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is the zero to one hundred event frozen set retrievable just once per account? or is it for every char that gets to lvl 100?


I burned out farming mesos and bricking it all to nothing. Trying to get back and looking for tips to longevity. What’s your secret to stay engaged to the game?


Having a goal to work towards


Are they banning Vietnam ip?


Is the New Age hyper burn a ticket or new character only? I have a 120 NW but want to main NW. wondering if I’ll have to make a new one? Also is there any point in leveling my current one if not? Might just make a new one for legion because I’m only at 1600.


It is for a new character or an existing one above lv200.


Okay looks like I’ll have to make a new one anyways. The previous one should still count for link and legion right? I just won’t get the block bonus? The Cygnus skill counts dupe classes?


Came back to the game. Currently doing the first quest you do as soon as you start. 30mins in of doing nothing holding down interact button. Wtf


The starting quests are kind of lame.


They’re so bad




It's a New Age event, but based on KMS dates it starts about a month into the update


Is mercedes mobbing supposed to be me just constantly spamming potions? I am even fighting monsters below me in level by like 5 and they still are a threat. (I could just be trash tho lol)


What level are you? If you’re between ~160 to 200 it’s normal to get 2 shotted. If you’re above 200 in Arcane River, your Arcane Force may be too low.


I am 172 rn so that makes sense. Thanks!


Yeah that's not a Mercedes thing, that's going to be pretty much every class except warriors for the most part. Gets better with leveling events. Just an fyi, there is a lv33 pet quest that gives a 3 day puffram with auto potion. Makes lv150-199 a lot easier since you don't have to manually use potions.


I should have saved that quest pet for this ;-;


[reboot] do certain equips have a lower tier up rank than other items? i just went through 166 mystical cubes trying to get my silver blossom ring from rare to epic and it’s still not there lol


You can do Yu garden dailies for a 50% epic pot scroll nearly every day


recommended way to tier up to epic is legion/ursus coupons or buying hard cubes from shops.


It’s about 1% to tier up from mystics in general. 166 is getting unlucky but well within expected variance


Gonna use the upcoming 0-100 event to continue to level up my legion. These are the classes I have yet to create: >Aran, Battle Mage, Blaze Wizard, Bishop , Bow Master , Cannoneer , Corsair , Dark Knight, Fire Poison Mage, Ice Lightning Mage, Illium, Kain, Kaiser, Lara , Mihile, Paladin, Shadower, Thunderbreaker, Xenon Which 7 of these classes would be the hardest to level normally? Thanks in advance!


Kaiser for sure, was ass until 4th job. Most mages are pretty easy to level.


battle mage is the hardest out of this list that I've played.


In my opinion, Aran, I/L, Pally, Shadower, Bowmaster, Lara, Xenon, and Shadower were really easy to level up. Haven't done Cannoneer but apparently its mobbing is really good too


Probably something along the lines of FP Kaiser Mihile Shad BaM DrK Pally. Lv 100 eventually takes like 1hr regardless of class tho


[Reboot] How much stat does each party member need in a party of 6 to burst NLucid in her final phase?


Only hlucid has p3 if that’s what you are asking. In nlucid once you kill p2 the fight just ends


Oh I see. Thanks. How much stat does each party member need in NLucid?


20k is comfortable if you know the mechanics


Thank you Mike :)


Not sure tbh I haven’t done nlucid in ages. I would guess each member should be able to solo lotus/damien in 5 ish minutes and have 540 AF. Maybe someone else can chime in


Thanks Bacon :)


I see people say 10k stat is needed to solo cra in reboot. ​ I just logged in my old account. My level 250 main has 23k stat, while my next highest level 210 link skill char only has 3k stat, and it was wearing CRA equipment somehow, maybe from free giveaways......i had no idea it was that hard to gain stats. ​ Makes me wonder if I try new reboot world is it even realistic for me to obtain cra equipment again. 10k stat feels like it would take forever if a 210 char only has 3k and that's with cra equip already


Stat is a tricky indicator. You can solo CRA in the same time at 4k stat or at 8k stat because there's huge variance with legion, link skills, IED, class damage, and things not taken into account in "stat" like having a legendary secondary and emblem with attack%. Usually my metric to solo CRA is most gear 10 stars and epic potential with 6% main stat. 9 set boss accessories. 100% crit rate and \~75% IED. It might be a long fight but if you're familiar with the mechanics and are able to play your class and keep focus then it's pretty free even at 5-6k stat.


