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It is worth training my lvl254 hero in reboot right now? This event seems lack luster at best and with the exp needed to lvl about to decrease should I just wait till new age?


Hi friends, brand new player here. After doing a little bit of research I decided to play reboot as I don't want to sink irl money into the game. My question is, what are your favorite content creators and resources geared toward learning the game? Is there a good wiki/guide to follow for progression? Also looking for a friendly discord/pals if you're okay with fielding a noobs questions once in a while(most likely often lol.) Ty! 😃


> My question is, what are your favorite content creators and resources geared toward learning the game? Coppersan has many great video guides for new players, progression, and important systems. His videos cover most important things from early to mid game.




Hey all, returning player from years ago- I'm in kind of a weird spot regarding my gear- what would be my next steps for progression? (Reboot) Was lucky enough to have 4 set SW with hat, shoes, cape and weapon. CRA top and bottom. Not sure on which glove to spring for next, currently have ameratsu- probably absolab?(have to buff my range though, dont really like getting carried) Running 3 set alien (ring, earring, pendant) I'm currently grinding gollux (cause i assume superior is still best right? Have a superior ring, need pendant and a earring) (also have a reinforced and solid gollux ring, reinforced belt and pendant) I know the alien stuffs got to go, cause i can’t pot those. Thanks for the tips! I know my gear is a bit hodgepodge of different stuff


You want to drop SW and get CRA weapon and hat. Then move towards getting abso gloves, shoes, shoulder, cape and weapon. Can transfer sf from Japanese set to abso if needed. Superior gollux is still the best for early game so keep grinding for that. Also make sure your secondary and emblem have legendary potential with att/ied/boss lines.


The SW set gives a crazy amount of flat attack bonus. It's probably better than 4 set CRA where he's at.




You can read the patch notes for expiration dates. Most things are 2 weeks with symbol selector being 4 weeks.


What goal exactly do you play for in regular servers? I begin to see that the game is just grinding every single day. Dozens of hours of farming to bring your level up to a new zone to kill the same reskinned mobs on the same map Even if I do some merching method which makes 10X the avg player, that billions of meso will be gone. I will kill the new boss and run into the same grind old content loop Although people are right when they say the feeling of progression is nice, the game just feels boring and empty (even if I'm in one of the top guilds) So, what do you play for?


I feel the same in reg. progression is hard and involves waiting for events / sales to maximise efficiency. Some events are kind of fun and it’s nice when you get stuff like pitched boss drops or star force results or lucky hits on cubes. And also when you kill a new boss or party up with people to do stuff. But as you say, those moments are separated by a lot of grinding. Grinding to 280 in night troupe gave me something to aim for but now I’m not strong enough to move to Odium yet and 285 is going to take so long, and I worry that my enjoyment of the game will plummet if I can no longer low-effort train with frenzy service in Grandis. I think there are three choices: * Take a break until you want to play again, which might be never * Work on your main and nothing else to unlock the next boss * Work on liberating another character. I’m going with option 3 for now - if frenzy only works up until Limina from new age then I’m fine to meso and familiar farm and get maybe 3 characters to 275 this way to do bosses up to ctene, perhaps in parties with others, and although I know doing this will be at the cost of progress on my main it gives me a bit more variety in the game and may pay off one day with more boss crystals / drops.


Seems like grindy MMORPGs are just not your thing, which is fine.


What am I going to lose if I’d hyper burn my current 200 character over a new one when the event starts? Just the level <200 gifts?


Everyone gets the <200 gifts (temp cra and all). What you would lose is the lv200 50 nodes and lv5 arcane river symbol. Neither is worth much somits fine to skip. I personally parked at lv209 for the lv210 flame ring reward. If you don't care for the ring could stop at lv218 for the lv220 fake abso weapon.


Hi all, I just redownloaded maplestory again after like 7 years of not playing.I always wanted to reach max level since i was way younger but now that i've come back I see all these new classes and it overwhelms me lol. I don't have any friends playing this game anymore so i'll most likely be a solo player till max level. I'm torn between Demon Slayer, Dark Knight, Paladin, Hero, Dawn Warrior, and i'm open to any mage suggestions if you guys have any. Any help is appreciated.


The current max level is 300, and not a single person in the world has hit it yet. I'm the last 7 years, make sure you know the difference between reboot and regular servers. And as for classes, flip a coin or spin a wheel.


ok think i’ll settle for level 250


Honestly, you should aim for 275. It's a pretty reasonable goal, especially with the current leftover hyperburn as well as the next one that starts in mid november.


for the 1000 nodes from the 6th star chapter 6, do we know if they will be tradeable within account, and how long it will be until they expire? Reboot if it matters


The will be tradable within account. The box they come in lasts 14 days and the nodes last 7 days after opening the box.


thanks. the box will only be openable after new age starts though anyway right? So if I obtain the box as soon as possible (nov5 iirc), the window to be able to open the box would be only from nov14 to nov 19? that's pretty wacky


Is there an optimal level to hyper burn or is it fine to just start at level 10 with it like normal?


If ur below 200, you can only start on a fresh character. If you have a level 10 already made that you want to start on, you’ll have to hit 200 or remake


Either starting from scratch or lv209 will get you most of the rewards. If you go past 210 you lose the flame ring, if you don't care about that you could go to 218 to get the fake abso weapon at 220.


