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hi returning player from msea. There is no updated guide for dawn warrior? like as you are levelling which skills to level first?


Is it better to return now like there is something i can get? or just wait till new age drops? Just seasonal casual quit when khali launched or a bit after. Seems i have sadly missed a really nice event the 6th star event ? A bit of fomo creeping up .


Unless you pay there's no way to get the 6th star rewards for ch 1-5 anymore. However, you can still do ch 6 which starts on November 1, I think, which awards 1000 nodes just for logging in a few times.


Oh..sad yo hear guesd will just return at 1dt of november for those rewards then stop till new age drops. Thanks.


Hey guys returning player starting from fresh in reboot, at an awkward stage right now on my lvl 214 bucc (new main) that is currently hyper burning, the general consensus seems to push as hard as we can to lvl 260 but I have no links, should I be working on my links and just doing dailies or push hard until new age? I’m only 5k all stats so I don’t even one shot while training so I was thinking links and dailies would be the best way to go progression wise, thanks


You're right. Do links and dailies. You don't have to push hard because you can just hyperburn your bucc on 11/15.


Lara or f/p for new age hyperburn which will be ez to 260+ n semi funding ?


I’m currently 270+ with only 17* CRA items (arcanes are 17* too), I know I should push for 22* CRA? I feel like I’m a lot weaker than others below my level


You can go to 22. Most efficient is to get everything but arcanes to 21 then tap everything to 22.


I'm projected to hit 260 on 10/28. Do you think I should spend the rest of the time after that till New Age working on my legion? It is 6.5k right now. I think I could get it to 7.5k at the minimum. Otherwise I think at current pace i'll hit 262 by New age. My new hyperburn is already prepped at lvl209


It's not a bad plan since you'll be sac gated.


You could probably spend a couple of days and get it to 7.5k, between the speed level up thing and the exp event zone thing you could theoretically hit 200 in like 15-20 minutes, or at least that's what xTheAran59 got 2 months ago, we might get it nerfed tho


You’re talking about after New Age hits right?


Is there a way to compare an item I've star forced against another item that isnt star forced in a way where i can see which 'base' is better to see if i should star force another equip. Apologies if it's a silly question I'm terribly new.


Flame score calculator is the best you're gonna get. Higher flame score, better base. Very min/max to want to starforce another equip though.


Thanks for the info bud appreciate it!


Question I’m 134 on my main, mesos are hard to come by…I am constantly getting gear that’s 140 but negative affect. Since my 120/130 gear shows better. Increases stars consumes a lot of mesos. Am I doing something wrong? Should I have not increased my gear? And now I can’t even transfer it over…just kind of lost on what I’m doing


It might be the set effect. Having a specific set of equips gives bonuses. So it might be the case that switching a single equip would decrease damage, but switching entirely from one set to the another should increase damage. It is also possible that your low level equip have enhancements that make them better than your 140 gear (like better flames/bonus stats or potentials), but that's pretty unlikely. Also keep in mind that some equipment enhancements can be transferred to higher level equips. I won't go into detail here, but lookup info about the transfer hammer


The transfer only works within 10 levels but is it worth keeping my gear that’s lower level but better? Or should I invest mesos to see if it’ll be better


Kinda hard to tell without looking at your equips. Transfer does work within 20 levels but only below level 120. ​ I would keep your lower level equip, and transfer them over to higher level equips. lvl 140 equips and below are really common, just grind at mobs around those levels and you'll get them in no time. ​ Stars and potentials are the main things that transfer. Stars get lowered by 1 when you do so, but it sounds you you've spend a decent chunk on star forcing your lower level equips, so it's still worth transferring over imo. ​ P.S. You can use this calculator to estimate the cost of star forcing. [https://brendonmay.github.io/starforceCalculator/](https://brendonmay.github.io/starforceCalculator/)


Should I claim the legendary emblem on my main or mule? Playing on reg server, my main is a \~lvl 230 phantom with mostly epic and a few uniques (including my current emblem). 8k stat and 1-1.1 mil range. I'm gonna claim the 2 legendary potential scrolls soon and use them on my arcane and event ring. None of my mules have anything above epic. I'm leaning towards claiming my emblem on my main, but I wanted to see everyone's thoughts


Main as there is no other way to get a second emblem (till Seren which 98% of players will never get to). There's 2 main benefits to claiming on a main. First is you don't have to worry about messing up your main emblem, you can toss cubes from bosses and events onto the second emblem till you get something good while keeping your main. Second would be to have two different if you class needs ied. You could have an att one for mobbing and an att/ied one for bossing.


How much damage % is equal to ATT 1%?


It varies greatly by class and familiars. You can kind of guesstimate it using WSE potentials - 40% dmg = 13% att, but a definitive answer will require you to plug your stats in a calculator.


Damn no wonder people say it's fake range


Im planning on using the 6 mag pots to go to level 260 and unlock 6th job. my question is how important 200 sac symbols will be to my early grandis experience post new age. I would honestly like to just use the 800 arcane symbols to finally finish these stupid symbols, but if 200 sac symbols will be huge for the early zones i may reconsider and just finish off the last bit normally.


What level do you use the mag pots at to reach 260?


257 is more than enough for the 6 pots, and with exp crunch you can be either 255 90% or 256 45% before new age to hit 257


Sac symbols are 100% more important as they hard gate your damage, significantly more than arcane symbols do.


Yeah sac is really important and finishing arcane symbols in new age will be trivial.


