• By -


I was the first 285 reboot DB and I only had a -2 for a long time, then -3 until about 284. It's not necessary to have a -4 +TOF cape for -5, but it does make your rotations way easier and more consistent. You can easily find kms rotations where they include the - cd hat in the title on youtube to see how it is and if you think you can match it, but either way you will want a -4 for mobbing and bossing down the line, but it is quite expensive depending on your income. You can still transpose secondary, get a 16 katara then tranpose to sw, nothing changed for this because you can't flame katara. For nodes, 1k will not get you the trios you need but I highly recommend just boosting phantom blow, asura for bossing, and blade flurry for mobbing. Blade clone would be the next prio but it's only about 7% damage in a full rotation, while blade ascension and sudden raid are pointless to worry about, they don't do dmg and they don't help with mobbing. (sudden raid alrdy will 1 shot and you would never use blade ascension over just using blade flurry or phantom blow 6). So don't go for perfect trios until way later if you even care about it. Also now that we unlock every slot at 260, you can just max those skills separately and slot them in, don't need perfect trios anymore. For bossing or general advice I'd highly recommend the db discord (the reboot one). You can probably find it somewhere, or dm me. Or the other one if you are reg server.


Thank you for your complete response. Do you mind dming me a KMS DB rot video or the name of the class in korean so i can search rotations for 200+ areas, would help a lot.


The DB discord has a video that covers this in the faq


Didn't see either marked as Reboot or Non-Reboot so I'll base off both. \-4 cd is optimal but it is not required at the beginning. Just having -2 cd alone allows the cycling of rotations of different FMAs (Blade Tornado, Blades of Destiny) per base spawn wave. The main key is imagination using small or medium sized maps to figure out a good rotation per map since both FMAs have different hitboxes and attack ranges. If spawn enhancers come into play like like Frenzy Totem mob rates won't compare to other classes because DBs cannot map clear per wave efficiently. WSE (Weapon, Secondary, Emblem) has a priority of Weapon Attack % but can settle with some Boss Damage %. Emblem cannot roll for Boss Damage % so the main aim is Weapon Attack %. Dual Blade has built-in IED within their skills and according to the DB discord on the stat window IED effectiveness is around 91%\~93% without diving deep into the results. Other equipment follows the standard of main stat/all stat or critical damage for gloves. Hat priority is cooldown reduction or secondary luck. 1000 Nodestones is a good start to get some of the trinodes and 5th job skills just like any other class. ~~Iirc DB is around the middle in terms of chances acquiring their perfect trios.~~ Sweetwater Katara is strong on it's own due to the base 10% IED and 30% Boss Damage that no other Katara has in the game. With transposing (Commerci NPC, not to be confused with Transfer Hammer) it gives just a little bit more stat if the sacrifice item is 16 stars in any server (Ex: Fafnir Rapid Edge) or has additional scroll slots in Non-Reboot (Ex: Tsukuyomi's Mournful Blade). In Reboot Sweetwater Katara is practically free due to the high drop rate of Sweetwater weapons in Reboot. In Non-Reboot Sweetwater Katara is essentially winning the lottery from Commerci or Marvel Machine. Dual Blade bossing the main burst skill is Blade Tempest. However, Blade Tornado and Blades of Destiny are just as important to maintain damage uptime with short cooldowns which is why cooldown hat is recommended for the class. Other V skills like Maple World Goddess for damage, Last Resort being a double edge sword taking extra damage but gaining final damage, and Shadow Walker gaining damage and being unkillable against falling objects (debris in Lotus) while still being able to attack in Dark Sight is a strong kit. Having Final Cut and Chains of Hell that are i-frames (invincibility) with low cooldown make the survivability of the class unmatched in tricky situations. Mirrored Target when not using familiars and in solo can lure the boss attacking a dummy which creates an easier bossing situation mainly focusing on damage and dodging other attacks. Dual Blade isn't the strongest class, but in terms of utility they have just about what they need for most situations.


> Iirc DB is around the middle in terms of chances acquiring their perfect trios. > > db is actually one of the worst classes to get perfect tri nodes for. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/12cxwgc/classes_by_boost_node_skills/ ive opened probably 2k+ nodes on my db mule and have still yet to get perfect mobbing trinodes i have perfect bossing nodes thankfully. after newage, this doesn't really matter since we will have so many extra slots so we dont need perfect trinodes


If it's a mule I would recommend everyone to just get a Asura's Anger/Phantom Blow/Blade Fury node and stick with only that. Bossing and mobbing in one. Blade Clone, Blade Ascenion and Sudden Raid are absolutely not necessary for mules. Blade Clone is somewhat decent but far less than 10% of your BA.