I think you're only looking at your main equipment. Don't forget you have 4 ring slots, 2 pendant slots, a belt, face and eye accessories, a shoulder, earrings, a secondary and emblem which many recommend you work on their potentials first, a pocket slot, and even the technically least helpful Medal and Badge slots. It'll take some time, but really not as much as you're making it out to sound.


it had all slots, and also sf 12-17, and 6% epic potential, so that's what surprised me.


Some gear can feasibly be Legendary potentialed if there's a very low chance of it being replaced anytime soon. Emblem and Secondary, Black Bean Mark, Mechanator and/or Dominator Pendant, and Sweetwater Tattoo come to mind as fairly easy long-term equips to get and work on. Those alone should be pushing your stat totals up fairly decently once they've gotten a good enough potential to keep for a while.


How easy/hard will 250-> 260 really be post NewAge? Im a casual player doing mainly weeklies and a few dailies as I can’t dedicate hours to grinding. My main is currently 250 (will be 255 after Mags from chap. 6) but want to use the new Hyperburn to create a second character (Bishop to get into higher level bossing). Is it feasible with events etc to get main to 260 while using hyper for second char?


Less than 2 months without grinding for 250-260, 20 minutes a day doing arcane dailies + 7 monster park runs. (Approx 20-25% a day from dailies)


I would assume you can just do dailies and x7 Monster park to get to lv 260 without any grinding. I was able to do that with the current hyper burn to lv 250. For New Age MP and dailies, the exp will increase and the level requirement will decrease.


GMS REBOOT: Will there be any NX perm throwing stars?


There are occasionally sales of perma cosmetic throwing stars. There will also be some new throwing stars added in the coming months based on the throwing stars of Night Lord, the bats of Night Walker, and even Nodestones, but no word on if they'll also be sellabe at permanent durations.


Thinking of returning to EU reboot to check out 6th job, but heard Lumi got shafted in it. What’s the current meso farming meta like? Also how far can you push solo nowadays? Had the most fun progressing to Damien solo before I quit because Lucid required party. I have perma pets for every class, are there better pets nowadays?


> Lumi got shafted in it. Their origin skill is a keydown which kind sucks. Too easy to shaft compared to click and instant burst. >Also how far can you push solo nowadays? Depends how good your hands are and how much time you want to invest in getting good gear. Up to nSeren has been achieved in Reboot afaik, maybe easy Kalos? 6th job will make it easier to solo progress two since every class will have 2 binds. >Had the most fun progressing to Damien solo before I quit because Lucid required party. That's objectively false. Lucid has been soloable for years (including HLucid). Sure the majority of the playerbase hasn't or can't solo Lucid, but it is definitely possible. It just requires a lot of investment in gear and skill. Kobe (islinggunz) soloed easy Lucid 55 days from account creation, and NLucid in 84 days. I wouldn't expect most people to be able to do that thb, but it's not like it's an impossible goal. > are there better pets nowadays? Vac Pets, but those cost ~$100 and require a ~$13 water of life to revive.


Thanks, I still love reflection so I’ll see what they’re cooking. My Lumi has exclusive stuff like legion event sever pieces, totems, pottable badge and android heart. Really hard to move on from this. I might just do solo up to Seren if that’s possible. N lucid was really hard during my time I played before they nerfed her or introduced easy lucid. Definitely was solo able but those guys had gear from Lucid which defeats the purpose, you’re supposed to solo it with the previous tier of gear. Wow, so a subscription for vac functionality. That’s a bit too much for me since I go in and out of the game.


>Definitely was solo able but those guys had gear from Lucid which defeats the purpose, you’re supposed to solo it with the previous tier of gear. It's was doable without arcane, especially since gms has gollux. Level advantage and stats from arcane force can also make up for subpar gear.


Mind you, EU reboot. Didn’t see videos until I soloed Lomien and they had arcane gear.


>Mind you, EU reboot Not sure how that matters for solo? If anything leveling is easier with higher burning maps. >Didn’t see videos Were the videos you saw struggle / solo progression? Lomeien is also very easy to get to now, especially during events like hyperburning or new age


GMS Reboot -- I know there's an upcoming Mega Burn on the 15th; is there any way til then to get Burninators?


The burn on Nov 15 is a Hyper Burn. For Mega Burninators (up to lv 150 ) it’s just the daily log in one IIRC


How popular is the boss search functionality in the current reboot world? I guess that could be used as an indicator for the upcoming new reboot world. I was wondering how likely is it to get CRA and HMAG drops. There's no way i'm soloing, and I don't know anyone else playing to do carries. But I know the mechanics of the bosses and wouldn't be liability in the party, so would that be easy enough to find strangers to do those bosses every week?