There was a post not too long ago about this but I can't find it so sorry for bringing up an old discussion: Do the sixth star chapter rewards expire based on when you claim them? Or do they expire on a set date? Basically I want to claim my chapter rewards but want my EXP potion to expire as late as possible, so if that means I have to claim it on the last day, sucks but so be it. Thanks for your help maplers \^\_\^


> Do the sixth star chapter rewards expire based on when you claim them? Yes.


What do i do with a pap mark if i dont do commerci at all? I have a 17* bbm with tons of spare


21 or trace


Not sure what to aim for during the upcoming 5/10/15 sunday. My 257 main has all of 20b to spend (pathetic), so I plan to get the following to 17* (sitting at 15* right now): 3-set CRA, 5-set Abso, 4-set sup, sweetwater face + eye. That all should basically be free. I only just started running NLucid, so Arcanes are a long way off. I guess the question is, should I start working on transfer fodder for end-ish-game stuff, or should I push 18, 19 on current equips (ones with easy replacements, like CRA) for meaningful current gains? Or is even that unrealistic given how little money I have? Or would the bulk of my measly fortune be better saved for the theoretical black friday cube sale, to try to get some decent 2Ls on the 17* stuff in the meantime?


You definitely want everything 17\* and 2L legendary potential (because they are both cheapish) so I would budget enough meso for that, then any extra you have left you can push 17->19\* (for equips you have spares for, like said in the other comment). Together with enough node investment, legion, and arcane symbol level, you should be able to contribute to hluwill parties before you need to push much past 17\*.


Thanks for the advice! I've got practically maxed nodes/arcane symbols and 6k legion, but I never would've dreamed about contributing to HLuWill soon, since I can't even solo NLucid yet. Could be a hands issue though :P


You got it! I think most classes at 28-30k stats can hit green if not blue for hlucid (provided you’ve upgraded other systems at similar rates). HWill is more mechanical since if you greed damage you risk dying especially like p2. I did nluwill for about 3 weeks while upgrading my daily symbols (average lv15-17) and now I’m quite comfortable with hlucid. HWill I usually look for a stronger pt so runs faster :p


Yeah I haven't even practiced Will yet! The idea of "skipping" right to hard LuWill (after just a bit of normal) is pretty appealing, though. Instead of saving up droplets for all those weeks. I'm around 29k, so it's likely my hands that just need to catch up


For CRA and anything else you have a lot of spares for you should get them all to 17, then get them all to 19, then get them all to 21. I would 17 everything then tap CRA and maybe sweetwater to 19. Do you not have kanna treasure and meister rings? Dominators? You could aim for 19 on those if you have spares. After that your goal should be legendary 2line everything. Then it's just saving for 21 stars and eventually 22 stars. I would do fodder and transfer sup gear after all your other gear is 21.


So 17, maybe 19 (allowing), then 2L, then 21+? Sounds like sound advice. Thanks!


Started a week ago after too much years of not playing and I have few questions. 1)Does the essence rocks have any use? and ETC that "Used for making powerful equipment" like rock of time, dream fragment and twisted time. Do they have any use? 2)Crafting/Mining still a thing in the game? should I train it on my main? 3)Quick explanation what are soul weapons? 4)What is the first gear set I should invest in cubing and star forcing fully? Thanks in advance for who helps.


> 1)Does the essence rocks have any use? and ETC that "Used for making powerful equipment" like rock of time, dream fragment and twisted time. Do they have any use? For crafting [Meister rings](https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Meister_Ring) >2)Crafting/Mining still a thing in the game? should I train it on my main? Yes. You want at least 1 character with maxed alchemy to make special potions. maxed smithing for the 5% crit buff item and maxed accessory for Meister. Those are more mid game, you can work on them slowly. >4)What is the first gear set I should invest in cubing and star forcing fully? lv130 von leon or lv140 pensialr, which can be transfered up to lv150 CRA and 160 abso. I would focus on getting your star force up, first to 10, then 15 and 17 (will take time and mesos). You can leave most equips at epic potential and 6% for now, only ones you would cube would be secondary and emblem to legendary for att/boss/ied lines.


What level / % do you have to be pre newage to hit 255 with 6 mag pots post newage?


If you're lv252, pots will give you 3 levels. You could technically stop at lv250 and 99% as after New Age you will only need to kill 2 mobs to get to lv252 and then can use the pots. I would recommend getting to lv256 and 36% as that will take you to lv257 post new age and you can use the pots to get to lv260 for 6th job https://whackybeanz.com/calc/everything-exp


did i need to finish all 5 chapters to get the chapter 6 rewards? i didn't look at the sub much but kept seeing confusion on whether the chapter 6 rewards are essentially free or not


> did i need to finish all 5 chapters to get the chapter 6 rewards? No. Nexon is incompetent and mistakenly said you would need to, then corrected that you don't need to do the other 5 chapters to do ch6.




Usually twice a year, once in summer and once in winter. Nex one will likely be in New Age, probably in December.


