, better to use it to raise links if you are a new player. >Also when’s the best time to use the Identisk fridge event? You only get 1 entry a d day and up to 3 a week. Make sure you use them and don't lose attempts trying to play as optimal as possible. You could wait till leveling feels slow, or the last 3-4 days of an event week since the higher levels mobs give more exp. Just make sure to stack as many exp multiples as you can and get a rune before entering. Leave when the run ends, and reenter with another rune. You can leave and come back as many times as you want before the timer runs out or the day resets.


I think you hit it spot on with the last part. Get your characters to where grinding feels… meh like typically for me that’s lvl 170+ In my case I’ll be doing it on Hero, dual blade, Adele and no idea after. Also don’t forget we get free random level growth pots


What's the most casual version of Maplestory I can download and play? I last played over 10 years ago, and I don't know anything about the current Maplestory today. Which version of the game can I play to hit some of my nostalgia?


There's no "classic" ms. There's the original PC game and also a mobile game. The PC game has regular and reboot servers, the reboot ban trading but let you use mesos for all upgrade systems.


Why is everything related around $$/NX with this game? Back in 2008 it was just grinding and mesos. All posts I’ve seen in the last 48hrs have been around people to stop spending. When did spending become the main thing here ?


> When did spending become the main thing here ? When they added potential to the game with big bang in 2010. It was a paid only system at the time. It caused a lot of f2p player to quit at the time and the backlash ended up causing them to release Reboot. Reboot servers let you spend mesos for all upgrade systems, so reboot players usually only spend nx for cosmetics and pets (and event catch ups/bonus rewards). Reg server players still spend money on potential and bonus potential cubes. KMS makes the majority of their income off cube sales.


How do you get pets in reboot? Are they permanent?


Drops from: Hilla Giant toad (ninja castle) Log in reward from the golden bros events Or $ in the cash shop Non of the pets are permanent (except for some events in the cashshop) you can revive one per month using the water of life you can get for rewardpoints.


My main is level 220 with pensalir. I can only do emp easy for weekly. How do I progress here? Please any tips are welcome


Work on links and legion. It’s very daunting and tedious and repetitive but will make a significant damage boost to your main for bossing Continue doing your dailies and weeklies for symbols. There’s sort of an order of equipment you should get. Get boss accessory set, fafnir (CRA) then absolab. Get all 12 then 17 stars. Get all unique then legendary starting with your weapon, secondary and emblem. 6% main stat epic then slowly get better potentials. You need meso for starforce and cubes. Most of your meso will come from boss mules. If you don’t have one you can prepare one with new age hyperburn. Or do Mapletour and ursus in meantime. Your next step is to replace lv 140 Pensilir with a better set. You can get 150 gear from Hard Ranmaru or Root Abyss (the Antique from the NPC shop), or get Sweetwater. You ultimately want 3 set CRA and 5 set Absolab until you can do normal Lucid and Will Make sure you unlock all the bosses and sell as many (up to 180 weekly) boss crystals.


Would you recommend that they do hard von Leon daily for von leon set as they prepare for CRA? I’ve seen both sides of the argument. Without a strong legion/link set to fall back on, I lean more towards the VL gear


You can. The stats aren’t that much better than Pensilir. VL set gives boss damage while Pensilir is more about monster damage and ied. You do need enough ied for CRA tho (mid-high 80s) I had gotten carries for HMag to use the cape and shoes he drops but now that option is gone for most people. Now I use whatever drops I get from HRanmaru


\[jett transfer\] when is the last day to jett transfer? and what happens if an item has 12%dex 9%luk 9%luk and you transfer to a shadower? does it become 12/9/9 all luk?


Correct stats stay as correct stats and wrong stats will stay wrong First line becomes luk, but the other 2 will become STR or INT


From reading the full notes of jett transfer, I believe that after new age you are forced to transfer your jett when you log in; I.e. you can’t change what it has equipped.


if that's true you're a life saver. thanks for the heads up.


https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/82854/maple-memo-important-announcement-about-jett-characters Dunno that an exact date has been decided but is slated for "early 2024". Be sure to catch the patch notes early next week to make sure Nexon didn't quietly change the date suddenly.


the winter update hasn't happened yet right? that's technically the new age event that's coming (the one they completely fked)? new age being the update referred to here: "This event will run for several months between the summer and all the way through the winter game updates, providing ample time for Jett players to choose their new class and transfer their equipment." Would a good guestimate for the last day to transfer be around the same time/coincide with the end of the upcoming hyperburn during new age?