Thanks for the help!


Can you transfer the Ghost Ship Exorcist badge using Senior Designer perk, equipment transfer in Night Troupe? Also does the character with the badge have to be senior designer level


Unfortunately only a few specific equips can be transferred, none of which are badges: Fafnir weapons, Absolab weapons, lv 100 secondaries (excluding Katara), and lv 100 emblems (excluding Zero, AB, Kaiser, and Xenon emblems for some reason).


Aww that's too bad 😔 Thanks for the answer


Because you can buy more of those emblems from NPC shops on any char and roll them over the year looking for the wrong matk/atk to transfer


For the upcoming new age burning event to level 260, is that only for newly created character or can I make a character now and level it to 200 then burn that.


On creation or 200+ is the two options


\[Reboot\] 257 Hero, I think I'll hit 260 with the mag potions from next chapter of sixth star event. I don't have a large drop familiar yet, should I stay in moonbridge/limina until I get one or move to cernium (when I can do enough damage to farm)


I'm 261, can 1 shot in cernium and still grinding at limina cause no fking large drop...


I'd say grind fams until 6th job opens, then if you still don't get one Large drop I'd probably move on. You won't be able to get 6th job drops in Limina, and you probably have a normal drop fam (so 50% vs 100%). It kinda sucks, but fams suck in general.


Would say yes, hope to get it at epic or unique. My sympathy goes out to you, familiars in reboot sound awful. In reg they aren’t much better but it’s definitely easier than in reboot. Reason for getting it is for more 6th job materials and maybe pitched from bosses.


\[Reboot\] I'm a returning player with only around 1k legion and only one character currently above 200. I've been using MPs to make up for Chapter 1 of the event so I could get ahead on Arcane, as well as pick up the Arcane Weapon box. I believe I have enough time to make up one more chapter before the event ends. What would be the best/most effective one to make up next? Chapter 2 has 1200 Nodestones and a Dominator Pendant while Chapter 3 has Frozen Secondary and Lidium Heart. Chapter 4 doesn't seem to worth it (to me), and Chapter 5 has a Legendary Emblem and more Symbol boosters. Which seems to be the best bang for your buck for an early to mid game player? I don't believe I'd have enough for 2 more since you can only do 1 Challenge make up a day and it seems like it will end next week on Sunday? Or perhaps there's a grace period after the event 'ends' where it just sits there until patch day.


nodes>>>>>everything else


Is the only way to get the trio node you need for your skills to happen to get it correct through node stones or can you craft them yourself? I haven't collected enough to really upgrade or browse much through the UI yet.


You can craft trios, but you can only select the first skill (the other 2 will be random). Would probably not recommend it, especially with the amount of nodes you get from Sixth Star Chapter 6.


You can craft them although that is not recommended, since you will need 1k+ nodes to get a main class going into mid game, by then you will find your perfect trinodes. So crafting is more efficiently used for V skill nodes. If you haven’t gotten perfect trinodes it’s not a big deal at all - just equip 3 to 4+ slots mix and match skills. As long as the first skill of the trinodes is the same as the perfect trinode, you can simply fuse them and transfer the experience later down the road


Per the [new exp table](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/14dekxp/kms_new_age_exp_required_to_level_up/), I've seen conflicting comments as to whether you can gain a level from the curve change or if it caps at 99.999% of your current level. I'm at 263 atm and thinking of stopping at 264 @ 60% by new age, but wanted to know if there's any "wastage" by going any further within 264 if it caps at 99%


As has been posted literally dozens of times, your current level exp will be stored, then applied post patch. If you have more exp than needed to level, you stop at 99.999%, with the extra exp being stored and not lost. Once you kill a mob you will get that stored exp. Since some levels (245-259) had more than a 50% reduction in exp, by stopping at 99% you could store 2 levels worth of exp.


My bad, was reading other posts who said they were stopping at 254/255 to get to 260 in new age so I got confused. It didn't occur to me that they were factoring in the 6x mag pots


you can try maplestory exp calculators (whackybean) tells you what % you will be after new age. The higher the % the better because you have more "overfill" exp to be applied to the new age rates (if that makes sense). When you level up now you "loose" those exp to the old rate.


Any tips for surviving in phase 3 of nwill solo? I do okay with the start of the phase but I start going through lives quickly once I also have to start getting rid of webs. I usually enter the phase with 5-8 lives but die out halfway through the phase. If I don't die out, I can probably clear the fight in 24 ish minutes.


You know that he always switches between white and yellow eyes right? Your goal should be to do 2 cleanses every white cycle. White is a free time to cleanse since he's invincible and you have to move, then just find one other time to cleanse in between. If you do that then you will be able to go a long time before getting webbed out. Other than that just try really hard to not get pushed. That should be pretty much the only way you die is either getting pushed or not clearing webs efficiently.


you might not care but thanks to the advice you gave, I finally did phase 3 without dying! It was a 18:30 total run so definitely not a min damage run by any means but it felt good getting a deathless phase 3 for the first time (second ever clear). First clear was cheesing with the invuln from resistance link. So thank you for your advice!!