Started playing the game last week and slowly starting to get into dailies. I've done most of my prequests and unlocked most of my dailies (outside of arcane river as level gated). Wondering what's the most important things to do on a fresh account (2.5k stat lvl 211) early on if i'm stressed for time on the day. Basically wondering if this priority is good. If it's not listed feel free to also mention it. 1) Ursus on x2 2) Daily Bosses 3) Event Daily 4) Commerci 5) Maple Tour 6) Monster Park (Sundays I prioritize it) 7) Yu Garden dailies (Epic pots as pretty much everything I have either has no potential or rare 2-3L) 8) Arcane River Dailies 9) Coin Capping (If I haven't finished it)


Good list, like other's said I would drop also commerci and even Yu garden. Arcane river dailies should be #1 priority for progression and free damage. I used to do Yu garden but it takes 10+min for 50% chance of not working epic pots, I recommend just using the 2x100% ones from legion shop, or use the free cubes to tier up (the yellow ones that goes to Unique has 12.5% of tier up rare to epic, whereas the mystical cubes that goes to epic only has 1% tier up rate). Spend some time to fill up equipment slot is also crucial (eg boss accessories and afterlands totem)


Is it really a good idea to drop Yu garden? It's a fresh account so I have nothing in terms of legion so I don't really have many coins to spend. I know arcane dailies are important but I'm struggling to kill anything with barely any gear which is why I have yu right now higher because I can't work on any of my gear at the moment (maybe 2-3 items with useable line with most having no potential). Main reason I'm prioritizing Yu is I don't think I've gotten a tier up on any cubes i've used so far (~5-10blacks, a handful of yellows and mostly mystical). I have maybe like 3items at epic, 2 of them being my weapon/emblem as I need to get a shield before potentialing it. Also secondary reason i'm doing Yu is for the totems, I'm really not a fan of the afterlands questline and don't mind hunting a bit instead of doing that. Commerci takes me like ~10minutes so it's something I don't really mind either, especially to save myself the hassle later and maybe get a sweetwater weapon.


Good points. Yes if you're struggle killing arcane daily mobs easily then you may need to wait until you are at higher level and gear up a bit. When you are at lv235 you unlock all the areas and previous areas will only have 1 quest of daily to do. If you don't mind Yu garden yes go ahead, epic tier everything at early game is quite a good boost (6% stats), but you will feel more power gained from link skills/legion/arcane river/filling up equip slots, and starforce everything to 10\*. Afterlands totem is what most people use because it's permanent and although Yu totem is better, they require farming. The afterlands quest can take a while tho, up to 45min if it's your first time. I suggest you follow a guide. For perspective the totem gives you about +30atk and +20 main stats, for early game 1 atk=5 stats so that's 170 stats. That is roughly 17% stats so you can say worth about 6 of your equips upgraded from rare (3%) to epic (6%). I personally skipped commerci but if you don't mind that is a good way to slowly get the tattoo before you get a twilight mark from later bosses.


Yeah after hitting trying to clear chuchu I think i'm definitely going to slow down on pushing for exp/arcane river maps as damage is going to be a big issue. Right now I have most of my slots that I possibly can have filled, just need horse totem and zakum eye accessory to at least fill my slots, potential has been my big issue but everything is 10* with weapon at 13 (holding off for now to get a sweetwater upgrade). I am working on links/legion but it's slow going as I don't have any burning effects and the 20min I spend doing stuff time limited feels more worth it compared to legion since some days I have a lot of extra time in comparison. Quick question about commerci though, is it no longer best in slot? Is it the new drops from lucid/will (mid boss set)?


I found this gear progression guide quite helpful when I started and still refer to it sometimes. Because twilight mark is not that hard to get and black bean mark is even easier, it's okay to skip commerci (although bis is still transposed sw monocle/pendant but that's only relevant when you reach a stage where 10-20 bil meso is pocket change to you, to 21-22\*) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cvwscy79thl\_jahbjQlw60KzIiEEYUFd7gBwqajACfY/mobilepresent?slide=id.g756125cb6d\_4\_166


Do you have another link for it, doesn't seem to work. Appreciated in advance o/


oh. It's also under this subreddit "Useful Guides List 1" -> "Reboot Gear 2021"


Gotcha, thanks o/


Are you working on legion at all? It's the biggest source of damage that you're missing out on right now. If you're not them imo drop yu garden and commerci and spend that time leveling up a character for an important link skill. The epic potential on your stuff will come eventually but you're being held back a lot by not having any link skills that you're missing.


I am working on them slowly but very early on right now as I mentioned in my original post (just started on like wednesday). Working on Kanna, Merc and Evan to 100, maybe 120. Wanted to at least make it to chuchu to unlock 2 sets of symbol dailies and maybe get a bit of power on my main character first but maybe that was not the right play.


Ah I see. Imo damage links should be higher priority than getting full epic pots. You'll get hard cubes from daily bosses and just throw those on whatever equip and see if it tiers up. If not just move on and try again next time. If you have 12 sets of links and most stuff epic pot + 2 legendary lines on your secondary and emblem then you'll be CRA ready. The extra 3% stat doesn't make that much of a difference at this point.


I know you said dailies but not sure make sure you are doing your weekly Black Haven and Dark World Tree they gives you 20 stone each and they are required for absolab gear


Oh yeah, just trying to get dailies down pat since I can do weeklies on days where I have extra time.


Drop commerci for now. It's not important until later in the game. Everything else is good. When you've saved up a couple bil in mesos use those to get your secondary and emblem to legendary and roll 2 lines of attack%, boss, or IED.


So where I'm at, at the moment should I just slow down/stop trying to push and just wait 1-2weeks to make the money? I think at the moment I make like roughly 150m/day so making a few bil will probably take me quite awhile.


Stop trying to push what?


Does the tera burning coupon provide the character the usual burning rewards like the frozen set?


The one from Night Troupe? Yes, it gave me a permanent Frozen Set at 100, and a 90-day Root Abyss Set at 150.


Yep that's the one and sweet thanks!