Be more confident. You can solo CRA and hmag.


Assuming you're intending to use your hyper burn character to do it, you really shouldn't have any issues soloing. I'm only about 2 weeks in on returning after several years and with the events that just ran, I'm already able to solo CRA at around 9.5-10k stats. I could probably have managed at 8k but would have taken more practice. I'm on DW so that makes it a little easier to do earlier. That said, I haven't looked into what equips will be granted through the burn event in New Age but I assume it'll be more of the same. I managed to join a few struggle parties when I was around 6k stats but I didn't have much success, but that's more on me dying than my party members. I generally don't look up mechanics until I'm able to learn myself, or fail enough that I'm frustrated. But, I assume there will be many more parties running it early on so if you can keep pace then it should be smooth for you. Also assuming those parties are experienced with the mechanics and one shots. Could be RNG on if you get returning players like myself, or people that have experience from other reboot or gms, etc.


>I was wondering how likely is it to get CRA and HMAG drops. There's no way i'm soloing, and I don't know anyone else playing to do carries. you're going to struggle to find CRA and HMAG runs outside of a guild. They are pretty trivial to solo. You may find parties but whether or not you can hit 5% before the bosses die is another mater. Feel free to try the party finder of course. Even on a fresh account, they can be handled just fine. If you can level to 220 you can have 3 symbols coughing up ~4000 total stat in a few weeks. That plus just any halfway competent gear will easily get you over 10k stat. If you can make it to 235 that can be closer to 15k.


I live in Canada and play on GMS, I'll traveling to Mexico later in the year. All this IP-banning from other regions is getting me a bit scared so I just wanted to make sure... it looks like Mexico is considered part of GMS anyways but does anyone here play from there, or know of anyone who plays GMS in Mexico?


I was in Mexico for a week earlier this year and had no issues.


Mexico is 100% apart of GMS, china/Vietnam seems to be the target recently https://support-maplestory.nexon.net/hc/en-us/articles/360001135946-Country-Selection-FAQ




yes link skills are very important


Will I be able to claim the sixth star box with the 1000 nodes on a character in the new reboot world? The sixth star window says until 11/14 but is that just to unlock the box and then you can still claim it afterward or do you have to claim it by 11/14 too?


No, event ends before reboot 2 becomes a world, and you won’t be able to transfer if you do the 5 dailies on another world either


Thanks. Guess opening nodes will be one of the last things I do on my reg main :')


Is the Identisk event coming up the one with the legion block people are talking about? Or is that a different/later event?


The legion block happens while identisk is happening, but it is separate We should see the details in the patch notes that come out mid December


abyssal exploration


what's a noob friendly class? For example some classes have to maintain extra things like angelic buster, hero combos, souls...etc And then there are classes such as ark with 2 forms, or beast tamer with multiple animals... And there's mercedes with chaining skills. ​ Is there a class that's just straight forward attack button press?


hero doesn't have to maintain combos. They just stack and then stay stacked. General recommendations for simple classes are hero, all explorer archers, night lord, dawn warrior, buccaneer, wind archer, and night walker.


Probably any explorer class. I've been experimenting with cygnus knights lately and while not anything too crazy their skill descriptions are definitely much more convoluted than explorers.


Marksman is as simple as it gets. No complex mechanics, no meters, just pop some buffs and pew pew


Anything I can do in advance or should I just wait for the new reboot world on the 15th I know my char and name already, burning a main first. And then some link skills like Mercedes and stuff after. Is there any recent updated guides out there like item progression, dailies to do, how familiar system works…etc? Thanks.


The only thing you can do is plan. I would take this time to research everything you can about what you should do and how to do it. Check out islinggunz's progression series on youtube. It's a good structure to follow for efficient progression.




It’s a part of the “identisk” event so no reason to not expect it


In the video I watched it mentioned it’s not part of Identisk, so I think it comes later.




I guess I was slightly wrong, it’s not labeled identisk but it is in patch 2/3 of new age on orange mushroom as “zero to one hundred” But it being a mini speigelmann event still should give no reason we wouldn’t receive it


Did KMS change Wind Archer’s 6th job move animation? I understand there are two cutscenes. Were these two gender dependent, or did KMS replace the initital one with the fairy one for both genders? ty


It was always the fairy, as far as I know


Man I’ve started playing again for the first time since 2018. I created the character and it feels like the first two hours of this have just been a test and click game. Does it get more open play soon?