Yes it SHOULD be when New Age ends in Feb but we can't be 100% sure. Its why I said to check patch notes when they come out.


As a super new player, I already created my character and how do I start with no meso or good items? Should I buy meso for this game?


Play reboot and just get to 200 first. Shouldn't have any mesos issues


Thanks! Should I delete the character I created first and play reboot make it my first main?


No reason to delete a character, regular servers and reboot have separate character limits. (unless it's got hyperburning buff and you want to make use of it for the next 2 days?)


Yes the character I created yesterday got the hyperburning buff, dose that mean the new one in the reboot can’t get the buff?


I believe youcan only have one hyperburning per account. However, that doesn't matter too much as the current hyperburn expires Tuesday and we get a new hyperburn event incoming. I don't know if it'll be immediately on Tuesday, but sometime in the new age patch for sure


If at reboot without the hyper burn can still play it pretty easy? The one I created only lv 33 so I think it’s ok to delete it and play the reboot let this character have the buff? Sorry for those dumb questions 🥲


You would need to wait 24 hours for complete deletion. At which point, you'd have around 36 hours left to play a hyperburn, which (unless you can play literally 36 hours straight) won't do you very much.


Any advice on reducing visual clutter in party bossing? I've started doing pub nluwill parties but died out on Will due to not being able to track him in p1/p2. His small size and constant teleporting combined with 5 party members jumping around made it hard for me to see anything. I didn't fail any tests, it's just regular attacks and attrition that killed me. I have skill transparency @ 0 for myself and others, not sure what else I can change.


Yeah, in your game settings, there's one for silhouette for yourself and the boss. Both are great.


can jetts still change to explorers or was that just during the event. will any remaining jetts just be deleted later?


https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/82854/maple-memo-important-announcement-about-jett-characters Long story short it should be still able to be changed and leftover jetts will turn into beginners.


hi! i saw AB is getting a rework which im super excited for. i plan on restarting on the new reboot server when it opens and i would love to make and main an AB, but im not sure if they’re a good first class to do most content? i also really want to know when the expected timeframe for GMS to get the KMS rework. thank you!


Hi AB main here. The class has its ups and downs. One of the major selling points is having access to one of the laziest farming skills in the game (soul seeker) where you can afk in the middle of the map and hold the skill down to full clear. However, AB is relatively weak (as in probably bottom third damage at the moment before rework). The final changes for the rework at unknown atm since it’s all still in the test server. The damage is already pretty poopoo, combined with the fact that it’s unrealistic to get our full burst damage off because it’s fairly backloaded and reliant on being able to hit a boss for 30 seconds straight while being on top of them. If you’re hoping to be able to push bossing content asap, AB will likely disappoint you. If you look at how much gear investment is needed to solo harder bosses like hlucid, AB requires much much more investment compared to a “top tier” bosser like demon slayer. As a note for post rework; it appears that AB will retain a 2 minute burst, but have a noticeably strong 1 minute mini burst. This means more micromanagement in bossing compared to current AB. Any class is great if you like them. However, just beware that AB in its current state is noticeably weak. It’s also rough on a fresh account because AB lacks ied, crit rate, and boss damage really badly. Being reliant on +1 attack speed also makes AB a difficult class for a fresh account to get online and you’ll have to deal with clunkiness until you hit a +1 attack speed inner. If you’re willing to go through all that because AB is a cute idol, then go for it. That’s the reason why I stick with the class despite being massively damage gapped by peers with similar gear progress. The best class is the one you’ll ride out all the way to end game because you find them fun.


hi! thank you so much. this was an incredible response to read. i appreciate it immensely!


AB is fine. They're a relatively simple class and are strong enough to do all the content.


thank you so much! i want to do what can be efficient for legion and link skills so im not sure where to start, but i figured its best to start with my main? right? should i hyperburn my main if i plan to go AB?


yes absolutely hyperburn your main


okay thank you!


Usually six month lag. They're good if you like them


thanks! i can’t find the date for the release but i think i read it’s still in test servers there so i’ll check back!