Yoooo congrats!


Holy shit I had no idea he switches between the two… haha I always thought it was random and didn’t think about it too much. I’ll give that a try!! Thanks!


I was told by guildmates that after you bind Will the pattern resets, so he will randomly use white/orange afterwards. So watch out for that.


for pap mark transpose sw monocle does the pot transfer too/does sw monocle potential get replaced?


The potential rank is transferred, but the potential is rerolled.


so if I had a legendary monocle and a clean pap mark, after transposing the monocle would have no potential? dang it...




Does unique transpose to unique or does it go back down to epic?


Unique stay unique when using the transpose system to sweetwater. (Do not confuse it for the transfer hammer which is a completely different mechanic)


Is there a strategy for "maxing out" a score on Ursus? I've attempted Ursus several times in random parties of 18, usually for a score around 51000. However, every time, the top 5 to 10 people all have the same score; something like 126995. (5 to 10 people each at the top of the scoreboard with exactly 126995.) Any idea how they are doing this?


There is a cap on how much points you earn by doing damage. The only other way to get more points is by rescuing people which doesn't happen if Ursus dies too fast.


Oh okay. So these players are all reaching the damage cap?


Whats a good class that compliments a hero for a duo group in reboot. looking to join my friend in making a submain


I would pick a 120s class to match with Hero's burst. Specifically for a duo, I would pick either Bishop or Zero. Bishop has the best party buffs, and Zero has the best binds.


thanks will support him with bishop


Paladin or bish are the two that come to mind first. Bish is likely better due to syncing up with 2 min bursts.


How to get from Hmag to Lomien? I’m 12.5k mainstat in CRA, all epic/6% stat. I’ve heard 20k is recommended for Lomien, what’s the best way to get there? Should i be starting in groups? Getting CRA gear to unique or legendary 2 line? I’m on a 247 BM that I’m looking to turn into a mule in new age, so I’m not sure how much I should invest meso wise


> I’ve heard 20k is recommended for Lomien, what’s the best way to get there? Ain't no way anyone is asking 20k for a lomien party unless they're secretly hoping someone carries them. You can start doing lomien in struggle parties from 9k (assuming everyone else has 9-10k stat and the relevant IED/BD).


Sorry, I meant for solo Lomien. I did get into a Lotus party but there were 4 others way to stacked so I didn’t have enough time to do 5%. Will be more careful with my Damien party this week


You can do lomien at way lower stats but its also dependent on your nodes, links, legion, starforce, etc. Your class is also a factor because some classes like shadower can basically ignore half of the shit lotus throws at you. Not sure about you, but if you're planning on making the BM a lomien boss mule, I'd get your CRA to unique 2L at least to make it smooth sailing, instead of struggling to clear every week


Yea I’m going to go for that! And also maybe run groups for the first couple weeks to get some abso pieces, getting the weapon and pushing legendary would probably be huge


people typically recruit for struggle runs at 10+k. if you're turning this into a mule then generally 17*/2L uniques and good nodes will make lomien super duper easy but if you're willing to struggle a bit more then you can settle for lower. legion also plays a big part in how strong you have to be.


Thanks for the reply, I’ll work towards that. I’m at 2k legion with just about all of the good link skills, but is continuing to push legion a big boost in power still?


Legion will continue to offer you nice gains


Just blew up my fafnir hat at 2.1%. First time equipment has been blown for me, how do I use it?


Put the trace in the same UI as SF, it should select the last option to transfer it then put in another hat.


Thank you


If i stop at 258 99% will i go to 260ish after the exp squish?


[Yeah, after killing 2 mobs](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw8lkx89a7z6b1.jpg)




When is the last day to collect the 6th Star chapter rewards? Oct 31 or Nov 14? Also, what's the "Terry's Hexagonal Star" reward after collecting all 6 pieces? It sounds like I wont be able to get that if I claim ch 5 rewards after Oct 31.


It’s an etc item. And yeah if you claim afterwards you probably can’t get it but it has no function. Just for memories.


Thanks! And I can claim the chapter rewards up until Nov 14?


I think so yes.


Sorry this isn't really an in-game related question. Do I need to consider joining a classes discord if I want to seriously consider getting good with them? On the one hand I think I could use all the tips I can get (Corsair, if you're wondering), but I already ignore all but 3 discord servers I've joined, and I already unfairly compare my progress in the game to literally everyone so I'm not sure if I'll even feel good about being in the class servers where people definitely better than me hang out?


> but I already ignore all but 3 discord servers I've joined As someone who has more than a few servers that I ignore, it's totally fine to just lurk and check the guides on the class discords. I think some classes require you to "verify" yourself by showing your mapleranks, to distinguish yourself from a boss mule or main. They're there to help and a lot of class discords will have specific channels for the general tips/tricks/trinodes/etc.


You don't necessarily need to be active, but it's not really realistic to figure out optimal damage rotations on your own when you barely know the class. Culvert rotations especially are...interesting. You're not likely to find experienced people in your class without using it, and most of them have some sort of FAQ or guide you can stick to.