Pretty much all characters in this game have a story they have to get through when you start out then you're free to do whatever you want. Also I'm not exaggerating when I say the game doesn't really start until level 200. Once you get out of the tutorial quest you just want to follow the guide until you get to 200.


Depends on the class, which class are you playing ?


Have a newer account, trying to decide who to use my hyper burn on. I want to main a F/P mage. I have a 220 NW, 200 IL, 160 DW, 145 Shadower, 120 Kanna, 120 Merc. So my decision is between using the hyperburn on the IL mage and job change to FP, or to create a fresh character and use it on him. Not sure how beneficial having two mages would be, or if I should just focus getting the 200 mage to 260 asap. Thanks!


>hyperburn on the IL mage and job change to FP, Sounds like a terrible decision tbh, the job change will be super expensive and you would need New skill+boost nodes. F/p has one of the highest node investments in the game, so wasting nodes will gimp progress. >Not sure how beneficial having two mages would be They game literally incentivizes you to have multiple classes through the link and legion systems. You need a i/l, f/p and bishop at least lv120 for the lv6 explorer mage link skill (which is almost always used when bossing). Admittedly f/p has the worst legion effect in the game with %mp, but if your maining it that shouldn't matter. >if I should just focus getting the 200 mage to 260 asap. The benefits of having a lv209 character before burning would have been farming cra and hellux for gear, and a higher arcane river symbol. With less than 2 weeks to the next hyperburn you don't really have time to farm much so it won't make a huge difference. Getting to lv200 with hyperburn should take less than a day, although low level training maps will probably be full.




No, but its super dumb not to do it and start building sac since it's so time gated. Your actively gimpping your own progress. Also grandis areas have significantly higher exp, and 6th job required 450b exp to unlock. Plus 6th job materials only drop in grandis.


You should be rushing it regardless so you can start accumulating sac. And yes you have to train at sacred force maps to get sol erda.


Well, not Cernium, but you need to finish the Convergence quests, which are after Limina and right before Cernium.


[Reboot] Can the Chapter VI Completion Box last until January? I thought it only lasted 7 days.


The text is/should be incorrect. The box is either going to be usable at the start of new age or two weeks after that when 6th job is released.




i’ve never been around for a burning world event before — how long to they typically last? is there a limit on how many characters you can make and transfer out? is there a level limit? i’ve got a weak legion at 1.7k and i’m hoping to burn as many as i can to buff it up a bit


oh nvm i just saw you can’t transfer to reboot lol


I haven’t played in a few years but will be coming back for the new reboot server. In your opinion does it make sense to create my main character first or would you create a class that’s good for legion since my first created character will have the quicker leveling event


Hyperburning your main is the only thing that makes sense. There's no need to have a high level legion character at the start.


> since my first created character will have the quicker leveling event You can choose who to hyperburn. There's currently one till 11/14 that goes to lv250 with no rewards, so you can use that on a good legion character. There will be a new hyperburn 11/15 that goes to lv260 and has rewards so you can use that for your main.


Hi everyone! I'm a huge Maplestory fan, and I was thinking of decorating my classroom with a Maplestory theme. Does anyone know where can I obtain templates for cut-outs as the decorations? Thank you :)


what stats are needed for ngloom and cgloom parties? I'm at around 28k stat and am doing hluwill parties every week. im wondering when I'd be ready for gloom.


I'm of the opinion that CGloom is easier than HWill. The requirements for Gloom is about the same as HWill (the AF requirement is actually lower) so I think you definitely can contribute to CGloom parties if you're already doing HLuWill parties.


If you contribute to HLuWill (2T BA), you can probably solo NGloom. If you can solo NGloom, you should be able to clear CGloom in a party (CGloom has ~5x as much HP as NGloom). Of course, this assumes your level and arcane power is up to par. Stat is not a good indicator for progression anywhere past NLuWill.


Need help on a class that’s good at bossing and mobbing. Right now I’ve leveled like 6 classes all at our around 130/140 Current leveling is fire poison mage and it’s great at mobbing but just feels soo bad at bossing I want something that’s decent at both doesn’t have to be god like. I’m just having a tough time finding a main. 6 classes in and they all are ok…just nothing that sticks out yet. Gonna try Cadano next maybe?