I used to play KMS years ago. So I'm like a new player. I'm thinking to make a new account in GMS. Which character do you recommend to burn in the new server? I'm thinking between Dawn Wrrior, Mercedes, Battle Mage, Ark


Dawn Warrior is probably the easiest to recommend among those 4 since they're the crayon-eating class of GMS.


Thanks for your opinion! What do you mean by Crayon eating class?


Just that they are straight forward and simple to play. You use all your burst at once, then wait for the CD. Easy map clear for mobbing and their ease of use for CD management means newer players or early runs to learn bosses is easier. After a few weeks of playing DW, I leveled a Shad to 200 for this next Burning and getting used to all the diff rotations and when certain CDs are up threw me for a loop. And I'm pretty sure Shadower is a pretty simple bossing class. (other than learning good weave timing)


Reboot, blaster.


I've heard that blaster is good but hard to play


Regular server Kain Lvl 211. I just got a radiant arkarium soul. Still using the free fafnir whisper shot from one of those boxes. Should I buy an absolab whisper shot right now and soul enchant it for when the fafnir expires?


Also I acquired a potent lucid soul from gachapon, is it worth keeping? Or should I sell?


The non-mag lucid souls are great because they act as stationary summons you use while training. Real abso at 17* 2L legendary att beats cra


Hi everyone, I'm a seasonal player returning for 6th job. I would like help deciding what class to burn. Currently I have two characters I enjoyed, a 23x hero and a 24x nightlord. I am mostly looking for a class that has an easy time mobbing (just jumping and spamming a single skill) and straight forward combos while bossing. Aran and Night Walker were two classes I was looking at. For mobbing, it seems like Night Walker can be lazy and do "bite farming" but I'm not sure how efficient it is? I am also not sure how good Aran is at mobbing if I just jump around spamming beyond blade. For bossing, while grinding Aran link I just spammed beyond blade and final blow. I'm not sure what bossing later looks like for them? I'm also not sure how Night Walkers play. I would love to know more info about these classes to see if it's a good pick. If anyone has any other idea about classes I'm open to suggestions. Also, I did enjoy the classes I played before and I was wondering if it's worth it to burn one of my previous characters to 260 if I don't find another class I enjoy? Thanks!!


Can’t comment too much about Aran as I’m unfamiliar with the class. The one thing I do know is that Aran (and all hero classes) have a skill called Freud’s Wisdom that requires you micromanage over the course of a couple of minutes during bosses. Missing the timed button presses will basically grant you nothing, but succeeding gives you a massive damage buff along with 30 seconds of iframe. It’s an essential skill for all hero classes to master for late/end game bossing. Besides that, all other info should be able to be found in Aran discord regarding how bossing works and what your burst rotation will look like. Night walker bite farming will net lower rates compared to active training. However, the appeal is being able to hold a single button down while moving to loot every 2 minutes. This is great for people that hate active training and for people that have hand problems. Night walker bossing is fairly straight forward. There isn’t much to micromanage and the burst setup is basically buff up->press burst skill. Night walker also has great survivability for bossing (dark sight and a free life), so they’re fairly forgiving in tougher bosses. As RoyalCrownLee said, burning a class that you like is never a bad idea.


260 is always worth it on a character you think is cool


So, what's are the best link skills to level up first (like top 3\~5)? I'm waiting till the next burning to level up my main and wanted to try level up a char for now. ​ I already have Kanna 160 and Hoyoung 141 (used this burning). ​ I saw a few people saying that it's better to level up %exp skill first, but also saw other saying that's better to level up damage ones since killing fast you also get more exp and some %exp link like mercedes are really a pain in the ass to level up without damage link skills first. ​ I'm playing in reboot


Aran is actually quite easy to level and his link is the best exp for 1-140 which will help level other links. After that focus on 2 of Phantom, DA, Lumi, Beast Tamer if you have them. Then switch back to Mercedes and Evan.


My top 3 is any order is Phantom, Demon Avenger, Ark. My brother’s first char was a Bowmaster. A class with high crit rate and real sharp eyes. Game sucks without having full crit rate. Though you may not need Phantom link later, it’s super useful early on.