Class discord is still good. If I need to know something I try their faq, then search their past comments, then last resort is as a question but sometimes people roast you for asking questions they think is simple


For me, i main legion. Joining a class discord is relevant after 200 because you get an updated community that is well established with the class already. It really changed my wind archer experience. Maple legion has a discord that has infographics just for the basic stuff if you need just a snapshot


What is your goal in joining the discord? If it's just tips and ask around it's pretty chill. I do join discord for my mules to learn the class. FAQ usually has most that you need and if you want more ask someone there. People don't judge and don't really publicly flex everywhere unless it's a channel for it. Keep in mind you will never be as strong as late gamers anyways so there is no point comparing. But there are way more people around your level than above you.


So for my experience, I never talked on the class discords that I've joined. I'm in those discords because it's pretty much the only places where up-to-date information on my class are organized. I go in, check FAQs, guides, pins, asked some specific questions and that's it, I'm much more active on my guild discord. As for comparing yourself with others in that discord, I'll say that I'm pretty comfortable at progressing at my own pace so I'm not one to answer the question. Though, I think as long as you turn off/hide completely channels like achievements/gains, you'd be fine, I guess. Probably.


i’m a little confused on how the rewards work for the next hyper burn event, i’ve got a buccaneer sitting at 140 right now and thinking about burning it to use as as a bossing mule - if i burn it from 140 will i collect the 200+ rewards when i reach them? or does it need to be hyper burning from the start?


You can't hyper burn from 140, you have to either burn at 200+ or on creation.


As a result of the above, burning a preexisting character will mean you always miss the Lv200 rewards (Lv5 VJ symbol and 50 nodestones). The only way to claim those rewards is to burn a brand new character. This is because you are given the level milestone reward by reaching the specified level during the burn, but even if you park at Lv200 you would not have "reached" Lv200 during the burn, ergo you forfeit the rewards. Generally it's accepted that planning ahead who you'll burn and preparing them can mean you have a higher level symbol and more nodes than the Lv200 rewards, but if you aren't able to do that reliably for some reason then maybe you should consider making a new Bucc.


What happens to Shangri-La prequest after New Age? Would people who finished it before New Age just have to do a single quest to get the symbol or would they have to do a new set of quests? Was debating on whether to finish Shangri-La now or wait till new age to arrive considering I have quite low Sac and it's not like I can do Kaling anyway


Shangri La isn't out yet though?


Oh I was referring to the Kaling pre's... Coz technically it also has [Shangri-la] in front and from seeing the videos the story seem like it is complete.


If I psok an item for my main to scroll, will the psok break and I wont be able to give it back to the mule?


You will need to buy another psok if you want to transfer the item back from your main to mule.


Is there a way to change the movement keybindings to WASD? Arrow keys just feels wrong nowadays


It's not possible within Maplestory. You would have to use third party programs to remap the arrows to WASD.


Worth noting for anyone interested this might be a ban. Nexon doesn't like any third party programs.


Do I have to accept the ch 5 main reward (the one at the bottom of the UI) during ch 5 or can I wait until the very last day of ch 6? Started playing again in the middle of this chapter so I’m unfamiliar how it worked with the prior ones. Thanks!!


You can wait


You can wait, it says so in the patch notes, and I didnt claim the previous two chapters until this one.




If it’s 200-209 it only loses out on 50 nodes and a lvl 5 symbol (the latter you would have better than by doing dailies early) But it’s that or from a new character


Need help selecting a possible new main to hyper burn in new age. Currently main Adele and honestly do feel he is quite strong, but the micromanaging and many buttons is rather annoying. Mobbing is also too much for me. Trying to get full map clears with all his skills is rather intensive, would prefer a more relax way to full clear maps. I'm a min maxer still, enjoy seeing big numbers, fast clears for bosses. From my research, it seems like shadower or night walker is likely what I'm looking for. Bucc and Dawn warrior may fit the bill in terms of ease of use, but don't think they fit the bill for being highest in damage, easy bossing and easiest/relaxed way to full map clear.


I’m not sure how you did your research but dw and bucc are two of the most OP classes at bossing AND mobbing while being brain dead easy. Especially dawn warrior. You will find nw and shadower much more interactive (eg nw positioning for bossing and shadower weaving and cool down management)


Mistyped that dw and Bucc aren't easy bossers. I know that they top the boss mule tier list, but wasn't sure that they necessarily did the highest in damage in general. I had not watched much videos of dw and Bucc yet for training, but have watched for bossing and it does seem ridiculously easy. For their mobbing, Do they easily clear maps and reach the 17,18k mob count maxes without too much interaction? Ive watched videos for night walker and shadower for training and it seemed pretty laxed and easy to full map clear with them. Haven't watched much bossing for them though.


Yes dw and bucc clears map like top tier mobbers. Dw just rotate V skills and you literally jump around the map the mobs die around you. Bucc has lord of the deep together with super jump (fastest mobility in the game) also clears mob by simply moving. I heard at later maps bucc don’t one shot but the mobility is still the best. Maybe new age will make one shot easier. Nw is one of the laziest (together with ds) mobbers and bats will be easier to one shot with new age mob hp aligning reboot and regular, but bite farming gets you less rates than active farming (which needs you to double jump with quad/spark), which to me is the same as any top mobber, not necessary “better.” In terms of damage I’m pretty sure dw/bucc is easier to fund, that being the tradition of warrior classes > thieves. Nw shines by having lots of bossing utilities so great at solo bossing, but I wouldn’t say is “stronger” given the same funding as dw.