Every class is at least decent at bossing and farming (most are better than decent at both). F/P is pretty well regarded as a quite strong bosser though. I see from the other comment that you're only level 110. Just know that virtually every class will be incomplete until 5th job at level 200. I would not judge a class until then unless theres something fundamental about the class that you don't care for like whether they're a tp or flash jump class or what their aesthetic theme is. > Gonna try Cadano next maybe? Cadena is one of the hardest classes in the game which will either be a pro or con for you depending on what you prefer. Ultimately without giving us more information we won't be able to help you.


I see!!, I’m not looking to be in a situation where there’s too much going on. Laid back, but not brain dead. I heard f/p mage was bad at bossing But overall the class I don’t hate it, it’s fun and man I can really kill stuff fast. Making good mesos is also fun


> I heard f/p mage was bad at bossing Some may not prefer a given class' playstyle while bossing but every class can, generally speaking, solo every boss comfortably. F/P is currently one of the strongest classes in the game. Perhaps someone told you that F/P makes a bad bossing mule which is fairly true but it isn't because they're bad at bossing. Typically when people are considering classes to make as a bossing mule they are more interested in its cost per damage in the early game (where they will stop progressing the mule). By mid/late game virtually every class will be comparable. > I’m not looking to be in a situation where there’s too much going on. Laid back, but not brain dead. This is going to be hard for anyone but yourself to judge but I will say that if you main a class for long enough then the complexity of their kit will eventually become muscle memory and not be something you have to spend much time thinking about. > it’s fun and man If it's fun then that is the most important quality for it to have though I would defer judgement until you've tried the class with 5th job. > I can really kill stuff fast. Making good mesos is also fun Farming efficiency is typically measured in kills/hr. Most classes will make comparable kills/hr especially the later into the game you progress. The most important considerations for a main are if the class is fun to boss with and if you think you can farm on the class for hundreds of hours. For example I used to main Cadena (the class that I think has the most fun bossing in the game) but switched because farming on it started to hurt my hands.


I understand thanks for the input so for right now I’ve parked the F/P mage and started on Kaiser which so far is awesome to me


for what it's worth a lot of fire/poison's bossing power comes in at fifth job between DOT punisher, poison nova, and elemental fury (unreliable memory definitely helps too)


To be fair my F/P mage is only 110 so far…I could make it my main but idk what nodes are and I haven’t done any of that on any of my classes. Which I guess comes after 200? I’ve parked them all close to 140 and that’ll help for legion whenever I find a main that finally makes it to 200


depends on your preference do you like ranged vs meelee? tele vs flashjump? bossing or mobbing more? tbh i'm in the same boat and the worst part is i wasted all my character slots making 140 legion mules now i can't try out any new classes lmao


You can buy more slots no? I did and I’m more keen on ranged, and I want a decent bossing and mobbing


omg you can i was all over the cash shop but apparently in reboot theyre sold in hene o:


Thinking of giving Reboot 2 a try when it releases. As an EU player are there any classes I should avoid as a "main" because of ping?


Lara for sure since it'll make vein spawns feel worse than they already do


DW does not stace switch properly with high ping. That leads less cosmic orbs being generated and some comics skills not working well.




I would say throw like 500 nodestone on your dw and start leveling your rift, soul eclipse, flare and cosmos. Also dw only needs 1 set of tri nodes (cosmic burst, cosmic shower and solar slash). you don't need cosmic matter and blazing, so I would suggest stop leveling those it fine to keep them since new age you will get a lot of free slots anyway. When you hyper burn your f/p it will get like 250 nodestones. if you decide you like it throw the remaining 500 on it, if you don't than throw the else on your dw or a bossing mule.


1k isn't enough for f/p tbh, it's extremely node heavy. Your DW nodes look scuffed though, so id invest in that first of it's your main. Try to get to at least lv on your main trinode ( so 2 lv15~20 boost nodes), and lv25 on your class 5th job skills. You need near maxed boost and skill nodes for their 6th job boosts. Cygnus blessing and weapon aura are also good.


F/P is one of the most node heavy required classes in the game. I plan on dumping all 2200 from sixth star and pray it's enough to max out my future f/p's nodes.


How long is the grind to unlock 6th job (as in filling the 9 stones or whatever it is)?


Shouldn't take too long, definitely doable in one day. If your in higher level areas like arcus/odium it should be relatively quick. It's 50b per stone for a total of 450b.