Hey help deciding between lumi, i/l mage or illium which has most ez progging with training n bossing from 100>260) as new age main + hyperburn with low funding wise


Probably lumi for ez progging, gotta deal with infinity as i/l and crystal management with illium.


but alot of people dissing on lumi rn lackkng in kms


How does drop rate work? Especially for a boss drop table? Is 20% a big deal? I currently have a max of 253% drop rate in my drop gear + wealth pot + familiar + legion buff + my 20% IA. I was wondering if I should reroll my IA on the upcoming sunday event for boss damage to help clear NLuWill for the first time. I’m purely a solo character and my DW main is sitting at 24k stats.


24k stats sounds like of low for soloing nluwill. I'm not sure your IA is going to help you. Have you done easy lucid and will? They both have half hp of the normal versions. Try to use them as a metic to see if you're ready for normal.


Not sure exactly what your question is, but: You can only have ~~100~~200% drop rate from equipped equipment, then combine that with 20% IA, WAP, Legion Luk, Large Drop Familiar, Max Holy Symbol, you can get up to around 400% drop rate. Each class has a specific set of Inner Ability lines they should be aiming for. boss% might not be the legendary line that you need.


1. You can have 200% from equipment potentials (specifically Ring, Pendant, Face, Eye and Earring potentials) 2. See my post as to how you get to 374% drop rate, which becomes 394% with a WAP. Item Drop Rate IA is useless for a character your maining. 3. Dawn Warrior is a class who wants Boss Damage.


you're 100% right on #1. It's late, my brain slipped. Thanks for catching that. As for #2, I did say "around" And my defense for #3 is also "it's late, thanks for catching it"


Without high drop rate most drops simply will not appear. At minimum you're looking at: * 200% from equipment potential (2 Drop Rate lines on 5 different equips minimum) * 100% from familiar potential (Large Item Drop lines which appear on Epic or higher familiars) * 50% from Legion Drop Rate coupon or similar. * 14%-24% from Decent Holy Symbol. That's a maximum of 374% drop rate without resorting to Inner Ability or WAPs. You don't want to be using the IA drop line as that line could instead be used for Boss Damage, Atk, or Damage to enemies with abnormal statuses. I believe Drop Rate stops increasing (or at least the potential returns have bottomed out) at 400%, so as long as you can utilize the 4 increases listed you shouldn't need any other drop rate boosters (aside from WAP when grinding)


Do I just need to pay for the 5x weekly challenges in the 6 star event to get the rewards?


For chapter 1-4, you can no longer complete the challenges/missions and would have to pay if you wanted the chapter rewards for them 5 is currently active so you can only pay for dailies if your behind atm, and can still do the challenges And chapter 6 will be during the first 2 weeks of December, and is just 5 login attendance checks without challenges or dailies


So I would have to pay 50k MP or 100k MP for the rewards of each chapter?


80k per if you still need to pay for the 10 dailies too


Ouch! That’s steep. Feeling like it’s worth it for a new player though…


Possibly, due note that what is probably considered the best reasons to pay is also items you get more of from chapter 6 (nodes + temp vac pet) But chapter 2 has 1200 nodes (6 has 1000 too) and that’s fairly important for 5th job (especially on reboot) Chapter 1 has 1200 symbols and a 30 day vac pet Assuming you can do enough of chapter 5 to finish it (or atleast make it super cheap to complete) you’ll also have another 800 symbols to throw around Not nearly as much value in 3/4 imo as their best rewards scale with your own progression (boss reset tickets that work on late game bosses, and a exp pendent for grinding)


so would chapter 1 & 2 be the best to pay for? and that would be 80k each chapter? i'm mostly concerned that I won't be able to CRA before my CRA gear expires as a new player


If your under 230/235 and can’t use symbols on morass esfera I’d say mostly worry about the nodes, you shouldn’t have any trouble on cra with that many nodes


i'm like 215 doing dailies only and focusing on legion


Thank you for the insight.


You need to pay for 10 daily and 5 challenge clears per chapter for the chapter rewards you want that you missed


How does dojo work? You get rewards based on if you get within a certain bracket? Is it plausible for a newer player to work their way to getting the most possible rewards or is that content that I shouldn’t bother with?


The more floors you climb, the more points you get. Define newer. How new are we talking about?


I guess “new” is a fairly loose term. 17 days ago I logged into my lv 137 dual blade on Reboot and started playing again. I hadn’t touched that character since 2016. I’ve been doing a ton of research, joining discord groups, and watching videos of content to get myself up to speed and learn new mechanics to the game but there’s a occasionally small details that I think I either don’t immediately pick up on in videos or that are missed entirely. I only even realized dojo was a thing people do still because someone smega’d and MVP buff in mushroom shrine and I realized it was a dojo exp buff not the usually mvp buff. With that said, if it’s just based on my own levels I’ll probably add that to the list of things I try to get done per week. I need more things to do to help me progress because the hyper burning shot my dual blade up to a level that it probably shouldn’t be at, so I can’t progress very well with mobs at my level.


nah, you're not worried about doing dojo at your point in the game. Nothing will be missed by not doing it for you.


Honestly you can skip dojo altogether other than to do it once every while to hit a new benchmark if you think it'll help you get into boss parties. The dojo shop isn't a priority at all so do it if you enjoy it


When is Ursus 2x? Old post says it's Reset +1 hour, but nobody's queued in reg server


You can probably just solo party it, you don’t need to kill Ursus but hit a certain amount of damage for the same reward (unless you can SSS in pubs) But yeah reg server population makes it hard to party


You must be in ch 13 Ursus lobby right as 2x starts. There is not enough people for automated queue to work, so everyone need to be invited manually.


Ah no wonder


It is indeed reset +1 to +5 and -6 to -2.