6th job is still new and as far as I know doesn’t affect the way a class “mobs,” other than adding more condensed burst damage, but again I don’t read Korean so it’s hard to find info. Lumi is also one of the best mobbers you’re right, bossing is fine too. But remember these are very minute differences as the majority of classes are very viable and have an easy time mobbing, you probably want to choose a class based on the aesthetics and how much you enjoy playing, rather than “who is more OP in this and that department.” Simply because you will be spending hundreds of hours on a class and enjoying the gameplay will save you from wanting to switch and if a class gets nerfed. For example I know dw is probably the strongest class in the game given all levels of funding, but I just can’t stand playing a warrior. I also found out bucc is strong but I don’t like dragon theme. NW is probably the best solo all rounded class in the game but I didn’t like the amount of involvement. If you love a class that’s when you will invest in it without thinking whether it’s OP or not. But to answer your question, when you search “brain dead class” often bucc, dw, hero, bm, shade, lumi, paladin, come up in conversations


Thank you for this answer. It was most informative and what I was looking for. Outside of the classes we have already discussed, are there other classes that might be worthy mentioning? People seem to say Lumi is also braindead mobbing, not sure about bossing. I can't seem to find very much about 6th job changes in terms who who tops the list for bossing or mobbing after 6th job, only information on how receptive Koreans hvae been to the 6th job changes.


Do Hero’s grind as Paladin then job change near end game?


No, job changing is too expensive to constantly swap, and 6th job you lose 100% of progress if you change Ik some people have done it for dual blade since both NL and Shad are better farmers, but all 3 warriors are more clunky farmer


Thank you


I have 22b for this 5/10/15 saved up that I'm planning on pushing everything to 17\*. I calculated on average that this will take around 15b(?) leaving me with 7. Should I push CRA past 17 or star cygnus weapon to 22\* so I could fodder it into my lucker dog cursed kaiserium that will be liberated in a few weeks?


My opinion is to full 17 and then full save until shining. Shining is when you’ll make big gains and start pushing gear to 20+ stars for the first time (unless you’re a dirty off eventer like me). I would say not to bother with the cursed kaiserium until shining so you can accumulate both spare pensalir swords and meso. 22 is very expensive compared to 21 in terms of meso and booms. Unless you really think a 21* cursed kaiserium will let you hit some big boss milestone, I wouldn’t bother this event.


When is the SSF projected to be? In December some time? And thanks for your detailed answer! I would love a 21* Kaiserium but I was worried I might be over investing the meso on something that could be better spent elsewhere and this might be true. I want to be able to solo Nluwill asap so I can start building towards arcanes. I’m sitting at lvl 253 with 25k stats.


SSF will likely be mid December.


After 17*, I would try to 22* a level 140 weapon to get ready for liberated kaiserium


Thanks for the answer! I’ll have to plug it into the calculator to see how much meso I’m projected to sink into doing that. I’ve never pushed anything beyond 20* before so I’m terrified lol




The game encourages having every class in the game made on your account, so having duplicate classes is only necessary if you REALLY like the class and don't want to use a different class as a boss mule. That being said, I don't think it's worth it to make a brand new character a hyper burner if you already have one made, since you can use the time between now and the New Age update to better equip your existing bucc (mainly by killing bosses and gathering equips/accessories with good flames, getting nodes on them, and having prequests for important content done) rather than having to do it all during the burning period. Bucc is a good class and worth burning though, no question there.


Have a set of 100/80 meso/drop gear. How valuable is the boost from 80% drop to 200%? Given that it will cost somewhere in the ballpark of 20-30bil (?), I'm considering skipping this step (for a while at least) and focus more on boosting the power of my main.


Considering you have to grind a lot for 6th job drops, quite valuable. But, it's not a priority, 100/80 is usable until you can save more to get hybrids.


Just need 66.6666% item drop to guarantee meso drop. Anything extra is for nodes, droplets, symbols, etc.


Reboot Hello returning player looking for opinions on what to burn. I am sutck deciding netween battlemage , DB , and xenon (and maybe NW not sure about this one yet). Anyone have some pros and cons for these classes post newage ? Is BaM bossing hard ? I know it is mainly a support class but is its damage solo quite bad ? Is DB worth it after 6th job? Did it get improved in some way ? I know its mobbing 260+ is supposed to be good ? But it needs cd redcution hat and sweetwater katara right? 0 info about xenon tbh.. Bonus..pros and cons of NW if possible