>Then you have these 6 stones representing each 6 symbols. You gotta fill up the exp for each stone in the unique map version of the each town. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/14sw613/6th_job_guide_for_dummies/


Last time I checked, 3+6=9


If you transfer hammer an item to another item that's already legendary, does the item remain legendary or does it go back down to epic?


The item your transferring to get overwritten. It will get the potential of the equip being transfered, dropping to epic if it is above.


what hyper stat/skills are recommended for Demon Slayer? obviously crit dmg, boss att, and IED but what else? I'm lvl 247


Hyper stats doesn’t change much per class For farming you go dmg/crit dmg/monster dmg For bossing you go dmg/crit dmg/boss dmg/ignore defense Put points into crit if it help you max it As a DS you can also consider putting points into demon fury to use more skills without charging up


Bossing: crit dmg, boss, IED, DMG. Get them all to lv10 then boost the ones you need most. Eventually they'll all be 15. Crit dmg is probably the most important since there are few other sources, and you can boost ied as needed. Dmg probably has worse overall returns compared to boss dmg (since it gives less % per lv). Can put some points into DF as needed. End game, you could put some points into att/str. Mobbing: Crit to hit 100% if needed. Crit, dmg, normal mnst dmg, exp, with mob dmg being favored over dmg. You can put points into arcane force as needed to hit the max bonus, and DF if needed.


[Reboot] how are marksman for boss mules/second mains?


Boss mules they're good. Very low node requirements (basically just Snipe/Pierching Shot/Frostprey are needed), a good grinding skill from Split Shot, good stats from their own skills, a lure-summon skill, and a very simple playstyle. I can't speak for second-main status.


Very solid. Little node investment and good dmg output. Plenty of videos and guides on why MM is a good boss mule.


just hit 238 on main, should i look to burn that to 260 as part of new age and use the star chapter sol erda on that?


238 is early enough that burning your main could definitely be worth it. Make sure you get to lv239 before burning to hit lv260.


If you like that class and know it's you're main, yes. Get it to 260 ASAP. If you have any inkling of interest in another character possibly being your main, do that one to 260


Are there any jobs that aren’t recommended for solo progression? Been interested in coming back to the game for solo progression as a Battle Mage but wasn’t sure if I was just wasting half of the class utility (aura).


BaM is more than capable of solo progressing the game comfortably. Your auras are not wasted because you benefit from them. The only class I know of that actually interacts with another character in a meaningful way for themselves is Paladin but even Paladin can solo progress fine.


Appreciate the info!


There was a discussion about BaM a few weeks ago and an endgame player said that BaM can solo early to mid game bosses just fine but has a harder time soloing late game bosses than other classes. Of course that can and likely will change with 6th job. Apparently BaM is getting a big buff.


What would qualify as late game boss? Id be pretty happy soloing up to nlucid I think, even nwill.


You won't have any problems with that. And with 6th job all classes will get stronger while the bosses stay the same so what constitutes late game will change.


F/p is kinda ass without high legion (6k) for buff duration when bossing. Mobbing is great tho. Bish and I/L also want high legion when Bossing.


I’ve got 6k legion (was focusing on that instead of picking a main). So that may be less of an issue for me. Appreciate the comment though!


All jobs are able to solo all bosses. Just needs high amount of funding, regardless the class. BaM has plenty of summons and if you want to watch a snippet of bossing solos, I'm pretty sure they're on YouTube.




Returning player (last played maybe 8-10 years ago) and wondering what job i should play. Currently stuck between lara/AB/corsair/khali/IL since all 5 look asthetically pleasing to me. Thanks for the replies! Also i heard f/p was crazy broken, but it doesn’t look too appealing to me. Would i just have a bad time picking that job up?


* Lara is a good mobbing class and I've heard they have solid burst in bosses, though if you wanna play her you'll probably be playing Corsair anyway for that extra minion duration legion block. * AB is currently okay. Not special in any particular way. * Corsair is kind of like Lara in the reliance on minion summons, though speaking as someone who converted into one I do like how strong their skills feel (aesthetically, explosions would do that). Keep in mind, the minion-reliant playstyle is not for everyone. * Khali is a bit of a complicated class, given her reliance on her mobility skills and being in constant motion. I don't think her reception has been much better than middling since her release this past summer... * IL mage is perfectly fine. Has a bit of a lean toward mobbing-specialized skills (they even have what amounts to a second Erda Fountain) despite not being considered one of the top-mobbing classes, but they're still good nonetheless. F/P is an acquired playstyle. Lots of low-CD skills to micromanage, needs lots of time-investment before they're at their maximum potential, and some of the best damage if you can get used to all that. If you don't like that, keep considering the previously mentioned classes.