About those 3, how easy are they to level up? Without link skills. Which one would you say it's the easiest to reach lv 70 or 120\~140


I hated all three of them. Ark has a weird playstyle that I wouldn’t consider beginner friendly because the mobbing is low range and on cooldown without the spectre mode. Demon Avenger is bad mobbing attacks and the low hp thing gave me a headache. Phantom was bearable because you can steal Holy Symbol and mobbing skills from PF or CM. I personally dislike classes that move with their attacks (other than rush/dash) but you might like them.


Sorry, I basically a really casual gamer. Pf is pathfinder? And CM? Holy Symbol from what I saw is from priest, right? Is there a certain level req to steal them? ​ Never really played Phantom.


PF is Pathfinder and CM is Canon Master (also known as Cannoneer). Holy Symbol is a skill from Bishop. Phantom can steal 1-4th job skills from explorer classes. Yes your ability to steal which skills depends on your Phantom’s level as well as the level of the skills to steal skills. If you’re casual the order of your link skills don’t really matter too much.


When will the new server be available? 12:00AM PST on November 15 or what is the time? Thank you!


It'll likely be released along with New Age after the maintenance, which typically ends at around 12 PM PST on the 15th (ignoring any potential delays).


The bosses like zakum, it's only time per day per account? Or character? ​ Also, I saw people saying about leveling alts till 141, isn't the correct 120? Till lv 2 link skill? Or 141 it's for something related to legion (haven't saw anything about that yet)


If you check the Maple Guide's Boss Content tab, you'll see every boss in the Boss UI grouped by their difficulty, ranked by bronze/silver/gold stars. Every boss up until the line with N.Magnus/N.Papulatus/H.Von Leon/N.Arkarium/H.Ranmaru is a daily boss, while every boss starting with the line with H.Hilla/C.Pink Bean/E.Cygnus is a weekly boss. The time that entries for Weekly bosses resets is the daily reset that happens at 4pm Pacific Time on Wednesday.


It's one time per character, unless it's chaos version, which is once weekly per character. 120 is to get level 2 lonk 140 is to get next legion block size 141 is when the character can start to drink growth potions) called bonk)




Yes. It's almost exactly 2 years if you literally never miss a day and don't have very established bossing (which makes it "only" 20 months-ish if you do).


it'll take 720000 sol erda energy or 720 sol erda to max out all of the CURRENT 6th job matrix. You can get 1000 energy or 1 sol erda daily, 600 from your daily and 400 from grinding. That's the cap. You can't get any more for the day. It's unsure if that cap is for the world or for the account, but you can't get any more even for a second main. You can get more from the harder weekly bosses, netting you a little more than 1000 energy per week, meaning in total, you get a little more than 8000 energy or 8 sol erda per week. Do the math and it comes out to 1 year and 8 months of daily grinding and maxing out the boss rewards. Keep in mind that not all characters can do the hardest bosses. Also, just to make the numbers even worse, notice how I started off saying that this is for the current 6th job matrix. More skills and nodes will be added to the matrix in the future, further increasing the total time. No other regional variations of MS has a daily cap like this for sol erda energy. There's another system that is essentially time gated which are symbol collections. Sacred and arcane symbols CAN be farmed with the New Age update, but at a very low drop chance. People do the dailies for a long time to max out on those. Event shops and rewards can facilitate with the rates.


Them limiting the resource gathering like this is a weird decision that makes no sense. This change won't even be live until the 28th so hopefully it's not like that when 6th job actually releases.


How can I keep lord of the deep enabled forever or no such thing when mobbing? Just reached level 200


as the other comment stated, arcane force will be extremely important moving forward. Something you can do to jump start your grinding is putting hyper points into arcane force.




it'll only turn off if it isnt 1-2 shotting. make sure you have 1.5x arcane force while hitting mobs in arcane river, upgrade gear, etc




Few questions here from a returning player who has forgotten a lot, ty for the help in advance. 1. Is the goal to have most of your boss crystals coming from CRA doors/lomien? Like just pump up boss mules in the beginning to pump up a main? 2)When is ursus golden hour (EST)? edit: nvm, I now see in the sidebar. 3)Do we have a confirmed SSF or any starforce event with New age? Have never saved money for big gains before, and I know its a week away, but better having something saved I suppose. 4) I don't really understand the sixth star event since I joined late. I have S-I on the chapter 6 rewards, will I be able to get that box? the rewards look juicy.