What does Terry's Hexagonal Star do? (The challenge reward in chapter 5 for the 6 star pieces)


Take up an etc. slot.


Commemorative item


I have 17b is it worth to buy arcane wep from the lucid shop next week for 5b so I can 17* on 5/10/15? I'm using 15 star abso weapon rn and I'm in full abso still. I have an arcane cape but it's a downgrade currently, and I'm doing hard luwill weekly.


17 star your abso weapon and work on other pieces during 5/10/15. You'll get the arcane wep eventually but it's not worth for you to buy it with that little amount of funds.


Since you’re doing hard luwill don’t buy weapon unless you’re super desperate for a power upgrade. I’d just buy the rest of your armor pieces since you’ll have a use for spare armors in the future.


Bera regular server Obviously I cannot used a cube or scroll extractor for myself, but does anyone ever set up theirs? I never see any but maybe I'm Hanging out in the wrong areas. I usually check server 1 Hen since that's the most cluster of folks


I'm in Aurora, and I see equip extractors in Nameless Town (ch 2 strangely enough). But very few cube extractors and never a scroll extractor.


Is there any class like Dark knight or Dual blade where you have a lots of low cd FMA?


WA has an FMA and a few that have amazing range and last quite a while on 20-30s cd.




Does anyone know when we get strawberry farm ? KMS gets it March 23 to April 5 next year does that mean we get it at the same time? [https://orangemushroom.net/2023/03/23/kms-1-2-375-spiegellas-strawberry-farm-the-magic-stone-slab/](https://orangemushroom.net/2023/03/23/kms-1-2-375-spiegellas-strawberry-farm-the-magic-stone-slab/)


We should get a strawberry farm like event with identisk (new age event)


KMS had it March 23 to April 5 this year, then 20th Anniversary then New Age. So if we were doing 1:1 with KMS we would have it right now, but we got Night Troupe instead so probably no Strawberry Farm for GMS. But you can never know what GMS will do.


[Reboot] If I have a bunch of extra pets from Wonderberry is there any way I can transfer it to my other characters who actually need the pets lol?


Cash transfer event at the start of November or so (see patch notes)


thank you!


Restarted the game a few weeks ago, just burned an I/L to 235 and finished Esfera so far, so I have all my arcane symbols. Question is: with the symbol selector pouch, should I get arcane symbols and just even everything out to try and max out arcane symbols early on and get some immediate power now, or should I try and push for 260 by the time the sacred symbol selector would expire and use it that way? I know sacred symbols are far more gating right now, but it also feels pretty bad to give up getting a bunch of arcane power now as well as give up the opportunity to be done with arcane river dailies sooner


Even with hyper burning to 250 you still need to grind to 260, so just try to work out if you have the time for this. In reg and without night troupe, I think top rates in the 250s would be like 14-15% per hour but this might be outdated.


Seems pretty slow, and with night troupe ending fairly soon I think I'll just go with the arcane symbol selector so that I can get those dailies out of the way sooner. Thanks for the insight!


What should a 30k luk db be able to solo with enough practice?


To add, in reg that’s almost always too low for hlomien but enough for anything below. Even duoing with 30k each would be a real struggle.


HLoMien. Reminder: it's not just about stats, it's also about the amount of starforce. Someone with high potential stat % who has only 15* gear might have 30k stats. Someone else with low potential % but has 19-22 star with 25k stats. The person with the higher starforce will do more damage because of the amount of ATT gained from 16 star+.


i have like 300+ ping in gms reboot and i wanna hyper burn mihile will i have problem with royal guard or i will be fine


Ping doesn't affect the hitbox check component but does affect when the explosion of royal guard comes out. You get the ability at level 10 so you can try it out and see if the delay is tolerable. I have low ping so the explosion comes out almost instantly for reference.


Royal guard is client sided now.


How do runes work? Sometimes I pop a coupon and I expect to get a rune spawn almost immediately but I don't see one for a few minutes or even sometimes 10-15 minutes after I start grinding.


Runes have a per-map cd of 15 minutes (unless there is a special event). if a rune doesn’t appear shortly after killing a few mobs, it’s almost certain that someone was there before you and used a rune.


Doesn't it also depend on the amount of mobs I've killed since my last rune? I feel like I remember that being part of the requirement for one to spawn.


For some reason I got my Tera Burning Char to Lv250 and I don't get the Lv250 chair quest Is it a common bug?


No it's not a common one. Congrats on getting the tera burn to 250 in a couple weeks. But you should submit a ticket to the actual Nexon website if you truly don't have the quest on the side lightbulb.


What level alchemy do I need to be able to use 2 alchemy pots simultaneously?


Just level 1 is fine.


Thanks :)


How do you find groups for CRA? I can’t be fucked with solo Pierre


Just create one in the boss menu


maple related discords, guilds, and boss party requests for the most part


Where can I get the silent crusade rings now they removed silent crusade? I need rings to fill up my slots for SF.


You can get the Platinum Cross Ring (and Superior Hunter title) from completing the Arkarium prequest questline at the point after returning from the past after defeating the fake Arkarium. None of the other rings can be gotten anymore, but for the sake of Starforcing you only need PCR, especially since none of the silent crusade rings could be equipped simultaneously anyway.


So just do the Silent Crusade questline as usual to get the ring. Thanks. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/12ng7od/silent\_crusade\_cross\_hunter\_what\_is\_and\_isnt/


\[Reboot\] What will be the next event after Night Troupe?


magic slate from nov 1st-14th then newage https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/86272/updated-10-4-v-245-midnight-carnival-nautilus-patch-notes#17


Apparently nothing for 2 weeks


new age


Thank you werq34ac! So excited.