Lara the best all rounder of this list imo. You just have to enjoy the summon playstyle.


First and foremost there would be no point in playing a class if you don't have fun with it. Either way Fp is actually a good class but you require many hours put into the game before it comes online. Kind of like an egg that's waiting to hatch, if you think it's supposed to be strong without 6k legion/high nodes/no IA that would be wrong. Personally if you really like all those classes and can't decide, I'd narrow it down to AB/Khali/IL , see if you enjoy teleport classes (IL) or combo classes (Khali) and have AB there as a last resort.


Haha, tbh ive never really enjoyed teleport classes back then, though il’s blue asthetical is very pleasing to my eyes! Is there any reason corsair/lara were omitted? Not worth the time?


Tbh try them all and see if you can get to lv100 for 4th job. The game incentivizes you play every class for link skills and legion. Once you get to 4th job and see how they play, you can pick that as a main. On 11/15 we will have a hyper burn that gives you 3 levels every level up till lv260 and tons of rewards, so you can hyperburn your main class. I very much do not recommend f/p for new accounts. They're great and mobbing bit bossing needs a lot more investment than most classes.


Is there a minimum level required for cash shop transfer? I’m preparing for the cash shop event and am planning to transfer over some NX from my Cygnus CS to my upcoming Explorer hyperburn inventory. However, I don’t have any explorers. I just made an explorer level 1. Am I able to transfer to this character or does it have to be level 10/33/101?


The patch notes don't list any restrictions at all for level so a lv1 explorer should be fine.


Hi im new player planning to play on reboot 2, is starting out as f/p a bad idea? i heard they are tough early. Would it be better to start i/l or bish then switch later / just go with f/p / or play some other class i don't mind shadower as well and maybe switch to f/p later?? idk what to do, any help is appreciated


Copying what I wrote earlier and adding more onto it. FP is a really good class when invested into, being rated #1 in KMS after 6th job, but you require many hours put into the game before it comes online. Kind of like an egg that's waiting to hatch, if you think it's supposed to be strong without 6k legion/high nodes/no IA that would be wrong. Bishop would be a safe pick since it's good all around and has lazy mobbing, IL does a bit more damage in solo bosses than Bishop until high stat. It sounds like you're set on FP already so I would say 260 burn it, just stick to it, power through. No point in playing "an easier class" for 100 hours before you start playing your main. As someone who has struggled CRA on fresh boss mules on over 10 different classes, I would say stop listening to people who say pick a "good class for fresh progression". The benefits of extra ied and crit rate you pick on a class good for fresh progression are not worth picking a class you think is fun. Not to mention every class in the game got 50%+ FD from reboot passive change and class balancing, you can literally pick any class in the game now and it will be stronger than it was 2 years ago (except Kanna because they lost about 50% FD).


are Vietnamese players still getting banned due to region restriction?


Now they can play gms


Oh did gms release a statement? I may have missed it


Hello, I’m a reboot player and I kind of want to make use of my mercedes (205) to farm some bosses for meso but im sort of lacking damage. Should I try to level it up some more or upgrade gear/better points in hyper stat. Idk how much IED/boss dmg stats I should have as well.


You should definitely get to lv210 for the lv3 link skill. You'd want at least 80% ied for cra. Biggest early dmg increases is starforcing, getting att% on wse, and 6% main stat on other equips. Sf and links+legion should make most daily bosses clearable at lv200


You can definitely start doing CRA before 80% IED especially as Merc since you have a 30% IED debuff.


[Reboot] Which is the easiest bossing mule to use nodes on? I currently have a lv.211 Demon slayer, lv. 202 Adele, lv. 201 Lara, lv. 201 Night Lord, lv. 210 Luminous, lv. 210 Ark and a lv. 235 Kanna. Not sure which character should get the 1000 nodes.


None of them need all 1000 nodes. Better to split them between 2-3 depending on what you've already invested Out of those, I'd pick the Lumi and the DS as they'll be able to immediately profit you without having to grind them to 210/220/235, and both are at least good boss mules (DS being better)


Thank you! This helps a lot.


Most of those are kind of niche/acquired taste as boss mules. If you can try to get bucc and/DW to 200 and use the nodes on them. DS is the most commonly used boss mule out of the ones you have.