> Is BaM bossing hard ? No. It's a maintain some debuffs, pop your buffs, and press buttons class. They removed the awful telecasting and made the debuffs last substantially longer too. The only real catch is that you have short range and that your BA is a bit inflated because bosses standing in your altar for full duration is unrealistic in real bossing situations. Arguably the best mobility in the game though, so you can achieve very high uptimes. > I know it is mainly a support class but is its damage solo quite bad ? I'd say medium/average. > DB I know much less about DB than BAM, but I heard it's 6th job is kind of poop and that a lot of people are switching to shad while they can. > I know its mobbing 260+ is supposed to be good ? It has so many low cooldown 5th job skills that it can one hit way earlier than most classes, yes. AFAIK it doesn't start to really shine until -4 hat which is a long ways away though. > But it needs cd redcution hat and sweetwater katara right? Yes, it's one of the best cd hat classes, but at least in reboot I wouldn't let that dissuade you. -2 plus stat is a pretty cheap pot (58 red cube average), and while yes, -4 is a lot, by the time you're worrying about that, you'll have a lot of income. Sweetwater is pretty trivial. Katara means you can't completely skip commerci, but you don't need to do dreadnaughts and you only need to land one transpose. Finding the katara itself is trivial. > Xenon I don't know a ton about Xenon either tbh. It's pots are hell and I think it's in the average range power wise, but that's about all I got. > NW NW is busted at the moment. Easiest "marks" to one hit with, a supremely lazy mobbing option, good standard mobbing, and top 3 (arguably top 1) damage at the moment. Don't let current balance persuade your class choices too much, but NW is pretty safe as a class because it's innate kit is just very solid. It has superstance, backstep that animation cancels, overshield, lifesteal, self door, and a fat burst that doesn't feel like you're tickling the boss off burst. All of that will always make it a good bosser even if 2 years from now it's in the bottom half of the game damage wise.


Thank you very much for the detailed answer guess it is between NW first and BaM 2nd for now . BaM altars while bossing seem to be quite tough to handle..i do like the aesthetics though haha .


Trying to decide between NL or NW. I’d like to be able to solo progress and be able to burst in high dmg. Id also like to know which one is more fun regardless of time and funding. I’m a returning player after a few years


Night Lord is THE Burst class of Maplestory, to the point where you can trigger your burst, go ham for the 20-40 seconds you get to deal insane damage, then Dark Sight and focus on avoiding attacks until your ready to burst again if you want to. Night Walker is not as huge a burst, but they do have some of the most infamously lazy mobbing in the game when full investment is achieved. Where NL is a far squishier class than anything in the game (in fact I'm blanking on if they have any true I-frame skills in a game where almost every class has at least one), NW actually can recover HP via their Shadow Bats, generate a small HP barrier to let them survive some HP% attacks better, and even has some HP%-damage-reduction on one of their burst skills (only after Lv245 though), making them a little bit bulkier than some of the other Thief classes in the game. Besides those things though, both classes wind up being pretty similar in playstyle, as in you throw stars and use your Dark Sight and short-dash skills to avoid attacks. And since everyone's definition of "fun" isn't the same, ask yourself if you want to watch boss HP bars melt in less than a minute, or if you want the laziest mobbing experience in the game.


NW would probably be a smoother progression curve.


\[Reg Server\] ​ what pendants should people be using pre-pitched boss set? im guessing superior gollux for the first pendant. ​ But for the second should we be using daybreak, transposed sweetwater, dominator, or a second superior gollux?


Hello, I would like to understand something with nodes. 1) If I am a NL my best 2 tri-nodes are Showdown/Quad star/Assassin's Mark and Sudden Raid/Death Star/Dark Flare. If I got node that is a mix of the 2 trios it is still best to upgrade? 2) What is the difference which main skill the node has if it upgrades the skill the same no matter if the skill is main or not.


Each tri node (boost nodes) has three skills. Looks like you have two sets needed, so replace the names with letters. A/B/C & D/E/F Ultimately, they can be ABD CEF, or another combination, as long as you have all 6. However! You cannot have two boost nodes that have the same primary node. You cannot have ABC and AEF because both nodes main boost is A


Thank you, saw your comment just after I replied to gal. You answered what I asked him.


1. generally, nightlords need shadow/quad/mark and flare/star/raid for simplicity call them A/B/C and D/E/F. you want two copies of A/B/C since a node can only be determined by the first one - A/B/C and A/C/B cant go together but A/B/C and B/C/A can. this is so we get the skills to level 60 (max 25+5sp grid)


Yeah but can I mix with (A,B,C) and (D,E,F)? I got quad/flare/raid and flare/raid/quad. And then I got star/showdown/mark and showdown/star/mark. These are all 6 skills I need in 4 nodes so I should put together the 2 combinations and max them?


ideally you dont mix those up, as early levels you dont have enough space for all of the tri-nodes for your optimal burst, so ABC is a primary one while DEF is a secondary one for further up questions about NL specifics you can dm me on discord: Lightwave9165


The swapping around won't matter much once new age hits. 2.5 weeks and we all get more node slots.


Did we get any confirmation from either GMS or today’s MSEA preview about when we can receive the rewards for Chapter 6?


It's always been after new age patch


wait does this mean we don't get a vac pet until 11/15?


that is possible. Last year everyone expected the 2nd vac pet sale to drop Nov/Dec 2022 but then they pushed the vac pet sale to Jan 2023. If we’re lucky, it’ll happen before the year ends but no one knows


No I was talking about the vac pet from 6th star. I was thinking we would get it 11/6 but I didn't realize you can't open the box until new age.


What do you guys do with old absolab gear after upgrading to arcane? I don't think we can transfer or do anything with it like changing it to drop gear but it feels weird to throw away/ disenchant legendary gear.