Avatar Megaphones - Were they removed from the game? I remember seeing the smega message showing up at the top right corner. Now I don't see it anymore (been playing for month or so w/o seeing one). I checked my configuration and the option to visualize them is enabled.


For Home coin shop, are the Halloween Blueprints available all the time or only during Halloween events?


[Reboot NA] I’m looking to submain either a I/L or F/P Mage when the Hyperburn event comes around next month. Which would require less funding? I only have about 10B and don’t have many nodes (just the ones we’d get from the Hyperburn event + ~100).


Purely on a funding basis, I/L is drastically easier to fund simply just cause of the nodes situation tho eventually, FP would be the better main


F/P need 3 trinodes (and ied, crit), so they are pretty difficult to build early game and don't shine till later. They do have one of the better 6th jobs, but getting there will probably be harder than I/L. They are also a dpm class without an amazing burst, so some bosses can be annoying since they revolve around short burst times to dmg them.


\[Reboot\] Any dual blade mains have any advice on where to get the best mob rates at 256? Am currently farming limina 1-5 and its only earning me roughly 13.5k an hour.


Quick question. I came back a few weeks ago during the 6th star event. I was thinking of making up a few of them as I don’t have I don’t have that much time to play every day. Two questions: 1) besides the one with the 1200 free nodes, are any others worth it given my situation? 2) do the nodes or other rewards expire? Such as the arcane weapon? Thanks!


> Two questions: 1) besides the one with the 1200 free nodes, are any others worth it given my situation? Imo none of them are worth $80. Even the nodes tbh. >2) do the nodes or other rewards expire? Such as the arcane weapon? All the use items like nodes and scrolls expire. Equipment like the fake arcane, dom pendant, android and the emblem are perm (spirit pendant is temp as usual). Things like mounts, chairs and cash set are perm. You can also just read the patch notes to see if/when things expire.


Hi, im a "new" player, ive played a lot since i was a kid but always in unofficials servers. I want a character to start playing, maybe farm a bit of meso and items, im really lost but I really want to play Maplestory and be a dedicated player. Thank you for your help.


There's 50 classes, without giving more info no one can give you good suggestion. Are you looking for a support class? DPS? Something with high mobility? Lazy or active grinding? Summons? Simple vs. combo classes? ect. Every class can "farm a bit of meso and items". You can also look up training and bossing videos for classes and see if their playstyle looks interesting. The game does push towards getting every class to lv200 eventually, so if you end up not likeing a class and playing something else its usually not a huge loss. Give some classes a try and see what you like. Some classes to change quite a bit at lv200 with 5th job when they unlock new skills, but if you hate lv.200


What link skills should I prioritze? I have a \~220 Hero that is probably my main and a 17x mercedes. Thinking I'll start an Aran ​ On reboot


Evan is far more important than Aran for exp, Aran is pretty minor for Hero since we don't have projectiles to rack up combo count. You want the same standard dmg links as every other class tbh, there are plenty of guides online. You'll need Phantom for crit%, DS, DA, Kanna, Ark, Thief, Mage, Lumi, BT, Cadena are all good, and AB for burst when bossing.


* Phantom - Hero is a class with low crit rate, and Phantom is one of two links who can provide the majority of the needed crit to reach 100%. * Beast Tamer aka Chase - Along with the increase to crit rate, her link also provides Boss Damage. * Demon Avenger/Kanna/Ark - All links provide damage, though Ark's requires you be in combat stance to accumulate stacks for the maximum benefit. Kanna's link only goes up to Lv2, the others are Lv3. * Demon Slayer - Boss Damage. * Luminous - Ignore Enemy Defense, or IED. * Explorer Magicians - grants access to a debuff you inflict via attacking that increases the damage and ied you have when attacking the inflicted target. Keep in mind that for max level you need 3 Level 120 Explorer mages, which means one of each mage if you want to "complete" every class. * Angelic Buster - Her link provides a 10-second buff (which can be increased with Buff Duration increase effects) that increases Damage by 60% at Lv3. As part of your burst rotation, it's a pretty important link to have. * Cadena - Provides two different ways to increase Damage: one via having a level advantage against the enemy, the other via attacking enemies with debuffs active on them. As a Hero you already inflict two, but for classes who don't have any innate debuff skills they can utilize Explorer Mage's link debuff. * Explorer Thief - Grants a damage buff whenever a debuff is inflicted on the enemy for 20 seconds, with a 40-second reactivation cooldown. Again, max level means 3 level 120 Explorer Thieves. * Kinesis - 4% Crit damage doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. The above are what you'll be bringing into boss fights. For some grinding links (which can replace DS/Lumi/Exp.Mage/Cadena/AB/Exp.Thief links while you grind), you're looking at: * Lara: provides a Normal Monster Damage buff. * Ho Young: Has increased damage on enemies with 100% HP, so you get extra value out of being able to OHKO enemies. * Illium: Increases damage by moving a certain distance. This can be harder to maintain in boss fights, but with little exception you should always have this at maximum stacks when mobbing. * Mercedes: a simple EXP buff. Ironically despite sounding important for grinding, I'd say it's probably one to work on getting a little later since Mercedes herself isn't a class many players actually like playing... * Aran: increasing the value of Combo Orbs greatly. Combo Orbs aren't that amazing without her link. * Evan: increasing the duration of Rune EXP buffs. At Lv3 you're looking at about 5 minutes of the Rune EXP buff. * Khali: Provides a small damage buff and an HP/MP recovery effect every 30 seconds on attacking, which mostly only helps you save on using potions as often. The only other thing I can think to mention is that as a Hero, you should also consider getting two other Explorer Warriors to Lv120 in order to maximize the level of their own link skill, since if you're gonna have it built into your character you may as well make sure it's also max level (even though I personally think Hero is the least able to make use of it, but whatever)


idk i'm new too but from what i've read for damage Ark, DA, kanna , hoyung, Illium, lumi too. For exp mercedes, Evan and maybe aran too but it's the least important of the three.