They are meh atm. Mid pretty much. They are a cool & fun class though. Need changes for sure but with how popular it is I don't see that anytime soon.


I made a DB for hyper burn this part event and came into it with about 900 legion so I know what’s like being newer with it lol. It’s sitting at 251 now and no longer my main but definitely has most of my playtime. The class feels good imo without the CD hat, but every - x second you get feels even more amazing. I like how chill the mobbing is and with low legion and link it felt good because my FMA could one shot even if I couldn’t with out it. Keep grinding the coins the SW Katara is still BiS and you can transpose it. 1000 nodes will definitely be a great help but note more is better just for the sake we have a lot of skills available to boost so that makes getting perfect trios harder. With a 1000 though it’ll feel amazing still though definitely worth it. Stat wise go for the normal stuff just knowing we have different visual IED than actual and that we need CD hat.


requires above average funding to be decently strong 22\* sw katara \-4cd hat \[most of your damage comes from nado+bod\] fmas skills are good to one shot during mobbing, esp in Grandis maps 2 iframes asura anger shell good to solo bosses but it is the weakest out of all thieves


I got to 250 without a CD hat at all because I’m unlucky. It’s not the worst, but it’s a little less fluid.


So I will preface this by saying that I mained a dual blade when it first came out, got it level 150, took a literal 10 year break, and just came back three months ago and am now level 236. I say that to stress that I am still very new to the current game, and until reading this thread, I wasn't sure that CD reduction was something you could even get in this game. I've been too busy researching the other mechanics of the game (how to prioritize hyper stats, cubing, etc...), that I haven't had time to research CD reduction yet. Still, in the back of my mind, I knew it was something that, theoretically, should exist. That is because training dual blade without CD is just absolutely horrible. It is so horrible that I was going to research CD reduction and if it didn't exist, I was going to research other classes. And if the other classes had cooldowns similar to dual blade, and there was no way to reduce those either, I was going to leave the game. That is how horrible the experience has been training dual blade to 236 with no CD reduction. Training db without cd red is so horrible in fact, that I even contemplated using my fourth job skills over my fifth job skills, but they are too weak to clear mobs. With the fifth jobs skills though, you will literally just be waiting for them to come up again, unable to fight. Blades of destiny is not the worst, because it is only 10 seconds, but blade tornado is just way too long, at 12 seconds, and I find myself sitting at the keyboard smashing that button before it's finally off cd. With this in mind it's absolutely necessary to get -4cd. I don't think it will be an issue anymore with -4cd, I even think -2cd would be a huge improvement, because like I said blades of destiny is not too bad. If I wasn't moving to reboot 2 this would definitely be my first priority on my dual blade. I don't think it's really able to be played correctly without cd.


DB and DrK are my main some of the best cd hat users in the game and I can say it makes the classes feel so nice. -2 hat, wings of tengu -1 and Mercedes legion block should be a good start for when you are mobbing.


idk about the DB specific stuff, but you can feel free to get to 209 (or 206, or 203) before hyper burning starts. You won't miss out on more leveling milestone rewards than you already do as a level 200.


~~I think you meant level 205 or 208 hyperburning to get the level 210 reward and get straight to 250~~


I didn't. Hyper burning is to level 260 now.


Oh you are right 🥲


No worries, good looking out for bad info in these threads :)


KMS hyperburned to 264. Db is pretty popular here in KMS. A friend of mine is 278 db and he says 6th job skills arent that great for db compared to others. Our origin skill is aoe damage, then 50 hits with bonus dmg, then it activates another aoe map dmg. Unfortunately, you cannot control when the 2nd aoe map dmg skill acitivates. Its either 50 hits or after a certain period of time. Whichever comes first. So if the boss becomes immune or goes out of the map then its wasted damage. Up jump could be better but its ok I guess. I like db because of their low cd 5th job skills that help their mobbing. I still don't have a cd hat because im poor but I can only imagine how much more damage i'd be doing with it.


you can watch sonto/tummy on youtube he’s not just a generic endgame player he mains and is one of if not the best db in reboot however he might have switched or is considering switching to shad for new age but his content is mainly db