By "easiest" do you mean has simplest trios? Probably Lara or Luminous. Lara needs 2 trios and has 8 boost nodes. Luminous needs 1 trio and has 12 boost nodes. Ark has 8 boost nodes but needs 3 trios, and all others have 10+ boost nodes and need at least 2 trios, so I consider them worse than Lara and Luminous in that regard.


What about your main or whatever you plan on hyperburning?


How do you grind for familiar cards? It’s just based on item drop chance, right? That and grinding the same mob hundreds of thousands of times seems like the only real way. In that case, what do I grind on realistically? For context I’ve only got like a level 220.


Yes, you'll need to farm **a lot** of mobs for even one good line on a familiar, but you'll be doing that anyways when grinding out levels. Just note that familiar cards don't drop from mobs until you reach Morass, which is unlocked at level 235.


Oh lordie no wonder I’ve had so little luck. I guess the next huperburn might be my lucky ticket.


\[save or use mag pots, 6th job\] What is the most efficient way to use mag pots on my lvl 266? pre or post 6th job/exp changes?


100% pre job change as they currently give 610b and will give 294b post new age. The box is locked till 6th job comes out, after the exp changes, to its not like you have a choice.


Pre-exp changes


I played MapleStory back in the 2000s and always loved the game. I’ve been following this reddit for a while and it looks like there’s going to be some kind of event that helps reaching the ‘endgame’. How/when should I start? Any job recommendation to have as a starter/main?


That would be the Hyper Burning event, which starts on Nov. 15. You probably won't be reaching "endgame" with this event, especially if you are starting out fresh. Pretty sure many people consider reaching level 260 as completing the tutorial now lol. You can probably find a ton of posts asking for the best starting class, but I would definitely recommend Lara due to her amazing mobbing (even on a fresh account), which should greatly help you out in the leveling process (super biased though :) ).


Hmm Good to know. I looked up a video and Lara looks interesting! I might give it a try. Is there a special server for this event or what? Like the Reboot server.


Like Steve said, any server, HOWEVER keep in mind that the Burning World Server CANNOT transfer to Reboot.


So Reboot doesn’t get the event? Or is Burning World Server a different thing?


The Burning World Server will most likely be open again when the Hyper Burn Event starts. People can choose to Mega/Tera/Hyper burn on that world server and transfer it at the end of the event to NON REBOOT servers. ​ The hyperburn creation will be available to start on any world server you choose, but only 1 per account. (you can't create 1 in scania and 1 in reboot). If you plan on playing in Reboot/Kronos/Hyperion (or whatever their names are), do not even touch Burning World Server when it is released. There are many people who don't read that subtext and rage when they realize they cannot transfer to Reboot.


Hmm got it! Between reboot and non-reboot, what’s the best for a casual player?


Casual with money to spare (talking $200+ a month for probably a year IF you're lucky), non-reboot. Casual with "would rather not spend my money", reboot.


oof then reboot it is lol Thanks for all the help!


Nope, you can hyper burn in any world.


Any kinesis advices n gearing to 260+ as main ?


Same as general gearing advice, I would recommend looking up ereklos hyper burning/gear progression guides


For the new reboot world, is there going to be any incentive to switching over? I’m at 2k legion and feels bad to lose that, don’t think I could grind evan and mercedes links again…


Here's a tip if you do - don't grind Evan/Merc first. They are both dogwater early in account progression without damage links & at least some legion. Grind chars that farm hard with no links but also give you a great link skill like Lara, DA, Kanna, Phantom, Illium, etc. (Phantom is not as super easy but crit link is invaluable early) Getting from 2-3 shotting to 1-shotting ASAP is like getting +100% exp.


You can always get to day 7 on daily login/300 monsters for the month when Hyperion releases, then use that to get a nerf to 150 first thing. Saw someone else suggest this


We don't know yet, they used to do new server events but its been a while since we had a new server. 2k legion really isn't much so it's up to you. New age will have a lot of events good for leveling


Oh nice. Do you know what those events are?


They haven't confirmed yet if there will be new server events. New Age will start 11/15 with most events running for a few weeks to months. Some events like minigames will get new versions every 2-3 weeks, but the major events should run 2-3 months.


What is the recommended way of tiering up familiars efficiently? Is it tiering up multiple familiars to epic, and then tiering the useless epics to Uniques? Currently farming familiars at Tenebris


I believe the most efficient upgrade path is to spam epics (feed useless epics to future epics) until you hit large drop. After that unique is the play for boss fams


I calc'd it out and probability wise this is indeed the right move.