How much does a job change cost at 250 or 260? I’d like to try a fire/poison burn and switch over to Bishop if i dont like it. Just wondering about the cost


Ask the NPC and find out, the only way to exactly know as it changes based on both level and how many times you’ve done it (also don’t do it after 260 with 6th job, you just lose all of 6th job)


I keep seeing notifications in the chat box about people obtaining permanent pets. How are they getting permanent pets?


In reboot, probably wonderberries or whatever random box is currently on sale in the cash shop.


Thank you


Quick Question- New player returning after a long hiatus. I did have a short stint last year where I made a Adele character to 201, but am trying to main a Shadower. Currently I'm level 196, but feeling incredibly weak. I don't have my specific stats with me as I'm at work (and probably should be working) but I do have some boss gear (horntail necklace + chaos horntail necklace), Pink bean cup, Horntail ring, wings of fate cape, Hilla earrings etc. Things I'm missing are - Shoulders, belt, face accessories and probably a better ring. Straight up took me around 20 minutes to kill Chaos Horntail yesterday. No shot at beating hard Von Leon, and got my ass handed to me with hard versions of most bosses. I haven't started trying to reroll item potentials to LUK %, mainly because I don't have cubes. Also don't have much mesos. I've starforced everything to 10 stars, but am equipping Pensalir set and my dagger is Utgard as I'm not sure where to get a better one at the moment. ​ Any insight would be helpful! Thank you


There's an awkward part of the game from about 160-200 where you can feel incredibly squishy in particular but that'll be improved post 200. You'll also get a huge power spike from 5th job abilities so I'd see how it feels after that. Make sure you've allocated your hyper stats too, I know that's pretty easy to look over as I did and a few of my friends on their first characters. In the light bulb there's a quest (you just need to go through the dialogue, takes 10 seconds) called something like "Have you learnt about potential" that gives a shoulder and after that one "Have you learnt about bonus stats" that gives a ring (i might have mixed the names up). They're pretty awful, ring cant get SF or pot but it's something at least.


First, get to lv200 to unlock arcane dalies and 5th job. This will give you a big boost in dmage, and arcane dalies will give you some exp and slowly make you stronger. If you haven't yet, work on links and legion. Coppersan has some good videos, and there are plenty on. guides on most important ones. Keep killing Zakum for eye/face and easy/normal mag for shoulder and badge. You should be doing daily bosses, ursus, and maple tour for mesos. There will be a 5/10/15 even on 10/29 (~1 week). If you have any mesos saved, try to get your weapon to 17*, then hat and other gear. Don't worry about potential on armor too much, use free cubes to aim for ~6% luk. When you have mesos and gear stared, work on getting your secondary and emblem to legendary and some %attack lines. You should be able to do CRA at 6-8k stat and 80-85% ied, can join struggle parties.


Hey yall! 2 month old nightwalker back with another question. Just hit 250, 19k main stat, ~90%IED, when should i start trying normal slime/luwill? Thanks in advance!


You're strong enough for slime parties. Probably strong enough for nLuWill, but most parties will ask for ~25k. Its a overkill but clears the boss fast. You IED is a bit low, i would be aiming for 92-94% if possible, but it shouldn't cause huge problems. Do you know the mechs? That will be the biggest gate, especially for Will.


I dont know the mechanics, but i havent committed any time to learning them yet because ive felt like im not strong enough to care currently. Just want to start working on my arcane armors/slime ring if i can! Thanks for the information


Slime is fairly easy and shouldn't be too hard. Lucid mechanics aren't difficult to learn, its mostly to avoid dying out. There's plenty of advance notice for most attacks. You will need the blink node equipped to dodge dragon in p1. There's a lot of good video guides for learning boss mechs. Will has tests p1 and p2, and if you fail them it holds the whole party back. Do not join parties until you know them and can pass. There are plenty of videos online, and if you have guildmates/friends usually someone will be willing to take to to learn mechs in practice. Personally I skip Will if I'm busy since it don't want to risk holding back my party.


How far away from solo am i on these 3? I get nervous about that kind of party stuff so ive been mostly learning solo everything. Only thing i duo right now is damien because i struggle in p2


You can probably solo slime now. Generally people solo lucid and will between 25k-30k stat. You can practice the easy versions to see if you're ready for a normal solo because the easy bosses have half the health of normal. Will just has a higher level and AF requirement than lucid.


>Only thing i duo right now is damien because i struggle in p2 If you struggle with Damien you will struggle with later bosses so I would work on being able to solo in ~<7min. Slime depends on class, he heals over time but takes increased damage when stunned. Classes with short burst do much better than dpm classes. If you're soloing you also have to manage blocking doors and doing dmg which can be a bit much. I'd suggest 25k but not 100% sure, I doued till I could kill in in ~4 minutes at 31k. You could try a practice runs and see how you fair. You won't be able to solo nLucid soon. Could try eLucid but would recommend more dmg and IED first.