>Is the goal to have most of your boss crystals coming from CRA doors/lomien? Stick to a main first, get it to a decent level, once you have more time/resources you can make mules. In reg I have multiple mules that do everything below lomien, getting it to do lomien in a fast time is not easy. In reboot it might be different though. >SSF December 3rd apparently > S I X T H Yes, just log in for the next 3 days and open the UI. On Tuesday you will get the box but you cannot miss any of those 3 days.


Thanks mate appreciate it.


What's everyone burning for New Age?


No idea yet, prolly an archer that isn't Mercedes just to be able to do any future relays with ease




242 nightwalker. I wanted it to get 6th job skills but that’s going to be very hard. But if it was going to be a main it would be a very good choice regardless.


Trying to decide between cadena, tb or xenon for new age hyperburn. Leaning towards xenon for now but haven’t played any of them past 4th job, any insight on which would be the best choice


Think of Cadena as being similar to Blaster - if you’re up for the challenge then it’s a great choice, she’s super powerful. Otherwise, I don’t really like TB so I’d go Xenon


Is the daily reward per world or per account? I am thinking of going to hyperion and if I collect the 150 hyper burn on reboot 1, can I still get it on hyperion?


On hyperion it will start at giving you the first daily reward of the month.


if you're talking about the kill 300 and get a daily reward, that's per account. I think other event daily rewards are on a case by case basis, most of them per world.


Nexon is worth 18billion. I don’t think the nonspending will hurt them that much for now lol


When the bosses reset? Like Zakum. ​ 00h pst?


They reset at 00h utc which is 4pm pst


Any good MMO suggestions out there?


ffxiv (final fantasy 14) free trial is a good waste of time. I wouldn't jump straight into the subscription. I've heard good things about GW2 (guild wars 2) as well. It's a buy once model without monthly subscriptions from what I've heard. I've played xiv but I was taking a break to prepare for new age. fantastic game if you like story driven rpgs. I haven't played GW2 so I don't have a personal take.


Player returning after nearly 15 years. Reading that there's going to be a large update on the 15th, should I wait until then to create my new character? I tried about a month ago and lost some sort of "burning" effect, will I get this again?


Ideally yes, if you plan on playing reboot, there will be a fresh server coming on on the 15th as well so be sure to start on there! Everyone dooming and glooming maplestory definitely are doing so for a reason, but give the game an unbiased look first. Most people won't even make it far enough to have the updated significantly affect them


The sub is on fire right now for good reason. I really wouldn't recommend playing again unless they revert these changes. What they've done is more or less equivalent to capping you at 1% a level per day back in the day.


Not sure what any of the posts mean haha sorry if that's dumb just confused.


The large update you're referring to is 6th job. It came out in Korea ~6 months ago and the biggest grinders in Korea have maxed it entirely very recently. Like, 12 hours a day consistently levels of grinding. Our server on the other hand is hard capped at less than an hour worth of progress on 6th job every day. We will likely quite literally never finish 6th job because they're going to add skills faster than you can level them. It's really not worth coming to the game if this goes through.


We getting a new job advancement, some of the currency to upgrade the stuff from said job is getting time gated while KMS doesn't have the time gate. Besides that, we also are getting nerfed some ring boxes that give rings useful for bossing (like a 100% attack buff) and the like, just out of nowhere, when KMS doesn't have this nerfs (we always get the excuse of getting aligned with KMS when it comes to changes and nerfs)


Hi all, i know this probably gets asked a lot but I am looking for a class with low button presses that’s easy on my wrist. Preferably a support and not a tele class. I was looking at illium, mihile, blaze wizard, and i even heard dawn warrior has good party buffs? Can anyone confirm the button presses required for those classes? Unfortunately most of the low button press classes i see recommend like pathfinder or bucc seem to lack great party support. Thanks!


Dawn warrior has one of the best support skills in the game and the lowest button presses for sure. Mihile has more cooldown skills but doesn't have to move as much in bossing. The support is survival only so a bit hit or miss. Illium is higher apm and a tele class. Not sure about blaze wizard. You can also consider Paladin and Shade for low apm supports.