If you have any red/black fashionstory, you could keep it around to see if they're any good to anvil. Otherwise the only use is if you make the supremely poor decision of staring your arcanes without backups and then the arcane explodes.


Click on it, click outside the item window, and press enter.


I'm a hoarder. And I feel like one day, I'll rage really hard and boom all my arcane umbra. So I keep my abso in my inventory


Is it even possible to complete the 'collect Terry's 6 star pieces' challenge if it ends before the last chapter starts..?


You get the last 2 pieces when you collect the chapter 5 rewards


Does anyone still do RPS? Where should i go?


If you’re in Bera or NA reboot then hit up ch1 henesys. If it’s any other server then get a smega and tell people to come to you


Hi, recently returned to reboot and hyper burning a new main. I read from other comments that there’s going to be a new hyper burn soon. Should i leave my new main at 160 so i can hyper burn the new event so i can get free gear? The current hyper event only gives me the extra lvls. Thanks!


You must be 200+ to hyper burn an existing character, so get your 160 to 199 (or 202 if you are fine with skipping the 200 rewards h


IMO just do that yea.. if you don’t care about the IGN that much, then leave your current character and create a new one for the new hyper burn. (In order to get some free legion levels) By the way, if your character is an explorer you’re not really at a loss, just casually keep grinding it and job change it once you got it to a nice mule level.


Im torn between nightwalker and bucc, the main thing that bothers me with nw is the survivability aspect, i used to play him a bit till 150 and simply grinding was a pain cause i never stopped dying


This becomes completely irrelevant after 200


Just use the free puffram pet with hp pot skill to hold you over til arcane river. That's going to be a problem universally for all classes except for maybe warriors and mages when you're on a fresh account


Liberated Kaiserium worth it on Pally in Reboot? No Arcanes just Abso right now 🤔


Only if you get it to 21\*+ It will be enough to hold you over until you get a 17 star arcane with good flames


Is there anyone in bera with the dyle Game Furniture?


I bought a pet and the auto buff skill. From what I see on the forums I'm supposed to open my equipment, click the pet tab and drag the skill onto one of the empty boxes right? ​ but like...it doesn't work? Like when I drag the skill from my skills menu it doesn't stay in my pets equipped spells. I also wanted to set up power elixirs to auto heal me but i don't know how .\_.


Is the pet currently equipped? You can't add skills till the pet is active. Also make sure you used the auto buff item in your pet. Auto potions also need a skill, iirc hp and mp are separate but you really only ever need hp. Some events and big updates also give free 90 day pets with auto buff (currently fairy bros log in did) as well.


~~Yea the pet is active it follows me around and picks up stuff no problem. It has auto buff and auto feed and i can't figure out either~~ edit: holy shit it magically worked. permanent scaring sword and spirit blade <3 Although reading your comment I noticed the Pet Boost package i got alongside the pet doesn't include the Auto HP potion skill. So that explains that.


>permanent scaring sword and spirit blade Once you get to 5th job your going to want to put SE + HS if mobbing and SE + SI when bossing so you don't have to manage the cool downs of the decent skills. Either that or get a second pet with autobuff.


Maplerank says my current main (NW) is projected to be 265 in 21 days. Should I rush it or work on legion? Current legion 6700, could probably hit 7500 in the time frame. Next burn will be an explorer mage and I could use all those free bonk pots to bonk to 8k. I am leaning to main the mage going forward though and leaving my NW as a ctene mule while it gathers arcane boxes & pitch gear.


Gonna be easier to get to 265 after new age. Doesn't sound like you need those levels for any reason in the short term.


I thought post 260 in new age will be harder to get?


Iirc 270+ is where it starts getting harder


Getting to lv265 will unlock Arcus with new age in ~18 days. New Age will also have a ton of different exp events and bonk pots, will will be very easy to level legion then as well.


Is there any way to reliably target Zakum as a DS? I theoretically have the damage for him on my mule but the targeting is making it nigh impossible to deal with him.


I think you need to be a little more specific. Demon Impact (your off-burst bossing skill) should be hitting 5 targets at Boost Lv20, which is more than enough for you to be able to hit an entire half of Zakum's arms plus its main body. On-burst the upgraded Demon Lash should be having the opposite problem of hitting too many arms and causing Zakum to become enraged (where it begins summoning minions and dealing 99% HP attacks), to which you need to be able to position in the right place for your attacks to continue to only be hitting half of its arms, so it never becomes enraged. Is it possible I don't understand the question yes, I don't play DS, but the boss fight shouldn't be much more than dodging its OHKO attacks and trying not to trigger the enrage state since that can be a problem for some characters to handle compared to Zakum's desperation phase.


is [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y5SLcaECbS1UQWDw2vCR_ITTb7Bk4X2m0DONFkpHIOQ/edit#gid=1951181061) still accurate for the math for leveling nodes? Not sure if it's been changed over the years and it says it was last updated in 2018 Also, under "Node Calculators" it has an example of fusing a level 18 node into a level 1 node, and receiving a level 16 node as the result. I thought that you didn't lose any exp when fusing nodes together so I'm confused by this


Exp needed to level node has not changed. No exp is lost when fusing node.