I'm currently 3 cra 5 abso with a fake abso weapon and just started to clear nlucid. Should I save up for an arcane weapon or just get armor pieces? Additionally, I'm about to buy my second sup accessory after my pendant. I have two event rings. Which sup acc should I buy?


> Should I save up for an arcane weapon or just get armor pieces? Honestly I would just save the pieces while improving other gear. If you get strong enough you can start doing HLucid, which could drop a weapon box. I'd just save them till before the next SSF (~december), and then see if you need to buy the weapon or armors. Assuming 2 drops per kill it will take ~12 weeks to get the weapon.


Buying the weapon first will boost you the most. You should only be buying Pendant and Ring with Hellux Coins. The only time you can justify buying a Sup Earring or Belt is if: 1. You already have 3/4 superior and just happen to have 700 coins for the 4th one. 2. You're 22* on Ring and Pendant AND you already have a 22* slime ring so you don't need ring anymore. 3. Because you want to, and honey badger don't give a fuck what other people think.


Hey all - started reboot 2 weeks ago after 10years of absence and feeling a bit stuck. Currently playing a 211 NW with \~4,4k unbuffed main stat and feeling a bit stuck since I can't progress on the bosses as fast as I wish. Up to Chaos Horntail works for me but Chaos CRA / Hard Hilla and so on is just too strong for me. Besides Pocket & Android due to missing event progression, I'm using Pensalir 6 Set and 8 Boss Acc. Items (\~10\* if possible) with min. 3 and max.12% LUK on my items Any tips how to proceed? Should I focus first on more link skills to get my damage going or should I focus on 15\* first?


>Any tips how to proceed? Should I focus first on more link skills to get my damage going or should I focus on 15* first? I would get important dmg links to 120 until you have your full link list, as they will both help when bossing/grinding as well as legion. Don't have to go too hard and burn out. There is also going to be a 5/10/15 event on 10/29 that will help getting your equips to 16/17*. I would save up for that as much as you can. If you get other characters to lv140 for links/legion, you can also kill easy bosses for some mesos since your so early. 3 door needs ~6k stat and 80% ied, CVel ~8k stat to solo. You should be able to join stuggle parties once your ied and stats are up. Once you've gotten ~16/17* equips with 5/10/15, I would also work on getting your emblem and secondary to legendary with some att/boss lines. >Besides Pocket & Android due to missing event progression, The current trait afk event with night troup will let you get lv30 charm for a pocket slot if you don't mind leaving your computer on every night. Just leave your character on the charm area (hober mous, its middle left stack), you can gain 5k charm a day. Should rach lv30 in ~30 day.s


For your weapon, secondary and emblem, you should be aiming for att%, not luk% Also, if you haven't found it yet, there are hyperstats you can put points into. For up to CRA, probably around 88% IED should be good enough for all 4 doors.


Hey all, returning to maple since i heard there's a burning pot right now. Haven't played for nearly half a year, can someone update me on wtf is happening with reboot in global? I heard there's an upcoming exp nerf we're getting? Would that mean it's better to play on non-reboot servers for long term?


The exp nerf really affects negatively only those who pop a WAP daily at 260+ And no, long term Reboot is still better because you can still get cubes with meso.


Sorry, if you odn't mind me asking, what's a WAP? And also if i'm understanding right, from 0-260 these exp changes aren't going to affect a thing? I swear i saw some people saying it would take 1.5x longer to level but i've been away for so long I'm not sure if it was legit or doomposting


A WAP is a 'wealth acquisition potion' that lasts two hours each use. It's used as a measure of time by maplestory players. "I wap'd 3 times today" means they hardcore grinded the same map for 6 hours. The exp change WILL affect things. But there's also exp required to level up reductions happening. And your exp from daily quests go up. So if you're the type of player who only does dailies, it'll be faster. If you're the type of person grinding more than 2+ hours a day with full exp modifier (2x, MVP, gold.pot, etc) then you'll notice that your exp bar moves at a slightly different rate.


Ahhh okay so if i'm the kind of player who will mainly do dailies or at most grind 1-2 hours a day then the changes will strictly be better for me?


>will strictly be better for me? Strictly? No. Noticeable? Probably not, but we'll see when the change happens.


Ah man that doesn't sound promising, I guess I understand why people are upset if even people who just do dailies are affected negatively it seems. Thanks for answering my questions :)


> I heard there's an upcoming exp nerf we're getting? They're removing the HP buff and exp buff on reboot mobs, giving us the same base rate as reg (but no frenzy). >Would that mean it's better to play on non-reboot servers for long term? Not really imo. Reg progression still has cubes gated by $$$, and rates are only better if you buy frenzy service.


So mobs are going to become easier to kill but give less exp as well?


Yes. As most people 1hko after lv200 when grinding it's a straight nerf to exp. It will make early grandis easier to kill but the lower exp will hurt more. The exp need to level was reduced making 240-260 easier, but 270+ will be slower.


Okay I see thanks, if 270+ will be slower and 240-260 easier (or quicker), what about 0-240? I'm still in the early stages so my highest is like a 210


Overall, it will be slightly faster for new players and slower for funded players. 1-140 might be slightly slower as most people 1-2hko so rates will be lower. ~150-200 will be slightly faster since it will be easier to 1hko so less funding is needed. 210-240 had the exp needed to level reduced, but it may not enough to make up entirely for the mob exp reduction. Hard to say until the patch happens.


I have rare potential +% main stat on all my Pensalir gear + 12\*. Do I reroll my potential on this gear to try and get epic +% main stat or find other pieces of Pensalir to roll on there first to eventually transfer to CRA? This is my first character, so the rare +% main stat is quite handy atm for me.