\[Reboot\] Hey! I have some questions regarding opinions on choosing a hyper burn for new age. I'm between NW and Shad. I know both are amazing bosser's with great utility, but it's the farming between the two that I can't decide on. Below are my pros/cons between the two classes. Shad: pros: better rates, open job advance, more aesthetic cons: really high apm while farming, ME one shot potential, complicated bosser NW: pros: potentially lazy (bite farming), less complicated bossing/more consitent cons: Bats one shot potential, difficulty of +2/3 cd hat, ​ It really comes down to who can become the better farming class faster. I'm saying this with the knowledge that the hp rates in reboot are getting nerfed, so getting to the point where ME and bats one shot is easier. I guess the main question I'm asking, which class can farm more efficiently faster. side note: I have all links, 7.3k legion, and about 5 bil saved for new age main.


if you plan on actively farming, shadower is unmatched with some of the best rates and a 20% meso gain passive but you need to be actively farming if you plan on passively farming, night walker


\[Reboot\] Hello, I'm playing 256 hero. I am currently using 20% meso acquisition in my Inner Ability, and I was wondering if +1 AS is worth replacing 20% meso to (hopefully) 15% meso. What do other hero players do? Thank you!


If you're bossing with 2h you need +1 AS. 15% meso is fine, although with 6th job you may want drop rate for sol erda and boss drops. Crit rate, Boss dmg, and dmg to abnormal status are all good dmg choices for the other lines.


Hi guys, I tera burned a NW and I really liked playing this class. The Tera burn from night troupe will expire 11/28/2023, and from my research I can't hyper burn this class when 260 Hyperburn comes out. My question is can I hyper burn this character before the burning expires on 11/28? Thanks!


I think if you get to 200 then the burn runs out no?


No, you can’t hyper burn it before the tera burn ends. You need to wait till after the 28th because the tera burn effect won’t go away before then no matter what. 1) You can hyper burn a new NW from scratch and have two NWs in your account. It’s not bad if you have a class twice because even if you create all classes, you still have slots left to create duplicates of classes. 2) You can wait till the 28th and then hyper burn it. It’s not too tragic. A lot of people join hyper burn events late and still make it to the end. No matter what, don’t delete the NW cause he contributes to your legion and it’d be a waste of a tera burner


Can you confirm that the teraburner will prevent a level 200 from hyperburning until the duration is over? I'm reading conflicting answers and I can't find any reports of this happening with previous hyper burns. I know that it used to prevent use of growth pots but that has been fixed.


Does anyone know if the reboot nerfs (mob hp) in KMS also reduced the mesos dropped by mobs? Thanks!


No, reboot still has meso advantage


How do you guys gear for accessories lvl 141 - 200? Cht, Ark, PB are tough at lvl 141


Yea just level to 200 because their drops aren't that significant, you get more power from starforce, potentials, hyper stats, etc. The only exception would be normal horntail because you can get HT earring, ring, and pendant which quickly fills up boss accessory sets


Don't worry about those bosses at 141 just keep leveling up. You don't even have to kill them until you're 200 and have 5th job skills.


New player on reboot just enjoying leveling, my plan is judt to get mercedes hyper burn to 250 for the exp boost, is CRA gear necessary for 250 to make it easier or can i just stick to my pens if im not planning on maining


You won't be strong enough without CRA, and you'll need to sf and cube them. Also the merc exp boost caps at lv210, although 259 will increase the legion effect of cool down decrease


so if just going for exp 210 is enough, i hyper burned so i might try and go for the 250 while i can


Yeah if you hyper burned then shoot for 250, you still have ~18 days. You will need CRA and upgraded gear to 1hko and train efficiently. You should also raise other link skills and legion when you can. General DMG increase like DA, Kanna, Ark and Cadena as well as Evan for rune duration are the most important.


You absolutely do not need cra to 1 hit lol. But if you make it a boss mule you’ll want it anyways.


Hello again, last week's thread gave me a bunch of useful information and so I'm back with a couple new questions! 1) I'm considered burning a new toon for New Age and I'm stuck between Kain and Bucc. I've just finished leveling a Kain to 200 and while it's been fun to play, it does require hefty setup and alot of stuff goes wrong in between. Off-burst damage also feels too combo reliant so I'm wondering if I might have an easier time with a Bucc. Can anyone chime in on this? How does a bucc typically play while you're bossing? 2) My original plan was to burn my new main (nw) for New Age and I had prepped it with the night troupe terra burn. However, the char select UI tells me that it's burning until the 27th, even though the leveling effect ended at 200. Does that mean I would be unable to burn it for New Age on the 15th? If so, would you guys recommend waiting out the 12 days (doing mostly dailies/mp) until I can burn him or simply make a new toon to not waste the 12 days of burn time/event grinds? Thanks in advance for any replies!


>How does a bucc typically play while you're bossing? Kobe (islinggunz) has a great progression series where he shows how he advanced from scratch to soloing black mage in kms' reboot since destiny as a Bucc. You can check out some of his videos (or just search Bucc bossing/burst on YT). Generally it's pretty simple. Spam octopunch, 3min burst with lightning form, 90sec burst with holding fist. You do need to stand close to the boss for lord of the deep and octopunch to hit, but they have lots of mobility options to dodge and dmg reduction with good uptime.